October 12, 2012


Headline in the NYT:
European Union Wins 2012 Nobel Peace Prize

For what? Not invading Poland?

Couldn't they have given it to Obama again?

By the way, who can forget that moment exactly three years ago when we heard the big news about the President's unexpected honor? As reported in iSteve on Friday, October 9, 2009:

Here is the text of former President Barack Obama's farewell address, which he delivered before departing in the interstellar battlecruiser that had landed near the Washington Monument on Friday morning:
I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Directorate of the Milky Way to honor me by naming me Galactic Overlord. 
Let me be clear. I do not view my apotheosis as Supreme Imperator of the Nine Million Subjugated Planets as a recognition of my own accomplishments. Rather, it is an affirmation of Milky Wayling leadership on behalf of aspirations held by sentient life-forms across the entire local cluster of galaxies. 
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by the Galactic Overlordship, the men, the women, the self-fertilizing clones, the androids, the telepathic hive minds, and the cybernetic avatars who've inspired me (during the half hour I've been aware of their existence) and inspired the entire galaxy through their courageous pursuit of extending the Milky Way's hegemony over the Lesser Magellanic Cloud. 
But I also know that my aggrandizement reflects the kind of cosmos that all Milky Waylings want to build, a trans-galactic imperium that gives life to the promise of our founding documents, such as, uh, that gold-plated recording of Johnny B. Goode that Carl Sagan shot out of the solar system on a space probe ... plus, no doubt, some other stuff. 
And I know (at least since my conversation with Grand Vizier Xzqhtpv fifteen minutes ago) that throughout history the Overlordship has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes, such as the utter enslavement and/or annihilation of the Andromeda Galaxy. 
And that is why I will accept exaltation to Supreme Imperator, as I've accepted so many promotions in the past, not just as a convenient career move, not merely as a way to continue to fail upward (although I do wish to extend my sincerest hope to the Altgeld Gardens community that somebody will finally get them organized for a change; yet, let us never forget, I did help get some of the asbestos removed), but as a call to action, a call for, uh ... can we back up the Teleprompter here? ... a call for all higher species to confront the common challenges facing the Galactic Empire in its 3,452nd eon of prepotency.


And to those doubters who whisper that I'm no more qualified for my new responsibilities than I was to chair the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, that my tenure as Galactic Overlord will prove as ineffectual as all my previous careers at accomplishing anything besides stoking my vanity, that I will soon require yet another promotion to sidestep the looming consequences of my inevitable mediocrity at my latest job, let me remind them that David Axelrod is already spinning my image in infinite parallel universes.

By the way, if you like the kind of stuff you read here, please give me money so I can continue to produce it.

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  1. It's no weirder than Obama winning. But weird nonetheless.

  2. Jumping the whale.

  3. Europe lying at peace 1945-2012 obviously had nothing to do with the presence of American legions on German soil during the entire period and the existence of a belligerent neighbour in the shape of the Soviet Union (occupying Eastern European countries such as Poland with its legions) for much it and the MAD deterrence of nuclear weapons (possessed by Britain, France, USA & CCCP). Let us all forget Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968 in order to keep the record unblemished. Not to mention a few Balkan wars erupting after the Soviet Union collapsed.

    France didn't attack Germany!

  4. This is fantastic. It further destroys the reputation of the Peace Prize. Arafat, Obama, and now the EU. When the EU is gone in two years and Obama has bankrupted the US, it'll be truly prophetic.

  5. Next Year's likely winners:
    - Free Tibet Protesters?
    - Vegans?
    - Nice White Ladies?
    - James Cameron?
    - TED conference?
    - Anchor babies?
    - ADL?
    - Mark Zuckerberg?
    - Pussy Riot?
    - Chomsky?
    - Jon Stewart/ Colbert?
    - Apple?

  6. The oft-parroted argument that it was the EEC/EU that prevented another war from breaking out in Europe after WWII is one of the silliest claims ever. The problem in Europe after the unification of Germany in the late 19th century was that Germans tended to get in wars with their western and eastern neighbors. However, after Germany was partitioned and occupied after WWII, there was no way for Germans to attack anyone. Nor were the French or Eastern Europeans going to be starting wars in Europe, because they were junior partners in superpower-led coalitions. And MAD meant that there was not going to be any military adventurism in Europe anyway.

    The one underappreciated source of stability in post-WWII Europe are the massive ethnic cleansings that took place during and immediately after the war. Without them, the collapse of communism would probably have led to civil wars everywhere east of the Iron Curtain, not just in the diverse and vibrant Yugoslavia. When nations states get more ethnically homogeneous, there are many fewer casus belli for civil wars and much less zeal for irredentism.

  7. Included in its list of "achievements" its role in the Yugoslav wars. That contribution started by, to please Germany, "recognising" the Croatian & Bosnian Moslem regimes, both led by unrepentent (ex-)Nazis publicly committed to genocide & continued by supporting every aspect of NATO's wars and the subsequent genocide and ethnic cleansing of Kosovo by NATO's KLA "police".

    So though they may not have got it for avoiding invading Poland they did officially get it for invading Yugoslavia.

    I don't think the "Peace" prize has had a worthy holder since Norman Borlaug in 1970.

  8. I suppose its actually more in keeping with Alfred Nobel's intentions than most of the Peace Prides awarded. Those seem to reflect a "if you want peace, work for justice" attitude, which seems an objectively pro-war position.

  9. It's even weirder than Obama winning. At least Obama, at the time of his victory, had not started any wars. But the EU started one in Libya. Maybe the commission is full of subversives who are playing it as a sort of false-flag operation.

  10. transnational globalists patting each other's backs. the peace prize is a joke, honestly if it was meant to be a real prize rewarding people or abstract entities who bring real peace, the prison system should get it.

  11. Just to make clear how preposterous the whole idea of the peace prize is, it should be awarded every year to either:

    a.) The Nobel peace prize nominating committee itself, or

    b.) Only the most bloody tyrants. Perhaps next year it could go to Joseph Kony.

  12. Actually it was for not invading Greece.

  13. From MSNBC: The European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Friday for its efforts to promote peace and democracy in Europe, in the midst of the union's biggest crisis since its creation in the 1950s.

    The award was given to the 27-nation bloc because it had "for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe," Nobel committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said.

    Really? Seems to me like they should have given it to the US for garrisoning troops and long-range missiles all over Europe and starting NATO.

    Anyway, since it's clear the EU has done such a great job of bringing peace and stability to Europe, can we leave now?

  14. If you don't like this kind of stuff is there some kind of Fairness Doctrine hotline we can call to report you?

    I'll give you half my bitcoins I get as a reward

  15. Better than Tookie Williams getting it, one might suppose, but not by much. They should just change it to once in a decade instead of yearly. That would provide a better crop of candidates and a little space for hindsight.

  16. Did Obama take onions and garlic with him on his quest to serve humanity?


  17. Obama got it for bring "peace" to Afghanistan. EU got it for bringing peace to Libya--obviously.

  18. The Nobel committee has gone totally daft twice now. What can you say except they are as clueless as our media and academic elites. Wait a minute. I realize "clueless" is not an apt word. "Deranged"? "Psychotic"?

  19. Essentially... EU(Nobel committee are part of the EU gang) gives the prize to itself. The first masturbation in the history of prizes.

    Now, it can be called the European Onion. Onion oughta call it quits. I mean after Obama and then EU winning, as the saying goes, 'you can't make this stuff up'.

  20. So, how will be shared? Will Germany get the lion's share or will the money be used to bail out Greece?

  21. Who was it again that famously said "irony has died" after Henry Kissinger won the Nobel peace prize - in the wake of mass bombing sorties over North Vietnam?

    The EU has failed, has failed bigtime and it's increasingly obvious to all intelligent observers. Basically it's slowly strangulating Europe into a mire of deflation, stagnation and subsequent low fertility that Europe will probably never ever pull free of.
    My take is that Swedish eleitists, who run these things, feel a tad of symapthy and pity for the Eurocrats and hence are offering them soothing balm.

  22. outstanding material steve - among your best. donation coming soon.

  23. I think the Nobel Prize has subtly dropped in prestige over the years, and nobody would miss it if it went away. Besides, there is nothing really that brilliant to give it away for anymore. Time for it to become the Mitsubishi-Intel-Google Nobel Prize with a big TV audience voting on the candidates, who present their research before a live studio audience. Joe Sixpack is just about as qualified to choose the winner as any panel of experts.

    I've been thinking about a movie script lately where the Nobel Prize Foundation foolishly invests their money with Bernie Madoff and ends up having to borrow from the Chinese Mafia to pay off the winners. Hilarity ensues.

  24. Idiocracy, Then and Now


  25. Steve, I just mailed a donation.

  26. Give it to The World next year.

  27. As if it wasn't already enough of a joke at this point. Is there any oversight on this thing, or is this one of those self-perpetuating foundations that's been captured by a small group of people?

  28. I didn't read that the first time - very good. Have you considered writing scripts for sitcoms?

  29. Once they've awarded the prize to the Nobel Committee itself, they will have completed the cycle.
    They'll have formalized the progressive conviction that believing in the perfectability of Man is more important than any actual works on his behalf (tending as they do to come with compromise and complications).

  30. If I was some other winner of the Peace Prize, someone very deserving such as say, Yasser Arafat, I think this obvious cheapening of the criteria would agitate me.

  31. My nominees for next year:

    University of Pennsylvania
    Air and Water
    Cotton candy makers of the world
    South America
    Mississippi river boat pilots
    Saturday Night Live after Belushi

  32. If I was some other winner of the Peace Prize, someone very deserving such as say, Yasser Arafat, I think this obvious cheapening of the criteria would agitate me.

    Yasser Arafat is beyond caring. But just think how Obama must feel.

  33. My nominees:

    Asian youths.

  34. b.) Only the most bloody tyrants. Perhaps next year it could go to Joseph Kony.
    10/12/12 7:08 AM

    Kony 2013?

  35. Yasser Arafat is beyond caring.

    But his body is being exhumed even as we contemplate his passing into history, since his enemies may have poisoned him.

    As a scribe wrote:

    Yassir has never been well-liked or popular in the Arab League nations. He is ugly and loud and spittle flies off his lips when he talks. His beard is unclean and his eyes are like bags of dirty water. The starch in his uniforms get rancid after two or three days of soaking up fatty acids, and even good friends avoid him in public.
    (Hunter S. Thompson, 1986)

    Perhaps he did not notice the Polonium-210 poisoning and simply shrugged at its symptoms?

  36. Volksverhetzer10/12/12, 5:02 PM

    The leader of the Nobel comity, Thorbjørn Jagland failed both as priminister and as the leader of the Labor party, so they kicked him "upwards". First they made an international deal, so he became the leader of OSSE. To further sweeten the deal, he was made leader of the Nobel comity.

    One might say he is King Midas in reverse, where everything he touches turns to shit.

    From a more heathen perspective, he is a most welcome destroyer of public faith in anti-white institutions.
    If he had been aware of all the destructive patterns his actions normally leads too for the MultiKult orgs he leads, he would have been master Odinist, cunning in the works of wyrd.

    If Jagland had not showed by example, I am not sure I would understand that the best way to destroy the Noble peace prize, would be to turn it into a political tool, rather than to give it to somebody that really works for peace.

  37. I think it's worth electing Romney just to see how Obama's ego trip ends. Will he become a popular PC saint, an in-demand public speaker, or just a joke who got his party kicked out of power yet again.

    Two-to-one he and Michelle separate. But she better high tail it over to California if she wants to get elected promptly to the US Senate seat Dianne Feinstein vacates when what's left of her brain springs a leak. Which should happen any day now by my reckoning.

  38. Who gives a single fuck what Thorbjørn Jagland, Kaci Kullmann Five, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn, Ågot Valle and Berit Reiss-Andersen collectively think?

  39. For what? Not invading Poland?

    Exactly. Germany got the price because we're buying Europe this time.

    The problem in Europe after the unification of Germany in the late 19th century was that Germans tended to get in wars with their western and eastern neighbors.

    The problem in Europe after the unification was that our neighbors used to fight their wars on our soil and killed a lot of people, for example the 30-year-war where 80%(?) of the german population was killed or starved to death. also, napoleon.

    the greeks also attacked the persians after they tried to invade twice. there is nothing "german" about this behavior.

    The oft-parroted argument that it was the EEC/EU that prevented another war from breaking out in Europe after WWII is one of the silliest claims ever.

    Starting a war has become infinitely more expensive that way. Go into a supermarket and look where all those beautiful things in there come from. People go studying in other different countries. Hell, just try to find some money to have 24/7 border patrol again. If you start a war, your domestic companies will need to find more domestic customers, more domestic suppliers and even Hitler failed

    At least Obama, at the time of his victory, had not started any wars. But the EU started one in Libya.

    EU =/= France + UK

    (As a German, I am offended by such an assumption.)

    EU(Nobel committee are part of the EU gang)

    Americans writing about the way europe works...

    Hint: The committee is selected by the norwegian parliament.

    The EU has failed, has failed bigtime and it's increasingly obvious to all intelligent observers. Basically it's slowly strangulating Europe into a mire of deflation, stagnation

    1. EU =/= euro zone
    2. fat chance. how is general motors doing?
    3. we started to copy your start-up and entrepreneurship culture.

    and subsequent low fertility that Europe will probably never ever pull free of.

    it already is low and yours is pushed by illegal immigrants and blacks that still fail to perform on white levels. good luck with that.

    Also, fresh from the news: France had a higher fertility than the US last year. (http://www.economist.com/node/21560266)

    - from Germany with disrespect

  40. Our elite are hell bent on elimnating the nation state, which they believe is the cause of all evil (that an having a white majority) given that, it makes perfect sense.

  41. If the wisdom of the nobel committee holds true, then this seals the fact that the EU in the next few years will spend itself into dizzying new heights, and show even less resistance to the concept of Eurabia...

  42. They should have given it to Qazzafi for having the good taste to get murdered when he did and usher in Libya'a current era of peace.

  43. Ex Submarine Officer10/12/12, 8:00 PM

    If they really wanted to give the award for peace in Europe, they should give it to the Pershing tactical nukes we deployed there along with the grossly outnumbered US soldiers whose function was to slaughtered in an initial Soviet attack thereby ensuring use of said tactical nukes.

  44. This reminds me of when Science Magazine in 2005 named "Evolution in Action" as its breakthrough of the year.

    Basically, this was more about trying to take a stand against intelligent design than trying to honor a real "breakthrough." (What's the next breakthrough? "Gravity in action?")

  45. Why not give it instead to all the people who are at peace - you know, ordinary non-criminal working stiffs the world over? We are the ones who deserve it. We are actually peaceful, unlike these tyrants and governments and narcissistic would-be saints and terrorists and Great Black Hopes, etc., who do get the award.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. A previous recipient:

    Quddus continues: 'Others have pointed out that micro-credit simply deepens the exploitation of the women since the rates of interest charged by the bank in real [after inflation] terms are quite high; consequently, credit often worsens the debt situation and gives the husbands even more leverage.'

    Gaining leverage over women - instead of giving them economic liberation - is a familiar accusation. In 1995, New Internationalist magazine probed Yunus about the 16 'resolutions' he required his borrowers to accept, including 'smaller families'.

    When New Internationalist suggested this 'smacked of population control', Yunus replied, 'No, it is very easy to convince people to have fewer children. Now that the women are earners, having more children means losing money.'

    ...The question is whether they looked hard enough at conflicts generated by credit, at the risk of putting this Nobel in the same category as Peace Prizes granted to Shimon Peres, F.W. deKlerk and Henry Kissinger."

    The writer of above, Patrick Bond, has also compared it to the sub-prime.

    "rural Indian parallels to the 2007-09 ‘sub-primate mortgage bond’ crisis in the US, which hit low-income urban African-Americans especially hard."

    The biggest irony being that a schemer of "empowering" women being ousted from his noble-winning scheme by an empowered woman. (Prime Minister of Bangladesh)

  48. Anonymous German I note you don't dispute that the EU started the Yugoslav wars on German instructions, for the purpose of destroying that country and giving a lot of German funded (ex-)Nazis pyblicly committed to genocide to become satellite states.

    Marciano - the Dalai Lhama already has one. Milosevic doesn't.

  49. http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/122878.html

    noball prize

  50. Anonymous German I note you don't dispute that the EU started the Yugoslav wars on German instructions, for the purpose of destroying that country and giving a lot of German funded (ex-)Nazis pyblicly committed to genocide to become satellite states.

    I didn't bother. It looked like nonsense. Now it's worse and looks like a conspiracy theory.

    Included in its list of "achievements" its role in the Yugoslav wars. That contribution started by, to please Germany,

    Pleasing Germany? Seriously? The rest of europe has more important things to do.

  51. Anonymous German I note you don't dispute that the EU started the Yugoslav wars on German instructions, for the purpose of destroying that country and giving a lot of German funded (ex-)Nazis pyblicly committed to genocide to become satellite states.

    Is there a book I can read-in English, not Serbian-that has as its thesis that wonderfully crackpot theory ?


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