October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy precaution prediction

You should go buy plywood and nail it over your TV screen unless you are in the mood to see a lot of retrospectives in the media on the last Republican President's failure regarding Hurricane Katrina.


  1. Steve is Carnac the Magnificent.

  2. Commodore Bain10/28/12, 7:03 PM

    One thing I find interesting is how I hear everyday about how bad Americans are for global warming, I hear about so much concern and money on green crap, I hear whites being blamed for all manner of things they can be tangentially tied to no matter how tenuous the link, but have never heard once in all the time it has been known (at least a decade maybe longer) that Sub-saharan African widespread burning of forests, etc has contributed to an increase in the hurricanes and tornadoes that hit the East Coast of the US.

  3. Charlesz Martel10/28/12, 7:15 PM

    If NYC gets hurt, it'll be Bloomberg's fault - RINO Republican. If New York is spared it will be due to Obama's foresight.

  4. Harry Baldwin10/28/12, 7:41 PM

    There is no political downside to overreacting in advance of a major storm. "W" didn't get that.

  5. Jersey Shore Pedestrian10/28/12, 7:55 PM

    Of course, when Obama does nothing but wax introspectively on Sandy, we'll hear only the positive spin about his presidential wisdom in times of need.

  6. Semi-Employed White Guy10/28/12, 7:57 PM

    The only failure I can remember of Bush with respect to Katrina was his failure to forcibly remove the incompetent Mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin ahead of the storm.

  7. Sandy's grandfather was Max Born.

  8. I walked past a lot of closed restaurants this evening in Manhattan--where nothing bad is projected to happen until tomorrow morning. Mayor Bloomberg (fussbudget worrywart that he is) decided to shut down the MTA at 7 pm, thus depriving the restaurant sector of a dinner service for no reason that I can see, as their staff couldn't get home per his useless edict. What a cowardly ass he is.

  9. LOL! You can mention him by name, Steve-O, you won't be struck by lightning; George W. Bush.

    And hey, what's wrong with that, reading your site, I never thought I'd hear David Dinkins mentioned so many times outside of New York, until Barry got elected.

  10. LOL! You can mention him by name, Steve-O, you won't be struck by lightning; George W. Bush.

    And hey, what's wrong with that, reading your site, I never thought I'd hear David Dinkins mentioned so many times outside of New York, until Barry got elected.


  11. "The only failure I can remember of Bush with respect to Katrina was his failure to forcibly remove the incompetent Mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin ahead of the storm."

    Did Nagin have jurisdiction over Mississippi, too?

  12. I suspect one of the reasons why this is being played up as the impending apocalypse is that it's going to effect New York and Washington, where the national media and polictical elite live. You know, the important people, the only people who really matter.

  13. The media loves weather hysteria because it gives them sanction to grouse about global warming as the underlying cause.

  14. "Did Nagin have jurisdiction over Mississippi, too?"

    LOL, do you think the MSM would have cared about Mississippi? Everyone in Mississippi could all drown and it wouldn't be more than 5 minute mention in the MSM.

  15. I guess this unemployment storm is all Barry's fault then.

    All those unemployed blacks should blame him.

  16. "Did Nagin have jurisdiction over Mississippi, too?"

    Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi was widely praised for his response in Katrina's aftermath.

  17. NYers, give your nannies the night off. Taxi fare included...

    1. "NYers, give your nannies the night off"

      Now that's a line which has gotten a lot less funny in the past few days ...

  18. "Did Nagin have jurisdiction over Mississippi, too?"

    No. Which was evident in Mississippi's much more competent response. Oh, maybe you didn't want to make that comparison. But if you're hung up on race, then maybe it will help that the white Democrat governor of LA was also incompetent. You know, the one that Bush had to beg to issue the evacuation order.

  19. Auntie Analogue10/28/12, 9:47 PM

    "needname said...
    The media loves weather hysteria because it gives them sanction to grouse about global warming as the underlying cause."

    Precisely. Media-Pravda also love big weather events because these storms let them amplify their pillorying Republicans for "obstructionism" of anti-Global Warming policy and spending. Media-Pravda love to use big storms and receding icecaps to mock Republicans and conservatives as Neanderthals and throwback Christian fundamentalist mystics who simply will not heed the "settled Science."

    It appears that hurricane Sandy (don't you just love the non-gender specific name) may put a lot of cash in the purses of beach erosion restoration firms whose owners are politically well connected. Mustn't deprive all those SWPL's of pristine swathes of sand to front their seacoast second homes, retirement villas, and trendy seafood eateries, can we?

  20. Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco : The Ebony and Ivory of Katrina incompetence.

    Sandy looks to barely qualify as a hurricane. It's very big, in the geographical sense, but to me only seems newsworthy because of where it is projected to hit. SC wouldn't bat an eye. If the storm surge coincides with lunar high tides, it could cause big problems. Snowfall predictions for the northern Appalachians ( 2-3 feet) are pretty impressive, though.

  21. --Now that's a line which has gotten a lot less funny in the past few days ...--

    The joke is on you.

  22. "Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi was widely praised for his response in Katrina's"

    Depends on your definition of "widely", because Boy George was also widely panned...


  23. Did Nagin have jurisdiction over Mississippi, too?

    Why, what is the left saying happened in Mississippi during Katrina?

    It's good we have Trooth here to save us the bother of reading Democratic Underground ourselves.

  24. Depends on your definition of "widely", because Boy George was also widely panned...


    10/28/12 10:23 PM
    Shocking article from Salon!

  25. Reading trooth's link, you will see the words - "Today, Hancock County and the rest of coastal Mississippi are 21 months into a recovery that has garnered Gov. Haley Barbour lavish praise."

    So by "widely panned" he means that some people you never heard of at Slate said some critical things about him.

  26. " Truth said...

    LOL! You can mention him by name, Steve-O, you won't be struck by lightning; George W. Bush."

    Chill bro, it's Bob Ross' birthday today. Smoke a bowl and grab a paintbrush...

  27. NYers, give your nannies the night off. Taxi fare included...

    And the joke's on you

  28. LOL, Steve!

    I don't watch t.v. so I don't know. I would think that the media wouldn't touch Katrina because, deep down, they aren't secure in Obama's competence.

    After the storm has passed is when I would expect to hear about Katrina. It's only a cat 1, how bad can it be? On the other hand, they aren't used to these storms. Yet, on the other hand, New Englanders are uber-competent.

    Not minimizing a cat 1, even in Florida, those are taken extremely seriously. Katrina was a cat 3 and far worse than Sandy. I can't imagine Sandy doing as much damage even if New England doesn't have the emergency system and infrastructure of the gulf in place.

  29. "Matthew said...

    "Did Nagin have jurisdiction over Mississippi, too?"

    Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi was widely praised for his response in Katrina's aftermath."

    The response to Katrina was only considered a fiasco because of what happened in New Orleans. And what happened in New Orleans happened because it was a predominantly black, and black governed city. Ever the breaching of the levies would have been handled better by a white city government and a white populace.

  30. Almost every American hates New Yorkers. TV ratings will be high as people tune in to see those damn New Yorkers get what they deserve.

    I remember a particularly rude waitress from when I was in Manhatten in 1975.


  31. why do americans keep building log cabins in hurricane areas? are americans stupid?

    - from Germany with ridicule

  32. "why do americans keep building log cabins in hurricane areas? are americans stupid?"

    "Log cabins" are easy to build. Hurricane areas often have rich soil, good fishing, good temps for growing, etc...Maybe you could ask the Egyptians why they keep living on the Nile or the Chinese why they keep living on the Yellow River. Now mach schnell...

  33. "LOL, do you think the MSM would have cared about Mississippi? Everyone in Mississippi could all drown and it wouldn't be more than 5 minute mention in the MSM."

    True. Spring 2011 that once-in-a-generation tornado outbreak hit the Southeast, mainly Alabama (where about 250 people across the state were killed in one day alone), and it barely registered as a blip on the national radar.

  34. "Log cabins" are easy to build. Hurricane areas often have rich soil, good fishing, good temps for growing, etc...Maybe you could ask the Egyptians why they keep living on the Nile or the Chinese why they keep living on the Yellow River. Now mach schnell...

    see, that's the problem. i was talking about using concrete instead of wood, not about american place-of-residence preferences. why aren't americans using concrete?

    Log cabin: http://coastal.er.usgs.gov/hurricanes/ike/photo-comparisons/images/Ike_PhotoPair_crystal_bch_TX_Loc1LG.jpg
    Log cabin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greensburg_kansas_tornado.jpg
    Concrete: http://www.illinoisphoto.com/main/v/hurricane/katrina+disaster/steel+reinforced+concrete+house+Pass+Christian+Mississippi.jpg.html

    bonus: everyone can use fireworks on new year's day

    - from Germany

  35. With the 40th anniversary of Fischer vs. Spassky, followed with the death of George McGovern, followed with the box-office-champ-by-default concerning pinkish-white-collar progressive Americans in peril rescued by their own*, followed with the symbolism of the SWPL administrative capital of Internet Gaia sweeping Detroit, I'm surprised by the relative lack of glossy magazine navel-gazing to reinforce new-generation/Atari-Democrat/hope-and-change sentiments. But hey, there's a routine yet depressing extreme weather event, let's go with that metaphor

    *(I realize it was mainly the Canadian PM & ambassador who saved the thing)


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