November 30, 2012

Making America more like Mexico is depressing to Mexican fertility

From the Washington Post:
By Tara Bahrampour, Published: November 29 

Tarara Boomdeeay, what a great name ...
The U.S. birthrate plunged last year to a record low, with the decline being led by immigrant women hit hard by the recession, according to a study released Thursday by the Pew Research Center. 
The overall birthrate decreased by 8 percent between 2007 and 2010, with a much bigger drop of 14 percent among foreign-born women. The overall birthrate is at its lowest since 1920, the earliest year with reliable records. The 2011 figures don’t have breakdowns for immigrants yet, but the preliminary findings indicate that they will follow the same trend.
The decline could have far-reaching implications for U.S. economic and social policy. A continuing decrease could challenge long-held assumptions that births to immigrants will help maintain the U.S. population and create the taxpaying workforce needed to support the aging baby-boom generation. 

Not held by me.

Is it really that complicated to imagine that selectivity in admissions/immigration matters in how much taxes the immigrants and their heirs will pay in versus how much social spending they will soak up?

Do what Harvard does, not what Harvard says. Harvard is extremely selective and it has an endowment of $31 billion. In contrast, the huge but only moderately selective Cal State system of 23 campuses has an endowment of $1 billion.
... But after 2007, as the worst recession in decades dried up jobs and economic prospects across the nation, the birthrate for immigrant women plunged. One of the most dramatic drops was among Mexican immigrants — 23 percent. 

From the Pew study:

What nobody gets is that new female immigrants from Latin America tend to have extreme fertility in the years right after settling. Open the doors to more immigration by giving a second amnesty, which even the dimmest foreigners will see as a pattern, and you'll have another baby boom, just like the one in California that followed the 1986 amnesty act that nobody knows about. Further, amnesty allows men to send for women from the Old Country. Finally, amnesty is being framed in the press as, basically, the Surrender Documents of White America, so of course it will stimulate immigration and fertility.

The GOP would have to be stupid to agree to amnesty, so it will probably happen.

This one is interesting:
Wow, 78% illegitimacy rate among African-Americans. A 58% illegitimacy rate among Hispanic-Americans. Fortunately, "Family values don't stop at the Rio Grande," as GW Bush once said, so we're revitalizing America by importing Hispanics from abroad who only have a 50% illegitimacy rate.

And Asian-Americans have a 31% illegitimacy rate compared to 30% for white Americans.


  1. We're on the Titanic, and it's listing.

    Of course, the politicians want to open the sea doors on the other side of the ship to correct the list...

  2. I posted this once way back...the first girl in my high school class who got randomly pregnant...

    Korean solid middle class, descent high IQ

    (and the bf was asian too)

    Those Christian values that solid middle class white people have are pretty powerful stuff.

  3. Shut up, loser!

  4. ... long-held assumptions that births to immigrants will help maintain the U.S. population and create the taxpaying workforce needed to support the aging baby-boom generation.

    Not held by me either. Nor by the immigrants.

  5. Sailer writes: "amnesty is being framed in the press as, basically, the Surrender Documents of White America...The GOP would have to be stupid to agree to amnesty, so it will probably happen."

    Moreover, secessionist talk is being framed in the press as a reaction to Obama's victory when, in fact, it is a reaction to the GOP (including, crucially, Rand Paul) signing the Surrender Documents of White America as its reaction to Obama's victory.

  6. The high Hispanic illegitimacy rate is probably related to the drop in fertility. I know a lot of young Hispanic women (English-speaking chicanas, not immigrants) through the work place - they are all single mothers of only children, they are all stressed out having to handle all of that responsibility by themselves as well as work, and they all say they don't want any more kids.

  7. Reminds me of a joke I heard way, way back in 1983 at the the time of the Cecil Parkinson scandal in England (Cecil Parkinson was a moderately successful Tory MP whose chief claim to fame was to impregnate his secretary whilst continuing a sham marriage with his wife).
    Anyway a slogan used in Tory propaganda at that time was "The Conservatives are the party of the family." To which some wag added the words, "Why, yes. That's why they have two or three of them."

  8. I hear that there are whole hospital wards in the main cities of south Texas iven over to the 'anchor baby' phenomenom.
    - That alone has got to be a major driver of hispanic fertility.

  9. The USA.
    A nation of bastards.

  10. Interesting how illegitmacy rates are higher among the US-born for every group.

  11. Well, a lot of Mexican immirgant women lived in Los Angeles and Maywood, and Huntington Park and Anaheim, Santa Ana, places where rent is skyhigh. So, Ca MExicans birthrates are probably lower than a state like TExas where the rent is lower and more job are available. So, illegal immirgant and legal immirgant hispanics probably have high birth rates in HOuston, Dallas. It fact Texas has been outpacing California in birthrates the past 10 years and its not white women. But Texas has recently had birthrates dropped during the recession.

  12. Well, the last legalization was in a period where rents were cheaper. In California unless there in places like Frenso the rents are not cheap. LA is the first place according to an article about a year ago the hispanic population decline, legaliztion might bring up birth rates in a few years later since the economy is tougher and Mexicans live in some expensive areas of the us. The Register ran how bad rents are and most of the folks were Mexican. So even with legalization birthrates will probably be less than in the past. In Fact in Ca and Tx the second generation Mexicans will be adding the babies in the futre over the immirgant ones and they are more americanized same with a lot of the dreamers unless they came to the states at about 13 years or older.

  13. Grover Norquist open borders king is being defended by a lot of Republicans because of his anti-tax views how that effects the legalization votes I don't know. I notice that 5 years ago we had the Mintueman and they were Replaced by the tea party. The tea party is less anti-illegal immirgant compared to the mintuemen, the Republican elites probably calulated on getting the base away from being mad on immirgation to taxes and obamacare. Granted, a lot of lay tea party people are against legalization.

  14. And Asian-Americans have a 31% illegitimacy rate compared to 30% for white Americans.

    It probably has a lot to do with Hmong polygamy, Filipino Catholicism,
    the welfare incentive, and the general island culture in Hawaii.

  15. Just wait until the Mexies figure out that Obamacare will give them even more goodies than they get now. Another brown baby boom!

    America, the Land of the Free! Free money, free food, free medical care, free housing, free school and all free from any annoying legal niceties!

  16. And I can remember when Daniel Patrick Moynihan was extremely worried about an illegitimacy rate (what an un-PC term) of around 25% among black Americans. The foolish man even suggested that this might in the future (our now) lead to higher levels of social disorganization among US blacks. Fortunately our current elites (In some ways we're more like the Marie Celeste than the Titanic!) have used the past half century of experience to debunk Moynihan's outrageously racist rant.

  17. circlethewagons11/30/12, 7:57 AM

    The Frum, Kristol, Krauthammer clatch introduced the amnesty meme immediately after the election.

    These guys were Dems when they were young and they are all crypto Dems today.

    How many passports do they have between the three of them? At least six and maybe more.

    How many of the GOP elite actually voted for Obama? How can you circle the wagons without cleaning house first?

  18. A continuing decrease could challenge long-held assumptions that births to immigrants will help maintain the U.S. population and create the taxpaying workforce needed to support the aging baby-boom generation.

    I want to challenge the assumption that we need to support the aging baby-boom generation. To hell with 'em. We need to smother the boomers with a pillow, not support them.

    And remind me, who are we going to import 40 years from now to support the immigrants of today when they get old? What is the end point of this ponzi scheme?

  19. "One of the most dramatic drops was among Mexican immigrants — 23 percent."

    So the average Mexican female in the US will whelp 4 instead of 5 ESL children. I hope wages at Bennigan's and Cold Stone Creamery go up faster than inflation so these children will have gainful employment to look forward, too.

  20. The GOP would have to be stupid to agree to amnesty, so it will probably happen.

    Oh, no. Say it ain't so, Steve. What happened to your post-election "bring it on" attitude?

  21. You know of course that the term "illegitimate child" is about as common as "bastard" or "natural" to describe children born out of wedlock.

    The increasing destigmatization of illegitimacy is such that it is now being cast as an absolute positive. "The only kind of family that matters is a loving family."

  22. Economics dictates fertility, luckily the globalists won't be able to get the economy going again, and it is only when they are thrown out that it will rebound.

  23. helene edwards11/30/12, 10:08 AM

    I don't believe the Asian illegitimacy figure. Maybe if you elminated fillipinos, it would be near zero.

  24. Steve, what the GOP wants or not does not matter.

    Obama "Won." He won. That means he gets what he wants, and the GOP surrenders. Obama controls the Press. The Judiciary. The NGO-istans. Entertainment. Everything.

    If you didn't want Amnesty, and the surrender of Whites into minority and discriminated minority status, then you had to make Obama lose.

    An Obama victory will OF COURSE give him everything he wants. Did you have any other illusions?

    You want to defeat Obama, you'd better be in for a long, ugly, haul. Fabian tactics, scorched earth, total warfare are what is needed.

    This means destroying the Press, by boycotts and SUSTAINED boycotts of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and PBS sponsors and advertisers, by conservatives. As well as total political warfare against Obama personalities like Chris Matthews, digging into their personal life and picking out every ugly, or scandalous, or distasteful episode in their life and their family's life. [Which the Left ALREADY does to Conservatives anyway. Ask John Derbyshire.]

    Then go after Obama's press supporters by creating an alternative web-based media as Pat Buchanon suggests.

    The model being Rome against Hannibal. They could not defeat him in open battle, but starved his disparate, mercenary army of food by scorched earth, and built a navy themselves to stop him from being reinforced or supplied. His one weakness was the lack of discipline in a mercenary army of many nationalities.

    That is the model to beat Obama. But it is NOT political in the sense that Congress or State Governers do anything. It totally depends on economic punishment and Glenn Reynolds "Army of Davids" going after Obama's "navy" which is the media.

  25. What's up with the asian illegitimacy? Is something strange going on with SE Asian immigrants, or perhaps Filipino? I would have assumed that the major "asian" groups (Indian sub-continent, China, Vietnam, Korea)would be below the illegitimacy rates of prole whites.

  26. People here will enjoy the latest Archdruid essay, about the impending takeover of the western states by Mexicans:

  27. LOL @ Steve making fun of Indian-American reporter's name. Good one, brah!

  28. Whiskey, are you by any chance familiar with an American institution called the "House of Representatives"?

    Obama is not king. Laws must originate in the House of Representatives, be passed by a majority of members there, then proceed to the Senate, where, likewise, a majority of members must vote in favor, and then to the White House to await the President's signature.

    Obama's squeaker reelection is not a mandate for radical reform.

    You are a buffoon, sir.

    (Note to passers-by: this is putatively directed against Whiskey, who either shall not read it, or shall not respond, but using him as a punching bag helps pass the time.)

  29. Whiskey, are you by any chance familiar with an American institution called the "House of Representatives"?

    Obama is not king. Laws must originate in the House of Representatives, be passed by a majority of members there, then proceed to the Senate, where, likewise, a majority of members must vote in favor, and then to the White House to await the President's signature.

    Are you familiar with a thing called "Executive Orders"? Are you familiar with a thing known as "bureaucratic fiat"? Are you aware that Obama is a prolific user of both these things?

    Are you aware that the unconstitutionality of this activity draws little more than a laugh from the so-called House of Representatives? Are you aware that the Republicans are largely supine little toadies? Are you aware that Obama will do whatever he wants and dare anyone to stop him?

  30. Well, I thought like Whiskley since Obama has been involved with electing a new people since 1980 but the right as pushed this as much as the left. The only different is the right will not give them drivers liscense and favors to deport them when they misbehave. I think that the strange election of Obama could caused the illegal situation to go either way. The Republcians still side with Grover Norquist on taxes but hopefully not on immirgaiotn. Hispanic immirgant birthrates have been droppng under BO while they increase a lot under Bush. By the way a lot of illegal immirgants now can get free health care thru emergency rooms or the state will give it to their children. OBama care will not increase it much more since a lot of them have their kids on kidscare programs or some of them have medicaid. I would like the states to be able to get rid of obamacare if they can pushed it.

  31. Mark my words, Mexican fertility in the US and Mexico is on the same course as every other middle to high-income Catholic population: toward sub-replacement, probably in the neighborhood of 1.4-1.5 TFR.

    When women have even small amounts of economic power, they get really sick of supporting macho, layabout men who boss them around and act like giant children, so they stop having kids as a result. You see this again and again throughout the world. Hell, Iran and most of the Arab world are at sub-replacement levels. Just watch for Mexico to go the same way.

  32. "And Asian-Americans have a 31% illegitimacy rate compared to 30% for white Americans."

    The immigrant difference is close, too. I'm under the impression from Rushton that the gap between random whites and Asians would be a bit wider.

    Around 2035 Ron Unz will author "The Strange Collapse of Asian Achievement".

  33. The GOP would have to be stupid to agree to amnesty, so it will probably happen

    The Republicans are just doing what the rich guys who control the GOP want them to do.

  34. Could you explain your post about the Korean girl. I went to a rich kid baptist school in houston (which is to say not backwooda fundementaliat and pretty establishment really) and I have to say that while a lot drank and a few smoked weed sex was a definite taboo especially for the kids that didn't enter school only at high school.

  35. "Moreover, secessionist talk is being framed in the press as a reaction to Obama's victory when, in fact, it is a reaction to the GOP (including, crucially, Rand Paul) signing the Surrender Documents of White America as its reaction to Obama's victory." - Exactly, the Obama victory.

  36. Rand Paul supports a legalization process for illegal immirgants, that why I hate some of the far right who don't do their reserach, they want to sucede Texas which has the second highest illegal immirgation population and be run by Rick Perry who according to Open Borders Grover Norquist was a better candidnate than Romeny. Grover is pushing for a massive legalizaiton of illegal immirgants and guestworker programs.

  37. If I was a wealthy White billionaire or millionaire, I would never hire a Hispanic nanny to take care of my kids.

    I would either hire an American as apple pie WASP woman or an Eastern European immigrant woman to be a nanny to my kids.

    Even if it means I would have to pay more out of my pocket because a Caucasian nanny would charge more than a short Brown Spanish speaking Aztec woman.

    I wish more White people had a tribal mentality like me and were more racially aware and cared about White interests.

  38. To Tea party and right wingers here tell the Blaze that Grover supports legalizing millions of hispanic immirgants and his guest worker programs. Grover booasting saying that he controls the tea party, inform your brother that Grover is a traitor.

  39. If you didn't want Amnesty, and the surrender of Whites into minority and discriminated minority status, then you had to make Obama lose.

    Yet Whiskey the very people like Pat Buchanan who would have upheld everything you seem to want were thrown out as persona non grata because of their lack of enthusiasm for Israel, while enthusiastic Israel-firsters who supported amnesty like McCain, were given preferential treatment. This seems to me that for you and the rest of the GOPers preservation of Israel was more important than that of America.

    How is that working out for you now?

    This means destroying the Press, by boycotts and SUSTAINED boycotts of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and PBS sponsors and advertisers, by conservatives.

    For once Whiskey, I can agree with something your write. I have seen a few others suggest this, but if conservatives would just take ONE CHRISTMAS SEASON OFF from buying gifts, they'd crater the economy. Ten to twenty million people quietly not shopping this season, other than for food and necessities, would do more than all the blogs, speeches and rants you could muster.

    The same thing should be done to the Hollywood media establishment. Cancel your cable and satellite TV programming. It wouldn't take much subscriber churn to cause them to feel the pain.

    When homosexuals, two percent of the population, threaten boycotts, companies cave. I would assume at least ten percent of the US population are white conservatives who are actually committed to old school values. That amount of people could do more than any GOP legislature in making a stand.

  40. "[Asian illegitimacy] probably has a lot to do with Hmong polygamy, Filipino Catholicism,
    the welfare incentive, and the general island culture in Hawaii."

    Gee, so we're going to hold Asians accountable for all their constituent ethnicities, and not just the standouts?

  41. Yea Whiskeg knows there is a House of Representatives it's why he emphasized the additional political force the left can bring to bear. In large part the commentators on this site are people who can't stand the prevailing zeitgeist. But at re same time the zeitgeist doesn't care about you or even know who you are. Try being a congressmen fr a swing state that opposes amnesty for a month and then tell me how easy it is to withstand the pressure. That's why I hate the stupid party logo.
    No it's the party that has to run against the entire media and people's complete lack of self control


  42. When homosexuals, two percent of the population, threaten boycotts, companies cave. I would assume at least ten percent of the US population are white conservatives who are actually committed to old school values. That amount of people could do more than any GOP legislature in making a stand.


    Do you really think it's because of gays' raw numbers represent a threat to their bottom line?

    I mean... that's just... embarrassingly dumb for an iSteve commenter.

  43. What a damn lie from Mr 3:56pm.

    There is no zeitgeist for amnesty in the public! It is the elites and the activist groups only.

  44. I believe you there on Mexico's birthrates dropping, more mexicans are more likely secular than Catholic or many of them go to Protestantism against abortion but not birth control. Even in LA a devout Mexican catholic family where the hours were cut are using birth control and asking God for forgivness since they can't afford more children and their children will be like 2nd generation Mexicans which usually have less kids and less against birth control, unfortunely as Whiskey stated they tend to have kids in the teens more they usually learn to use the birth control later than whites do. Also, Brazil a country similar to Mexico is now 1.9. Think if Mexicans in Mexico or the states dropped that low and whites increase to 2.0 or more would people think MExicans will dominate.

  45. Yup, the Hispanic Baby Bubble continues to deflate. The TFR is now down to 2.2, while before the bust started in 2007, it had been stuck in the 2.6-3.0 range since at least 1989, when it was first recorded. The white-black gap in TFR is down below 0.15 child/woman.

    It's interesting how the birth rate for U.S.-born Asian women is only 35 per 1,000, as opposed to 59 among white women. I wonder what that translates to in TFR? It can't be very high at all... about 1.1-1.3, it looks like. So... does this mean the taxpayers in 2050 will be stuck supporting a bunch of elderly Asians who didn't reproduce? In other words, immigrants do NOT supplement our population in the long run.

    Sailer writes: "amnesty is being framed in the press as, basically, the Surrender Documents of White America...The GOP would have to be stupid to agree to amnesty, so it will probably happen."

    I dunno... NumbersUSA is still very much active, and they stopped the 2006 and 2007 amnesty pushes.

  46. The] new Brazilian fertility rate is below the level at which a population replaces itself. It is lower than the two-children-per-woman fertility rate in the United States. In the largest nation in Latin America—a 191-million-person country where the Roman Catholic Church dominates, abortion is illegal (except in rare cases), and no official government policy has ever promoted birth control—family size has dropped so sharply and so insistently over the past five decades that the fertility rate graph looks like a playground slide.
    And it's not simply wealthy and professional women who have stopped bearing multiple children in Brazil. There's a common perception that the countryside and favelas, as Brazilians call urban slums, are still crowded with women having one baby after another—but it isn't true. At the demographic center Carvalho helped found, located four hours away in the city of Belo Horizonte, researchers have tracked the decline across every class and region of Brazil. Over some weeks of talking to Brazilian women recently, I met schoolteachers, trash sorters, architects, newspaper reporters, shop clerks, cleaning ladies, professional athletes, high school girls, and women who had spent their adolescence homeless; almost every one of them said a modern Brazilian family should include two children, ideally a casal, or couple, one boy and one girl. Three was barely plausible. One might well be enough. In a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte, an unmarried 18-year-old affectionately watched her toddler son one evening as he roared his toy truck toward us; she loved him very much, the young woman said, but she was finished with childbearing. The expression she used was one I'd heard from Brazilian women before: "A fábrica está fechada." The factory is closed.

  47. and they all say they don't want any more kids

    But they will probably end up having more any way since Hispanics tend to be really bad when it comes to birth control.

  48. "[Asian illegitimacy] probably has a lot to do with Hmong polygamy, Filipino Catholicism,
    the welfare incentive, and the general island culture in Hawaii."

    Gee, so we're going to hold Asians accountable for all their constituent ethnicities, and not just the standouts?

    Everyone knows that Asians are a very broad and diverse grouping. I see East Asians, SE Asians, and South Asians as very distinct groups in culture and behavior. In fact, it's just as misleading to group SE Asians with East Asians as it is to group mestizos or Arabs as White for statistical purposes.

    East Asians account for more than 1.6 billion people. Does it really make sense to group them with another 2.5 billion people and claim that over 4 billion people represent one group, just because their combined population is small in the United States?

  49. Peterike asked a bunch of questions.

    Hunsdon replies: Why yes. Have you considered that an unending stream of questions, absent any positive assertion, invites ridicule in return?

    I shall, however, attempt to address the general thrust of your comments. If I have properly parsed them, you seem to think, "Whiskey is right!" (And, conversely, "Hunsdon is wrong.") That is, President Obama intends to rule as a kind of grey Caesar, by diktat and fiat, and to prevail against him will require an assumption of Fabian tactics.

    Fabian tactics? Does one refer here to the actual Roman general Fabius Maximus, or to Sidney Webb's Fabian Society? While Whiskey does use "scorched earth" in his screed, one assumes that he refers more to rhetorical than actual warfare. (Webb himself was, of course, a mere figurehead for the Harvard WASP mafia of his day.) Shall we agree to limit ourselves to the rhetorical option? I shall do so, presuming that you are in agreement. If you wish (and Steve allows) to discuss more literally martial alternatives, we may do that at a later point.

    Fabian, or if one prefers, Gramscian, tactics are appropriate for certain situations. Bear in mind where (and when) the Fabian Society arose, to wit, in late 19th century England. The delaying game, of slowly building a consensus amongst the elite, was successful in a society dedicated to the rule of law, and with broad provisions for the freedom of speech. The winning, as it were, of hearts and minds---particularly among the elite.

    We face a number of problems with adopting this strategy. We all bear in mind Adam Smith's dictum that there is a lot of ruin in a nation, but we also think that we have been on that path for quite some time now, and that, further, we near the end of that road. The Gramscian long march through the institutions took how many generations, again? Two, three? I for one doubt that we have two or three generations left to avert the euphemistic "zombie apocalypse."

    Another issue which seems to confound Whiskey's prognosis is that whole "rule by fiat" thing that he, and indeed you, in echo, mention. The Fabian Society enjoyed some goodly success in Victorian England. Oddly enough, that success had no mirror in Alexandrian Russia. I should point out that Alexandrian Russia was an autocratic state, with a vigorous and widespread secret police, and a top down mentality. "Reform" in Russia took a rather different path.

    So Whiskey, and by extension you, sir, seem to be advocating a long march through institutions which are receptive, if not friendly, to our ideas, while at the same time waving your hands in the air about the autocratic nature of Obama (and presumably, any successor). Do you not, sir, see the contradiction there?

    To the extent that Whiskey advocates "dropping out" of society, however, I find myself somewhat in agreement, yet this runs counter to his "engage and destroy the MSM" strategy.

  50. Umm you are confused what people want=zeitgeist as I made clear by emphasizing the media's power over politics. Maybe before calling me a liar you understand what I was saying. We are close approaching Gramscian hegemony for the left that's the zeitgeist retard.

  51. What people want dies not=zeitgeist

  52. Personality, I don't like anything Obama does but the way it is the parties are divided, Fair and numbers usa can get a lot of people telling the congressmen off, granted we got three legalization Dems from Ca for Congress and lost some good people like Bilaray. A good blue dod dem in NC won over a bad legalization Republican. Those that are Dems needed to help get the BLue Dogs back on their feet.

  53. [QUOTE]Everyone knows that Asians are a very broad and diverse grouping. I see East Asians, SE Asians, and South Asians as very distinct groups in culture and behavior. In fact, it's just as misleading to group SE Asians with East Asians as it is to group mestizos or Arabs as White for statistical purposes.

    East Asians account for more than 1.6 billion people. Does it really make sense to group them with another 2.5 billion people and claim that over 4 billion people represent one group, just because their combined population is small in the United States?[/QUOTE]

    In the U.S census, the reason people from countries like Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and The Philippines are lumped into the same racial category as the Japanese and the Chinese, is because they all have slanted eyes.

    To most White people, they all look like alike. To your average White person, a person from Cambodia for example, is just another Chink.

  54. The Asian category includes Pacific Islanders, who are very different from Northeast Asians or Subcontinent Asians. Their out of wedlock birth rate is likely to be closer to blacks or Hispanics than to Northeast Asians or middle/upper-middle-class whites.

  55. "So the Census takes into account slanted eyes? lol. South Asians have slanted eyes? While you're at it, why does the government lump mestizos and middle easterners into the White category?"

    Mestizos fall under the Hispanic category.
    "Middle Easterners" are almost as diverse as "Asians." Armenians or Lebanese Maronites arguably have more in common with Southern Europeans than with Yemenis.

  56. I would reserve some skepticism regarding these statisitcs and assertions. They seem to be conveniently timed for softening up opposition to the current amnesty effort, on the grounds we are going to run into a Mexican shortage in the near future, possibly leading to rationing of landscapers and waitresses.

  57. Mestizos fall under the Hispanic category.

    But, at the top level they are classified as white and then broken out into a category called hispanic white while European Americans are called non-hispanic whites.

    Here is what the CIA World Factbook has to say about US demographics:

    white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate)
    note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic

  58. I would reserve some skepticism regarding these statisitcs and assertions. They seem to be conveniently timed for softening up opposition to the current amnesty effort, on the grounds we are going to run into a Mexican shortage in the near future, possibly leading to rationing of landscapers and waitresses.

    I agree with this. I've heard people blabber lately that the illegals are no longer coming. But of course that doesn't mean that the 10 million illegals already here are going home. The last thing I want to do is to make them citizens, and start a new round of chain migration and democrat voter registration. And note, I don't buy that ten year old estimate of 10 million illegals. It is probably much closer to 30 million, and when you factor in family unifications, could easily become 50 million.

  59. In the U.S census, the reason people from countries like Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and The Philippines are lumped into the same racial category as the Japanese and the Chinese, is because they all have slanted eyes.

    To most White people, they all look like alike. To your average White person, a person from Cambodia for example, is just another Chink.

    The average White person wouldn't mistake people from India for "Chinks", but they WOULD mistake people from Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan (who are counted as "White") or Eskimos and Inuit ("American Indian") as Chinks. There's a somewhat different rationale for labeling people "Asian".

  60. Here is what the CIA World Factbook has to say about US demographics:

    white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate)
    note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic

    The CIA Factbook is utter crap. I see it cited all the time, and I'm constantly shaking my head.

  61. No anon. You are promoting an astroturf zeitgeist. It's a damn PSY-OP. Wake up.

    Obama hemorrhaged support his turnout was way down. Obama's mandate is as weak as W in 2004.

    The neocon coffee klatch unleashed the immigration push asap after the election - they had it in the can all prepared and ready for rollout. Fact-based non-propagandist pundits have refuted the entire meme. Illegals don't generate our zeitgeist.

  62. The leftwing zeitgeist is a joke.

    1) CNN is where ratings go to die. The public has tuned them out. MSNBC is a fever swamp with only a slightly larger audience. Lefty print media is shriveling.

    2) Obama limped back into the white house by buying the votes of low information rabble. He has no plan and no mandate.

    3) U.S. Presidents hit career peak upon their reelection. Then it's all downhill in the second term.

  63. Another 23 percent in another 4 years from 85 to 65 per women. The great hispanic voting pushed will be no longer heard if that happens.

  64. I am going to try one more time. I am OPPOSED to immigration. The MEDIA, which is far more than the two networks you mentioned, supports immigration and thanks to the election of Obama basically feels vindicated in their all out administration salesmen mode. There is no psy ops at work only the raw pursuit of leftist power by media organizations which are instrumental in forming the thoughts of about 30 to 40 percent of the American public. As far as the neo-con point goes you alt right guys need to outgrow this tick fast. No one cares what the neo-cons think. Whatever power and influence they entertain is solely a function of the fact that the media complex sees them as the lesser evil on the right and as such puts them on the air/ promotes their view of conservatism. The neo-cons were at one point very influential that point is over. Your really enemey in the immigration fight is the libertarians and people like Ron Paul who talk national soverignty but are very reluctant to do anything about it. Something tells me that you won't like that answer though.

  65. How do they determine illegitimacy?

    1) Woman is unmarried, which sounds good but many women are common law wives especially among the poor.

    2) No father on birth certificate. I can think of many reasons for this, especially for illegal aliens.

    3) Mother and fathers names don't match. This could be cultural especially for African Americans who often do not change their names.

    4) I did a quick once over on the study at the cdc site. They used census data. So that might be an influence for example in the case of women that receive government benefits like Section 8 and food stamps and do not want the government to know there is a man in their life.

  66. As far as the neo-con point goes you alt right guys need to outgrow this tick fast. No one cares what the neo-cons think. Whatever power and influence they entertain is solely a function of the fact that the media complex sees them as the lesser evil on the right and as such puts them on the air/ promotes their view of conservatism. The neo-cons were at one point very influential that point is over.

    Hardly. The neocons are the reason we were stuck with the likes of Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich as choices, and why the GOP Establishment pulled out all the stops against Ron Paul. True, McCain and Romney losing to Obama twice in a row did some damage to the neocons, but, as long as Billy Kristol's smirking mug is up there on the evening news, and as long as the GOP nominates rich globalists, we cannot consider the neocons to have lost their power.

    Your really enemey in the immigration fight is the libertarians and people like Ron Paul who talk national soverignty but are very reluctant to do anything about it. Something tells me that you won't like that answer though.

    Rand Paul is trying to play their game, by saying, okay, we can amnesty the illegals, but they'll take up all our legal immigration slots until they're all in, and they can't do it all at once. The practical effect of this would be to drastically slow down legal immigration as people's family members are no longer called over from the Philippines, while, I'd hope, not increase illegal immigration as people see they're only being legalized at a rate of a million per year.

    The House GOP is trying something similar, by replacing the diversity lottery with STEM immigrants who are at least a lot less likely to be NAMs. Unfortunately, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Zoe Lofgren want Africans coming in. I just hope their antics start to anger the GOP congressmen so they start to not care what Jackson-Lee thinks.

    Then again, gridlock in the immigration system is always good. If the GOP wants to mitigate the damage, but the Dems don't like any of their ideas, that will prevent more harm from being done to the country by the Congresscritters, and the Hispanic birth rate can therefore continue to tank.

    The Brazilian saying "A fabrica esta fechada" has been spreading to Mexicans and Central Americans, given the Salvadoran woman using it in the article Steve put up.

  67. From one anon post:
    So, Ca MExicans birthrates
    TExas where the rent is lower and more job are available.
    immirgant and legal immirgant HOuston, Dallas.
    But Texas has recently had birthrates dropped during the recession.

    Is there no limit to the number of spelling and grammar errors that a post can have before it get canned?

    Or are we supposed to be touchy-feely about people who can not run their ungrammatical yammerings past even a simple spelling checker?

  68. Are 54% of births to non-Hispanic white women? I was under the impression that it recently dipped below 50%?

  69. Anonydroid at 11:01 AM said: Your really enemey in the immigration fight is the libertarians and people like Ron Paul who talk national soverignty but are very reluctant to do anything about it. Something tells me that you won't like that answer though.

    Hunsdon wondered: Just where is this libertarian juggernaut we're supposed to war against? Were they the people who were advising the Romney campaign? I mean, there's that guy from Reason in the black leather jacket, I guess. Say, have you heard of the Harvard WASP mafia?

  70. Are 54% of births to non-Hispanic white women? I was under the impression that it recently dipped below 50%?

    The newsmedia has been blaring this for the last couple of years, because if the non-Hispanic white birth percentage, that had been in virtually constant decline until 2007, had continued to drop at the same rate until now, there would indeed be a minority of white births. The Census Bureau had assumed that this would be the case.

    But the popping of the Hispanic Baby Bubble caused the overall number of Hispanic births to tank, and the percentage of white births rose as a result, even though the actual number of white births also fell. The Asian birth percentage also rose for the same reason: no decline in the raw number of births.

  71. Amnesty is inevitable, the Republicans don't even know the handful of HBD blogs exist. This stuff is about as socially acceptable as atheism in Afghanistan.

  72. Where's the neo con juggernaut I mean there's commentary and that Kristol dude but that's about it. On the other hand the Chamber of Commerce pretty powerful. The only thing Ron Paul disagrees with the globalists on is war.

  73. Anonydroid at 9:05 AM: The only thing Ron Paul disagrees with the globalists on is war.

    Hunsdon: Yes, also the War on (Some) Drugs, the War on Poverty, the War on Sound Money, the War on Civil Liberties, etc., etc.


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