October 26, 2012

To defeat Obama, oilman T. Boone Pickens donates one ... MILLION ... dollars!

The Washington Post is up in arms:
The Swift Boaters are back for 2012 
Posted by Dan Eggen at 02:43 AM ET, 10/26/2012

The Swift Boat crew is back for another election. 
Many of the top donors to a group that funded controversial attacks on the military career of Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in the 2004 presidential race are now heavily funding a super PAC targeting President Obama, new records show. 
American Crossroads, a super PAC backed by former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove, received $6 million in October from the key backers of the earlier effort against Kerry, according to disclosures filed late Thursday. Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons gave $4 million; Houston homebuilder Bob J. Perry gave $1 million; and Dallas financier T. Boone Pickens chipped in another $1 million. ... 
Pickens had not previously given to the Rove group ...

According to Wikipedia, T. Boone promised one ... million ... dollars in the 2004 election for proof tarnishing John Kerry's military record, but didn't pay up.

On the other hand, it also says, he has now donated $265 million to Oklahoma State athletics. (That's $100 million more than the last time I checked.)

But, Oklahoma State's football team is only ranked 33rd in the country at the moment, so I guess T. Boone's attention is wandering back to politics.

If Karl Rove were the machiavellian genius everybody claims, he'd figure out a way to covertly get rich liberals more interested in college football.

For example, UCLA football could be a bottomless pit for Hollywood heterosexuals to toss their millions into.

Why should UCLA have to play home games 30 miles away in WASPy Pasadena? Why should Boone Pickens Stadium be so much better than what we've got? What UCLA needs is a billion dollar Jackie Robinson Brooklyn Dodgers Stadium (to be named after the UCLA football player who integrated baseball in 1947 by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers).

What? Are you against Jackie Robinson? Are you against the Brooklyn Dodgers? We in the Industry need to stick it to the red state racists by building the world's finest college football stadium and doing whatever it takes to recruit a national championship team to play in it! Whatever it takes ...

Haim Saban spends a certain number of millions per year to make sure he has a say in who gets to be Secretary of State. It's pretty easy to do: you give some money to the Brookings Institution for a Middle Eastern think tank, you give some to the DNC, and so forth and so on. Not that many rich guys care about who is Secretary of State compared to number who care about who wins the BCS. So what if Saban got obsessed with improving the Bruin's porous secondary? Fixing that would take real money.


  1. What does the SEC have to do with college football?

  2. Very funny!

    Loved this one, Steve.

  3. The problem is that many of the Republicans' top funders are people who are actually rich liberals.

    Like Paul Singer and other New York hedge funders like Cliff Asness and Daniel Loeb. They fund the Republicans, while promoting and funding the pro-gay and pro-gay marriage agenda:


  4. He should have thrown four million more in, and asked Mitt for his tax returns.

  5. Ha. Like West Hollywood isn't as WASPy as Pasadena. Maybe they could build the stadium a few miles away next to the Bel Air Country Club instead.

    (I know you're being sarcastic, but still. Scary thing is, I'm sure the libs at UCLA would actually make that argument.)

  6. The idea that Kerry was unfairly smeared is a staple of lefty thinking, rather like the notion that Dukakis lost because of the picture of Willie Horton.

  7. What we really need is to set up some sort of competitive thing for orchestras and the like. Perhaps even some sort of 'fantasy sports' for it and the like. Get the SWPLs interested in sinking huge amounts of money into recruiting that hot new 1st violinist or hotshot conductor. At least the money they spend might produce something culturally useful, or at worst, fairly harmless....
    Today, playing Wagner's finest overtures,
    Chicago vs New York
    with a doubleheader of
    overtures from Italian operas
    Seattle vs SF

  8. What crazier way can there be to waste millions than to tip the one-party system a degree to the right or left every four years? The quarter billion given to Oklahoma State athletics seems perfectly normal by comparison.

  9. there is no tailgating at the orchestra, it will never sell...

  10. WASPy Pasadena? Isn't it like half Mexican?

  11. The Legendary Linda10/26/12, 3:59 PM

    I estimate the presidency is worth $15 billion. Meg Whitman said she was willing to spend $150 million of her own money for a 50% chance of being governor of one state, thus a 100% chance to be leader of all 50 states should be equal to $15 billion.

    So Trump needs a net worth of more than $15 billion to be superior to the president. $30 billion if the president gets re-elected.

  12. WASPy Pasadena? Isn't it like half Mexican?

    To those who rule us it's always 1965.

  13. Steve, coastal SWPL liberals (but I repeat myself) HATE HATE HATE anything that Redstate folks like. Thus they HATE HATE HATE football, and particularly college football. "Traditional" MLB teams like the Red Sox are OK (say the Florida Marlins are not), and most SWPL follow things like Premier League Soccer as key status signaling.

    As far as donations go, Obama seems to get most of his abroad, from unverified Credit Card donations. Most Dem money comes from unions, various PACs, and SWPL donors. With a hefty dose of Middle East funds.

    Republican money mostly comes from individual donors, corporate PACs, and various ancillary groups like the Howard Jarvis Tax foundation and the NRA.

    I think you underestimate the degree by which PACs dominate and overestimate individual donations to candidates which are checked and limited. You can spend all the money you want (with little publicity) on PACs, individual donations to candidates are matters of public record (used effectively by Gays to purge Mormons in the Entertainment/Hospitality industry for support of Prop 8).

  14. I'm not sure I understand... Most billionaires are culturally liberal. They are in favor of free abortion and gay rights.

    If the two parties believed in equal tax rates there would be few billionaires who would donate to the republicans.

    If you really want to appeal to the largest number of billionaires you would have a political platform of low taxes, low spending, and socially liberal programs.

  15. Steve, most billionaires are very focused on the lifestyle improvements granted to their daughters and grand daughters due to the availability of nannies.

    Even though billionaires could afford to pay for expensive US born nannies for their daughters and granddaughters, they still want the massive nanny availability driven by immigration.

    For a variety of reasons, I feel that it is best for America if America allows massive immigration of super high IQ Northeast Asian females so that they can fill the nanny jobs... Ie.. Announce that the US invites millions of Korean and Chinese females to move to America, but first they have to take a sophisticated IQ test, and other tests.

    I think America could attract millions of females with little education, females that are unhappy with the opportunities in their own countries but genetically high IQs. The high IQ females from Korea and China could take all the nanny jobs. They would be happy for the nanny jobs.

    Thus the billionaires and the cultural elite could satisfy their need for nannies.

    The children and grandchildren of these nannies would of course use their high iqs to go on to get educated and get high paying jobs and pay taxes

    Again, I subscribe to every tenet of HBD and of citizenism but it seems to me that the wealthy elite demand cheap nannies, and the wealthy elite will not give up on massive massive immigration since massive immigration is needed in order to provide the nannies. Since we are stuck with massive immigration anyway, i suggest that immigration be made up of high IQ Northeast asian females.

  16. First of all, most of the readers of this blog under estimate how important nannies are to those of us that are financially successful and who want large numbers of grandchildren.

    The readers of this blog aren't, by and large, dealing with the issue of trying to persuade children who live in urban areas to produce grandchildren.

    As Steve often points out, as a general rule, if you have high IQ children who get good grades in college, those children will by and large choose to live in interesting urban areas such as Manhattan, West Side of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.

    as a parent with post college children living in those cities, the real fear is not that your children will be the victims of crime (the crime rates in those places are down more than 60% off the peak due to the prison construction boom) but rather the fear that you will get no grandchildren.

    Statistics have clearly shown that if you make nannies widely available in those cities and make the nannies cost little, that you produce much larger numbers of grandchildren

    on the other hand, if you restrict the availability of nannies you get many fewer grandchildren produced.

    Now I am sure that many people here will simply suggest that successful people tell their post college children to live in places where they can produce grandchildren without the help of nannies. But that is just not realistic for many of us. Our children are going to live in expensive cities whether we like it or not.

    The real choice is, provide huge numbers of nannies to the post college crowd and get grandchildren, or provide no nannies to the post college crowd and get no gradchildren produced by them.

    If you look at places where it is not socially acceptable for young moms to hire nannies, like milan, you see very very low birthrates among the high IQ females

    In cities where it is socially acceptable to hire nannies like NYC you see much higher birthrates among high IQ females

  17. "I think America could attract millions of females with little education, females that are unhappy with the opportunities in their own countries but genetically high IQs. The high IQ females from Korea and China could take all the nanny jobs. They would be happy for the nanny jobs."

    Amusing. Something tells me that white female voters might not be so supportive of this, though...

  18. anonymous said

    For a variety of reasons, I feel that it is best for America if America allows massive immigration of super high IQ Northeast Asian females so that they can fill the nanny jobs... Ie.. Announce that the US invites millions of Korean and Chinese females to move to America, but first they have to take a sophisticated IQ test, and other tests.

    So much is wrong with this statement, I don't know where to begin. Just suffice it to say that science has proven beyond a doubt that iq is overwhelmingly environmental in origin. Strong schools = high iq's.

    think America could attract millions of females with little education, females that are unhappy with the opportunities in their own countries but genetically high IQs. The high IQ females from Korea and China could take all the nanny jobs. They would be happy for the nanny jobs.

    Seems pretty racist to me. Just let in Asians? What do you have against people from other nations that are poor and looking to strive and succeed in America like Haiti, Somalia, Mexico, and Afghanistan? Science has proven that moving to America raises iq's to above average and they succeed just as well as whites do, regardless of which nation the immigrants come from. Your immigration plan doesn't seem to reflect the diversity our nation needs to succeed in the 21st century.

    Thus the billionaires and the cultural elite could satisfy their need for nannies.
    The children and grandchildren of these nannies would of course use their high iqs to go on to get educated and get high paying jobs and pay taxes

    Hmm.. are you saying that non-Asian immigrants don't pay taxes and aren't a net benefit to society and help pay for all the government programs that are primarily used by poor whites like social security, medicare, and welfare? Seems pretty racist to me.

    Also I'm 100 percent in favor of raising the numbers of immigrants into our country. China and India have over 1 billion people each and our nation with only 300 million people just isn't going to compete in the 21st century unless we open our borders and start growing the population so we can compete on the global stage and maintain our super-power status.

  19. Whiskey: Most Dem money comes from unions, various PACs, and SWPL donors.

    You mis-spelled "SSIPL" - "Stuff Scots-Irish People Like".


    Anonymous: ...it seems to me that the wealthy elite demand cheap nannies, and the wealthy elite will not give up on massive massive immigration since massive immigration is needed in order to provide the nannies...

    Manhattan nanny accused of stabbing toddlers to death, trying to kill herself: police
    October 26, 2012

    A Manhattan mom out running errands returned to her luxury Upper West Side apartment last night and walked into a nightmare — her two young children had been stabbed to death by their nanny, who then slit her own throat in a suicide attempt, police sources said.

    The mother, Marina Krim, arrived at her West 75th Street home at 5:34 p.m. after nanny Yoselyn Ortega, 50, failed to meet her for swimming lessons with the kids she was watching — Leo, 2, and Lucia, 6...

    The children’s father, CNBC executive Kevin Krim, was returning from a business trip to San Francisco and was notified once he arrived in the city last night, a source said...

  20. Nam nanny murdered two children this week. I am not sure what whiskey has to say about that

  21. Pasadena used to be uber-WASP-ish.

    The Huntington clan had a railroad racket down there which was the SoCal equivalent of what Leland Stanford had amassed up in the Bay Area.

    And they left behind a gorgeous little museum, with accompanying horticultural gardens, called, appropriately enough, The Huntington.

    Now Altadena [which is "above" Pasadena] on the other hand - Altadena was getting pretty darned scary the last time I was up there.

    It's a real shame, because from the top of Altadena, you can see across the entirety of Los Angeles and pretty much all the way to the ocean.

  22. That is the point. This murder could show the elite the truth of hbd and open them to the idea of chinese nannies...

  23. "Something tells me that white female voters might not be so supportive of this, though..."


  24. It is a slight puzzle to me why no White Gentile billoniare or even millionares have publically made a donation to White interest groups who promote ideas such as those espoused by the American Third Party or similar groups that are arising and will continue to arise as Whites become increasingly disposessed and genocided in slow motion.

    The puzzle is the seemingly complete lack of interest in doing so ... the complete lack of sympathy or empathy to their fellow Whites who are actually being economically and physically harmed in many instances by unfettered open immigration and affirmative action and related policies such as the news black out on NAM on White crime including the many murders.

    Pro-White groups and their ideas are not some big secret.. the SPLC and the ADL see to that.

    Yet for some reason wealthy White Gentiles will not step forward... and say enough is enough here is 10,20,30, or a 100 million dedicated to defending White European American interests.

    Is there something about the psycholgy of wealthy White Gentiles that prevents them? Is it cowardice?Is it fear? Fear of what? Is is lack of empathy to fellow Whites? Why? Is it jsut moral blindness and lack of awareness ?

    At some point I wonder if this will change ... but I am not sure when or if it will be already too late to effect much good.

    I suspect if one or two stepped forward more would I would guess.

    It's quite bizarre when you consider all the other racial interest groups ...Jews, Blacks, Hispanics have gorups with hundreds of millions of dollars of funding who protect and promote their interests.

    Shame on wealthy White Gentiles...their lack of interest in their fellow Whites make me ashamed that they are the same race as me..

    But why not one of them of note have stepped forward is still puzzling ... yes some of them have business interests that might get damaged by the PC fallout..but all of them?

  25. Marissa mayer depends on a group of nannies

    And kyle klopvich is obviously a troll. He is making claims known to be untruein order to argue against immigration preference for high iq asians

  26. "For a variety of reasons, I feel that it is best for America if America allows massive immigration of super high IQ Northeast Asian"

    The primary reason being that you're Yan Shen.

  27. T Boone Pickens would be a fool not to donate extensively to PACs to favor his various business interests, principally wind and gas. And he'd be a fool to donate to individual candidates where his donations are tracked.

    There are various ways to wash donations to PACs. For example, you can set up your own PAC. Then fund it as much as you like, and donate through the PAC to another PAC. Reporters are too lazy and stupid to figure that one out, though generally the party operatives on both sides are well aware of it.

    And there are issue groups. Emily's List, the NRA, NARAL, and Focus on the Family don't raise or spend much money but their endorsements and political mobilization generate votes, which is political power.

    Steve I'd bet $$$ that mega moguls like Pickens are already heavy into PACs, making lots of donations to influence their own business environment, to enrich themselves and beggar their competitors. You just don't hear about it because they keep it under wraps.

  28. There seem to be a lot of bitter white beta males here. As such, perhaps it should be made clear that in order to solve the nanny problem, there is no need to allow any males from North East Asia to move to the USA. Only females could move from China and Korea to the USA.

    For a variety of reasons, the bitter white betas should not feel so threatened.

    Plenty of evidence that the higher IQ females in China and Korea prefer the company of white beta males over Asian males.

    So you solve a number of problems at once, the problems of the bitter white betas in America, the problems of the elite that need nannys, and the problem of falling national IQ in the USA.

    I suspect Yan Shen won't like this solution, but I also suspect that yan shen and kyle klesvich are both trolls run by someone that wants to derail the discussions here

  29. "Something tells me that white female voters might not be so supportive of this, though..."

    One form of racism which I've encountered among liberal white females is hatin' on Asian women.


  30. Steve, sometimes I don't know if the people posting here are just trying to appear snarky and clever or whether they are actually trying to build towards a better future for America -

    i ask the posters here to think about the future.... The low IQ NAM female immigrants that the elite bring to america to work as nannies are of course happy to do the work. but then the nannies get pregnant and produce NAM sons that go on to drop out of school and commit crimes. So each nam nanny produces disaster for the future.

    On the other hand, if you import high IQ but totally uneducated chinese females, the chinese females happily work as nannies, just as cheaply as the NAM nannies, but the chinese females produce sons that learn engineering, commit no crimes, and pay taxes that keep our whole system going.

    So in the short term the effect of importing nam nannies and the effect of importing chinese nannies is the exact same thing, but the long term outcome for America is very very different.

    Do you now understand why it is better for America to import millions of un educated but genetically high IQ nannies from China and to allow zero of the genetically low IQ nannies that are currently being imported?

    Would seem to be obvious from an HBD perspective

  31. If caring about who's Secretary of State gets you Hillary Clinton, then I don't blame anyone for not caring who's Secretary of State.

    "And you know, she mentioned that the thing about, we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video."

  32. ""I think America could attract millions of females with little education, females that are unhappy with the opportunities in their own countries but genetically high IQs. The high IQ females from Korea and China could take all the nanny jobs. They would be happy for the nanny jobs."

    You're promoting miscegenation?

  33. "Steve, coastal SWPL liberals (but I repeat myself) HATE HATE HATE anything that Redstate folks like. Thus they HATE HATE HATE football, and particularly college football."

    What nonsense. Fans sit in freezing weather to watch the Giants and Patriots play in December -- because they "HATE HATE HATE" football? Or do you think that none of the fans shelling out $280 per ticket for the nosebleed seats (current price for the 11/4 Giants-Steelers game) are SWPLs?

    As for college football, more nonsense. I follow hundreds of coastal SWPLs on Twitter, and see plenty of plenty of excitement about college football (particularly about one of Stanford's recent wins). With two pro teams, and no recent BCS teams nearby, college football isn't as big as the NFL in New York, but people still watch it here. If Rutgers makes it into the BCS, you'll see more interest locally.

  34. crypto-Angels fan networks10/26/12, 10:40 PM

    Not sure the point of this disinfo above; I know that real estate speculators will (hire foreigners to) post trash talk on blogs but perhaps it's just the view from the Cape Town/Falklands contingent again. "Altadena" isn't incorporated, it's L.A. County land including both affluent hilly neighborhoods (east of JPL, north of the Rose Bowl)as well as crummier streets near upper Pasadena on that side of the freeway. Steve was just joking when he described southern Pasadena as the redoubt of pre-war top-hatted types, since the white wealth in L.A. has entirely moved west and wester; the moneybags in Pas/San Marino today are increasingly likely to be world-on-fire E. Asians. On another note it does seem that Sailer is remarkably sour on ye old Boys Of Summer (which would explain A LOT over the years)

  35. bedfellows syndrome10/26/12, 10:45 PM

    I follow hundreds of coastal SWPLs on Twitter, and see plenty of plenty of excitement about college football (particularly about one of Stanford's recent wins)

    USC vs. The Rest of Us is the true local divide, I'd say.

  36. Auntie Analogue10/26/12, 10:57 PM

    The way the rich donors' behavior thread of Mr. Sailer's post went awry here on the keyboards of quite a few commenters obsessed with introducing the off-topic of foreign nannies might well have given Jacques 'Dawn To Decadence' Barzun a topic to have written fascinatingly upon.

  37. "There seem to be a lot of bitter white beta males here. As such, perhaps it should be made clear that in order to solve the nanny problem, there is no need to allow any males from North East Asia to move to the USA. Only females could move from China and Korea to the USA."

    Here's a retro idea: instead of importing foreign women to watch well-off people's kids, use middle class American teenage girls. Call them babysitters.

    And here's another retro idea: those 17 year old girls' brothers can mow the lawn while they're babysitting the kids.

    With that, we'd significantly ameliorate teenage unemployment and obviate the need for millions of unskilled immigrants.

  38. Auntie Analogue10/26/12, 11:32 PM

    College footbal donations? Try this on for size: http://www.vdare.com/articles/urban-college-football-no-longer-serves-educational-purpose-pull-tax-deductible-status

  39. The Legendary Linda10/26/12, 11:52 PM

    It is a slight puzzle to me why no White Gentile billoniare or even millionares have publically made a donation to White interest groups who promote ideas such as those espoused by the American Third Party or similar groups that are arising and will continue to arise as Whites become increasingly disposessed and genocided in slow motion.

    Humans are genetically programmed to behave ethnocentrically when the feel threatened, and since white Gentiles are such a rich and powerful race that have not recently suffered mass discrimination on the level of slavery, apartheid, reservations or the holocaust, their tribal instincts have not kicked in.

    White Gentiles occasionally feel outdistanced by the success of Jews, but Jews have done a brilliant job convincing white Gentiles that they are all one white race, so white Gentiles take pride in Jewish success, and do not feel threatened by it.

    Add to that all the white guilt white Gentiles learn from the media and academia, and it's not a puzzle why they lack tribal behavior

  40. I will quote to you, Steve, the slogan of Cycle News (East). (as best as I can remember it)

    "We really don't care how the hell you do things in California."

  41. While spitballing ideas that the Wives of America will never ever agree to, why not import millions of young nannies from the blonder parts of southern Brazil? The fashion model talent scouts like the German rural parts of southern Brazil and Argentina.

  42. Guys, honestly I think an average white guy can compete for an Asian girl against high IQ Asian guy. This is coming from a white guy who dates a daughter of Chinese immigrants. White betas should support Asian immigration. It's good for broader society and I don't think it hurts their sexual prospects at all.

  43. Cail Corishev10/27/12, 2:18 AM

    Stop saying "nannies"!

    Sheesh. Anyway, there are two very obvious reasons why this "high-IQ nannies" stealth plan will never happen:

    1) No woman is going to invite a woman smarter than herself into her home.

    2) No woman is going to invite a more feminine and submissive woman (the stereotype of young Asian women) into her home.

    She might hire a brilliant Asian to tutor her kids in math, but she's not going to invite one into her home to dust and do the laundry and take care of things while she's gone.

    I'm surprised I have to point this out.

  44. Legendary Linda said,
    "White Gentiles occasionally feel outdistanced by the success of Jews, but Jews have done a brilliant job convincing white Gentiles that they are all one white race, so white Gentiles take pride in Jewish success, and do not feel threatened by it."

    There is a Youtube clip of Mike Wallace replying to Morgan Freeman who has just asked Wallace if he would want a White History Month? At about 18 seconds of the clip, Mike looks truly perplexed, dumbfounded and stutters , " I am Jewish."

    Here it is:

  45. Here's a retro idea: instead of importing foreign women to watch well-off people's kids, use middle class American teenage girls. Call them babysitters.

    And here's another retro idea: those 17 year old girls' brothers can mow the lawn while they're babysitting the kids.

    With that, we'd significantly ameliorate teenage unemployment and obviate the need for millions of unskilled immigrants.

    The purpose of bringing in millions of immigrants is not employment but race replacement.

  46. http://www.sfgate.com/default/article/Brandon-Crawford-living-the-dream-3930508.php#photo-3562933

    His donation does not mean as much as Brandon Crawford's!

  47. One form of racism which I've encountered among liberal white females is hatin' on Asian women.

    Any chance for, say, some white-on-asian jello wrasslin' action?

    [In bikinis and high-heels, of course.]

  48. She might hire a brilliant Asian to tutor her kids in math, but she's not going to invite one into her home to dust and do the laundry and take care of things while she's gone.

    You you you you you mean that all those porno videos and all those Penthouse Forum letters aren't true?!?

  49. It would be best not to import any non-Europeans or allow them to immigrate for any reason whatsoever, whether it be to provide low-cost nannies for the well-off or as high-tech workers. There's enough talent right here right now, high to low IQ depending on one's needs, it's all here.

  50. Do you now understand why it is better for America to import millions of un educated but genetically high IQ nannies from China and to allow zero of the genetically low IQ nannies that are currently being imported?

    Would seem to be obvious from an HBD perspective

    If you think that HBD is all about increasing the average IQ in a country, you'd have a point. But it's not, so you don't.

  51. I commented on Corsi's book here about a week ago. I said then that people should now re-read "Unfit To Command" to see if his charges held up. The most important charges were:

    1. Kerry volunteered for Swift Boats when they were stationed off shore away from danger.

    2. Kerry complained when the Swift Boats were deployed in the dangerous rivers.

    3. Kerry shamelessly pursued medals and won Purple Hearts for quite minor wounds.

    4. Kerry lied to Congress about how he and other commited atrocities.

    I asked then for some evidence or even some unsubstantiated testimony that any or all of these were false.

    I got only one response and that person only said that Corsi and his book were discredited (whatever that means).

    Democrats now disparge the whole incident and book. They refer to any Republican attack as "Swift Boating" as if these charges had been conclusively disproved.

    I'm willing to believe that Corsi is a scoundrel - I don't credit his more recent books on Obama's birth certificate. But he seems to have uncovered Kerry's true service history. Or am I wrong?

    BTW I was in the National Guard at about this same time. The idea of George Bush flying a National Guard jet always struck me as incredibly brave. As we used to say "Sleep well tonight, your National Guard is". I be wary of riding in a National Guard Jeep.


  52. "

    "It is a slight puzzle to me why no White Gentile billoniare or even millionares have publically made a donation to White interest groups who promote ideas such as those espoused by the American Third Party or similar groups that are arising and will continue to arise as Whites become increasingly disposessed and genocided in slow motion."

    Well, I'm here to solve your "slight puzzle, or, more accurately, you are; because they are "millionaires and billionaires"; ergo, they are doing quite well, and don't need anything to change.

    No, Mr. Anonymous, the burden of responsibility of donating to such groups falls in the laps of those such as yourself whom have $46 in their savings accounts.

  53. "Whiskey said...

    Steve, coastal SWPL liberals (but I repeat myself) HATE HATE HATE anything that Redstate folks like. Thus they HATE HATE HATE football,..."

    Yeah, that's why the skyboxes are always empty at forty-niner games. Just as James Cameron now has to bum quarters on skid-row, after his big gamble on "Avatar" didn't pan out.

    Is there any fact that Whiskey is unable to deny in support of his idiotic assertions?

  54. "On the other hand, if you import high IQ but totally uneducated chinese females, the chinese females happily work as nannies, just as cheaply as the NAM nannies, but the chinese females produce sons that learn engineering, commit no crimes, and pay taxes that keep our whole system going."

    On the other hand, we could base our immigration policy on something other than the demand for nannies by rich SWPLs in New York.

  55. "Anonymous said...

    For a variety of reasons, I feel that it is best for America if America allows massive immigration of super high IQ Northeast Asian females so that they can fill the nanny jobs..."

    For a variety of reasons, I feel that it is best for America if you cut your own balls off and offer your services as a eunuch to a wealthy family in China. Okay?

  56. Why is it that blonde South Brazil is poor? Great HBD mystery here. Same goes for Ukraine and Russia (minus oil)

  57. helene edwards10/27/12, 1:36 PM

    Or do you think that none of the fans shelling out $280 per ticket for the nosebleed seats (current price for the 11/4 Giants-Steelers game) are SWPLs?

    Yes, that's what I think. Isn't it agreed here that Boston and NY/NJ have plenty of "Puddy" types with money to spend? Being from Marin, I know SWPL's, and for them it's baseball and Maui. Like your posts, Dave, but on this one you're all wet.

  58. This is an hbd web site

    Everyone here knows that dominican nannies produce sons with iq under 89 and chinese nannies produce sons w iq over 104.

    No more trolling

    The future of the usa hangs in the balance

  59. "Like Paul Singer and other New York hedge funders like Cliff Asness and Daniel Loeb."

    Those gentlemen have something else in common too.

    "Is there something about the psycholgy of wealthy White Gentiles that prevents them? Is it cowardice?Is it fear? Fear of what? Is is lack of empathy to fellow Whites? Why? Is it jsut moral blindness and lack of awareness ?"

    In my experience, most wealthy whites are true believers in diversity. Wealthy whites who are not liberals tend to be very patronizing towards minorities. Wealthy whites only interact with non-whites in paid service positions - domestic help, gardeners, security guards, waiters etc. They often interpret the servile manner of these people as an expression of genuine affection and proof that nonwhites are harmless. You have to be pretty out of touch with reality to do that, but I've seen and heard it over and over. They think some black security guard who lets them into their office building or a Honduran gardener is their buddy because the person politely answers patronizing questions with whatever they think some rich old white guy wants to hear.

    They are generally clueless about any of the issues discussed on this blog. Especially if you are talking about the over 50 crowd, they have no concept of HBD, modern man-woman issues or cultural Marxism. They tend to see the world through outdated concepts like Freudian psychology and the Cold War. Many of them are influenced by Ayn Rand(real name Rosenbaum) and imagine themselves to be rugged individualists who got where they are with no help from anyone and purely on merit. If we're talking about rich Republicans, they have no sympathy for the majority of Americans who have seen a decline in their standard of living. In fact, they deny that any decline in incomes, standards of living etc. has occurred. They think the only thing really wrong with America is that taxes are too high and that non-rich people are lazy.

  60. How do millions of teenage american girls replace the need for nannies? Intelligent, well-mannered, high quality ones go to school 3/4ths of the year thereby being unavailable for nanny-work.

    I think some are confusing what a nanny really is with a babysitter.

  61. Conatus:"There is a Youtube clip of Mike Wallace replying to Morgan Freeman who has just asked Wallace if he would want a White History Month? At about 18 seconds of the clip, Mike looks truly perplexed, dumbfounded and stutters , " I am Jewish.""

    Standard SWPL line.The last thing an SWPL wants to be called is white. I once saw Tom Hayden go on a weird tangent about how his Irish blood meant that he was not White.

  62. If we taught kids to read sooner, we could just give them the Collected Walter Scott to read until mom gets home. Ancillary benefit of making VT kids more like Southern kids. Two birds one stone.

    But now that I think about it Scott was Lukacs's favorite English writer so maybe I'm falling into a kultmarxists trap. Can some one run the numbers for me?

  63. "Why is it that blonde South Brazil is poor? Great HBD mystery here. Same goes for Ukraine and Russia (minus oil)"

    I'm a Brazilian from the South (Santa Catarina) and you're WRONG! We're the wealthiest region in Brazil per capita and we have less crime than any other Brazilian region.

  64. "Why is it that blonde South Brazil is poor?"

    It's not. Brazil's 3 southernmost states - Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul -- have the 7th, 3rd, and 5th highest average incomes in Brazil, respectively, out of the country's 26 states, according to Wikipedia.

  65. Oh yeah, bringing in lots of Asian nannies will definitely increase the number of grandkids.

  66. How do millions of teenage american girls replace the need for nannies? Intelligent, well-mannered, high quality ones go to school 3/4ths of the year thereby being unavailable for nanny-work.

    I think some are confusing what a nanny really is with a babysitter.

    It's possible that some of the readers were thinking of their own experiences with mom as a full-time housewife with occasional babysitter assistance when mom and dad wanted to go to the opera or some such.

  67. Recent discoveries suggest that East Asians and Northern Europeans are strongly related ... so the back infusion of genes from East Asians could be good.

    However, their strong selection for survival among and imperial government and imperial politics is a cause for concern.

  68. Cail Corishev10/27/12, 6:00 PM

    Maybe white mothers could stay home and take care of their own kids, and not need nannies of any nationality. They could even churn out a third or fourth kid and stop the demographic decline. Leaving the workforce could raise the value of labor and increase their husbands' real wages for the first time in ages. As one-income families, they'd engage in less conspicuous consumption on credit. Couples would divorce less, and kids would grow up better educated and with fewer personality problems.

    Nah, that's crazy talk. Can't imagine any society ever worked that way.

  69. Why is it that blonde South Brazil is poor? Great HBD mystery here. Same goes for Ukraine and Russia (minus oil)

    No mystery at all. Prosperity is something you grow into. It took northwest Europe hundreds of years to grow into 19th century levels of wealth and then a 100 years more to reach late 20th century levels. As more was understood about economics other countries could catch up more quickly. Brazil, despite being much poorer than America, actually spent the entire 20th century (save the 1980s) growing at a much faster rate than either the US or Europe grew during the 19th century. The south and southeast are the richest regions of Brazil.

    The Russian economy has made tremendous advances since the tumult of the 1990s, and is about much more than just oil (though that of course has certainly helped). I wouldn't call Russia a poor country.

  70. White betas should support Asian immigration. It's good for broader society and I don't think it hurts their sexual prospects at all.

    Totally ruinous of their racial prospects though. Some people actually care about white existence. If whites were treated as people too this would be uncontroversial. But whites aren't treated as people too; they're treated as pieces of meat to be chewed up and spat out all in the service of other races' needs. Some people call this state of affairs anti-white. I think they're right.

  71. Another alternative to nannies (if the mother's job is important enough or pays well enough to warrant one in the first place) is getting grandparents to take care of small children. Modern white Americans are way too disconnected from their extended family. Retired people have plenty of time on their hands as it is, so there is no reason they shouldn't be willing to help advance their own genetic line.

  72. Ex Submarine Officer10/27/12, 9:59 PM

    However, their strong selection for survival among and imperial government and imperial politics is a cause for concern.

    Ya know, I think this is an effect, tolerance for this is the result of millenia of selection for rice culture, which is highly structured and interdependent.

    If you think about what it takes for a group of people to run a bunch of interconnected rice paddies, what with all the hydraulics and potential for catastrophe to neighboring paddies by a mistake/carelessness/incompetence on your part, it sure goes a long way towards explaining the East Asian profile.

    That is, very clever, loves all sorts of innovative small problems and improvements, but sort of unwilling to step outside the box and take a big chance. In a state of continual mortification about what everyone else in the group thinks.

    Good way to run rice paddies collectively.

  73. "Something tells me that white female voters might not be so supportive of this, though"

    In other words, it's something that's good for the country.

    Also we should bring in eastern europeans to help as well, while we're at it.

    We need to treat female voters the same we treat females we date: tell them what they want to hear, but do what we know is right.

  74. Ya know, I think this is an effect, tolerance for this is the result of millenia of selection for rice culture, which is highly structured and interdependent.

    (The following is based on stuff I read in John King Fairbank's and Jonathan Spence's histories of ancient China). For most of China's existence, rice has been the staple of the relatively wealthy. It makes sense. Think of your local grocery store, where a 5 lb bag of all-purpose flour is $2, whereas a 5 lb bag of rice that hasn't been reprocessed into flour is $3. Most of China's relatively arid land, where bitterly cold winters are the rule, isn't suitable for growing rice, which requires a lot of water and mild temperatures.

  75. Portapotty Joe10/28/12, 6:01 AM

    "I think America could attract millions of females with little education, females that are unhappy with the opportunities in their own countries but genetically high IQs. The high IQ females from Korea and China could take all the nanny jobs. They would be happy for the nanny jobs."

    - You're talking about NE Asians a generation or two ago. Most high-IQ Chinese or Korean chicks these days in their 20s or 30s wouldn't dream of stooping to the level of a nanny for $10 an hour. You'd have to go to either lower IQ spots in Southeast Asia like the Phillipines or to hellholes like North Korea to find women like that.


  76. "Oh yeah, bringing in lots of Asian nannies will definitely increase the number of grandkids."

    Well, yeah. It's *not* an unreasonable assumption.

    That high-IQ White American high-powered career gal who needs and can afford a nanny is, almost certainly, married to an Alpha --female hypergamy being what it is.

    Alphas, being what *they* are, are likely to be boinking anything cute and female within reach (like, say, a Chinese nanny).

    Boinking often results in babies.

    So Grandad (well, assuming he's the father of the Alpha, anyway) IS likely to get more grandkids due to the presence of the "super hi-IQ Asian nanny."

    Bringing in Asian nannies is not, however, likely to result in more *all-White* grandkids.

  77. "Another alternative to nannies (if the mother's job is important enough or pays well enough to warrant one in the first place) is getting grandparents to take care of small children. Modern white Americans are way too disconnected from their extended family. Retired people have plenty of time on their hands as it is, so there is no reason they shouldn't be willing to help advance their own genetic line."

    This is an obvious solution but in reality is not going to occur. The issue is down to specifically a certain class of people, namely the working-rich in tier 1 cities. Many times both sets of grandparents of such family are not in those same areas and would not be able to afford to move or WANT to move from their slower paced and cheaper communities to backbreaking-ly expensive tier 1 cities where their children/grandchildren are.

  78. "Truth said...

    No, Mr. Anonymous, the burden of responsibility of donating to such groups falls in the laps of those such as yourself whom have $46 in their savings accounts."

    It's hard for the idiot known as "Truth" to engage in who/whom politics, as he doesn't know the difference between "who" and "whom".

    Mr. J-school grammar-genius misused the word "whom". Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother pointing out something like that, but as he routinely uses typos and mispellings as a rhetorical club with which to beat others, I figured that the nitwit has it coming.

  79. Why do so many discussions on this site and others get sidetracked by loser miscegenation fetishists? Why allow these kinds of posts at all?

  80. " Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother pointing out something like that, but as he routinely uses typos and mispellings as a rhetorical club with which to beat others,"

    Well, I'm proud to have been an influence on you, Grasshopper.

  81. "Truth said...

    Well, I'm proud to have been an influence on you, Grasshopper."

    You influence many - like the stink from a sewer.

  82. Cail Corishev said..."She might hire a brilliant Asian to tutor her kids in math, but she's not going to invite one into her home to dust and do the laundry and take care of things while she's gone. I'm surprised I have to point this out."

    Did you really assume that the type of guy frequently posting here has any clue what an upper-middle class white women might think or want? Knowing would require occasional proximity to one. I'm not aware of too many high-status women venturing into Whiskey's mom's basement. Though what do I know? Maybe there are lots.

  83. Anonymous said..."This is an hbd web site"

    Otis McWrong said: No it's not. It's Steve Sailer's blog. The fact hordes of HBD'ers hang out here doesn't make an "HBD web site". Steve is interested in a wide variety of topics beyond IQ: movies and golf architecture comes to mind. You HBD'ers are not interested in other topics, as any count of the comments on an IQ article (zillions) versus one on a movie review (40-50) will reveal.

    I think you HBD types hang out here because Steve generally doesn't censor comments. Also because he finds the sort of leftist absurdity around things like the "race gap" to be amusing and worth commenting on. But that doesn't make it an "HBD website".

    Sorry if I stole your thunder Esteban Saileriguez...

  84. Conatus,

    Wow, and all this time I didn't realize that Mike Wallace was the spokesman for American Jews, a light for the Gentiles into the Jewish hive mind. I wish my late grandfather were still around so that I could ask him if there was some kind of election to the post.


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