November 6, 2012

Hormonal politics

From my new Taki's Magazine column:
I’m writing my weekly column the evening before Election Day for you to read starting an hour after the polls close on the West Coast. As you may have noticed, I’ve strenuously avoided making any election predictions, and I’m definitely not going to start now. 
So, let’s reflect instead upon the seldom-mentioned oddness of Barack Obama running for re-election as the Feminist Avenger obsessed with halting the Republican War on Women, when Obama is among the least feminist Democratic politicians out there.

Read the whole thing there.


  1. San Franciscan non-monk11/6/12, 8:26 PM

    Wow! Fascinating article, Steve.

  2. Hormonal? Feminist avenger? Where do you come up with this stuff- seriously? How about "women don't want to be treated like non-entities, like breeding cattle, like sluts who should only be vessels for embryos, even those of their rapists, so they voted for the other guy". Too straightforward for you?

  3. How about "women don't want to be treated like non-entities, like breeding cattle, like sluts who should only be vessels for embryos, even those of their rapists, so they voted for the other guy".

    Tell it to all those serial killers on death row who get perfumed love letters from chicks just like you, sweet cheeks.

  4. I doubt it is lifting or running that creates the political drive. Instead, desire to lift vs run is a an extension of underlying life philosophy.

    Why do men lift weights? Often, to prepare for confrontation. Not necessarily to engage in it, but to prepare for it in case it happens. To some, this is "paranoid". To others, it is just "being prepared".

    For some reason, paranoiacs also mostly have muscular builds.

    Go far enough with this attitude, and you have your gun, ammo and canned goods hoarders. Preparing for shitty circumstances, especially confrontational shitty circumstances is a hallmark trait of the right wing, especially the far right.

  5. Isabel, I'm having a hard time judging whether you are for real or parody.

  6. And just for clarification, of course I'm not suggesting that that was the entire thought process of women voting for Obama in general- just to the extent that feminism was part of their decision making process.

    believe me, Obama is hardly seen as a feminist "avenger", and there is no reason at all to bring "hormones" into it. It's pretty offensive and stupid to assume that any decision a woman makes has to do with hormones.

  7. " How about 'women don't want to be treated like non-entities, like breeding cattle, like sluts who should only be vessels for embryos, even those of their rapists, so they voted for the other guy'. Too straightforward for you?"

    No, too wordy.

    And what man wants to use a slut as a vessel for embryos? Sluts are for recreational, not procreational, purposes.

  8. Kylie, you sound like a class act! Anyway, the reason the women were raped is because they are sluts, right? just like the reason they want an abortion is because they don't want to be inconvenienced, they want to be sluts and have sex without consequences. In this election we've learned that there are people who really believe things like this!

  9. I remember at the beginning of the post-primary race thinking, Romney has his life together, looks good, has nice sons, has a sort of bland but not unappealing wife, etc.; ergo he has written off most of the American lumpenvote out of the gate. Lotta people who don't wanna pull the lever for someone who did the rights things and isn't a screw-up in life, as they are

    Obama and his theatrical personal demons, by contrast, could nab him his own weekly spot on Dr. Phil. Out of the gate.

  10. The W on W propaganda apparatus can now be dismantled and put back into the closet, to be kept for later use. It worked fairly well this time around; they even had some rallies around this theme. I guess they got the Fluke vote by promising free condoms, much like in the old days they got skid row winos to vote by handing out free bottles of booze. Any indiscreet remark made by some goofus Republican became national news as if no one else in the US ever said anything dumb and of course Romney, being in the same party, could be tarnished with it through guilt by association.

  11. Norville Rogers:

    Only one of life's losers would put that comment on a blog. If you knew what you were doing, you'da fashioned a PhD out of it or maybe a best-selling novel.

  12. Isabella

    "women don't want to be treated like non-entities"

    if only, consider Momism

    "like breeding cattle"

    sexism rampant in nature! female animals demand below replacement rate fertility!

  13. GOP's new policy: free weights for everyone. Yeah, all those strong negroes in the nfl, nba, and in prison just love the GOP.

  14. Most alt right guys are dorks.

  15. "How about "women don't want to be treated like...sluts who should only be vessels for embryos.."

    Tell that to lady gaga, slut priders, vagina momologuers, pussy rioters, and porn sluts working for liberal Jewish porn lords.

  16. just like the reason they want an abortion is because they don't want to be inconvenienced, they want to be sluts and have sex without consequences.

    This is entirely true. If not, why not?

  17. This thread makes it crystal clear why your heroes lost. And since you guys lost, I assume your testosterone levels are low, aww too bad.

    All the jerks who made the offensive rape comments LOST. Let that be a lesson to you.


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