November 12, 2012

Asians get their reward from Obama Justice Dept.

Asians apparently voted overwhelmingly last Tuesday for the Party of Affirmative Action in Admissions. 

How's that working out for them?

So far, not so hot.

The New York Times editorializes in favor of the Obama Justice Department's complaint that, in effect, too many Asians are scoring highly on the admissions test to elite New York City public high schools:
The Elite Eight, on the Federal Radar 
The civil rights office of the federal Department of Education has rightly decided to investigate a complaint filed in September by civil rights groups over the admissions policies of eight highly competitive “specialized” high schools in New York City, among which are Stuyvesant, the Bronx High School of Science and Brooklyn Technical High School. 
The investigation into a possible violation of civil rights law is just beginning. The city could be required to revise the admissions policies and could potentially be threatened with the loss of federal education funds if it refuses. The city and state should revisit the admissions process before things get to that point. 
The complaint, filed by a coalition of organizations including the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, charges the city with illegally screening out qualified black and Latino middle-school students by basing admissions on a single poorly designed test. Supported by influential groups like the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the complaint offers a devastating analysis of the two-and-a-half-hour multiple-choice test, which, among other flaws, fails to reflect the curriculum taught at many middle schools. The test also heavily favors those who can afford extensive tutoring and has not been shown to be a good predictor of student performance in high school.


  1. You seem to have a little twinge of a grudge against Asians at the moment Steve, for letting the 'team' down of whatever (as if they had any loyalty but to themselves).
    But anyway, what the Hell did the Republicans *Ever* during their lon, long, sojourns in office (remember it was the Jowlhound back in '72 who originated AA), to limit if not actually rescind AA?

  2. The Asians score "high", not "highly". "High" has to describe the (null or deleted in this case) cognate object (i. e., noun), "score". It couldn't modify the verb "score", as it says nothing about the scoring process but rather describes the its result.

  3. But anyway, what the Hell did the Republicans *Ever* during their lon, long, sojourns in office (remember it was the Jowlhound back in '72 who originated AA), to limit if not actually rescind AA?

    You don't get it. It doesn't matter *what* the GOP does-they're just too *white.* Even if they don't do anything that's designed to help (non-elite) whites they're assumed to be guilty anyway for purely demographic reasons.

  4. But "highly scoring" would be fine so basically you are just criticizing the clumsy prose style. cf. Why does he always put a comma after "Yet" to begin a sentence? However, like I could care less

  5. Eustace Tilley11/12/12, 3:57 AM

    Judging by this new artistic portrait of Lance Armstrong we may be skipping right past the post-leadership society into a post-merit one... a la "My piece of paper is better than yours"

  6. "But anyway, what the Hell did the Republicans *Ever* during their lon, long, sojourns in office (remember it was the Jowlhound back in '72 who originated AA), to limit if not actually rescind AA?"

    Well, they haven't pushed for it since Jowlhound. They are the lesser of two evils in that regard- they don't push it forward anymore, but at least they aren't actively seeking ways to increase it.

  7. Asians are kind of like Scots-Irish in this regard. They don't care if they get lumped in on these things, because the majority tend to pass the extra hurdle. And view those who don't negatively as idiot losers - even more than do the Scots-Irish. They get more bang for the buck by getting to be a minority overall. Or at least they feel they do. Every time I've seen an Asian try to pull a civil rights violation protest- either formally in writing to administrations (even the EEOC) or informally verbally to supervisors, etc. no one takes it seriously. They pretend to care, but no investigations are done, it never goes anywhere.

  8. Ah, another little bit of meritocracy goes down the toilet. Just at the point Jews don't need it anymore, too.

    It makes this ex-New Yorker sad...

  9. I guess the GOP strategists have an opening for them there. They will readily dump another 10% of the white vote to make room for that critical 2% Asians who may now have second thoughts.

  10. The problem is that Republicans offer absolutely no indication that they'd do anything courageous about affirmative action. Bush certainly didn't.

    If either party would actually take a stand on AA, Asians would flock to their banner. Too bad everyone's terrified of the blowback from the scary NYT. Since there would be no substantial policy difference between the Dems and the Pubbies, why not vote for the group with all the fellow college educated people?

  11. Asians might just choose lesser of two evils. I know a Republican woman who constantly complains about Republican women right record. But at end, she always votes Republican.

  12. Not this nonsense again. I love how the opinion piece claims the admission process is "discredited" and "favors those who can afford expensive tutoring" (though last I checked, FREE after-school SHSAT test prep programs are available in minority hoods; either there aren't enough of these or cats simply aren't taking advantage) - anything to avoid admitting to the exam's psychometric nature.

    Anyway, I already said my piece on this issue a while ago; for those who missed it, here's my blog post on the matter.

  13. No more opposing aa. Time for non-elite whites to file for aa benefits against Jews, gays, and asians. We cannot always fight on principle. Sometimes, we need to fight fire with fire. That is the nature of war.

    F--- the Asians.

  14. gumm the merciless11/12/12, 6:41 AM

    asians can be generous for the time being with blacks and browns since they are SO over-represented in top schools. also, asians don't want the model minority tag and be associated with success and 'privilege'. Like Jews, they fear being the target of resentment by growing mobs of blacks and browns.

    but asians will panic when non-elite whites also demand aa against them.
    we owe them nothing. and we don't need the gop to get the message out. we need to set up our own versions of adl, splc, aclu, and naacp.
    over-dependence on bland gop to represent us has enervated us.

  15. Bummer for them. At least they got the chance to stick it to whitey.

    Bend over, Asians. The next four years for you should be fun.

  16. >You seem to have a little twinge of
    >a grudge against Asians at the
    >moment Steve, for letting the 'team'
    >down of whatever (as if they had
    >any loyalty but to themselves).

    You seem to miss Steve's point, Anon: the Asian-Americans seem not to be showing any loyalty to themselves either. Also funny that some Asian-American Legal Defense organization joined in here.

    As to Repubs, of course you're right that they've done little to curb preferences, but at least they appoint judges who tend not to like it (although not enough of these judges.)

  17. The test is "poorly designed" because it doesn't give the desired results. Just like the tests for firemen, cops, and everything else. Tests are all to be evaluated on the outcomes they produce. Outcome trumps all other considerations.

  18. Don't blame me - I voted for Romney. But I also live in a dark blue state where it didn't matter who I voted for before I voted.
    :: An Asian American

  19. The Wikipedia lists Eric Holder as a Stuyvesant alumnus.

  20. From facebook on

    "When I was in China, it was interesting for me to note who revered Mao. Most were the young, who had never experienced the reality of it all."

    "I found the same to be true. The youth are so idealistic and truly revere Mao. They have been taught that the harshness of his 'Revolution' was necessary to train the people of China. They believe everything he did was, as if, divinely inspired. There is never negative discussion regarding Mao. However, in discussions with the older Chinese, some will speak privately about the oppression they have experienced. I found most interesting their need for routine. Arriving at work at the same time, leaving for lunch at a certain time to return for their afternoon nap...order, precision, 'army of people'."

    Mao killed millions of Chinese but smart young Chinese unquestioningly revere him cuz education says so. Asians follow, and why should it be different here? The make the most diligent followers of pc.
    Almost overnight, Mao turned Chinese into rabid communists, and almost overnight, chinese have been made to forget about Mao's crimes.

    Also, Asians revere authority figures and scholar class. White folks now seem weak and wimpy. Asians go for MacCarthur, not wimpy white men like dubya. Obama sees to be masterful. White guys are so bland. No longer John Wayne-like.
    And the scholar class in the US is Jewish, gay, feminist, and liberal. Asians are teacher's pets.

    We accuse Romney of economism, but too much analysis of 2012 election deals with numbers and data of demographics and income. We need to look at cultural psychology. Successful Asians, Jews, and swpls voted for Obama, not just blacks, browns, and working class whites.

    Also, if it was a working class white issue, why did the working class whites in the south and texas go with romney?

  21. 'Don't blame me - I voted for Romney. But I also live in a dark blue state where it didn't matter who I voted for before I voted.
    :: An Asian American'

    We are not blaming you. Just your relatives and friends.

  22. A group of race-hustling lawyers has just called a test that shaped a high school that produced three hard Nobel winners "poorly designed".

  23. Georgia Resident11/12/12, 7:59 AM

    I'm making a bet, based on current demographic trends (which, granted, may not extrapolate perfectly into the future) that the current members of the Coalition of the Diverse will get jettisoned in the following order as their support is no longer needed:
    1. White NW European liberals
    2. Feminists (mostly becase they tend to fall into the above group anyway).
    3. Meditarranean Europeans
    4. Gays (by nature a demographically moribund group, and despised by the biggest racial blocs in the CoD)
    5. Jews
    6. Chinese/East Asians
    7. South Asians (politically more savvy and organized than East Asians)

  24. As any reader of isteve should know. Republicans are not better for Asians. Republicans and Steve sailor himself are not against affirmative action. They want to keep it going just like white liberals do to keep Asians out of college.

    So if republicans are ever genuinely against affirmative action, wake me. Otherwise there is no big difference.

  25. Re:China

    You do not understand the degree of political indoctrination/anti-Japan history in China. Maybe Palestine teaching kids that Jews are monkeys beat it, but it's damn close. People under 30 in China will say things like, "The Cultural Revolution was a mistake," which is the official line by the way, but they know nothing of the horrors. Older Chinese who came out of that era don't like to speak about it. You can find plenty of people who hate Mao though, when all these young idiots were pro-Mao during the recent anti-Japan protests, many people on weibo slammed them for being ignorant fools.

    re: Asians in the U.S.

    Aren't these Asian American groups representing a diverse group? Who's actually running these outfits, the Chinese or the Filipinos? Are Indians and Pakistanis now Asian too?

  26. middletowner speaks in the pejorative but has the correct observations. Confucianism may be the source of this attitude. My father is what I call the practical Confucianist, i.e. don't rock the boat, serve those above you, be a perfect cog in the machine. He actually advises my brother and myself not to negotiate our salaries! How well that does work in the US? LOL.

    Red Asian in Deep Red America

  27. Also I should add that there is a streak of charity in some Asians. It would seem unlikely to iSteve readers. It is related to Buddhism, although most East Asians are not practicing but influenced.

    My father the practical Confucianist would always grumble about taxpayers needing to up the bennies to black people because of past injustices in the 60's and 70's. He's fallen out of that cliche' in his older, retired years and votes red. My family is still surprisingly generous with charity.

    I've been lucky to live all over the US, and I must say this isn't much different than the states with heavy Scandinavian influences, e.g. Minnesota, Wisconsin and Washington. The white males there voted for Obama. Same with Jews. Living in heavily Scots-Irish America there's expectation to buck up with still being generous with private charities most through the churches.

    There's expectation that charity (the safety net) flows from the state with Scandinavian/Confucianist/Jewish attitudes. Anglo-Saxons are in-between and Scots-Irish would rightly recognize this is a recipe for nation-wide bankruptcy.

    Just my personal observations.

    Red Asian in Red America

  28. Asians overwhelmingly benefit from Affirmative Action or more to the point the white-hating racism that drives Affirmative Action, starting with benefit of being allowed to colonize this country. The standard isn't the performance of asians, it's their population numbers. If they were really victims of AA they would be restricted to something close to their numbers, because AA isn't about performance or equal opportunity it's about equal results, isn't it? (Actually it's just about robbing and destroying whitey, but let's just pretend it isn't for a moment.) And asians have shown you what they really think of the whole racial spoils system, and whether or not it really hurts them, with this last vote (only the benefits they get are more like 95-5 rather than 70-30). Crying about the minimal impact racist correctness has on asians smacks of self-loathing. It's also no more likely to sway asians, who understand the vast profits they get from the system of white-hating racism, than it has blacks or hispanics. Voting to rob whitey is a rational choice for these groups, it's how they earn a collective living. Whether it's moral is another question, but again they have given you their opinion on that score.

  29. "Successful Asians, Jews, and swpls voted for Obama, not just blacks, browns, and working class whites."

    You forgot Gays. An overwhelming 35-to-10 for Obama according to exit poll.

  30. Rushton says that Caucasians split off from Africans about 110,000 years ago and that Asians split off from Caucasians about 41,000 years ago. He compiles a lot of eveidence that East Asians are the most advanced peoples on earth. I think he's right.

    But apparently Asians are not voting according to their racial affinities.

    Sowell points out that the Chinese are not very political but Africans are. Maybe being overly concerned with politics is an atavism related to primitive tribalism?

    I don't think Asians are likely to be permanently allied with the Democrats. Asians seem to be very slow to react to politically charged events. For example, at the Kaiser hospital in the black part of Oakland (flat lands), almost all the medical staff is now Asian. Almost all the functionaries are black. The surgeaons are Chinese the custodians are black. Yet the Asians do not occupy any of the higher administrative positions. When the physicians were white or Jewish that would not have been true. Some of this is just an attempt to put a black face on an Oriental institution so as to mollify the black service population, but some of it is the reluctance of East Asians to engage in anything political.

    My guess is that they will just take longer to adjust but that they will eventually accept their rightful place as an ethnic group sensitive to their own interests.


  31. I too was startled by the Asian vote. Two thoughts (and I think it needs more discussion):
    1, Asians resent whites just like all the other non-white people do, and for the same reason.
    2. Asian society encourages people to do very well in school, and then work for the government. This is ancient. And it is probably playing out here. The bigger the government, the greater the opportunity to work for it. Nothing like a secure government job.

  32. We are the new Indians. I call for whole swaths of White Reservations being provided in every state.

  33. How much do labels matter in politics. Take terms like 'asian' and 'hispanic'.

    Instead of such, suppose the labels were 'East Asian', 'South Asian, etc.

    And 'white latino', 'Indian Latino', etc.

    Would voting patterns be different? When such labels are created, it creates artificial feelings of solidarity among groups. I mean what do hindu-americans and chinese-americans have in common? zilch.
    But because of the 'asian-american' label, they tend to see their interests as being the same.
    So, if the media says 'asian-americans' are supposed to feel and think in a such and such way, ALL people included in the Asian-American category might be pressured to think that way.
    And so pro-capitalist and pro-leftist Asians think as 'Asians'.

  34. We should also talk about mulatto power. Blacks should be made aware that light-skinned housers are being favored over the fielders.
    I mean just look at Obama, Holder, Jarrett, West, Dyson, Benjamin Jealous, Gates, Wright, etc.

  35. Mulattos hog black privilege though many are more white than black.

    White Hispanics hog Hispanic privilege in the name of 'brown people'.

  36. Another trope white cons can play: increase diversity in NBA and NFL. Where are the Mexicans!!!
    I guess the method of choosing players is 'racist'.

  37. To the extent that AA is about anything outside of a racial spols system, it is centered around the perceived need of the different groups for help. Overwhelmingly, whites and Asians are doing pretty well in the US, hispanics are doing less well, and blacks are doing very badly. So that helps provide popular support for some of this stuff--people see that blacks end up in prison a lot, and don't seem to do so well in school, and they feel like maybe AA is helping some and don't want to get rid of it.

    Now, thinking clearly about this stuff would make it clear that AA mostly isn't helping the same people who are getting screwed over--the blacks getting into trouble in their teens and ending up in prison are mostly not the same blacks who benefit from easier admissions to college, or having a certain number of jobs effectively kept for members of their race to make the numbers look good. (To the extent you have black kids who screw up royally, and then get it together enough to benefit from easier admissions to college, they probably really are something special.) But one thing that PC does really well is keep people from thinking clearly about things. When there is a fog of bullshit and a bunch of seldom-stated things that everyone knows but isn't supposed to know, and all public discussion must take place with great gentleness and fine attention to word choices, you're guaranteed not to get very good thinking about the issue.

  38. This is what we can expect for the next 4, 40 and 400 years.

    Reality has been totally inverted. Tests no longer measure individual ability or intelligence: tests confirm existing strictures of injustice.

    A racist is no longer someone who dislikes people of color: it is someone whom people of color dislike.

    The working class used to be people who had jobs: now the working class is people who don't work.

    I voted for Obama in 2008 having swallowed the idea that he stood for post-racial progressive politics, and that he would do something about Wall Street's tyranny over the country.

    It became clear to me very quickly that his program in fact maintains Wall Street control, under which he can institute far-reaching social engineering to limit or destroy the future of non-preferred peoples.

    I am Jewish but it is becoming hard not to agree with some of the more extreme sentiments of the white nationalist movement.

  39. Well, well, well, it was only a matter of time, after all dumping meritocracy worked out so well at CCNY in 1969 right? Oh, yeah it was a disaster, well, this time it will be different. Holder is an alum? He must be the most famous black graduate, although tellingly he isn't a scientist or a mathematician like the vast majority all the famous Jews that graduated from those schools. I smell an imperial domestic policy overreach coming. Today, Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Brooklyn Tech, tomorrow Cal Tech and MIT?

  40. Red Asian in Red America

    The East is Red?

  41. The Legendary Linda11/12/12, 1:56 PM

    I think standardized testing should be outlawed as admission criteria to all schools and employment.

    Yes I want to live in a world where high IQ people get to the top, but only if it's because their high IQ got them to the top, not because their high IQ SCORE got them to the top. That would make America a land of very boring circular self-fulfilling prophecies.

    Then AFTER people are successful, we can use IQ tests to study what role intelligence played in their success, but it's harder to do that if IQ tests themselves are influencing the class structure.

  42. yeah, and the pekinese is the most advanced dog breed.

  43. How did married asians/single asian men vote? thats all lumped into the other races category in the graphics you have.

  44. Today, Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Brooklyn Tech, tomorrow Cal Tech and MIT?

    Tomorrow, homecolleging.

  45. Poor East Asians. *Sob* It doesn't matter if affirmative action is in place or not. East and South Asians will continue to come to the United States because of all the resources they can plunder including education. Chinese students are not going to Japan by the aircraft carrier load like they are the United States to get educations because Japan doesn't want to give away the resources, won't be shamed into giving away resources, and there is no upward mobility for foreigners basically all you can be is an English teacher or food server. The goal of elite schools is to push out European American students with students from every other background including Jews, East and South Asians, blacks and Amerindians. There is an entrenched culture of resentment against European people. This culture of resentment is about taking resources from European people because it's "the right thing to do." The goal is to flip dependence from non-Europeans to European people so European people don't have mobility to move in society. If European people can't get an education or earn a living they can't move around.

  46. Here in Seattle, Asians vote the same as whites. Something like 80% Democrat. Asians are, for all intents and purposes, the same as their white neighbors, but maybe a little more so.

    Asians are overwhelmingly Democrat because they are overwhelmingly urban. That's fine. The biggest existential threat is replacing our white country folk with Mexican peons, and most of the people pushing that are white Republicans. In this way, the Republicans have taken the place of antebellum southern Democrats, sad to say.

    I fully support and encourage urban diversity. Let the cities be vibrant, so long as the country is redneck. It's the best of both worlds for the political class. But maybe I'm being selfish. I don't really care about the next Harvard grad in the halls of power so long as I can order some chicken fried steak at the diner from some pretty young blonde in Chelan County.

  47. we are also talking about a very different GOP than the one that existed in 1992 when asians voted solidly for bush the first.

    this sailer strategy is bandied about the white nationalist blogosphere like it's some brilliant thing, but it is basically the strategy of the past 4 elections, and whereas it already hit its highwater mark around the time of the kerry defeat, it has exploded in the face of its GOP handlers in 2008 and this year. what is the pandering to the nativist, anti-immigrant christianist right other than the "white vote inreach" that sailer prattles on about?

    sailer tries to pass this off as some kind of hard-headed, data-driven prescience, but it is exactly the opposite: he is driving with the rear view mirror.

    first, whites are not nearly as homogeneous a voting bloc such that any "appeal to white interest" will yield above the probabyl 60% absolute upper limit on how much any candidate will get the so-called white vote. white women, for one, will continue to abandon the GOP so long as it sticks to its hard line on abortion. white ethnics/blue collar workers will continue to abandon the GOP despite its white identity dog whistle blowing because of its reverse robin hood aspiratios.

    second, the critical mass of nonwhite voters has been reached. even with 59% of the white vote, romney could't win. you had a persistent reagan coalition that lasted until 2004 and now, you are witnessing the first phases of an obama coalition that will probably itself last another 20 years. the key component is the hispanic and asian vote. yes, sailer prattles on about how hispanics don't vote, but this year's election proves that he is driving looking in the rearview mirror again. and asians are actually the most rapidly growing demographic, and will reach present hispanic proportions in some 20-25 years time.

    basically, the GOP, unless it wants to go to permanent regional rump status, will have to go back to its style of governance and politics before the post-1992 culture war near-fanaticism. that will attract the middle class and up asians and hispanics that will break the obama coalition.

    in multiethnic societies, people vote on tribe above all else as lee kuan yew pointed out rather accurately. so long as the white nationalist strain of post-southern strategy white inreach demogoguery exists, asians and hispanics will be dramatically reminded of the who-whom identity questions every election cycle, and given demographic trajectories, the GOP, if it wishes to walk this path, might as well disband.

  48. Seems that too many people assume that Asians are fungible.

    The Asians that are getting screwed over by this are mostly Chinese, with a few Koreans.

    Filipinos, Vietnamese, Hmong, ... could care less and might actually do better under AA.

  49. 'Poor East Asians. *Sob* It doesn't matter if affirmative action is in place or not. East and South Asians will continue to come to the United States because of all the resources they can plunder including education.'

    Damn right bro or sis!

  50. "GOP, if it wishes to walk this path, might as well disband."

    It should, it should! I've said the only thing the gop does is split the white vote.

  51. Better Koch than Stinkins. Better Daley or Byrne than Washington.

    How did Washington become mayor?

    White vote split between Byrne and Daley.
    That's what GOP does.

  52. "this sailer strategy is ...basically the strategy of the past 4 elections, and whereas it already hit its highwater mark around the time of the kerry defeat, it has exploded in the face of its GOP handlers in 2008 and this year."

    You're half right. Rove and Sailer have something in common in digging deeper into The Base(of white voters) to win elections, but if Rove wants to rely on solid conservative white voters--mostly of the evanjelly kind--, Sailer Strategy is to offer a more secular message and win over blue state whites. Rove was for 'white conservative voters' whereas Sailer is for white voters of all stripes. But SS cannot work because GOP is hostage to rich globalists. If GOP goes for protectionism and for the white working class, funds will dry up from the rich globalists. If GOP goes with rich globalists, it will lose white working class voters. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    Also, GOP in last few election cycles have been trying to do two things at once. On the one hand, it has thrown some red meat at evanjellies and white southerners, but only regionally. Nationally, GOP banned Buchanan and others like him. Bush sucked up to evanjellies with disastrous stem cell research ban and Terry Schiavo nonsense. But he was also Mr. Compassion and went for big government and gave tons of aid to Africa. He was also for 'affirmative action' and disparate impact and etc.

    Bush called for humble foreign policy but then went for massive interventionism.
    Limbaugh defends globalism and Walmart but then waves the flag and attacks 'ching chong' Chinese(without whom Walmart would not be possible). It's so contradictory.

    GOP would be easier to understand if it was either moderate or hard conservative. It is everything and nothing. There isn't much to like for most people but there's something to hate for every group.

  53. "second, the critical mass of nonwhite voters has been reached. even with 59% of the white vote, romney could't win. you had a persistent reagan coalition that lasted until 2004 and now, you are witnessing the first phases of an obama coalition that will probably itself last another 20 years."

    Demographics aren't as important as elitographics or aristographics.
    All this Hispanic alarm is really a red herring. The reason why GOP really lost is because IT LOST THE ELITES. In the past, intellectual and cultural elites were generally liberal/Democratic whereas most of the superrich were Conservative/Republican.
    Dems had the better brains, media, and entertainment, but GOP had big business(mostly dominated by conservative northern and western wasps). So, there was some kind of balance.

    So, how did the GOP lose big business superrich as well?
    Paradoxically, Reaganism did it. Reagan cut the tax rates on the superrich by a huge margin, and New Democrats more or less accepted the bargain. Clinton raised taxes but only moderately and not to pre-Reagan rates. With both parties being mostly low-tax and pro-free-trade-entrepreneur, the socially liberal superrich no longer felt a need to rely on the dull and lame GOP. So, Reaganism's success undermined GOP's hold on the superrich.

    Also, the new economy shifted to supersmart Jews good at computers, supersmart Jews good at finance, and so the new superrich was increasingly Jewish, and most Jews are liberal and hostile toward white power.

    So, this shift in aristographics or elitographics is far more significant. Obama won because of tons of cash and TV advertising, and tons of smart rich geeks helping him out with data, marketing, and etc. Where did all the money come from? From blacks and browns?

    And despite people like Jane Fonda and others, most Hollywood movies and TV shows used to be on the culturally conservative side until the late 80s. Remember BRADY BUNCH? ROCKY movies? They were making John Wayne movies even until the 70s. DIRTY HARRY and DEATH WISH were huge hits. And in retrospect, even ROOTS wasn't so anti-white. Lots of sympathetic white characters, and blacks were presented as pure angels.

    But something really began to change with rise of rap, the movie JUNGLE FEVER which opened the floodgate of interracism, and 'madonna' going black, and etc.
    And if gays were on the ropes due to AIDS in the 80s, they were roaring back with Jewish support and respectality-ization in the 90s, the sainthood beginning with PHILADELPHIA(movie about a yuppie corporate gay)--which also implied a message of gays and blacks being fellow victims. All this media and entertainment CONTROLLED BY THE ELITES had a huge impact on everyone. (Hanks moved Americans when he accepted the award and wept about his dead gay drama teacher. Oh poor victim... but did conservatives tell him to let other men stick their penises up his butt? Gays were victims of their own perversion, but they always blame AIDS on 'people not caring'.)

    So, we need to discuss more on how the conservatives lost the elites. Not only the cultural/intellectual elites but business elites.
    Elitographics are more important, and Kevin Macdonald is right to focus on Jewish power(and how it manipulates demographics by increasing 'diversity' and by encouraging non-whites to hate whites via education, media, culture, etc). It was the cultural climate created by Jews that allows browns and blacks to insult whites as much as possible while whites must be the 'model majority'.

  54. Tomorrow, homecolleging.

    Hey, it worked for Alan Watts. High school to grad school without that expensive bit in between.

  55. GOP is a permanently damaged brand. Entertainment industry caused it to be linked in the pubic mind with heartless plutocrats,dumb and crazy Southern religious fundamentalists and warmongers who are always making war and have nothing to do with Israel,

    But the two party crap is baked into the system and no sign of any billionaires coming along to start a new party to free us of the GOP. Best idea: start local and replicate the "Israeli System"(investigate via Google)in your local elections. It works fine for them(parties that don't advance the Zionist project can rapidly decay and disappear and more pro-Zionist Zionist parties rise out of nowhere and take power)though obviously many other factors are involved

  56. jews and asians know they won't be getting everything they want from the democrats, but it tells you something about how much they loathe the bigoted right that they would willingly shoot themselves in the foot to avoid putting any of theirs in power.

    Are Jews and Asians that fanatically supportive of same-sex marriage and abortion on demand? They must really hate the Pope too.

  57. where am i "half" right, gunmart? i already talked about how the GOP has alienated working whites by its reverse robin hood strategies, of which offshoring and globalism is obviously the centerpiece. the average white prole is not going to get exercised by the arcanum of the tax code so much as the obvious offshoring of his job to Ming and Sanjay.

  58. "in multiethnic societies, people vote on tribe above all else as lee kuan yew pointed out rather accurately. so long as the white nationalist strain of post-southern strategy white inreach demogoguery exists, asians and hispanics will be dramatically reminded of the who-whom identity questions every election cycle, and given demographic trajectories, the GOP, if it wishes to walk this path, might as well disband."

    The rising tide of color will swallow you all, so give up immediately. Is what I hear. (How convenient).

  59. The theme for at least the next for years will be "You voted for what you wanted, now you will get what you deserve."

  60. 'i already talked about how the GOP has alienated working whites by its reverse robin hood strategies'

    So did Sailer and ss covers that issue.

  61. Holla Back Boy11/13/12, 7:00 PM

    Millenial 'Scots-Irish' are beginning to label themselves as Asian. Its clear they are beginning to leave behind the 'white' label. Perhaps its the beginning of s 'flea leaving its current host and grafting onto a new one' sort of thing. Then perhaps they will need for the new host to be the hits from AA, etc. as whites have been doing- Scots Irish success= evil white men collectively when it is to be something viewed in the negative, and as specifically Scots-Irish success when it is to be taken as a source of pride.

  62. I think I'm turning Democrat I think I'm turning Democrat I really think so.


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