September 7, 2012

How do Asian Indians vote?

During election years, everybody is supposed to genuflect to Hispanic Numbers, although the usual acts of obeisance are often inept. For example, the Obama Administration engineered that the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate in Arizona go to Richard Carmona, a guy with a remarkable track record: high school dropout; Vietnam vet; sheriff; nurse; doctor; surgeon; was shot by a lunatic but the wounded Carmona pulled his gun and killed the shooter; Surgeon General under Bush; the GOP wanted him to run for Congress in 2006; but he then changed from Republican to Independent in protest over various Bush policies. 

The only problem is: Carmona's not Mexican. He's a Puerto Rican from New York City. This is a general problem: 35 million Mexicans in the U.S. and not a lot of amazing individuals. Thus, the recent silliness of everybody pretending the ceremonial mayor of San Antonio is really a powerhouse executive.

All immigrant groups are not created equal. Polish Catholics, for instance, appear roughly equal in number to Jews in the U.S., but have negligible clout in U.S. culture outside of maybe outfielders. Consider the Borat episode in 2006, in which Polish-American complaints about being assaulted with a giant old-fashioned Polish Joke of the kind that Yiddish-speakers brought to the U.S., and having Borat wildly celebrated by Jewish critics went virtually unheard.

Likewise, I've often argued that in the long run, the most important element of the current immigration mix in terms of setting the tone of politics in the future are not Mexicans, but South Asians. They are articulate in English, and are one of the few groups who seem to like to argue in public. Indians, though, seem to lack the edge, that motor of internal hostility and aggression that makes male Jews the reigning World's Heavyweight Champs at both getting the last word and at being funny.  For example, on the Atlantic Magazine's 2009 list of the most important pundits in America, Jewish men were over-represented by a factor of about 50.

But it's easy to imagine a future in which Asian Indians rank second among ethnic groups in opinion-molding in America.

So, it's important to study the voting and ideology of South Asians. They are a high income group from a socially conservative part of the world, so they are natural Republicans, right.?From the Guardian:
An impressive 84% of the 2.85 million-strong Indian-American community voted for Mr Obama in 2008, second perhaps only to African-Americans as a minority group. 
Has he still got their love? It appears so. 
According to a Pew Research Center survey released in June, 65% of Indian-Americans approve of the way Mr Obama is handling the presidency. 
Of all the Asian American groups surveyed, Indian-Americans were the most Democratic-leaning, again at 65%. Only 18% favoured Republicans.

Well, good luck Republicans with the rest of the 21st Century. You will need it.

The most obvious step is to take away South Asians' valuable status as minorities eligible for various minority-only benefits to business. Go back to pre-1982 when they were just Caucasians not entitled to racial spoils. Right now, South Asians have a financial incentive to identify as victimized minorities -- indeed, the applications Indian entrepreneurs have to fill out for government benefits in terms of procurement and loans often demand that they concoct narratives about how discriminated against they are by whites. Remove this destructive incentive and the traditional South Asian aspiration to whiteness will re-emerge.


  1. that motor of internal hostility and aggression that makes male Jews the reigning World's Heavyweight Champs at both getting the last word and at being funny

    Humor is a matter of taste, but I've never found "Jewish humor" to be funny.

  2. Conservatives: You'd better start retaking or destroying the universities if you expect to win the minds of the more energetic sort of immigrants.

    Right now, they're assimilating, all right - right into the elite left's hands.

  3. The christian fundamentalism of the Republican Party is a huge turnoff to most Indian-Americans. Not surprisingly it is the christian indian-americans who tend to support the Republicans and are playing prominent roles in the GOP Examples: Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Dinesh D'Souza

  4. "Remove this destructive incentive and the traditional South Asian aspiration to whiteness will re-emerge."

    Yes, but not with South Asians who read stuff like this.

    Just as streets have dead ends, so do some political/racial comments.

    I point this out because, you know, this is a comedy site.

  5. "They are a high income group from a socially conservative part of the world, so they are natural Republicans, right.?"

    one of them at majorityrights cleared up the matter. They vote conservative back home, vote for goodies in US.

    "traditional South Asian aspiration to whiteness will re-emerge."

    it's not like they need much incentives.

    it's almost surreal....

  6. This is one of steve's too clever by half posts.

    Firstly, the republicans are too dumb understand this reasoning. I remember a fascinating email from two big money ricky perry donors when he was running for president. They seemed to believe that Hispanics being "pro family and pro life" makes them "natural republicans" if only they were not alienated by pesky immigration laws. Stevospherics will know that this is silly but these guys seem to believe this 100%.

    The Republicans minority strategy seems to be to hope enough of them become fundies and will vote their cult, sorry faith.

    Secondly; even if the Republicans wised up they would be greeted with shrieks of racism from every whiteness studies professor in America. Every other officially "oppressed group" would join in the chorus and what with the Republicans not willing to show the least bit of resolve for anything other than defending the rich they'd quickly wilt.

    Here's the ricky Perry email.

  7. Will they finally push swpls into the republican(or whatever the hell it would be called) camp?

  8. The important factor here is that Jews, on average, tend to be significantly wealthier than most other demographic groups. This is the main reason why Jews are more powerful than Poles and other ethnic groups of similar size.

  9. Of all the Asian American groups surveyed, Indian-Americans were the most Democratic-leaning, again at 65%. Only 18% favoured Republicans.

    One more reason why we should restrict immigration to people from European nations.

  10. "They are a high income group from a socially conservative part of the world, so they are natural Republicans, right.?"

    If you say you have a group highly-educated non-Christians who mostly live in America's big cities (especially New York and the Bay Area), absolutely no one would be shocked that they vote Democrat.

    Rural, evangelical Christian South Asians who graduated high school only probably are very heavily Republican. The issue is that there are probably about 10 of those voters in the entire country.

    Unless the Republican party ditches the white Christian conservative thing and starts pitching Hindu/caste-based tribalism, what about them exactly is supposed to be appeal to South Asians? Their stellar governance of the country?

  11. Poles are invisible in part because so many of them changed their long and difficult last names to something short and Anglo. They also blend in well as they are fairly pale and have a western euro religion. In other words, like German Americans they are more numerous than they appear, and make up a fairly large fraction of "generic white" Americans.

    Also they are most concentrated in rust belt cities around the great lakes, which further makes them less visible, as does their stereotypical reserved personalities. Polish jokes haven't been popular since the 50s, so it is hard to complain about subtextual jokes at their expense. I also don't think Borat was aimed at poles because their anti-semitism has always been low compared to their neighbors, which is why Poland had the highest Jewish percentage in the world before WWII.

  12. The only two things that incline immigrant groups to the GOP are Christianity and fleeing communism, which is why they do best with Cubans and Vietnamese. California's inland cities have some evangelical Russian immigrants who also fit this pattern and are hardcore Republican.

    Too bad about the all-but-proved rumors about Nikki Haley's cheating on her husband. I think she would have been a great VP pick otherwise and enough to peel some Indians away, maybe even other Asian groups at the margin.

  13. The notion that South or East Asians on net benefit from the affirmative action complex is laughable. Whatever pitiful spoils they might get from a few government contracts here and there they pay for 100 times over in college and grad school admission.

    The difference in admissions standards for East/South Asians from Whites is equal to or greater than the magnitude of the difference between Whites and Blacks. So maybe 0.5% of Indians benefit from some minority owned business contract, but the 95%+ who pursue higher education get screwed by affirmative action.

    Indians don't vote Republican for the same reason as Jews. The Republican party is the party of Christianity. Evangelical Christians have firmly rooted themselves at the core of the party and its platform. A socially conservative Hindu is no more likely to vote for a socially conservative Christian, as a socially conservative Christian would vote for a Wahhabi Muslim.

    The Republican party can easily get the Asian vote by pushing the dismantling of the affirmative action spoils systems, as Asians get even more screwed than Whites. Just drop the Christianity BS and embrace Goldwater style libertarianism. Evangelical Christianity in politics has no future because religion is dying out and most of the younger generation is irreligious or even outwardly atheist. But libertarianism is only getting more popular, especially among younger people, look at demographics of Ron Paul's crowds compared to Rick Santorum.

    If the Republican party insists on hitching its wagons to a dying religion for some short term electoral success in intellectual backwaters like Missouri than its fate is certainly sealed.

  14. visual programming means anyone can be a coder9/7/12, 5:14 PM

    Personally I think any neutral, and non captain-of-industry individual not R. identified via race, would vote Dem. Then too, they probably benefit more from loose immigration than not. Then /too/, take anything done by or said by R. presidents of the recent past, Romney included, and if you take that as representative of Rs and you're smart enough to filter out the empty crap and /vote your interests/, there's no choice. I don't think Indians /need/ handouts yet, if they ever do. I don't see a need for it to be nearly as grounded in handout-grubbing as you think. /not Indian

  15. Jews invented Polack jokes? I didn't realize that. I guess that's along the lines of the expression "goyische kopf."

  16. I have long been flummoxed by the Indian tendency to vote Dem, but the idea that they do so for minority bennies is utterly ludicrous.

    Gummdu's explanation makes the most sense to me, as to why parents of my kids are a) planning on selecting their child's mate b) highly educated engineers c) victimized by affirmative action and d) resolutely voting Dem. It's the first one I've heard that makes some small amount of sense.

    The second generation might be less likely to do so. I'd like to see some numbers.

  17. I thought it was either the Russians or Germans who invented Polack jokes.

  18. For a long time, Wikipedia explained that Polack jokes were introduced to the U.S. after WWII by German Nazis. It makes perfect sense: who is known for a better sense of humor than Nazis and who was more fashionable after WWII.

  19. What about before Bush? How did Indians vote before Bush?

    I noticed a huge shift in politics around the Indians/Pakis I know after Bush's presidency.

  20. This is the last election that we pretend that race don't matter.

  21. So maybe 0.5% of Indians benefit from some minority owned business contract, but the 95%+ who pursue higher education get screwed by affirmative action.

    Indians do not get screwed over by affirmative action in higher education. They're not like East Asians. They're black! Or black enough for government work.

    A lot of the love-affair of corporate America with Indian IT workers seems to be grounded in this sense of "Finally, dark-skinned people we can avidly promote without destroying the company!"

  22. The christian fundamentalism of the Republican Party is a huge turnoff to most Indian-Americans.

    And by "christian fundamentalism" you mean "the lip-service the Republican party pays to Christians around election time every couple of years".

    Let's cut the crap - "christian fundamentalism" is not the hang-up for non-Christians. Christianity is, in any shape or form.

    It's very similar to the way non-whites soil themselves at any hint that whites might some day engage in the exact same racialist thinking which the non-whites are currently engaged in. If that ever happens the whole gravy-train for Americans pampered "minorities" - a group which very much includes Indians - will come to an abrupt halt.

  23. The Legendary Linda9/7/12, 6:18 PM

    No, genetically and historically, Asian Indians are not white, and people in the HBD community should not play fast and loose with racial categories just for political ends. That would suggest race is indeed just a social construct.

    But they are caucasoid. The Caucasoid race can be divided into main sub-races: whites (Europeans) and non-white caucasoids (south Asians/north Africans/peoples of middle eastern ancestry)

    The mongoloid race can also be subdivided into East Asians, arctic people and Amerindians

    The Negroid race can be subdivided into 3 main sub races: congoids, capoids, and australoids (yes I realize australoids have lived out of Africa for tens of thousands of years and accumulated differences in junk DNA, but they preserve the Negroid phenotype)

    Southeast Asians are probably a mongoloid/australoid hybrid.

  24. "I also don't think Borat was aimed at poles because their anti-semitism has always been low compared to their neighbors, which is why Poland had the highest Jewish percentage in the world before WWII. "

    things have changed a bit since then

  25. Indian Americans detest blacks, welfare and Affirmative action

    The Democratic Party in USA is same as Congress party in India

    So why do they vote democrat - because the Republican party is extremely anti-Hindu

    Several Republicans actually run missionary campaigns in India, trying to convert Hindus

    Nikki Haley and Jindal are deeply disliked in the Indian community as apostates and the dumb Republicans seem to think that race matters for Indians - not

    Religion is more important than race for Indians. There are Hindus who look yellow, black, brown and almost white.

    Republicans attacked Nikki Haley for her religious background

    Neither Jindal or Haley would have been elected on the Republican ticket if they had not converted

    A Kentucky republican Governor was attacked in the primary, for attending a business opening Hindu ceremony

    In Iowa, Swati Dandekar was attacked by her Republican opponent, for being a Hindu

    In Minnesota, Satveer Chaudhury was attacked by his Republican opponent for being a Hindu

    Dozens of christian Democrats attend Hindu functions for fundraising

    Not a single Republican will attend a Hindu function for fund raising.

  26. the Republican party is extremely anti-Hindu

    You are an idiot. The Republican Party may not be as obsequiously pro-Hindu as the Democratic Party, but it s not "extremely anti-Hindu".

    Dozens of christian Democrats attend Hindu functions for fundraising

    Not a single Republican will attend a Hindu function for fund raising.

    We have this thing in this country called "separation of church and state". Any Democrats attending "Hindu functions for fundraising" are breaking the law. Not that that ever stops them ...

  27. of course the republican party tends to scare away anyone who is not christain

    That's odd. I'm an atheist Republican and I don't feel the least bit scared. What has you peeing your pants?

  28. the Republican party is extremely anti-Hindu

    Yeah, I'm sure we all remember the draconian anti-Hindu laws the Republicans pushed through the last time they controlled DC. It was just Kristallnacht all over again!

    You need a better fig-leaf than that for your anti-white bigotry.

  29. "Finally, dark-skinned people we can avidly promote without destroying the company!"

    didn't last long

  30. "The Democratic Party in USA is same as Congress party in India

    So why do they vote democrat - because the Republican party is extremely anti-Hindu"

    and that explains why Congress is in power in India, while the hindu party has been out of power. mmkay.

  31. I doubt that the Republicans will ever have enough political power in the future to take away ethnic advantages for any group.

    The question then becomes how sill whites adapt living in a country where whites are a minority but every other ethnic group gets a set aside from the government.

    What will whites do when marginal taxes climb above 70& to fund the entitlement state while having few of the good jobs?

  32. Young Ron Paul fans are a chimera. Like circus fans they show up when the circus is in town and then well that's really all they do.

    There needs to be a even college kids grow up fallacy which notes that yes kids are social liberal now, then they have daughters.


  33. "...because the Republican party is extremely anti-Hindu..."

    "...Republicans attacked Nikki Haley..."

    "In Iowa, Swati Dandekar was attacked by her Republican opponent, for being a Hindu

    In Minnesota, Satveer Chaudhury was attacked by his Republican opponent for being a Hindu"

    What we see here is instinctive love of victimology, the uncontrollable joy of pretending to be a victim. And the Democrats are the party of victimology. I suspect it's a major source of its appeal to Indians. Rec1man's comments ring true - the Indians I've known love that psychological state. Claiming victimhood is their default stance in inter-group relations, both towards Indians and towards non-Indians. Any movement that makes a point of looking askance at that psychological state would most likely seem alien, disturbing, perhaps even threatening to Indians.

  34. The Legendary Linda wrote:

    But they are caucasoid. The Caucasoid race can be divided into main sub-races: whites (Europeans) and non-white caucasoids (south Asians/north Africans/peoples of middle eastern ancestry)

    The Negroid race can be subdivided into 3 main sub races: congoids, capoids, and australoids (yes I realize australoids have lived out of Africa for tens of thousands of years and accumulated differences in junk DNA, but they preserve the Negroid phenotype)

    I struggle to put this nicely, but this is wrong, and is recognizable as wrong even without knowledge of modern genomics. Straw-manning aside, physical anthropologists had, by the 20th century, intuited schema much more nuanced and much more correct than the platonic triangularity of the three-race concept.

    South Asians are a highly admixed set of populations with substantial ancestry from the aboriginal and ingressive pre-IE populations of the subcontinent, who were extremely distinct from any European population. North Africans, Middle Easterners, and others in your "non-white caucasoid" category have, to varying extents and in conformity with historical-geographic expectations, minor to substantial Sub-Saharan African, South Asian, and (in Turkic, Caucasus, and some Iranian Plateau peoples) East Eurasian ancestry.

    Of course, even the archetypal "white caucasoid" Nordic Europeans are themselves an ancient composite including non-negligible contribution from populations that were quite certainly non-caucasoid phenotypically (see for an accessible account of a relevant recent study).

    To my eye Australian aborigines and even kinky-haired Melanesians are only superficially negroid-like (you might see what I mean if you compare Papuan and South African albinos). At any rate they're genetically sister to East Eurasians, though much more distantly than Amerindians are, with probable affinities to at least some negrito peoples in Southeast and South Asia.

    As for that remark about "junk DNA" (sic) ... I'm not sure you really understand what that term means, but you should know that there's no real justification for dismissing genetic findings about Australomelanesian distinctness from SSAs as a weird fluke obscuring the actual tree.

  35. The Legendary Linda is technically right on whether Asian Indians are white.

    Indians are descended from a combination of Aryans, who at least linguistically are related to Iranians and Europeans and an older stratum of population ( in the subcontinent that are hard to classify racially. If you have to shoehorn everyone into white/ black/ yellow, the Aryan component is pretty clearly white and the Dravidian component I guess would be black.

    In other words, Indians are more "white" than Hispanics, and somewhat like Hispanics are a racial mixture that doesn't fit easily into American racial categories.

    Of course, you can just define "white" as "European ancestry", simply exclude Arabs, Indians, Hispanics (and Shephardic Jews!), and not deal with this problem, though you still have anomalies with Iranians and Turks. If you want to base this on ancestry and linguistic and historical migration patterns, then all these groups except most Hispanics are white.

  36. When I 1st saw the Castro twins, before they were certified rising stars, the photo was black and white so I thought they were maybe Hmong.

    On a later ABC News interview the reporter said back Julian's name to him in a deep Central American sort of accent (not slightly higher-pitched like the more common Mexican dialect). Julian replied back on how Texas was such a red state, etc. but he sounded like someone from AP Chemistry talking about the difference between new Nvidia and ATI graphics cards

  37. Also, in the US, Hindus tend to be highly educated and that means... they came under the influence of a whole lot of leftist ideology from Jewish professors. And Hindus love pop culture, and pop culture is multi-culti and liberal and etc.

    Another thing to remember is that a significant chunk of Indian-Americans are Muslim. The Republican Party's appeal to Muslims is, well, perhaps not zero, but mighty close.

  38. Okay now, what about East Asians? Sizable population of Japanese and Koreans and a large population of Chinese. As far as first/second generation immigrants is concerned, I suspect they too vote in overwhelming majority for Democrats.

  39. The core demographic of the Republican party instinctively dislikes the impulse to claim victimhood. They dislike it even when it comes from fellow whites. They think it's undignified, unmanly, kind of gay.

    But claiming to be the bigger victim is the principal way in which people from extremely clannish cultures think and talk about politics. This comes instinctively to them. India has always been a very clannish place.

    The mode of political thought that comes most naturally to Indians is distasteful to the core Republican demographic. There is a mismatch here.

  40. If Polish jokes originated in Europe (doubtful) it must have been Germany. Germans are the only people who both had extensive contact with Poles and had reasons to look down on them. I can guarantee that Polish jokes are totally unknown anywhere to the east or south of Poland.

    On a related note. I am a Jew who grew up in the old country. Growing up, I heard a lot of jokes that Jews tell to each other; humorous songs too. Can't remember a single joke about dumb goys. The closest I can think of were jokes about a Jew who cleverly told off an Antisemite. Maybe the old time Jews were isolated or whatever, but nearly all actual Jewish are about Jews. In fact, some of them would be called antisemitic if told in modern America.

  41. The key to understanding how Asians of all varieties vote is that, even though they come from cultures that are socially conservative, these same cultures are also highly corrupt. Which is more likely to respond favorably to a few $thousand in baksheesh; a Republican or a Democrat?

  42. Indians, though, seem to lack the edge, that motor of internal hostility and aggression that makes male Jews the reigning World's Heavyweight Champs at both getting the last word and at being funny.

    White Americans need to study the Talmud to develop, discursive, and dialectical abilities like the Jews... The South Koreans are doing this.

  43. In my experience, Indians that are Americanized or first generation are uber status conscious, go for fashion and bling, and like all the worst pop culture trash. Naturally in the era of the Great Celebrity President they vote Obama. Similarly they turned against Bush because he became so uncool.

    Generally they don't know jack about politics, but their Cool Radar is flawless.

  44. "Anonymous said...

    The christian fundamentalism of the Republican Party is a huge turnoff to most Indian-Americans."

    Funny, the hinduism of Indians is a huge turn-off to many christian Americans. Perhaps those indians should go back to their own country, instead of trying to change ours.

  45. "DR said...

    The notion that South or East Asians on net benefit from the affirmative action complex is laughable. Whatever pitiful spoils they might get from a few government contracts here and there they pay for 100 times over in college and grad school admission."

    Right. Indians and Pakistanis just really, really love running gas-stations, motels, and liquor stores. The seeming lock that they have in those businesses in many parts of the country couldn't possibly have anything to do with them getting SBA loans on very favorable terms.

  46. "Nikki Haley and Jindal are deeply disliked in the Indian community as apostates and the dumb Republicans seem to think that race matters for Indians - not

    Religion is more important than race for Indians. There are Hindus who look yellow, black, brown and almost white."

    Republicans attacked Nikki Haley for her religious background

    Neither Jindal or Haley would have been elected on the Republican ticket if they had not converted."

    I'm inclined to agree. I've not known many (maybe not any) whites who had any serious animus about Indians (unless they had unhappy experiences in the progamming world.) Indians are not seen as dangerous or worsening the quality of life, and their cuisine is quite popular. There's also a certain respect for what westerners think is Indian culture. People pretend to respect the African "cultures"; but they really don't. I know that is controversial.
    If we scrap the idea that there's any reason to consider the entire Indian subcontinent as a billion victims of unsuspecting Americans, I think our problems are solved.

  47. All of the people who claim that Jews et al. don't vote Republican on account of Christianity are wrong. Jews were liberal democrats long before the evangelicals became a force in the Republican party circa 1980. Indeed, at the same time the evangelicals became players in the GOP, the Neocons were gaining influence over GOP foreign policy in the '80s.

  48. Simon in London9/7/12, 10:36 PM

    "But it's easy to imagine a future in which Asian Indians rank second among ethnic groups in opinion-molding in America."

    Um, not really. No sign of that in the UK, anyway. In the US, Arabs probably have more cultural influence than south-Asians.

  49. Yeah it's Whites against Non-Whites in the political arena, and will be for the foreseeable future. Someday, when Whites have fallen in numbers to a truly minority status, there may be coalitions with other groups, but not now.

    It's not even a possibility. There is zero point to trying "win over South Asians". It is a pipe dream. Race matters people. And Whites are different then other groups. For now, the interests of all non-Whites are pretty much aligned due to factors we cannot change.

  50. "The christian fundamentalism of the Republican Party is a huge turnoff to most Indian-Americans."

    Exactly, I've been told as much by Indian-Americans who see the Democrats at every level of government as more tolerate of minority religions than Republicans.
    The whole war on terror didn't help because TSA officers (and the general public for that matter) appear to be a little hazy on the differences between Hindus and Muslims.

    The problem the GOP has is that their economic policy is so cartoonishly dumb (Bill Clinton's DNC speech was the best speech he ever gave mainly because, for once, the facts were on his side) that stressing religious conservatism is the only way they can hold working class white voters.

    A little too late, the Republican shot callers are waking up to the corner they've painted themselves in. Seemingly out of the blue, GOP moneyman David Koch just told a reporter he supported gay marriage, legalized marijuana, cutting defense spending and raising taxes.

  51. Taking away the minority benefits for South Asians would only affect those who need those business loans, such as some of the Patels who could still get cheap loans from the caste network

    Per the 2012 Pew report, 57% of Hindus have post graduate education vs 34% for Jews and 16% for white Christians, and mostly dont go for the small business loans. Removing these loans would have minimal effect

    Classifying Indians as caucasian would help Indians get into college. It is easier to get into college as white than as Asian

  52. As expected, Swati Dandekar of the Democratic Party was elected from the 36th district to the Iowa state assembly, making her the first Indian American woman to be elected to a legislative body in the United States.

    The 51-year-old Nagpur-born Dandekar got 6,727 votes (57 per cent of the total cast) as against 4,983 (43 per cent) for her opponent Karen Balderston, a farmer and substitute teacher. She is the fourth Indian American to be elected to a state assembly.

    The last days of the campaign witnessed allegations from Dandekar's opponent, even making India's caste system an issue. Balderston questioned Dandekar's ethnicity and her qualifications to contest in this Mid-Western state.

    "While I was growing up in Iowa, learning and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Swati was growing up in India, under the still existent caste system. How can that prepare her for legislating in Iowa or any other part of our great United States?" Balderston wrote in an emai

  53. Controversy touched the senator again in 2006. In November of that year Satveer Chaudhary was re-elected to the Senate. Upon the victory his opponent, Republican Rae Hart Anderson, sent Chaudhary a concession email that said, "The race of your life is more important than this one--and it is my sincere wish that you'll get to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.".[34] Chaudhary chose to ignore the comment.

  54. Kentucky governor criticized by GOP challenger for Hindu ceremony
    November 2, 2011 | 6:55 am


    Should the governor of Kentucky be praying to the Hindu gods?

    That's the question being raised by the Republican challenger to sitting Gov. Steve Beshear, a Democrat, who participated in a Hindu "ground blessing" ceremony Friday for a manufacturing plant operated by an India-based company.

    The Republican, David Williams -- who was trailing Beshear by 29 percentage points in a recent poll -- has decided there was something untoward about it.

    "To get down and get involved and participate in prayers to these polytheistic situations, where you have these Hindu gods that they are praying to, doesn't appear to me to be in line with what a governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky ought to be doing," Williams said, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.

    Williams added: "He's sitting down there with his legs crossed, participating in Hindu prayers with a dot on his forehead with incense burning around him. I don't know what the man was thinking."

  55. WallBuilders president David Barton is questioning why the U.S. government is seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god. Barton points out that since Hindus worship multiple gods, the prayer will be completely outside the American paradigm, flying in the face of the American motto “One Nation Under God.”


    David Barton served several terms as the vice chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. He’s representative of the Reconstructionist/Theocratic extreme wing of the party–a very vocal segment.

  56. It might be a class thing. Wealthy, cosmopolitan urbanites in the US tend to be Democrats so Indian-Americans want to emulate winners. There may also be the perception that the GOP is a party for army-loving white Christian college football fans they have a lot less in common with.

  57. Small businessmen are one of the main backbones of the Republican Party, except in places like Chicago where they are co-opted into the Democratic machine. Another big source of Republican elites are doctors.

    Okay, so Indians tend to have jobs like Republicans but vote like Puerto Ricans.

  58. "Bullshit. Asians make up about 30% of the Harvard student body. They do better than whites financially and professionally, but not in the same ratio that whites do better than blacks. The Forbes 400 is about 55-60% non-Jewish white, and only 0.25% black (Oprah). But Harvard is perhaps only 30% non-Jewish white and ~6% black."

    It's amazing that at the core blog of the HBD community people can be so ignorant about the basics of racial differences in test scores.

    Say this with me, Asians have 15 higher IQ points than gentile whites. Gentile whites are a cognitively inferior race.

    If it wasn't for affirmative action Harvard would be 80%+ Asian. It's well documented that Asians get screwed by affirmative action at universities.

  59. "That's odd. I'm an atheist Republican and I don't feel the least bit scared. What has you peeing your pants? "

    How about their continual insistence on spending all of their political capital fighting abortion. The one remaining sanctioned form of eugenics still practiced by Western civilization. Pretty much the only thing stopping the gene pool from turning into a cesspoool.

    As an atheist you should recognize that God really has no plans for those future hooligan miscreants that are currently thankfully vacuumed out of the womb in the second trimester at astronomical rates.

  60. Lizard Says said...

    Yeah it's Whites against Non-Whites in the political arena, and will be for the foreseeable future.

    Not true now and not true for the foreseeable future.

    White people dominate the Democrat party as voters, office holders, operatives, contributors and media hacks.

    It doesn't get much Whiter than Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi/Jerry Brown/Feinstein/ Chris Mathews/Lawrence O'Donnell/Paul Krugman/Weinstein Brothers etal.

    Check out how many White folks voted for Obama in 2008.

    Kind of irrational to discount over 41 million White Americans.

  61. Indians are very race conscious.
    Although they look down at blacks, they realise that the USA was the 'white man's country' and that they are very much dark skinned outsiders in a society that could possibly turn hostile.
    So they intuit it is in their best interests to vote for the party that subjugates white men and elevates dark skinned races.

  62. The Legendary Linda9/8/12, 3:15 AM

    I struggle to put this nicely, but this is wrong, and is recognizable as wrong even without knowledge of modern genomics. Straw-manning aside, physical anthropologists had, by the 20th century, intuited schema much more nuanced and much more correct than the platonic triangularity of the three-race concept.

    The dominant figure of 20th century anthropology was arguably Carleton Coon and he proposed 5 races: Mongoloids, Caucasoids, Australoids, Congoids, and Capoids. All I’m doing is simplifying things by lumping Coon’s last 3 races into a single category (Negroids) and thus resurrecting the 3 race system of old.

    South Asians are a highly admixed set of populations with substantial ancestry from the aboriginal and ingressive pre-IE populations of the subcontinent, who were extremely distinct from any European population.

    No one’s 100% pure. They’re still far more Caucasoid than anything else.

    North Africans, Middle Easterners, and others in your "non-white caucasoid" category have, to varying extents and in conformity with historical-geographic expectations, minor to substantial Sub-Saharan African, South Asian, and (in Turkic, Caucasus, and some Iranian Plateau peoples) East Eurasian ancestry.

    Again, no one’s 100% pure. I suppose you could invoke the one drop rule and say they’re not white, but I never claimed even PURE Middle Easterners or South Asians are white. I explicitly define them as non-white caucasoids (NWCs).

    To my eye Australian aborigines and even kinky-haired Melanesians are only superficially negroid-like (you might see what I mean if you compare Papuan and South African albinos).

    Australoid skulls are classified as negroid. See this article about a forensic artist who concludes that a skull was australoid because “it has all the features of a negroid face”:

    “At any rate they're genetically sister to East Eurasians, though much more distantly than Amerindians are, with probable affinities to at least some negrito peoples in Southeast and South Asia.”

    Australoid peoples (including negritos) genetically resemble East Eurasians because some East Eurasians (i.e. Southeast Asians) absorbed australoid genes through interracial mating.

    As for that remark about "junk DNA" (sic) ... I'm not sure you really understand what that term means, but you should know that there's no real justification for dismissing genetic findings about Australomelanesian distinctness from SSAs as a weird fluke obscuring the actual tree.

    Australomelanesians are distinct from SSAs only because they have been living outside sub-Saharan Africa much longer than any other non-SSA people and thus have accumulated extreme genetic distance from SSAs in JUNK DNA which is ironic because they are the one non-African race who by remaining genetically isolated in climates similar to SSA’s, preserved the African phenotype, and thus I consider australoid to be the non-African branch of the negroid family tree.

  63. @ Steve

    There’re many Indian small biz owners (convenient shops and cheap motels ? just like the other side of the Atlantics) is because of their limited IQ potential and free riding on large minority loans,

    There’re more Indian doctors in America is primarily due to selective immigration on top of Indian cultural emphasis.

    Both of them are “artificial”, not natural/typical Republic jobs.

    Remove minority statue freebies AND selective Immigration AND professional bias for the “upper” caste, you’ll then see the truth about Indians.

    The single most important HBD issue related to America however, and the single most under-investigated & discussed issue everywhere in the HBD world IMO, is Mean Reversion!! ---- the `Holy Grail` of America’s HBD future.

    The sad foreseeable future prospect that even already-highly selected 120 IQ doctor - convenient shops owner parents WILL produce offspring , on average, of third world IQ (even on top of due Flynn points) will have much more far-reaching impact on Republicans and America. No amount of more fresh-of-boat 120 IQ doctors and motel owners then would compensate the net loss of vastly larger lower IQ base of offspring of previous comers (together with large amount of not so `selective` economic dependents).

  64. Indians by and large are a mix amongst Astraloid(India's vast original base), Cacausoid(middle eastern stock invaders) and some Mongoloid invaders, thus exhibiting many characteristics of of all major races.

    The handful mega stars of Bollywood (almost all from Pakistan, Afghanistan by origin) and most highyly selected upper caste doctors immigrated to the West, the face of India in the world actually, are not white but a variety(not pure)of Middle Easten stock.

    Indians is not as diverse as what most people think.

    Actually Indians are quite homogeneous, despite some minor skin tone differences btw the South and the North - from dark, to dark brown to lighter brown, all brown nonetheless.

    Indians are homogeneous at a subcontinental level.

    That's why with simple facial recognition one almost never mistaken an Indian from a White European or an East Asian, or a typical Sub-sahara Congoids(ok, sometimes, due to many Indian's heavy admixture of Astraloid, even by a 12-year-old. Isn't that very telling already?

  65. Our Jewish friends in med school and in business school told us the road to Power in America was through the Democratic Party. We have not had reason to mistrust their tutelage, yet.

    20-25% of Reagan's soft money came from Indian-American physicians - but Reagan had a broader and more uplifting vision of America than the current crop of Republicans. There is only ONE Indian-American doctor who has raised more than a million bucks for Romney.

  66. I wonder if Indians are looking at the *last* brainy minority that got in with a weird religion and was successful and thought, 'Hey, they wound up running the country, let's do like them!'

  67. "The Negroid race can be subdivided into 3 main sub races: congoids, capoids, and australoids (yes I realize australoids have lived out of Africa for tens of thousands of years and accumulated differences in junk DNA, but they preserve the Negroid phenotype)"

    This is not true, scientists I've read consider Australoids closer to whites than blacks.

  68. I think South Asia is similar to Latin America in that you've essentially got two races, Aryan (related to Europeans and Middle Easterners) and Dravidians (related to Melanesians and Aborigines) which have mixed in varying degrees. Some look as white as southern Europeans and some are extremely dark. I know a blonde American woman who married a light upper class Indian and had a child and his family is thrilled. I think they very much like the idea of whitening up the family gene pool.

  69. Dr Van Nostrand9/8/12, 6:09 AM

    re Rec1man...

    I hope you realize that most Hindus be they American or Indian dont regard Christian or Muslim converts as "apostate" as there is no such thing as apostasy in Hinduism!

    To be sure there are lot of evangelicals who spew venom against other religions but then they dont too highly of Catholics either!

    I think much of the affinity of Indians to Democrats is yes open borders...In their naivete ,they think this would somehow help their cause when in reality it would turn America into the kind of culture that they were escaping from.

    Here somethign that these idiot Indian Americans should realize...they have come to American to escape from Indians....and live among whites....its really that simple.

    But tired tropes of colonialism(though U.S was very hostile to the British presence in India) ,guilt over ditching the motherlandand trendy anti whiteness compel them to spew such nonense.

    And this explains their support for Obama despite his fondness for economic protectionism, hostility to outsourcing as well as his jokes in the 208 primary about Hillary being the Senator for Punjab or Biden making Indian 7-11 jokes.

    To hell with an Indian I say close the borders except for the occasional college student(no visa extensions for work please) and a 10 year wait for a green card in case of marriage to an American.

    Do the above and watch both Indian and Indian Americans come to their senses(after pouting and thrashing of course)

  70. Dr Van Nostrand9/8/12, 6:19 AM

    Um, not really. No sign of that in the UK, anyway. In the US, Arabs probably have more cultural influence than south-Asians."

    I dont quite see how you figure that!
    Most Arab Americans can pass off as white especially Lebanese and Palestinian Americans such Mitch Daniels,Ralph Nader,John Abi Zaid,Tony Shalhoub,William Peter Blatty and John Sunnunu

    It also helps that they are Christians so that makes the transition even easier.

    The only Arab cultural influence is the institutions that are bought and paid for by the Saudis.
    To be sure that is quite formidable whose tentacles(get it?) stretch froma academia,media,state governments all the way to the White House.

    Some Arab Americans among CAIR do their bidding but the vast majority have nothing to do with them.

    All said and done, I doubt Hindus are the new Jews because ,apart from outliers such as Jindal and Haley ,they really arent that interested in politics and despite their impressive academic credentials are quite ill informed on political matters.Again this explains their fondness for Obama.

    Indian Americans support Obama is just an aspect of their wannabe SWPLism.

  71. "it is my sincere wish that you'll get to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior."

    Rec1man, you come from a place where there are regular religious-themed riots ("communal violence") in which hundreds of people die at a time. And yet you make a point of being offended at the above words. This is what I meant when I talked about the love of victimhood.

  72. Dr Van Nostrand9/8/12, 7:55 AM

    Funny, the hinduism of Indians is a huge turn-off to many christian Americans."

    LOL, I dont know if they know much of it to be turned off.The difference is that apart from fraudulent gurus who can easily be avoided, Hindus are forbidden from converting others to their faith.Christians are a different matter.It is mostly attempts at conversion that irritates Hindus.

    Perhaps those indians should go back to their own country, instead of trying to change ours."

    How exactly is the lukewarm preference non preferance of one American political party over another by a pliant religious minority an attempt at single handedly changing the country?

    I hope you realize its white SWPLs,World Council of Churches, Episcopelians, hardline Catholics and what have you(all of whom are overwhelmingly) not to mention both liberal and Orthodox Jews work overtime to undermine white evangelicals far more than Hindus!

  73. Dr Van Nostrand9/8/12, 7:58 AM

    The problem the GOP has is that their economic policy is so cartoonishly dumb"

    As supposed to the astute Democrat policy of tax an ever dwindling number of "millionaires and billionaires" and spend till hurts (China)

    Only such a person who thinks the above is a good idea would ..ugh..swallow Bill Clintons tripe..

  74. Dr Van Nostrand9/8/12, 8:00 AM

    I also don't think Borat was aimed at poles because their anti-semitism has always been low compared to their neighbors, which is why Poland had the highest Jewish percentage in the world before WWII. "

    That would be news to Polish born Menachem Begin said that Poles imbibe anti Semitism through their mothers milk

  75. Simon said:

    >>>Um, not really. No sign of that in the UK, anyway. In the US, Arabs probably have more cultural influence than south-Asians.

    1. The UK is irrelevant globally.

    2. Despite having an Empire, and a most anal caste classification scheme in your tiresome Indian "censuses", you selected very badly among South Asian populations for immigration - mainly Sylehtis, Kashmiris and Muslim Jats.

    3. You got what you deserved.

  76. Beecher Asbury9/8/12, 8:44 AM

    It's amazing that at the core blog of the HBD community people can be so ignorant about the basics of racial differences in test scores.

    Say this with me, Asians have 15 higher IQ points than gentile whites. Gentile whites are a cognitively inferior race.

    If it wasn't for affirmative action Harvard would be 80%+ Asian. It's well documented that Asians get screwed by affirmative action at universities.

    Be that as it may, explain to me why Asians are in the USA attending all those schools created by white gentiles.

  77. Good point, what also might attractive time to Democratic is that Hindus tend to be more pacifists. People mention about Japanese being Democratic too, alot ot of Japanese intermarried and those that intermarried are less so Democratic. There is a 22 year old mayor Republican of Placenta Ca who is half-white and half Japanese. Asians intermarry with whites about 30 percent versus about 20 percent with Hispanics, so actually the Republicans could do slightly better in the future with Asians since they will become more whiter faster than the brown skin Spanish speakers.

  78. Well Christianity doesn't make you Republican either. Jim Wallis who is more religious than you average Republican is pretty far too the left. There is a growing social gospel among the younger evangelicals. Evangelicals tend to be republicans since southern whites don't like a lot of government in economics compared to northern whites and the social issues which actually the Catholics in the 1970's brought up to evangelicals like Gay Marriage and Abortion. In fact many Evangelicals prior to the 1970's were neutral on abortion and some supported it until the Roman Catholic conservatives changed their minds. Granted, the social issues are apart of a religious view but some people like Jim Wallis use a lot of passages in the bible that lead you to a social gospel. Also, white Roman Catholics are split between the parties-Republican and Democratic and Eastern Orthodox a small group are more likely to be Democratic and some of them spend 3 hours standing in church services are Sunday.

  79. We have a big stereotypes that Southern Whites don't have a BA that are evangelical Christians. In fact in the South the richest white people were more devoted to their evangelical religion and finished college. Plano Texas had higher income than Portland Oregon. And has about the same number of people that finished college, people here tend to buy into the Democratic lie, actually poorer whites tend to vote Democratic mainly women that had children out of wedlock.

  80. White people dominate the Democrat party as voters, office holders, operatives, contributors and media hacks.

    The majority of those white people in the realm of operatives, contributors and media hacks are of course Jews, as are a very disproportionate number of Democratic office holders.

  81. The problem the GOP has is that their economic policy is so cartoonishly dumb (Bill Clinton's DNC speech was the best speech he ever gave mainly because, for once, the facts were on his side)

    I'm always surprised by the amount of hard-core lefties who read and comment on this site.

    But of course, racialism is not something they find to be uncongenial - it's practically a core belief for them. Even if their racialism is explicitly anti-white.

    The economic fact is that the policies of the Democratic party have bankrupted the country. Their "tax the rich" rhetoric is boob bait for their idiotic members: No amount of taxing the rich can balance America's books.

  82. Do Southern Republicans just only have high school and are lower middle class? Here's an interesting stats for the US census: San Francisco median household income 71,304, poverty rate 11.9 and Ba 51.2. Plano Texas median household income 81,822 poverty rate 6.7 and BA 54.0. Granted, there are liberal cities above the San Fran average and conservative cities below the Plano Texas but a lot of heavily districts in the South that are Republican sometimes have higher incomes than cities in the north that vote Democratic. Texas overall has less income than California because it has the same amount of Hispanics and almost double the rate of blacks. Texas is around 11.8 percent black while California is only 6.5 percent black.

  83. Hapalong Cassidy9/8/12, 9:53 AM

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the 9-11 effect on Indian voting patterns. Indians suspect that White Conservative Christians (I.e. Republican voters) can't be bothered to learn the difference between brown-skinned Hindus and Sikhs, and brown-skinned Muslims. They just see them all as brown-skinned people who want to blow them up. What happened in Wisconsin only confirms the fears of most all Indians of any religion. I really think this has a lot to do with why Indians vote Democrat.

  84. troll tingler9/8/12, 9:59 AM

    "Say this with me, Asians have 15 higher IQ points than gentile whites. Gentile whites are a cognitively inferior race. "
    The above joke is hardly worth responding to, but here goes. They are not "15 points" above. You have them mixed up with Jews--and even concerning Jews, it's ridiculous.
    The Japanese averaged 109, but so did Poles and Dutch. The Chinese averaged 105. But so did several other European nationalities.
    The average IQ of 100 results from a composite of European-dominant countries. The average IQ for whites is 100. For northeast Asian, about 105.
    For Indians, its in the 80s, although those living in England have averaged in the high 90s.

  85. It doesn't get much Whiter than Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi/Jerry Brown/Feinstein/ Chris Mathews/Lawrence O'Donnell/Paul Krugman/Weinstein Brothers etal.

    Actually a lot of the people you named are Jewish

  86. rec1man said...
    Indian Americans detest blacks

    So now that you are seeing the world from the white man's eyes, when are you gonna reject your black gods and goddesses: Rama, Krishna, Kali et al?

  87. Asian Indian Male9/8/12, 11:55 AM

    Indian Americans are the most powerful backers of India's conservative party. The immigrants are mostly upper castes, which usually vote conservative back home. The real reasons for most Indian Americans turning Democrat:

    1. Pop culture/MSM - that's where they get their idea of America from. All leftist strongholds.

    2. Republican kowtowing to Christianity - Arguments based on God and the Bible obviously dont work on them and merely accentuate their minority consciousness.

    First generation Indian Americans are otherwise actually quite Right-wing:
    1. Most hate gays and gay marriage.
    2. Very pro family.
    3. They uniformly hate Muslims and love Israel. Ergo Indians love America.
    4. They despise Blacks and Mexicans.
    5. They despise Affirmative Action (India has 50% quotas, and most Indian Americans here fled from those quotas).
    6. They are wealthy and don't want to pay tax (though it is not a major issue)

    I dont see anything changing in the near future though. Christians are a much larger voting block for the GOP and it makes no sense to ditch them for a 1% minority vote.

  88. What, the Three Stooges and Groucho Marx weren't funny?

    Steve, the whole point of Male Jewish over-achievement (women among Jews only succeeded like the late Firestone lady feminist whose first name I am too lazy to Google by being more uber-radical than thou) ... was beating the jock-man-of-action model with nebbishy smarts and wisecracks.

    Think comic books. A whole lot of them. Smart guys who were not going to be the star running back or other type of "big man." That pretty much accounts for Jewish success in the US North East circa 1900-1955. As an intellectual, monetary, and cultural force they are now played out. Lacking the hunger, energy, and determination to succeed.

    Think on how many game-changing companies have been founded by Jews since 1955. Compared to Warners, MGM, Marvel, DC, etc. there has not been a lot; Apple, Microsoft, even Linux have been the province of non-Jews, White guys who were smart and driven and could not be the "Big Man" ... not even Steve Jobs and his reality distortion field.

    If you want to leverage that sort of energy AND AMBITION you're better off looking for the Jimmy Kimmel types -- smart guys who can't play jock, and have ambition, and are by definition "locked out" of the current aristocracy which is soft-hereditarian.

    These are White guys among ethnic groups that don't reward smartness much: Irish, Italians, Poles, etc. and lack WASPY legacy admits and the ability to swallow SWPL-dom.

    The GOP offering to "burn it all down" (AA, PC, Multiculturalism, Government NAM spending, NGO minderism etc) would have natural allies there.

    Indians will always have AA preferences, that cannot be changed. And fundamentally, their interests are aligned with Dems.

  89. I doubt that Wikipedia is a reliable souce for the origin of Polish Jokes.

    As I remember it there were no Polish jokes in the fifties at all. There were a lot of ethnic jokes about Negroes but none about the English or the Poles. There were some Italian jokes - called Dago jokes at the time - and maybe a few other groups but no jokes about Poles.

    First of all, Poles were obscure. The first time I heard about a Polish joke I was dumbfounded. The only Polish references I was familiar with were Chopin, a line in Boris Gudanov's first act monolog, and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). It seemed to my young mind that Poles were just innoucuous musicians and mathematicians with an particularly unlucky geography.

    I concluded that they had been picked by some shadowy molders of public thought as a target exactly because no one had a grievance against them. That was my conspiracy theory receptor firing up for the first time.

    Sometime in the sixties suddenly everyone was talking about Polish jokes as if they had long existed and clearly demonstrated some moral point about ethnic biases. It was all too neat. But it worked. Ethnic humor abruptly died.

    I would like some scholar to study this. I presumed at the time that some group like perhaps the Southern Poverty Law Center created the idea of the Polish Joke to kill off the Coon Jokes of the day. It would be nice to really know.


  90. What affirmative action benefits Indians get in the U.S. are minor and have little to do with their success.

  91. "one of them at majorityrights cleared up the matter. They vote conservative back home, vote for goodies in US.

    "traditional South Asian aspiration to whiteness will re-emerge."

    it's not like they need much incentives.

    it's almost surreal...."

    Indians are obsessed with looking fair, but these aspirations are literally skin deep. I would not confuse this for an "aspiration to whiteness" in a deeper sense.

  92. It's amazing that at the core blog of the HBD community people can be so ignorant about the basics of racial differences in test scores.

    Say this with me, Asians have 15 higher IQ points than gentile whites. Gentile whites are a cognitively inferior race.

    First of all this discussion is about South Asians by which we mean Indians most of whom are conventionally considered Caucasians. This reference seems to be to East Asians (Han Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans). Confusing.

    Europe is only a continent by convention. It is just the western end of Asia. So you could with equal justice call Caucasians - West Asians. Then you could call almost everybody an Asian. That would not be much of a contribution to clarity I'm afraid.

    But the main problem with this comment however is that it is flat out wrong.

    According to Lynn the smartest city is Hong Kong. The smartest nation is South Korea. Japan is second. But the East Asian advantage is quite small over West Germans, Swedes or British. The biggest difference is that the Asians do better on the quantitaive subtests and Westerners do better on the verbal sections. Terman and Wechsler set the mean western verbal score equal to the mean quantitative score. So an average raw score in the SAT or GRE for examlp[le is set at 500.

    So since Westerners do better on the verbal sections we could just adjust the weightings to make verbal ability more important than quantitative ability and Voilá Caucasions are smarter than Asians.

    Let me illustrate. Let's say that average raw score on the verbal section for whites is 76. That would be set to 500. Similarly an average white non-verbal score might be 122. That would also be set to 500. Asians would have a different pattern. Let's say the average Asian verbal raw score is 70 and the average non-verbal is 130. Using the white standardization that might be something like 450 Verbal and 560 Non-Verbal for the Asians. The Asians would come out a little higher on the combined scores.

    But let's say I decided that verbal ability was more important and I weighted it 600-400 or 700-300 rather than 500-500. Then the whites would have a higher combined score.

    There is no such adjustment that can be made for blacks. They do badly on all sections of these tests. But Caucasians are slightly superior to Asians on verbal subtests and Asians are rather more superior on the non-verbal. When you weight both set of subtests to be the same Asians come out a little smarter. When you weigh them to favor verbal skills you favor whites.

    In fact we do something like this already. Engineering students are judged by different criteria than law students. In general as you would expect there are lots of Chinese engineers, software developers, and such but not nearly as many lawyers. Asians are better quantitatively and Westerners are better qualitatively.

    Your statement that gentile whites are cognitively inferior is itself cognitively inferior.


  93. Being highly educated means voting Dem in this day and age. If Asian Indians are drawn from the cream of the 1-billion-strong crop, they'll vote Dem.

    Being non-European may be a factor, although somehow I suspect that the limited number of white immigrants we do get -- we get about 100,000/yr, which is actually not negligible, even if most of our intake is Latino and Asian -- still vote Dem.

  94. If Polish jokes originated in Europe (doubtful) it must have been Germany. Germans are the only people who both had extensive contact with Poles and had reasons to look down on them. I can guarantee that Polish jokes are totally unknown anywhere to the east or south of Poland.

    On a related note. I am a Jew who grew up in the old country. Growing up, I heard a lot of jokes that Jews tell to each other; humorous songs too. Can't remember a single joke about dumb goys. The closest I can think of were jokes about a Jew who cleverly told off an Antisemite. Maybe the old time Jews were isolated or whatever, but nearly all actual Jewish are about Jews. In fact, some of them would be called antisemitic if told in modern America.

    I'd have to agree. Polish jokes lack the subtlety characteristic of Jewish humor, which tends to highlight the contradictions between reality and what we believe. Polish jokes have the subtlety of a sledgehammer, and are jokes even a three-year-old might understand.

  95. I'm not sure having more Hindus on the Democratic side will be all that advantageous to liberals. For one thing, most Americans don't like Asians. Sure, Americans like to laugh at Babu on SIMPSONS and can find some Hindu stuff funny, but Americans don't like-like Asians. They just enjoy some Asians as stereotypes: Suzie Wong, funny 7-11 store owner, kung fu master, yogi mystic, etc.

    Also, Americans are driven somewhat by 'guilt' when it comes to Jews and blacks. Americans feel no such feeling toward Asians.
    And when Americans see a lot of successful ASian-INdians, they feel resentful.

  96. Although they look down at blacks, they realise that the USA was the 'white man's country' and that they are very much dark skinned outsiders in a society that could possibly turn hostile.

    All immigrants to America, even these "blacks of Asia", quickly learn that the easiest way to be tolerated by the white majority is to align with their fear and loathing of the black bogeyman.

    When the crap hits the fan and the society turns violent and chaotic, the indians will be the most vulnerable minority, the easiest prey.

  97. "the pagan darkies of the subcontinent could have shared ancestry with white Europeans is too much to bear."

    Shut up, you pale-assed, milk-faced dork. There is nothing wrong with Hindus as long as they don't eat too much curry and speak funny. Most Hindus are a-okay--though I certainly wouldn't want the West to be filled up with them.
    I find nothing wrong with darker skin per se. I'd rather like a dark-skinned Sean Connery than a light-skinned Negro. A whole lot of blacks actually have lighter skin than Asian INdians, but Asian Indians make better neighbors.

  98. "But Caucasians are slightly superior to Asians on verbal subtests and Asians are rather more superior on the non-verbal. When you weight both set of subtests to be the same Asians come out a little smarter. When you weigh them to favor verbal skills you favor whites."

    "If it wasn't for affirmative action Harvard would be 80%+ Asian. It's well documented that Asians get screwed by affirmative action at universities."

    it's probably hyperbole but in case it's not, NO.
    and acceptance rate doesn't automatically reveals discrimination, if asians are selectively applying to more selective schools or where asians congregate then they will have lower acceptance rate.
    Then there's the simpson's paradox, if you look it up on wikipedia you can find an example relevant to this.
    Unless the med school selections differ drastically from other colleges.

  99. First generation Indian Americans are otherwise actually quite Right-wing:

    4. They despise Blacks and Mexicans.

    The feeling is mutual. Hispanics in particular despise indians far more. East Asians as well.

    Indians are in danger of becoming the most despised minority in America.

  100. "It's amazing that at the core blog of the HBD community people can be so ignorant about the basics of racial differences in test scores. Say this with me, Asians have 15 higher IQ points than gentile whites. Gentile whites are a cognitively inferior race."

    Heh. Not even Asians in this country, who have been specifically selected for education/intelligence, average 15 points higher than whites. The Indians left back in India can't even manage an average IQ of 90.

    And the Asians in this country have another thing going for them having nothing to do with IQ - work ethic. The American work ethic has gone to hell, coddled as it has been by wealth and consumerism.

  101. "Polish jokes lack the subtlety characteristic of scots-irish humor,"

    yep, borat had such subtlety, and Hollywood makes movies with such subtle and nuanced jokes, the wasp-harvard mafia must have learned a thing or two.

  102. "Think comic books. A whole lot of them. Smart guys who were not going to be the star running back or other type of "big man."

    It's difficult to think of any cultural product outside of rap that is dumber than comic books. Daytime talk shows? Smarter. Harlequin novels? Smarter. Soaps? I'd say smarter.

  103. "was beating the jock-man-of-action model with nebbishy smarts and wisecracks"

    yup whiskey it was the wasp-harvard mafia that couldn't see the humor in Fraud's theories and their subsequent mangling by the 2nd wave yentas.

    "Smart guys who were not going to be the star running back or other type of "big man."

    do I smell sour grapes?

  104. "How about their continual insistence on spending all of their political capital fighting abortion. The one remaining sanctioned form of eugenics still practiced by Western civilization. Pretty much the only thing stopping the gene pool from turning into a cesspooo"

    Excuse me? Abortion isn't good eugenics. Steve has covered this in years past. Abortion doesn't cull the herd of the irresponsible. It allows those who are responsible to cull themselves.

  105. Did anybody mention abortion on this thread? Indians like to knock off a female fetus whenever that little problem shows up. Imagine having to drive all the way to Canada to kill your daughter. Dems support of abortion must be quite important to Indian voters.

  106. Indian here, born and raised in the US.

    Will vote for whatever party gets ride of Affirmative Action/race-based quotas at HYPSM.

  107. Whites might be almost as smart as East Asians, but the ENTIRE Caucasoid race (of which whites are only a minority) is MUCH less intelligent than the ENTIRE Mongoloid race (of which East Asians are a majority).

    Caucasoids wouldn't be MUCH less intelligent than mongoloids if Indians were excluded, since Indians have the lowest IQs and the largest population.

    I really don't buy into the 3 race theory. A Scandinavian is too different from the typical Indian to belong to the same race. Indians are their own race....

  108. Reminds of the debate here a few weeks ago, about whether most American whites even really accept the Italians, Lebanese, and Greeks as truly one of their own.

    Who cares if they don't. Taking the white side is still both the moral move and the smart move.

  109. "it's not like they need much incentives.

    it's almost surreal...."

    singaporeans troll indians

  110. ex-girlfriend9/8/12, 4:19 PM

    All immigrants to America, even these "blacks of Asia", quickly learn that the easiest way to be tolerated by the white majority is to align with their fear and loathing of the black bogeyman."

    I've heard that so often. I dated an Indian once (and I mean once.) He was quite brilliant in a British kind of way, and acted as a sort of sophisticated guru of a self-development program--ENEGRAM, or something like that. Since he let me know I was not evolved enough for him (disagreed too often), he cut me loose. Quite a relief he did it for me, because I had wanted to date someone really different, and was annoyed it wasn't gelling.
    That newcomers to America develop "prejudice" towards blacks because of whites. Are we really that influential? If only some of our other attitudes would rub off...No. They have "prejudice" towards blacks for exactly the same reasons whites have "prejudice"; meaning experience, or observation of others' experience. They also work with a lot of them in hospitals.
    Indians don't dislike blacks (and not all do, and like whites, do not dislike all blacks in any case) as a mimic of whites. They are too pragmatic.
    Some do identify with blacks and prefer them; but generally, Indians don't go for black neighborhoods, etc.
    They consider themselves quite distinct, despite superficial resemblances.

  111. Matthew said:

    And the Asians in this country have another thing going for them having nothing to do with IQ - work ethic."

    Wishful thinking Matthew, wishful thinking on your part.

  112. "I think South Asia is similar to Latin America in that you've essentially got two races, Aryan (related to Europeans and Middle Easterners) and Dravidians (related to Melanesians and Aborigines) which have mixed in varying degrees. Some look as white as southern Europeans and some are extremely dark. "

    It differs in one crucial respect however - the southern Dravidians - the darker indigenes who were invaded, are probably the smarter ones, while the Indo-Aryans up north are relative dolts.

    The epicentre of India's recent hi-tech transformation has been Dravidian-speaking areas of the south. The north remains far poorer on average.

    In this respect India bears some resemblance to China, with most competent members of the population clustering further southwards.

  113. "I have long been flummoxed by the Indian tendency to vote Dem, but the idea that they do so for minority bennies is utterly ludicrous."

    Multi-culturalism and multi-racialism are just spin words for balkanization. It's simple tribalism - nothing complicated. The majority tribe at the moment is white therefore the minority tribes form an anti-majority coalition. That is all it is.

    The only layer of complication is the majority tribe - while they are the majority and in proportion to how much of a majority thay are - will also split idealogically. This is like camouflage paint over a vehicle. It disguises the basic underlaying shape but the underlying shape isn't changed.

    Once the process of balkanization hits the point where the majority tribe is on the cusp of losing majority status they will gradually start to vote tribally also - the way other ethnic groups do and always have - even if the party that supposedly represents them actually only represents Wall St.

    As white people start to vote tribally - the way other ethnic groups do and always have - the GOP will either have to become a tribal party or be replaced.

    However as they will have served their treachorous purpose no-one will mourn them.

  114. "Someday, when Whites have fallen in numbers to a truly minority status, there may be coalitions with other groups, but not now."

    Yes. A factory with black, white and asian and a white majority you get black and asian sitting at the same tables. If blacks are the majority you'd get white and asian sitting at the same tables. If asians were the majority you'd get black and white sitting at the same tables.

  115. DR

    "Say this with me, Asians have 15 higher IQ points than gentile whites. Gentile whites are a cognitively inferior race."

    Then no doubt the increasing displacement of white people will result in ever-increasing prosperity and not a collapse into 3rd world poverty? If you believe in that bet you should put all your money in the stock market.

  116. "How about their continual insistence on spending all of their political capital fighting abortion."

    The Republicans focus their efforts on social issues because they are owned by and represent Wall St. and so their economic policy is designed solely for the benefit of Wall St. The focus on social issues is not stupidity. It is a smokescreen.

    Admittedly their voters are too stupid - or too trusting - to notice the scam but the Republican party is doing exactly what it needs to do to give its donors what they want - unlimited amounts of cheap labor.

  117. "It doesn't get much Whiter than Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi/Jerry Brown/Feinstein/ Chris Mathews/Lawrence O'Donnell/Paul Krugman/Weinstein Brothers etal."

    Jews are a tribal minority and vote like a tribal minority, 80:20

    Homosexuals are a sexual minority and vote like an ethnic minority, 80:20, for now - but will stop eventually once the future becomes clear.

  118. I have a question about Indians.

    Are they particularly philanthropic?

    How do they compare to Europeans? blacks? hispanics?

  119. "The idea that swarthy, hairy Arabs and - even worse - the pagan darkies of the subcontinent could have shared ancestry with white Europeans is too much to bear."

    Alternatively people are finally waking up to how
    100% black = 100% diverse
    100% asian = 100% diverse
    100% hispanic = 100% diverse
    100% white = 0% diverse


    100% diverse = 0% white.


    the PC culture of diversity that the western population ahs been brainwashed with is designed to engineer the stealth genocide of white people.

  120. Small businessmen are one of the main backbones of the Republican Party, except in places like Chicago where they are co-opted into the Democratic machine. Another big source of Republican elites are doctors.

    Doctors are in effect small businessmen. Anyway, I was wondering if more men end up in small business because women now take up so many of the good paying corporate jobs. Women will stay home or go on welfare before they will pour concrete or swing a hammer, but they are more than happy to sit in an office cubicle than have some beta support his family with that job. So, do small businessmen kind of get pushed into starting their own businesses because the job market is tighter and they don't have it in them to sit worthlessly on their rears?

  121. "I really don't buy into the 3 race theory."

    Even if it was basically correct there would be hybrids along all the joining edges so even if there were three it wouldn't really be a 3-race theory it would be at least 7.

    AB hybrid
    AC hybrid
    BC hybrid
    ABC hybrid

  122. "I was wondering if more men end up in small business because women now take up so many of the good paying corporate jobs."

    or they just slunk and curse diversity privately. But then there is the story of scott adams of dilbert fame narrated by our very own mr. whiskey of 'wasp-harvard mafia controlling hollywood' and 'beta-male hate hate hate by white women' fame

  123. The Legendary Linda9/8/12, 7:19 PM

    "I think South Asia is similar to Latin America in that you've essentially got two races, Aryan (related to Europeans and Middle Easterners) and Dravidians (related to Melanesians and Aborigines) which have mixed in varying degrees. Some look as white as southern Europeans and some are extremely dark. "

    Actually I think Dravidians are Caucasoid:

    The Dravidians, also Caucasian but originally from the Middle East, ie  warmer areas than the Aryans, had  from about 6000  BC  themselves largely displaced the original aboriginal inhabitants. Since the ancestors of the latter had passed through no  significantly colder regions on their way from Africa along the ocean littoral to India, they exhibited characteristics not much changed from those of their African forebears : very dark or black skins, low average IQ  (no higher than about  70) etc.

    There was though some interbreeding to the extent that in about 3000 BC the original inhabitants contributed about 25% of the gene pool of India. Michael H Hart suggests that as a result of the influx of the higher IQ Caucasoid Dravidians, the mean IQ of India rose by about 11 points.   (‘Understanding Human History’, Washington Summit Publishers 2007, p269).  Tribes which are probably remnants of the original aborigine population survive in remote areas of India.

  124. Hapalong Cassidy9/8/12, 7:41 PM

    I actually like that three-race hybrid model. Except I'd make it a five race model. The core five are:
    A. Negroid
    B. Australoid
    C. Caucasoid
    D. Mongoloid
    E. Amerid

    Most everyone else is a mixture of two of the five:
    BC = Indians (especially the Dravidians)
    DB = Southeast Asians and Polynesians
    CD = Central Asians / Turkic types
    AC = New World Mulattoes
    CE = Mestizo Hispanics

  125. Did anybody mention abortion on this thread? Indians like to knock off a female fetus whenever that little problem shows up. Imagine having to drive all the way to Canada to kill your daughter. Dems support of abortion must be quite important to Indian voters.

    Interesting point that no one recognizes as one of the possible reasons for indian-americans support for the pro-abortion Democrats.

    Female foeticide and infanticide is a big issue among hindus and sikhs. Women are valued less in hindu culture than in any other culture. Widows are treated as pariahs. Before the british banned it many widows were even burned alive with their dead husbands.

  126. I have a question about Indians.

    Are they particularly philanthropic?

    Hindus are the least philanthropic and civic minded of all the races/cultures. A trip to India convinces every visitor that indians must be the most callous people in the world.

  127. yep, borat had such subtlety, and Hollywood makes movies with such subtle and nuanced jokes, the wasp-harvard mafia must have learned a thing or two.

    Borat is hardly typical Jewish humor. Sacha Cohen is a Brit and his stuff is more Benny Hill and Fawlty Towers than Jewish. Seinfeld is standard issue Jewish humor, self-deprecating and quite scathing about that clique of Jewish yuppies, while giving us un-PC gems like the Puerto Rican Day parade riot.

  128. yep, borat had such subtlety, and Hollywood makes movies with such subtle and nuanced jokes, the wasp-harvard mafia must have learned a thing or two.

    I'd also add that Borat was hardly a long series of dumb Polish jokes. The comedy appeared to be making fun of people who take great pride in things that, objectively-speaking, ought not be a source of pride. The laughs come partly from the absurdity of misplaced pride. The other major aspect of Cohen's humor is his use of several different oddball personas, from Ali G, Borat to Bruno, to enact a kind of bizarro and profane Candid Camera setup, but played completely straight from start to finish. What sticks out is the similarity to Fawlty Towers, Monty Python and Benny Hill - a lot of absurdist humor.

  129. Female foeticide by Indians is very caste and region dependent

    It is done by Jat Sikhs mostly and Sikhs have a sex ratio of 780 female births for 1000 male births. Despite the Sikh gurus banning female infanticide

    Another major culprit is the Gujurati Patels.

    Now in Gujurat there is a shortage of female brides and Patels are forced to marry Tribals and Untouchable women

    The Punjabis having bride shortage import wives from Dravidians from South India and low caste muslim women from Bangladesh ( given a Hindu name )

    The sex ratio varies wildly by caste and region

    Beyond that, most Indians will abort a foetus if it is defective


    has pictures that show racial variation in India by region


    Is the paternal Y-DNA family tree

    A = black African
    CT = Negrito ( Andaman, Jarawa )
    D = Australian Aborigine
    F = Untouchable Indian
    H = Low caste North Indian
    L = Dravidian
    J = Arab, Jew
    Q = Chinese
    R = Upper Caste North Indian / White European
    R has R1A, R1B, R2

  132. There are several reasons, why Indians dislike blacks

    *India has a million untouchable Negritos living in remote forests who are untouchable. Negritos look just like blacks

    *Wherever Indians live with blacks - Africa, South Africa, Mauritius, Caribbean, UK, USA, - Indians have been victimised by black crime.
    Lots of Indians own Kwik-e-marts and these are frequently robbed by blacks

    * Indians get reverse discrimination, blacks get affirmative action

    In South Africa, in Natal, the Afrikaner party won seats with Indian votes. I guess a lot of kwik-e-mart Indians would vote Republican for the crime factor

    The rest of Indians never come into contact with blacks and live in Suburbs, far away from blacks

  133. Anon wrote = I have a question about Indians.

    Are they particularly philanthropic?

    How do they compare to Europeans? blacks? hispanics?


    Less Philanthropic than Europeans, more Philanthropic than blacks and Hispanics

    Almost all the Hindu swamis run charitable institutions like Schools and Hospitals

    The richest Hindu temple in India, the Tirupati Temple, runs a bunch of schools, colleges and hospitals from its donations

    The RSS, the parent organisation of the BJP, runs over 100k charities in slums and remote villages and has 75000 schools
    and over 500 colleges in which 4 million kids are brainwashed in its ideology - sort of the Hindu Madrasa, except that modern education is given

    Hindu businessmen will donate to charities if a building is named after them

    The biggest anti-leprosy program in India is run by a Hindu right-wing monastic order, and they have even taken over most of the anti-leprosy programs of Mother Theresa group

    ISKCON feeds a million kids daily in the school lunch program, and this is funded partly by the state and partly by private Hindu donations

  134. Anon wrote - When the crap hits the fan and the society turns violent and chaotic, the indians will be the most vulnerable minority, the easiest prey.


    When Apartheid ended and black rule began. Most whites fled South Africa, Indians stayed on . All over Africa, Indians traders own the place

  135. Anon wrote - "it is my sincere wish that you'll get to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior."

    Rec1man, you come from a place where there are regular religious-themed riots ("communal violence") in which hundreds of people die at a time. And yet you make a point of being offended at the above words.


    The average Christian has every right to say these words

    But to get that from your Republican opponent is very wierd and unsettling
    Would the Republican use the same words if she lost to a Jew or a Mormon or a muslim ?

    Its the gratutious anti-Hinduism of the Republican party that turns off Indians

  136. Anon wrote - The single most important HBD issue related to America however, and the single most under-investigated & discussed issue everywhere in the HBD world IMO, is Mean Reversion!! ---- the `Holy Grail` of America’s HBD future.

    The sad foreseeable future prospect that even already-highly selected 120 IQ doctor - convenient shops owner parents WILL produce offspring , on average, of third world IQ (even on top of due Flynn points) will have much more far-reaching impact on Republicans and America.


    Actually in the second generation as per SAT scores, National Merit, Med School admissions, the kids of Indian Americans are reverting to the mean of their castes. Not the overall Indian mean. The caste blend in the USA is 60% upper caste vs 20% in India

    Stephen Hu, had a SAT-religion survey in 1990 and in 2002

    In both cases, Hindu American kids came in 4th after Unitarian, Quaker, Jews

    In California, out of 4900 Indian kids, 184 got National Merit, a hit rate of 4%, same as East Asian kids, 950 / 25000

    And Razib had a study of Med School admissions , and Hindus were over-represented 10X, compared to 3.5X for Jewish kids.

    This is the next generation that has reverted to its mean

  137. When Apartheid ended and black rule began. Most whites fled South Africa, Indians stayed on

    Obviously because the Indians are far better off in Africa than in India.

  138. They uniformly hate Muslims and love Israel. Ergo Indians love America.

    You conveniently neglected to mention that these same kind of hindu Indians hate christians as well. Check out their hindu nationalist websites: they lump Muslims and Christians together as the "Abrahamic" enemy of the "Dharmic" religions of India. America being a majority christian nation one can imagine what their real feelings are towards America.

    And considering that Judaism is the original Abrahamic religion, and the parent of both Christianity and Islam, one can imagine how they must really feel about Israel.

  139. High caste Indians havw a deep and instinctive loathing for blacks, that has absolutely nothing to do with American attitudes.
    They expressed this in Uganda, Kenya and other places where the British imported them wholesale.
    - To caste Indians, black skin and coarse features denote inferiority, uncivilised backwardness and a general contempt. This is something that has been deeply ingrained for thousands of years.

  140. The caste blend in the USA is 60% upper caste vs 20% in India

    Not true . You pulled that number out of....thin air.

    Firstly, probably a third of Indian-americans are not even Hindu. They are Sikhs, Christians, Jains and Muslims.

    Secondly, by far the most common surname of Indian-Americans is Patel. They are not upper caste.

  141. Dr Van Nostrand9/9/12, 2:11 AM

    You conveniently neglected to mention that these same kind of hindu Indians hate christians as well. Check out their hindu nationalist websites: they lump Muslims and Christians together as the "Abrahamic" enemy of the "Dharmic" religions of India. America being a majority christian nation one can imagine what their real feelings are towards America."

    Sorry , it doesn't work that way.Very prominent Hindu nationalists such as NS Rajaram and Sita Ram Goel are very pro American , especially as a bulwark to Communism and Islam.Yes they do despise Christian exclusivism and monotheism but recognize that Americans by and large are a tolerant lot.
    Their main beef is with religious conversions in India.

    And considering that Judaism is the original Abrahamic religion, and the parent of both Christianity and Islam, one can imagine how they must really feel about Israel."

    Oops not quite. Yes they are not fans of Biblical monotheism-indeed their criticism of Moses can be as harsh as Mohammad.However they do recognize that Moses (and Jesus) were divinely inspired but feel that their true genius by hampered by ingrained "Semitic" notions of a jealous god.

    How they "really feel" about Israel! LOL now white HBDers are shedding crocodile tears for Israel in order to bash Hindus.Now I have seen everything.

    I would like to point your attention to a 2009 survey where Indians were the most pro Israel country on earth.

    The relationship between Hindus and Jews is very simple-we don't bother them,they don't bother us!

    What many Hindu bashers fail to mention is that all sorts of Christian sects found refuge and thrived in India before the Portuguese and the British graced us with their "civilization"
    Ditto for Arab Muslim traders in the South before Turks and Mughals "introduced" Islam to mostly unwilling masses.

    As for the religious riots...there is always conflict there is Islams bloody borders by Samuel Huntington..its only a matter of time before U.S indulges in the same so I won't get too snippy about anti Muslim rioting in India.

    As for anti Christian rioting- it happens far less frequently and again it has much to do with conversions and such.Of course its indefensible and Christians should have the right to propagate their religion as per the Indian constitution.You do realize the Hindu right government had been voted out because among other things Hindus didn't care for such actions.

    Hey do you ever wonder why there are no Hindu Parsi,Hindu Jew or Hindu Buddhist riots? Im guessing you probably don't..

  142. Dr Van Nostrand9/9/12, 2:15 AM

    High caste Indians havw a deep and instinctive loathing for blacks, that has absolutely nothing to do with American attitudes.
    They expressed this in Uganda, Kenya and other places where the British imported them wholesale.
    - To caste Indians, black skin and coarse features denote inferiority, uncivilised backwardness and a general contempt. This is something that has been deeply ingrained for thousands of years."

    Err no...if that was the case then Rama and Krishna, both dark skinned warrior Kings wouldn't be deified as gods.

    Indeed if you see paintings of royal personages on the Ajanta and Ellora caves, you find kings and queens were often darker skinned than even their servants.

    This notion of dark=inferior/unattractive comes from Central Asian interlopers-of whom they were converts to both Hinduism(Hunas,Sakas,Gurjara Pratiharas and Parmars) and Islam(Turks,Mughals and what have you)

    And British also contributed to this preference for fair skin via their "civilization"...funny how you never bring THAT up!

  143. Dr Van Nostrand9/9/12, 2:17 AM

    Just look at India. The human misery there shocks and horrifies. There is your answer."

    Poverty and despair can coarsen not only sufferer but the observer.

    How compassionate exactly were the middle and upper classes in 18th century England and France for instance?

  144. To caste Indians, black skin and coarse features denote inferiority, uncivilised backwardness and a general contempt. This is something that has been deeply ingrained for thousands of years.

    Nonsense. The caste Hindus worship black skinned gods and consider them beautiful. For example the most popular Hindu god, Krishna, is described as shyama sundara which is Sanskrit for black and handsome.

  145. Dr Van Nostrand9/9/12, 2:32 AM

    Interesting point that no one recognizes as one of the possible reasons for indian-americans support for the pro-abortion Democrats."

    What is the evidence that Indian American women abort their female foetus's in record numbers?To be sure 1st generation women from Jat,Sikh and other northwestern people in U.K practice it for sure but not so much other communities.

    Isn't it weird that when the whitest people in India are successful say at the military its because of their superior genes which has little to do with Hindu ethics and culture but their more disagreeable practices are automatically laid at the feet of Hinduism!

    Female foeticide and infanticide is a big issue among hindus and sikhs. Women are valued less in hindu culture than in any other culture."

    Somewhere a Saudi is weeping.

    Widows are treated as pariahs. Before the british banned it many widows were even burned alive with their dead husbands."

    Utter drivel.Sati was restricted to higher(though poor) castes (thats the more Caucasoid types) in Northern India.
    It was precisely because the widow had too many rights with respect to her upkeep that many unscrupulous families made a dubious justification of Sati( which was supposed a voluntary and honorable way of ending your life than be ravaged by Muslim soldier-yes the practice can be traced back to Muslim invasions)

  146. Dr Van Nostrand9/9/12, 2:45 AM

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the 9-11 effect on Indian voting patterns. Indians suspect that White Conservative Christians (I.e. Republican voters) can't be bothered to learn the difference between brown-skinned Hindus and Sikhs, and brown-skinned Muslims. They just see them all as brown-skinned people who want to blow them up. What happened in Wisconsin only confirms the fears of most all Indians of any religion. I really think this has a lot to do with why Indians vote Democrat."

    This is probably true.They probably don't realize that by and large Americans ,left or right, have no ill will towards Hindus.
    I think it is mostly Sikhs who bear the brunt of being mistaken for Muslims due to their more Middle Eastern features as well as their beards and turbans.

    There are quite a few Indian American who feel there is a victimhood deficit amongst them and do their best to aggravate. This often means piggybacking off Muslim American feelings of victimhood of which there is no shortage.
    In the bloody awful movies My Name is Khan and Loins of Punjab both targeted towards Indian Americans, this was a major sub plot.

  147. Tiny minority of Northern India “upper” caste is at best as “white” as Afghanistan or Pakistan, where virtually all Bollywood stars come from. They are Middle Eastern Caucasoid by origin.

    “Upper” Caste Northern Indians are non-white, a world away from Europeans actually. The best slice of them came from Persia/Iran originally thus have average IQ of high 80s at best, even though they partially share some European Y-DNA due to historical reasons.

    A mix of “Upper” Caste Northern Indians (high 80s IQ on average, >100 IQ for those who immigrated to the West due to selective immigration) and European Whites will have offspring with significantly reduced average IQ than the European average.

    This might not appear very obvious in the beginning due to some Flynn Effect of much better nutrition and first-world environment, yet it eventually will be the cases when Reversal-to-the-Mean gradually kicks in.

    Mother Nature never fail: a trailer trash type dumb White will have offspring moving towards European average of 100, while a Silicon Valley super guru type Indian techie or doctor will have offspring moving towards Indian average IQ of low 80s (in case of low caste Indians) or high 80s (in case of high caste Indians).

  148. "Actually in the second generation as per SAT scores,...This is the next generation that has reverted to its mean"(Rec1man wrote)

    The 2rd gen enjoys immense Flynn effect of much better education, nutrition and first world investment in all other areas on a per cap basis.

    Reversal-to-mean doesn't necessarily happen immediately and completely at 2rd gen. It's a [B]gradual [/B] but [B]SURELY[/B] natural process. No amount of questionable data can deny that.

  149. I don't think regression to the mean is done in a generation.

    Stephen Hsu's formula is:

    100 + 0.6n

    Where n is -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45 and so on.

    So if Indian doctors have an IQ of 120 their offspring will have IQ:s around

    100+ 0,6*20 = 112

    Now what happens to their grandchildren?

    100 + 0,6*12 = 107,2

    And so on.

    So I doubt Indian immigrants have regressed all the way to their mean.

    Time will tell just how smart they are compared to Jews.

  150. This is the Indian Upper Caste Holy city in India:

    (graphics warning)

  151. "I'd also add that Borat was hardly a long series of dumb Polish jokes."

    yes typical brit humor, all benny hill style

  152. India's thousands of castes and religions don't make sense in this case, at all!

    No matter they are "high"caste or "low" caste or "middle"caste, or Jain, or Muslims, or Chritians, or Sikhs, or Hindu...genetically speaking they are almost the same stock.

    [B]Indians are homogeneous at sub-continental level." [/B]

  153. "In California, out of 4900 Indian kids, 184 got National Merit, a hit rate of 4%, same as East Asian kids, 950 / 25000"

    doesn't it count the verbal twice?
    This site says that they started doing it in order for gender-equality,

    though another site says that the verbal twice was for asians and women got their piece of the pie when the writing skills section was added(so they might have wanted verbal twice before realizing the futility of it). And now it doesn't count the verbal twice.

    "And Razib had a study of Med School admissions , and Hindus were over-represented 10X, compared to 3.5X for Jewish kids."

    maybe because they are over-represented more somewhere else?

  154. "Alternatively people are finally waking up to how
    100% black = 100% diverse
    100% asian = 100% diverse
    100% hispanic = 100% diverse
    100% white = 0% diverse


    100% diverse = 0% white."

    LOL, what was that about passing statistics to graduate high school, again?

  155. "
    Your statement that gentile whites are cognitively inferior is itself cognitively inferior.

    Albertosaurus "

    It's not his statement, it's James Flynn's, J.P. Rushton's and Dr. James Watson's.

  156. "perhaps natures way of saying no Caucasoid people is meant to have a mean IQ as high as the superior Mongoloids.:

    I just really don't get it. Have we been victims of mass hypnosis? It's like the creators of a great civilization telling those who want to enter as they themselves have not done anything quite so advance, that they must be superior, because they want to enter...oh--that's how it really is.
    Weird. Asians (far, northeastern kind) have a few points on the Caucasoid average, and no points at all on the average in some of the individual, overwhelmingly white countries.
    But what probably makes the most difference is simply the fact that Caucasoid distribution is broader--there is a far higher percentage of those with IQs in the genius range (and the moron range, on the other side) among whites than there are among Asians. The black distribution, like the yellow, is more narrow than the white, but just much further to the left side of the bell curve.
    I remember reading that the bell curve for far eastern Asians is so narrow -- even if slightly more the right -- compared to whites, that they have almost no individuals with IQs in what would be considered the genius ranges.
    Concerning Indians, they do seem to have an extremely wide range of IQ distribution, and there are genuiuses among them, even if their quantity has been exaggerated. There have been, particularly, math geniuses from among south Indians. I don't know enough about Indian ethnicity and caste to say what group he was from, but I don't think Tamils in general display great intelligence. However, the particular group this man was from, was known for producing math geniuses.

  157. Seinfeld maniac9/9/12, 10:46 AM

    "Seinfeld is standard issue Jewish humor, self-deprecating and quite scathing about that clique of Jewish yuppies, while giving us un-PC gems like the Puerto Rican Day parade riot."

    They always nix that on the re-runs. However, the one where George thinks he needs a black friend, any black will do, tends to get play. And apropos to this thread, the one where the Sue Elle Mishkie marries and Indian guy whose own parents refuse to return to India for the ceremony due to India being dreadful... pure gold.
    It also make riotous fun of Asian-o-philia and the quavering whites (Jewish in this case) who perpetrate it.

  158. Asian Indian Male9/9/12, 11:43 AM

    The facts are that Indians, especially the upper castes, are very pro israel and pro america. Here are some links that talk about some surveys done on the issue -

  159. "Anonymous said...

    What sticks out is the similarity to Fawlty Towers, Monty Python and Benny Hill - a lot of absurdist humor."

    Benny Hill is absurdist humor? What I remember of Benny Hill was mainly prattfalls and tit-jokes. It is vulgar british music-hall humor.

  160. There are several reasons, why Indians dislike blacks

    *India has a million untouchable Negritos living in remote forests who are untouchable. Negritos look just like blacks

    Hmmm, does this mean that Krishna and Rama were negritos, because they are described as black skinned in the hindu scriptures?

    Was Sathya Sai Baba, the latest avatar or incarnation of God, a negrito? He passed away recently and we have pictures and videos of him:

  161. This is the Indian Upper Caste Holy city in India:

    (graphics warning)

    That is Varanasi, the ancient center of brahminism.

    So who are the brahmins gonna blame for that unholy mess? It looks like hell on earth.

    Unlike the hindus, the christians, muslims, sikhs, buddhists, parsis, jains, jews keep their sacred and holy places spotlessly clean.

  162. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the 9-11 effect on Indian voting patterns. Indians suspect that White Conservative Christians (I.e. Republican voters) can't be bothered to learn the difference between brown-skinned Hindus and Sikhs, and brown-skinned Muslims. They just see them all as brown-skinned people who want to blow them up. What happened in Wisconsin only confirms the fears of most all Indians of any religion. I really think this has a lot to do with why Indians vote Democrat.

    That, and the abrupt end of the Cold War. If the Cold War lasted a decade longer, Republicans would have reached out to Hindus as fellow religious people, against the tide of godless communism. The Republicans reached out to Catholics and Jews, and were starting do to the same to Muslims, just when the Cold War ended. The game changed from Theist vs. Atheist; to (evangelical) Christian vs. everyone else.

  163. they want a Hindu "Zionism" to take root in India.

    I don't think you know what zionism means. Hindus already have a homeland...

    "Hindu Zionism" is an oxymoron in more ways than one. The jews are uniting as an ethnicity, a nation, a religion; while hinduism from its vedic origins is a fundamentally divisive religion. Just look at the contempt the brahmin posters here have for their fellow hindus. Its a very ugly thing to see.

  164. It's not his statement, it's James Flynn's, J.P. Rushton's and Dr. James Watson's. - Road Pizza

    Okay, so all you have to do is cite a single one of them showing below-average IQ for Whites. Shouldn't be too hard, unless you (as an above-average member of your race) can't do any research.

  165. Just look at the contempt the brahmin posters here have for their fellow hindus.

    In fairness to the brahmins, they display the exact same contempt towards white people. And towards black people. They're equal opportunity bigots.

  166. The most pro-Israel camp in India is the Hindu right. Apart from the Islam thing, they also respect Israel's cultural nationalism.

    And yet, Hindu's in America hate-hate-hate American cultural nationalism.

    Funny how that works.

  167. Sailer wants to classify Indians as "Caucasians", and yet the average Sailer reader isn't even willing to admit that Indians are "Caucasoids". The idea that swarthy, hairy Arabs and - even worse - the pagan darkies of the subcontinent could have shared ancestry with white Europeans is too much to bear.

    Indians are obviously not Caucasians, though I suppose some people still use "Caucasian" as synonymous with Caucasoid. Whatever.

    Isn't it possible that the more than a billion people on the subcontinent belong to more than one race? Caucasoid obviously includes Parsis and most upper-caste Hindustanis, and not most Dravidians, for example.

    What you're obviously running into is the the problem of conflating Caucasoid with White. White as a racial term means largely descended from Europeans, and as an ethnic mean identify ones heritage as European. Neither of these terms applies to Indians.

    It makes perfect sense for Whites to want to disidentify with Arabs, given that they attack Americans all the time and have been doing so since Jefferson and Adams, and have been attacking Europeans since the 8th Century. But you're wrong that alt-rightists want to disidentify even more with the people of India.

  168. The Republicans focus their efforts on social issues because they are owned by and represent Wall St

    Really? The Republicans focus their efforts on social issues?

    What alternative reality do you people live in? The Democrats focus their efforts on social issues, the Republicans focus their efforts on taxes and the economy.

  169. Another reason for indian-americans to not vote Republican: they are home to racists.

    Even though many indians themselves like to act racist they know that in America they will always be on the losing end of this game, handicapped because of their very dark color.

    A few years ago, Republican Senator Allen pointed his finger at a young indian-american and called him a macaca or monkey...from the stage. And in the just concluded Republican Convention a black reporter had peanuts thrown at her and called an animal.

  170. "Really? The Republicans focus their efforts on social issues?What alternative reality do you people live in?"

    Abortion. Gun control. Gay marriage etc.

    The context was someone saying they were stupid for doing so. My reply was that they use these issues to distract their voters from their economic policy - especially the part about betraying their voter's children's economic future through open borders and an endless supply of cheap labor.

  171. Asian Indian Male9/9/12, 8:28 PM

    "Hindu" is not a fixed religious identity. No "hindu" religious text in the past 3000 years refers to its followers as "Hindu". The term was used by the Persians to refer to everyone who lived on the other side of the Indus. The Muslim invaders called the Buddhist monks they massacred "Hindus". There is a broad similarity in culture owing to India's geographical layout, but there is no single authority or book that can declare someone Hindu.

    In today's India it is a catch-all term for any native of India who isnt a muslim, christian, jew, sikh, jain, buddhist, parsi. The constitution of India actually groups Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs as Hindus. Supreme court cases have been fought on whether Jains are Hindus or not. There is no initiation to hinduism, there is no marker of being Hindu.

    It is a negative definition, more of an ethnic marker than anything specifically religious. It is something like using an umbrella term to refer to all the native american cultures prior to European colonization, or all the black African cultures prior to European colonization.

    And I know it is tragic that Hindu conservatives do not support conservatism in other countries. They should. Not just in Israel but also in America and Europe and so on. Hindu conservatism identifies with Japanese, Korean, Israeli conservatism and less with Christian conservatism because only the first three are ethnic cultural nationalisms. Christian American conservatism is a religious ideology that actually relies on belief in a book rather than nationalism. On the other hand, in Europe we have plenty of movements like those of Marine le Pen and Geert Wilders which we identify with.

  172. Dr Van Nostrand9/9/12, 10:58 PM

    "Hindu Zionism" is an oxymoron in more ways than one. The jews are uniting as an ethnicity, a nation, a religion; while hinduism from its vedic origins is a fundamentally divisive religion. Just look at the contempt the brahmin posters here have for their fellow hindus. Its a very ugly thing to see."

    Where pray are these Brahmin posters like myself and rec1man bashing other Hindus?

    rec1man was only stating some distasteful facts about mostly upper caste Hindus like himself!

  173. Abortion. Gun control. Gay marriage etc.

    The context was someone saying they were stupid for doing so. My reply was that they use these issues to distract their voters from their economic policy -

    I'm asking where and when you've seen Republican politicians "focusing" on abortion, gun, control, gay marriage, etc.

  174. Republican Senator Allen pointed his finger at a young indian-american and called him a macaca or monkey.

    Republican Senator Allen did not call anybody "a macaca or monkey".

  175. Republican Senator Allen did not call anybody "a macaca or monkey".

    So the poor guy lost the election and is now apologizing for something he did not say??

    George Allen is really sorry about that macaca thing. Five years after he threw the slur at a Democratic tracker during the 2006 Senate campaign, Allen offered a long and emotional apology to a small crowd at the Faith and Family Conference.

    The incident became national news and arguably derailed Allen’s run for another term in the Senate against challenger Jim Webb. Now, as he gears up his 2012 campaign, Allen is speaking about the incident with a sense of contrition that was absent from his 2006 bid.

    Allen said his personal life suffered after the macaca incident, just as his professional life did.

  176. The problem the GOP has is that their economic policy is so cartoonishly dumb

    Have a look at this helpful graph.

  177. recman wrote: It is done by Jat Sikhs mostly and Sikhs have a sex ratio of 780 female births for 1000 male births. Despite the Sikh gurus banning female infanticide

    Among this group I saw somewhere that the higher the caste status, the higher the rate of infanticide.

  178. "Among this group I saw somewhere that the higher the caste status, the higher the rate of infanticide. "

    foeticide you mean.

  179. "A few years ago, Republican Senator Allen pointed his finger at a young indian-american and called him a macaca or monkey...from the stage."

    Allen called him Macaca because the guy, a Democratic plant, was following him around at every event, filming everything Allen said and did.

    Mocking such fanatics is perfectly acceptable. The press would have had no prolem with it if Macaca had been working for a Republican campaign.

  180. "Hindu" is not a fixed religious identity. No "hindu" religious text in the past 3000 years refers to its followers as "Hindu". The term was used by the Persians to refer to everyone who lived on the other side of the Indus.

    A typically irrational hindu nationalist or hindutva attempt at slipperiness and intellectual dishonesty. The word "Indian" is not found in any ancient "Indian" texts" either. Nor is the word "Asian" found in any ancient "asian" texts. So what? These are terms in current universal use and their meanings are understood.

    Indian is understood as either your ethnic/racial or national identity while Hindu is your religious identity.

    A Hindu is someone who accepts the Vedas as the revealed Truth. The Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs reject the Vedas and therefore are not hindus. They are separate and distinct religions.

  181. The Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs reject the Vedas and therefore are not hindus.

    Most hindus are not even aware of what's in the Vedas. For thousands of years they were not allowed by the brahmins to even listen to it, under threat of having molten lead poured down their ears. I am sure when they learn about the animal and human sacrifices and other indefensible BS in the Vedas, many hindus will abandon this religion.

  182. Allen called him Macaca because the guy, a Democratic plant, was following him around at every event, filming everything Allen said and did. Mocking such fanatics is perfectly acceptable.

    Republican Senator Allen did not call the indian-american Sidharth a monkey/macaca because he was a fanatic democrat. He did not tell him "welcome to America" for his political affiliation either. That is a really stupid spin.

    Both the mainstream media and indian-americans recognized it for what it was: a racial slur. Why do you think indian-americans were so offended by it? Why do you think Allen is apologizing so profusely for it, now that he is running again for office?

  183. "Both the mainstream media and indian-americans recognized it for what it was: a racial slur."

    It was a throwaway line, you fuckwit, by a guy who stuck his foot in his mouth but meant nothing by it.

  184. So the poor guy lost the election and is now apologizing for something he did not say?

    So you're quoting Talking Points Memo to me?

    It sometimes seems that the comments section here has been taken over by a bunch of Kossacks.

  185. As an Indian, I can more or less agree with most of the points made:

    1)Indians have serious, to the point of being embarrassing, infatuation with pop culture. I cant tell you the amount of times Ive been given a hard time for not knowing some actor or celebrity, even if theyre just a D-lister. But more importantly than that, American politics ITSELF is considered pop culture. As almost all Indians have Indian citizenship, and even if they were born overseas, theyll acquire dual citizenship. They also own real estate, and possibly even businesses and farmland, along with savings accounts denominated in rupees.

    So Indian politics is taken very seriously, while American, British, Canadian, etc. is just a popularity contest. Obama is "hip", while McCain/Romney is not. Also want to point out that Ron Paul did real well with West and South Asians. He was even "cooler" than Obama. Though once Paul was gone, they went right back to Obama.

    2) Indian people, and Asians in general, do not support affirmative action, especially in education. One only has to look at California, where Asian admissions almost tripled once it was done away with. And when I was applying for scholarships geared toward minorities, I was always told by minority, what they meant was black or latino.

    3)The same goes for business loans. Whatever good that comes from SBL's is outweighed by the fact that they go toward their competitors. Indians seriously believe they would dominate the SME arena without government taking any sides. But I would say thats no more silly than the guys on these comments claiming whites would be predominant in Ivy Leagues, with Jews and Asians on the outside looking in, if AA was done away with.

    4)Indians, and South Asians in general, have all too often been mistaken for Arabs, especially the Sikh's with their turbans. Seeing as Republicans are more anti-anyone who likes theyre Muslim rather than anti-Islamist, Indians are going to go lean towards the party thats less discriminatory. But that doesnt change the fact that Indians honestly dont care about Muslims, and many actively hate them.

    5)Which goes back to the point made about race. It means nothing. Indians divide society based on 3 criteria - status, wealth, and most important of all, religion. Interfaith marriages do not work, and families will actively intervene. The only Indians that tolerate interfaith marriages are the Christians, and thats only because they believe they can turn anyone with the "help of God."

    6) Also, the point about Indian males and white women is only half true. Indian men who look Indian are going to have problems picking up white girls, but Indians who look like Southern Europeans cant keep them away. They are "white" and yet "exotic" at the same time. Also, white women have some strange infatuation with wearing saree's. In my experience, they jump with joy at the opportunity of wearing them, whether its a wedding or just simply going to a birthday party.

    7)Also, despite what I said about pop culture, its outweighed by an Indian's need to be cheap. It is why Republicans will always have a step over Democrats when they promise lower taxes. Though that belief has seriously been deflated after Republicans added federal sales tax to the platform. If they had instead just focused on repealing the 16th Amendment, it would have been a different story.

    Anyway, thats my perspective on all of this. Im an Indian male in his 20's who voted for Ron Paul in 2008, and will write him in again this year. Im a libertarian who has zero loyalty to either party. Though unlike in 2008, I want the Republican Party to lose. Just to punish them for how they treated Dr Paul and to show them that you cant alienate the future of American politics, libertarianism, and still expect to stay relevant.

  186. "But it's easy to imagine a future in which Asian Indians rank second among ethnic groups in opinion-molding in America."

    Dinesh D'Souza, Fareed Zakaria, and Ramesh Ponnuru prove Simon of London should not render opinions on America based on his experience in the UK.

  187. Indians divide society based on 3 criteria - status, wealth, and most important of all, religion. Interfaith marriages do not work

    What you really mean is "intercaste marriages do not work". Hindus, even the educated ones, and even the ones who live in the West, remain obsessed with caste.

    Indian men who look Indian are going to have problems picking up white girls, but Indians who look like Southern Europeans cant keep them away

    Wishful thinking. There are hardly any Indians who could pass for southern europeans.

  188. Dinesh D'Souza, Fareed Zakaria, and Ramesh

    Two Catholics and a Muslim representing Indian-Americans in the mainstream media. Brahmins confined to boasting in Internet forums....

  189. Among this group I saw somewhere that the higher the caste status, the higher the rate of infanticide.


    It is done by castes that pay and get a lot of dowry

    Rich Landlords like Jats and Patels do it the most

    It peaks around the mid-point of the caste heirarchy

    In my caste, I have seen lots of abortions done for foetal abnormality,
    mostly by women near 40, and none for sex selection

    In Kerala, the sex ratio is 1050 females for 1000 males

    In Tamil Nadu, the police is fairly efficient and shuts down the sex-selection clinics

    The current Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, a brahmin woman, about 15 years ago, started a scheme in which anyone who did not want a daughter could abandon the baby at the nearest police station, no questions asked

    This cut down a lot of sex selection abortions done by the local landlord castes

  190. Dinesh D'Souza is a brahmin

    His family is from Goa, and the Portuguese gave the upper castes the choice of losing their land or their religion, many chose to keep their land

    Each caste that converted, took on a specific surname

    D-Souza is the last name of Goan brahmin converts to Catholicism

    Ramesh Ponnuru was born a Telegu brahmin and converted to Christianity to get ahead in the USA

  191. Religion is very important to Indians

    Hindu-derived religions like Jains and Sikhs intermarry with Hindus of the same caste

    Conversion to christianity or islam will mean expulsion from the extended family and caste, for brahmins and high castes

    Low castes such as untouchables will tolerate christianity within their family, but will not tolerate islam

  192. Dr Van Nostrand9/11/12, 11:06 PM

    1)Indians have serious, to the point of being embarrassing, infatuation with pop culture. I cant tell you the amount of times Ive been given a hard time for not knowing some actor or celebrity, even if theyre just a D-lister. ..They also own real estate, and possibly even businesses and farmland, along with savings accounts denominated in rupees."

    True, ties to the motherland remain strong.This prevents further assimilation.
    Also cogent point about celebrity culture,my god you have perfect ably respectable people with advanced degrees lapping up gossip up the latest escapades of some dimwit starlet!

    .. Ron Paul did real well with West and South Asians. He was even "cooler" than Obama. Though once Paul was gone, they went right back to Obama."

    Right again.Indians simply don't give American politics a great deal of thought but they do vote which really come to think of it is a farce!

    3)The same goes for business loans. Whatever good that comes from SBL's is outweighed by the fact that they go toward their competitors. Indians seriously believe they would dominate the SME arena without government taking any sides. But I would say thats no more silly than the guys on these comments claiming whites would be predominant in Ivy Leagues, with Jews and Asians on the outside looking in, if AA was done away with."

    Hmm...didnt Indian businessman petition the Reagan administration to consider give them minority status so they would be eligible for said loans?

    4)Indians, and South Asians in general, have all too often been mistaken for Arabs, especially the Sikh's with their turbans. Seeing as Republicans are more anti-anyone who likes theyre Muslim rather than anti-Islamist, Indians are going to go lean towards the party thats less discriminatory..."

    To an Indian like me, the diff between Arab and an Indian is obvious, unless they are from say Yemen or Egypt or they are fair skinned North Indian or Kerala Muslims with Middle Eastern blood.
    But yes many white conservatives or even liberals have difficulty telling them apart(to the letters embarrassment)
    Even then ,I do find it puzzling that Hindu Indians choose to sympathize with Muslim profiling and other discrimination.
    Heck I don't mind being randomly searched or questioned every now and then as long as millions of Muslims are enduring the same!Profiling white grandmothers or black businessmen in the name of stop terrorism in insanity.

    6) ...Indians who look like Southern Europeans cant keep them away. They are "white" and yet "exotic" at the same time. Also, white women have some strange infatuation with wearing saree's...

    I don't know what it is with white women and sarees, it doesn't suit them IMO, the same way an evening gown doesn't suit most Indian girls.
    Most ethnic clothing is custom made and color co ordinated to bring the best out of the ethnicity of the person wearing it.Most of the colors that sarees come in and the shape and drapery don't suit most Northern European women but Hispanic or Italian are able to ahem pull it off!
    As Indian guys and white chicks ,its not so much looks as culture..they don't go much for the urban Indian guy who is into Bollywood even if he looks like a Bollywood hero but more likely if he is Americanized i.e. Indian Americans are more likely to date white women than guys fresh off the boats who white women consider dorks! But from anecdotal evidence,Hispanic and black women tend to be more open to their charms!

    For now trendy ethnic politics trumps economic concerns.Heck given a choice between Bobby Jindal and Obama, Indian Americans would most likely select Obama though not by such a large margin as with McCain/Romney.

  193. Dinesh D'Souza is a brahmin ....D-Souza is the last name of Goan brahmin converts to Catholicism

    Souza, Sousa, D'Souza, De Souza are common portuguese names found in Portugal and places that the portuguese colonized including Goa, Africa, Brazil. It is not a hindu caste name. In any case he is not a hindu so how can he be a brahmin?

    Ramesh Ponnuru was born a Telegu brahmin and converted to Christianity to get ahead in the USA

    Thats probably your usual BS as well. I can't find any evidence that he was a brahmin. In this interview he says his mother was Lutheran and his father a Hindu:

    I am surprised you didn't claim that Fareed Zakaria is a brahmin as well. :)

    It is so unfortunate for your agenda that non-hindus are representing indians in american politics and media while brahmins are treated like....outcastes in these fields.

  194. Here is what missionary Francis Xavier had to say about the Brahmins of the Portuguese colony of Goa:

    We have in these parts a class of men among the pagans who are called Brahmins. They keep up the worship of the gods, the superstitious rites of religion, frequenting the temples and taking care of the idols. They are as perverse and wicked a set as can anywhere be found and I always apply to them the words of holy David, "from an unholy race and a wicked and crafty man deliver me, O Lord." They are liars and cheats to the very backbone. Their whole study is, how to deceive most cunningly the simplicity and ignorance of the people. They give out publicly that the gods command certain offerings to be made to their temples, which offerings are simply the things that the Brahmins themselves wish for, for their own maintenance and that of their wives, children, and servants. make up for their poverty in learning by cunning and malice.

    The Brahmins had a nice scam going and had no reason to convert.

  195. Dr Van Nostrand9/12/12, 3:39 AM

    Here is what missionary Francis Xavier had to say about the Brahmins of the Portuguese colony of Goa:"

    And he had absolutely no hidden agenda or motives of his own whatsoever!
    I don't know which is sadder ,that Francis Xavier had to resort to the tired lame Catholic strategy of bashing heathens by spreading ill informed propaganda and falsehoods or that bigots and nitwits like you actually believe him!

  196. Dr Van Nostrand9/12/12, 3:52 AM

    The Brahmins had a nice scam going and had no reason to convert. "

    And the Portuguese missionaries and pirates(but I repeat myself) had nothing but altruistic motives didn't they when it come to conversion!

    The Portuguese were so loathed that Hindus and Muslims temporarily forgot their differences and attacked together.

    Kunjali Marakkars or Kerala defeated these third rate pirates in a naval expedition and later the Dutch thankfully drove away the remnants.Though the Dutch themselves were defeated by Marthanda Varma in 1750 in a naval engagement.

    If I had my way ,I would storm the Basilica of Bom Jesus and thoroughly desecrate this pirate Francis Xaviers tomb and send the body back to Portugal and charge them for the cost of cargo.

    What are Goan Catholics going to do? Fight us? Hahahahaha...well they can try when they are not hung over from the liquor they purchased thanks to the uh efforts of their wives.

  197. Dr Van Nostrand9/12/12, 3:58 AM

    I am surprised you didn't claim that Fareed Zakaria is a brahmin as well. :)"

    The lineage of Muslims tend to be less well known that of say Catholics of the West coast.Thats why!

    It is so unfortunate for your agenda that non-hindus are representing indians in american politics and media while brahmins are treated like....outcastes in these fields."

    Why are you projecting your neuroses on others?
    If you have an irrational hatred of Brahmins, then why do you assume rec1man loathes lower castes?In his criticism he doesn't spare Indian middle to upper castes such as Jats and Patels! I didn't see him say anything about lower castes except some tribals when he mentioned they resemble Africans!

    As a Brahmin myself,Im glad for these "lower" castes and wish them all the best.If they are outpacing Brahmins in U.S then bravo, let them be an example to other "lower" castes in India and disprove this imprisonment by genes and IQ nonsense that HBD types like to claim.

  198. Dr Van Nostrandd9/12/12, 4:19 AM

    Neither sikhism nor jainism is derived from hinduism. They both reject the Vedas, faith in which defines hinduism."

    How exactly do the Sikhs and reject Vedas?
    Also Vedas maybe the foundation of Hinduism but if you believe the Vedas are an infallible, literal word of God ala the Bible or the Quran then you understand little of Hinduism.

    The main god of the Vedas is Indra is identified, with the senses which implies a rather limited understanding of the known universe.

    Now when Krishna challenges Indra and ultimately Shiva replaces Indra as King of Gods, the average dimwit Western "scholar" interprets this as the resurgence of "Dravidian" customs against the Aryan religion of Indra or an Aryan Dravidian war since Krishna and Shiva are dark and Indra is light skinned.

    There is no point in debating such silliness but since I started already-here goes...Krishna and Shiva by their victories over Indra demonstrate the limitations of perceiving the universe of only the senses and further abstraction and penance are required for a more complete understanding.

    And yes in doing so Hindus like Krishna and Hindu deities like Shiva go against some tenets in the Vedas.According to your brilliant logic,that would make Krishna and Shiva apostates from Hinduism!

    Krishna traced his descent from Yadu kings with impeccable Vedic Arya lineage. Shiva is a diety and not an individual and his color should not be reflective as the complexion of his worshippers.He is dark because he is "devoid" of nature or Prakriti which is represented by his wife Parvathi.
    Kali OTOH is not really his wife but one aspect of Shiva.

    Mahavir Jain ,founder of Jainism,Siddhartha Gautama, of Buddhism and Guru Nanak of Sikhism had only improved and clarified some concepts in existing Hinduism while doing away with others.In that they were merely following old Hindu traditions of examining and spring cleaning the Vedas as it were.

    I normally don't like to reveal too much information about Hinduism to foreigners, especially Westerners...see what disasters they created with the just the words "Aryan" and "Swastika"!

    But in Hinduism ignorance is a sin and I can't let such rampant ignorance go unchecked

  199. Dr Van Nostrand9/12/12, 4:54 AM

    Wishful thinking. There are hardly any Indians who could pass for southern europeans."

    That would be news to many in Northern Indian ,particularly those who populate Bollywood! Many of whom are paler than say Southern Italians or Spaniards


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