November 16, 2012

I believe the Hispanics are our future

As part of iSteve's continuing coverage of how I, for one, welcome our new Latino overlords, here's the Dallas News
You can almost hear the music — Highway to the Dangerzone. San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, like a young fighter jock in Top Gun, is clearly on a fast political trajectory, straight up. After his star turn at the Democratic National Convention, where the 38-year-old politico introduced himself nationally with a keynote address, word is he’s writing a memoir. The book should be on the shelves by the midterm elections in 2014. The San Antonio Express-News reports that New York-based Little, Brown and Co. will publish the autobiography. It’ll be written in English and Spanish and there’ll be an audio version.

Little, Brown and Co. do know, don't they, that Mayor of San Antonio isn't a real job? We're all clear on the concept that being Mayor of San Antonio is not like being Mayor of Chicago, right?

San Antonio City Manager Sheryl Sculley gets paid about two orders of magnitude more than Julian Castro to actually run the government of San Antonio. So, being the Mayor of San Antonio is more like being the Mayor of Hollywood, the King of the Hobos, or the Ayatolla of Rock 'n' Rolla. Capiche?


  1. Sculley has an impressive CV. Too bad America doesn't split up the roles of head of state and head of government at the national level like so many other countries do. She'd make a good prime minister to Castro's (Italian- or Israeli-style) president or (UK-style) king.


  3. Mayor isn't as bad as Community Organizer".....

  4. Polly Pinacle11/16/12, 3:38 AM

    I simply cannot imagine this country going forward in the current configuration. I've always thought if nothing changed, we become Brazil. But now, I think the social dynamics favor some kind of break up in the coming years.

    I know, sounds crazy, but when and if real austerity begins (which I think it must someday), we will either have much higher taxes or big cuts in social spending, or both. If the payers of taxes continue to be demographically locked out forever from political power, I can't see them not breaking away.

  5. Does the job come with a colander? Because the whole colander on the face look really worked for Humongous, and it could work for Castro.

    Personally, the part that cracks me up is the memoir. Remember, two is one and one is none! Obama took two of them to rise to power, Julian better get cracking.

  6. Well, Little (Brown & Co.) do they know.

    But if you were a publisher looking for the next 'Dreams from my father', wouldn't you go there?

  7. Ayatolla of Rock 'n' Rolla

    Hey, that was a real position with real authority! The guy even had his own Herald. Plus he had the cool car, the whacky headgear, and the power to decide who lived and who died. No comparison at all with Mayor of San Antonio, though the Mayor probably gets to eat in better restaurants. Or any restaurants.

  8. San Antonio City Manager Sheryl Sculley gets paid about two orders of magnitude more than Julian Castro to actually run the government of San Antonio. So, being the Mayor of San Antonio is more like being the Mayor of Hollywood, the King of the Hobos, or the Ayatolla of Rock 'n' Rolla. Capiche?

    How exactly does that differ from a resume of:

    1) HLS "Grad" who can't even write his own autobiographies and has to hire ghostwriters,

    2) Community Organizer attempting to remove asbetos from public housing project,

    3) State Senator voting "present" on a record number of projects,

    4) Edumakashun reformer blowing through $100 MILLION Annenberg Challenge Grant with ZERO improvement in test scores, and

    5) Make-work no-show non-tenured sinecure at UChig Law School specially designed and created for him and only him.

    It's all just standard, doctrinaire, libtard utopian fantasy and counter-reality gibberish and nonsense.

    Yo, 18,500 Hostess Brands Union Workers, how's that Obamacare working out for ya'all in Realityville?

  9. "Mayor isn't as bad as Community Organizer"....."

    In this case, the mayor IS a community organizer...and chief ribbon-cutter.

  10. I simply cannot imagine this country going forward in the current configuration. I've always thought if nothing changed, we become Brazil. But now, I think the social dynamics favor some kind of break up in the coming years.

    The US can't easily "break up" in a geographic sense. We're too tangled up. Even the reddest states have large urban pockets of blue, while even the bluest states have wide swaths of rural red. It's not like 1860, when allegiance to one's state was strong. Today, someone living in Philadelphia and someone living in Latrobe are unlikely to find much kinship in being fellow citizens of the Keystone State.

    A more likely (and scarier) scenario is the Spanish Civil War.

    Spain before 1936 was a Republic with a perfectly good constitution. But both Left and Right came to view the constitution as nothing more than an impediment to accomplishing what they really wanted to do, which was to totally crush the other side and impose their own governing philosophy on the country.

    Left was concentrated in the cities. Right in the countryside.

    For a while, both sides were evenly matched politically, and elections swung from Left to Right back to Left. As the nation grew more polarized, moderates had to choose sides and extremists grew more extreme.

    Eventually, the Right came to believe that the Left was engineering things so that the Right could never again gain power through democratic means. Franco never meant to start a civil war. Just a coup to stop the abuses of the Leftist government.

    Any of this sound familiar?

  11. I like how his Jewish buddy hooked him up with someone to teach him Spanish!

  12. International Jew11/16/12, 8:24 AM

    Another zero writing his memoirs and getting groomed for the Presidency: it would be funny, if it weren't happening in _our_ country.

  13. Actually, it's: capisc'?

  14. @ Polly

    No shot. We lack the organization needed to break away.

  15. I think the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla, Lord Humongous, had a bit more power than Julian (pronounced wiith an h) Castro.

  16. Published in English and Spanish?

    Good luck moving that Spanish-language inventory.

  17. I've always thought if nothing changed, we become Brazil. --Polly

    Brazil has more linguistic unity than China, and immigration policy at least as selective as Mexico.

    We are not becoming Brazil!!!

  18. They don't CARE whether or not being mayor of San Antonio is a real job or not. The Left's agenda is ALL based on and sold by, lies, false assumptions and denial of reality.

    All of the affirmative-action parasites trotted out as "leaders" by the Left are nothing but window dressing. They are all, like Obonzo, overgrown children with criminal minds and a fake resume written for them by insane, self-destructive White people.

    Pointing out reality makes no impression on the Left. Reality doesn't exist for them.

  19. About overlords:

  20. Hey Paisan, it's capisce.

  21. Yes, but "Little, Brown and Co" being the publisher is pure comedy gold, however inadvertent or coincidental.

  22. I understand the desire to promote a Hispanic into the big time national political ranks, but there must be prospective candidates with impressive government or business experience, because Castro isn't much of anything. I can understand all the fuss over Obama in relation to his 2004 keynote address, but I saw nothing in Castro's. There isn't any of the sense of "that young man is going places" with Castro other than the DNC scripted gushing of network commentators.

    I wonder if he has been groomed simply because of his mother's left wing political involvement and connections throughout the years. If Obama is an empty suit, Julian Castro is but a clothes hanger.

  23. I thought the Ayatolla of Rockan-Rolla was a pretty powerful dude. The army of raiders he commanded had the people in that refinery compound pretty scared, IIRC.

  24. "I believe the hispanics are our future"
    Teach them well and let them lead the way.
    Show them all the beauty they posess inside.
    Give them a sense of pride.

    Hey Steve, the way you titled the post reminded me of the Whitney Houston song, depressingly so.

  25. So his book advance is probably 10x his salary.

    Working title "How to be Presidential Timber on $5 a Week."

  26. What a boring book. I don't even think you'll be able to read this one, Steve.

  27. I would like to see paid advertising in various media (prosperous patriots need to contribute money) explaining to citizens of all colors, including Hispanic citizens, what is at stake. The country cannot decently survive with an ever-growing immigrant underclass (legal or illegal). Lower-paid Americans are being run into the ground. Cesar Chavez understood, and he reported illegal immigrants in the farm fields to immigration authorities. (That could even be mentioned in an advertisement). Action is needed right away to make clear to Americans the seriousness of the situation.

  28. Being Mayor of San Antonio must be as challenging as a Community Organizer in Chicago.

    He's just following the Obama template. Racial minority, elite qualifications (I'm just guessing here), cream-puff job, fawning autobiography, notable speaking opportunity, compliant media, . . .

    I see I wasn't the first to make this comparison.

  29. Is it like the Queen of Denmark?

  30. So, being the Mayor of San Antonio is more like being the Mayor of Hollywood, the King of the Hobos, or the Ayatolla of Rock 'n' Rolla. Capiche?

    Emperor Norton

  31. So the autobiography of a Hispanic mayor will be published by Little, Brown, and Co. Of course, who else but little brown would publish such a thing? Is the irony lost on all of them?

  32. "San Antonio City Manager Sheryl Sculley gets paid about two orders of magnitude more than Julian Castro to actually run the government of San Antonio. So, being the Mayor of San Antonio is more like being the Mayor of Hollywood, the King of the Hobos, or the Ayatolla of Rock 'n' Rolla. Capiche?"

    People with real power make real enemies. Julian Castro is therefore in an ideal job for a Mexican AA politician. He can't fuck up. And he can't piss people off. He also lacks the ability to influence peddle -- which he will do furiously once he has real power. Mayor of San Antonio is kinda like being president of student council: it pads out your resume, showing you are a joiner, and that you are electable. However, everyone knows the principal has the real power in high school.

    Window dressing positions are the best route to power for any minority. You don't actually want to test them because of course they will show up deficient in morals and intelligence (that goes for Colin Powell, too, who fucked up the investigation of the My Lai massacre and should have been riffed from the officer corps long before he got promoted to general). But if you guide them through a career of high visibility but low accountability jobs (like Obama), you can spin their executive potential anyway you like since it would be racist to question their potential when they have Ivy League college degrees.

    Pelosi said that to find out what's in ObamaCare it had to be passed first. Likewise, to find out who Obama really was, we had to elect him. Apparently, he succeeded in treading a path of low accountability in his first term, so now we get to find out how truly awful he is in his second term.

    Castro is why the GOP is so high on Rubio, now. They think a Cuban US Senator will trump a Mexican Mayor in a Hispander-fest election in 2016. But they will be wrong. Rubio will spend all his time preaching to "his people" and piss off white Republicans who will once again stay home en mass. Democrats will portray Rubio as white. Result: Castro wins.

  33. GOP mentality:


    Not working out as far as I can tell.

  34. "I believe the hispanics are our future"
    Teach them well and let them lead the way.
    Show them all the beauty they posess inside.
    Give them a sense of pride.

    Yup, that pretty much sums it up.

  35. I overheard on the radio that American born grandchildren of Mexicans are three times more likely to be obese than their immigrant grandparents. (And Mexico is already the 2nd most obese country in the world.) The New Americans will turn a 40" waist size into the new Medium; the morbidly obese will be size Large.

    Since Democrats will soon tax the overweight to deal with an "expanding" public health crisis caused by immigrant fatsos, I'm investing in companies that make Olestra and adult diapers.

  36. Hey Paisan, it's capisce.

    Not it if you don't pronounce the last syllable (as is the colloquial practice, hence the apostrophe in the OP's spelling).

    And for that matter, "capisce" is the formal second person. Given the way the phrase is used in English, presumably "capisci" would be the full form. Paisano.

  37. I believe the Hispanics are our future

    And I for one welcome our 50% chance of being obese overlords.

    As a trusted Internet commentator may I remind them that I could be useful in rounding up workers to work in their underground sugar mines.

  38. He admitted he was too dumb to get into Stanford without affirmative action. He better learn from the big o how to hide that stuff.

  39. "He's just following the Obama template. Racial minority, elite qualifications (I'm just guessing here), cream-puff job, fawning autobiography, notable speaking opportunity, compliant media, . . ."

    But WHO are grooming and funding him?
    Politics is like a dog show or horse race. Never mind the animal. Look to the trainer.

  40. Obama, the new template for future dog shows. The mongrel alpha.

  41. "Paul Mendez said...

    A more likely (and scarier) scenario is the Spanish Civil War."

    Hey, that's not too bad - our side won that one. As Tom Lehrer sang, in "We are the folk song army": "Remember the war against Franco? That's the kind where each of us belongs. Though he may have won all the battles, .......we had all the good songs."


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