January 5, 2013

Canada wants Mexican stoop laborers' production, not reproduction

By Nick Miroff, Saturday, January 5, 3:20 PM 
OJOCALIENTE, Mexico — When Oscar Reyes heads north for seasonal work every spring, he no longer pays a smuggler to sneak him through the desert past the U.S. Border Patrol. 
He takes Air Canada. 
Reyes earns $10.25 an hour tending grapes and spraying pesticides at a vineyard in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, working eight months straight, seven days a week. 
He was one of nearly 16,000 temporary workers from Mexico imported by Canada last year, part of a government-to-government agreement that Mexican officials view as a potential model for an expanded “guest worker” program in the United States. ...
With President Obama’s reelection in November, and the overwhelming support he received from Hispanic voters, expectations are high that he will take up the nettlesome cause of U.S. immigration reform in his second term. 
If so, the most contentious issue is likely to be the fate of the 11 million or so illegal immigrants living in the United States. But the debate is also expected to include proposals for a massive expansion of temporary worker programs to meet future U.S. demand for legal, low-skilled labor.

Emphasis mine. Notice that this massive expansion being mulled is to solve the problem (if it is a problem) of "future" demand for low-skilled labor, since there isn't all that much present demand. Crops will be rotting in the fields by 2019 unless we act now to lower wages for the low-skilled.
The United States gives out about 50,000 seasonal agricultural visas per year, nearly all of them to Mexican workers. But U.S. farmers, immigrant advocate groups, labor unions and Mexican officials say that the current U.S. program is a mess: inefficient, bureaucratic and vulnerable to abuses by swindlers and shady recruiters who charge potential workers thousands of dollars to find jobs for them and prepare their visa applications. 

Hey, I just thought of a solution for this messed-up program! Abolish it.
The frustrations have left many looking north, to Canada, where government officials partner with their Mexican counterparts to recruit workers, expedite visas, guarantee health and safety standards, and coordinate travel arrangements and pay. 
They also go to extraordinary lengths to make sure the workers go back to Mexico at the end of the season, raising criticisms that the arrangement treats them as little more than human machines.

You mean Canada doesn't want stoop laborers to stay around? That's racist!
Mexico’s new president, Enrique Peña Nieto, said that he has told Obama that his administration is keen to “contribute” to a push for U.S. immigration reform. 
Such talk would have been too politically sensitive just six years ago, when the volume of Mexican migrants crossing the border was seen as out of control and the U.S. Border Patrol was making more than a million arrests a year. 
Last year, the Border Patrol made just 340,000 apprehensions, the lowest level since 1971, a result of a tighter U.S. job market, stiffer U.S. enforcement and widespread fears in Mexico of the kidnapping crews and drug gangs who roam the borderlands. 
Overall, nearly as many Mexicans are now leaving the United States, whether voluntarily or as deportees, as the number who arrive, a trend that has raised alarms of labor shortages in industries such as food service and farming that are historically dependent on low-paid migrants.

Have you ever noticed how any argument and its exact opposite are both treated by the prestige press as good arguments for more immigration of unskilled labor? Six years ago, when Mexicans were illegally flooding in, the Administration and the media argued that was a good reason for a massive expansion of guest worker programs. And now they are arguing that the opposite conditions are a good reason for a massive expansion of guest worker programs.
“For anybody who believes that there will be a wild and endless flow of [Mexican migrants] into the future, that’s just not realistic,” said Craig Regelbrugge, vice president for government relations at the American Nursery and Landscape Association, a trade group. 
According to industry estimates, U.S. farms hire more than 2 million workers each year, at least half of whom are thought to be in the country illegally. 
Farm laborers already tend to earn minimum wage or more, experts say, so employers wouldn’t necessarily have to pay higher wages to guest workers than what they currently pay illegal migrants. 
Still, some U.S. farmers and other employers fear that if the illegal workforce is granted legal status or “amnestied,”, many of those workers will seek jobs in less-arduous occupations. 
Between 1942 and 1964, U.S. “bracero” programs issued 4.5 million visas to Mexican guest workers, and today some of the same U.S. labor unions that pushed to have the programs eliminated support bringing in more guest workers. 
“We don’t want to see domestic workers displaced, but we also recognize the legitimate needs that U.S. growers have,” said Erik Nicholson, a national vice president of the United Farm Workers, which wants to unionize the Mexican laborers even before they arrive in the United States.

A guy named Erik Nicholson, B.A., Duke University, is a spokesman for Cesar Chavez's old union? And nobody finds this funny or even notices?

This part of the article is interesting:
Only married men are eligible for the Canadian program, preferably those with young children, and their families must remain in Mexico. Another incentive to return home: a cut of the migrants’ wages is placed in a Canadian pension fund, receivable only if they return to Mexico. 
Then there are the other elements of the Canadian system that U.S. labor unions and farm worker advocates say they would not want to see copied.
Once in Canada, the workers live like monks, sleeping in trailers or barracks, under contractual agreements that forbid them from drinking alcohol and having female visitors, or even socializing with other Mexican workers from different farms.

Canada wants Mexicans' production, not their reproduction.
Most of their time in Canada is limited to sleeping, eating and working long days that can stretch to 15 hours, without overtime pay.

No overtime?
... Now Tenorio spends eight months on a berry farm outside Vancouver and comes home every winter with thousands in savings and duffel bags stuffed with chocolate-covered blueberries. 
“Everything is nice there. It’s not all disorganized like this,” he said, back in his home town of Troncoso, where armed men park their pickups on the hill near his house at night, watching the highway below as lookouts for drug traffickers.
Like many workers here, he said he’s torn between the need to earn money and the long separations from his wife and daughter. 
“Honestly, I’d rather be able to do work in the United States and bring my family with me,” he said. “But only with a visa.”

Or sneak in to the U.S., get amnestied, and have more kids. Nobody in power in America, unlike in Canada, ever thinks about the impact of reproduction.


  1. Auntie Analogue1/5/13, 9:40 PM

    Curious, isn't it, that this Nicholson guy who shills for Chavez's "old union" shares the same surname with the British POW Colonel who efficiently built the Bridge On The River Kwai for his Japanese enemy captors. Life imitates Art, as they say.

  2. I was born and raised in Canada, and as a teenager, I worked on a vegetable farm during the summer. Hard work, and you picked from sunup to sundown. And yes, no overtime pay. Farmers are exempted from that.
    I also remember when they started bringing in foreign workers. They fired the regulars and offered their jobs back at minimum wage.

  3. The whole point is for elites, that narrow elite of maybe five thousand families, to control America. That's classic Aristocracy, or Oligarchy. Hence wanting lots and lots of mercenary voters, basically.

  4. http://truth-out.org/news/item/7179:public-media-joins-gang-greens-in-colluding-with-frackers

    Obama and liberals now push brown energy to save the economy, and the greens are pissed.

  5. Also at the Nicholson link:

    Irv Hershenbaum, 1st Vice-President

    Irv Hershenbaum has worked with the UFW since 1972 beginning as a college student in New York. Hershenbaum organized support committees to work on the boycott of grapes, lettuce, and Gallo wines. He received a B.A. in History from the State University of New York and a Masters Degree from Cornell University in Industrial and Labor Relations. He is the son of immigrant parents who came to the United States as refugees from the Second World War.

  6. 'Temporary' immigrants always but always slowly and mysteriously transmogrify into 'permanent' immigrants.
    Mark my words. Don't believe the politic-speak.

  7. When I read that line about farmers being afraid that amnesty would lead to their illegal workers deserting to 'seek less arduous occupations', I immediately was reminded of serfdom as practised i Europe in the middle ages. Although not technically slaves, serfs were bound by law to work for their lords ('lord' is the correct terminology) and did not have the right to change habitation or occupation, they were part and parcel of the lord's estate.

    - And I always thought that the USA was founded in part as a protest against such iniquitous European feudal practices.

  8. Once in Canada, the workers live like monks, sleeping in trailers or barracks, under contractual agreements that forbid them from drinking alcohol and having female visitors, or even socializing with other Mexican workers from different farms.

    Heeey, that sounds familiar.

    How can this be, guys? I thought that only the Jews were allowed to do that kind of thing.

  9. A surprisingly rational policy by a Western government.

    I didn't think that visas would use sex and marital status as a basis for ensuring there are no anchor babies (though more rational would be not granting citizenship to the children of people who are not citizens)and less visa overstaying.

    However, it's not a positive for Canadian workers who miss out on the wages that otherwise would be necessary to attract Canadian workers.

    This is how a temporary visa program should work. Ensure the visa is temporary and not a bridge for illegal immigration.

  10. Simon in London1/6/13, 3:21 AM

    Hmm. It looks like Canada and Australia are heading towards a future with a highly-skilled north-east-Asian overclass, mostly Chinese. This is to a large extent the result of their skilled-immigration policy.

    Whereas the USA with its large Ashkenazi population and low-skilled-immigration policy is heading towards a future where the overclass is still white, albeit a mix of Jewish, Conquistador-American, and other white such as old-money WASPs and 75%-white 'African-American' mulatto.

    Neither is ideal for me, but I would tend to prefer the Canadian/Australian model. Where the Chinese already form the overclass outside China they seem to do a pretty good job, plus a Chinese overclass still leaves positions for Anglo whites both in skilled-manual jobs and at the top end as lawyers, politicians etc. Plus 'whites plus Chinese' model means fewer violent criminals and a generally nicer environment. Also the Chinese aren't much interested in cultural Marxism, which is a terrible disease on a par with smallpox or polio. A Chinese-dominated Australia will probably see less of a role for 75%-white 'Aboriginal' race activists, for instance.

  11. Simon in London1/6/13, 3:29 AM

    Unfortunately(?) the UK is closer to the US model, except we have few Ashkenazi (and they are less radical than in the US). Our south-Asian Muslim population is more culturally alien and hostile than the US Hispanic population and lacks its own equivalent of the Conquistador-Americans. The white Far Left have attempted to fill that role but with limited success.
    So the UK will continue to be ruled by our cultural Marxist-influenced white post-Christian elite, with a large and ever-growing immigrant underclass and Islamist rule in some areas.

  12. Canada does some smart things with immigration and then "plays fair" and does some stupid things.

    First smart:

    Midway through last summer, when much of official Ottawa was away at the cottage, a revealing document landed on the desk of Canada’s top immigration bureaucrat, deputy minister Neil Yeates. Prosaically titled “Social and Economic Outcomes of Second Generation Youth,” the four-page memo showed little regard for the political correctness typical of government correspondence. “Chinese and South Asians are the most likely to have university degrees or higher, and to be employed in high-skilled occupations,” observed the summary, which was prepared by departmental bureaucrats and released recently through access to information. Second-generation youth of Caribbean and Latin American origin don’t fare so well, the memo went on; they tend to obtain lower levels of education than native-born Canadian kids and wind up in less skilled jobs . . . . .

    Since 1999, China and India have been the top two source countries for immigrants to Canada, averaging about 60,000 landings per year, while the number coming from the Caribbean has fallen sharply. Immigration from the West Indies had fallen 45 per cent below levels seen in the early 1990s, according to figures compiled by Statistics Canada, when more than 16,000 from that region were entering the country annually. . . .

    The average wait time for someone wishing to bring a spouse into the country through Kingston, Jamaica has ballooned to 15 months, fully three times the processing time in 2006. A similar application lodged in New Delhi takes just six months.

    Now the stupid:

    Canadians who sponsor grandma and grandpa - or even just aging parents - as immigrants are leaving taxpayers with some hefty health care bills.

    "The total annual health care cost for a (parent or grandparent) immigrant arriving in 2010, over the age of 65, is estimated to be $10,742," officials told Immigration Minister Jason Kenney in an August 2011 memo obtained by lawyer Richard Kurland through an access to information request.

    That figure is just for hospital care, and doesn't include the cost of visits to a doctor's office, long-term care, or other social services taxpayers cover through provincial health insurance.

    Officials estimate a 65-year-old immigrant will run up more than $160,000 in hospital bills by age 85.

    Kurland said it's useful to have these numbers out in public.

    "This will serve as intelligent data for an intelligent debate on the affordability of increasing the number of parents coming to Canada," he said. . . . .

    The federal government aims to allow 25,000 parents and grandparents immigrate to Canada this year, but is also consulting the public on how to change the program.

  13. you can solve a lot of problems by just eliminating free k-12 education for illegal aliens and denying automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. to two non-U.S. parents.

  14. Erik Nicholson looks like something that might be featured on the Heartiste blog as a negative example.

    But who am I to judge from pictures? Maybe he's aloof, mysterious, and indifferent to women's feelings in person.

  15. Once in Canada, the workers live like monks, sleeping in trailers or barracks, under contractual agreements that forbid them from drinking alcohol and having female visitors, or even socializing with other Mexican workers from different farms.

    Heeey, that sounds familiar.

    How can this be, guys? I thought that only the Jews were allowed to do that kind of thing.

    why not the U.S. adopt the saudi arabian guest worker program model? i noticed the guest workers there, once their contract is up, don't want to stay a day longer (unless they get offered another contract, and the migrant worker has few good options at home)

    you can't bring a bible to saudi arabia btw.

  16. "Immigration from the West Indies had fallen 45 per cent below levels seen in the early 1990s"

    Very few have noticed, but a rising amount of immigrants/refugees to Canada are from Africa and the Middle East. Over the last 10 years the proportion of immigrants from Europe has dropped from 17 percent of total immigrants in 2002 to just 13.2 percent in 2011. The proportion of Asians has dropped from 52.5 to 48 percent from 2002 to 2011. During the same period, the number of Africans/Middle Easterns has gone from 20 percent to 24 percent of all immigrants.

  17. I live in an area of Canada where you'll find many of these workers. They also are chosen for their good 'character', i.e. absence of criminal record.

    You run into them at thrift stores, where they'll scoop up kids clothes and frankly, they are excellent ambassadors for Mexico and Guatemala. Those who speak the language invariably will tell you they love the money but are appalled at how expensive everything is. They prefer coming back to Mexico where their earnings represent a fortune.

    Oh, and that part about getting more refugees from Africa is true. Most Canadians are furious at this. In the 70 and 80's, we imported Jamaicans and Haitians by the plane load, these people quickly getting to business forming crime-ridden ghettos. The powers-that-be apparently Somalians will do better. At least we have Canadian winters to keep them quiet part of the year.

  18. "Have you ever noticed how any argument and its exact opposite are both treated by the prestige press as good arguments for more immigration of unskilled labor?"

    Exactly! Gast arbeiter programs are the Darwinism of the smart set-universally competent

  19. I heard about this Washington Post story on CBC Radio as I was getting my morning coffee. I thought I should go upstairs and check it out online.Then I find Mr. Sailer is on the case and has already critiqued it!

  20. IHTG: "How can this be, guys? I thought that only the Jews were allowed to do that kind of thing."

    Who says it isn't Jews? The Jewish mogul who imports poor Asian workers to Israel and requires them to sign the "don't fsck Jewish women" contract also imports poor Asian workers to the USA for growers on the West Coast. I suspect he has found this provision a wonderful way to disarm critics. Of course lefties in the west would never stand for a "don't fsck white/Jewish women" clause, so in Canada it becomes a "don't fraternize in the trailers" clause.

    The farmers don't care who fornicates with whom so there will be plenty of fraternization with local whores and imported Mexican girls 12 and up. The spawn will be dumped on the Canadian taxpayer to feed, clothe, medicate and edumacate, and the liberals will scream that the fornicating farmworker should stay so his family will not be "divided" or "broken".

    The farmers care no more about policing farmworker fraternization during the harvest than hotels care about sexually policing teens in town for a weeklong cheerleader convention or Israeli kibbutzniks care about the cheap European peasants who till their soil, or the rich secular Israeli Ashkenazi care about the cheap Pilipino nurse in a Tel Aviv ghetto who wipes their granny's butt. THEY aren't going to pay the social costs.

    So why have the clause in the Canadian law? Simple. "No fraternizing" is a sop for the legislators who vote "yes" for the Canadian immigration bill. It gives them protective coloration when challenged by their constituents. Canadian legislators can point to the "no fraternizing" clause as proof they are looking out for their constituents' interests when any fool can see it will have absolutely no effect.

    Likewise the "married men only" clause in the Canadian law. For ten dollars you can get a forged social security card or drivers license, but some local priest-signed piece of paper is supposed to be magically impervious to fraud and forgery? All the farmer will do is check a box on the application saying he looked at something with "Marriago Certificato" at the top.

    Stupid. Prole-feed laws.

  21. About the beginning of the 20th Century, pioneering German sociologist Max Weber got his start researching German rural depopulation. He discovered that German peasants were disappearing from the German countryside because the rich German landowners (aka farmers) were importing cheap Polish peasants to take jobs from the German peasants.

  22. "When I read that line about farmers being afraid that amnesty would lead to their illegal workers deserting to 'seek less arduous occupations', I immediately was reminded of serfdom as practised i Europe in the middle ages"

    Yeah. When the Black Plague hit Europe, peasants discovered they could travel and get better pay. Rich folks were screaming that they couldnt keep their workers down on the farm. The King of England imposed a law permitting rich folks to snatch itinerant peasants without visible means of support. Sort of like slavecatchers or press gangs.

  23. What they really want is to turn the US into one large slave plantation with the well off on top and a few lower tier classes of managers and security services who'll keep the proles and other servants in line. Keeping the masses healthy by providing them with a good standard of medical care is getting too expensive; just dispense with it since unproductive people have no value anyway and the death panels further on down the road will save some money in the end. If domestic proles get too big for their britches then foreign ones are readily available; the right formula for importation just has to be found, that's all. To those on top the nation-state is an antiquated notion harbored by the commoners, a lowbrow, vulgar religion tolerated for it's usefulness such as when cannon-fodder for the endless war system is needed. The Canadians have sized up the Mexican laborers for their suitability: willingness to live apart from their families for long periods of time; no boozing; no whoring; no socializing; living cheaply in barracks or trailers; go back and forth as needed; no investment in them needed whatsoever, get sick then go back home; nameless, faceless, interchangeable. Sounds perfect.

  24. I think we need a guest worker program that requires that the guest workers be spayed or neutered.

    Guest worker eunuchs - works for me.

  25. USA with its large Ashkenazi population

    Full-blooded Jews, of whom most are Ashkenazi, make up less than 2% of the U.S. population. That's large compared to Britain, where Sephardim and Ashkenazim combined make up 0.5% of the population, but it's still not a particularly large group. It just feels that way if you visit New York.

  26. Sounds great to me, a person can go without having sex with another person for some time. A lot of these workers will work in Canada and then go to Washington state. The evangelicals here that pushed guestworker programs should not be against telling people not to have sex since they believe fornacation is a sin.

  27. The problem with getting rid of k thru 12 is if the parents are working in the states, the kids will be out in the streets getting into trouble. The illegals will stay and their kids grow up illiterate instead of the parents going back to Mexico.

  28. No Steve, they *DO* think about think about the impact of reproduction -- and it's something they desire. It's a means to creating more state-dependent, Democrat voters, a destruction of traditional America, and a general dilution of the power and presence of those nasty, un-cool white people.

  29. Nicholson cut a deal with Israeli Jew Mordechai Orian, the head of Global Crossing to import third worlders to the United States. See the Nicholson link for more info.

    After the Jews expelled Arab "guest workers" from Israel, Orian, an Orthodox Jew, was Johnny-on-the-spot to import third worlders as replacements. It was Orian's company, Global Crossing, that worked out the "no fornicating with Jews" worker contract provision in Israel and is likely behind the similar law in Canada.

    Hasn't worked out well for the Israelis. The non- fornicating third worlders are indeed fornicating and producing little children. The bleeding heart Israeli population is using that as a wedge to get the third worlder parents and kids legalized.

    But what can you do? Jews in Israel don't want to use cheap black Israeli Ethiopian Jews to take care of Bubbie and Zadie. They prefer forelock-tugging Thais and Pilipinos. Orian supplies the forelock-tugging cheap imports and the Israeli people are left to pay the unemployed black Jew welfare cost.

    Here is Orian's Global Crossing sales pitch. The (ahem) "foreign country" he refers to is Israel.

    "The Global Horizons story began in 1989, in the midst of a massive worker shortage in a foreign country. Born out of necessity and acting boldly, the newly-formed organization brought thousands of qualified workers into a strategic nation, averting impending economic disaster for that country. Today, Global continues to build on the experience and wisdom gained during that time of humble beginnings."

    One of the company's world-wide network of contract labor providers in fifteen countries, and on four continents. Recruiting quality workers from diverse places like Thailand, India, Nepal, Israel, as well as Eastern and Western Europe, Global Horizons brings those workers to any economy where domestic labor is in short supply because of the "economic evolution" occurring in that particular country. This, of course, includes the United States of America."

    So the UFW leaders like Nicholson and Irving Hirshenbaum (sp) are working hand-in-glove with Israeli Mordechai Orian to import docile third worlders to the USA (Canada, too) just like he does in Israel.

    I would love to find out how UFW guys are getting their payoff from Global Crossing. Just like ACORN wound up working for BankAmerica pimping rotten mortgages to ghetto folk , the UFW is now working for Global Crossing to import cheap labor. "Who, whom" indeed.

  30. Well, that's what happen under Reagan thousands left the central valley and went to La or the OC to work in the hotel or resturant industry when the got legalized.

  31. Well, actually in California the asians will be apart of the overclass since California is about 14 percent asian and might be 20 percent. Hispanics have married whites so they too will be apart of the upper class along with the remaining whites that are going down in number. Blacks will not be apart of the upper class even if half-white because in California they will be only 5 percent. In Texas maybe blacks with whites will moved into the upper class.

  32. "government officials partner with their Mexican counterparts."

    ROFL. I'm sure they do...

  33. "Farmers are exempted from that.
    I also remember when they started bringing in foreign workers. They fired the regulars and offered their jobs back at minimum wage.'

    Sounds to me like you were the farmer. Do "farmers" actually do any of the work?

    Why should these businesses be exempted from min wage?

    There should be a draft that forces people to work in farms and mines for a couple of years.

    You want electricity go in the mine and get the coal.

    If you want food, then go out and help harvest it.

  34. "Obama and liberals now push brown energy to save the economy, and the greens are pissed. " - They sold their soul a long time ago. what is there to be pissed about? All the reproduction the greens didn't think about creates massive demand for infrastructure.

  35. "'Temporary' immigrants always but always slowly and mysteriously transmogrify into 'permanent' immigrants.
    Mark my words. Don't believe the politic-speak." - On the other hand, no socializing, your family stays in mexico, and we don't fully pay you until you leave are all strong inducements to not stay. Will those be eroded over time?

    "There should be a draft that forces people to work in farms and mines for a couple of years." - Out in the rice fields so to speak? the reality is there is no shortage of labor, they should have to pay the market wage that society dictates and not attempt to play the societal arbitrage game.

  36. I don't think the US needs any help from a private company to import Third Worlders, Big Bill.

  37. Actually though, a private company would probably do a better job of keeping them in line.

  38. IHTG: "How can this be, guys? I thought that only the Jews were allowed to do that kind of thing."

    Who says it isn't Jews? The Jewish mogul who imports poor Asian workers to Israel and requires them to sign the "don't fsck Jewish women" contract also imports poor Asian workers to the USA for growers on the West Coast. I suspect he has found this provision a wonderful way to disarm critics. Of course lefties in the west would never stand for a "don't fsck white/Jewish women" clause, so in Canada it becomes a "don't fraternize in the trailers" clause.

    The farmers don't care who fornicates with whom so there will be plenty of fraternization with local whores and imported Mexican girls 12 and up. The spawn will be dumped on the Canadian taxpayer to feed, clothe, medicate and edumacate, and the liberals will scream that the fornicating farmworker should stay so his family will not be "divided" or "broken".

    The farmers care no more about policing farmworker fraternization during the harvest than hotels care about sexually policing teens in town for a weeklong cheerleader convention or Israeli kibbutzniks care about the cheap European peasants who till their soil, or the rich secular Israeli Ashkenazi care about the cheap Pilipino nurse in a Tel Aviv ghetto who wipes their granny's butt. THEY aren't going to pay the social costs.

    So why have the clause in the Canadian law? Simple. "No fraternizing" is a sop for the legislators who vote "yes" for the Canadian immigration bill. It gives them protective coloration when challenged by their constituents. Canadian legislators can point to the "no fraternizing" clause as proof they are looking out for their constituents' interests when any fool can see it will have absolutely no effect.

    Likewise the "married men only" clause in the Canadian law. For ten dollars you can get a forged social security card or drivers license, but some local priest-signed piece of paper is supposed to be magically impervious to fraud and forgery? All the farmer will do is check a box on the application saying he looked at something with "Marriago Certificato" at the top.

    Stupid. Prole-feed laws.

    I've quoted the whole comment, cos it's a great example of an American applying an American template to a Canadian situation and getting everything - absolutely everything - wrong.

    I assume Big Bill is American. If he's Canadian... I have no explanation.

    An egregious example:

    So why have the clause in the Canadian law? Simple. "No fraternizing" is a sop for the legislators who vote "yes" for the Canadian immigration bill. It gives them protective coloration when challenged by their constituents.

    Under the Westminster system, especially in its Canadian version, members of parliament follow the party line, with the rarest exceptions,. They don't need a sop, because that's not the way the system works.

    The rest is also wrong, but not as egregiously wrong.


  39. you can solve a lot of problems by just eliminating free k-12 education for illegal aliens and denying automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. to two non-U.S. parents.

    Both policies would take a Constitutional Amendment to get done, so they're not going to happen (unfortunately)

  40. The spawn will be dumped on the Canadian taxpayer to feed, clothe, medicate and edumacate, and the liberals will scream that the fornicating farmworker should stay so his family will not be "divided" or "broken".

    Why shopuld it matter? Liberals aren't supposed to care about family, anyway.

  41. Interesting I find out that both Texas and California are very similar in the percent of their kids on free and reduce lunch programs. Tough Texas while being tougher on the native born and legal immirgants and maybe tougher on section 8 still has a whopping 47 percent of the kiddies and maybe this is higher now on the free and reduce lunch program because it has California at 48 that's why I think its a little dated but it shows being tough on welfare isn't the only soluation reducing having low skilled people is needed too.

  42. I think the best policy, is to encourage the cheap, although well done, under-the-table labor of citizens.


  43. Both policies would take a Constitutional Amendment to get done, so they're not going to happen (unfortunately)

    then you shouldnt continue with the type of immigration reform being proposed.

  44. "Both policies would take a Constitutional Amendment to get done, so they're not going to happen (unfortunately)"

    Plyler v. Doe was a 5-4 ruling by one of the most leftist courts in history that was only written with several concurring opinions. It could easily be shoved down the memory hole if we ever move the balance back to the right.


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