November 9, 2012

Krauthammer's brilliant strategy to enthuse Hispanics: Legal helotry for illegal aliens, but NOT citizenship

From Politico:
Late to this, but last night Charles Krauthammer came down on the side of amnesty for illegal immigrants. 
"Hispanics [are] not an intrinsic, ethnic-affinity problem, it's a policy problem." Krauthammer said on Fox News. "I think Republicans can change their position, be a lot more open to actual amnesty with enforcement -- amnesty, everything short of citizenship -- and to make a bold change in their policy. Enforcement, and then immediately after a guarantee of amnesty. That would completely change anything. If you had a Rubio arguing that, it would completely upend all ethnic alignments." 
Krauthammer did not go as far as Sean Hannity, who today said he has “evolved” on immigration and now supports a “pathway to citizenship.” But between the two it marks a very significant shift in thinking among leading conservative thinkers. Increasingly, the party is coming to terms with the fact that it needs the Latino vote in order to win office.

The Republican Brain Trust is so atrophied that Charles Krauthammer is being outthunk by Sean Hannity.

We've been through this over and over again during the last twelve years, but only evil people remember the past.

Every time the GOP establishment got excited over amnesty as a symbolic way to announce "Message: We Love You" to Hispanic current voters, it eventually dawns upon them they don't actually want illegal aliens to become voters, since they would vote overwhelmingly against Republicans. So, Republicans, as Krauthammer is doing here, then attempt to finesse the issue with this exciting compromise: "Message: We Love Hispanics Who Are Current Voters, so We Want Hispanic Illegal Aliens to Be Legal Helots, But Not Citizens, No, Horrors, Never That!"

In 2001, Bush's first of four failed "comprehensive immigration reform" efforts had collapsed in Congress in the week before 9/11 in large part because of the dismay of Congressional Republicans over its impact on their long-term electoral prospects. Bush's second plan, announced in January 2004, was therefore more cynical: legalized helotry without voting rights. Yet, as I pointed out on February 1, 2004:
But Bush's new Machiavellianism automatically cedes the rhetorical high ground to the Democrats, who are already pushing for "earned legalization" (i.e., giving illegals the vote). Bush is left contradictorily sputtering about how wonderful immigrants are and how we don't want them to become our fellow citizens. ...
It's important to note that illegal immigration is highly popular among Hispanic leaders and activists because their careers soar as the number of Hispanics rises. But Latino voters as a whole have rationally mixed feelings about it. They suffer the most direct consequences of lower wages and lousier schools. 
Among Hispanics who are registered voters (and thus are not illegal immigrants), interest in Bush's immigration plan was strikingly low. Two weeks after Bush's speech, a plurality of Hispanic registered voters (41 percent) either hadn't heard of the proposal or had no opinion of it, followed by 35 percent who supported it and 24 percent who opposed it. 
Worse, when given more information on the plan—such as that it required guest workers to go home i.e., be deported— a plurality disapproved (47-42). 
Among all Hispanics, the Democratic Congressional Hispanic Caucus' "earn citizenship" plan was favored over Bush's "temporary legal status" plan by a crushing 75-16 margin. 
... The Irvine pollsters summed up: 
"Bush's approval rating among Latinos and the percentage of Latinos intending to cast votes for him in 2004 did not show improvement over figures from recent national surveys completed before the immigration proposal was announced."


  1. There are so many angles on this. First, these Hispanics, five seconds after they are legalized, will all be applying for SSI disability. Second, whatever pious platitudes we heard from the kind hearted but dizzy headed George W. Bush and his similar brother Jeb, these folks are not "natural conservatives", they are natural welfare state Democrats. Even the unflappable me was left slack of jaw when I heard that Obama got 47% of the CUBAN vote in Florida!! Bringing more Hispanics into this country will not help us with financing our aging population. Why do we think a bunch of newly arrived Hispanics will be thrilled to pay money to support a bunch of old white people. No way Jose!!! This country is undergoing another population transformation; the first was with all the immigration from southern and eastern Europe after the Civil War. Only God can help America now; the American experiment only lasted until the voters figured out that they could vote themselves benefits.

  2. Well, big ag wants to change rules on the guestworker program and I think some of it is changed. Its a job rarely done by native born now unless they were legalized. Also, in places in Texas or California that use them as maids and janiors snd so forth maybe a 5 to 10 year phasing out and a new group would come to La or Houston.

  3. Obama got almost 10 million fewer votes this year than he got in 2008. Romney got a couple million less than McCain in 2008. The victory was there but many Republicans skipped this election because Romney was just another RINO.

  4. "Everything short of citizenship" leads to citizenship.

    I just thought of a horrible thought -- what if Sheldon Adelson decided to help the West Bank settlers by offering to resettle millions of Palestinians in the U.S.? He's rich enough and fanatical enough to get the ball rolling.



    "Why is America’s governing class so indifferent to the fate of its people? In his provocative new book, The Global Class War, economist Jeff Faux argues that now that they can find workers and investment opportunities elsewhere, America’s rich and powerful are abandoning the social contract that until recently had united the economic interests of all Americans.
    Faux explains how globalization is creating a new global political elite?”The Party of Davos”?who have more in common with each other than with their fellow citizens. Their so-called trade agreements (like NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization act as a global constitution that protects only one kind of citizen?the corporate investor. The inevitable result will be a drop in American living standards that will have dramatic political consequences. Faux concludes with an original strategy for bringing democracy to the global economy beginning with a social contract for North America."

  6. David Frum has an e-book out already on Amazon just two days after the election titled "Why Romney Lost (And What the GOP Can Do About It)"

    "WHY ROMNEY LOST is a forthright analysis that offers a bold, hopeful plan for Republican success in the years ahead. David Frum urges a Republican party that is culturally modern, economically inclusive, and environmentally responsible - a party that can meet the challenges of the Obama years and lead a diverse America to a new age of freedom and prosperity."

  7. What can the GOP do to win over the Jewish elite? Then, GOP will have control of the media and academia. GOP has said WE LOVE JEWS ENOUGH TO BEAT UP ON PALESTINIANS but Jews still hate white cons.

    If it won't work with Jews, how will work with Hispanics?

    Btw, the gop is over. I say let them have amnesty. Let all of america become california. lib elites will have to foot the bill cuz we are out of money.

  8. Enforcement, and then immediately after a guarantee of amnesty. That would completely change anything.

    It seems that history began just yesterday. It's not like we can look to some previous amnesty the GOP enacted and see if THAT completely changed everything ...

  9. 'many Republicans skipped this election because Romney was just another RINO.'

    and evans no like mormon.

  10. Seriously, does anyone in the Punditry or Republican Establishment actually KNOW any Hispanics? I mean, talk to them as people - as opposed to having them as Maids or Gardeners?

    I know a lot of Hispanics. They aren't stupid. They vote Democrat because the Republicans offer them nothing. The Democrats offer them Amnesty/Open Borders/Welfare/Government Benefits. The Republicans just offer them Amnesty. Which benefits them how? They're already HERE. If they loved Mexicans they would've stayed in Mexico.

  11. And why is Krauthammer a Neo-Con - hired by WaPo - now THE Republican voice of reason.

    Are conservatives so stupid that they imagine anyone hired by the WSJ, WaPo, NYT and labeled a "conservative" really is one?

    Sorry, that question really answered itself.

  12. Did you hear about Petraeus stepping down? On the surface, it is claimed he was doing so over an affair which apparently no one else knew about, and it was apparently such a sudden need that it could wait until the Friday afternoon after Obama was elected. Turns out he now for some reason cannot testify about Benghazi. Care to bet that if the public knew the real truths about Obama that the MSM hides, we'd be hailing Romney as the Chief?

  13. I am not sure why you are so opposed to a guest worker program, Steve. If we accept the premise that rich people are never going to give up their cheap Hispanic labor addiction, then I think that a guest worker program is the best of the various options that remain. Also, I think many Hispanics come North seeking money, social services, and perhaps safety - I think citizenship and voting rights are things that are pushed on them by Democrats more than being anything that the Hispanics themselves specifically demand.


  15. From Krauthammer's lips to the Devil's hands. I'm sure this is already a done deal behind GOP doors. They're probably planning a trade: we'll give you amnesty if you keep the tax cuts for the rich or some such nonsense.

  16. Operation Wetback Part 2. Do it now.

  17. The first amnesty, in 1986, failed to secure the border. It also failed to win Hispanics over to the GOP, despite being co-sponsored by a Republican senator and signed into law by a Republican president.

    Democrats have been been winning the Hispanic vote by overwhelming, 20%+ margins (and generally much higher than that) since at least the LBJ mis-administration.

    Tally up all the Hispanic state legislators in the country and the Democrats probably outnumber the Republicans by at least 5-to-1. Many of the R's are Cuban.

    My state, Utah, is more illegal immigrant friendly than almost any state, blue or red, in the nation, thanks to Republican governors - and yet the Hispanics here are overwhelmingly Democrat, and 3 of the 4 serving in the state legislature are Dems (and the lone R is pretty damn white).

    Any "Republican" politician or "intellectual" claiming they are a 'natural conservatives' either has ulterior motives, is an idiot, in denial, or just plain batshit crazy.

    "and evans no like mormon."

    I wouldn't doubt it, but I read somewhere that Romney managed to do better among evangleical Christians than even George W. Bush. That may just be of those who actually showed up to vote.

    South Carolina is one state where Romney did particularly bad with evangelicals. Comparing the 2012 turnout with the 2008 turnout

    In 2008:
    1,897,000 votes
    54% McCain
    45% Obama

    In 2012:
    1,895,000 votes
    55% Romney
    44% Obama

    So turnout was down slightly (assuming all the votes have been counted) and Mitt did slightly better than McCain. Trouble is, he needed to do a lot better than McCain did. But this doesn't suggest you can blame it on evangelicals.

  18. This is why we need a paleocon party. The neocons pursue liberalism lite which is basically just as bad on many issues as the Dems. Immigration is probably the most serious issue facing the US, helping to ethnically cleanse the founding stock and replace them with 3rd world lawn workers, and all the mainstream right can do is slightly tone down the same line that the left spouts off. Even when it is suicide for their own party. I don't know how many of these NRO drones over the last few days have been parroting the pathway to citizenship line.

  19. More meaningless pandering.
    Pundits and politicians don't have a damn clue; I may be Hispanic, but I don't support amnesty (or anything similar) for illegals.

    I'm sick and tired of cats acting like immigration is the only issue Hispanics care about...

  20. In the immediate aftermath of this last presidential defeat, I heard several Respectable Conservative Voices mutter and haw a bit about the primary (though by no means exclusive) source of their current electoral woes, the 1965 Immigration Act.

    At one point I even heard one of them concede that if we had the same electorate we did in 1980, in terms of demographics, Romney would have won the 2012 election easily.

    It seems the starting point for Republican reassessment should be right there: how does the GOP do everything possible to make the electorate resemble the one the country had in 1980 again? Or, at the very least, do everything possible to keep it from becoming less like the one in 1980?

    Now that the shock and awe of the disaster of 11-6-12 has had a few days to wear off, though, the predictable patterns are reasserting themselves with a vengeance: "evolving" on this issue is in vogue, with Mr. Respectable Conservative himself, Sean Hannity, leading the parade.

    So, four more years of Reaching Out! "Nevada can be in play in 2016! Great strides can be made in Colorado! New Mexico can be transformed into a swing state!"

    Oh, well: there's always an upside. My Spanish is getting slowly but progressively better every round of podcast language lessons I work through; and I like Tequila. And lime wedges.

    "La vida es corta! No corras!"

  21. Puerto Ricans have open immigration to the us, and puerto Rico is 100% democrat.

  22. What portion of Hispanics who are US citizens owe this to an illegal immigrant ancestor?

    The election was very close after all, and elections have consequences, as they say.

  23. "I am not sure why you are so opposed to a guest worker program, Steve."

    Anchor babies.

    WWII era Bracero programs were largely male. New guest worker programs would be mixed sex and produce a lot of anchor babies.

  24. I know a lot of Asian-Americans. So why do they vote Democrat? Easy.

    1) Well-to-do Asians like money, but they're not socially conservative and no one has shown the Democrats will hurt their pocketbook - anymore that the Republicans.

    2) Poorer Asians - and those who work for the Government - see absolutely NO reason to vote Republican. And neither do I.

  25. Great David Frum interview today on Morning Joe. He made the point that "fixing" immigration is not the fix for Republicans when the problem is ignoring the middle class.

  26. Non-whites can't be transformed into whites. Period. No hocus-pocus can do it. It's really painful to see people with such expensive educations act as though they were blind and deaf. The mad psychiatrist's scheme is just a looney fantasy.

  27. Quote of the election:

    The Republican Brain Trust is so atrophied that Charles Krauthammer is being outthunk by Sean Hannity.

    No wonder the Republicans lost.

  28. I'd rather Republicans adopt the Democrat Party's platform and ideology and close the borders and crack down hard on employers hiring illegal infiltrators than any of the shyte they're peddling right now.

    In fact, I'd rather vote Democrat than put up with too much more of this "inclusiveness and open borders" shit from Republicans.

  29. "Krauthammer did not go as far as Sean Hannity, who today said he has “evolved” on immigration and now supports a “pathway to citizenship.” But between the two it marks a very significant shift in thinking among leading conservative thinkers."

    Krauthammer is not a conservative. Hannity is neither a conservative, nor a thinker.

  30. Let's think about the America everyone's saying we'll have in 2050. Imagining that America, let me see how I feel about what Republicans care about:

    Fiscal Responsibility: Nope, I don't give a shit. Go ahead and bankrupt it.
    Strong Military: Nope, I don't give a shit. Disband the military, or double down and Invade the World for all I care.
    Small gov't: Nope, I don't give a shit. The gov't will shrink to third-world levels, so I guess the Rs will be happy.
    Family Values: Nope, I don't give a shit. Let the brown/yellow family of America of 2050 be as degenerate as it likes.
    Gun rights: Nope, I don't give a shit. Let brown/yellow America tear itself apart with machetes, if that's their preference.
    Conservatism: Don't make me laugh.

    I'm basically a one-issue voter. Republicans are flirting with adopting the Democrat position on the one issue that disposes me toward Republicans.

    It would probably be best to do everything we can (short of demographic change) to destroy the Republican party, so something else has a chance to emerge from the chaos.

  31. "It would probably be best to do everything we can (short of demographic change) to destroy the Republican party, so something else has a chance to emerge from the chaos."

    Here's what I'm advocating for, and really I'm not being facetious here. A Lee Kuan Yew-type figure to restore this country to the path of sanity... What America needs now more than ever is a form of benevolent authoritarianism, rather than democratic excess.

  32. Krauthammer is a neo-con primarily interested in crusades in the Middle East, which are pretty hard to do without holding the Presidency. The Republicans are no longer a viable force in Presidential politics they need to give up on the Presidency and better start thinking about salvaging their Congressional and State presence. And the way to do that isn't with amnesty - mass immigration will soon do at the micro level what it's done at the macro. The blind fanaticism of the neo-con war mongers has already been a major factor in the Republicans loss of competitiveness at the Presidential level, listening to one-eyed extremists like Krauthammer will cost them their legislative competitiveness as well.

  33. "Here's what I'm advocating for, and really I'm not being facetious here. A Lee Kuan Yew-type figure to restore this country to the path of sanity... What America needs now more than ever is a form of benevolent authoritarianism, rather than democratic excess."

    But we wanna chew gum.

  34. Krauthammer did not go as far as Sean Hannity, who today said he has “evolved” on immigration and now supports a “pathway to citizenship.”

    Bullshit. A "pathway to citizenship" for illegals is impossible.

    He's talking about a pathway to SUPER-citizenship, which would afford them privileges and immunities that do not accrue to the (slim) White majority.

  35. What America needs now more than ever is a form of benevolent authoritarianism, rather than democratic excess.

    Isn't that what we just got a few days ago?

  36. Let me add to my previous comment. America is at a crossroads right now, in a perilous situation, and really more or less on the precipice of long term disaster. Democratic excess is what will lead this country on the path to becoming Brazil.

    However, if it adopts the Singapore approach and allows itself to be governed by a form of benevolent authoritarianism, at least in the short to intermediate term, then perhaps there may be some hope yet for this country...

  37. Look folks... GOP is dead as a national party. Give it up already.
    But then, it already had died as a conservative party in... it's been so long I don't remember.

    Anyway, when Romney's defeat was announced, I was blissed out. Not that I'd wanted him to lose, but I felt a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.

    GOP was like an old senile relative that we had to look after. Deep in our hearts, we knew it wasn't gonna get any better and grow back to health. Now that the plug has been pulled, we are free!
    It doesn't matter if GOP is for or against amnesty. It will happen. It doesn't matter if GOP is for or against 'gay marriage'. It will happen.
    And outside politics, conservatism is dead because it's so mediocre and attracts mediocre people. In science, culture, law, academia, entertainment, and etc, GOP is mediocre. In music, it's Pat Boone and Andy Williams.

    So, are we doomed? No. In fact, it's gonna be fun in the coming yrs. With the GOP dead, the Democratic Party cannot maintain its crazy coalition of superrich Jews, privileged gays, affluent feminists, black welfare queens, SWPL dorks, Hispanic mobs, high achieving Asians, blue collar workers, and etc. Look at NY. NAACP is unhappy about all those Asians hogging good schools.
    Look at California, Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, or any blue city. Do you see great harmony among all the Democratic groups?

    Jewish elites found 'evil white conservative angry male' as the perfect scapegoat for all the ills of the world. The demagoguery of Antiangrywhitemaleism is what kept the Dem coalition together. Now the GOP is history. It's toast. The Neo-Nazi party is gone. So, how will the grand alliance or Popular Front hold together? This is really the twilight of liberalism as well of conservatism. It's gonna be fun to watch.

    So, the hell with GOP. It's finally dead. It's finally been put out of its misery.
    What we can do is play creative politics, forming whatever alliances out of cynical reasons--just as Jews have done--in order to see the 'liberal' coalition break apart. Jews have no idea how much they needed the 'evil white male' trope to keep the coalition together. It is now gone.

    We should feel relieved. NO more sick relative to care for and take care of. Jewish liberals now have to shit about finding the next evil enemy to keep the coalition together. There aint any.

    What conservatives need to do first is break all ties with neocons like Krauthammer and come out for Palestinian rights. Look at all the suffering and terrified whites in South Africa. Look how Jews are gloating over their plight. Well, let's get even for what they did to Palestinians and to us.
    We are all Palestinians now. What a beautiful sentiment. We lost but we can still get sweet sweet revenge.

  38. dig this vdare column:

    This is in part due to the fact that these voters simply do not support economic libertarianism, the fact that Romney is a rich guy who made his money in private equity, and also because Romney failed to use National Question issues like immigration, Official English and Affirmative Action to appeal to their patriotism and sense of identity.

    Oh mah gawd! Mixing anti-economic libertarianism with anti-affirmative action and anti-immigration! How dare anyone suggest such a thing! He must be Hitler! A Nazi!

    But seriously, why is it that so few people talk about such a thing? With all the hundreds and hundreds of columns and tv shows and internet comments, so few ever mix and match these ideas? Why are TV talking heads, internet pundits and even internet comment poster never able to put these disparate ideas together? When I see something like the above, it immediately catches my eye because it is so rare in america.

  39. People talk about GOP having to reach out to Asians, but all this 'reaching out' business doesn't do much.

    There are only two ways parties can win over the electorate: plainly giving them what they want OR being associated with 'correct values' or 'hip image'. Dems won the blacks by giving them welfare, government jobs, and 'affirmative action'. Dems also won Hispanics by offering welfare and amnesty. Now, Dems didn't do much for Asians and indeed didn't even reach out to Asians, so why did Asians go with Dems? Because for Asians, the Democratic Party is ASSOCIATED with cool, hip, and attractive things.

    A lot of Asian-Americans are well-educated, which means they're well-indoctrinated by the teachings of leftist/radical/decadent/liberal/whatever Jewish or gay professors who dominate the academia. Asians also love pop culture. Asians tend to be more respectful of authority, and it just so happens that most of the top institutions are dominated by liberals. And so, Asians come to associate liberalism with good, correct, wonderful, hip, and moral stuff. So, even if Democrats don't reach out to Asians directly, many Asians feel that Democratic party is the place of the cool and hip. They go over to the Democrats on their own.
    After all, aspiring Asians soon learn that most successful Jews and whites are Democrats and socially liberal. Asians are status seekers, and so they naturally follow along. Asians tend to be conformists, and they will readily conform to whatever the prevailing ideology or attitude is. If Asians attend elite schools, they will soak up the attitudes and values of their professors and Jewish peers. Also, Asians are sick of the lame and wimpy 'model minority' tag. It implies they are loyal dogs than cool uppity rebels like blacks. And so, Asians don't wanna be tagged with conservatism. Depending on the prevailing authority, Asians are the quickest to become leftist or rightist.

    Also, GOP is no longer the party of success, excellence, and prosperity.
    2/3 of the superrich are liberal/Democratic. And even many of the rich Republicans are socially liberal and always apologizing for the dumb people they're associated with in the GOP. Laura Bush and her girls are for 'gay marriage'. So are the women in the McCain family. Remember that NY Republicans voted for 'gay marriage'.
    And with so many white trash being part of the GOP, one cannot even say it's a pro-family party any more. And what is so pro-family about characters like Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani? Also, there are too many dummies like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and other Creationism-believing lunatics in the Party. What self-respecting educated person wants to belong to such a party?


  40. There was a time when the Democratic Party owed much to blue collar labor and the Unions. And so, many young pro-business types voted for Reagan in the 80s. But Clinton stole the free enterprise thunder from the GOP in the 90s when he fully embraced globalism and stabbed Big Labor in the back. The New Democratic Party became a welcome place for big business. Ever since then, most superrich gravitated to the Dems. Why? While most rich folks may prefer low-tax policies of the GOP, they happen to be socially liberal. Once Democratic Party bridged social liberalism with free markets and reasonably low taxes, it became the party of success. The rich and successful no longer need to find shelter in the GOP to find favorable business policies. Even the so-called socialist Obama only bailed out Wall Street and did everything for crony capitalism.

  41. The best Democratic strategy is plain: rigorously implement e-verify and build a real fence like the one in Israel, at the satisfactory completion of which, and only then, amnesty most of the illegals who can show they have been here for a number of years continuously or who have children who were born here.

    The first part would garner broad national support; the second part would cement the Democratic majority.

  42. Addendum to above: to make it comprehensive immigration reform the Dem's might propose to put a moratorium on legal immigration (around one million a year) until the ten million or so undocumented have been absorbed at the regular rate, ie, ten years. That would give country a breathing spell to regain full employment and re-examine the whole issue of how many legal immigrants a year we really want to have.

  43. Telling you guys over and over again more Republcians come from the burbs of Texas since Texas has a large population not the hills of West Virginia. But you guys buy the dem lie.

  44. Buchanan was ahead of his time on seeing the demographic demise of whites. But he was also ahead of his time in taking up Palestinian Rights to get even with Jews.
    Paul Craig Roberts and Taki are also for Palestinian Rights, as is Kevin MacDonald. All ahead of time as visionary conservatives.

    Mainstream conservatives pooh-poohed Buchanan, but many are now agreeing with him on demographics. I hope most conservatives will come around to take up Palestinian Rights too. We've been telling the world that Jews and Israelis are our dear friends while Jews have been telling the world that white conservatives are EEEEEEEVIL.

    Divest from Israel. Arrest Israeli spies. Let us remember USS Liberty.

    And down with movies like TAKEN and TAKEN II. Jewish liberals say it's 'racist' for white men to be protective of white women from Indians and blacks in movies like SEARCHERS and BIRTH OF A NATION. But Jewish Hollywood makes movies like TAKEN where white males are encouraged to kill a whole bunch of Muslims who kidnap and rape white girls!! I suppose Muslims-as-rapist-abductors of 'pure white girls' is NOT 'racist' as long as it rouses up white rage against the 'muzzies'. This is so much bullshit. In fact, Israel is the capital of white slavery in the world. Ask all those Slavic women forced to work in Israeli brothels.

  45. How about a deal on amnesty that goes like this?

    Amnesty for Hispanic illegals but end of affirmative action for Hispanics?

    Or how about this? All white conservatives refuse to pay taxes in 2013. In the 60s, liberals burned draft cards. How about we have a massive gathering to burn tax forms.

    The deal would be amnesty for Hispanics who illegally crossed the border and amnesty for white conservatives who illegally didn't pay taxes? If one bunch of people who break the law are let off the hook, we should be let off the hook for breaking the law too.

  46. "The best Democratic strategy is plain: rigorously implement e-verify and build a real fence like the one in Israel"

    Hahaha, Hispanics will riot first.

  47. If sellout Hannity gets his way and the republican congress votes for amnesty, the republican party will implode, and conservatives will find an ark in any of the emerging right parties that most suit their self-interest, later consolidating under one party with a nationalist bent. It will be a demise that starts off as strong surge, slowing to a consistent trickle over a few decades until the republican party loses all of it's national clout. The stupid party is planning it's suicide, and the second most popular radio talk show host has been tapped to sell the burial plots.

  48. Here's what I'm advocating for, and really I'm not being facetious here. A Lee Kuan Yew-type figure to restore this country to the path of sanity... What America needs now more than ever is a form of benevolent authoritarianism, rather than democratic excess.

    And that's why we will never consider you an American. You might live here and even have citizenship. But to suggest what you did shows you have no knowledge of the history of this country and its founding philosophical principles. It is no surprise that you cannot relate to the people on this blog when they lament about losing their republic.

    To you America is an economic activity zone to be run like Foxconn. So long as we churn out widgets on time and under budget everything is A-OK.

  49. We should note that in Cleveland, in Ohio, a provincial state that really had no bearing on the election, Obama got 100% of the vote in many wards and districts.

  50. Auntie Analogue11/10/12, 12:21 AM

    A Guest Worker programs is indeed amnesty. Ask the Germans how their Turkish gastarbeiter worked out for them. Ask the French how their screwing the pieds-noirs and importing a few millions Moroccans worked out for them. Can you say, "Banlieues? How do you think those Turkish and Moroccan guest workers cemented themselves into permanent parasitism on the Bundesrepublik's and République's national teats? - Mr. Sailer nailed it: anchor babies.

    Gauging just by Hannity's, Krauthammer's, and Boehner's latest emissions, on illegal immigration the GOP just gasped: "SURRENDER!"

    The best thing the Republican House can do - but which it will not do, as its members are in thrall to their globalist finance masters - is to first pass a bill that overrides the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment: enact into law the stipulation that birth on U.S. soil to alien parents does not confer automatic citizenship on the newborn. That could happen, right? Yah, sure, and if you believe that you'll believe also in porcine aviation.

  51. "I don't know how many of these NRO drones over the last few days have been parroting the pathway to citizenship line."

    Exactly. They should have been taking a page from the Democrat playbook and saying this crap before the election, then after the election 'evolve' a close the border ideology.

  52. The fact that they did the reverse suggests that at some level, they know amnesty is unpopular (it would lose votes to support it right before an election) but support it anyway when they are free to do so (after the election), because all their money comes from guys who support it.

  53. Velan:

    I doubt there is anything big and smoky enoug wrt Bengazi to acrtually shake the presidency. Apparently, the administration refused their requests for more security, which looks bad now but probably isn't all that big a scandal, and sure doesn't seem like a decision that would go all the way up to Obama. And rhe administration was misleading about the nature of the attack, but as far as I can tell, there are never any cnsequences for that, even when the lies are far bigger and kept up far longer.

  54. Anon 905:

    Wasn't Israel one of South Africa's last friends in the world? The anti-apartheid push was mainly from the US and Europe, wasn't it?

  55. There is very little reason to think Obama cares much about the hispanic vote now that the election is over. He spent no political capital on them until a year or so before the election, when his advisors figured out that executive order thing deciding not to deport certain classes of illegals who jump through the right hoops--before that, his administration was deporting lots of them, and net illegal immigration was falling. (And that was the most transparent of pandering.). So I would be quite surprised if we saw any major movement on this issue from the white house in the next four years.

  56. Before things are going to get better for the right in this country, we need better internal communications. The rightward end of the mainstream media has shown itself, the last few years, to be even more skewed and unreliable than the rest of tehe MSM, even if the skew is usually in a somewhat different direction. It looks to me like the Tea Party movement has been seriously harmed by having media-appointed spokesmen take over a lot of its internal communications and public face.

  57. I don't understand why the Republican Party doesn't propose common sense immigration reform with an end of chain migration, end of birthright citizenship, and legal immigration levels tied to unemployment rate -- don't make citizens compete with aliens for jobs, skilled or unskilled. After the unemployment rate ticks up again during Obama Recession II, this is what to hit the electorate with in 2014. Republicans should at least stall until after 2014, no matter what they do. They should also become populists on trade and globalism.

  58. The difference in the Asian vote between the 80s and today. Up to the 80s, I don't believe mainland Chinese immigration to US amounted to much. And even those who arrived had yet to become American citizens. Since Red China had been closed off for so long, most Asian immigrants after 1965 came from anti-communist nations like South Korea, Taiwan, etc. And there was the flood of refuges from communism from Southeast Asia.

    But since the 90s, the massive numbers of Asians coming to the US have been from China. If South Koreans, Taiwanese, and others saw US as big brother on their side against communism, many Chinese immigrants have a rival-attitude toward America: not as protective big brother but rival standing in the way of China becoming a superpower. Their attachment is to mainland China, and they will go with the candidate who seems less hostile to China. So, Romney's anti-Chinese stuff probably didn't play well to them.

    And maybe subconsciously, these New Chinese-Americans see the rise of Obama as the fall of American power. While they would never tolerate a non-Chinese to rule China, they may find it amusing that the once great white man is now bending over to some pompous Negro. If China were to have democracy, imagine Chinese voting for some Tibetan guy as president. Rotfl.

  59. Did you hear about Petraeus stepping down? On the surface, it is claimed he was doing so over an affair which apparently no one else knew about, and it was apparently such a sudden need that it could wait until the Friday afternoon after Obama was elected. Turns out he now for some reason cannot testify about Benghazi.

    If Congress can make private citizens like Roger Clemens testify before it, why can't it do the same to the just-resigned head of the CIA?

  60. Obama got almost 10 million fewer votes this year than he got in 2008. Romney got a couple million less than McCain in 2008. The victory was there but many Republicans skipped this election because Romney was just another RINO.

    If true that would make "many Republicans" the most stupid form of life on Earth. And that includes brine shrimp and nematodes.

    But I'm skeptical. I see a lot of self-described conservatives on this site who brag about how they did not vote for Romney - but they did not vote for McCain or Bush either. They don't vote for the Republican Party, period. These people hate the GOP more than they hate the Democrats. So you can't say that Romney lost their votes - neither he nor any other Republican ever had them to lose.

  61. There seems to have been massive voter fraud in many black majority areas. Third World standards of voter intimidation. It's conservatives who need to be protected by the voting rights act now.

  62. As far as people "on the right" who did not vote for Romney, they did it for contradictory reasons.

    I've seen people who imagine themselves to be on the right say "I'm not voting for Romney because he's a fevrent free-trader", and other people supposedly in the same camp say "I'm not voting for Romney because he's a protectionist".

    I've seen people say "I'm not voting for Romney because he's too anti-abortion", and others say "I'm not voting for Romney because he's too pro-abortion".

    I've seen people say "I can't support Romney because I don't think he's anti-gay-marriage enough" and others say "I can't support Romney because he's too strongly anti-gay-marriage".

    The only thing you can take away from this is that "the right" doesn't agree with itself about anything.

  63. "Why is America’s governing class so indifferent to the fate of its people? In his provocative new book, The Global Class War, economist Jeff Faux argues that now that they can find workers and investment opportunities elsewhere, America’s rich and powerful are abandoning the social contract that until recently had united the economic interests of all Americans"

    Christopher Lasch already wrote that book, in 1996:

    Newsflash: People vote their interests. The interests of the elites trump the interests of the proles. When you have new elite that has no cultural ties to the proles, the proles will suffer. Terribly.

  64. "I am not sure why you are so opposed to a guest worker program, Steve."

    Anchor babies.

    WWII era Bracero programs were largely male. New guest worker programs would be mixed sex and produce a lot of anchor babies.

    Any chance of changing the anchor baby jackpot ended last Tuesday, as did creating the conditions for "deportation by attrition".

    Maybe guest worker status is the best that can acheived at this point. It is certainly intellectually palatable to a majority of Americans that no one who came here illegally should be rewarded with citizenship. The democrats will go to the mat to get these people on the voter rolls.

    Boehner has already signalled his willingness to cave on immigration "reform" while trying to hold the line on taxes. This exactly wrong. Let the Democrats get their way on the economy and let's see what happens to the fortunes of all of us. But granting amnesty to 20 million new democrat voters will only make this past week's election results permanent. Opening the borders will not make Hispanics like Republicans more. They actually don't care much about immigration, and vote primarily for the party that gives them more:

    Closing the borders and stopping illegal immgration garners support form the electorate close to 70%. Maybe we've reached the point where it can be pointed out that the fact that we have imported 50 million workers over the past 30 years might have something to do with chronic high unemployment. Three out of four people who come here from anywhere else will vote for socialism. If there is only one thing the Republicans should do, it is to fight against amnesty. There may be little hope for the future either way, but whether they realize it or not, caving on this issue would be the final stake in the heart for traditional America.

    1. The GOP can't fight amnesty because their money men support it.

      Their mantra: "Cut wages. Pop quarterly earnings. AMERICA BE DAMNED."

  65. Politics are at an end. Obama will just do whatever he wants, by fiat. He can, and the House has no guts to stop him. The Senate is Dem. Get ready for open borders, no control at all, citizenship for paying electricity bills, and the like.

    Second, the electoral/cultural strength of Dems is White women, aka "sluts." That's most of White women, Obama took women by 12 points, Romney men by 8. White women figure more nannies, gardeners, replacements for icky beta males, they're not hurt by illegal immigration. Meanwhile free condoms for Sandra Fluke, every woman's heroine.

    Third, Obama oh so obviously cheated. He conducted massive fraud, in two ways: not counting (by hacking the voting machines) Republican votes, and by paying a street army to vote three, four, five times in selected states.

    That's why the Republicans not held the house but gained a few seats, and lost more in the Senate and Obama crushed Romney. The numbers don't make sense unless you factor in the steroid-like cheating.

    Fourth, everyone with a brain knows this as they knew in 2000 that Clemens, Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa were roiding. That means the end of clean, high-trust politics, and the start of something along Weimar's Freikorps, or Golden Dawn; a corrupt Chicago oligarchy facing its own criminal enterprise. Or the PKK (the Kurdish terrorists/gangsters, they are one and the same, facing off against the Turkish Government). I don't plan to be here and I urge EVERY Isteve reader to leave the country and avoid what's coming ASAP. That's my plan.

    What's the point of knowing if you don't act?

    Steve's exactly right, globalism plugs in the West right to low-trust, gangster peoples, with the erosion in trust that produces.

  66. "Jewish elites found 'evil white conservative angry male' as the perfect scapegoat for all the ills of the world. The demagoguery of Antiangrywhitemaleism is what kept the Dem coalition together. Now the GOP is history. It's toast. The Neo-Nazi party is gone. So, how will the grand alliance or Popular Front hold together? This is really the twilight of liberalism as well of conservatism. It's gonna be fun to watch."

    It sure doesn't look like the twilight of liberalism from where I sit. I don't know how old you are, but I think there is plenty enough "Antiangrywhitemaleism" to hold that coalition together for at least the rest of my lifetime. Also, ideologies based on hate develop considerable momentum and tend to take that hatred to its inevitable conclusion, which is usually not "fun" for the objects of that hatred.

    After the decrepit GOP implodes, how long will it take to develop a credible national opposition to the ascendant Liberal Racialist Empire? Which groups might peel off first and join the remnants of traditional America? I see few candidates.

    I fear we are are only at the beginning of a new age. The new elite can rule for a long, long time rallying an atomized populace against the image of white exploiter, even after he is just a memory. I have kids who will have to live in this fundamentally changed America.

    For this reason, I will still support any measures that slow this progression, including voting for an admittedly decrepit and deeply flawed GOP. It's all I've got.

  67. "Anonymous said...

    If true that would make "many Republicans" the most stupid form of life on Earth. And that includes brine shrimp and nematodes."

    No, it makes them perfectly rational. Romney, like McCain before him, offered nothing but the third term of the Bush administration. His campaign promised to do virtually nothing for conservatives, and certainly nothing for blue-collar white people. I live in a state that goes solidly Republican, so I cast my vote for Virgil Goode (If I lived in Ohio, I probably would have voted for Romney). Let the Republican party figure out why so many white guys don't want to vote for them. They could just ask us. Or they could even just listen when we tell them.

    But what did the GOP do last Wednesday? They rolled out their grand new hispanicization plan. They're going to agressively try to win the votes of people who will never vote for them in sufficient numbers to secure a victory. And they will transform the country into a latin american banana republic to do it. In effect the Republican party told every white man in this nation "F**k You!", which kind of justifies everything we've been saying about it.

  68. No, it makes them perfectly rational. Romney, like McCain before him, offered nothing but the third term of the Bush administration.

    If what you say is true than "many Republicans" hate the Republican party and the people in it. Which, I repeat, would make them the most stupid form of life on Earth and not "perfectly rational".

    If you hate the Republican Party and the people in it then the "perfectly rational" response is to not be a Republican. But people who are not Republicans cannot be those "many Republicans" mentioned. Unless they are not perfectly rational but the most stupid form of life on Earth.

  69. Liberals are walking on eggshells. When FDR won landslides, he was supported by a vast productive white population. Democrats have talented rich people at top but their mass-voting bloc is made up of real dumb people. It's the party of extremes. Extreme talent with low birthrates and extreme morons who keep exploding. California is the both the richest state and poorest state. It has the best but also rising numbers of the worst.

    I don't like Walter Russell Mead but he's been detailing how the blue model is running out of money fast. It's gonna be fun to see. Now that liberal Jews got everything, let's see how they fix the nation.

  70. In NY, the white vote was 50/50.
    If we discount Jewish votes, it means majority of white gentiles went with Romney.

  71. For some time, the Dems have been the party of polarities and the goppers have been the party of middlers.

    Dems got superrich Jews and guys like Bill Gates. But it also has Negroes and Hispanics and white trash.

    Goppers got the grand middle of whites. Upper middle, middle, and lower middle.

    But I wonder if the problem is the goppers are losing some of the upper middle and lower middle. Upper middle class people go to good schools, and that means liberal indoctrination. (Another factor is the politicization of everything. When I was a kid, schools taught the three R's and classes were not politicized. Today, every facet of classroom, libraries, and workplace is politicized with gay posters, propaganda, and etc. Even journalism has become propagandistic. Yearbooks used to be just yearbooks. My college yearbook in the early 90s was filled with all sorts of politicized comments. It's like PC saturates the air. Upper middle class status seekers are very mindful to go along with the prevailing authority in order to win their stake in the game.)

    Lower middle class people have been hurt by globalism. Lower middle class is essentially the white working class. So, that means GOP is left with the middle-middle but losing upper middle class and lower middle class.

    And 8 out of the 10 richest counties went with Obama. When tax rates for the top rich were superhigh, many very rich folks supported Reagan. But rich have been getting (spectacularly)richer since the 80s. And tax rates have been historically rather low for top earners.

    And due to globalism, the rich have been getting richer by gaining access to cheap labor. As Paul Craig Roberts said, the main reason for rich getting richer is not 'low taxes' but globalism--and the new rigged game of financialism run by computers. Wall Street is now Hal Street whose programs were written by Jewish geeks.

  72. Throughout all peoples and all history, despotism is the norm.
    We are now reverting to the mean.

  73. What the hell is the point of coming out for Palestinians? Muslims weren't grateful when Clinton sided with them in the Balkans, nor were the Saudis & Kuwaitis particularly grateful for us liberating them from Saddam. Nor do they even have a functioning government (as opposed to a competing mess of terrorist/guerrilla organizations) The Palestinians have brought so much of their suffering on themselves by trying to take on an opponent they can't help to defeat. Encouraging that nonsense with the "Color Revolution" and "Arab Spring" business just brings about more chaos. The U.S should simply wash its hands. The paleos who endorse that tack (including commenters above) are transparently disingenous since nobody really cares about Palis. You've lost and now you want revenge which accomplishes nothing? That's not conserving order and the good, that's nihilism. When someone like Auster dismisses paleos, that gives him a bit of a point.

    Whiskey, were you not paying attention when it was pointed out that Romney won among white women? Yet you go on and on repeating nonsense that has already been refuted. Why should anyone pay attention to anything you say, and why do you even bother? Go ahead and leave the country, perhaps to somewhere without any white women to get your histamines flowing.

  74. The only talk radio blatherer worth listening to is Mike Gallagher, who yesterday referred to Heather MacDonald's article on why Hispanics are likely to vote Democrat regardless of immigration policy.

  75. "Anonymous said...

    If you hate the Republican Party and the people in it then the "perfectly rational" response is to not be a Republican."

    Who said I was one. I used to be one - I'm not one anymore, although I still mostly vote Republican in state and local elections - and I don't vote for Democrats at all. The quetion is this: Does the Republican party want my vote, or not. Based on what they do and say, the answer evidently is........No.

  76. "Rev. Right said...

    It sure doesn't look like the twilight of liberalism from where I sit. I don't know how old you are, but I think there is plenty enough "Antiangrywhitemaleism" to hold that coalition together for at least the rest of my lifetime."

    Quite right. And a lot of that anti-angry-white-maleism has been implanted in white men and women.

  77. You miss the point Steve, the point isn't to actually do anything for Hispanics, it's to appear to do something for them, not even necessarily for the purpose of courting their votes, but playing the noblesse oblige game to court the votes of all those white people whose feathers get ruffled by anything that could be labeled with the scarlet 'R'. God forbid they cast a vote for the Republican party, if that ne'r-do-well neighbor, Ms. Busybody down the street found out, they'd never get invited to another party among civilized people again.

  78. The quetion is this: Does the Republican party want my vote, or not. Based on what they do and say, the answer evidently is........No.

    I think the question is, why did you ever vote Republican.

    George W Bush.
    George H.W. Bush.

    The Republican Presidents and Presidential contenders since WWII. Not a single one of them meets your criteria. I don't think any of them even come close. What you want from the GOP has probably changed quite a bit over the years, but the party itself has not changed that much.

  79. "But we wanna chew gum. " - Oh you.

  80. Stephen Hawkings' Old Lady11/10/12, 6:51 PM

    What group already appears to be a natural Republican constituency - middle-class, stable families, law abiding, etc? Asians - they went for Obama three-to-one.

    Okay, let's follow this seemingly valid point to its logical conclusion.

    If Asians seem to fit into the category of people to whom the Republican Party should be appealing and yet vote overwhelmingly Democratic, how do we explain this contradiction?

    Surely, the answer is that the RP does not in fact signify all those features in the eyes of the Democrat Asian voter. And if that's the case, what does the part represent to them? And surely the answer to that is that the Republican Party is viewed as the White People Party, and as the Asian voter identifies himself as "non-white", he naturally votes for the Democratic Party, which is the Non-White People Party.

    And the sad fact is that something like 45% of white people are inclined to vote for the Non-White Person Party.

    So long as that's the basic dynamic, the Republican Party is doomed. The increasing proportion of the electorate that is non-white votes overwhelmingly for the Democrats as a matter of personal self-identity, and a significant proportion of the declining white segment of the population votes against the party associated with themselves and instinctively votes for the other people's party.

    So from here on, it's Democratic presidential victories all the way down…

  81. "Anonymous said...

    I think the question is, why did you ever vote Republican."

    In case you hadn't noticed, they're one of the only two games in town. How does a conservative NOT occasionally vote for them?

    Again - they ain't giving white guys what they want, and white guys are beginning to notice. That's a problem for them. It's a problem for us too, as I don't relish the idea of living in a one party state. So the question remains - does the GOP want my vote or not? If they do, then they better start deliving. If they don't, then f**k them, and good riddance to bad trash.

  82. Difference Maker11/10/12, 11:00 PM

    NOTA said...
    Anon 905:

    Wasn't Israel one of South Africa's last friends in the world? The anti-apartheid push was mainly from the US and Europe, wasn't it?

    Perhaps it may have been less "friend" and more opportunist. Looking out for #1. Going behind the back of its other "friend", the United States

    Yan Shen said...
    Here's what I'm advocating for, and really I'm not being facetious here. A Lee Kuan Yew-type figure to restore this country to the path of sanity... What America needs now more than ever is a form of benevolent authoritarianism, rather than democratic excess.

    Here we go, Oriental despotism

  83. Did anyone ever survey the subsequent voting of the
    hispanics Reagan gave amnesty to? (BTW, This being the "last" amnesty was part of the deal.)

    Did they express their gratitude by subsequently voting Republican? (joke).

  84. me add to my previous comment. America is at a crossroads right now, in a perilous situation, and really more or less on the precipice of long term disaster. Democratic excess is what will lead this country on the path to becoming Brazil.

    I know. I feel your frustration. It truly pains you that the old American Eagle's carcass is already picked just about plumb bare, already, just when you just got here to start feeding. Right?

  85. Many of the comments in this thread were used here:

    Why Asians Voted 3-to-1 for Obama

    "Anon @ 11/9/12 9:27 PM" inspired my post on the subject of the Asian vote.


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