September 1, 2012

Democrats can't find most black Milwaukee voters

From Slate:
Sixty percent of Milwaukee's black voters have disappeared. ... 
New data from Milwaukee give an indication of how dire the Democrats’ disappearing-voter problem already is. This spring, the League of Young Voters, which was created to mobilize young minority communities, collaborated with the liberal Wisconsin Voices coalition to dispatch teams of young canvassers. Starting in April, they spent eight weeks knocking on 120,882 doors across 208 of Milwaukee’s 317 wards to raise awareness of the gubernatorial recall election scheduled for June.  The doors had one thing in common: the voter file said they were all home to a registered voter whom a commercial data vendor had flagged as likely to be African-American. 
But the voter file represented a fiction, or at least a reality that had rapidly become out of date.  During those eight weeks, canvassers were able to successfully find and interact with only 31 percent of their targets. Twice that number were confirmed to no longer live at the address on file  — either because a structure was abandoned or condemned, or if a current resident reported that the targeted voter no longer lived there. 
Based on those results, the New Organizing Institute, a Washington-based best-practices lab for lefty field operations, extrapolated that nearly 160,000 African-American voters in Milwaukee were no longer reachable at their last documented address — representing 41 percent of the city’s 2008 electorate. 

The problem with this article is that there is no control group of other voters to see what percentage of them have disappeared.

In general, however, the Democrats would win a lot more elections if they could just find their voters to remind them that today's Election Day and to not screw up their ballots. More people who went to the polls in Florida in 2000 wanted to vote for Al Gore than for George W. Bush, but a higher percentage of Gore voters failed to mark their ballots properly, thus giving America a second President Bush.


  1. Obama is the best President eveeeer!

  2. Wow!

    Play a round of golf, or something!

    Your recent productivity is getting hard to keep up with! ;-)

  3. Considering that Al Gore is in the grip of a full-blown psychotic break, we are lucky that Dems are too stupid to check the Dem boxes on ballots.

  4. WI has same day voter registration, making it much easier to vote multiple times or be bused in to vote from safe Dem IL.

  5. "More people who went to the polls in Florida in 2000 wanted to vote for Al Gore than for George W. Bush, but a higher percentage of Gore voters failed to mark their ballots properly, thus giving America a second President Bush"


    In an on-camera interview, David Siegel crows that he got George W. Bush elected president. When asked how he did that, the Florida resident declines to give particulars, claiming his actions “might not have been legal.”

    Read more:

  6. There has been talk recently on PaintHuff Post (and then on Takimag and some other sites) about IQ tests for voters. Though the libs in their fantasy world pretend they are brighter than conservatives, this article illustrates how we can already see what would happen.

    Black (and likely quite a few Hispanic) voters who are too incompetent to maintain a permanent address or leave a forwarding address with the postmaster, and who cannot even figure out on their own what day to vote, are flunking a very basic IQ test for voting already. Not hard to see how implementing an additional formal test would impact them. So by all means, lets roll one out. A basic education test instead of an IQ test would also work. At least we would dramatically narrow down the impact from the slice of the population who think that Obama just gets money to hand to them from a stash laying around Washington.

  7. They need to check the cemeteries. My understanding is that is where many current Dem voters are to be found, sometimes twice.

  8. I did GOP GOTV in 2004-5, and with a very small sample of middle-class voters, the information was essentially 100% accurate.

    My understanding is that poor people don't move very much, so something very funny seems to be going on. I read something once (was it here?) by an attorney who complained many of his black clients didn't know their own addresses. Many blacks may be functionally illiterate and the registrations were done with help and the registerer got the address wrong. This sheds a lot more light on why Democrats don't want voter IDs crosschecked with registrations.

    Questions about the accuracy and legitimacy of government records are raised. I'm sure we will hear no more of this.

  9. europeasant says;

    "Sixty percent of Milwaukee's black voters have disappeared."

    I suppose almost the same could be said of Chicago. When a lot of the projects were torn down, the residents were sent out to diversify and bring vibrancy to YT plus at the same time YT would bring civilization and an increase of IQ.
    A lot of white people are still living in a fantasy world where evolution only affected the area below the brain. Either that or the creationism folks believe that all men(people) were created by God in his image and we can be anything we put our minds to.

  10. Did the missing voters ever exist?

  11. I'm wondering what exact words are used at the doorway to persuade a resident to vote. What information? What incentives? What threats?

  12. I'm wondering what exact words are used at the doorway to persuade a resident to vote. What information? What incentives? What threats?

  13. .... the Democrats would win a lot more elections if they could just find their voters to remind them that today's Election Day and to not screw up their ballots.

    Or they could just fill out the ballots for them to make sure.

  14. "In general, however, the Democrats would win a lot more elections if they could just find their voters to remind them that today's Election Day and to not screw up their ballots."

    Oh, the glories of the educated voter.

    More likely, the names on the voter lists were full of dead people who have once again "moved."

  15. Democrats can't find most black Milwaukee voters

    Maybe the same will be true for the vaunted Hispanic set of voters.

  16. Leftists push for laws that make voter fraud easier (same day registration, no photo ID verification, etc) and then play dumb when millions of their black voters can't be found; "oh they must have moved".

  17. The voters never existed, if you use Occam's Razor. Instead of Occam's Butterknife.

    Democrats got hosed by their own stupidity -- believing the votes were not fraudulent in the first place they went on a Bigfoot hunt.

  18. Blacks are more likely than members of other groups to move often and to lack a stable residence. A black co-worker of mine, the black person I interact with most often, sleeps either in the office (yep, I was surprised too) or at the domiciles of his various baby mamas. It's my impression that he hasn't paid a cent in rent, mortgage or maintenance fees for years. His salary is more than enough to rent a place, but he has other priorities.

  19. One of the big sins accredited to Jim Crow were intelligence tests assigned to those on electoral rolls, the idea being only those qualified to pass were fit to vote.
    'Oh, the irony!'.

  20. I suspect the missing voters were sent to Missoula, Montana with Section 8 vouchers.

  21. What percentage of the supposed "voters" were fictional, their names placed on the rolls only to justify all the phony ballots which will be counted from their precincts?

  22. "Finding the voters" implies that those listed on the rolls are real people who once lived at the addresses at which they are registered. It's not clear that this is really true. All the Democrat resistance to voter ID laws indicates that it probably isn't in many cases.

  23. Sixty percent of Milwaukee's black voters have disappeared...

    Talk about a "WTF?" kinduva story.

    BTW, here's another seriously eery send-chills-up-your-spine "WTF?" kinduva story in the news recently:

    Army colonel ignites firestorm with article on crushing a 'tea party insurgency'
    By: Anthony Martin
    August 5, 2012

    A retired U.S. Army colonel who now teaches modern warfare to soldiers at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. has co-written an article with a Civil War expert that has ignited a firestorm today among those increasingly concerned about what some say is a distinct anti-civilian tone that has infected much of the military and Homeland Security since 2009.

    Retired Col. Kevin Benson and Jennifer Weber, Associate Professor of History at the University of Kansas, co-wrote an article for Small Wars Journal on a 2010 Army report titled, "U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, The Army Operating Concept 2016 - 2028."

    The report describes how the Army will respond to threats "at home and abroad" in the coming two decades and in doing so has made clear that a monumental cultural shift has occurred in the thinking of those at the top levels of military command. This shift has some government watchdogs worried, particularly given that Benson is using the platform provided at Fort Leavenworth to educate military personnel in his vision of the nature of modern warfare in America. According to the vision articulated by Benson, future warfare will be conducted on our own soil. The military will use its full force against our own citizens. The enemy will be average citizens whose values resonate with those articulated by the tea party.

    The fictitious scenario used in the Army report as a teaching tool is a future insurrection of "tea party activists" in South Carolina...

  24. As commenters to the Slate article pointed out, a lot of these voters may have never existed. I've read that McCain shied away from pursuing fraud allegations after the 2008 election. Will Romney pursue them? My hunch is that he won't.

  25. These folks may have disappeared, but I'll wager many show up to cast ballots.

  26. They lost them because of the darkness.

  27. Random thing in the news that no-one is mentioning -- the professor at the center of the Harvard cheating scandal is a classic affirmative action hire.

    There's no way a white guy with his number and quality of publications would usually get an interview at Harvard -- let alone a job.

  28. see:

    'In years past, the course, Introduction to Congress, had a reputation as one of the easiest at Harvard College. Some of the 279 students who took it in the spring semester said that the teacher, Matthew B. Platt, an assistant professor of government, told them at the outset that he gave high grades and that neither attending his lectures nor the discussion sessions with graduate teaching fellows was mandatory.

    “He said, ‘I gave out 120 A’s last year, and I’ll give out 120 more,’ ” one accused student said.'

  29. I have wondered about this since the 2000 election. Illinois was a sure thing for Gore long before election day and there was no US Senate race in Illinois in 2000, but the voter turnout on the south and west sides of Chicago was still huge. Why? Vote totals determine how many city jobs a ward committeeman controls in Chicago regardless of who is being elected and no one can question vote totals in black wards.

    You can take the Rock Island line out of the south side of Chicago and see neighborhoods where two-thirds of the houses are either gone or in uninhabitable disrepair. Do census workers go into those neighborhoods to count heads? Heck, cops don't go there during the day if they can avoid it.

    The black exodus from Chicago did not start with the CHA teardowns. It started with the crack cocaine epidemic in the early 1990s, but it is still being covered up as much as possible.

  30. not a hacker9/1/12, 4:01 PM

    You'll soon have a post titled, "I guess they found the black voters."

  31. BLACK FLIGHT. Black people leave areas that become increasingly all black. Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and Harlem to name a few American locations that have seen an exodus of black people after a black majority was created. In 1966, within five years from when Harlem became 90+% black over 30% of the population left. Black people have a "looting mentality."

  32. ...the slice of the population who think that Obama just gets money to hand to them from a stash laying around Washington...

    Uhh, in all fairness, that's EXACTLY how it works.

    We M.I.T. Econ PhD's call 'em "fiat electrons".

  33. Random thing in the news that no-one is mentioning -- the professor at the center of the Harvard cheating scandal is a classic affirmative action hire.

    It looks like the NCAA is going to let UNC off the hook since nobody but NOBODY wants to touch that AFAM-Studies debacle with a 10-foot pole.

  34. Huh. There have been persistent reports of vote fraud in Milwaukee for years. And here we have a bunch of registered voters that can't be found. If only there were some way to connect these events.

  35. Twice that number were confirmed to no longer live at the address on file — either because a structure was abandoned or condemned, or if a current resident reported that the targeted voter no longer lived there.

    What a grammatical disaster!

  36. "Uhh, in all fairness, that's EXACTLY how it works."

    I believe the OP was referring to black's beliefs that "Obama will pay my mortgage" etc. - blacks actually said this and believe things like this.

    In other words, they don't just believe in the usual political payoffs, they believe or believed in the magical transformation of reality caused by the Obama presidency.

    It's a fundamental disconnect from reality because blacks have no understanding of the economy or how wealth is created - they simply assumed that Obama would take all the "white" wealth and give it to them. That's not how it works; the theft is more subtle and the payout will never come close to meeting the outlandish demands of blacks for unearned goodies.

  37. Bartholemew J Wittgenstein IV9/2/12, 6:59 AM

    "They need to check the cemeteries. My understanding is that is where many current Dem voters are to be found, sometimes twice."

    This may be particularly true for young black male voters.

  38. "...the slice of the population who think that Obama just gets money to hand to them from a stash laying around Washington...

    Uhh, in all fairness, that's EXACTLY how it works.

    We M.I.T. Econ PhD's call 'em "fiat electrons"."

    -When Econ PhDs have the same understanding of economic reality as middle school dropouts in the hood, you know something has gone terribly wrong with the academia-political complex. This is why we have folks in both groups who honestly believe that printing trillions of dollars to spend on ditch digging projects entirely for the point of giving people jobs to do that don't accomplish much of anything in the real world can actually be a true solution to our economic woes.

  39. It's a fundamental disconnect from reality because blacks have no understanding of the economy or how wealth is created - they simply assumed that Obama would take all the "white" wealth and give it to them. That's not how it works; the theft is more subtle and the payout will never come close to meeting the outlandish demands of blacks for unearned goodies.

    Uhh, you do realize that you could replace "blacks" with, say, "banksters", and "Obama" with "Bernanke", and the sentence would still work as written?


    Again, from the point of view of the leeches, what you have described is PRECISELY how the system works.

  40. It's amazing that the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald have been running daily stories about the Harvard scandal since it broke with neither having a photo or mentioning Platt's excess melanin.

  41. "...whom a commercial data vendor had flagged as likely to be African-American", dats racisss!!

  42. Well we aren't allowed to have poll taxes or literacy tests, and many states still even allow convicted felons to vote. SO voter stupidity and voter ID laws are the next best thing.

    Which brings me to this, Aaron Sorkin's "Newsroom" rant on the evils of voter ID laws.

    For his example Sorkin chooses 96-year-old "Dorothy Cooper" of Chattanooga, Tennessee, who apparently is too damn lazy to interrupt her hectic schedule of "Price is Right" and "Murder She Wrote" reruns for an hour or so every decade to get down to the DMV to renew her photo ID - and who apparently never collects a social security check she needs to cash, either.

  43. "My understanding is that poor people don't move very much, so something very funny seems to be going on."

    No, they move more than anyone else. Homeowners move less than renters, and we've had huge upheavals the last 4 years due to the housing bubble and recession. Blacks would be affected the most.

    When I lived in a city with a large black population the curriculum was standardized across schools - teachers across the district were required to be on the same page on any given day - because students moved around so much.

    This raises an interesting prospect - that the foreclosure/housing mess may have resulted in huge numbers of disproportionately Dem voters no longer being on the rolls. Could be a huge boon to Republicans in swing states, especially those m affected by the bubble. Florida would be huge, but also Michigan, Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin and Virginia.


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