January 28, 2013

Crazy conspiracy theory

African Americans sure make up a lot of conspiracy theories. For example,
The Plan (Washington, D.C.) 
In Washington, D.C., The Plan is a conspiracy theory regarding control of the city. Theorists insist that whites (Caucasians) have had a plan to "take back" the city since the beginning of home rule in the 1970s, when the city started electing blacks (African-Americans) to local offices.[1][2] The "age-old" theory has quiet, but considerable support.

Apparently, there's this crazy theory among blacks in Washington that important people would pay a lot of money to live near the Capitol, White House, Supreme Court, and federal office buildings, except that they worry about muggings and "polar bear hunting" episodes. So, white people get together and talk about ways to get blacks to move out of D.C., like giving them Section 8 vouchers or getting an Asian lady to fire black teachers. When the blacks move out, property values theoretically go up.

Isn't that just insane?

Next those paranoid nutjobs might even say that eight white Senators have been meeting in secret to come up with a complicated plan to reward and encourage Hispanic illegal immigrants who are pushing blacks out of D.C. by taking the service jobs, when everybody knows that Senators Rubio and Menendez aren't white, they're Conquistador-Americans.


  1. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html

  2. "...when everybody knows that Senators Rubio and Menendez aren't white, they're Conquistador-Americans."

    Your post comes across as peevish and immature. Sailer is too alpha to demonstrate such frustration which means you're a teenager or something else that makes you less that an adult.

    Obviously taking the latin american out of latin america does little to change their less than savory political strategies. Of course I'm comparing hispanics to the ideal European behavior when in public office. If the European-Americans were all behaving, the Conqs would have little choice but to go along to get along.

    Also, would you ask the dorks at Vdare to stop feigning health scares and such in order to distract us from inflammatory rhetoric and undeserved ad hominem attacks. Cheap ploy.

  3. Washington, DC is the wealthiest American city for a obvious reason... All the Federal monies is there!

  4. Imagine if groups of 20 or 30 blacks hung around Home Depots waiting to get picked up to do construction and landscaping jobs, if the police weren't called to disperse them, how long would they be standing around before a contractor would choose one?
    I think it might be somewhat related to stature, Mexicans are little brown teddybears, while blacks are, for lack of a better word, panthers.

  5. I always wondered if the relative lack of anti-Semitism in England was due to the Rothschilds' financing Napoleon's defeat. Last time there was a Jewish conspiracy, it was on their side.

    Not so much anymore, of course.

  6. rubio and menendez aren't conquistadors. They're Conquistador-ed.

  7. That's not a crazy conspiracy theory at all! Wow, great post!

  8. @Steve Sailer

    "when everybody knows that Senators Rubio and Menendez aren't white, they're Conquistador-Americans"

    Yes, Marco Rubio, the great "conquistador", the son of a...maid and a bartender. Cortez would be so proud...

    You want to talk about conquistadores, what about Anglo-Saxons? Florida, Arizona, California, Texas, etc. These are not exactly Anglo-sounding, now are they? These territories originally belonged to Spain, and to Spaniards who lived there. Look at what happened to them, conquered by the Anglo-Saxon, forced to learn English, forcefully incorporated into the U.S.A and politically disenfranchised. With the excption of the elites of a few small towns, most of the rulling political class of these former Spanish territories are of Britsh and not Spanish descent.

    Why don't you speak on this conquest? Right, because you only bring up facts that are convenient to you.

    There is nothing wrong with "White" Cuban-Americans identifying as Latinos. First, Latino is a CULTURAL and not ethnical categorization, and second, whites of Southern European descent never had the same status as northwestern European descent anyway. In fact, the 1924 Immigration Act tried to keep as many Southern European immigrants away from the U.S as possible on the grounds that they were BIOLOGICALLY undesirable and that too many of them would lead to the decay of the country.

  9. I'm sure charter schools fit into that conspiracy somewhere . . . It's almost like white parents meet in synod and decide to send their kids to schools without a lot of blacks.

  10. The craziness of black conspiracy theories (and all conspiracy theories) is the gross overestimation of the level of coordination involved. Of course the power elite in DC would love to get rid of African Americans to reduce crime, increase property values, and make public education a viable option... but it's a bit-by-bit operation over time by self-interested individuals and community groups, not one super-secret plan by "The Man."

  11. DC is a small city, 600K, so it is easier for BIG MONEY to come in and buy up entire blocks of two story, party wall townhomes, tear them down and put up a one block apartment building with the same footprint and six floors. Presto! three times the income, six or ten blocks from the Capitol. They could do the same in Baltimore because it is small also, but there is no national government center to draw in people so Baltimore decays while DC booms.
    Back in the fifties, DC, like a lot of cities, had middle class neighs(white guys say 'neigh') but Brown('54) and the Civil Rights Act('64) caused white flight to PG county in the sixties and seventies. Then rising DC crime and new Black money caused the Black middle class to move to PG and then the whites in PG moved to...I dunno where? I guess those middle class whites are kind of like the Visigoths, getting pushed out of the Balkans by the Huns in the 370s, and then they finally end up in Spain but along the way they sack Rome.

  12. Sure sign of creativity.

  13. You don't have to teach cats to catch mice.

  14. "When the blacks move out, property values theoretically go up."

    Theoretically? Must not be involved in real estate. There's a reason it's called re-gentrification.

  15. Next those paranoid nutjobs might even say that eight white Senators have been meeting in secret to come up with a complicated plan to reward and encourage Hispanic illegal immigrants who are pushing blacks out of D.C. by taking the service jobs, when everybody knows that Senators Rubio and Menendez aren't white, they're Conquistador-Americans.

    Those same 8 Senators are probably part of the plan to reduce Major League Baseball from 28% black to its currently level - 7% black.

    All marginal black players have been replaced with Latin American players who are much easier to manage. Only the black stars remain, essentially.

  16. I see that you are vdare and taki et al are yet silent on this ongoing, current, as of this moment propaganda push coordinated among the media, the Dems and the GOP to "reform" immigration. I guess you fauxpopulist "paleocons" are still figuring out a good way to pretend you are not just GOP shills and actually give a damn about stopping immigration instead of just caring about protecting the GOP and getting donations from readers.

    Why not say something right now about what is happening right now with the pro-immigration scam that is being put over on america by the media, the GOP and the Dems?

  17. Careful, Steve, you'll be wearing a tinfoil hat soon.
    Everyone knows there's no conspiracy to drive blacks out of DC, just as there's no conspiracy to allow Latin American peasantry to swarm into the US.
    It's just happening...

  18. apparently senator menendez has been doing his own background checks on young dominican girls.

    but seriously now, when can we get rid of this john mccain guy.

  19. The blacks are correct that whitey is trying to "take back" the city the blacks previously took away from whitey. Just as the whites are doing in large parts of New York (you're up next, Bed Stuy and Bushwick!) and every other SWPL-izing town and hamlet.

    But of course, the solution for the black "leadership" is to mutter about conspiracies and threaten law suits or whatever, rather than taking the approach of "let's get our community's shit together once and for all so white people won't be justifiably scared to death of our violent, feral youths."

  20. Rats, who talked?! Guys, this Plan was suppose to be secret, remember, S-E-C-R-E-T?

    I bet it was Larry, that used car salesmen on the Subcommittee for Surreptitiously Raising Property Values (SSRPV). That guy never shuts up!

  21. You have to stop believing in conspiracy theories. They are unhealthy for you.

  22. I was born in Washington DC. I grew up in the DC suburbs. All my life I knew that you didn't walk near the Capitol building. The black neighborhood on the east side of Capitol Hill was damn dangerous.

    In the early seventies Senator William Proxmire used to jog around there. He was mugged twice. He was lucky to have escaped alive.

    When I was a teen I got lost and disoriented and walked on foot deep into South East Washington well after midnight. I figured out where I was and got back to the North West before dawn. Hence I continued to live. It was like being in a vampire movie.

    HBD enthusiasts act as if black violence is a recent discovery. The difference is that in the fifties, blacks were more geographically circumscribed. But in the sixties all that changed. The blacks didn't change. The rules changed.

    The only remedy for black violence is black removal. We hit upon a winning strategy when we began to lock up more blacks in the nineties. Strategies that razed black neighborhoods also worked. So if paranoid blacks think there is a white conspiracy to move them out of our Capitol - I only wish it were true.


  23. Saw the DC police chief, Cathy Lanier, interviewed by Brian Lamb on CSPAN last night. Asked about the black population decline in DC, she specifically mentioned Section 8 housing, redevelopment, and gentrification. The Plan is working.

  24. A longtime favorite of mine has been that there are sterilants in dark sodas that only have an effect on blacks. I remember from back when I was a waiter that blacks did order a lot of hot tea and 7UP.

    One thing that lends some credence to the common belief that AIDS is a designer virus created to infect black populations is that the more Nordic one's admixture, the less likely an infected person will transition from HIV+ status into AIDS and the more Sub-Saharan admixture the more likely they are to develop full-blown AIDS.

  25. All marginal black players have been replaced with Latin American players who are much easier to manage

    You got something personal against Milton Bradley?

  26. Why don't you speak on this conquest? Right, because you only bring up facts that are convenient to you.

    Conquest? Like how Britain received Florida BY TREATY as part of the Peace of Paris? And how Spain got it back, BY TREATY? And how America then PAID $5 million for it?

    Hella conquest. I'd say let's sell Miami back to Spain, but those guys don't have two nickels to rub together.

    1. The price tags on Adams-Onis and Guadalupe-Hidalgo were to make both "treaties" more palatable. Jackson woulda taken Florida if allowed.

  27. These territories originally belonged to Spain, and to Spaniards who lived there.

    No, these territories originally belonged to the Native Americans whom the Spaniards stole from. Mexicans, Hispanics, YOU, etc., are just jealous that the English stole it from you. And by the way, had the English not stolen these lands from the Spaniards, their present level of social, political and economic development would be not as high.

    Mexicans, Hispanics, YOU and other Latinos cannot cope with the fact that English civilization in the New World is simply superior to any created by the Spaniards. And the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Every day we see the continual northward flood of the inheritors of Spanish civilization. What they won't admit verbally they do daily with their feet.

  28. A longtime favorite of mine has been that there are sterilants in dark sodas that only have an effect on blacks. I remember from back when I was a waiter that blacks did order a lot of hot tea and 7UP.

    My favorite from that time period (70s/80s) was the one that posited that the Church's Fried Chicken chain was a KKK front company, and the batter contained a special ingredient that made black men impotent. That conspiracy theory seemed to die immediately once the Church's and Popeye's brands got consolidated in the same holding company in 1989.

    One thing that lends some credence to the common belief that AIDS is a designer virus created to infect black populations is that the more Nordic one's admixture, the less likely an infected person will transition from HIV+ status into AIDS and the more Sub-Saharan admixture the more likely they are to develop full-blown AIDS.

    While the conspiracy theory angle was ludicrous, this one contained a, ahem, germ of truth: HIV resistance seems much more prevalent among European stock, probably an inadvertent by-product of the genetic triggers that survivors of the Black Death had.

  29. One thing that lends some credence to the common belief that AIDS is a designer virus created to infect black populations is that the more Nordic one's admixture, the less likely an infected person will transition from HIV+ status into AIDS and the more Sub-Saharan admixture the more likely they are to develop full-blown AIDS.

    I've read that apparently having the genes for antibodies to bubonic plague also provides a significant amount of protection against HIV. Bubonic plague stopped at the Sahara.

  30. Nick Diaz: you should check out Ron Guhname's old work.


    WASPs rule! I wrote in a recent post that I was getting the sense that Americans with Protestant European backgrounds were the best behaved. So I decided to sum all my prior post numbers that dealt with ethnicity and moral behavior to assess this idea systematically. I followed the simple strategy of assigning a rank for each behavior for each of the 8 ethnic groups with sufficiently large sample sizes. Jews were often ignored in previous posts since one must turn to the religion rather than the ethnicity variable to get estimates, but I wanted to include them, so I calculated numbers and then ranks for them.

    I included all variables that I have posted on--here's a list of them: okay to cheat on taxes; drinks too much; ethnocentric; dirty house; frequents prostitutes; promiscuous men over 30; feel that infidelity is not wrong; gay; lesbian; husbands and wives who cheat; fathers divorcing mom; women arrested; and promiscuity for men and women and under. I realized that I had not posted on drug abuse so I added that to the rest. I ranked group so high numbers indicate more bad behavior, then I simply summed the 16 rankings for each ethnic group. Here are the totals:
    Bad Behavior Index

    Blacks 106
    Mexicans 85
    American Indians 85
    Italians 70
    Irish 67
    Jews 64
    Germans 56
    English/Welsh 47

    My hunch was correct. This pattern coincides with that feeling that goes way back among nativists that the moral quality of the country was slipping with the mass immigration from Catholic, southern and eastern European countries, and more recently in concern over immigration from Mexico.


    to be found at the bottom of:


    comments at:


  31. Anonydroid, 8:04 pm. said: I guess you fauxpopulist "paleocons" are still figuring out a good way to pretend you are not just GOP shills and actually give a damn about stopping immigration instead of just caring about protecting the GOP and getting donations from readers.

    Hunsdon said: Sir, I have not laughed like that in a while. You're new here, aren't you?

  32. The conspiracy to destroy blacks by simply mentioning their continent of origin:


  33. not a hacker1/28/13, 2:47 PM

    Proxmire's mugging (white people are unfair dept.):

    He was on his way home only a few blocks from the Capitol when he was mugged by two black teenagers. One I think was fourteen and the other fifteen. They were both underage, both juveniles. They robbed him, and he fought them, and they ran off. But there was a police car near by which the senator hailed in a matter of minutes. There must have been fifteen police cars that descended on the area, and they caught them really quickly. Those kids were very surprised at what happened to them when they mugged a senator! Well, the senator went down to the hearing, and one of the boys' parents were there. The senator was quite impressed with the family, thought this kid had a good chance. So I suggested to him that he hire those two young men to come into the office after school to give them something to do and to keep them out of trouble. They could help us get out the mail, that is fold the letters, lick the envelopes, get them stacked together and mailed out, which was an hour or two of work. We would pay them the minimum wage or better. I've forgotten what we paid them now, not a lot, but something fair. We did that for about a year, and we didn't tell anybody, and we didn't get any news out of it. One of them made it, the other one didn't. It was kind of a sad thing. The one who didn't make it was a big kid, very tall, quite heavy. Afterwards he went into one of the main stores in Washington and shoplifted and was caught redhanded. It bothered me. It bothered me not so much that he did it but how stupid he was.
    I mean, there was no way that a big tall black teenager could walk into Woodward and Lothrop and shoplift without half a dozen people watching him. I criticized him very severely afterwards, not for the immorality, but for the stupidity of what he did. I was unhappy about that. I'm sorry he didn't make it. I don't know what else we could have done.

    United States Senate Historical Office -- Oral History Project

  34. Nick Diaz whined: You want to talk about conquistadores, what about Anglo-Saxons?

    Hunsdon: Good sir, how much time do you have for me to recount the glories of our people, residents of the sceptered isle? I hope it's a long time, because it's a long story, full of glory.

    However, in a rare attempt at fairness and equity, I have some good words to say about the Spaniards. (Not Latinos---SPANIARDS.) The Reconquista? That was some good work, there. It was a long hard slog, but you did it. (If you're a Spaniard, that is, not just a Latino.) Smashing the Moors and driving the from Spain was a great accomplishment. Of course you had some Scots help, but let's not pick nits.

    And Lepanto! Smashing, both literally and figuratively. OK, so Spain only contributed ten galleys (to the Venetians' 109!), but still.

    However, a question for you sir. You seem to think that the 1924 Immigration Act was bad, all bad. Do you think that immigration since '65 has been good, or bad for America?

  35. Albertosaurus said: HBD enthusiasts act as if black violence is a recent discovery.

    Hunsdon begged to differ: Good sir, stuff and nonsense, at least regarding y'r. obd't srv't Hunsdon. Any sampling of historic writings reveals that, no, it didn't start in '64.

    Albertosaurus said: The only remedy for black violence is black removal.

    Hunsdon, once more: A sufficiently ruthless policing does the job as well. I think the old Eastern phrase was "a hickory shampoo."

  36. *Hannibal Smith (George Peppard) voice*

    I love it when a plan comes together.
    (Chomps on cigar.)

  37. In the early seventies Senator William Proxmire used to jog around there. He was mugged twice. He was lucky to have escaped alive.

    Hunter Thompson pointed out the danger facing Congressional staff in his Fear and Loathing on the campaign trail '72. He said workers on the Hill had to sprint to their cars parked outside and not leave them in the neighbouring side streets.

    When I was a teen I got lost and disoriented and walked on foot deep into South East Washington well after midnight. I figured out where I was and got back to the North West before dawn. Hence I continued to live. It was like being in a vampire movie.

    Someone recently mentioned Chuck Heston in The Omega Man (1971).

    "One creature, caught. Caught in a place he cannot stir from in the dark, alone, outnumbered hundreds to one, nothing to live for but his memories, nothing to live with but his gadgets, his cars, his guns, gimmicks... and yet the whole family can't bring him down from that, that ..."

    "Honky Paradise?"

    "We waited for you, Neville, so you could see this: The end. The end of all you done. You see, none of it was real. It was illusion. Your art, your science, it was all a nightmare. And now it's done. Finished. My brethren, our task is nearly complete. He was the last of those who brought the punishment to us. We have cleansed and purged his world. Now we must build."

    -- the wisdom of Matthias, leader of the Family

  38. the more Nordic one's admixture, the less likely an infected person will transition from HIV+ status into AIDS

    Hadn't hear this. Citation?

  39. Why is nick diaz even allowed to comment, every one is just a snarky troll comment that deliberately ignores facts in an attempt to derail the thread

  40. pumpkin spice rooibos1/28/13, 3:29 PM

    OT: an article on the importance of vocabulary:

    > In the 1970s and 1980s, the French conducted an experiment with 2,000 students to determine whether sending children to preschool at age two was worth the public expense. The results were remarkable. After seven years of elementary school, disadvantaged students who had started preschool at age two had fully caught up with their more advantaged peers, while those who had started at three didn’t do quite as well, and those who had started at four trailed still further behind. A good preschool, it turned out, had highly egalitarian effects.

    Fodder for iStevers. It's got to be better than headstart. Too, if you could get The Gap to disappear during the school years, schools would improve, with all kinds of good consequences.

  41. "One thing that lends some credence to the common belief that AIDS is a designer virus created to infect black populations is that the more Nordic one's admixture, the less likely an infected person will transition from HIV+ status into AIDS and the more Sub-Saharan admixture the more likely they are to develop full-blown AIDS."

    Not only that, but it's been proven that there's an inverse relationship between malaria (African disease) immunity and AIDS susceptibility.

  42. One little problem is that those induced to leave because some other group has designs on the land they're on don't just disappear. They go somewhere else. The hurt feelings engendered by having to move are assuaged somewhat by being handed a section 8 voucher, paid out of the taxpayers pocket, but nevertheless they are going to be someone else's problem. Out of sight, out of mind. A small scale model of the future layout of the whole area, minus any ghetto and it's unwanted denizens, is probably sitting in some architectural firm somewhere. Planning takes years to conceive and implement and it's usually not public knowledge in the early stages except perhaps by insiders who try to surreptitiously cash in.

  43. Anonymous:"Why is nick diaz even allowed to comment, every one is just a snarky troll comment that deliberately ignores facts in an attempt to derail the thread"

    Hey, Nicky is always good for a laugh.

  44. Anonymous:"If Latino immigration is a way to ethnically cleanse blacks, and Sailer readers aren't too fond of blacks, why are Sailer readers against Latino immigration?"

    Because being marginally preferable to Blacks is hardly cause for celebration.


  45. Marlowe:"Someone recently mentioned Chuck Heston in The Omega Man (1971).

    "One creature, caught. Caught in a place he cannot stir from in the dark, alone, outnumbered hundreds to one, nothing to live for but his memories, nothing to live with but his gadgets, his cars, his guns, gimmicks... and yet the whole family can't bring him down from that, that ..."

    "Honky Paradise?"

    "We waited for you, Neville, so you could see this: The end. The end of all you done. You see, none of it was real. It was illusion. Your art, your science, it was all a nightmare. And now it's done. Finished. My brethren, our task is nearly complete. He was the last of those who brought the punishment to us. We have cleansed and purged his world. Now we must build."

    -- the wisdom of Matthias, leader of the Family"

    There is a reason why I try to always include THE OMEGA MAN in my campus's annual conservative movie festival. It is one of the most deeply conservative films ever made.One deeply flawed man fighting to preserve the remnants of Western civilization against a horde of multiracial obscurantists...


  46. Detroit is becoming forested again as whole neibourhoods have become vacant.

    Why not use those vouchers to repopulate the city.

    There are no white people left there to pester.

  47. > Anonymous:"Why is nick diaz even
    > allowed to comment, every one is just
    > a snarky troll comment that deliberately
    > ignores facts in an attempt to derail the
    > thread."

    > Hey, Nicky is always good for a laugh.

    As one anonymous conservative to another, I refer you to one of Steve's posts from a few weeks ago, http://isteve.blogspot.com/2012/12/intellectual-discourse-taking.html. You give signs the signs of lacking disputational chops when you "close down discourse in your favor" by means of a "viscous personal attack", without engaging Mr. Diaz' ideas.

  48. Off topic, but I would like to mention my funding drive. If you could please give it some attention Steve, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

    Funding Drive…Help a Brother Out « JayMan's Blog

  49. I criticized him very severely afterwards, not for the immorality, but for the stupidity of what he did.

    People, and liberal people especially, have lost sight of the reality that immoral behavior is, at the end of the day, the same thing as stupid behavior.

  50. Anonymous:"As one anonymous conservative to another, I refer you to one of Steve's posts from a few weeks ago, http://isteve.blogspot.com/2012/12/intellectual-discourse-taking.html. You give signs the signs of lacking disputational chops when you "close down discourse in your favor" by means of a "viscous personal attack", without engaging Mr. Diaz' ideas."

    ....And here I thought that I was doing Nicky a favor by not engaging with his "ideas"...

  51. "disadvantaged students who had started preschool at age two had fully caught up with their more advantaged peers, while those who had started at three didn’t do quite as well, and those who had started at four trailed still further behind."
    Unless they had mandatory preschool at two, the results are suspect. What they mean is "students who they ALLOWED to start preschool at two". If the 2 yr old is not toilet-trained or is biting others etc. they simply tell them to come back at age three or four. In other words, the effect is a result of a selection process, as usual.

  52. Anonymous:"As one anonymous conservative to another, I refer you to one of Steve's posts from a few weeks ago, http://isteve.blogspot.com/2012/12/intellectual-discourse-taking.html. You give signs the signs of lacking disputational chops when you "close down discourse in your favor" by means of a "viscous personal attack", without engaging Mr. Diaz' ideas."

    Wait, Nicky has "ideas"? You know, ideas as in "John Stuart Mill's ideas on liberty," or "Edmund Burke's ideas regarding conservatism." And here I thought that he was just nursing ethnic grudges....

  53. UK DAILY MAIL: Rise of 'white flight': British families are 'self-segregating' as more Caucasians abandon urban areas for the countryside

    * Trend has gone largely unnoticed because city centres appear diverse

    * Well-off whites from diverse areas are moving to outer suburbs in droves

    * Researchers say better schools, fresher air and background may be factors

  54. Chief Seattle1/28/13, 6:23 PM

    Who cares about conspiracy theories, black, crazy, or not. Right now there's a conspiracy fact to open up the country to another 100 million illegals. Let's talk about what we can do now.

  55. If Latino immigration is a way to ethnically cleanse blacks, and Sailer readers aren't too fond of blacks, why are Sailer readers against Latino immigration?

    We're against it because it doesn't benefit the vast majority of Americans in the near or long term. The elect a new people conspiracy is beneficial to to tiny number of wealthy people who live in NYC, DC and certain parts of California.

  56. Sam said...

    "Detroit is becoming forested again as whole neighborhoods have become vacant."

    Interesting. Seems enough "vibrancy" produces VACANCY.

  57. "If Latino immigration is a way to ethnically cleanse blacks, ... why are Sailer readers against Latino immigration?"

    1. Its ILLEGAL immigration, a point you very conveniently omit.

    2. The "cleansed" blacks do not just dematerialize into thin air. They simply move to another area. We are not REPLACING blacks with LATINOS. We end up with an ADDITIONAL less then stellar minority community.

    By the way, Latino immigration, works against the best long-term interests of black Americans, but this is unacknowledged by just about everyone, especially black leaders.

  58. Anon said...

    "British families are white flight / self-segregating in the countryside."

    Trouble is, there isn't very much British countryside left, especially in England. Indeed England 'loses' some of its beautiful countryside each year to urban sprawl, road building, etc. If the USA had England's population density, its population would have to be about 3.8 billion people (more then half the population of the whole planet earth). All issues of culture, race or economics aside, a native Brit would be entirerly justified in opposing all immigration purely on ecological grounds.

    They can run, but they can't hide.

  59. "You want to talk about conquistadores, what about Anglo-Saxons? Florida, Arizona, California, Texas, etc. These are not exactly Anglo-sounding, now are they? These territories originally belonged to Spain, and to Spaniards who lived there."

    And how did Spain come to acquire them?

    When the United States took the Southwest from Mexico it was almost completely unpopulated - as in about 170,000 people for half a million square miles of land, and many of those were English-speaking Americans.

  60. I prefer blacks to mestizos, because the blacks are quite unassimilable. They are black all the way, so to speak, until they are somewhere between Bob Barr and Ava Gardner, whereas mestizos assimilate at a much earlier point, then "sport" back and mixing is unavoidable then.

    All mestizo societies are a color continuum, whereas all black societies are just that, black. Mulatto societies stabilize at some point, like Portugal today. Portugal is a backwater, but it's contained.

  61. Stupid does not equal immoral nor is the converse true. Ill probally be called a blank slatist, but that's the kind of shit that just causes people to completely block out HBD. Around 200 Europe decided that despite sharing a word in Greek error and sin are not the same. It served Europe well.

  62. Mulatto societies stabilize at some point, like Portugal today. Portugal is a backwater, but it's contained.

    Portugal is not a "mulatto society." The amount of sub-Saharan admixture is small, and it is not evenly spread throughout the population. Moreover, the populations of the Iberian peninsula likely already had small amounts of sub-Saharan admixture at their peak of power and influence. There have been genetic connections between North Africa and the Iberian peninsula for thousands of years, and the Moorish invasions would have brought additional, though dilute, sub-Saharan genes to Iberia, all before the Age of Discovery.

  63. I see Jeeves @11:15 already mentioned the C-Span interview with D.C. police chief Cathy Lanier last night, but thought I'd add something to his observation.

    When Brian Lamb asked her bluntly why she thought the "African-American" (Sic) population of D.C. had fallen from 70% to 50% over the past decade, she mumbled around in such a way that I thought to myself for a second "Ruh-roh! We're about to have a Michael Kinsley moment!", and leaned a little closer to the screen in anticipation: it sounded for all the world like she was inching ever so close to saying something heterodox about how much easier it was to police a city that had seen a 20% reduction in vibrancy.

    Alas, the ghost of Jimmy the Greek must have tapped her on the shoulder, because instead she took a deep breath, regrouped, and rallied to the question with much praise for the Mayor who hired her, lots of talk about demolishing public houses complexes and (as noted by Jeeves above) Section 8 vouchers and Redevelopment and the like. She did mention in passing, with what seemed to me a gleam in her eye, that many of the Section 8 cases were not just relocated elsewhere in the city but outside of "The District" altogether.

    Lamb let the observation pass, but I thought what a perfect opportunity to make all sorts of mischief with follow up queries about the implications of those "relocations" outside D.C. - basically, just paying people to move away - and how the vibrancy-to-crime rate ratio, worked out, exactly, in this instance. And whether that's a good thing, or a thing we'd-rather-not-discuss-at-this-time.

    Such missed opportunities are the reason C-span needs to offer Steve Sailer his own interview show on their network. True story.

  64. "If Latino immigration is a way to ethnically cleanse blacks, ... why are Sailer readers against Latino immigration?"

    Blacks are Americans. They are part of this nation. We don't wish to "ethnically cleanse blacks" and we bear them no malice.

    We oppose all immigration that seeks upset the demographic balance of this country. We are effectively under invasion by foreign tribes.

  65. "Nick Diaz said...

    You want to talk about conquistadores, what about Anglo-Saxons? Florida, Arizona, California, Texas, etc. These are not exactly Anglo-sounding, now are they? These territories originally belonged to Spain, and to Spaniards who lived there."

    They belonged to the indians before that. Spain stole it from them. So Mexican's claim is nothing more than that they were the first recipient of stolen property.

    "In fact, the 1924 Immigration Act tried to keep as many Southern European immigrants away from the U.S as possible on the grounds that they were BIOLOGICALLY undesirable and that too many of them would lead to the decay of the country."

    They were only thinking of people like you.

  66. "Matthew said...

    ""You want to talk about conquistadores, what about Anglo-Saxons? Florida, Arizona, California, Texas, etc. These are not exactly Anglo-sounding, now are they? These territories originally belonged to Spain, and to Spaniards who lived there.""

    And how did Spain come to acquire them? When the United States took the Southwest from Mexico it was almost completely unpopulated - as in about 170,000 people for half a million square miles of land, and many of those were English-speaking Americans."

    Those facts are, as Mr. Diaz calls them, inconvenient. Inconvenient for him, that is.

  67. "Anonymous said...

    The conspiracy to destroy blacks by simply mentioning their continent of origin:


    The term "sub-saharan Africa" is racist. In future, we should all use the term "african-american Africa".

  68. "Anonymous said...

    If Latino immigration is a way to ethnically cleanse blacks, and Sailer readers aren't too fond of blacks, why are Sailer readers against Latino immigration?"

    The blacks don't go away - they just go somewhere else, leaving us with two unasssimillable populations. Plus, they increase the population of the country, which is already too high.

  69. No white people would never do anything sneaky to a minority group like give them small pox blankets. That would never happen. Oh snap.

  70. Mr. Anon said...
    The term "sub-saharan Africa" is racist. In future, we should all use the term "african-american Africa".

    I thought that it only happened on TV but i had a brief chat with a chilean guy and as we were talking about brazilian black metal band made up of black guys, he refered to them as "african americans"! I found that kind of silly but he said that since I'm black he wanted to use a polite term or something like that lol.

  71. UK DAILY MAIL: Rise of 'white flight': British families are 'self-segregating' as more Caucasians abandon urban areas for the countryside

    UK TELEGRAPH: 'I feel like a stranger where I live'

    * As new figures show 'white flight' from cities is rising, one Londoner writes a provocative personal piece about how immigration has drastically changed the borough where she has lived for 17 years

  72. No white people would never do anything sneaky to a minority group like give them small pox blankets. That would never happen. Oh snap.

    Because it didn't happen, dummy. It's yet another historical myth from the Zinn-ized "evil whitey" view of history.

  73. If whites want to end immigration they would have to adopt a concilliatory stance toward blacks at the same time as an adversarial stance toward hispanics.

    Yeah, white resistance to black demands has been oh so strong lo these many years.

  74. White people are pushing blacks out of NY and other liberal areas like......DC.

  75. You want to talk about conquistadores, what about Anglo-Saxons? Florida, Arizona, California, Texas, etc. These are not exactly Anglo-sounding, now are they? These territories originally belonged to Spain, and to Spaniards who lived there.

    ...and who had previously conquered them from their previous owners. So, the only basis that legitimizes "Spanish" ownership prior to 1848 likewise legitimizes "Anglo" ownership after 1848.


  76. Black liberal writer Jamelle Bouie just figured out that working class blacks don't like immigration and that running against immigration could actually split the Democratic coalition and pick up Republicans enough black votes to tip the balance in Rust Belt swing states.


  77. Anonymous said..

    "No white people would never do anything sneaky to a minority group like give them smallpox blankets. That would never happen. Oh snap."

    You ever hear about the bubonic plague buddy? The notorious black death that wiped out at least a third or even half of all Europe's population in just a few years? As I recall I believe that was introduced from China or elsewhere in Asia. But i guess when it happens to a white population it doesn't matter, huh?

  78. "You ever hear about the bubonic plague buddy?...As I recall I believe that was introduced from China or elsewhere in Asia."

    You don't know the half, Buddy; I heard it was introduced on purpose at trading posts through B.P infected blankets!

  79. >Not only that, but it's been proven that there's an inverse relationship between malaria (African disease) immunity and AIDS susceptibility.<

    Surely you made a mistake here and meant to say that there is a direct relationship between being immune to malaria and being susceptible to AIDS. Malaria immunity would tend to be higher in a population more exposed to it. Nor does Malaria's being an "African disease" (but non-Africans get malaria, too; see Panama Canal, construction of) mean Europeans and other non-Africans are less or more immune; for instance, not having a disease doesn't equate to being immune to it.

    So assuming you meant biological reasons cause Africans to get AIDS more (i.e., they are more "susceptible"), here are questions. 1. What's the cite? 2. What do you mean by susceptible? That there is a relationship between malaria and HIV-risky behaviors? 3. I still see in all this no tad of evidence that Whitey cooked up AIDS in Frankenstein's castle, old top.

    On "crazy conspiracy theories": one could with equal cogency theorize that an evil black lesbian cooked up AIDS. Whitey presumably had at least means and motive, while Evil Black Lesbian had at least opportunity and motive. There is no ground floor on this elevator trip, old bean.

  80. anonymous:"No white people would never do anything sneaky to a minority group like give them small pox blankets. That would never happen. Oh snap."

    Ah, the old small pox infected blankets number. That is almost as historically false as the NINA (no Irish need apply sign).Check THE STRAIGHT DOPE on this one; the British once thought about trying it, but there is no solid evidence that they ever actually carried it out.Don't bother trying to cite Ward Churchill;his account of the Mandan in 1837 is a tissue of lies.

    Anglos did plenty of bad stuff to Amerinds, but spreading smallpox via infected blankets was not one of them.

  81. If Latino immigration is a way to ethnically cleanse blacks, and Sailer readers aren't too fond of blacks, why are Sailer readers against Latino immigration?

    Because those "Latinos" use resources that belong to White Americans, and they team up with Blacks to use the political process to maximize the amount of White resources transferred to them.

    Ultimately, those "Latinos" take the place of tens of millions of White Americans. How many Jack Kilbys and Henry Fords and Charles Lindberghs and David Sloan Wilsons will never draw a breath?

  82. >the British once thought about trying it, but there is no solid evidence that they ever actually carried it out.<

    Not so fast. William Trent reports that it was carried out at Fort Pitt in June 1763, a week or so before Amherst thought of doing the same thing. The dispute is over whether it worked. Cite.

    As for NINA, Richard Jensen's paper is astonishing. For example, there were thousands of newspapers (7,000 in 1880), pamphlets, handbills, ephemera in 19th-century America, only a small fraction of which is on microfilm or was otherwise preserved (or available to the parties who might have wanted to preserve it). What could some future Jensen say about our assertion that whites in general are systematically discriminated against today? "Despite vague talk, in a handful of ambiguous court rulings, about correcting 'racial disparity,' and the purported existence of anti-white academic theses that can't be found and likely never existed, as well as 31 documented instances of the term 'whitebread' appearing in arguably racial contexts, searches of thousands of pages of the NYT, The Nation, and the Richmond Gazette tell us that there is no solid evidence that anti-white discrimination ever existed anywhere except as a folk myth among resentful whites."

  83. In the 1970s and 1980s, the French conducted an experiment with 2,000 students to determine whether sending children to preschool at age two was worth the public expense. The results were remarkable. After seven years of elementary school, disadvantaged students who had started preschool at age two had fully caught up with their more advantaged peers....

    That makes no sense.

    Here's what I get from that article:

    From 1945 to 1967, 12th-graders’ verbal scores on the SAT and other tests had risen. But then those scores plummeted. Cornell economist John Bishop wrote in the 1980s of “the historically unprecedented nature of the test score decline that began around 1967. Prior to that year test scores had been rising steadily for 50 years.”

    Thank you, Lyndon B. Satan!


    For 30 years after 1945, Stiglitz observes, economic equality advanced in the United States; after about 1975, it declined.

    Thank you, Celler & Co.!

  84. I thought that it only happened on TV but i had a brief chat with a chilean guy and as we were talking about brazilian black metal band made up of black guys, he refered to them as "african americans"! I found that kind of silly but he said that since I'm black he wanted to use a polite term or something like that lol.

    Chile is part of the Americas. And so is Brasil.

  85. When the French say "disadvantaged students," do they mean what Americans mean by that, or do they mean "disadvantaged"?

  86. "No white people would never do anything sneaky to a minority group like give them small pox blankets. That would never happen. Oh snap."

    The Left's love of dis-proven stereotypes never ceases to amaze. They think it's such a zinger to stay things like this. It's a "gotcha" in their mind. So clever.

  87. The HIV conspiracy theories don't make any sense, just given the timeline of when HIV must have started spreading, and the available technology for developing an engineered virus. (Or rather, modifying SIV, which has been around in some monkeys for a long time, into a human pathogen.) I'm pretty sure you'd have to have started the work modifying it before the discovery of how retroviruses even worked, and perhaps before anyone knew much about how DNA worked at all. The first known American death from HIV was in 1969 (verified by testing stored tissues and blood in the 80s). He was a black teenager, and likely a gay prostitute, so the disease was circulating in the US by then. The theory of how retroviruses worked was only beginning to be discussed then (around 1968)--that later led to a couple of Nobel Prizes. The structure of DNA was only understood about a decade earlier. I think immunologists were just figuring out what a T cell was and what it did in that decade.

    In order for the timeline of HIV being an engineered disease to work, somebody would have had to be a decade or two ahead of the whole world in a bunch of stuff. It took years from when the virus was isolated and identified until anyone worked out much of how it worked. In order to have engineered HIV, someone would have had to do all that in secret, a decade or two earlier. This is like claiming that the Nazis established a secret permanent moonbase before they lose WW2.

  88. The great who/whom question of modern America involves whose neighborhoods and schools and such will be saddled with the long-term dependent underclass. If young professional couples start gentrifying the places where the underclass lives in the city, then they get relocated somewhere--presumably to the nearby suburbs, where their kids pull down the test scores and engage in petty crime while the neighbors curse the bastard who decided to rent his house to someone with a section 8 voucher.

    There is really no good answer to this question. Concentrations of the underclass tend to become ungovernable bleak horrible places where schoolkids get shot for walking down the wrong street and the police prefer to show up only in numbers. (Increasing the fun, when they do show up they tend to find someone who's resisting arrest and needs all his teeth knocked out.). Spreading the underclass around tends to ruin nice neighborhoods--it doesn't take very many times of having the GPS stolen out of your car or your door kicked in and the TV stolen before you just want to leave the damned neighborhood.

    Charles Murray talked about the custodial state as a likely outcome. But that assumes concentration. A widely diffused underclass spread through the whole society encourages a move toward something of a police state across the board. Gun control, no-knock SWAT raids, surveillance cameras everywhere, visible police presence at schools and stores, support for bloodthirsty tough-on-crime policies (lock the bastards up or string them up, and if they happen to be guilty, so much the better)--those all fall naturally out of the siege mentality of people who are afraid of the constant crime in their neighborhood. Similarly, a desire to have educated and civilized social workers and teachers and bureaucrats heavily involved in the lives of many families falls naturally from widespread underclass dysfunction, and keeping the rules neutral means that healthy functional families get caught up in them sometimes, too. To let you take your kid out of school for a two-week trip to Rome is to let your shiftless neighbor just not bother taking his kids to school for a couple weeks, so maybe they had both better be banned.

    This is one of many forces pushing the US in the direction we seem determined to go--in another decade or two, this country is going to be unrecognizable to people who were used to substantial personal freedom and privacy.


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