January 15, 2013

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

George W. Bush and George P. Bush
From the Dallas News:
George P. Bush raises $1.3 million from family and friends for statewide office in Texas
The 36-year-old Fort Worth attorney, who operates a real estate private equity firm in Dallas, is a member of the Naval Reserve and has spent considerable time in recent years attempting to attract young professionals to the GOP. Bush speaks Spanish, and his mother Columba is from Mexico. In a party struggling to win over a growing Latino constituency, some conservatives view George P. Bush as a candidate on the state, and eventually on the national, scene with strong appeal to Hispanics.  

I pointed out how the Bush Dynasty saw amnesty and guest workers as a way to make George P. Bush President nine years ago.


  1. By one of those curious quirks of genetics, George P. Bush resembles nothing less than a Greek Cypriot (of the swarthier variety), especially with the hair that tends to curliness.'Tis strange that he has no Cypriot (honorary phenotype) blood whatsoever.
    Curioulsy, the Jowlhound himself, Richard M. Nixon also strongly resembled a generalized east mediterranean/littoral type (the word 'phoenician' screams out at me, for some unknown reason), rather than a 'typical' northern European (which he no doubt claimed to be). Of the jowlhound's ancestry, I know nothing, but I'm deeply suspicious of all of those published, 'potted' genealogies, but one assumes 'random mixing' with some 'mediterranid' - or, shockingly, a -nid from further points south blended in that ancestry mixing machine known as the USA to create this distinctive phenotype.

  2. The actor who most often plays Nixon in movies is Dan Hedaya, who comes from the Syrian Jewish community of Brooklyn.

  3. "the word 'phoenician' screams out at me, for some unknown reason"

    Dan Hedaya's father was born in Aleppo.

  4. Having never visited the Borders, I cannot comment with any accuracy, but I pass this along.

    In George Macdonald Fraser's most excellent "The Steel Bonnets," an historical overview of the Border Reivers along the Anglo-Scottish border, he writes of watching Nixon's inauguration, Nixon flanked by Lyndon Johnson and Billy Graham. (All famous border names.)

    "Richard Nixon, however, is the perfect example. The blunt, heavy features, the dark complexion, the burly body, and the whole air of dour hardness are as typical of the Anglo-Scottish frontier as the Roman Wall. Take thirty years off his age and you could put him straight into the front row of the Hawick scrum and hope to keep out of his way. It is difficult to think of any face that would fit better under a steel bonnet."

  5. I guess it's snake-skin shedding time of year again. From Connecticut Yankee "blue-bloods" to Texas "cowboys", now morphing into "Mexicans". How convenient.
    How do you say "snakes" in Spanish?

  6. I pointed out how the Bush Dynasty saw amnesty and guest workers as a way to make George P. Bush President nine years ago.

    Yes, that was one of your more memorable essays.

  7. Nah, it's all just about Bush paying back his contributors with cheap labor. The fact that a Bush heir happened to be Mestizo is secondary.

    From the article, see here: "Dallas waste-disposal company owner Harold Simmons gave $50,000, Houston homebuilder Bob Perry and his wife, Doylene, gave $65,000, Midland oilman and one-time gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams gave $25,000, and Dallas education entrepreneur Randy Best gave $50,000."

    However, I did come across this news release from the New York Slimes, Alternate Universe Edition: "Jorge P. Becerra, the 36-year-old Salem attorney, who operates a real estate private equity firm in Portland, is a member of the Chilton Country Club and has spent considerable time in recent years attempting to attract young professionals to the GOP. Bush speaks the Queen's English, and his mother Mackenzie is from England. In a party struggling to win over a growing Anglo-Saxon constituency, some conservatives view Jorge as a candidate on the state, and eventually on the national, scene with strong appeal to Anglo-Saxons."

    You think a party deliberately trying to appeal to Anglo-Saxon whites will ever be tolerated in this country?

    I'm tired of trying to win over the effing "growing Latino constituency." There will always be lingering animosity between various races, and there will always be a party willing to exploit it against the interests of whites. I don't want to belong to that party. In addition, and most importantly, Latinos are shifted well to the Left on the economic and educational bell curves, into regions where they would be Democrats even if they were white. We will never win that vote, and if we try to pursue it by doing things that strengthen their share of the voting population it will be political suicide.

    Oh and as for the Bush family? They're finished. Bush's Latino ancestry will remind Texas Republicans how the Bush family betrayed them on immigration.

  8. In other news, despite multiple articles in the press on the new amnesty putsch, National Review remained almost completely silent on the matter, aside from a few posts by Mark Krikorian and one by Charles C. W. Cooke.

    Gee, one would almost think they were bribed into silence or something...

  9. We have reached the point where TV reality is more real than real reality. Richard Nixon was a Quaker from California, and the people who knew him and his parents, brother, grandparents, etc. never thought he had Phoenician or Syrian Jewish ancestors. Are you going delusional?

  10. I believe that genetic studies have shown syrian jews to be genetically identical to ashkenazi. But have shown jews from iraq to be genetically different

  11. Interestingly, until about the year 200 jews agressively sought converts. See todays mormons as an analogy. Then They stopped and the genetics sort of froze. Though jews lived in eastern europe for a long time they have almost no eastern european dna

  12. If the first time is tragedy, and the second time is farce, what will the third time be?

    How could G.P. possibly be worse than G.W.? I'm sure we will find out.

  13. mariachis forever1/15/13, 8:33 AM

    Yet El P Bush's face from the nose down does scream out his mestizo ancestry.

    Has anyone else noticed how these men manage a facial expression that is both petulant and rebellious well into middle age while the women mostly trend toward a look of jaded resignation; (<just guessing here ;0) )then, sometime past 45, m and f both go all leathery?

  14. John McLaughlin (the priest turned chatshow host, not the guitarist) used to say that Nixon was "black Irish" on both sides of his family.

  15. Nixon´s type is not exactly exotic in the British Isles. It´s a Med influenced Northern European type. Totally North-Western European IMHO.

  16. A Hispanic mother, or a black father, will get white genes into positions of power - but white interests are never a priority.

  17. Believe it or not, Richard Nixon was a strikingly handsome young man before the jowliness set in: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxyh26godP1qz84n6o1_500.jpg

  18. I propose a constitutional amendment. We'll make it nice and bipartisan:

    "No person who is or has ever been named Bush or Clinton shall be eligible for any office of profit or trust in the United States."


    Might add Kennedy too. Are we ready for the roll call?

  19. George P. Bush: I preferred American names when they were things like "Pee Wee".

  20. Nixon had dark coloring, but looked like a dark Celtic type, rather than a Mediterranean type.

  21. Mr. Sailer,

    Off-topic, but did you see the syllabus for David Brooks' new course at Yale?


    Can't blame him for not trying.

  22. Perhaps he'll run against Chelsea Clinton or someone connected to the Kennedys. The political family dynasties are all putting their contenders and pretenders into the arena. Government 'service' must really be a grand lifestyle.

  23. First we get Bush #1. Then his idiot son, Bush #2. Now we seem to be being groomed for Bush #3.

    Maybe we should just declare a royal dynasty and be done with it.

  24. I have a brilliant way to bring blacks and browns to the GOP. Offer every Negro a million bucks and offer every Latino a free ticket to and free meal in the US.

  25. I'm getting so depressed reading your posts on important things (like the transformation of our civilization) that I'm starting to yearn for fluffier fare... like something about the profound weirdness of Jodi Foster.

  26. So, if Nixon looked Celtic and and actor Dan Hedaya's Aleppo Jewish roots tend to look Celtic, that sort of explains why Nixon and Hedaya look a lot alike.

  27. For Django to be unchained in the movies, Django had to be imprisoned and relocated in reality.
    Bill Clinton Eastwood(aka Slick Harry) locked up or relocated a lot of Djangos(from cities) and that brought down urban crime.
    So, white urbanites became less worried about black violence and could enjoy wild fantasization of violence on the screen again.

    In the 60s, many urban liberals thought the New Violence was hip and cool. But as yrs passed, violence got worse and worse in the big city.

    Kael's piece 'Fear of Movies'--in compilation WHEN THE LIGHTS GO DOWN--is very instructive of the changes that took place. Written in 1978, she says many of her urban(liberal) friends don't wanna see violence on the screen. It doesn't turn them on like it used to do--when BONNIE AND CLYDE came out. Many shun a film like TAXI DRIVER.

    Kael pinpoints to the possibility of racial factors though she doesn't spell it out:

    "Maybe it's partly because they wanna put the war behind them, but there's more to it: They are running away from flesh and blood on screen. They have lost the background of security that used to make it easy for them to respond to suspense stories. Now, when they're always conscious of the violence in the society and are afraid that it's going to be coming at them when they leave the theatre, they don't want to see anything frightening on the screen... What may be behind all this is the repression of the race issue. People feel that there's violence out there, and they want to shut it out. Movies, more than any other form of expression, are capable of bring us to an acceptance of our terrors; that must be why people are afraid of movies."

    If Kael was right, maybe urban liberals wouldn't have been so thrilled with a movie like DJANGO UNCHAINED if it had been released in the mid 70s. But they feel much safer now, so they can indulge in movie violence more as fantasy.

    Kael also makes a good point in her review of THE FRONT, something lost on most liberals who see blacklisted Hollywood commies not only as victims but saints.

    "THE FRONT is set in a period that was a Byzantine tragicomedy--a period in which communists were under attack and had no place to turn because they themselves had taken over the largest liberal organization and had denounced the anti-Communist left as Fascist. The heads of the networks and Hollywood studios, because of the publicity about those Jewish communists who worked for them, were terrified by Catholic pressure groups, a few women's clubs, and the American Legion. There was no way to conceal the high proportion of Jews among the blacklisted...
    There's also the possibility that reducing everything to the good guys vs the bad guys may serve a mythologizing function for the once blacklisted who worked on this movie and for those others who will see it: by turning them into simple victims, it protects them from the recognition that their plight, horrible though it was, was also ludicrous. They'd gone to bat for Communist oppression; they'd blown their talents defending an illusion. Naivete is still being protected. THE FRONT is hiding behind another front."

  28. Actually, beating the Democrats at their game isn't hard to do. Just offer more of what Democrats offer to various groups. Just turn GOP into the bigger and better Democratic party.

    Question is, is it worth it?

    This is like the moment in THE GODFATHER when the Corleones have to decide whether to go along with narcotics. Narcotics are the future of organized crime, but it can also endanger the whole enterprise.
    Hmm, what to do.

  29. Pee Wee Bush.

  30. Hey, we got a brown Dan Quayle!

  31. I really don't think even the GOP is gonna go with peewee Bush. Bushes are finished... rather like the Kennedies.

    Their trump card is they got a brownie in a browning country, but any brownie put up by Democrats will appeal to more brownies than any brownie put up by Bushes.

    It could be Bushes are more into Texas politics than national politics. Maybe they wanna use pee wee Bush to win over Texas brownies to the GOP.

  32. The "black Irish" or "dark Celtic" look is usually lumpy faced and blunt featured with dark coloring, like Nixon. The Mediterranean type is more refined looking. Bashar Al-Assad would be an example. He looks more like a French or Italian gentleman than the typical lumpy-faced dark Celtic type found in the British Isles.

  33. The "P" stands for "pendejo".

  34. In the foreword to 'The Steel Bonnets,' his wonderful book on the reivers of the Scots-English border country, George MacDonald Fraser writes of watching Nixons's inauguration when Billy Graham, Lyndon Johnson, and Nixon were all on the platform. He observed that all those names and all those Celtic faces could be found today in the border country and observed that Nixon's dour face would look especially right under the steel bonnet of a reiver.

  35. Steve, a Bush will never win another presidency. You´re smart enough to know this...

  36. The next prez will be Deval Patrick, you can bet on it.

  37. "Anonymous said...

    "Steve, a Bush will never win another presidency. You´re smart enough to know this..."

    But is the Republican Brain Trust smart enough to know this?

  38. I heard theories that the Phoenicians converted to Judaism after Carthage destruction.

  39. Anon 12:26 apologizes for redundancy, didn't notice Hunsdon's comment above. Y'all can't make everybody in the world into crafty Levantines; there are other crafty bastards in the world.

  40. [QUOTE]By one of those curious quirks of genetics, George P. Bush resembles nothing less than a Greek Cypriot (of the swarthier variety), especially with the hair that tends to curliness.'Tis strange that he has no Cypriot (honorary phenotype) blood whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

    You think George P. Bush looks Greek, so does that mean you think he is a "White Hispanic" and not a Brown Hispanic ?

  41. Steve pointed out that Bill Richardson's ueber-Anglo name meant he would never fully appeal to the "hispanic" constituency. Names matter. And for that reason George Prescott Bush may find that having brownish skin does not open the electoral doors he's clearly being told it will.

    Re: Nixon, his colouring and general facial type are a commonplace in much of England and Wales, and not much less so in Scotland and Ireland. The peoples of the British Isles are not and never have been particularly blond (look up Andrew Flintoff, Bobby Moore and Jonny Wilkinson for evidence that the Anglo-Saxons may still be with us in fairly undiluted form, however). We're not Celts - look to Switzerland, Austria and other regions of central Europe for them - we're essentially a paleolithic ethnic group without a name.

  42. How do you say "snakes" in Spanish?


  43. The "P" stands for "pendejo".


  44. Face the same loss, same as the old loss.

  45. "But is the Republican Brain Trust smart enough to know this?"

    Probably. $1.3 million doesn't sound like a lot in terms of a Texas statewide office, and much of it appears to come from a tiny handful of people, probably just as payback for past favors.

    What's disturbing about the Bush clan is how quickly they go into big politics without having accomplished much first. What did brothers George and Jeb have to their credit before running for governor? What has George P. done? At least run for smaller office, like the state legislature or a House seat.

    "The next prez will be Deval Patrick, you can bet on it."

    Not likely. The economy will sputter. The US will be broke come 2016. Barack Obama will leave the Dems in the same position Bush left the GOP. 2016 should be a great year to be a Republican nominee, unless they shoot themselves in the foot by letting an amnesty pass.

  46. Celts were well-spread over Europe, all the way to Hungary, Serbia, and Bulgaria. There were even quite a few in what is now Turkey.

  47. [QUOTE]Steve pointed out that Bill Richardson's ueber-Anglo name meant he would never fully appeal to the "hispanic" constituency. Names matter. And for that reason George Prescott Bush may find that having brownish skin does not open the electoral doors he's clearly being told it will.[/QUOTE]

    That would explain why Hispanic support for George Zimmerman's innocence is almost non existent. The vast majority of George Zimmerman supporters are not the "vibrantly diverse" types.

    The reasons why Hispanics can not get behind the "George Zimmerman is innocent bandwagon" is because his last name does not sound south of the border enough.

    When people think of the last name Zimmerman they do not think of a 5 foot 4 Brown Chicano selling oranges in the streets of Los Angeles.

    They think of a German Ashkenazi or a German Gentile. There is nothing "Viva La Raza" about the last name Zimmerman.

    George would have more supporters in the Hispanic community who think he is innocent, if his last name was Zapata.

  48. I guess it's snake-skin shedding time of year again. From Connecticut Yankee "blue-bloods" to Texas "cowboys", now morphing into "Mexicans". How convenient.

    Almost as impressive as a Kansas Jayhawker transforming himself into our first "black" president. Never underestimate Yankee ingenuity.

  49. ""The next prez will be Deval Patrick, you can bet on it."

    Wrong! The next president will be a Republican, oh Great God of African Worship; that is how the one party/two branch system works. We get 8 years of Republican followed by 8 years of Democrat, for the most part, in order to accomplish this, the media begins destroying the sitting president's legacy at the end of year 3(when he is not shot). For instance:

    Kennedy-Johnson, 8 years, Vietnam
    Nixon-Ford 8 years Watergate/Incompetence
    Carter 4 years, economy (candidate to weak to hold office.)
    Regan-Bush 12 years, Gulf War.
    Clinton 8 years, scandal
    Bush 8 years, War, economy general incompetence.
    Barry 8 years ????

  50. "Richard Nixon, however, is the perfect example. The blunt, heavy features, the dark complexion, the burly body, and the whole air of dour hardness are as typical of the Anglo-Scottish frontier as the Roman Wall. Take thirty years off his age and you could put him straight into the front row of the Hawick scrum and hope to keep out of his way. It is difficult to think of any face that would fit better under a steel bonnet."

    Tommy Lee Jones' face would fit quite well under a steel bonnet. Apparently SWPL's find his face hilarious.

  51. They think of a German Ashkenazi or a German Gentile. There is nothing "Viva La Raza" about the last name Zimmerman.

    Zimmerman. That sounds like those really huge blimps the Krauts used to use, until they filled one with hydrogren and it exploded.

    If George Zimmerman was really smart, he would have changed his last name to "Dylan", and have the impossibly powerful Welsh lobby on his side. No, I don't mean the Scotch-Irish.

  52. Anon 12:26 apologizes for redundancy.

    Hunsdon: Good sir, just knowing that there is another Fraser fan out there makes the redundancy a joy, not an imposition, a pleasant discovery, not a burden.

  53. Well, the damage from Reagan to the present with a lot of Hispanics does have some promising news. In California all the ethnic groups except Hispanics are below replacement, Hispanics will be below replacement by 2020 in California if current trends hold up. Maybe in Texas they will reach below replacement by 2025 since Texas is cheaper to live and their birthrates are dropping slower.

  54. Well, actually a lot of Texan Republicans are bad on immirgation not jsut Bush. Rick Perry has Chuck Devore the ex-Orange County Ca Assemly person who also is not good on illegal immirgation and when he was in Orange County took after the asian illegals instead of the Hispanic illegals that were much larger to score some brownie points when he was in California. DeVore was apart of the Lincoln Club and he went to Texas since in Texas the old OC guard could do good in Texas politics as an advisor. The only good guy isn't Ted Cruz but Lamar Smith as far as I can tell in Texas.


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