November 12, 2012

Heckuva job, Albertoie!

Back on 9/11, 343 men of the Fire Department of New York gave their lives. Six years later, the Bush Administration (Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General) rewarded the survivors by suing the FDNY on the grounds that the hiring test was an example of disparate impact discrimination because too many white guys aced it.

How's that working out for Republicans, anyway? How many black and Hispanic voters were converted to Republicans by this ploy?


  1. Reince Krugman11/12/12, 1:55 PM

    The Hispander wasn't brazen & irresponsible enough, according to accepted Keynesian-Raza theory; otherwise it would've got them Florida this year.

  2. It's not about electoral victory; it's about justice.

    Oh, heck, sorry man, I almost managed to type that with a straight face.

  3. White hetero guys are the only guys in the world who aren't supposed to have political representation.

    I appreciate the fact that you are one of the few people even bothering to point out this fact, but...

    Is there anything to be done about it?

  4. Time for a Judo approach. Instead of fighting the power of the affirmative action / diversity lobby, go with it. Find Silicon Valley companies where most of the employees donated to Obama's campaign and sue them for disparate impact in their hiring. Do the same with majority-Dem local and state governments.

    Do the same at the ballot box. Register as a Democrat and vote for the minority candidates in every primary, at every level. Make Democrats run Kwame Kilpatrick- or Sharpe James-type candidates in general elections.

  5. Have we explored another gap enough? The Gap that separates black lawmakers form their white counterparts in terms of criminal behavior?

    Just reelected Jesse Jackson Jr "may have misused campaign funds". (This is how thievery is called now). One thing I was always curious about: do black politicians really steal ans sell out more or they are simply getting caught more frequently because they are not smart enough to conceal their crimes?

  6. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, then it surely applies to the Republicans and their actions towards hispanics.

  7. Look, many republicans feel the same way about HBD that you do. They would love to follow all the advice that they receive here on Isteve. But they feel that if they said anything positive about HBD it would alienate the white soccer moms.

    You could question the odds of this happening but it is a real factor.

  8. The Bush Administration.

    The Gift that Keeps on Giving.

  9. this comment isnt related to this post but i may as well put it here: can anyone confirm what the white vote percentage was in the nixon, and reagan elections was? steve sailer and vdare seem to think it was higher - 67% for nixon, than reported by the press in various articles i've read recently.

  10. Don't like it? Hire a private company to provide fire safety, or go with a voluntary fire department. Otherwise personnel decisions will always be made based on local politics. Asset Co is one such company.. BTW, there were black firemen at the WTC on 911 too.

  11. Can anyone make a good case that the George W. Bush presidency was not a disaster?

  12. likewise, how many mexicans became republicans because the republicans made alberto the first mexican attorney general?

    in fact, whenever the republicans go out of their way to make person x the first person from group y to hold position x, IT NEVER HELPS THEM.

    my high IQ white liberal friends ACTUALLY JEER AND SNEER whenever i mention gonzales, or any of the other first timers put into power by republicans. you can feel the contempt dripping across their brain whenever i bring them up.

    stuff like that drives committed liberals into deep rivers of disdain for you. don't ever point out guys like alberto gonzales, don't ever do that, you racist.

    you're a racist for even bring alberto gonzalez up. we know you're secretly a racist and that just proves it. first mexican AG? BUSTED! proof the republicans are racist.

    so i learned a long time ago that ANYTHING conservatives do is racism. appointing non-whites to positions of power is prima facie evidence of racism straight up. it is hopeless, i now understand, to defend the any common sense points about conservatism to liberal ideological opponents.

  13. "Time for a Judo approach. Instead of fighting the power of the affirmative action / diversity lobby, go with it. Find Silicon Valley companies where most of the employees donated to Obama's campaign and sue them for disparate impact in their hiring. Do the same with majority-Dem local and state governments."

    i already suggested this. in fact where you should start is by suing the law firms that do the majority of the suing.

    until their employees look like america, keep suing their pants off. richard lapchick them to death. hammer the fact that their partner level associates look either like a klan meeting or a jewish temple service and smash their brains in relentlessly until they change it.

    this is wishful thinking of course. lawyers control the US now, and just make up the laws out of thin air as they see fit, and are free to ignore laws they don't like.

    it makes me sad that i am forced to regard good hearted, hard working white men in america's police forces as stooges and fools, enforcing their cultural marxist overlord's bidding. using straight white christian males as storm troopers to enforce their new laws...which are aimed at punishing straight white christian males.



    timely movie.

  16. It's not about electoral victory; it's about justice.

    Republicans really believe this.

  17. OT - but hell, this is pretty much the only blog I read.
    I was trying to find novels about alzheimer's or famous characters in literature with the disease, and it is pretty slim pickings. I remembered the strulbrugs of Gulliver's travels, who disturbed me so much when I was young - they are never in any movie or animated versions of the book. I found what looks like an interesting novel by J.Berlef, Out of Mind. I saw the movie version of The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat years ago and that was pretty interesting. This is completely off-topic, but the disease is epidemic and looming over all us aging white folks. Forgive my eccentricity but my mom's dementia has gotten pretty severe and I've just gotten an urge to read about it from a writer's view rather than a clinician's. I'd appreciate any suggestions from your wise readers.
    BTW Apple Books is no threat to Amazon - it is like an airport newsstand yearning to be a research library.

  18. I love to make SWPL type head's hurt. Here is a comment I left at the Atlantic in an article about the benefits of amnesty to GDP in these troubling times. It was so horrible from any reasonably objective review that it made the SWPL's work double time to defend the premise of the "science" behind the story. There were a couple posts back and forth before where I suggested we just extrapolate further from their current extrapolation and invite 500 million more in order to fix ALL of our problems. Everything I wrote below is entirely true, BTW.

    "Feel free to see my comment here under "How Conservative Media Lost to the MSM and Failed the Rank-and-File", on this site just yesterday, where I talk about my parents being fox news repubs., and how it's like they're in a cult. Nice to see first hand that those those on the left operate under preconceived notions and stereotypes just like those on the hard right. Thanks.for confirming it for me in writing. .

    If I shared with you that 2 weekends ago I sat drinking beer out in the woods with 6 guys here illegally from Honduras, of which only 2 spoke English, would it jar your world view any? If I told you one of the English speakers shot a deer yesterday on a piece of land I own in the heart of the all things racist state of South Carolina, and is going to drop some deer sausage of at my house in the next day or 2; or that I could comfortably say that I like Jose better personally than I like most of my fellow Americans* at this point, would your head clean explode? (* Arrgh, I forgot not to assume only people of the US should rightfully be called "Americans", immigrants from south of the border HATE that. Sorry, Jose.)

    You don't have to hate the people to know the policy overall is destroying the US for the benefit of our collective overlords, or to call BS on puff pieces such as this. But you keep fighting the good fight from that left leaning ivory tower of yours.

    On a slightly related note, for those who think the last vestiges of racism will drift away like a bad dream with the apparent passing of the Republican party and the last of those evil white male oppressors along with it, I am afraid I may have to puncture that bubble as well. Apparently there is racism nestled within racism between groups I never really thought to even differentiate in my naivete. The uncensored views on the differences between Mexicans vs Central Americans and how C.A.'s biggest grievance against US Anglos is that we can't tell one from the other, and how they personally blame the Mexicans for all the current anti-immigrant blacklash, flowed out quickly with the beer. Cubans, apparently feel similar, but do not necessarily feel an automatic common cause with the C.A.'s. Then, of course, there was their take on hispanic's real feelings vs. blacks, which was enlightening, though I think I'd prob. get banned just for reporting on it. Suffice to say, the next 50 years are certainly going to be interesting for the US. It won't be post-racial. More likely it'll just be hard to sort out who exactly is against whom. Kinda like Beirut, but with more farmland. Enjoy."

    They may have to go get shock therapy to erase all memory of such a jolt to their worldview. :D

  19. 'Can anyone make a good case that the George W. Bush presidency was not a disaster?'

    Would it have been any different with Gore, Mccain, or Kerry?

    Dems like Clinton were itching to look for excuses to invade Iraq too.

    Both parties wanted the housing bubble thing.

  20. "my high IQ white liberal friends ACTUALLY JEER AND SNEER whenever i mention gonzales, or any of the other first timers put into power by republicans. you can feel the contempt dripping across their brain whenever i bring them up."

    race-ism is great. i love it.

  21. Well, at least Alberto is assimilating:

  22. "I was trying to find novels about alzheimer's or famous characters in literature with the disease, and it is pretty slim pickings."

    Try The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen, which is excellent, btw (and which I think Steve would like as well, though Franzen's subsequent novel, Freedom, hits more iSteve themes).

  23. "I was trying to find novels about alzheimer's or famous characters in literature with the disease, and it is pretty slim pickings."

    If you want even slimmer pickings, try finding novels or other pop dramas about autism/aspergers especially combined with high IQ. The British film MILLIONS is the closest. This must be the ultimate in anti-cool. Hollywood would never make a sympathy-jerker about an aspie couple in love like they did STANLEY & IRIS about two street-cred illiterates.

  24. "If you want even slimmer pickings, try finding novels or other pop dramas about autism/aspergers especially combined with high IQ"

    "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon.

  25. stones of the world11/12/12, 8:51 PM

    Steve you shouldn't let by /completely/ OT posts like Anonymous' at: 11/12/12 5:59 PM

    Sure you don't want to read them, but, in this case you could have read the link text itself to see that it had nothing to do with anything iSteveish, and alternatively you could just not pass along links that don't SAY WHAT THEY'RE ABOUT!

  26. While courts have decreed that NYC must hire morons into their fire department in the interest of fairness (why not, they already forced women in)it is little noticed that in other news these heroic public servants are absolutely hosing the taxpayer in every corner of the country. With the advent of sprinkling systems being required by code in new commercial buildings work has been reduced considerably each decade even as salaries, disability, and retirement scams have skyrocketed. Those 343 dead men gave firemen 20 years of a public blind eye to thievery.

  27. "If you want even slimmer pickings, try finding novels or other pop dramas about autism/aspergers especially combined with high IQ"

    "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon.

    OK... According to Wikipedia, a film adaptation is planned. I hope Hollywood doesn't screw it up. And I'm glad that nobody mentioned RAIN MAN, because that's more about classical autism than Aspergers.

  28. "Steve you shouldn't let by /completely/ OT posts like Anonymous' at: 11/12/12 5:59 PM"

    Shut up fool. It is totally Istevie. It's about the future of journalism and information.

  29. Mr Sailer:

    Do you seriously believe that the sort of severe 'disparate impact' resulting from these tests for sought-after public employment would ever be tolerated in a 'diverse' society? Especially one with ever-increasing 'diversity', which would only accentuate the lack of proportionate success on the test by the 'diverse'?

    The problem is 'diversity' itself. And that average differences in innate cognitive ability are due significantly more to genes than environment.

    You're starting to be a bore about this.

    Yet another post filled with jeering sarcasm. You really ought to reflect upon your use of it.

  30. James Wilson,

    "While courts have decreed that NYC must hire morons into their fire department in the interest of fairness (why not, they already forced women in) it is little noticed that in other news these heroic public servants are absolutely hosing the taxpayer in every corner of the country. With the advent of sprinkling systems being required by code in new commercial buildings work has been reduced considerably each decade even as salaries, disability, and retirement scams have skyrocketed."

    Don't forget the impact of immigration on fires. It would be interesting to see statistics on this (if any are kept), but, anecdotally at least, it seems that a significant portion of fires are started by immigrants. I just entered "immigrants space heater fire" in Bing and got 701,000 results. Lots of immigrants (often illegal) come from rural areas in warm weather countries, and end up doing stupid and unsafe things to stay warm when they get to American cities that have cold winters.

  31. Look, many republicans feel the same way about HBD that you do. They would love to follow all the advice that they receive here on Isteve. But they feel that if they said anything positive about HBD it would alienate the white soccer moms.

    Why would they have to say anything positive about HBD? Opposition to affirmative action certainly doesn't require any reference to IQ, and 95% of soccer moms hate, hate, HATE affirmative action.

  32. Can anyone make a good case that the George W. Bush presidency was not a disaster?

    Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Nathan Sharansky, Angelo Mozilo, Henry Cisneros and many others could do so. His Presidency achieved what it was supposed to achieve.

  33. About 95% of Soccer Moms LOVE LOVE LOVE Affirmative Action, because it benefits THEM. And daughters. If their sons are worthy enough they'll prosper in spite of it.

    I do like the prospect of making Silicon Valley and Hollywood live their own dogma, but of course the whole point of power is to be exempt from it. It is a good thing to try, however.

    Much of the anti-White guy stuff is based on two levels, White women's disdain for the beta male, and of course the feuds and hatreds between Whites that are regional, and date back to the UK; basically Saxons vs. Vikings vs. Celts. Ala Fischer's "Albion's Seed." These are based on mutually incompatible ways of life. Vikings/Danelaw/East Anglia/Puritans/New Englanders/SWPL feel government is good, trustworthy, never corrupt, efficient, and run by people just like them. For women its Paula Broadwell and David Petraeus, or Monica and Bill. For Celts, government is the tool foreign oppressors use with corrupt locals to take your land and generally make your life as miserable as possible. This is deep rooted and goes back 1500 years or more.

  34. Arizona wife injures husband with car for failing to vote, allowing Obama to win: cops
    Holly Solomon, 28, is accused of running down her husband, Daniel, with her car because he admitted to not voting in this year's presidential election. He reportedly told police she would blame a second Obama presidency for causing more hardships on the family.

  35. "I do like the prospect of making Silicon Valley and Hollywood live their own dogma, but of course the whole point of power is to be exempt from it. It is a good thing to try, however."

    Too bad there are no paleo billionaires. Since there aren't, maybe paleos can make an accommodation with neocon Jewish billionaires (like that guy who burned $60 million or whatever on Romney's campaign - $60 million would pay for a lot of law suits!).

    Be candid and say: "we don't love Israel, or Jews, but we don't hate you like the future leaders of the Democratic party do - you know that Jews aren't the future leaders of the Democrat party, right? You were worried about white gentiles turning on Jews, so you helped dilute our numbers. Nice work on that, but you must realize by now that the pendulum has swung a little too far in the opposite direction. Help us swing it back a little. Help us use the ideology of the Left against it via disparate impact lawfare.

    It will only cost you $50 million each (it's not like you were going to donate it to the Brandeis football team anyway).

  36. You have to wonder why white guys volunteer for the military to fight for a country that openly dislikes them and constantly disses them? What's with that?

    The paragraph below is the Executive summary from a DOD Report concerning demographics in the US Military.
    All they seem to care about is the eventual eclipse of the white majority. So why would this detestable majority risk their lives to defend the country that dislikes them?

    Race/Ethnicity. Less than one-third (30.2%) or 426,916 of Active Duty members identify
    themselves as a minority (i.e., Black or African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaska
    Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, multi-racial, or other/unknown). The
    percentage of Active Duty members who identify themselves as a minority is greater in 2011
    than it was in 1995 (from 10.5% of officers and 28.2% of enlisted members in 1995, to 23.0% of
    officers and 31.7% of enlisted members in 2011). The overall ratio of minority officers (54,753)
    to minority enlisted personnel (372,163) is one minority officer for every 6.8 minority enlisted
    personnel. To conform to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directives, Hispanic is
    not considered a minority race designation and is analyzed separately as an ethnicity. Overall,
    11.2 percent of the DoD Active Duty force is of Hispanic ethnicity.

  37. Cail Corishev11/13/12, 5:39 AM

    "You have to wonder why white guys volunteer for the military to fight for a country that openly dislikes them and constantly disses them? What's with that?"

    Young men like to fight, to test themselves against odds, to bond with comrades in struggle. Most of the volunteer soldiers throughout history probably had no idea what their leaders thought about them, or any idea why they were fighting beyond the vaguest caricature.

    Whites seem to be that way more than other races, for whatever reason. Not that other races don't fight and kill, but my impression is that they don't go in for the whole "band of brothers" aspect as much as whites do. Asians will go to their death for a great cause like the Emperor, and Africans will chop each other up over personal grievances, but whites are in the middle. (It should go without saying that these are broad generalities, of course.)

    Also affecting the numbers: the armed forces have an IQ floor which, at a rough guess, keeps out about half of minorities. There are also many in prison (though most of them wouldn't pass the entrance test anyway). The ones who could pass the test are being fought over by government bureaucracies and big businesses afraid of discrimination lawsuits, so they have a lot of other choices.

    On Hispanics in particular, we hear a lot about patriotic Hispanic soldiers (even non-citizens, which I really don't get), and bully for them, but I think it's safe to say they're a small minority. Many Hispanics don't really think of this as their country, so they wouldn't fight for it in even a vague sense. The kind of people who wave Mexican flags at soccer games and refuse to learn English are hardly going to enlist with the US Army.

  38. About 95% of Soccer Moms LOVE LOVE LOVE Affirmative Action, because it benefits THEM. And daughters.

    Bullshit. Affirmative action does little for women or their daughters, and to the extent it does the benefits are canceled out by the harm to the men in their family.

    It is ridiculous to argue that soccer moms favor affirmative action because of its actual effects. Any support it has among soccer moms is due to propaganda. And in the real world, that support is minimal.

  39. "you know that Jews aren't the future leaders of the Democrat party, right?"

    Jews seem to be doing quite fine in this diversitocracy. Three of the last four Democratic appointments to the Supreme Court have been Jewish. Shelley Berkley damn well nearly became yet another Jewish member of the US Senate, in rapidly Hispanifying Nevada, despite having a list of ethics charges as long as the Talmud.

    The black and Hispanic Democratic Party of the future will need money and brainz to fool enough whites into still voting for them. Guess where they'll get both?

  40. formerheretic11/13/12, 7:46 AM

    Cail Corishev said...
    "You have to wonder why white guys volunteer for the military to fight for a country that openly dislikes them and constantly disses them? What's with that?"

    Nice post, Cail.
    The same thing applies to Christians, why they would give up the riches of their faith to beleive a heresy such as Christian-Zionism and support their worst critics and enemies?

  41. "you know that Jews aren't the future leaders of the Democrat party, right? "


  42. "About 95% of Soccer Moms LOVE LOVE LOVE Affirmative Action, because it benefits THEM. And daughters. If their sons are worthy enough they'll prosper in spite of it."

    Most women don't go into fields where they would be beneficiaries of affirmative action due to their gender. Most college-educated women gravitate towards female-dominated occupations such as family medicine, education, nursing, accounting, public relations, etc.

    The only other people who go on this much and on about white women supposedly benefiting on a large scale from affirmative action are black people and other minorities defending their own usage of it.

  43. Can anyone make a good case that the George W. Bush presidency was not a disaster?

    Sure. If you call the George W. Bush presidency a disaster, what word is left to describe the objectively much worse Barack Obama presidency?

  44. "Young men like to fight, to test themselves against odds, to bond with comrades in struggle. Most of the volunteer soldiers throughout history probably had no idea what their leaders thought about them, or any idea why they were fighting beyond the vaguest caricature."

    True, but the smart ones choose to fight with pen and brains.

  45. "If you want even slimmer pickings, try finding novels or other pop dramas about autism/aspergers especially combined with high IQ."

    Harold and Maude ?

  46. "Try The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen..."
    Thanks DaveInHackensack. I will.

  47. The same thing applies to Christians, why they would give up the riches of their faith to beleive a heresy such as Christian-Zionism and support their worst critics and enemies?

    Because Christian-Zionism is NOT a heresy even though it arguably should be. Rich, powerful, popular, populist ideologies never are heresies or heterodoxies, at least not for long. They become the new orthodoxy.

  48. "Sure. If you call the George W. Bush presidency a disaster, what word is left to describe the objectively much worse Barack Obama presidency?"

    Are you kidding? I have smart friends (or at least friends with grad degrees) who may never vote Republican again in their lives thanks to GWB. He uniquely damaged this country (and his party) in a way Obama never could. If it weren't for GWB, Obama would not even have been elected.

    Thanks to 9/11, George W. Bush had every chance to change the direction of this country. 9/11 was the perfect excuse to secure our borders and reform our immigration laws, but Bush distracted us with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then had the nerve to try to foist amnesty on us. Oh, and then he wrecked the economy, costing us $2-5-10 trillion - who the hell knows how much?

    Remove illegal aliens and their anchor babies and modestly reduce legal immigration, which Bush could easily have done, and our Hispanic population would be 10-15 million smaller than it is today.

    As it is, I was blown away today by an article in my local paper showing the number of minorities in every school district in the state. Even in Utah, a state where whites are famously fecund, the Hispanic tidal wave is taking over.

    The war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the economic meltdown (still proceeding apace), the obliteration of the historical American population, and, ultimately, the continuation of all that via the election of Barack Obama - all thanks to George W. Bush.

    The man was not simply an idiot, or a bad president - he was pure evil.

  49. If it weren't for GWB, Obama would not even have been elected.

    Ain't that the truth!

  50. I have smart friends (or at least friends with grad degrees) who may never vote Republican again in their lives thanks to GWB. He uniquely damaged this country (and his party) in a way Obama never could.

    You and your "smart friends" sound like idiots. I notice you don't actually describe the horrible things which Bush did to the country which "Obama never could".

    So your Big Idea is to take all the terrible things which Obama does, and blame them on Bush? Sure, Obama's deficits are triple the size of the worst under Bush - BUT THEY"RE ALL BUSHES FAULT!!

    You're a loon.

  51. I was blown away today by an article in my local paper showing the number of minorities in every school district in the state. Even in Utah, a state where whites are famously fecund, the Hispanic tidal wave is taking over.

    And it's all Bush's fault!

    I guess it makes a refreshing change from blaming it all on Ted Kennedy.

  52. Kennedy's 1965 opening of the floodgates may have had a Cold War motivation. Let in all refugees from communism whether or not they can adapt or not. Let in everyone to make America look even more open viz a viz the Iron Curtain of communism.


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