December 22, 2012

Nothing but the best for us California taxpayers

From a Bloomberg News report on how some government employees in California work the system, especially one psychiatrist:
Mohammad Safi, graduate of a medical school in Afghanistan, collected $822,302 last year, up from $90,682 when he started in 2006, the data show.

I don't think I have to tell you that the Kandahar Klinik is regionally respected. It's a competitive market and you have to pay for kwality.


  1. In his defense, psychiatrists like this are at the top of a huge number of lower paid counselers and nurses, and mostly serve to fill out the paperwork for medications, and it looks like he had no life and worked a huge number of hours in prison.

  2. Supply and demand. How many Afgan psychologists with American work permits are looking for work in California?

  3. I recently read somewhere that a huge proportion of the Afghan population (I can't remember but it could have been as much as 50%), suffer from rather serious mental disorders.
    Wouldn't this Afghan psychiatrist be more useful serving his *own* people?

  4. How many qualified Afgan psychiatrists with American working permits are looking for a job in California? It seems that they needed one very urgently.

  5. A graduate from a medical school in Afghanistan, of all places, can legally practice in California?

    Here in Quebec, every time some clinic in the rural parts of the province has no doctor, the media tells you about the story of that Doctor from Haiti or Morocco who's a taxi driver or a warehouse clerk in Montreal because his diploma is invalid in Quebec although he was selected by the immigration office because he was educated.

    If you have the ethnic background to back it up, imagine how easy it must be to graduate from an Afghan medical school with a bribe or just a good printer and practice in California.

  6. While we're on the subject of Afghan fraud, did you notice this ?

    "What Kroll’s audit found is that on Aug. 31, 2010, the day the Bank of Afghanistan seized Kabul Bank, more than 92 percent of the lender’s loan portfolio — $861 million, or roughly 5 percent of Afghanistan’s annual economic output at the time — had gone to 19 related people and companies, according to the audit.

    Among the largest beneficiaries were a brother of Mr. Karzai and a brother of First Vice President Muhammad Qasim Fahim"

    "Among the details in the report:
    - Afghan authorities learnt in late 2009 that “Kabul Bank was moving money through food trays” on flights operated by Pamir Airways
    - some $900m was moved out of the country through electronic transfers between March 2007 and April 2011
    - the bank’s failure and subsequent bailout represents more than 5 per cent of Afghanistan’s GDP.

    That cash ended ended up in bank accounts in 28 countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Latvia, China, Turkmenistan, Britain, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Turkey, Russia, the US and Switzerland. And so far just $135.3m in cash as well as assets with a book value of $181.1m has been recovered.

    But the real problem is how far up the fraud went, with decisions about who should take the blame and who shouldn’t made at the highest levels."

  7. In his defense, psychiatrists like this are at the top of a huge number of lower paid counselers and nurses, and mostly serve to fill out the paperwork for medications, and it looks like he had no life and worked a huge number of hours in prison.

    From the article: The doctor was paid for an average of almost 17 hours each day, including on-call time and Saturdays and Sundays, although he did take time off,

    I'm willing to wager that most of his hours were on-call. Someone has to be available, on-call, 24/7.

    On an aside, it's still wages. He did "work" those hours. It's nothing compared to being paid by percentage that I-Bankers make on multi-billion dollar deals.

  8. Anon at 12:49 completely misses the point. It's the fault of the government managers who allow someone to either clock that much overtime or allow a system of hourly wages to be instituted that would allow someone like this guy to earn that much. The solution to all problems is always more government, brought to you by the people in the government who brought you the problem in the first place.

  9. Sounds like just the kind of guy that war torn Afghanistan needs now. So revoke his visa/citizenship/whatever and send him back to Afghanistan to give them consoling. Though if he tries to hit them up with a $800,000 bill he might find that he gets something else in return.

  10. "my vision is to make California the most diverse state on earth. and we have people from every planet on the earth in this state" ~ Gray Davis

  11. As I said to John Derbyshire,

    "That pay would be outrageous if he were a native-born American. But let me get this straight, we let people come from one of the world's most appalling hell-holes, which generated a mass atrocity on American soil, where we are spending trillions to protect scum who hate us and kill our soldiers, and we pay this guy outlandish sums to practice medicine at taxpayer expense???

    I am personally skeptical about his qualifications. Does Afghanistan even have a real medical school? But if he is qualified or not, let him practice medicine there! Draft him into the Army and send him there, where he understands the unique, vibrant local culture! He won't even have to be told not to say anything bad about the filthy Afghan customs.

    Why do we even have prison psychiatrists at all? Write the ten commandments on a truncheon, and let the guards counsel the riffraff over the head as required. Each psychiatrist we eliminate saves the taxpayer almost a cool million a year!"

  12. Re: graduate of a medical school in Afghanistan

    Meet current residents at Johns Hopkins' Wilmer Eye Institute:

    Four whites out of 19 total. That is becoming representative in most residency program. Type "our residents in Google" and see for yourself.

  13. "In his defense, psychiatrists like this are at the top of a huge number of lower paid counselers and nurses, and mostly serve to fill out the paperwork for medications, and it looks like he had no life and worked a huge number of hours in prison."

    I know psychiatrists in CA (including one who's worked in the S.F. City Jail for decades without ever being placed on administrative leave) and they don't earn anywhere near what this joker "earned".

  14. What is the appeal of guns? Their power and efficiency no doubt, but also crucial is the sound. Guns have great oratory power. Even the most timid and shy person can pull the trigger and sound like the thunderous voice of the gods. You can be Zeus with his thunderbolts.
    If guns were silent, they would have far less appeal. Guns are boring in silent films. It's the sound of the gun that comes across as so commanding and charismatic. Even rock n roll musicalish. Townshend used his guitar like a machine gun.

    When we feel frustrated by life, we like to see bang bang movies not only because good guys kill bad guys but because bad guys are blown away with a power blast that is so liberating, refreshing, and even orgasmic. It's like oratorical crescendo, like death-sex-orgasm.

    Take the sound of the magnum in DIRTY HARRY. It clears the sinuses.

    Speak softly and carry a loud gun.

    Guns make insta-gods of all of us. And it is the most effective equalizer. It allows rebels to take on tyrants. It even equalizes an old lady against young male thugs.
    Governments fear an armed people.

    And just the sound is enough to make you feel badass and make your enemies run.

    The loud bangs of fireworks on 4th of July is like the celebration of the guns as the liberating weapons of the masses.

    And we prefer the bang over the ban.

  15. Doctors are usually salaried employees. In other words, they do not normally get paid overtime, or by the hour.

  16. OT: Not sure what you have done to your blog but as of yesterday it was no longer possible to comment from an Ipad. If I recall it asked me to choose a profile and when I clicked on that I just got a grey bar with no options to choose from. But now from a desktop it seems to be back to normal. Will have to check it out from an ipad again later today as it always worked from an ipad in the past.


  17. And liberals love guns too.

    Using a gun to force a cop into back trunk of a car is hilarious to liberals. Libs loved it.

    All done for laughs. And lib movie critics were laughing along.

  18. Auntie Analogue12/23/12, 9:27 AM

    A pshrink from the most corrupt country on earth discovers, no doubt quickly, how to milk the most ill-managed one of of U.S. states' government employee compensation schemes that cares very well for the managerial-vassal class. Californians, at least the ones who pay taxes, and the U.S. taxpayers whose money goes from federal coffers into various D.C. subsidies to California are Serfing U.S.A.!


    "Michael Moore: Americans’ desire to own guns stems from racial fears"

    Moore is right but I would argue that such fears are justified. Blacks are physically tougher and naturally more aggressive. Non-blacks are physically no match for blacks. Blacks regularly kick white ass all the time. We cannot rely on the police because the response times are too long. The only effective way to stop black thugs is with the gun. Just ask George Zimmerman.

    Btw, Jews are trying to take guns away from us because they fear white masses armed with guns. So gun control advocates are also driven by racial fears. Jews own all the powerful institutions--like the communist party in China--, and they see an armed populace as an obstacle to their total power. Where Jews are the majority--as in Israel--, Jews are for arming every Jew--especially against Arabs. But where Jews are the elite minority, they want guns to be owned only by the government institutions that they control.

    So, all this brouhaha about Sandy Hook isn't rally about the tragedy. It is a media exploitation of the tragedy to take our guns away. The liberal logic is: because evil people use guns in evil ways... guns must be taken away from good people. Wow, that makes a lot of sense.

    And libs guns when aimed at white males who are presented as subhuman scum of the Earth. Take the Django Unchained movie. Or Thelma and Louise.

  20. I don't know. We've got a lot of problems with uneducated Mexicans imitating black people and turning into ghetto youth, but sounds like this guy was just in the right place at the right time. And he actually was working like crazy, apparently.

    I don't know to what degree he worked the system, but sounds like he was actually useful.

  21. Steve, did you write this:

    "The problem is, Amazon is removing positive reviews that it deems--repeat, "it deems", without any sort of investigation or trial--illegitimate and allowing wholly malicious reviews (from competitors who have not even read the book) to remain. Readers can test out an excerpt and are mandated seven days to return a book if they don't like it, so even if they're "fooled" by a positive review from a family member, they have these outs. If you can't tell whether or not you will enjoy an author's writing from a 10% excerpt, then you should be watching TV and not reading.

    Amazon needs to knock off the Big Brother tactics and reinstate the removed reviews immediately and stop trying to kill authors' sales."

  22. "What Kroll’s audit found is that on Aug. 31, 2010, the day the Bank of Afghanistan seized Kabul Bank, more than 92 percent of the lender’s loan portfolio — $861 million, or roughly 5 percent of Afghanistan’s annual economic output at the time — had gone to 19 related people and companies, according to the audit.

    Among the largest beneficiaries were a brother of Mr. Karzai and a brother of First Vice President Muhammad Qasim Fahim"

    One wonders what would be found if the Fed were audited.

  23. I recently read somewhere that a huge proportion of the Afghan population (I can't remember but it could have been as much as 50%), suffer from rather serious mental disorders.
    Wouldn't this Afghan psychiatrist be more useful serving his *own* people?

    Sorry, but the Afghans will just have to make the sacrifice - America needs diversity even more than they need psychiatrists.

  24. That's a lot more than a typical American grad psychiatrist makes. Psychiatry is not one of the "big money" procedural specialties. But as Anonymous 12/23/12 4:13 AM points out, the I-bankers have a much better racket.

  25. Yeah, because when I think of "mental health", the first word that comes to mind is "Afghanistan".

  26. This guy is probably rich enough to marry every first and second cousin he has.

  27. Jacob Ian Stalk12/23/12, 1:24 PM

    You seem to want to sneer at non-whites who rort the taxpayer but provide only objective commentary when whites do the same thing. When whites do it it's politics and business. Why?

  28. Normal person sees an exorbitantly overcompensated bureaucrat whose payday is an artifact of government union feather-bedding; Steve sees a prize entitlement that should have gone to a white man, preferably with local roots all the way back to the 1950s.

  29. ""my vision is to make California the most diverse state on earth. and we have people from every planet on the earth in this state" ~ Gray Davis"

    Well, he achieved his goal. If his unstated goal was to prove that multiculti is a tremendous failure, he could not have done a better job. Its too bad that the libs in the rest of the country couldn't learn from his mistake.

  30. $822,302??

    No worries, I'm sure he contributes most of it to his favourite religious charity.

    Who could possibly object?


  31. I don't cared if he quote-unquote "worked" 17 hours daily, 365 days per year (not that I actually believe that-- he was most likely servicing his supervisor's perverse wants, or blackmailing him over them), you can't increase your salary by a factor of nine by working 2.4 times as many hours. Something is rotten in Denmark.

  32. Moore is right but I would argue that such fears are justified. Blacks are physically tougher and naturally more aggressive. Non-blacks are physically no match for blacks.

    Oh, for Christ's sakes. Yet another installment of the Blogosphere's Quasi-Homoerotic Black Male Physical Superiority Fetish. Here are a few things (shhh - big secret!) that you ought to know:

    - blacks are not stronger than people of other races
    - blacks have no greater athleticism than people of other races
    - blacks have no better street fighting skills than people of other races.

    While we're at it, I'll also add that black men do not have bigger d*cks than men of other races, though I'm sure that won't stop your fantasies.


  33. "Oh, for Christ's sakes. Yet another installment of the Blogosphere's Quasi-Homoerotic Black Male Physical Superiority Fetish. Here are a few things (shhh - big secret!) that you ought to know"

    u r being fashishous, rite?
    i mean wat is the point of hbd if we say there's no racial diferenses?

  34. "Normal person sees an exorbitantly overcompensated bureaucrat whose payday is an artifact of government union feather-bedding; Steve sees a prize entitlement that should have gone to a white man, preferably with local roots all the way back to the 1950s."

    Go eff yourself. There's been plenty of bile directed towards the mostly white police and firemens' and prison guards' unions and corrupt white politicians destroying the state (see: Davis, Brown, Arnie, Feinstein, Boxer, that city manager in Bell, the judge who overturned Prop 187, etc.).

  35. "While we're at it, I'll also add that black men do not have bigger d*cks than men of other races, though I'm sure that won't stop your fantasies."

    You mean J.Philippe Rushton's research was bogus?

  36. I honestly wonder sometimes why you stay in Cali, Steve? I know the weather is great, but its really turning into a liberal nightmare there. You're bright, talented; you can do your writing from anywhere. Just a thought.

  37. A prison is a great place to rack up hours as a bad psychiatrist. Fill out forms with boilerplate diagnoses. Order conventional treatment. If the patient kills himself or another inmate, who cares? - he was messed up when he came in.

    If he was giving his job the proper attention, he would have died of exhaustion.

  38. lol has anybody noticed that the US television media doesn't cover anything happening in afghanistan since obama became president, and meanwhile, iraq is in a civil war and 20 or 30 people are blown up twice a month by car bombs, but the US television media hasn't covered that...pretty much ever, since obama declared iraq was over.

    but all of a sudden CNN is terribly interested in car bombs in syria. syria? americans aren't involved in syria...(liberal war drums were heard beating in the background)

  39. You seem to want to sneer at non-whites who rort the taxpayer but provide only objective commentary when whites do the same thing. When whites do it it's politics and business. Why?

    Probably because Whites are the ones paying the taxes, so's there's no racial dimension to the crime when Whites rip off the taxpayer.

  40. While we're at it, I'll also add that black men do not have bigger d*cks than men of other races, though I'm sure that won't stop your fantasies.

    Not sure about penises (penes?), but Jared Diamond did some measuring of testicles back in the day. That was presumably before he realised all human variation was a result of east -west distance!
    Just google: "Ethnic differences: Variation in human testis Size"

  41. Anonymous said...'Blacks are physically tougher and naturally more aggressive. Non-blacks are physically no match for blacks."

    Partly true (more aggressive) and partly misleading (physically tougher, why whites usually lose the confrontations). Blacks are typically larger than Asians and mestizos, though I'm not aware of any significant size differences from non-jewish whites.

    Blacks love to fight in packs and are a big fan of the sucker punch. I suppose its a natural instinct if you spend most of your time looking for trouble, but giving a victim a fair fight usually isn't high on their agendas. The other big disadvantage whites have is fear of legal consequences. Whites usually have something to lose - a job or they don't want to be arrested. Blacks don't seem to care about consequences or more likely, aren't able to foresee consequences.

  42. Makes sense to me. After all what greater bastion of mental health and tranquility can one find that that paradise on earth, Afghanistan?

  43. "Black males are tougher and more aggressive. Non-blacks are no match for blacks."

    Yeah sure, when the black guy is a lot bigger or there are several of them. I would estimate at least 95% of the world's professional strongmen are white and probably always have been.

    I do agree with the "aggressive" part. But just being loud, uncouth, mouthy and mean is not necesarrily "toughness". Whites also know in any conflict with blacks the courts will be against them and they usually have more to lose.

  44. @ironrailsironweights

    Ditto. It's the country mouse/city mouse issue viewed through racial lenses.

    1. Black men are more likely to practice physical labour in urban areas than white or Asian men. In the countryside, men are equal. In a city, you're more likely to see white collar whites and Asians versus blue collar/prison strengthened NAMs.

    2. Anyone could be a worldbeater if they put in enough practice and dedication to their craft. Visit any housing project or lower-income black neighbourhood and you'll see a few dozen black kids dribbling basketballs for hours a day, Sunday through Saturday., often as young as two or three years old. By the time they hit their teens, they've already reached 10,000 hours of training. Best case scenario: they can make it to college, or even the pros. Worst case scenario: they're walking batches of muscles and can get girls. With that ideal in mind, its easy for them to ignore the idea of watching hours of tv a day. Compare that to your average white kid with a PS3, cable, internet and a helicopter Mommy.

    3. Black guys can't fight. The only people on the planet who don't know this are middle to upper-class white people of European descent. If Anderson Silva was a green-eyed blond, he wouldn't be anywhere near as famous. At best, almost all black guys are in two categories: hit hard with little stamina and a mediocre pain threshold or hit fast with middling stamina and a low pain threshold. We're either Tyson or Merriwether, no Pacquiaos or Klitschenkos.

    4. And as for the "big dick" thing...
    A. Black women don't date interracially or watch porn, and they're relatively promiscuous (in a general sense), yet they tell more "little dick" jokes and have more little dick stories than any other sub-class of woman.
    B. Penis size studies are based on volunteers. If they were sourced through random, "See a guy on the street, grab him and take him to a lab", subjects, I'd give them more credence. As is, the guys who are most likely to volunteer the information are the guys who've received the most compliments or the guys who have something to prove. IOW, black guys with small members don't tell anyone and won't let themselves be measured, which throws off the count.

  45. Black men are more likely to practice physical labour in urban areas than white or Asian men. In the countryside, men are equal. In a city, you're more likely to see white collar whites and Asians versus blue collar/prison strengthened NAMs.

    At least in the New York area, Latin Americans seem to do much of the hard physical labor, followed by whites.


  46. blacks have no better street fighting skills than people of other races.

    They're just dirtier fighters not better ones.

  47. "Blacks are a big fan of the sucker punch".

    That is certainly true. Blacks have developed the sucker punch into an art form. They even use it in the ring. Google James Butler, the Harlem hammer. He sucker punched an opponent after the fight.

    "Blacks don't seem to care about consequences or more likely, aren't able to foresee consequences."

    Most blacks seem to lack a 'fail-safe' mechanism that other racial groups seem to have. And consequences never seem to matter for them. I don't know if they simply don't care because of their poor impulse controls, or just aren't able to think that far ahead. I tend to suspect the latter. Note how long range planning doesn't seem to figure too much in a lot of their lives.

    "They're just dirtier fighters not better ones".

    The most vicious fights I've ever seen always involved blacks.


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