November 17, 2012

UCLA 38 USC 28: Excellent, it's all falling into place ...

As I pointed out last month in a posting on who donates to whom, "For example, UCLA football could be a bottomless pit for Hollywood heterosexuals to toss their millions into." The only problem with my plan to distract L.A. Democratic donors has been that the UCLA team in this century usually leads the NCAA in falling down untouched, yards penalized due to not being clear on the concept, and muffing the pregame coin toss, so they haven't been fashionable among the hypercompetitive big money boys.

But now ...


  1. Hollywood homosexual David Geffen donated $200 million to UCLA medical school, I think that's the largest donation to a university in West Coast history, or does Phil Knight have him beat?

    Maybe we need some ranking system for donations to schools.

  2. The SWPLs of Los Angeles are losing their shit over this, if Facebook is any indication. Contra Whiskey (who as we know is always wrong), the upper middle class of LA mostly went to UCLA or USC and are passionate about this particular rivalry.

  3. Hollywood homosexual David Geffen donated $200 million to UCLA medical school

    Gays do get sick a lot. Their lifestyle is not really possible without modern medicine.

  4. Any team Lane Kiffen coaches, I root against. Of course, I can't stand USC football anyway.

  5. Hollywood heterosexuals

    Which would be what? 3? 4? Maybe 5 guys [if Eastwood and Voight were both in town at the same time]?

  6. Which would be what? 3? 4? Maybe 5 guys [if Eastwood and Voight were both in town at the same time]?

    Voight supposedly switch-hit in the 60s and 70s for roles before his big break.

  7. "But they’re also winning recent immigrants because those immigrants often aren’t assimilating successfully — or worse, are assimilating downward, thanks to rising out-of-wedlock birthrates and high dropout rates. The Democratic edge among Hispanics depends heavily on these darker trends: the weaker that families and communities are, the more necessary government support inevitably seems."

    Exactly, and that's why I can't get over why a Krauthammer, who prides himself on knowing the studies and the data, and even Rove, can't see that they are sooo wrong when they say that Hispanics are a natural fit for a party that sells self-reliance.

    Haven't they looked at the welfare data among Hispanics? There are millions of little brown children who see Mommy go to the mail box excitedly every month.

    Saw Rubio on C-SPan at an Iowa meet and greet event. (whoa, he's losing his hair). The next Presidential cycle is off and running.

    I can't figure out if Rubio knows the data or not. Does he really think that fairly young Hispanics are like his Cuban father and mother? Or does he just say that?

  8. "Any team Lane Kiffen coaches, I root against. Of course, I can't stand USC football anyway."

    +1. I was listening to a sports talk show this morning with commentators gloating over the impossibility of a USC loss, and an invisible bubble immediately appeared over my head visualizing a UCLA win. In the late 1970's, USC was the college equivalent of the Dallas Cowboys, and my disdain for their football program has only grown throughout the years. The national sports press seems to be forever smitten with them no matter what.

    Layne Kiffen is a fortunate son, and has none of the prerequisites most guys must have in place before having a crack at a top tier college coaching gig. When he was at Tennessee, he reminded me of another overrated, mediocre "players" coach, former UCLA QB and coach, Rick Neuheisel. It turned out he was every bit as over his head, disingenuous and disloyal at UT as Neuheisel was at Colorado.

  9. I think this is more of a reflection on SC... Sorry...

  10. Westside 4 Life11/18/12, 1:14 AM

    Coming from an entirely Bruin family I went to my neglected Facebook/Twitter personal cosmos to jeer at people about this, but it seems the rivalry gloating world as I knew it has been turned upside down... The USC boosters I had friended at some point are now apparently doctors, lawyers, academics, and assorted other meek professionals (after the Stanford incident they had largely stopped posting hopeful commentary re: the muscular Methodists). Where are the real estate developers and Clusterstock a-holes I expected? I demand public wailing & sobbing

  11. I don't pay much attention to the PAC 12, Steve, but it seems any team with a coach named Mora and a black freshman at QB is doomed from the start, which is why the white kids from Stanford are skinning the Bruins as I type this.

  12. Steve - I'll get you a ticket to the Pac-12 championship game at Stanford (which, for the record, isn't Palo Alto; Stanford has its own zip code).


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