December 7, 2012

PR suggestion

If Bibi Netanyahu had a better ear for American SWPL propaganda, in his U.S. appearances he’d refer to the Palestinians as “anti-immigrant hate groups.” As in, “Today, the Israeli Air Force dropped white phosphorus on a nest of anti-immigrant hate groups.”


  1. I think he'd have more luck with "bully homophobes"

  2. The Palestinians are hateful Nativists against the immigration of hard-working Jewish immigrants who are just looking for a better life for their families!!!

    Don't they realize that Jewish immigrants invigorate their soul!!!

  3. Steve is always good, but at his best when he channels Mencken like this.

  4. "Handle said...
    I think he'd have more luck with "bully homophobes"

    Or, anti-marriage equality advocates, as in, "today the IDF fended off rocket attacks from anti-marriage equality advocates, who are working to set back the progress of LGBT rights in the settlements."

    The Western media would simply swoon.

  5. How about: "Today the IDF took action against homophobic, women haters etc etc"

  6. It won't work because Islam for some reason is immune to these attacks:

    " Can Islam Save the White Man? Racist as it sounds, the decline of the 'white man' is one of the great themes of the 20th century. Through discussions of 'white privilege', affirmative action, the disappearance from education of the oft-called 'dead white man's history' and the concentration on multi-culturalism and diversity, the white man has lost his power both in terms of the historical narrative and under the law. But with the rise of Islam and it becoming the 'most favored minority' the white man has a new chance to redeem himself and celebrate imperialism, slavery and god. All he has to do is convert to Islam and he can once again glory in his past and be loved at home. He can even dust off those old KKK robes because now blowing up gays, Jews and blacks isn't racist, its just the act of a militant with a legitimate grievance such as 'occupation'."

  7. How about: "Today the IDF took action against homophobic, women haters etc etc"

    The Scots Irish media has already succeeded, with relentless but somewhat subtler (than you suggest here) propaganda, getting Westerners to associate those characteristics with Palestinian and other Arab men.

    It makes it easier for us Westerners to rationalize our murder of Arab men.

  8. I once suggested this to a white South African before the fall of apartheid. Just change the name of your country to the Peoples Republic of South Africa and all the negative attention will just go away.

  9. How about: "Today the IDF took action against homophobic, women haters etc etc"

    That is already being employed through years of subtle programming. You don't think that Americans have been told told by the media and an army op-ed writers and "Middle East analysts" that Arab men and other Muslim men hate women and are homophobic.

    It makes it much easier to persuade the American public to support foreign policies that underwrite the Zionist enterprise (while putting Americans in danger) and it makes it easier for us to rationalize killing Muslim men.

    And that's why such programming is being carried out.

  10. Oh come on, Steve. Why was my post spiked?

  11. Bibi should offer to give up all the land the Jews stole in the 20th century if the Arabs give up all the land they stole in the 7th and 8th.

  12. How about: "Today the IDF took action against homophobic, women haters etc etc"

    This message is already being employed. Have you not witnessed the relentless smearing of Arab men as women haters over at least the past decade. The message helps mold the American public's mind into the proper Israelis Good-Arabs Bad outlook. And this makes them more pliable in getting them to support U.S. invasions of the Middle East and the Zionist conquest more generally. Not only are they supporting the one true democracy there, they are saving women and gays and killing bad people.

  13. Arabs HATE HATE HATE women and gays.

  14. Bibi should offer to give up all the land the Jews stole in the 20th century if the Arabs give up all the land they stole in the 7th and 8th.

    The land "they" stole? Even if it were true that some Arabs captured land through war in the 7th and 8th Century, there is no one alive today to punish for it.

    Zionist Jews on the other hand...

  15. Nobody dropped White phosphorus since, well the US on Vietnam. The Israelis blew the heck out missile sites launching rockets at them, but so what? Gazans don't want the IAF dropping missiles on them, don't rocket Israel.

    The Palestinians are in the violence trap. Like Blacks ethnically cleansing Whites out of places like Detroit, they have no wealth internally and rely on outside funding, through extortion and so on to keep themselves alive. For the Palestinians, its worse because they literally cannot stop the gunmen who exist soley to fund Iran's defacto war against Israel as a demonstration of power. [The Saudis and Gulf Council states are in an uneasy and quiet but real alliance with the Israelis scared spitless of a nuclear Iran.]

    No semantics will excuse the Israelis from the crime of self defense against non-Westerners waging Jihad. No one gives a damn about the Timorese, Tibetans, Tamils, or any other group getting it in the neck regularly from brutal folks. Its being unapologetic about self-defense in action not words that enrages the appeasement driven West, and jihadis dreaming of virgins.

  16. Palestinians are the evil Serbians while the Israelis are the poor Albanians.

  17. People's Republic of South Africa.



  18. This is great.

  19. Anonymous said...

    Oh come on, Steve. Why was my post spiked?

    Hey Anonymous, what are you babbling about, you're one of the most prolific commenters on this site.

  20. Ingenious, but the only trouble is that the Israeli government which Mr. Netanyahu heads is openly and explicitly anti-immigration of non-Jewish persons AND actaully has the balls to back up the big talk, by having the temerity to *enforce* immigration control.
    In short, Israel is the only 'western' nation which has a political class that is unabashedly anti- (non Jewish) immigrant and does something about it.

  21. Simon in London12/8/12, 2:20 AM


  22. Hey Anonymous, what are you babbling about, you're one of the most prolific commenters on this site.

    Glad I wasn't drinking coffee when I read that.

  23. @ Anonymous :

    Don't mean any harm, but...

    I think all your posts should be banned. Your comments are already banned at many other blogs. Often your posts are contradictory...even argumentary with your previous posts-- suggesting schizophrenia.

    C'mon mate, choose a handle.


  24. I like to reflect on the fact that here in Britain if I complained about a gang of Jews building homes next to my own I would end up detained at Her Majesty's leisure. Whereas Her Foreign Secretary William Hague can complain about Jews building homes in East Jerusalem with no fear of feeling a policeman's hand on his collar.

  25. In the UK, black riots are often portrayed as a valid response to the evil racism of the natives - you'll hear BBC current affairs presenters refer to Brixton or Handsworth in 1981 as an "uprising".

    I occasionally like to poke far-left UK sites, who are nearly all pro-Palestinan, with references to the 1948 uprising against anti-semitism and to the settlers as "self-defence groups". After all, there are plenty of "settlers" in the UK, and only Nazis could possibly object to that.

  26. Steve writes of American SWPL propaganda.

    Here’s (translated) dialogue describing a murderous political movement in an episode of Sweden’s Beck tv series:

    “What are they after? - They say Sweden is in moral chaos. They're against abortion, homosexuals, immigrants, and for Christian schools. It's a murky mishmash.”

    The search for GWDs is global.

  27. Just to correct Whiskey: Israeli armed forces dropped White Phosphorous onto a United Nations school and designated shelter in Gaza a couple of years ago. It was all over the news.

  28. "How about: "Today the IDF took action against homophobic, women haters etc etc"

    That is already being employed through years of subtle programming. You don't think that Americans have been told told by the media and an army op-ed writers and "Middle East analysts" that Arab men and other Muslim men hate women and are homophobic."

    the subtlety between whore-hating and women-hating is fact the fact that it is subtle...

  29. That brings up an interesting idea though- why not respond to black violence on whites in turn on the ground that they are anti-gay and you're protecting the homos?

  30. Another hilarious thread Steve ... keep it coming.


  31. as great as steve is, it has to be the comments that make the sailer magic truly happen. i look forward to them almost as much as i look forward to steve's own posts.

  32. Dr Van Nostrand12/9/12, 3:36 AM

    Steve thats cute, but am afraid its been done to death.Its already well established that the Leftist media would never chastise The Other for their socon commonalities with the hated western Right.
    Its too much for them to bear so they would just ignore it or come up with some cockamamie idea about why they are the way they-Edward Said Orientalism for example ensured that pretty much every dysfunction of Arab society can be safely discounted because ingrained Western prejudice.
    A lengthier and more clever version of "who are you going to believe-me or your lying eyes"?

    As an aside , could I request all the anti Semites here to be atleast be somewhat honest and consistent and admit that you dont give a shit about the Palestinians and their struggles but only use them as a useful tool to bash Israel? Heck to make things fair,Ill come clean-Im a Zionist and I dont give a shit about Palestinian men,women,children,cripples,pregnant,women,babies,olive trees,houses,donkeys,farms and what have you.I have chosen a side in this war and hope to bring it to a close ,even if the methods used can be a tad unpleasant.I dont think those individuals whose country is based on the uprooting of an entire continent of native peoples are in a position to pass judgement on the people seeking their utopia in a land the size of New Jersey.
    Im afraid this anti Israel mania makes too many of you paleocons so stupid that you would actually side with these death squads masquerading as countries such as Palestine and Iran.It is only a matter of time before some paleocon idiot like Justin Raimondo comes to power and invites masses of Muslims to deal with the "Jewish problem".Indeed they may well do so but then you are stuck with them.Remember nearly 100% of the rapes in Sweden are committed by "non Swedish" who ever they may be.
    Enjoy your Jew free utopia when it arrives.If I have to channel Whiskey-re the Swedish experience I would add that your women would enjoy it more...

    1. I think I can speak for the "anti-semites". We are not anti semetic. We dislike hypocrisy and seeing people unjustly f-d over because we hate it when happens to us. Hey, the Germans hurt the Jews right, so why not take it out on them and not the Palestinians? Lets see how that plays out. In the words of the schoolyard: pick on some one your own size tough guy.

  33. One word: Creationists. Palestinians are Creationists who hate Darwin and they have those fish magnets on their car bumpers.

    Israelis have COEXIST bumper stickers.

    The line between good and evil will be delineated in the minds of all correct thinking peoples.

  34. Steve it's having the creativity and cajones to say sh*t like this that makes me a proud contributor to your drives. I wish more commentators had your courage for intellectual veracity.

  35. think I can speak for the "anti-semites". We are not anti semetic. We dislike hypocrisy and seeing people unjustly f-d over because we hate it when happens to us. Hey, the Germans hurt the Jews right, so why not take it out on them and not the Palestinians? Lets see how that plays out. In the words of the schoolyard: pick on some one your own size tough guy"

    I'm sorry but that's just stupid! What is Israel's size and who shud it fight? Why don't u share this advice with the Palestinians who have the entire Arab world , Russia, China and Iran on its side. And Israel has what- half of America and India??

    What hypocrisy do u speak of? Palestinians have consistently been on the losing side in WWII, 1948,1967 and 1973.
    How many losers hold on to their eterritory and soveriegnity as the Palestinians have managed. Also remember that between 48 and 67, the west bank and Gaza we're under Jordanian and Egyptian control, weird how there was Palestinian issue during that interim huh?How many Germans ,Poles, Russians,Sikhs, Hindus and Indian Muslims had been dispossessed in the aftermath of WWII. And how many of "refugee camps" do u find for Germans in Poland or Sikhs in Delhi?
    It is obvious this Palestinian issue is kept alive by Arabs by preventing their movement and integration into Arab countries.Take it up with them if u care so much for those Pal savages( I doubt u do)


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