November 14, 2012

The Republican brain trust would like your attention

From the NYT, on how the Republicans should reform for 2016:



Anonymous said...

The party of old white males

Simon Grey said...

Basically, be Democrat Lite. Sounds like a winning strategy, as Democrats will switch over to the GOP because what they really want is a watered-down version of what they already have, while the GOP base will still turn out and vote large numbers for the GOP because they don't mind being betrayed. Let's hope the GOP follows the advice the NYTimes gives them, because it will definitely save them.

Dutch Boy said...

Brain Dead!

bleach said...

Win over blacks! The NYT is just trolling Republicans now.

Toddy Cat said...

For Lord's sake.

Anonymous said...

But what about the gays ?

Victor said...

"Stop Immigrant Bashing"

Yeah, those wicked Republicans. Only an immigrant bashing party would put an inexperienced clown like Marco Rubio on their VP shortlist.

"Stop Turning Off Women"

Yeah Republicans! Apparently having Ann Romney address the Republican Convention despite never being elected to any office turns off women.

"Embrace Black Voters"

Despite the fact that Republicans haven't won the black vote in a century, Republicans should do more to court blacks. Romney giving an address before a hostile crowd at the NAACP and getting booed is not enough! More groveling is necessary!

Moral of the story: Do more to reach out to Democrats, while they castigate you as old white men. Somehow the Republican party will benefit.

Gerald said...

Taking election advice from the New York Times is a losing strategy for Republicans.

gumm party said...

Okay, so the GOP should be Democratic Party #2. In that case, how much we just get rid of the GOP and join the Democrats??!!!

So much easier and cheaper to do. And no more wasted American dollars on dumb national elections.

Anonymous said...

"A party that puts short-term political advantage ahead of solving the country's problems is in trouble."

Then how come Huge Deficit Democrats are winning?

Svigor said...

The party of old white males

Funny how often this loser has the first post.

Svigor said...

White Americans are clinically insane vis-a-vis race. Until they get their heads sorted out, they'll have taxation, but no representation.

Like I care if the GOP dies, lol.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Romney's % of the black vote would have been if, at the beginning of his NAACP grovel fest he opened with "Hey what's up colored people"?

I suspect his white male vote would have ticked up slightly. And watching Chris Matthews literally explode would have been entertaining.

Eric said...

Win over blacks! The NYT is just trolling Republicans now.

You can't really take anything you read about politics seriously from the NYT. Their idea of a conservative is David Brooks, after all.

The Republicans need to fight Democratic attempts to Balkanize the country. Otherwise they will lose unless they one-up the Democrats playing Santa Clause with taxpayer money. If that's what they want to do then I need to buy a wheelbarrow so I can carry enough cash with me to buy a beer.

Anonymous said...


"I violated your laws and invaded your country and leeched off social benefits. So, when are you gonna show me some respect and stop being 'racist'?"

GOP has to pander to THIS?

heartiste said...

Diversity is our strain.

Anonymous said...

Let's have some whimnesty.

gubbly said...

What I would love to see. A GOP candidate run in 2016 fully knowing that he will lose. Since he will lose, he should spill the beans on Jewish privilege, gay privilege, Asian privilege, feminist scam, illegal alien burden, black crime, HBD, and etc. USE the election as a platform for banned ideas and expose the hypocrisy of the liberals.

Okay, he'll lose the election but he'll win long-term for all the taboo ideas that needs to be spoken will be put out in the open for all to see and hear. MSM will go nuts and scream, but the ideas will have entered mainstream discourse.

Jesus lost but His ideas won.
There are Pyrrhic victories but also Pyrrhic defeats(who really turn out to be long term victories).

The problem for the Right is the Discourse Gap. Our ideas are not getting OUT THERE for people to mull over. So, if we could get a GOP 'radical' to run and make a big stink about the hidden truth.

irishman said...

"The Republicans need to fight Democratic attempts to Balkanize the country."


What the hell is wrong with you. Who brought over blacks?, who brought in 50 million mexicans? La Raza!

Give me a break sweetheart. Capitalist conservatives will always advocate capitalist positions on labour. Brian Caplan is right. Immigration restrictions are affirmative action for Americans. And that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Steve Sailer and Gottfried for 2016.

Or Taylor and Weissberg.

It oughta be a riot.

Anonymous said...


I don't get the joke. Many people comment using my handle

Anonymous said...

The GOP should simply wait to see how the game plays out in the next year. They should politely refuse to cooperate with Obama on big legislative issues but not do it in such a way as to create hard feelings. Go ahead and confirm Susan Rice as secretary of state. Let him pass all his picayune regulations. Then watch the stock market, economy, and foreign policy implode. Also, keep in mind that Obama is a marked man for killing Bin Laden -- Jihadhis never forget and something as big as 9/11 is in the offing.

Sherman McCoy said...

If I were a Master of the Universe, I may worry that the the GOP has been so successfully neutered by the deathgrips of educrats, the MSM, and popular culture that they no longer present viable opposition.

If the US collapses into a one party Democrat state, voters could become unified behind ideas like anti-war, pro-worker and anti-corporate platforms while peeling off fringe and now unchallenged social issues of gays, feminism, racism, etc. Harder to divide et impera.

That would present a problem for me... if I were a Master of the Universe.

sylia stingray said...

After 70 yrs of fervent/fanatical communist education in the ussr, no one believes that crap anymore. It vanished overnight.

Can decadent hysterical pc really last?

All fires burn out. Hotter it burns, faster it burns.

Matthew said...

This is the same New York Times that took Romney's thoughtful take on Detroit's predicament and gave it the headline "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."

"A party that puts short-term political advantage ahead of solving the country's problems is in trouble."

Pursuing amnesty is pursuing shirt-term political advantage. It may help with Hispanics this election, but they'll forget after 5 or 6 tacos and go back to voting for Democrats.

"Brian Caplan is right. Immigration restrictions are affirmative action for Americans."

No, it's just eliminating the current 80% estate tax on citizenship.

DYork said...

Svigor said...

White Americans are clinically insane vis-a-vis race.

Go tell that to Hope Solo.

AMac said...

How about analogous advice for the Democrats on how to win again in 2016. For the good of the country:

* Address the growing illegitimacy crisis.

* Reduce opportunities for crony capitalists/campaign donors, and re-emphasize free market dynamics.

* Insist that climate change science be carried out according to the norms of the other hard sciences.

* With respect to subsidies for individuals, base policy on the recognition that the government incentivizes what it subsidizes and inhibits what it taxes.

* Forthrightly address the unsustainable growth of medical spending, especially concerning Medicare and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

* Tackle the abuses of Wall Street.

* Demonstrate that there are limits to the extent to which the Education-Industrial Complex can feed at the public trough.

That should be a good start to cutting back on pandering to core constituencies, thus profoundly alienating them. A sure path to Democratic Victory in 2016!

Anonymous said...

Run Sailer Run. 2016.

Anonymous said...

Demonstrate that there are limits to the extent to which the Education-Industrial Complex can feed at the public trough.

Either reform public school completely, or abolish it. It is a creaking 19th century anachronism unsuited for a post-industrial world. And besides, the National Flathead League and National Bully Association can always recruit on their own time and dime.

x said...

this is like british agents in germany in 1941 running editorials in the german papers talking about how the one thing the germans *really* need to do is invade the soviet union.

Anonymous said...

This is priceless. Who is the guy who advises GOP to "get rid of radicals"? It's the guy who just recently wrote an article entitled
"Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Honestly I don't think "Kiron K. Skinner" (?) is making a point that's totally off-base, re: blacks may derive some ultramarginal benefit out of military employ, financially and in terms of fitting into society. However it won't be enough for the wider party's sake. Too little too late.

Anonymous said...

Ornstein isn't a conservative, he's not even an "AEI conservative." He has worked for a few decades at a generally rightish think tank. Ever-responsible managing editors over there at the NYT web site.

Anonymous said...

Can decadent hysterical pc really last

The hysterical part only has to last long enough to mask the perfectly rational who/whom underpinnings of the coalition, which I'd think are well established by this point. Unfortunately endorsements of hysteria reflect poorly on the native judgment of our present elite, who may just metamorphose into radical racists as Charles Murray theorized.

Fred Garrett said...

Notice anything interesting? The minorities- women, black, Hispanic spokespeople are all talking about the need to pander to their respective groups with goodies- white men are talking about everything else.

DougRisk said...

I don't know if you listen to NPR, but they have had a few of these stories as well. They invite both Democratic and Republican consultants on air to talk about how important it is for the GOP to become just like the Democratic party.

Cail Corishev said...

How many articles have been written about how Democrats really need to do more to reach out to white married couples? How much have they been chided for not trying harder to appeal to Mormons? Has anyone written a 10-point plan for how the Dems should change their ways to attract pro-lifers and the Amish?

Why don't they get the same "helpful" constructive criticism that the GOP gets?

Owl said...

I'm beginning to think the Republican party has just been acting like a brake to slow down the conquest of America and subjugation of whites, use a white face, and put up a token resistance of Democrat lite to keep it slow enough and give white men just enough sense of security so that they don't feel the need to do anything. The left is getting to be such a dominant power that they are increasingly not feeling the need to even bother with having even a token brake- its an annoyance to them, a reminder that they don't have complete power...yet.

Evil Sandmich said...

Problem: Romney couldn't even get McCain voters to show up for him

Solution: Be even MORE like McCain than McCain (?!?)

Eric said...

Problem: Romney couldn't even get McCain voters to show up for him

He tacked too far to the left. Or maybe he started there.

Realistically, as long as the Democrats don't regain control of both houses of Congress, there isn't going to be a lot of air between a Romney and and Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

How about restricting immigration as a strategy for the Republicans, since they vote for the Democrats?

Old fogey said...

The New York Times and most of the Left would be quite happy to give up the present charade and have an actual one-party state. In places like New York City all real decisions are already made through Democratic primaries.

Matthew said...

[Romney] tacked too far to the left. Or maybe he started there. Realistically, as long as the Democrats don't regain control of both houses of Congress, there isn't going to be a lot of air between a Romney and and Obama administration.

I don't think so, or at least I'm not sure. Romney seems to have held his own with the evangelical vote, and he did better than Republican senate candidates (though, in their defense, they didn't get to run against Obama).

I think the last four years have just worn people down, gotten them depressed that our politicians will ever truly try to serve the citizens rather than the special interests. In 8 years, depsite all the changes in the world and the economy, neither party's message seems to have changed for the better.

Democrats: "We'll have lots of welfare spending, more government interference in your lives, and pander to people who hate white Christians."

Republicans: "We'll slash taxes for the rich, then we'll slash their taxes some more, then we'll slash the programs that actually help people who bother to work, then we'll import lots of cheap labor to compete for your job, and then we'll hint at eliminating programs you hate, like affirmative action, but really not do jack shit about them, and probablye even make them worse."

I've said it before but this time I'm serious: I really, truly, finally may be done with the GOP, especially if they keep listening to the Grover Norquist's of the world.

Truth said...

"Notice anything interesting? The minorities- women, black, Hispanic spokespeople are all talking about the need to pander to their respective groups with goodies- white men are talking about everything else."

Not on this site, this is goodie ground-zero.

ben tillman said...

a jewish guy, a mexican woman, a european woman, an african woman, and one actual conservative european man.

The Mexican woman is also Jewish.

Auntie Analogue said...

One consequence of the election is that the stupid party now suddenly enjoys a vast surplus of free advice.

Anonymous said...

Winning the presidency isn't everything. Even if demographics locks the Republicans out of that office permanently, there are still valuable offices at state and national level to fight for - IF the party adopts the pro-European American agenda it ought to. If it instead adopts the anti-European American agenda these siren voices insist it must, it might as well merge with the Democratic party and have done with it.

Anonymous said...

brain trust or brain bust?

Anonymous said...

I feel better knowing now that John Simon (!) also never got around to reading certain of the 10-pounder Barzun books he'd purchased a while back.

Maxwell said...

"ben tillman said...

a jewish guy, a mexican woman, a european woman, an african woman, and one actual conservative european man.

The Mexican woman is also Jewish."


A jewish guy, a mexican woman, a european woman, an african woman, and one actual conservative european man walk into a bar, carrying on like colleagues do, on a Friday after work.

When the waiter comes, the order for a round of drinks for all is made; 'spare no expense, give us your best stuff.'

Later the bill from the bartender arrives and is given to the white conservative man.

'What the hell?' He exclaims.

'The people voted, and decided that you would be the one to pay', said the waiter.


"You're the white man, aren't you?"

"So is he", said the conservative european white guy, pointing to the other white guy.

"No, he's Jewish" said the waiter. "He's not white right now."

"But this is blatantly unfair!" said white conservative guy. "Hell, I never even got my drink! The Mexican woman took it."

"The Mexican woman is also Jewish." said the Bartender.

Anonymous said...

Why no talk about wooing Asians? They are the natural conservatives. High rates of marriage, educational attainment, and achievment. Low rates of success in the modern sexual marketplace that favors the crude alpha male. If ever there was a group that needs "traditional familiy values" to shine, it's Asians.

NOTA said...

Doesn't anyone else remember phrases like "permanent Republican majority" and "America is a center-right nation" after the Bush 2004 victory?

The pundits are talking, for the most part, for the same reason the talking heads on ESPN talk for another few minutes after the game is over--they're paid to fill airtime or column-inches. Few of them actually have anything novel to say, so mostly they repackage the stuff they're used to saying. Religious conservative pundits/activists tell the GOP they should have nominated a stronger social conservative. Moderate Republicans who mainly care about taxes and deregulation say they should have nominated someone more moderate. Neocons say they should have been even more threatening toward Iran and fawning toward Israel. Hispanic activists say they should do more for hispanics. Women whose main focus is outreach to female voters say they should appeal more to women.

None of these folks have any particular new insights, right? Getting a chance to say something to the press and get widespread distribution is a great marketing opportunity for them, but they're not going to work out a whole new set of insights about US politics and try to cram them into their couple paragraphs in the paper or three minutes on the air.

NOTA said...


Fair enough. IMO, one of the best ways to avoid having a self-conscious white movement/party start trying to grab (or re-grab) special privileges and goodies is to get government entirely out of the business of handing out racial spoils. There is simply no way for that to be sustainable when whites become the plurality instead of the majority, and the longer we keep AA and such stuff, the more likely it is that those racial spoils systems will be impossible to get rid of (thanks to more hispanic and black voters who want them continued), and that means sooner or later whites will be fighting for their share of them. That won't go well for us, but I don't see how to avoid it.

Mr. Anon said...

"Anonymous irishman said...


What the hell is wrong with you. Who brought over blacks?, who brought in 50 million mexicans? La Raza!"

Who brought in 50 million Mexicans? They did. They willfully broke our laws. Nobody put a gun to their heads.

Anonymous said...

"Why no talk about wooing Asians?"

Cuz white guys are doing it already.

Truth said...

" the longer we keep AA and such stuff, the more likely it is that those racial spoils systems will be impossible to get rid of..."

I could differ on your reasoning, but I agree that race-based AA and the like should be phased out now, for government funded installations.

Hotckins said...

""Notice anything interesting? The minorities- women, black, Hispanic spokespeople are all talking about the need to pander to their respective groups with goodies- white men are talking about everything else."

Not on this site, this is goodie ground-zero."

-Typical Truth, he thinks whites wanting to keep what they earn is a case of receiving goodies from the gov't because they aren't taken away. Its like the nonsense we hear about multimillionaires who pay a million dollars in taxes not paying their fair share, because darnit, they still have more money.

Glanville said...

What on earth compelled the Romney camp to hire black consultants in the first place? What could they possibly achieve? Even an impossibly high result like a 50% increase in black voters for would take the pct black vote for him from maybe 2% to 3%- That would be perhaps a tenth of a pct. of the total voters. Better to use the $ to rent some vans to help take Republican voters to the polls in poor white communities in swing states.

Truth said...

"Typical Truth, he thinks whites wanting to keep what they earn is a case of receiving goodies from the gov't because they aren't taken away."

I wasn't aware that blacks and whites had separate tax codes.

" Even an impossibly high result like a 50% increase in black voters for would take the pct black vote for him from maybe 2% to 3%-"

The black vote went from 3% for McCain to about 6% for Romney from what I have read.

Anonymous said...

"The black vote went from 3% for McCain to about 6% for Romney from what I have read."


Anonymous said...

I got it! Sailer turned off the Asian vote with his snarky remark about how Henry Nguyen should be humping Big Thelma.

Cao Ni said...

"The black vote went from 3% for McCain to about 6% for Romney from what I have read."

Proving once again that the MSM, Hollywood and academia are clearly correct in their pretension that because 6% of blacks are voting for a white president and close to half of whites are voting for the black candidate, that therefore, blacks are the ones being race blind and whites are the terrible evil bigots.

Hotchkins said...

"Truth said...

"Typical Truth, he thinks whites wanting to keep what they earn is a case of receiving goodies from the gov't because they aren't taken away."

I wasn't aware that blacks and whites had separate tax codes."

-It has nothing to do with separate tax codes and everything to do with who is a net tax payer and who is a net tax eater.

Truth said...

"-It has nothing to do with separate tax codes and everything to do with who is a net tax payer and who is a net tax eater."

Nets don't vote, people do, and a lot of those white people who voted are 45%ers.

OTA said...

Tod Kelly post about why the Bengazi scandal didn't go anywhere.

Svigor said...

Truth, you can't wiggle out of the fact that the people eating on other peoples' dime are largely non-white, and the people paying are largely white.

You guys are the parasite class' core, and we're the producing class' core.

Truth said...

"Truth, you can't wiggle out of the fact that the people eating on other peoples' dime are largely non-white, and the people paying are largely white."

No, both the producers, and the consumers are largely white, statistically speaking.

Svigor said...

I haven't looked into it in a while, but I think NAMs outnumber Whites on the consumer rolls (punching far above their weight as parasites).

But that doesn't change the fact that blacks and browns skew heavily parasite, and whites skew heavily producer.