October 30, 2012

I've finally figured out who Obama really is

That headline is semi-serious: at this late date, I've come up with a sort-of-new theory on Obama. It's neither terribly scandalous nor laudatory (so nobody will pay attention to it); it just makes more sense out of some of the weird details in Obama's life story and puts his early career path in a historical perspective.

Read the whole thing in Taki's Magazine.


  1. Nice analysis Steve. Occam's Razor though, points us back to the Affirmative Action charmer who failed his way to the top. Nobody more foolish than the bunch of guilt-ridden whiteys who put him over the top in 2008. We all know lots of both types

  2. It's a good take. David Goldman makes a good case that Obama is getting even for parental abandonment. No conflict between the two opinions.

    It could get even better. There is a better chance that Stanley Dunham is Obama's father than Stanley Ann Dunham is his mother. Perhaps this was in fact all dreamed up by his father.

  3. Consider the pornographic photos of his mother first, scattered everywhere on the net. Then you can start to peel back the Obama onion skin.

  4. You won't figure out who Obama really is until you hit up Man's Country.

  5. For a guy with such a supposed affinity for Muslims, Obama sure seems to like blowing them up with UAVs.

  6. It's funny that the NY Times site has been running those "Say Oui! to France" banner ads. Haven't seen em anywhere else yet. I want to see Tony Parker in the next campaign

  7. Steve, Truman was pro-Israel, but Ike was anti-Israel, preferring to court the non-Aligned world until Egypt fell into Soviet orbit. JFK established close ties with Israel, and assisted their nuke program (which had been started first with French and British help, when those powers still held recolonization hopes).

    Re Obama's affinity for muslims and blowing them up? See Assad, Saddam, Khomeni, pretty much any Muslim ruler. Sukarno killed plenty in Indonesia.

    And Steve you kinda forgot that there are all sorts of new guys around who speak: Arabic, Farsi, Pashtun, Urdu, and other languages. Who know Muslim peoples intimately, their ways, customs, and are adept at both killing and befriending them. These guys are mostly ordinary White guys from the South and MidWest and Mountain West. But they know things about ordinary people and power brokers, the guys who can order a thousand men to kill or stand down, that Obama and guys like him never can. Obama knows his Marxist billionaire buddies close to the Bhutto family. That's it. Your average Gunnery Sergeant of the Marines in Afghanistan knows the politics of Pashtun tribes inside and out, how they kill and make peace and why.

  8. Let me add that diplomacy is best conducted not by charming diplomats well versed in each other's culture -- that model led to 1914. Rather, it is exemplified by military strength. When you are strong, and others much weaker, diplomacy is relatively easy. Everyone strives to understand YOU rather than the other way around, as long as the defeated are either annihilated or given a face-saving way out; there are few problems.

  9. Auntie Analogue10/30/12, 11:06 PM

    Muslimist. Sounds like a pricey perfume sold exclusively in Riyadh's ultra-glitzy malls.

    I'd bet Obama is an enigma even unto himself. He's a real Nowhere Man, sitting in his Nowhere Land, making all his Nowhere Plans for EVERYbody.

  10. Auntie Analogue10/30/12, 11:16 PM

    My dear Whiskey, wouldn't you thnk that military strength doesn't count for spit when you pair your boots-on-the-ground guys with Moslem "trainees" whom you allow serially to gun down your own guys, and when the CIA men on the spot in your consulate safe house call for air support backup to save your ambassador you instead propagandize about a video that insults Moslems and arrest its screwball maker? Which jives perfectly with what John Derbyshire aptly calls "pussification."

  11. Steve, Truman was pro-Israel, but Ike was anti-Israel, preferring to court the non-Aligned world until Egypt fell into Soviet orbit. JFK established close ties with Israel, and assisted their nuke program (which had been started first with French and British help, when those powers still held recolonization hopes).

    Whiskey History...

    JFK was totally against israel nuclear weapons... quite different from his vice-president LBJ... hmmm.

  12. This is for you Whiskey:

  13. Steve, Truman was pro-Israel...JFK established close ties with Israel, and assisted their nuke program

    Actually, neither Truman nor JFK were particularly very favorable towards Israel, and JFK tried to shut down Israel's nuke program:


    "Harry Truman has been enshrined in Jewish collective memory for recognizing Israel moments after its birth, but he maintained a strict embargo on arms to the embattled nation as it fought for its survival. His recognition would have meant nothing had the Jews of Palestine been unable to obtain Russian arms via Communist Czechoslovakia."

    "Kennedy talked a good game but pushed hard for Israel to take back Arab refugees and shut down its nuclear program and at times outdid Eisenhower in assuming a bended-knee approach to Middle Eastern autocrats."

  14. Have you come up with a way to make sure he isn't reelected? That would be more useful, albeit time is short.

  15. Steve,

    What makes you so confident that Obama wanted to be Mayor of Chicago? I know he liked Harold Washington, but maybe he just went to Chicago because he had connections there (Ayers?).

  16. I think he's an American Tony Blair, though perhaps a better listener and a poorer speaker.

    Sorry to be so damning about your President, but there it is.

  17. "Consider the pornographic photos of his mother first, scattered everywhere on the net. Then you can start to peel back the Obama onion skin."

    Those are fake.

  18. Whiskey and Auntie are both right. On the one hand, Arabs respect machismo and decisiveness, and even with all the social engineering we still have a pretty bad-ass military with lots of deadly toys. On the other, at the policy level the national defense/national interest establishment is becoming a gay affirmative action pageant run by post-menopausal women.

  19. Surely you cribbed this from a Wes Anderson voice-over: "His mother frequently abandoned him to his grandparents’ care to work on her 1,043-page Ph.D. dissertation on Indonesian blacksmiths."

    Royal Tenenbaums? With Angelica Huston in the role of Obama's mother, right?

  20. "Consider the pornographic photos of his mother first, scattered everywhere on the net."


  21. @Auntit Analogue,

    Putting "boots on the ground" is precisely the WRONG way to apply American military strength.

    Fight stupidly, and yes your strength doesn't mean spit.

    Regarding Steve's post, Obama must be the "Muslimist" who has killed the most Muslims with robots. And who can really disagree with that policy?

  22. "Let me add that diplomacy is best conducted not by charming diplomats well versed in each other's culture -- that model led to 1914. Rather, it is exemplified by military strength. When you are strong, and others much weaker, diplomacy is relatively easy. Everyone strives to understand YOU rather than the other way around, as long as the defeated are either annihilated or given a face-saving way out; there are few problems."

    Whiskey, you've said many moronic things, but this is near the top. The application of power without understanding leads to disaster.

    For starters, unless you know the other guy's culture, you can't give them "a face-saving way out": what you think will help them save face is as likely to humiliate or insult them.

    This is the whole Ugly American thing. You can say it worked in the 1950s, but if it worked so well, why was American foreign policy in a shambles 10 years later?


  23. boxing kitten10/31/12, 8:21 AM

    Excellent cultural analysis as usual Steve but you do leave out the most important fact of his existence: he is a mulatto. Mulattos are profoundly insecure people.

  24. I think your analysis is a positive contribution to this whole murky business. It is obvious that Obama is particularly sensitive to the concerns of Muslims. I'm not sure however that calling him a "Muslimist" is much of an advance on just calling him a Muslim sypathizer. I think you need some more facts to flesh out this line of argument.

    Donald Trump had tried to help - to put the most positive spin on his most recent antics. The question about whether he got a 'B' or an 'A' some easy elective clearly isn't worth five million dollars. It might be worth it if his school records showed who he was with and what he was up to in his Columbia days - gay Muslims?

    But I don't expect to live to see this particular mystery unwound. When I was in college we believed all sorts of nonsense. We believed stuff like JFK really wrote "Profiles in Courage". We thought that Rommel was a genius and that he was only beaten when England's greater genius Montogomery emerged. We thought that Harry Truman was in charge too.

    Venona and Intrepid changed all that. I expect a similar expose about Obama in a couple decades. But I am also aware that some of the details about Aaron Burr were supressed for more than a century.

    Right now the three consistent threads that seem to run in this weave are : Marx, Islam, and Homosexuality. Obama is the most conventionally Marxist, the most pro-Islam, and the most girly President we have ever had. Obama is indeed unique in American history but it doesn't have much to do with his race.

    Chris Stevens our Libyan ambassador was done in by crypto-Marxist Muslims who objected to his being gay. These three elements appear over and over in Obama's actions. Just what it all means we don't know yet.


  25. Obama is a Tleilaxu face dancer out of Frank Herbert's Dune novels.

  26. No question that you've figured him out better than anybody else I know of. Comments and a link back to here at

  27. Diplomat? Maybe, but more of a Magnan than a Retief.

  28. I read and admire both Steve Sailer and Martin Kramer. Kramer writes this today: "I don’t see eye to eye with Steve Sailer on much of anything, but I found this article oddly compelling." He then goes on to quote the "graceful go-between" sentence from the article, which he links to.

  29. Don't worry. Wait another 6 days or so (sorting out the results may take an extra day or two) and the real story about who ex-President Obama is and how he got to the White House will start rolling over the country like a Hurricane Sandy storm surge on steroids.

  30. Interesting analysis. Much of what Sailer has written about Obama can be favorably compared with analysis about "Third Culture Kids," of which Obama is one. Especially Obama's comfort level with fellow TCK Valerie Jarrett and his "international", multicultural interpersonal disposition.

    Read this for a basic intro:


  31. Whew. Lots of commenters over at Taki's couldn't figure out what a Muslimist is, but knew what they thought it should mean, and then said you got it wrong. They've got good writers over there, but the commenters area all guys who like to leap to conclusions and tell you that you're wrong. And they have anecdotes to prove it, and theories.

    Obama does seem to be a natural go-betweeen, as I have noted before. He positions himself as understanding both black and white, elite and plain folk, Christian and Muslim, marxists and free-marketers, Americans and Internationals. He really sees himself this way, and expects that this presentation should just "work" when he enters a conflict.

  32. Whew. Lots of commenters over at Taki's couldn't figure out what a Muslimist is, but knew what they thought it should mean, and then said you got it wrong.

    Yes, they couldn't figure it out despite Steve being pretty clear and explicitly discussing the Arabists of the old American establishment.

  33. "Obama does seem to be a natural go-betweeen, as I have noted before. He positions himself as understanding both black and white, elite and plain folk, Christian and Muslim, marxists and free-marketers, Americans and Internationals. He really sees himself this way, and expects that this presentation should just "work" when he enters a conflict."

    This. He says to himself, "I've been all of these things, so I am the perfet leader for 21st century America, and the world. I represent all because I am all in one! Hope! Change! Forward! and so on...

    Those that don't get it (in America, the wrong kind of whites) are just clinging to intolerance and xenophobia. He and his crew have always believed this with unshakable religious faith. That's how people get to the point of "the end justifies the means" even if they never quite go so far as to admit that, even to themselves.

  34. The only question that really matters is whether underneath it all, Obama has a covert agenda.

    Islam is not a homogenous entity, and it is not impossible that his mission is to promote a modenistic, more acceptable form of Islam within the West, at least as a way to soften us up, prior to the final coup d'grace. One has only to look at the actions (and statements) of Cameron and Blair in the UK, and other "leaders" in the West, to appreciate that he may not be unique in this respect. There can be not the slightest doubt but that a concerted attempt is under way to convert the West from the inside, and from the top down.

    All you would need is money; lots and lots of it. Everything else is in place: a pliant media and academe, drunk on Political Correctness; an atheistic and amoral populace, drugged up on "sport" and celeb culture; a massive surveillance apparatus
    (the Internet) disguised to look like entertainment; state-sponsored self-hatred masquerading as outgroup altruism and nonracialsm; extintionist feminism and low-fecundity propaganda dressed up as "liberation"; mounting economic ruin; open-doors immigration; and government abortionists'the knitting needle for the occasional fetus that does beats the odds and manages to get conceived.

    We need a Walsingham.


  35. He is a chinese box.

  36. I have a question. If Mr O was being groomed for life in the diplomatic service, why didn't he study languages? He seems to remember some Bahasa Indonesia, but says he doesn't speak any foreign languages.

  37. He's a narcissist. There isn't much more to say than that.

  38. Ok but maybe Arabist makes sense in a way that Muslimist doesn't precisely because its a lot easier to reflect the interests of a ethnic/ racial group then a world wide religion. Basically the Arabists were innocents abroad who not having a king got suckered into the whole desert monarchy Bedouin dress and courtly manners thing. What is attractive about Islam to the guy Steve claims is the ultimate WASP? I get that Steve doesn't really believe the ultimate WASP thing. It is just a way to troll his readers and stay edgy, but how do you reconcile this waspiness with a sympathy for Islam. Islam without its upper caste Arabic trappings is a pretty prole and ugly thing. Nothing in it would recommend itself to a wasp, a lapsed catholic, like Anthony Burgess definitely, but to waspy j presswasp no.


  39. I don't know how well Occam's razor has been deployed in all this. All his life Barry Obambi
    has had a 100% girlie boy aversion
    to direct, if disciplined (by-the-rules) CONFRONTATION. He couldn't stand playground face offs, he can't stand in any committee meeting, two people speaking directly to each other in short sentences, etc. His compulsion to see every competitive intensity defused by mediation is just another indication that the umbilical cord has never been cut

  40. "Jewish liberal real-estate interests in Chicago such as the Pritzkers adopted him. They didn’t take his ambition to be mayor seriously; instead, they thought he should be president! Would they have been as enthusiastic if he was a professional Muslimist? Likely not."

    Though Obama never became a Muslimist, his Muslim connections were appealing to Jews. They could use it as cover. Though Obama would be owned by Jews, the perception--to both whites and Muslims--would be that he was his own man with a diverse array of 'friends' and associates, many of them Muslims. If Obama's life history had been close-to-Jews from the beginning, his allegiance to Jews would have been more obvious and unmistakable. But because of his 'Muslim connection', he could be used by Jews to 'negotiate' with the Muslim world. Maybe Muslims would fall for it. They didn't as it became plain as day as Obama is just another running dog of Jews.

    Obama's Muslim cover was also useful to Jews in dealing with whites. Without such cover, many whites would have fumed, 'Jews put that guy in the White House'. But because of his 'Muslim' connection, the grand narrative among white conservatives--fully encouraged by Neocon Zionists whose main interest is also Jewish power--is that a 'stealth Muslim' is in the White House. Stealth Muslim Obama fooled all those hapless Jews who simply didn't know what they were doing by supporting that guy. When I point out to facebook people that Jews were instrumental in getting Obama elected, they all comment, "Well, I just don't understand." What dummies.

    I took a trip to the Smoky Mountains last week, and what did I hear on the radio for a full week? Southern Morons babbling on and on about how 'Muslim' Obama needs to be removed from the White House because he's a threat to Christian America and Jewish Israel. Are cons really this dumb or this cowardly?

    Btw, I think it's more fair to say Obama was an internationalist or globalist than a Muslimist. He just happened to have closer ties to that part of the world by accident of biography. But his style has been a no man in every land.

  41. " On the other, at the policy level the national defense/national interest establishment is becoming a gay affirmative action pageant run by post-menopausal women."

    Don't get your knickers in a twist. I don't know about gays, but no female could ever get it quite right for you at any time of life, much less the psycho females in politics (most of them.) You are one of those men who suffers from female hormones. A sort of couvade.
    Puberty, pre-meno, meno, partum, post partum, post meno, post life.
    Never a pause for the weary.

    Hell, with fewer gentlemen callers, 30 years of experience in tow, a resume including membership in any number of nefarious secret societies like the Bilderbergers, 30 years plus to go, the hubby retired, a million dollar mortgage and a face lift to keep up, what else is there to do? Break your hip? Limit government to the Viagra bunch?

    Psycho politicians' hormones don't much matter by the time they're cabinet secretary, president or prime minister of something. Far more important flaws of mind and heart are involved.


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