September 28, 2012

Why is Nakoula Bacile Nakoula even in America in the first place?

In the comments, wren writes:
I am coming around to the conspiracy theory that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula [supposed producer of supposed cause of murder of U.S. ambassador in Libya] may not be a Copt, or the video thing was a set-up to rile people up, paid for by the people who took advantage of it. 
Walid Shoebat proposed this due to Nakoula's partnership with Shoebat's Muslim terrorist cousin. 

And if you can't trust a Shoebat, who can you trust? Basically, Nakoula and Shoebat's cousin sound like Southern California crank dealers who have various lines of fraud as well. Shoebat's cousin might be connected to some scary organizations in the Muslim world. (Keep in mind that the dividing line between terrorist, freedom fighter, and gangster can be awfully hazy.) Nakoula is clearly some kind of career criminal, although probably more toward the dishonest than violent pole.
Also, his biography nicely hits on some themes Steve brings up on occasion.

Hey, it's more than an occasion: Men with Gold Chains is a continuing series here. But, here's the original article on my jury service in 2006, involving an Iranian used car dealer whose reputation was so bad he'd been banned for life from the used car business (!) and still managed to steal $2 million from the state of California and flee back to Iran.

Back to Nakoula Nakoula:
From Wikipedia: 
Nakoula was born in Egypt,[1] and in an Arabic interview with Voice of America's Radio Sawa, he stated that he had graduated from the Faculty of Arts at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt.[9] Nakoula later moved to Southern California where he once owned a gas station. He resided in Cerritos, in Los Angeles County, California[10][11][12] until September 2012.[2]
According to the Associated Press, "Nakoula struggled with a series of financial problems".[13] In 1996, a lien for $194,000 was filed against Nakoula's gas station for unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest dating from 1989 to 1992.[12] A $106,000 lien was filed against him in 1997.[13] He filed for bankruptcy protection in 2000,[12][14] owing several banks a total of $166,500, but later failing to make payments under the bankruptcy plan.[12][15] A $191,000 tax lien was filed against him in 2006.[13] 
The Daily Beast reported that Nakoula was arrested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in 1997 after being pulled over and found to be in possession of ephedrine, hydroiodic acid, and $45,000 in cash;[12] he was charged with intent to manufacture methamphetamine.[11] He pleaded guilty and was sentenced in 1997 to one year in Los Angeles County Jail and three years probation. According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney, he violated probation in 2002 and was re-sentenced to another year in county jail.[16]  
In 2010, Nakoula pleaded no contest to federal charges of bank fraud in California. Nakoula had opened bank accounts using fake names and stolen Social Security numbers, including one belonging to a 6-year-old child,[3] and deposited checks from those accounts to withdraw at ATMs.[17] The prosecutor described the scheme as check kiting, "You try to get the money out of the bank before the bank realizes they are drawn from a fraudulent account. There basically is no money," she said.[4] Nakoula’s June 2010 sentencing transcript shows that after being arrested, he testified against an alleged ring leader of the fraud scheme, Eiad Salameh,[18] in exchange for a lighter sentence.[19][20][21] He was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison, five years probation, and ordered to pay $794,701 in restitution.[4][22] He was sent to prison, then to a halfway house,[23] and was released from custody in June 2011. A few weeks later, he began working on Innocence of Muslims.[24][23] Conditions of Nakoula's probation include not using aliases and not using the Internet without prior approval from his probation officer.[25][26] On September 27, 2012, US federal authorities stated Nakoula was arrested in Los Angeles for suspicion of violating terms of his probation and he is being held without bail.[27] Prosecutors stated that some of the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and the use of the alias Sam Bacile.[28]

I like one of Nakoula Nakoula's other aliases: "P.J. Tobacco" -- apparently, with the quality of people he defrauds or sells meth to, that name passes muster.

Whether or not he was in the pay of Muslim extremists to act as an agent provocateur or not, this guy's entire life in America screams Undesirable Alien.

But that's not what everybody in the respectable press has been talking about. The Designated Topic has been around whether the need for globalist multicultural sensitivity has made certain 18th Century words on a piece of paper obsolete in our instantly connected globalized word. Can we really afford to still have a First Amendment when we need a Humanitarian Empire in Libya? (E.g., the NYT mulls "Free Speech in the Age of YouTube."

There has been virtually no debate over why is this guy in the country anyway. Is he a citizen? Does he have a green card? Why wasn't he deported during his long chain of crimes? If he is a citizen, what breakdowns in the system allowed for him to become one? How does the American immigration system let in the dregs of the whole world like Nakoula?

Our reigning mindset doesn't let us ask any such obvious questions. What's more important to talk about is how you and I better dummy up to avoid offending mobs in some country Obama decided to bomb on a whim.

You know how there's a National Transportation Safety Board that investigates airline crashes? It's independent of the Federal Aviation Administration and other organizations to prevent conflicts of interest. The idea is that figuring out why one airliner went down is important not just in that particular case but to figure out how to prevent future airliner crashes.

What we need is a National Immigrant Screwup Board that investigates how Nakoula, Sirhan Sirhan, the 9/11 terrorists, Aunt Zeituna, the Egyptian terrorist who murdered two Jews at the El Al counter at LAX on July 4, 2002, and other notorious immigrant screwups got in the country in the first place and didn't get kicked out.


  1. There has been virtually no debate over why is this guy in the country anyway?

    Why? Because we long ago ceased being a nation. We are now only a collection of humans unified by graft, shylocking, status whoring and hand-outs.

    You could easily round up half a million "undesirable aliens" without ever leaving Brooklyn.

    Game over.

  2. Steve, your proposal is way too commonsensical ever to be adopted in this increasingly, literally crazy country.

  3. Not exactly a new phenomenon for the US government. I mean it let Lee Harvey Oswald back in the country after he renounced his citizenship and went to the Soviet Union. And it permitted entry to Sirhan Sirhan (who admittedly arrived as a child).

    For the worst historic example of failure to deport an undesirable one can look at the government of Bavaria which in 1924 contemplated sending Adolf Hitler back to Austria after he finished his (commuted) sentence in Landsberg prison for leading an armed insurrection against it during 1923. The Bavarian state in its wisdom decided not to follow this course to the detriment of humanity. If Adolf had wound up back on the streets of Vienna where he started I doubt the world would ever have heard of him.

  4. Harry Baldwin9/28/12, 3:18 PM

    Granted, the list of undesirable immigrants is endless, but let's not omit hotel maid Nafissatou Diallo. She had global consequences!

  5. Yeah, too bad there's not an right around the corner in which this would be an issue whereby the people decide whether its important by voting for a guy that will or will not do something about it.

    Nope, unfortunately for the election that is right around the corner the only thing to discuss is the latest poll predicting the outcome of the election itself. Issues are divisive. Constantly checking the score, why that's just like they do it in the NFL.

  6. And speaking of Willie Horton ads... :-) I'll tell ya something else the media reflexively denigrates because it worked: detailed 10 point plans for what one is going to change in the first 100 days (ie. Contract with America)

  7. steve wrote:
    There has been virtually no debate over why is this guy in the country anyway? Is he a citizen? Does he have a green card? Why wasn't he deported during his long chain of crimes? If he is a citizen, what breakdowns in the system allowed for him to become one? How does the American immigration system let in the dregs of the whole world like Nakoula?

    Our reigning mindset doesn't let us ask any such obvious questions.

    The reigning mindset is the mindset of professional that of people who went to good colleges at a young age. These people are now in positions of power in media, academia, gov't, federal judgeships etc. These elite college set into concrete the basic worldview of these people who go on to become powerful people who have their fingers on the controls of the major institutions in america.

    These people have worldviews that were molded by the dominant subculture at these elite colleges.

    This pro-immigrant, pro-minority, anti-white subculture was molded and shaped over many decades, starting around 100 years ago. The subculture was initially shaped by grants from nonprofit foundations such as the ford, getty and rockefeller foundations. These foundations created a new type of Leftism, a pro-minority, pro-immigration, pro-gender and gay rights, anti-white subculture. The subculture was created by funding academics and scholars and writers, activists etc who already held these views (pro-minority, pro-immigration etc).

    The idea was to divert true-leftists energies into less harmful areas (see CIA and Ford Foundation honcho Bissell's quote along the same lines). Less harmful to the plutocrats that funded these foundations, anyway. What really harms the plutocrats is a united white working class leftism that is oriented to hardcore workers rights, wages, unions, progressive taxation, universal healthcare, low immigration etc. In other words, what you have in all the other white nations, to varying degrees, at least until very recently, and which still exists in most other white nations.

    And so many decades later we have a type of leftism that helps, not hurts plutocrats. And this leftism has as its subculture norms and mores that would get you fired if you talk about the things that you want them to talk about.

    it's not a conspiracy; it's an ecosystem.

    You may now return to your regularly scheduled pseudopolitical discussion.

    Oh, and you can read Dr Roelofs' book FOUNDATIONS AND SOCIAL POLICY: THE MASK OF PLURALISM. Or not....

  8. If Romney wanted to win the election, he would be asking this question.


  9. Immigrants who enter the country legally are not deported when they commit a crime or multiple crimes. I have a friend who is not a citizen but he does have a green card. He has been arrested for multiple DUI's, cocaine trafficking, and has been involved in a shooting (he was shot). Beyond this he has been involved in the court system for failure to pay child support.

    Long story short, he's still here.

  10. Undesirable Alien? There is no such a thing.

  11. Of all the crazy ideas I've read on this blog (I say with utmost admiration), the "National Immigrant Screwup Board" is by far the best.

  12. Aunt Zeituna doesn't really deserve to be lumped in with the 9/11 terrorists.

  13. Immigration policy should be primarily guided by the principle of cognitive elitism.

    1. the us doesn't need more chinese either. the population they have is just fine, but thanks for the tip.

  14. Steve,

    You seem to imagine the US is a country.

  15. Of course, there's another theory floating around that the whole thing was encouraged if not produced by people who have not been mentioned in the media, who were expecting a backlash and basically were trying to stir up agitation against Muslims over their backlash, to encourage US action towards Iran.

  16. Craig the Goalie9/28/12, 5:09 PM

    "Immigration policy should be primarily guided by the principle of cognitive elitism."

    At this point, its not clear that we should necessarily permit even this immigration. So much damage occurs from clash of cultures, minorities clammering for special privileges, etc...

  17. ". I mean it let Lee Harvey Oswald back in the country after he renounced his citizenship and went to the Soviet Union."

    The U.S. government didn't just "let" him come back. They facilitated it. This man had been marine, who had always been fascinated by spies. He was in the U.S.S.R. to do intelligence work. Probably a double agent. There is NO other way he could have come and gone with so little fanfare.

  18. The only sane immigration policy is one which is guided by the principle of cognitive elitism. Just look at how places like Hong Kong or Singapore decide who to let in. Set a reasonable quota and admit the cognitively elite.

    Sometimes I think to myself that if only I were in charge of running this country, I'd be able to turn things around by ending much of the craziness...

  19. The fact that the term "Undesirable Alien" is no longer currently in usage says it all. 

    The difficulty of deporting people who should never have been admitted to our country and prey on us is a scandal. It's worth remembering that for bad eggs like Nakoula to thrive they must first have an an immigrant community to hid among.

    In my area there are many Guatemalans. The majority of them work hard and send their money home. But in order to do so they create a culture of false identification, illegal living arrangements, and cash economy employment that guarantees easy entree to the gangs that follow. If we drain the swamp of illegals the gangs can't exist.

  20. Immigration based on "cognitive elitism" is code for bring in more East Asians and a few South Asians. No thank you. East Asians throw monkey wrenches into the system just like any non-white group they just happen to do it in things people don't pay attention to, unfortunately. White people don't need East Asians to tell us how to run systems we created, we need white people to do that.

    Anyway, back to Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. I think it's a desire to get European people worldwide involved in the messes of Muslims and Jews to ruin our way of life. They don't want our happiness. As the saying goes "misery loves company." The Nakoula video is another attempt by a Middle Easterner person to illicit reactions from European people to get us involved in the neverending drama of these two groups. All you have to do to get white people to act is be non-white and be a "victim," it will set off white people's "savior" response. There is large group of white people who want to "save" someone and they will rally other white people to the cause.

  21. Steve you're missing the point. Violence works. It always has. Violence and threats and domination on the part of the immigrant lobby (and particularly Muslims) mean we have to "dummy up" and watch what we say, eat, drink, and how we live our lives in every minute detail.

    Lets imagine we never let this guy in (which I agree 100% completely that he should not be here, nor a Walid Shoebat, nor half of Mexico, for that matter. Or a quarter of Nigeria, come to think of it).

    We'd still be in the same boat. Muslims here (and we do get them, from normal chain migration and Black Muslims like Farrakhan) would STILL be phoning in bomb threats to American universities over any perceived slight. And Muslims abroad would still want to kill us.

    Violence on the part of Muslims changed Europe. Killing Rushdie's translators, the bounty on him, killing Theo Van Gogh, the bounty on Gert Wilders, killing Pym Fortuyn, the attempted murder of one of the Mo-toon artists, all worked.

    The same kind of thing on a lower level by gays over Prop 8 (against Mormon backers mostly) worked too -- Gay Marriage is the law of the land.

    And the flip side of the violence working is the desire for submission. Just as Women HATE HATE HATE the world of beta male cooperation and technology and science the way ... well beta male nerds HATE HATE HATE a Twilight/Hunger Games double bill, a great deal of America and the West HATES HATES HATES the way technology and science advantage people who are cognitively and dispositionally gifted, at the expense of hereditary advantage.

    What sort of inherited advantage will Bill Gates kids have if Microsoft is reduced to me-too status among mobile phones and Android rules the market for tablets and other computing devices! Why they won't be the new Royal Family.

    The self hatred of the West is the HATE HATE HATE for the constant, ever increasing RATE of change that upsets and destroys old aristocracies and puts new Men (and it is ALMOST ALWAYS MEN and NERDY WHITE GUYS AT THAT) on top. Thirty years ago it was Bill Gates unseating Ross Perot. Now its the guys at Google unseating Gates.

    That's why you can't say: "Don't let anyone into the US. Require lots of documentation, ironclad pre-existing support, rich tycoons investing in business OK, Obama's welfare clan no." You can't do it. Because the Third World Importation Requirement will kill DEAD constant grinding social change and allow those on top of the ladder or near the top stay there.

    And if you want to change that, copy the tactics of the gays. Get organized, get vindictive, get punishment oriented. Gays did not go out and beat Mormons up, but did end careers and create fear. Time for that successful use of fear and intimidation to make itself known in other areas.

  22. Anonymous said...

    You seem to imagine the US is a country.



    The USA is actually more like a livestock operation, one where the ranchers use the cattle for labor and sell products to the cattle, instead of butchering them.

    And the ranchers want as many cattle as possible. But the right kind of cattle. Desperate, hungry cattle.

    And the ranchers do things to keep the cattle from organizing against the ranchers.

  23. "cognitive elitism" is code for bring in more East Asians and a few South Asians. No thank you.
    hear hear. asian fetishist are as brain-dead as liberals - they dont' realize once orientals (or Indians ) gain any sort of critical mass they will blatantly push agendas for their ethnic group; they are not hear to hold hands and sing songs about diversity- yes you HBD guys laugh at that, but what you dont' realize is they are NOT here to create a meritocracy anymore than the scots-irish neocons who coo about our current 'meritocracy" in the NYT, WJS, etc.

  24. Beecher Asbury9/28/12, 8:35 PM

    Yan Shen said...

    Immigration policy should be primarily guided by the principle of cognitive elitism

    I presume you mean Northeast Asian immigrants. Keep in mind that type of immigration hurts those nations, especially China. China needs all the brain power they can muster and the flip side of this cherry picking you call cognitive elitism is brain drain on the poor Chinese. We have no right to hinder or retard China's development by stealing her best and brightest.

    From 1609 to 1958 we took in approximately 42 million, overwhelmingly, European immigrants. From 1965 until the present, we've taken in approximately 50 million, overwhelmingly, non-European immigrants. We need a timeout on immigration for a while to sort out what we have and encourage the worthless and drains on social services to leave.

    People keep talking about immigration like it is something that needs to continue, with only slight tweaking here or there, without regard to the fact we taken more immigrants in the past 50 years than any nation in history, and even more than we did over the 350 years from our pre-founding until JFK.

    Enough is enough.

  25. "cognitive elitism" is code for bring in more East Asians and a few South Asians."

    No, it's really just code for bringing in the cognitive elite, who could potentially be from anywhere in the world. A reasonable quota, say around 100,000 per year, is probably the optimal immigration policy for a country like the United States.

    See here for Hong Kong's skilled immigration program.

  26. Immigration policy should be primarily guided by the principle of cognitive elitism.

    Just as other property rights should be, I'm sure you agree. I'm smarter than you, and your principle of "cognitive elitism" requires you to hand over your wife, house, cars, and money to me, just as you ask us to hand over our country to you.

  27. "cognitive elitism" is code for bring in more East Asians and a few South Asians."

    No, it's really just code for bringing in the cognitive elite

    We don't need any more "cognitive elite" people. We have more than we need at present.

  28. The only sane immigration policy is one which is guided by the principle of cognitive elitism. Just look at how places like Hong Kong or Singapore decide who [sic] to let in.


    Since I am more cognitively elite than you (I even know English grammar), the principle of cognitive elitism obligates you to invite me to immigrate into your house and your marital bed. See you soon!

  29. WHY DOES the USA need ANY immigrants? What for?

    America has a population well north of 300,000,000 people. Isn't that enough? WHY do we need any more? How more do we need? 400 million? 500 million? WHY? I don't see the reason for it at all.

  30. Harold Lloyd9/28/12, 9:27 PM

    The chinese don't need brain power, they need soul.

  31. men with gold chains always reminds me of this scene from "Boogie Nights"


  32. Yan Shen is a buffoon. I can't speak for Hong Kong but Singapore's immigration policy is an absolute unmitigated disaster.

    The singular purpose of that ang moh dog that calls himself Lee Kuan Yew is enriching the city's Oligarchy at all costs. The "financialization" of Singapore continues apace and is following London into oblivion. Singapore imports Bangladeshi and Indonesian labor by the boat load to suppress wages at the low end. It imports even more foreign "talents" chiefly Indians to suppress middle class wages. It invites filthy rich mainlanders to buy overpriced housing to prop up sky high real estate values so that the native young cannot afford to start families, hence the abysmal birth rate. The economy is gradually being hollowed out due to the high rents captured by the local tycoons and their PAP enablers.

    Singapore's social policy is even worse as it actively works to suppress the ethnic identity of the Han Chinese, the people who created Singapore's now declining prosperity. Did I mention that Lee Kuan Yew is an ang moh dog? A Peranakan in the vein of the "more British than British" lackey. His ethnic policy consists of promoting the Malays and Indians and abasing and erasing the ethnic Han in the name of racial harmony. If you say a word contrary, well then you are a racist, a Chinese chauvinist, and you we will sued you if you don't shut up.

    If you think Indian ethnic nepotism is bad in the US, wait until they amount to 20% of your total population. Every major company that hires any Indian management will eventually find itself gradually ethnically cleansed of all non-Indians as they are replaced by co-ethnics or outright relatives from Bharat Mahta. The same threadbare lies echoed by the H1B shills in the US will be trotted out regularly.

  33. My wife is Russian so I am intimately familiar traveling in a country that requires an internal passport. As a foreigner traveling there I am also familiar with having to use a Russian visa which is attached inside my US passport. It is really quite simple, you always carry your papers and you obey the law; especially the immigration laws. If you don't you are up a creek.

    Once America adopts a system where all identification is biometric, machine readable, and tamper proof the game will be up. Not only will it become easy to identify undesirable aliens amongst us but their lives will be shit while they are here. If you cannot work, travel, buy or sell anything, or go anywhere you may as well be back in El Salvador.

    The way this will get done is to make each form of ID secure. It can only truly be an internal passport if all the information is lumped on to one card and anybody can read all the information. For those who are ok with having a super card that acts as a drivers license, social security card, voter ID card, marriage certificate, library card, and passport then they won't have to lug around 20 different forms of identification. Simply allow people to opt out of having all their information on one card and all the legal and social problems will disappear.

    The real kiss of death for illegals in Russia is when the Militizia takes away their papers. Just hand them back when they are boarding the plane and you will never see someone so glad to be leaving in your life and forget about them ever coming back.

  34. "America has a population well north of 300,000,000 people. Isn't that enough? WHY do we need any more? How more do we need? 400 million? 500 million? WHY? I don't see the reason for it at all."

    Good question. I guess some people say we need constant population growth to keep Capitalism going. Sooner or later there will be too many people. How many people can live on Great Britain or the Japanese islands?

    You don't need population growth for economic growth. How much economic growth do we need anyway?

  35. Auntie Analogue9/28/12, 11:00 PM

    So, Mr. Sailer, you say we need another self-bloating, revenue-devouring, bureaucratic empire-expanding, seat-warming, b.s.-excuse-making Guvmint Agency - replete, no doubt, with its own new czar? Tell us, please, how will such a cure be not worse than the disease?

    Have we not already got a Department of (cough-cough!) Justice and a Department of Immigration & (mostly foreign! - watch your slander!)Customs Enforcement whose vigilant civil-serve-themselves patriot guardians are hot on the trail of all those uber-rich law firms that rake in lucrative sums to advise American (cough-cough!) corporations how to avoid hiring U.S. citizens so they can instead hire immigrants?

  36. Tying up this and another recent post:

    U.S. immigration to treat same-sex partners as relatives

    "SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Obama administration has directed immigration officials to recognize same-sex partners as family members in deportation cases, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Friday. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Pelosi in a letter that she had ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to notify its field offices "that the interpretation of the phrase 'family relationships' includes long-term, same-sex partners."

    I predict the number of Mexican and African homosexuals skyrocketing now.

  37. The problem isn't just the left. There is a certain cognitive dissonance exhibited by some on the libertarianish right. Consider this gentleman I follow on Twitter, Michael Robertson a San Diego-based serial tech entrepreneur.

    The other day he tweets a link to a story showing that CA has lost 3.4 million residents but they've been replaced by an equal number of immigrants, so the state's population is "stagnant but poorer". I suggest that importing poverty in this way might not be a good thing. His response, "Immigrants are always great for our economy in CA and elsewhere".

  38. I have a friend who is not a citizen but he does have a green card. He has been arrested for multiple DUI's, cocaine trafficking, and has been involved in a shooting (he was shot). Beyond this he has been involved in the court system for failure to pay child support.

    A friend? Er, OK.

    Anyway, I can see that someone that has a Green Card is not deported, but it's not clear that Nakoula entered the country legally, or even if he has a Green Card.

  39. "Not exactly a new phenomenon for the US government. I mean it let Lee Harvey Oswald back in the country after he renounced his citizenship and went to the Soviet Union. And it permitted entry to Sirhan Sirhan (who admittedly arrived as a child)."

    That's perfectly understandable and I've got no problem with it whatever. After all, there are some jobs, like being a patsy for CIA assassination of presidents and presidential candidates that Americans just won't do.

  40. "Shoebat" - what a great name!

    I don't know what it means in Arabic, but one automatically thinks of he literal English equivalent, 'shoe' and 'bat', conjures up a bizarre image of nocturnal flying footwear wearing mammals.

  41. I don't understand the question. Since when has allowing in the dregs, weirdos, etc -- for refugees we even send planes for them -- been an issue?

    What we need...

    Good one Mr Sailer. But I think the country 'needs' a lot more than that. And will get a lot less. As usual. in the country in the first place...

    You can see for yourself. Just take a trip abroad. When re-entering, first thing to do is note who's in line with you in 'US Citizens etc' at immigration control. Second, extrapolate what you see happening there to the consulate offices around the world that grant visas.

    And I think more than a few families of 9/11 victims might be somewhat offended to see you refer to those guys as "screwups".

  42. Cail Corishev9/29/12, 4:15 AM

    "Once America adopts a system where all identification is biometric, machine readable, and tamper proof the game will be up. Not only will it become easy to identify undesirable aliens amongst us but their lives will be shit while they are here."

    It's already easy to identify them. Just the other day, a friend of mine who works for an agricultural lending company was telling me how a hog farmer about 10 miles from my house employs illegals. He really likes them because they work hard, and whenever one needs to go back to Mexico, another shows up the next day to take his place, like clockwork. You know, the usual tropes -- certainly couldn't be because they're cheap!

    So everyone knows there are illegals working there every day, but does the place get raided? Does his (quasi-government) lender refuse to back him, knowing he's breaking the law? Do the illegals have any trouble getting a driver's license so they can get to the hog farm in the middle of nowhere? Do they have any trouble finding a place to live or buying things?

    No, no, no, and no. Illegals right in our midst (and in a population with virtually no other Hispanics, so it's not like they're hard to spot) and no one has a problem with it -- not the cops, not his neighbors, not his lender, not his pastor, no one. There have to be plenty of unemployed young men in the area who would be willing to work in a hog farm, as I did when I was growing up, but no one cares about that either, because we've redefined this job that previous generations happily considered entry-level into one "Americans Won't Do."

    Your assumption seems to be that we want to stop illegal immigration, but just don't have the technology. That's completely false. We'll ignore better technology just like we're already ignoring the laws now.

  43. If you want a top quality immigrant like Magdi Yacoub you have to risk getting the ne'er-do-well, like Nakoula.
    Your basic Good Copt, Bad Copt scenario.

  44. I don't know what it means in Arabic, but one automatically thinks of he literal English equivalent, 'shoe' and 'bat', conjures up a bizarre image of nocturnal flying footwear wearing mammals.

    It makes me think of the way Arabs used removed shoes as weapons to show the utmost disrespect (recall the shoes tossed at George W. and shoes being pounded into various Saddam Hussein artifacts).

  45. JustaClown,

    "The USA is actually more like a livestock operation, one where the ranchers use the cattle for labor and sell products to the cattle, instead of butchering them."

    Funny you write that. The CA tech CEO I mentioned above analogized immigrants to cattle:

    "If another country gave the US cows would they make us richer? Of course yes. People are more valuable than cows! mo immigrants plz"

  46. Why is he here in the first place? Same reason 30 million people who shouldn't be here are here.

  47. Cail Corishev9/29/12, 3:44 PM

    Cows can't apply for welfare, send their kids to public schools, or show up at the emergency room without any money to pay for it.

    Give me a cow, and I can sell it for $2/pound on the market. If that tech CEO is suggesting that we slaughter immigrants and eat them, he might have a point.

  48. The many thousands of Soviet Jews who immigrated here as "refugees", with the help of the US government, are just frauds. Very many, once settled here, have traveled back and forth on vacations. Does that sound like they have a 'reasonable fear of persecution' ? With refugee status comes eligibility for all government subsidies: SSI, Medicaid, medical transport, Food Stamps, Section 8. Many snapped up the most desirable subsidized housing locations even before they got their shoes off, elbowing aside people who've lived here all their lives. None ever paid a dime in taxes here yet have sponged off the system since they arrived. They've had a reputation for being demanding and pushy to boot. Lots of their children have also followed in their footsteps, finding ways to milk the system or, if financially successful, continue to let their folks collect Food Stamps; so much less that they would have to shell out of their own pocket. Importing welfare recipients, as if we didn't have enough here.

  49. "Singapore's social policy is even worse as it actively works to suppress the ethnic identity of the Han Chinese, the people who created Singapore's now declining prosperity."

    -Actually, it was a once-British colony that, after gaining independence from Malaysia took on new Western ideas and plans. Asians mainly just provided the reliable grunt work.

    "Did I mention that Lee Kuan Yew is an ang moh dog?"

    Strange- if LKY were such a dog of 'redheads' (i.e.- whites), who is so into suppressing Chinese, he certainly expresses a peculiar race-appreciation of the Chinese, their intelligence, and supposed innate abilities bordering on fanatical worship...

    Google 'Lee Kuan Yew and race, culture and genes' for more details...

  50. With 50% of our recent college graduates unemployed or underemployed, I'm not particularly comfortable with importing foreign "cognitive elites", unless there is an extremely vital need (and no, making more money doesn't count as vital).

    Americans with worthless humanities degrees could be retrained for many of those jobs.

  51. The other day he tweets a link to a story showing that CA has lost 3.4 million residents but they've been replaced by an equal number of immigrants, so the state's population is "stagnant but poorer". I suggest that importing poverty in this way might not be a good thing. His response, "Immigrants are always great for our economy in CA and elsewhere".

    It's a religion for these people. Reason and facts are futile in the face of their faith. Immigrants are always great, period!

  52. Looks like he is a Copt after all, although the local LA copts don't seem to know him.

    Still, his motives seem financial rather than philosophical. If it does turn out that he was encouraged and funded from outside, I suppose we won't hear anything about it until well after the election, if ever, the way things are covered up under the current administration/media regime.

    Reading about the the Copt community in SoCal causes me to wonder if our policies of welcoming these persecuted minorities doesn't in fact exacerbate the situation in the home countries, increasing ethnic cleansing, extremism, etc.

  53. I forget the (NYT?) story I read awhile ago regarding how immigration for some Muslims (and presumably those with connections to Muslims) is made contingent on providing information about various Islamic "networks".

    If this individual is well connected and chatty enough, I can understand how certain blemishes in his record might keep being overlooked.

    Similarly, a fair number of mob CI's -- Whitey Bulger comes to mind -- made a good game of playing one side of the legal fence against the other.

  54. Lee Kuan Yew, the former leader of Singapore... now here's a guy with a philosophy we could use in a president here (quotes from

    "So how have Lee Kuan Yew’s racial views been made manifest? He strongly associates Race with genes, culture and economic success. The government under his control has shaped Singapore accordingly. For example, he has refused to spend large sums on ‘affirmative action’ in a futile attempt to raise up Malays and other ethnic groups, thinking that these are largely a waste of money when the problem of their underperformance is fundamentally genetic. Furthermore, since the problem is genetic, such expenditure is unjust to and discriminatory against more able ethnicities, especially the Chinese. Huge sums have been wasted and an untold disruption of people's lives has occurred in the USA and elsewhere in discriminatory 'affirmative action's in respect of blacks which have been largely useless in improving their socio-economic status."

    Also: "‘The numerical superiority of the Chinese must be maintained’, he said, ‘or there will be a shift in the economy, both the economic performance and the political backdrop which makes that performance possible.’"

  55. Manuel, if East Asians don't get every advantage they think they are being cheated. Lee Kuan Yew just isn't pro-East Asian enough for them. BTW, the British are the ones that made Singapore what it is just like Hong Kong.

    "Cognitive elitism" immigration is code for more East Asians. We all know very few Africans and Latinos have want it takes to pass a mental test. And European people are content to live in white places. It's East Asians who have the ability and want to live among white people to take advantage of what white people created.

  56. "Cows can't apply for welfare, send their kids to public schools, or show up at the emergency room without any money to pay for it."

    Of course, it's an incredibly stupid analogy. The other stupid thing is that this guy apparently doesn't realize that when these immigrants become citizens, they will vote against his interests on everything except immigration. Maybe he thinks they were inspired to come to America by op/eds in the WSJ?


  57. The USA is actually more like a livestock operation, one where the ranchers use the cattle for labor and sell products to the cattle, instead of butchering them.

    And the ranchers want as many cattle as possible. But the right kind of cattle. Desperate, hungry cattle.

    And the ranchers do things to keep the cattle from organizing against the ranchers.

    Dr. Oliver:

    "One may see a good analogy in the cattle that are raised in the southwestern part of the United States. For a long time, the favorite breed was the 'Texas Long-horn,' which was hardy, able to fight off coyotes and other predators, and to survive in the wilds until it was rounded up by the cowboys for a long drive to the market, but it was also a dangerous animal that would attack its owners when provoked. It is now virtually extinct, having been replaced on the ranches by more docile breeds, such as the 'Black Angus,' since the predators have been exterminated and the cattle now graze within fences or are simply fattened on corn provided for them, and the vigor of the potentially dangerous 'Longhorn' is no longer needed, while the more docile and sluggish animals yield more tender meat."

    I met RPO as a kid. I thought he was the smartest man I had ever met, and now, 45+ years later, I am sure that to this day he was.

  58. How much cognitive elitism are we talking about, here? If a world class scientist or entrepreneur wants to come to the US, in general we ought to welcome them. If an engineer or doctor wants to come in, that's probably reasonable, but we need to avoid making medicine and engineering things no Americans bother studying because of the low pay. Both are better chiices than a drywall hanger or a lawn mower.

  59. Nakoula's boss in the check kiting scheme, where Nakoula functioned as a mere runner, is Eiad Salameh (Shoebat). Eiad's brother is Waleed Shoebat, an associate of the Geller-Spencer Stockholm hate network., Eiad is an accused PLO terrorist who happened to travel frequently back and forth from Israel where he holds a passport.

    Nakoula was then part of an Israeli crime ring operating on us soil, and happened to make an anti Islamic film , a project whose fund raising began months before by Ali Sina of the Stockholm network.

    Nakoula's co participants in the film production were Steve Goldberg and Jimmy Israel, and Alan Roberts, a prominent Hollywood film editor, and once soft core porn producer.

    Doesnt sound like Al Qaeda to me.

  60. Shoebat is an Israeli. Just listen closely next time Medved or Prager have that shyster on their radio shows. He does a pretty good Arab accent, then slips into Israeli every now and then. Anyone with a good ear for Mideast accents can hear it plain as day.

  61. speaking of Men with Gold Chains:

    "Wealthy Indian spends £14,000 on a shirt made of GOLD to impress the ladies"

    "Has matching cuffs and a set of rings crafted from left-over gold"



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