October 7, 2012

The Word Gap: blacks v. American Indians

As we all know from reading the newspapers, the reason for The Gap in school achievement, as proven by Hart & Risley, is because African-Americans don't talk enough.

But wouldn't this actually apply to New World Indians instead of blacks?
There is, however, no doubt that the various races, when carefully compared and measured, differ much from each other, as in the texture of the hair, the relative proportions of all parts of the body, the capacity of the lungs, the form and capacity of the skull, and even in the convolutions of the brain. But it would be an endless task to specify the numerous points of difference. The races differ also in constitution, in acclimatisation and in liability to certain diseases. Their mental characteristics are likewise very distinct; chiefly as it would appear in their emotional, but partly in their intellectual faculties. Everyone who has had the opportunity of comparison must have been struck with the contrast between the taciturn, even morose, aborigines of S. America and the lighthearted, talkative negroes.

Charles Darwin


  1. "How!"


  2. Maybe affluent white liberals have a point. They are successful, and maybe their success has to do something with Word Surplus.

    I mean they keep coming up with stuff like 'homophobia', 'marriage equality', 'environmental racism', 'teen flashmobs', 'white privilege', 'word gap', and etc.
    They certainly don't lack for 'creative' use of words, though I may be 'noxious' and 'odious' to point it out.

    So, how about we address this problem via 'word equality'? You see, I'm becoming creative too. Since libs have a word surplus and blacks have a word deficit, we should force liberals to share their words with blacks. Have every liberal go to a black neighborhood and share their vocabulary with the Negroes who are just starving to know all these fancy new words.

  3. What were some of the other 'words' that libs came up with?

    Wasn't there something about stress causing blacks to fail? What was the word for that?
    I need to 'nudge' my memory.

    I guess I'm just getting older but don't 'stereotype threaten' me about it.

  4. home econ gap

  5. attitude gap

    behavior gap

    respect gap

    discipline gap

    truth gap

    honesty gap

    gap gap

  6. GOP should be called the GAP. Grand Asinine Party.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-B_ONJIEcE&feature=share&list=PLE50FC91A844EEC33

    Ask Chomsky and Pinker to fix the problem.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg9u6vF8k1s

    It's amazing how much meaning can be conveyed with so few words.


  9. Stereotypically, the least talkative Europeans are Finns. They score spectacularly on achievement tests.

  10. I think it's time we closed the tax gap.

  11. So far we've got:

    1) Fear of Acting White.

    2) Stereotype Threat.

    3) Something about the local murder rate (what was it called?)

    4) Word Deficit.

    Has anyone come up with a unified theory yet or have 1 - 3 been forgotten out of existence?

  12. Sailer, any opinions about the "inquisition" that Steve Hsu is being subjected to over his "controversial" views?

  13. an excellent exposition of truth, but an obvious truth. Now why does this situation exist?

  14. Yeah, the taciturn nature of black folks explains why there is such a dearth of successful black rappers and charismatic preachers like Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, MLK etc.

    Having spent much time among black coworkers, friends, and, er... businessmen (ok, drug dealers), I can honestly say that black vernacular is endlessly creative and indeed truly vibrant.

    If you stay out of da hood for too long you miss all the cool new terms and feel like a dumbass.

  15. Ghandi said worse things about blacks, yet both Darwin and Ghandi are secular saints of Globalist humanist movement.

  16. Did not Steven Pinker make a point in The Language Instinct of the linguistic gifts pertaining to black African slaves who managed to come up with a new Creole language fused out of various parts of their native tongues? The linguistic equality of races seemed a given.

  17. Darwin's Sh*tlist10/7/12, 5:08 PM

    Yes, yes, we just must address the "word gap." Because we know that someone weaned on his mom's boyfriends' taste in word-rich rap music is going to be much better off intellectually than the unfortunates who grow up suffering the barren soundscapes of jazz and classical.

  18. Darwin, Patron saint of Liberal Atheists wrote that? The Descent of Man must be Apocryphal writings. Only evil Galton wrote stuff like that.

  19. Harry Baldwin10/7/12, 5:56 PM

    Maybe instead of calling it "Climate Change," we should call it "the Climate Gap." The Climate Gap is the difference between what the temperature is and what liberals think it should be, and they wouldn't be able to come up with a clue as to what could possibly cause it.

  20. Enoch Powell10/7/12, 7:26 PM

    Those marvelous, lighthearted negros! Darwin must have been an upper-class, southern gentleman circa 1960 (Atlanta, Ga.). I used to hear those old money people rave about the childlike saintliness of their colored servants while spitting out contempt for hard-working, intelligent, working-class Whites. The seeds of our destruction had an early and unlikely origin. They shoulda known better.

  21. "Did not Steven Pinker make a point in The Language Instinct of the linguistic gifts pertaining to black African slaves who managed to come up with a new Creole language fused out of various parts of their native tongues?"


  22. Is esteem gap old hat?

  23. Conservatives have a media gap.

  24. Are we turning gapanese?

  25. Obama should next write WORDS FROM MY FATHER.

  26. HOPE CHANGE HOPE CHANGE. All the words you need.

  27. Well, at least Obama closed the phone gap.

  28. Gap music is the next big thing.

  29. average joe wins the thread. shut it down, steve.

  30. Blacks are pretty wordy and always pushing the limits of language:

    pimp (verb and noun)
    baby daddy

    Those Stuyvesant entry tests are clearly biased because they don't assign value points to the verbal creativity of blacks !! They're testing for the wrong type of verbal intelligence.

  31. One can talk without complete words and substitute four letter words s***, f*** and some very inventive imagination.

    warning:bad language, very bad language

  32. baby daddy

    That's a term invented by non-Blacks who didn't understand that Blacks often neglect to inflect for the possessive case. In extreme examples, you hear, "She wearing she coat."

    And when a Black woman says, "my baby daddy", it translates to "my baby's daddy", and the term is not properly used outside of this possessive context, and the stress should be on "daddy", not "baby".

  33. Not only are blacks, in general, are exceedingly talkative, they are also are, generally, have high self esteem, ego and sense of self importance. They are hardly ever plagued by depression, anxiety or self doubt (although schizophrenia is common).
    An obvious example of this natural tendency is rap 'music'. Basically (c)rap is an opportunity for a lot of puffed-up, egotistic blacks to make themselves look and sound important (something which is extremely valuable to them), by talking a lot of shit at high speed.
    But,oh, no, what they are talking is not shit. Apparently it is deep and meaningful 'poetry' by the gifted storyteller which speaks of existential angst, and how wise and clever the story teller is, not only to describe it but to have lived it.

  34. "They are hardly ever plagued by depression, anxiety or self doubt (although schizophrenia is common)."

    Maybe that's true, or maybe you just aren't smart enough, or seasoned enough to see it?

  35. York Minster10/9/12, 7:20 AM

    The Fuegians Darwin met near Cape Horn had a favorite phrase, "Yammerschooner," which meant "Give me..." As long as it works, that's all the vocabulary you need, really.

  36. Black verbal aptitude and creativity is undeniable. In poetry, song-writing, novels, speeches etc


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