November 14, 2012

Ted Cruz

Since everybody has decided that the Hispanics are our future, it's worth catching up on the Spanish surnamed crowd.

Texas just elected Republican Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate by a healthy margin. Ted's father came from Cuba in 1957 and went into the oil business. His mother, a Rice grad is Irish and Italian. One possible impediment to his Presidential hopes is that he was born in the Calgary oil patch, but his parents returned to Houston when he was 4. 

Ted has the usual academic superstar track record: He graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law, then clerked for Chief Justice Rehnquist. His wife, Heidi Nelson Cruz, works for Goldman Sachs. 

As you may have noticed, he looks rather like a younger Pat Buchanan.


  1. Irish-Irish or scots -Irish?

  2. I don't know.

    Pat, by the way, is Protestant Irish on his father's side.

  3. whew, thank goodness. a harvard lawyer. not nearly enough harvard lawyers running the united states. now here's a good candidate. brings some brainpower and real world experience to the job, not like those other guys in charge, who are all just

    harvard lawyers.

  4. "Pat, by the way, is Protestant Irish on his father's side."
    Whew, I was worried there awhile.

  5. @anonymous - Irish-Irish or scots -Irish?"

    cruz's mother's maiden name was darragh and that's scots-irish (note: not "scots-irish").

  6. Not Hispanic enough. Too white. Needs more Mestizo in him.

  7. Pat is Catholic, not Protestant. Ted is a Baptist.

  8. Cuban-cuban or Dominican cuban?

  9. Ted also won't help the GOP win the Mexican vote. Cubans and Mexicans don't identify with each other.

  10. snapper strategy is the way to go. end of party politics with a one party state and the beginning of racial politics.

  11. I believe Buchanan is Scotch-Irish and German. I don't think he's "Protestant Irish" unless you mean by Scotch-Irish by that, which isn't necessarily incorrect usage.

  12. How dare any white person be blonde and blue eyed!


    EDNOS. 'eating disorder not otherwise specified'. liberalism jumps another shark. i don't know how they can keep spouting such onionish nonsense with a straight face.

    maybe libs suffer from mpnos: mental problems not otherwise specified.

  14. off topic, something i've noticed: the amount of outright anti-white male ads on tv. check out the state farms (1. french model date 2. two girls shopping, "anthony how much did i save?").

  15. this fool probably doesn't even know spanish. next!

  16. Auntie Analogue11/14/12, 11:44 PM

    Ted will never be president. The anti-Christian Left will harp that his surname in English is "Cross," and, of course, sneer that he's not a "wise Latina woman."

    But if the GOP starts promoting Ted, then for us he'll be just another Cruz to bear.

  17. "cruz's mother's maiden name was darragh and that's scots-irish (note: not "scots-irish")."

    It's not so cut and dry. There are "scots-irish", which, when we're not being coy, refer to lowland scots of predominantly English ancestry. But, there is also a tradition of Scots-Irish which is Gaelic, from a socio-cultural sphere best demonstrated by the Dal Riata. It could go either way- like McGuinness or Cunningham. There's been a lot of crisscrossing.
    The fact that she's described as being Irish-Italian from the Northeast (Delaware) suggests Catholicism, and that suggests Green Irish. OTOH, she studied math at Rice, and that's quite rare for an Irish-Italian girl, what with them being a bit slow, right? So, Occam's razor would suggest her Irish background is the green kind, but her collegiate career and son's success clearly demonstrate her Orange bonafides. Because when they're successful, they're Orange, just like when Oliver Reed was drunk he was Irish, but when he won any awards, he was back to being English again. Does that help you out?

  18. Steve Sailer said...
    I don't know.

    Pat, by the way, is Protestant Irish on his father's side.

    11/14/12 8:18 PM"
    A Protestant named Buchanan is not Irish.

  19. Ted will never be president. The anti-Christian Left will harp that his surname in English is "Cross," and, of course, sneer that he's not a "wise Latina woman."

    Republicans successfully flipping the latino vote by putting up a latino candidate is a dubious proposition at best. I'm guessing a central complaint on the left would be that he is not "authentic" representative of American Latinos. They may be right. The problem is that a pan-Latino identity doesn't really exist. Like other recent immigrant groups, latinos identify more with country of origin. Cubans have a different cultural identity and more conservative voting patterns than Mexicans (who are 70% of American latinos). If Cruz was a Democrat or a race man he would get an authenticity pass like Obama did, but he's not.

  20. Depends on the photo... Can't tell his height, as he seems to successfully avoid being photographed in perspective. Doesn't look as non-white Hispanic as Susanna Martinez, but still more ethnic than, say, Rubio, or Linda Chavez, who could be Natalie Wood's aunt

  21. original Latino kings of comedy11/15/12, 3:12 AM

    The Diaz-Balarts look like stereotypical William Morris agents from central casting... Brian Sandoval looks like Darrell Issa's cousin; Mel Martinez could similarly sub in as head of the ADC... Wasn't Luis Fortuño in that "Looper" movie

  22. People who say "Scots-Irish" to mean something other than Scots-Irish are really immature.

  23. Let's be real: the only way to get Latinos to vote Republican is to buy them off; just finding candidates who look hispanic isn't going to cut it.
    Is there any minority in the world who's majority doesn't support the party or parties that support ethnic preferences for them? I don't know of any.

  24. Okay, someone explain this to me.

    My understanding is that the Constitution explicitly says that a prospective President has to be born on US territory. Whether that means a state, or places like an embassy or Puerto Rico qualify, I don't know.

    It's been a long time since the Constitution was amended, so what gives with this?

    Do I misunderstand things?

  25. It's almost as if Latino was a made up term useful to extract racial spoils. almost.

    Of course the media won't consider Cruz a "real" Latino. They will despise him more than a white republican, a la Clarence Thomas.

    The Republican party seems like it really wants to commit suicide with this amnesty thing. If they are that stupid they deserve to go.

  26. The GOP's "Hispanic Problem" is solved! They just need to run candidates who are White Cuban/Irish/Italian in ancestry and Southern Baptist in religion and who are married to White women.

    With candidates like that, how can the GOP not get the votes of Mayans from Central America?

  27. Interesting that in all the Cruz for Prez talk here no one is mentioning the slight fact, alluded to by Steve, that he's constitutionally ineligible for the job.

  28. "jody said...

    whew, thank goodness. a harvard lawyer. not nearly enough harvard lawyers running the united states. now here's a good candidate. brings some brainpower and real world experience to the job, not like those other guys in charge, who are all just

    harvard lawyers."

    And his wife works for Goldman-Sachs - an added bonus. Just the kind of people we need to shake things up.

  29. If he views the world the same way as Pat Buchanan then this is the guy I want in high office.

  30. Below is a summary of my updated analysis of voting pattern resuts:

    Whites favored Romney because they are racist wingnuts stuck in the past. Blacks and Hispanics favored Obama because Romney is a racist wingnut who failed to reach out to them.

  31. Christopher Paul11/15/12, 8:49 AM

    According to his memoir (Right from the Beginning), Buchanan's paternal grandfather’s people were Protestant Scotch-Irish from Ulster. His paternal grandmother was Irish Roman Catholic (Pat's religion). His mother's family was "German immigrant stock" on both sides.

  32. The wife's Goldman-Sachs gig could be a killer.

  33. I'll clip an illuminating comment from this Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified page:

    Yeah she's beautiful,but people should accept themselves and stop blaming others for the choices they make. We all have a choice to eat healthy and exercise or to eat junk foods and live sedentary lives.

    Developing an eating disorder because of someone else is just weak!

  34. He is the sort of "Hispanic" the elites meet and geet. This probably explains why they have no problem with Hispanic immigration.

  35. I know it's in the Constitution but I don't care about the natural-born rule other than common sense that a newly arrived foreigner shouldn't be president. As I would say to well-meaning birthers, all Cruz's American mother would have had to do is fill out the right form to make him a citizen from birth.

  36. Some jackhole on this site is relieved Pat is an Orangeman and not Irsh-Irish?So would that invalidate his near Steve-like genius? OTOH here is another scrotum brain from the Root,on Oct 25th of this,the 4th Year Of Obama:"Ironically,Buchanan,as an Irish Catholic,runs to type as bigoted memebers of these ethnic groups.." and so and son.

  37. "Below is a summary of my updated analysis of voting pattern resuts:

    Whites favored Romney because they are racist wingnuts stuck in the past. Blacks and Hispanics favored Obama because Romney is a racist wingnut who failed to reach out to them. " - You should be on MSNBC.

  38. his surname in English is "Cross,"

    A last name of "Cruz" or "Iglesia" is a good sign that one of your ancestors was abandoned as a baby and raised by the Church.

  39. I believe Buchanan is Scotch-Irish and German.

    You think wrongly. Pat is Scotch-Irish in the correct meaning of that term - hint - it does NOT mean "northern English". Pat is Scotch-Irish in the sense that he is part Scotch - meaning genuine highland Scotch - and part Irish - meaning genuine Irish Irish.

  40. It's not so cut and dry. There are "scots-irish", which, when we're not being coy, refer to lowland scots of predominantly English ancestry. But, there is also a tradition of Scots-Irish which is Gaelic, from a socio-cultural sphere best demonstrated by the Dal Riata. It could go either way-

    Darragh, like Buchanan, is a Gaelic surname. So that's pretty cut and dried.

  41. Hapalong Cassidy11/15/12, 6:31 PM

    Can someone tell me where the "Scots-Irish" meme on this site came from? I've deduced it came from Whiskey, but what exactly did he say that gave rise to it? Did he say, in a completely serious and non-sarcastic tone, that the Scots-Irish control the Media, or something like that?

  42. "Darragh, like Buchanan, is a Gaelic surname. So that's pretty cut and dried."

    Buchanan is a Scottish name. The only Buchanans you will find in Ireland are Ulster Protestants. It's not even Scots Gaelic FFS.

  43. Darragh, like Buchanan, is a Gaelic surname. So that's pretty cut and dried."

    Buchanan is a Scottish name.

    It's a Gaelic name, you phony mick. Scottish is Gaelic. You may live in Ireland, but if you do you're probably a Pakistani immigrant.

    "Traditionally, Clan Buchanan can trace its origin back to Anselan O Kyan who was a son of the King of Ulster who landed in Argyll in 1016. For his services against the Danes he received the lands of Buchanan, which lie to the east of Loch Lomond around the village of Killear."

  44. Tangent: the French-model-date commercial struck me as hackneyed, even though I like the 'Bonjour' sight gag and punchline. It looks like admen a generation or two out of touch just found out the kids are into this thing called the Internet.

    I remember in 'Right from the Beginning' Pat describing the Scots-Irish Protestant origin of his name.

    I agree with Steve's main premise that the GOP making a play for Hispanics won't work and probably never will. Hispanics are largely apolitical (not necessarily bad to libertarians like me, who don't like the government) but those who do vote understandably do so for the handout party, plus you can argue their communitarian culture mixed with echoes of Catholic Social Teaching™ (holy welfare state, Batman) means the Anglo bootstraps ethic of individual liberty and self-reliance just doesn't compute with them.

    Double standard: a part-Cuban Republican won't win Mexican-American votes (Cubans and Mexicans don't normally identify with each other) but a Dem with the same background would be a victorious Mr Pan-Hispanic.

  45. Scots-Irish is from Albania's Seed


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