September 20, 2012

North Korea, I tell you!

From Time's World version:
What If Rich Countries Shut the Door on Immigration? 
They would start to look like North Korea, says an Oxford professor.

(As opposed, to, say, Japan.)


  1. Better to make them look like Uganda or Yemen.

  2. I have a solution. All white liberals emigrate to Africa. It's win-win.

    White cons have 'xenophobic' homogeneity in their native countries, and white libs have xenophilic 'diversity'--indeed boundless supply of it--in their new homelands.
    Both sides win. And unlike evil white conservatives, black Africans will be so wonderful to live with and work with.

    Poor dumb white cons will lose out on all that while white libs will be creating new utopias alongside hordes of black Africans.

  3. Problem of North Korea is of course communism. USSR under Stalin was diverse but hardly a nice place to live.

    If N Korea got rid of communism and adopted free markets, it would make considerable progress with its own people.

  4. How come these people never say whites should have more kids?

  5. Harry Baldwin9/20/12, 3:25 PM

    Or maybe South Korea!

    From Wikipedia: "Immigration to South Korea Most immigrants are not eligible for citizenship or even permanent residency, unless they are married to a South Korean citizen or have invested more than $5 million USD in the local economy. An exception is made for those whose non-financial contribution to the nation has been specifically recognized by the Justice Minister, and for holders of a business visa who have invested more than US$500,000. Immigrants count for only around 1% of the population . . .

    Judging by a currently hot YouTube video, South Korea doesn't look too bad!

  6. "I have a solution. All white liberals emigrate to Africa. It's win-win."

    I imagine some of the coastal areas of West Africa could be quite nice, given the right infrastructure and amenities. It might be a win-win if some European retirees were enticed to move there: attractive climate and lower cost of living for the retirees, and jobs and an economic boost for the local countries.

  7. Compared to the USA, every country on Earth has immigration policies like North Korea.

    We're the oddities with respect to immigration, not North Korea.

  8. Or South Korea, for that matter.

  9. This is similar to the deceptive reasoning on display in Dan Senor's book Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle:

    "In their attempt to explain Israel's success in this area, Senor and Singer discard "the argument from ethnic or religious exceptionalism, dismissing "unitary Jewishness" or even individual talent as major reasons for Israel's high-tech success" and analyze two major factors that, in the authors' opinion, contribute most to Israel's economic growth. Those factors are mandatory military service and immigration.[4]"

  10. These are supposed to be very smart people, so you have to wonder how they can spout such blatant falsehoods. Either they're consciously lying, or it's unconscious. Both cases are bad news. The former suggests duplicity and maliciousness, the latter an uncontrollable, hostile instinct.

  11. How many people are out there peddling quack nonsense who have the title 'professor' in front of their names? There must be a million of them. One can get better opinions from the local blue-collar guys.

  12. Here's the last question and answer in the interview. It reveals what ultimately drives the push for open borders: self-interest. If you're constantly migrating, you're going to end up promoting and depending upon it:

    "Is this something that’s important to you personally?

    Migration has always been a way to escape famine, poverty and persecution. Without migration, I wouldn’t be here, both in the specific sense, as a South African living in England, and in the most literal one. If they hadn’t been able to leave Austria, my family would have been killed by the Nazis."

  13. Georgia Resident9/20/12, 4:05 PM

    No, we'd look like North Korea when we shut the doors to keep people from leaving.

  14. Dammit Sailer, let me post Jew-baiting comments. I'm allowed to. ;)

    "In their attempt to explain Israel's success in this area, Senor and Singer discard "the argument from ethnic or religious exceptionalism, dismissing "unitary Jewishness" or even individual talent as major reasons for Israel's high-tech success" and analyze two major factors that, in the authors' opinion, contribute most to Israel's economic growth. Those factors are mandatory military service and immigration.[4]"

    Well, they are wrong in a general sense, but immigration from the Soviet Union specifically did help supercharge the 90's Israeli tech boom.

    As for military service - again, it's basically nonsense. But I would say that the Israeli obsession with tech is in part a result of Israelis valuing "smarts" over "getting an education", if that makes sense. And one reason for that is that mandatory military service before college reduces the grandeur of the "college experience". It's just not such a big-deal-rite-of-passage for us.

  15. The Time article allows comments, and I notice that they are not at all friendly.

  16. I have a solution. All white liberals emigrate to Africa. It's win-win.

    The funny/sad/enraging thing is that this professor, this schmuck, this Ian Goldin (hmm), is actually from South Africa. Sigh.

  17. And so can immigration from Africa, rest assured.

    We have Stanley Fischer!

  18. Beecher Asbury9/20/12, 5:23 PM

    Ian Goldin, director of the Oxford Martin School and professor of globalization and development at the University of Oxford...

    That must be one of those white women who HATES, HATES, HATES beta white males and wishes to keep the pipeline of sexy, nonwhite men open.

  19. It is a lie that Japan does not have immigration. The numbers are fairly low, according to this 2006 link, about 1.6% of population, yet significant...


    View Related Table

    Foreign Nationals Registered in Japan by Nationality (Place of Origin), 1995 to 2004

    As of the end of 2004, 1.97 million foreign nationals were registered in Japan, accounting for about 1.6 percent of the total population (127.69 million) and representing a 1.3 percent increase from 1.7 million in 2000. (See Table 1.)

    Koreans composed the largest group (607,000), followed by Chinese (488,000), Brazilians (287,000), and Filipinos (199,000). Well over 90 percent of resident foreigners came from either Asia (74 percent) or South America (18 percent).'

    1. Charlesz Martel9/21/12, 4:43 AM

      This "Brazilians" are ethnic Japanese returning home after a few generations in Brazil. While they are looked down on in Japan, they are ethnically pure-blooded Japanese.
      Notice how they don't import Africans, Metizos, or Middle-Easterners? Haters!

    2. That there are a large number of "foreign nationals" from Korea, China, and elsewhere does not imply immigration because many, if not most, of those "foreign nationals" we're born in Japan and are unwilling to do what they'd need to do to become citizens. Many countries do no grant citizenship simply for being born there. Do a search on the phrase "second-generation immigrant" and even "third-generation immigrant" and look at what it means.

  20. Surprised nobody mentioned this part, which doesn't usually get mentioned by immigration boosting pieces in the MSM:
    "For now, the first thing is to recognise that migration has not been managed well enough. Migrants bring with them short-term, local costs, whereas the benefits are society-wide and long-term, so there is a mismatch. Whether we’re talking about Lampedusa, the island off the coast of Italy which is the first port of call for refugees from Tunisia, or Slough, a British town with a large migrant population, local people understandably feel that immigration is a burden. It’s a national issue which needs to be managed on the national level."

    I'm not really sure that's true, I think immigrants tend to be either net positive or negative based on their personal characteristics both locally and nationally. I suppose a discrepancy could arrive if their tax dollars are mostly flowing to the national government while local government is uncompensated for costs.

  21. Of course the obvious question is whether or not it's difficult to emigrate to North Korea.

    I like how the article asserts there's a "rising tide of xenophobia" without offering any evidence beyond a few anecdotes.

    Incidentally, how does one get to be a professor in "globalization and development"? How much of Academia is peopled by pretend scholars like this one?

  22. "What If Rich Countries Shut the Door on Immigration? They would start to look like North Korea"

    This makes no sense. How many people try to immigrate to North Korea? If US Army defectors are any clue, NK is definitely in the pro-amnesty camp.

    "But it is Dresnok's extraordinary career swap, from lowly US army
    private to star of the North Korean silver screen that provides the most surreal twist to his story. For three years from 1978, in a 20-part series called Nameless Heroes, directed by Kim Jong-il, Dresnok played the evil American."

  23. Yes, we'd become like N. Korea, much like the US of the 50s. With virtually no immigration, the average US citizen was vastly below the prosperity of the average person on earth, vast swaths of the citizenry were starving in abysmal poverty, with children eating dirt and grass to survive.

    Graduate committees are supposed to be gatekeepers, maintaining at least some level of professional competence in the students they allow to receive a PhD; where the hell were they when this nut was sweating at his prelims?

  24. "Koreans composed the largest group (607,000), followed by Chinese (488,000),"

    We know there are a few immigrants in

    Koreans and Chinese in Japan is more like Germans or Italians in Switzerland.

  25. @Truth (9/20/12 6:08 PM)

    "... Brazilians (287,000)..."

    The "Brazilian" immigrants to Japan are mostly, probably overwhelmingly, ethnic Japanese whose forebears had earlier migrated to Brazil.

    Even they have proved culturally difficult to integrate and being encouraged to return.

  26. If they hadn’t been able to leave Austria, my family would have been killed by the Nazis.

    So I guess he is saying that his people always need an refuge from evil white countries - just in case.

    Immigrants have great qualities, look at me, I'm an immigrant, what would you do without me? - arrogant shmuck. Go back to South Africa.

  27. Day after day, news and views get more ridiculous.


  28. Does Japan have fewer immigrants than compared to most of Europe (I'm talking about Europe outside of the three main immigration destinations: UK, France, and Holland.)

  29. Does Japan have fewer immigrants than compared to most of Europe (I'm talking about Europe outside of the three main immigration destinations: UK, France, and Holland.)

  30. It is misleading to say that migrants have started 50% of Silicon Valley companies. But this statistic is routinely cited by industry shills to bring in more cheap labor. America did send men to the moon before the arrival of these so-called genius migrants, didn't it?

  31. The "Brazilian" immigrants to Japan are mostly, probably overwhelmingly, ethnic Japanese whose forebears had earlier migrated to Brazil.

    They tend to have partial Japanese ancestry.

  32. Koreans composed the largest group (607,000), followed by Chinese (488,000), Brazilians (287,000), and Filipinos (199,000). Well over 90 percent of resident foreigners came from either Asia (74 percent) or South America (18 percent).'

    The "South Americans" are largely of Japanese origin, so the vast majority of immigrants are basically racially compatible. Nothing like the immigration that European and European-founded countries have to suffer, nothing like it at all. And that's to say nothing of the scale of immigration, which is not remotely comparable. Furthermore, I'm sure Japan doesn't isn't handing out citizenships like lollipops to immigrants, which is yet another major league difference. In short, it's no stretch at all to call essentially immigrant-free.

  33. Edwin Greenwood said...
    @Truth (9/20/12 6:08 PM)

    "... Brazilians (287,000)..."

    The "Brazilian" immigrants to Japan are mostly, probably overwhelmingly, ethnic Japanese whose forebears had earlier migrated to Brazil.

    Even they have proved culturally difficult to integrate and being encouraged to return.”

    Yes, I lived in Japan for a while and have many Japanese friends.

    Japanese who have grown up abroad are not considered "real Japanese" by many Japanese (even if they are 100% Japanese genetically... both parents being Japanese). They are talked about and unofficially discriminated against by companies who hire new employees.

    It's kind of weird in a way, and the Japanese even have a special word for these people (the Japanese who grew up abroad) which I have forgotten.

    In fact, merely spending a substantial period of time during your early youth can get you put into this group. Hence, many Japanese executives who are overseas worry that their children might land into this group and have diminished career prospects in Japan. If there are a number of them in an area abroad they will start an all Japanese elementary school to soak their children in Japanese language and culture to try to avoid this problem.

    Regarding Chinese and Koreans, most Japanese regard them with not so slight contempt (messy, dirty, untrustworthy, etc ..) Probably the same way many Whites view NAMS overall. Though I have noticed recently that the financial success of China and Korea has earned them some grudging respect from the Japanese friends I still speak with.

    On the other hand, if you are a high achieving White and/or a handsome White (or both optimally) you will have no shortage of Japanese ladies who want to marry you (the yellow fever goes both ways and is even worse in places like Hong Kong or Shanghai where the women will simply go gaga over you). But if you are NAM who is not White (i.e. Hispanic or Black) you are lower than the Chinese or Koreans in their eyes of most Japanese by a country mile. Koreans and Chinese also hold this view and are very upset about the miniscule thimble full levels of African immigrants in their county . The Asians, overall, view Blacks and Browns, about the same way Whites in the U.S do who are not indoctrinated with SWPL cultural Marxist philosophy (to be avoided or given a wide birth if possible). Maybe even worse.

    The Japanese (and China and Korea too to an extent) don't have any problem accepting and incorporating what they think is the best from other cultures (including potential superior or of at least equal quality White genetic material in their view).

    I know, it sounds like Heaven for a handome White guy.

    It was (is?).

    But I still like the European ladies best of all.

  34. "But if you are NAM who is not White (i.e. Hispanic or Black) you are lower than the Chinese or Koreans in their eyes of most Japanese by a country mile. Koreans and Chinese also hold this view and are very upset about the miniscule thimble full levels of African immigrants in their county ."

    I worked for a Korean country, spent time in Seoul, Okpo and Kyungju, I would have to say that's not true. Not totally false, but not nearly true.

  35. "If they hadn’t been able to leave Austria, my family would have been killed by the Nazis." - Or think about South Africa, they'd have been killed by ancies.

  36. "I worked for a Korean country, spent time in Seoul, Okpo and Kyungju, I would have to say that's not true. Not totally false, but not nearly true."

    I agree, not "all" of them feel this way ... but a lot of them do at least from what was expressed to me or what I over heard.

  37. North Korea!, North Korea! always North Korea.

    That f*cked up, peculiar east Asian state (run according to east asian proclivities), seems to exist just to be used as a bogeyman by rightwingers eager to 'prove' a point.
    Why always North Korea? Why not Bangladesh, Lagos Nigeria, Calcutta, Upper Volta or a thousand over little sh*tholes in between?
    At least North Korea *looks* clean and tidy.

    Anyhow, there was very little immigration into Britain 60 years ago. Undoubtedly Britain was a stronger industrial, economic and political player in those days, anyone old enough to reemember will tell you it was a much better place in which to live.
    When Britain invented the industrial revolution and ruled half the globe in Victorian times, and lead the world in science etc, there was precious little immigration, save of Irish - who were british subjects.

  38. I bet this guy's family moved to South Africa in the 1930s because it was the only Anglosphere(ish ) country which would take them

    And then , like a majority of Sth African Jews , he has moved to a more agreeable part of the Anglosphere ( as he hoped and planned )

    There are only a few prosperous English speaking democracies . They are ( understandably )very popular places to live

    In the not too distant future -largely due to people like this - there will be none

  39. "I know, it sounds like Heaven for a handome White guy."

    Are you an ESL teacher in Asia?

    They often have that same razor sharp acuity that you just displayed. And their rankings of world racial groups is dead on- the attractiveness, attitudes, genetic quality, smarts. Kudos, handsome, accomplished white guy.

  40. UFC Light Weight champion Benson Henderson is half Black, half Korean. Super straight Christian, and by all accounts, all around nice guy.

    He gets a hero reception in Korea, at least from martial artists.

    Maybe not as big hero as Tiger Woods in Thailand, or Gangnam style guy ...


  41. Benson Henderson half black half korean UFC champ is almost as big hero in Korea as the GANGNAM STYLE guy :)

  42. "I worked for a Korean country, spent time in Seoul, Okpo and Kyungju, I would have to say that's not true. Not totally false, but not nearly true."

    I know the Korean attitude toward whites and blacks. It's very sophisticated.

    Right now there's something of backlash going on against the ESL teaching simpletons in Korea. White, yellow, or black.

    Koreans don't have any native hostility to blacks as blacks. Nor are they for whites as whites. Ridiculous. White vanity is ignored in Korea because there's so much of it. But Koreans are aware of it.

  43. Compared to the future currently being promoted by professor's of globalization like Professor Goldin i'd prefer the North Korean option tyvm.

  44. Going over to other countries and having lots of sex with their women causes resentment. If we don't want it done to us, we shouldn't do it to them.

  45. "I have a solution. All white liberals emigrate to Africa."

    this guy actually is from south africa according to wikipedia.

    wonder if he's jewish, because let's be honest, in this article, it's every classic argument a jewish professor would make. i mean, this person is a professor at oxford? and his name IS goldin...

    what's funny is that south africa actually fought wars to keep illegal aliens out, and they mostly succeeded. once the standard of living in SA had risen to a high enough level, africans from all over africa began trying to swarm in there. one of my friends actually fought in a few of these military actions and killed people. they were ordered to burn the bodies with white phosphorous. after his tours he moved into training the local south africans for military service and did that for a while before leaving the army for the banking industry.

    SA authorities rightly saw that allowing their nation to be overrun by millions of illegals would not help anything. naturally libertarians (and politically hostile jews) would see this as "impinging the free movement of labor" or something like that. that's why libertarians don't run anything.

    today, in 2012, native south africans are actually able to organize (and sometimes, riot) for higher wages to work in the mines. if the border was open, native south africans would just be replaced by random africans from all over. this keeps their standard of living the highest in all of africa, with a per capita GDP of 8000 or so. professor oxford thinks that's too high and should be smashed down to 1000 or whatever the average is for africa. an open borders south africa probably isn't able to host the 2010 world cup.

    oh, derp. now i see that he IS jewish. it's like, after you've heard these guys for years, you can see them coming from a mile away.

    i guess the only question left is whether elon musk could have done his projects in south africa. that's probably a no, although nobody suggests eliminating immigration of people like elon musk.

  46. ha. i've been in on the south korean thing for a couple years now. south korea is nice. barring the whole, nuclear war could break out at any moment thing.

    they don't take immigrants, so you can't just move there. somehow though their GDP per capita keeps going up, they continue to manufacture cars and electronics which americans actually want to buy, and they keep coming out with music, television, and movies that people actually want to see.

    they are the new socially dominant asians. korean immigrants to japan are in a strange place today, being official outsiders in japan per the government and required to carry ID at all times, yet now being regarded as cooler and hipper by the younger generation.

    what's crazy is that there are NORTH korean immigrants in japan. who start north korean communities where they set up their own schools so the kids can be indoctrinated into how great north korea is. but they're in't they get to about age 16 and start to figure out the contradiction there?

  47. All is not lost - when reading the 50 comments to that article, I could not find a single one that was positive to Goldin´s point of view.

  48. The reason why the immigrationists never cite Lagos, Dhaka, Mumbai, Kolkata etc as their pet bogeyman dystopias is precisely because most of those who wish to impose themselves on the west hail from such places, hence it would be too easy to throw back the charge at them that immigrants recreate their native habitats.
    - North Korea is a good bogeyman remote,unknown, forbidding,totalitarian, isolationist, whatever you say about it *must* be true.
    It serves the same purpose as Timbuktu or Outer Mongolia did in 1930s comic books.

  49. At least North Korea *looks* clean and tidy.

    Correction: At least North Korea's Potemkin villages look clean and tidy.

  50. "Hacienda said...
    "I know, it sounds like Heaven for a handome White guy."

    Are you an ESL teacher in Asia?

    They often have that same razor sharp acuity that you just displayed. And their rankings of world racial groups is dead on- the attractiveness, attitudes, genetic quality, smarts. Kudos, handsome, accomplished white guy."

    Hey, just reporting the facts as I experienced them. Sorry if it bruised your little ego.

    What, I am suppose to do... lie to protect your precious sense of self-esteem?

    Regarding how most Asians view Blacks and Browns... there is no question based on what I saw and heard that they are just as or more racists than Whites.

    You are delusional if you think otherwise.

    In fact, in Shanghai there were Chinese riots against the miniscule African immigrant population that went largely unreported in the West (when was the last time Whites rioted against the presence of foreigners or Blacks in the U.S.?).

    There have also been many assaults against foreigners in Korea, even including some against White foreigners but most against non-Whites, which have also gone largely unreported in the Western press (when was the last time you heard of Whites completely unprovoked atacking non-White tourists or those here on an H1-B visa in the U.S.?)

    My impression of Koreans is that like Chinese they are very aware of race.

    Granted, some Chinese and Koreans are cool and try not to be racist, but a lot are not.

    Don't confuse "is" and "ought" a distinction commonly taught in Philosophy 101.

    It's not a sign of high intelligence and makes you sound petty and insecure.

  51. "DaveinHackensack said...

    I imagine some of the coastal areas of West Africa could be quite nice, given the right infrastructure and amenities. It might be a win-win if some European retirees were enticed to move there: attractive climate and lower cost of living for the retirees, and jobs and an economic boost for the local countries."

    And after the retirees are murdered by the locals, it will save the governments of their home countries a fortune in pension payments.

  52. "I know the Korean attitude toward whites and blacks. It's very sophisticated."


    I've learned a lot of general rules about a certain subset of white guy on this site, and one of them is this:

    White guys who are generally awkward and unsuccessful with women, AND arrogant and feel a sense of loss at not being able to live in Norman Rockwell America (I would say a fair number of Steve's readers) spend a lot of time looking for a magical
    Shangri-La somewhere in which the local, non white, non-black beauty queens, fall all over white guys in the street, and are totally disgusted by black guys.

    I say good luck finding that because I don't believe it exists; at least no where I've been.

    A couple of general rules with women:

    1) They like what they don't see everyday.

    2) A guy who gets laid in Norway will get laid in Nigeria and vice-versa. One who does not, won't. It's not quite that simple, but it is true.

    3)Some women like guys their parents would be accepting of, some like just the opposite, and most, at different stages of their lives alternate.

    Roissy, where the fuck are you when you are needed?!?!?!

    Albertosarus, I'll even take you right now.

  53. "Truth said...

    As of the end of 2004, 1.97 million foreign nationals were registered in Japan, accounting for about 1.6 percent of the total population (127.69 million) and representing a 1.3 percent increase from 1.7 million in 2000. (See Table 1.)

    Koreans composed the largest group (607,000), followed by Chinese (488,000), Brazilians (287,000),...."

    They are foreign nationals, but most of them are not really immigrants. The Koreans have lived in Japan for several generations now, and have never been granted citizenship. They are treated as a distinct group of outsiders, and are not encouraged to assimilate. I believe that many of the Chinese are in the same boat.

    As to the Brazilians; I suspect that most of them are either the descendants of japanese emigrants to Brazil and their spouses and children, who returned to Japan. It's not like they came from Mars - they have a cultural/ethnic relationship to Japan. The Japanese will still treat them as foreigners however. As far as they are concerned, once a gaigin, always a gaigin.

    The point of my explanation is: even though the japanese have allowed some immigration (or have foreigners residing there), it's not the same - neither in quantity, nor quality - as it is in America.

  54. "Eric said...

    Incidentally, how does one get to be a professor in "globalization and development"? How much of Academia is peopled by pretend scholars like this one?"

    Most of it. Higher education is becoming every bit as big a sham and a racket as secondary education.

  55. "they are the new socially dominant asians. korean immigrants to japan are in a strange place today, being official outsiders in japan per the government and required to carry ID at all times, yet now being regarded as cooler and hipper by the younger generation."

    Maybe. If you get this from Youtube or blogs, these are the kind of "fun" conclusions that rarely match reality.

    Koreans and Japanese are in a historical relationship going back thousands of years. The fashions of the day mean very little.

    Much of the trumped up anti-Korean sentiment promoted by whites seems to me to come from a racial vanity. And is simply wrong. For reasons I'm not gonna bother with. Swim in ignorance. That's "fun".

  56. 'Incidentally, how does one get to be a professor in "globalization and development"? How much of Academia is peopled by pretend scholars like this one?'

    Exactly. The ‘Oxford Martin School’ (recently renamed, as people laughed at their original name, ‘The James Martin 21st Century School’), is a joke in Oxford. It’s not an academic department, but a vanity think-tank founded by an ageing billionaire, to promote his various obsessions and preserve his name after his death. Cleverly, he affiliated the new think-tank to the University of Oxford so that his appointed shills (like Goldin) would get drooling attention from the media as ‘Oxford Professor’. This guy has never taught a student in his life.

    P.S.: Funny bit from James Martin’s CV: ‘He is... a Senior Fellow of the James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies at Monterey, California.’ I wonder how he managed to get that gig!

  57. PPS: Immigration nonsense coming from ‘Oxford professors’ will probably become a regular feature for iSteve. Now Oxford is so desperate for cash it will let anyone set up fake think-tanks under the University’s brand everyone is getting aboard – and the latest is ‘The Oxford Migration Observatory’. Take a look at who is funding this haven of academic impartiality: - click through to the websites of ‘Unbound Philanthropy’ and the ‘Barrow Cadbury Trust’ for a taste.

  58. It took America two WWs and the total destruction of all major econ & military nations to get where it is today. It took Japan less than 40 yrs to become the powerhouse it is today.
    Are you suggesting Americans have the attitude and self discipline to achieve such a feat??
    Old age must have made you delusional indeed!!

  59. "Maybe. If you get this from Youtube or blogs, these are the kind of "fun" conclusions that rarely match reality."

    i started noticing this 10 years ago when i first heard of yoshihiro akiyama, a japanese guy who is actually korean. he was considered extremely cool, manly, and stylish, to the point where his nickname was "sexyama" in japan and i didn't even realize he was korean until following his career for a while, because there was absolutely no blowback in japan about this guy for being korean. aren't they supposed to not like koreans who dare to live in japan? yet this guy was a judo idol. a fourth generation korean immigrant who is required to carry ID at all times, yet has a japanese name, competes for japan in judo, and has a fanbase? after a while it started to get hard to believe that the average japanese person on the street really had that low of an opinion of koreans.

    i do know the korean music wave has changed the opinion of the chinese about the koreans. at least the chinese under 30, the average person is a lot more likely to think the koreans are better looking, neater, cleaner, and more sophisticated. which is true, although media projection, as it always does, accounts for a lot of this change in attitude.

    don't get me wrong. i know these guys hate each other. it's a long running deal. china and japan are in a major hate fest right now which is not really being reported in the US. north korea and china are allies only out of convenience. the chinese tried to wipe out the koreans for thousands of years, which is why the koreans are so insular and why there are only like 200 last names in all of korea - this was their evolved genetic defense mechanism to resist the endless pressure of the han to genetically assimilate them. if koreans weren't that racist, they would have ceased to be korean centuries ago and they would just be more chinese people now. they're outnumbered 20 to 1 by the han and share a land border with them - that usually doesn't go well.

  60. "oh, derp. now i see that he IS jewish. it's like, after you've heard these guys for years, you can see them coming from a mile away."

    He used 'North Korea' as cover for 'Nazi Germany'. If he had said 'Nazi', it would have been too obvious, too hysterical, too Judeo-centric. But he wants us to make the Nazi-connection because N. Korea is one of the most homogeneous nations on Earth. Never mind that North Korea is ailing from communism, not from lack of immigration.

    Of course, Nazi Germany would have done better to be more like N. Korea, i.e. mind its own business. Then, there would have been no WWII.

  61. however when you put all the asians together in a neutral location (the US, canada, australia), the koreans become socially dominant. they are smarter, more outgoing and more aggressive than the other asians, except for the japanese, who are equally smart but who are very reserved and not outgoing or aggressive at all.

    you say to discount youtube, but i note MTV considered picking up K-Town, and not a show about chinese, japanese, vietnamese, or filipinos in the US. if you watch k-town you'll see it's the chinese-americans trying to fit in with the koreans and not vice versa, adapting to their style, language, and hybrid korean-american culture. that stupid "Like a G6" song playing everywhere a year or two ago was a bunch of koreans from K-Town. i know a reality show is hardly a scientific anthropology study, but this matches my experience. once koreans show up in numbers in a city they take over from the chinese or vietnamese or japanese who have been around for a while.

    a korean guy was president of dartmouth from 2009 to 2012. he was the first asian to be president of an ivy. there's way more chinese guys in the US university system, and the japanese have been in the US for decades, so why did a korean leapfrog them, if they weren't more socially dominant? i note in music that the koreans are already demonstrating moderate dominance over the other asians. despite being outnumbered 3 to 1 by the chinese in the US, they're doing more in music.

    notable korean americans:
    john myung (dream theater), joe hahn (linkin park), stephanie hwang (SNSD), jessica jung (SNSD), james roh (far east movement), jae choung (far east movement)

    notable japanese americans:
    james iha (smashing pumpkins), kevin nishimura (far east movement). not sure if koichi fukuda (static-x) should count as american

    notable chinese americans:
    none that i know of

  62. The real danger of such people as this professor is not their ideas but their positions and their media support.

    How come such people can gain such high positions in the academia? And why do media carry their views?

    You see, someone who 'virulently' opposed the Oxford professor's views would be banned from elite(or any kind of)academia. And big media and respectable media would not run his views.

    If you're politically correct, you can rise to top and your views will be dissminated all around.
    If you're politically incorrect, you get no academic gig and you are virtually blacklisted from big media and respectable journals.

    It's like what Andrew Sarris said of Bosley Crowther. The problem was not Crowther's ideas and views but his POWER as critic of the NY TIMES.

    So, the real problem is not the silly ideas of this professor but the fact that the powers-that-be promote him and air his views all around.

    It's about power, and those who control the academia and media will eventually control everything. Academia shapes elite thought and media carries elite biases to the masses--often in populist format as in Ellen Degenerate show.

    So, we need to focus less on the idea than the fact that such idea have massive outlet due to Jewish control of academia and media.

  63. But what kind of counter-argument is to be expected from conservative free trade Wall Street banksters, creationist believing dummies, ass-tattoo rednecks, neocon tricksters, and etc?

    Right is so dumb.

  64. "And after the retirees are murdered by the locals..."

    I don't know about that one, Champ.


  65. Handsome Accomplished White Guy,

    It's not about my self-esteem. It's about the universal desire to knock and cocky, pretender of his perch.

    First, no truly accomplished male brags about scoring with Asian women. So you must by your own accounting be handsome. And what loser insinuates that he is handsome on a semi-intellectual blog like this? An ESL teacher, maybe? Hmmmm? Is that how you're really scoring?

  66. jody,

    good points. Pop culture shouldn't be underestimated. But, Kpop is not as big as you might in China. And already, copy-cat and system adoptation is occuring in China. They'll be cranking out their on C-pop groups soon enough and Kpop will still be peripheral.

    Yeah, there's a lot to recommend Korea these days- Gold medals and Olymics and Math Olympics, Starcraft domination, fluid economy. But it's still a small, crowded, insular country. Best for Koreans, not much cultural export value. It's just hard to export these kinds of things.

  67. Truth said...
    "I know the Korean attitude toward whites and blacks. It's very sophisticated."


    I've learned a lot of general rules about a certain subset of white guy on this site, and one of them is this:

    White guys who are generally awkward and unsuccessful with women, AND arrogant and feel a sense of loss at not being able to live in Norman Rockwell America (I would say a fair number of Steve's readers) spend a lot of time looking for a magical
    Shangri-La somewhere in which the local, non white, non-black beauty queens, fall all over white guys in the street, and are totally disgusted by black guys.”
    I say good luck finding that because I don't believe it exists; at least no where I've been.”

    Yes, and I have learned that there is a certain subset of Black and Brown (Hacienda?) guys who post on this site who fantasize that if they just went to some Yellow land populated by Asian beauties and not populated by Whitey, all the women will come flocking, none of the women’s parents will object, and their career will have no impediments because of their race (because evil Whitey is not around and therefore evil racism doesn’t exist…it only exists in the U.S., not in Asia).

    Sorry, I’ve got news for you. Such a place doesn’t exist. There are racists in Asia too. (okay maybe Thailand, but I have never been there so I can’t say for sure).

    Sorry to bust your bubble.

    “Hacienda said...
    Handsome Accomplished White Guy,

    It's not about my self-esteem. It's about the universal desire to knock and cocky, pretender of his perch.

    First, no truly accomplished male brags about scoring with Asian women. So you must by your own accounting be handsome. And what loser insinuates that he is handsome on a semi-intellectual blog like this? An ESL teacher, maybe? Hmmmm? Is that how you're really scoring? “

    Wow, Dude… I really struck a nerve with you. You need help … really. Or you need to get out more. I mean you can’t accept the fact that women, all over the world, prefer handsome intelligent high achieving guys over those who are not? I was merely making observation which I thought was a universally recognized truth. The point being if you are a loser in the eyes of a woman (fat, bald, poor, out of shape, poorly educated, socially inept, etc .. take your pick) don’t expect the same treatment over there or anywhere. I had no idea it was going to upset you so.

    However, the fact that you are so bothered by it tells me you must be a Beta or seriously repressed, because the idea of some guy with swagger who enjoys life and women somehow really bothers you. Sorry, I use to think that stuff was B.S. but only a Beta (or a Puritan) could get unraveled by the idea that someone somewhere was having more fun than him.…

    I’ve got a news flash for you (because apparently you missed the 20th century) not all women are innocent damsels in distress who need protection from big bad wolves. They also enjoy sex and they have a mind of their own. I am pretty sure at least one Feminist professor told me that in a class once when I was an undergrad. Imagine that. Once you realize this you will have a lot more fun and probably do a lot better with women. And no, enjoying the company of women doesn't mean you have to be a complete sybarite, but foregoing their company means missing out on a large part of what makes live worth living. And no, it was not as an ESL teacher but someone from elite schools with two advanced degrees… Sorry to bust your little fantasy …. Now get back to your Dungeons and Dragons games or however it is you to amuse yourself.

  68. "And no, it was not as an ESL teacher but someone from elite schools with two advanced degrees"

    Now the truth reveals itself. Okay. Thanks!


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