December 29, 2012

New Year's Eve-impaired judgment panhandling drive

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Third: You can mail a non-tax deductible donation to:

Steve Sailer
P.O Box 4142
Valley Village, CA 91607-4142



  1. Er, New Year's Eve? Steve, where exactly is Valley Village CA in relation to the International Dateline?

    In the state of NJ (continental US, btw), it just turned December 30th. We still have another day to go to get to New Year's Eve.

    Earth to Major Steve: Please align your space capsule to Earth Time.

    Otherwise, great work observing the planetary collapse.

    -E. H. Thripshaw

  2. @ E. H. Thripshaw:

    iSteve : Ahead of his time, as usual. Prescient.


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