January 4, 2013

More birth tourism fraud

In the L.A. Times:
In suburbs of L.A., a cottage industry of birth tourism 
Companies operating 'maternity hotels' cater to pregnant women from Chinese-speaking nations who want an American-citizen newborn.

A couple of years ago, I had a Chinese birth tourism fraud website translated into English so I could analyze the cash value of the eight benefits the fraudsters proposed for having Chinese babies in the U.S. Obviously, being an American citizen has scarcity value, which Chinese con-moms want to deplete for the benefit of their offspring. The cash value can add up to a huge number. 

The fundamental problem is that we are never supposed to notice that America exists, as the Founders explained in the Preamble to the Constitution, "for ourselves and our posterity."

I concluded:
Yet the reigning dogma promulgated today is the more, the merrier! We Americans should be proud and happy that tens of millions of foreigners are conniving their way in. The more immigrants that jostle us, the more awesome we know we must be. 
U-S-A! U-S-A! 
Tellingly, this kind of silly thinking is never even brought up when it comes to protecting the scarcity value of municipal residence. The liberals of Beverly Hills, for example, carefully police the scarcity value of living in Beverly Hills. 
Why would they want more people piling into Beverly Hills? They like it the way it is. And why would they want to let the children of non-Beverly Hillsians attend Beverly Hills public schools? 
Actually, Beverly Hills does let some non-residents send their children to Beverly Hills High. But are these lucky exceptions "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?"
Don't be ridiculous. The outsiders who are allowed into Beverly Hills public schools are the grandchildren of long-time Beverly Hills residents—the children of Beverly Hills public school alumni who now can't afford to live in Beverly Hills. ...
Seriously, the voters of Beverly Hills understand the part about "for ourselves and our posterity" just as well as the Founding Fathers did and the Chinese do. 
And good for them. They built excellent schools in Beverly Hills. So why shouldn't they take measures to help their descendants' benefit from their scarcity value? 
But why shouldn't Americans be allowed to think of America the way that Beverly Hillsians think of Beverly Hills?


  1. Auntie Analogue1/4/13, 3:54 PM

    'Tis long past time that we began a push for a constitutional amendment to supersede the present moronic interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment: an amendment to ban anchor babies and birth tourism ought to be Project One for Americans who care genuinely for and about the United States.

    Such an amendment would close permanently one loophole in our feckless elect's and pious Media-Pravda's refusal to stop legal and illegal immigration. It would be the perfect first step in a gradualist riposte to the continuing, successful, cumulative gradualism of the radicals.

  2. first link is wrong URL

  3. I like how you shine light on how foreigners are exploiting us. However, this really isn´t whats changing America´s demographics. This is a drop in the bucket(or ocean).

  4. Wouldn't Hawaii be cheaper? (Guam? American Samoa?)

    Similar situation worked for Barack Sr.

  5. I think that more Chinese immigrants would be good for the US. Obviously we need to base legal immigration on an entrance exam.

  6. It's interesting to note that this is a topic in immigration that the mainstream press is willing to cover. The last time I heard this story was in a WaPo article.

  7. Whitey Gene O'Cide1/4/13, 6:17 PM

    There are nearly 7 billion Americans in this world. Most just don't have their papers yet. Every one of them is entitled to food, housing, education and health care. The ones who don't have papers yet are entitled to get it all for free. If you have any objections to this, for any reason, then you're the problem.


  8. Foreign Expert1/4/13, 6:39 PM

    Another benefit is that after returning to China, they can be registered as the "owners" of fishing boats and thus can fish in US waters.

  9. Watch how tame or even supportive these comments will be for this article because the people undermining America are East Asian. East Asians do not get scrutinized like other groups. It's largely because East Asians are quiet compared to other groups in the United States. They get overlooked because of it. Some white people are fine if the upper classes of American society are filled with East Asians, South Asians and Jews. I guess being perpetually stuck on the lower economic rungs is fine with them. We have groups of people who like to blame and shame white people for the creation of this country at the same time reap the benefits white people created.

    I bet we will hear from a couple East Asian posters who will suggest to us that these people are the scum of China. (Because, you know, white people are scum therefore those who get with them are too.) They will tell us the crème de la crème of Chinese society stay home.

  10. Sorry to get off topic but Gavin Mcinnes mentioned you by name Steve on tv's Red Eye yesterday. Next your articles will be discussed on The View.

  11. Given the divergent trends in the economy and rates of taxation, these kids can look forward to forking over their Chinese income to Uncle Sam. Uncle Same is laughing at these suckers. Expect a wave of renounced citizenship. Expect 2030-2040 posts on how these people were never really Americans anyway, so big whoop that millions are giving up their citizenship.

  12. There are nearly 7 billion Americans in this world. Most just don't have their papers yet. Every one of them is entitled to food, housing, education and health care.

    And to exercise dominion over us by voting!

  13. Louis Western1/4/13, 7:55 PM

    There is a huge hole in morality/philosophy thinking in that morality does not scale well. When there is one homeless person outside my pub when I go home, I can buy him a slice of pizza, and feel good about myself. If there were 500, I would call the police. We cannot have the entire world move to the USA and Western Europe to feel good about ourselves and still maintain our quality of life.

  14. Why should only kids who are born in America be granted citizenship?

    No kidding. Why not cats and dogs as well, if they're born in America? A focus on the human race ti the exclusion of all others seems awfully ... racist.

  15. Mr Sailer,

    Please clarify where the "fraud" is here. Presumably these foreign women get the basic thing that they paid for/are interested in: US citizenship for their kid.

    In contrast, it's pretty clear where the abject stupidity lies.

  16. 'Tis long past time that we began a push for a constitutional amendment to supersede the present moronic interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment: an amendment to ban anchor babies and birth tourism ought to be Project One for Americans who care genuinely for and about the United States____________________________-

    I am surprised that some lobbying groups hasn't begun the process of forcing some legislator to being the amendment process.

  17. Steve's point--"for ourselves and our posterity" is one that should be used to fight for an amendment to prevent anchor baby citizenship.

  18. The Chinese are utterly ruthless at taking advantage.

    In 1906 the San Francisco earthquake destroyed the birth records office. This allowed the cunning Chinese to make a cottage industry out of "paper sons" - illegal aliens who claimed to be born in the USA. Some Chinese today actually have the gall to brag about it, taking advantage of what was a tragedy for other Americans living there.

  19. I wonder, in 50 years from now, when any American with the means is desperately trying to find a way out, if the Chinese will be quite so empty-headed, er, sorry, open-minded.

  20. If the US brought back the draft it might discourage this sort of thing. My husband was born in the US when his father (who was in the Canadian Air Force) was stationed at the Pentagon in 1955. The family moved back to Canada when he was six months old. They registered his birth with the Canadian government as a "birth abroad". My husband took precautions to make sure he was a Canadian and not an American because he didn't want to get drafted.

  21. Why should only kids who are born in America be granted citizenship? Isn't that birth-racism? All kids around the world should be granted American citizenship. And Americans should be granted citizenship to every country.

    20 years of appeals to common sense to logic, reason and common sense have achieved nothing. Maybe we need to help the neo-Bolshevist American Empire by using its own ideology against it and demanding an end to Racist Borders and Racist Passports.

    Maybe Keith Preston at Attack the System can help us with this campaign. I think guerilla theatre and civil disobedience at major MSM facilities would be a good idea.

  22. Hey Steve, do you think that mass amnesty and "immigration reform" will happen soon?

  23. "If the US brought back the draft it might discourage this sort of thing. My husband was born in the US when his father (who was in the Canadian Air Force) was stationed at the Pentagon in 1955. The family moved back to Canada when he was six months old. They registered his birth with the Canadian government as a "birth abroad". My husband took precautions to make sure he was a Canadian and not an American because he didn't want to get drafted."

    You need to tell him to make sure he has actually been American-proofed. The IRS is making a renewed effort to go after American citizens overseas for not filing income tax returns.

  24. " Orthodox said...
    Given the divergent trends in the economy and rates of taxation, these kids can look forward to forking over their Chinese income to Uncle Sam. Uncle Same is laughing at these suckers. Expect a wave of renounced citizenship. Expect 2030-2040 posts on how these people were never really Americans anyway, so big whoop that millions are giving up their citizenship."

    If they are physically here in the states earning at the time, perhaps, otherwise, doubt it. Uncle Sam has a hard enough time keeping accurate tabs on people's accounts here. If they are in China, squirreling away into a Chinese account, and the Chinese government would care little for actually doing something about it; probably they would do their usual, put on a facade of concern and a token effort then talk about how it is so hard there to do anything.

  25. Well, National review wants to get rid of the mortagage deductions to soak it to the Blue States. There problem is that in California in Los Angeles County the most bluest parts ar the poor hispanic cities and the least Democratic are the upper-middle cities like Santa Clarita. There are some rich Democratic ciites but hispanic ciites have lower housing value. Also, in Orange County Ca Newport Beach voted 67 percent for Romeny and would really be hit by getting rid of the mortagage deduction while low income Santa Ana which only average housing around 320,000 would not. Just how silly people want to hit white people.

  26. Birth tourism?

    Who gives a shit? The Search for the Great White Defendant (SGWD) continues!


  27. This could be the saving of the US public finances. These children can be pursued all round the world for taxes.

  28. http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2013/01/04/what-a-car-bomb-in-iraq-means-for-the-civil-war-in-syria/

  29. Steve's point--"for ourselves and our posterity"
    oh come on folks, can't you see the twist now... "since we are a nation of immigrants from all over, our posterity is the planet blah blah blah, just like the Sierra Club shifted to a 'global outlook' on the environment.

  30. In 1906 the San Francisco earthquake destroyed the birth records office. This allowed the cunning Chinese to make a cottage industry out of "paper sons" -
    even back then the US had a warped view of immigration - the japanese would complain of 'racism' (though the term wasn't invented yet) and the US (even TR) would handle the 'yellow peril' situation with kid gloves, less they be offended...
    No one points out that to this day oriental countries have far stricter immigration laws.

  31. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/suburbs/tinley_park/chi-5-plead-guilty-in-antiracist-attack-at-tinley-park-restaurant-20130104,0,3711102.story

    Anti-hate crime.

    Notice how the story calls it a 'brawl' when it was an assault carried out bu one side.

    Do blacks attack rappers and Nation of Islam for hate?

    No, only whites attack other whites.

  32. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-lt-gov-tv-star-support-real-families-formed-by-gay-marriage-20130102,0,7650071.story

    “I think it’s a bit like a Trojan horse. A lot of people who were not comfortable with marriage equality … turn on the television and see a show that has a lot of different families in it — and one of those families just happens to be gay. They’re realizing they have a great time watching the show, then they’re watching a gay couple that’s having a lot of the same problems and issues they have. They realize ‘Oh they’re not so different from me.’ And at that point, we’re in their living rooms,” he said.

  33. http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/movies/sc-mov-1231-zero-dark-thirty-20130103,0,2020026.column

  34. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/04/letter-kathryn-bigelow-zero-dark-thirty

  35. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2012/apr/16/katy-perry-military-pop-cultural-complex

  36. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uuwfgXD8qV8

    Now that Jews and gays and mulattos control the government/military, 'liberal fascism' is cool in Hollywood and music industry.

  37. "If the US brought back the draft it might discourage this sort of thing. My husband was born in the US when his father (who was in the Canadian Air Force) was stationed at the Pentagon in 1955. The family moved back to Canada when he was six months old. They registered his birth with the Canadian government as a "birth abroad". My husband took precautions to make sure he was a Canadian and not an American because he didn't want to get drafted."

    IIRC Peter Brimelow wrote that during his naturalization ceremony, many of the other newly naturalized kept their old passports and openly joked they'd send their kids back to the old country IF the draft was reinstated.
    But that was just IF it was reinstated. I definitely think Meli is onto something. If the US DID reinstate the draft, with far fewer loopholes than in the 60s (or Israel today for the non-ultra Orthodox) I think you'd see a rise in the quality of naturalized citizens.

  38. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/dec/21/coming-drone-attack-america

    Sheeeet, wolf is writing some stuff that the right would agree with.

  39. Naomi Wolf:

    "In February of this year, Congress passed the FAA Reauthorization Act, with its provision to deploy fleets of drones domestically. Jennifer Lynch, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, notes that this followed a major lobbying effort, "a huge push by […] the defense sector" to promote the use of drones in American skies: 30,000 of them are expected to be in use by 2020, some as small as hummingbirds – meaning that you won't necessarily see them, tracking your meeting with your fellow-activists, with your accountant or your congressman, or filming your cruising the bars or your assignation with your lover, as its video-gathering whirs."

    Big Bird is watching you.

  40. When will Sailer review Zero?




  41. ZERO sounds like MUNICH.

  42. Is birth tourism a bubble (are they buying the equivalent of sub prime mortgages) or are they buying value?

    If they are buying into value are they buying a stream of welfare payments or do they figure their kids will be ringers in the American meritocracy system.

  43. Off-topic, but thought you might be interested in this story about the lead-crime link in MotherJones: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/lead-crime-link-gasoline

  44. This won't go on forever. The US won't be so desirable to live once Chinese, Indians and Mexicans are the majority.

    It'll be like wanting to immigrate to the Phillipines.

  45. Yup.
    It's the best deal in town. I know of no other bargain, no where else in God's green Earth in which such a multiplier of cents on the dollar can be (legitimatelY bought and so stark staring obviously - it's rather like a real non-crooked Bernie Madoff in a Santa outfit offering you perpetual birthright siver spoon annuities for yer new-borns - backed up by the world's mightest military and non-stop money press - for the price of peanuts, I mean what sort of mug wouldn't do it - the sort of mug who couldn't score in a brothel with a $100 bill tied to his plonker.
    The only mystery is why (apart from the inifinitely sly and canny Chinese) hasn't the rest of the World woken up this sale of the century and piled in ?, why not the even sneakier and cunninger subcons or even the Steveophobic hairy men? Surely *something* must be going on here, no one but no one comes between an Armenian or a Pakistani and a chump when he sees one.
    I also wonder why the shopfronts of 'financial advisors' (you know those bods who deal in mortagages, pensions, insurance, stocks etc), throughout the globe - they exist everywhere - aren't offering all inclusive American birth package deals, perhaps on installments, to folks from Lagos to Bangkok, or Karachi to Kinshasa?
    Now come on, it's such an obvious one-sided, cannot lose 10000% force multiplier good deal (n Madoffs included), that I just cannot see why more of the great unscrupulous aren't buying in.
    What's stopping them?

  46. As much as I agree with your analogy, Steve, I've met enough bubble-headed "progressive" types here in Portland to know that their ire would be aimed at the injustice and "White Privilege" of Beverly Hillians, such that they would feel good about about doing the opposite.

    The other problem, of course, is when was the last time you heard any of the aforementioned progressives having any posterity. The few that do either quickly migrate "red" (ie. marriage-gap) or are in a position where their posterity stand to benefit (ie. democratic polls and the lily-white hispanic class).

  47. I've long held that the greatest gift I have ever received was American citizenship.

    Thank's Mom and Dad!

    Of course, the family EARNED the right to bestow that gift - my father was a SeaBee in the Solomons in WWII - a patrilinear ancestor fought with Washington at Trenton.

    When a colleague, born in Taiwan but naturalized, told me that his wealthy family sent his mother to live with him so that she could get Medicare I despised him. And not just because he lived in a big house in a nice neighborhood and drove an S-class Mercedes, but because his family was STEALING from mine and other Americans.

  48. Al said: I think that more Chinese immigrants would be good for the US.

    Hunsdon questioned: In what sense, sir? Better than the ones we have now? Better than minuscule immigration of any sort? Better in the Tyler Cowen cheap-chow-mein sense?

  49. This is from a couple of days ago in the Huffington Post. A glance at the comments is wearying.


  50. Re the draft issue.

    Just been reading about great British DJ John Peel. He was resident in the US from 1960 to 1967. At some point he was informed that he was liable for the draft and potentially going to Vietnam, even though a British citizen, just by being resident for long enough.

    (He avoided being drafted due to his having completed two years service in the British Army, the USG waiving the draft for anyone who had served in an allied military)

  51. There are no American leaders to oppose this. The masses do nothing unless they have leaders. And Jewish control of media, academia, Wall Street,and government has made it impossible for anyone to become a prominent social or political leader to lead the masses.

    Anyone who tries will be smeared, and any big company or rich person who funds such a person will be bankrupted.

  52. Off topic, but continuing a long-running discussion on iSteve about explanations for changing crime rates over time: This article posits that lead exposure from leaded gasoline explains a large fraction of the huge crime wave in the middle of the century.

    I have no idea how well this holds up, but it might explain one aspect of why the 60s-70s were such an odd time all over the world, as well.

  53. Sorry to get off topic but Gavin Mcinnes mentioned you by name Steve on tv's Red Eye yesterday. Next your articles will be discussed on The View.

    See, Steve, you should be a foreign national who married a non-white ethnic and your career trajectory might have been different... or maybe not. Oops, somebody tell Gavin to watch his back...

    Please clarify where the "fraud" is here.

    Entering on tourist visa for non-tourist purpose, duh.

    When a colleague, born in Taiwan but naturalized, told me that his wealthy family sent his mother to live with him so that she could get Medicare I despised him. And not just because he lived in a big house in a nice neighborhood and drove an S-class Mercedes, but because his family was STEALING from mine and other Americans.

    I think that more Chinese immigrants would be good for the US.

    I was just travelling in China. The basic default position of Chinese businessmen is fraud. They seem to think they're clever if they, e.g., give you the wrong change (maybe half of my transactions). On the other hand, they are perfectly happy to sit around in squalor and wait for business to come to them. And--as any traveler in Asia has no doubt noticed--they proliferate copycat businesses rather than becoming entrepreneurs in unexplored niches. In short, they have nothing to offer us.

  54. "When a colleague, born in Taiwan but naturalized, told me that his wealthy family sent his mother to live with him so that she could get Medicare I despised him. And not just because he lived in a big house in a nice neighborhood and drove an S-class Mercedes, but because his family was STEALING from mine and other Americans."

    There are also Indians that come here and then get a husband or wife for their child from India. The new husband comes here of course and then a few years later brings his parents over.

    I believe if the parents are old enough they qualify for supplemental social security and medicare like you said even if they never worked here.

    Then the grandparents can take care of the grandchildren for free so daycare is not necessary.

    Not to mention the jobs being taken up by the couple.

  55. "Given the divergent trends in the economy and rates of taxation, these kids can look forward to forking over their Chinese income to Uncle Sam. Uncle Same is laughing at these suckers. Expect a wave of renounced citizenship. Expect 2030-2040 posts on how these people were never really Americans anyway, so big whoop that millions are giving up their citizenship." - No, they'll just cheat on their taxes.

  56. Birthright citizenship ("anchor baby") was largely defined by the 1898 Wong Kim Ark Supremem Court decision. There has been plenty of commentary on WKA, but the truly narrow application of WKA is emphasized reviewing the concise statement of the question the case was meant to decide, written by Hon. Horace Gray, Justice for the majority in this decision.

    "[W]hether a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States by virtue of the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.” (Italics added.)

    For WKA to justify birthright citizenship, the parents must have “…permanent domicile and residence...” But how can an illegal alien have permanent residence when the threat of deportation is constantly present? There is no statute of limitation for illegal presence in the US and the passage of time does not eliminate the legal remedy of deportation. This alone would seem to invalidate WKA as a support and precedent for illegal alien birthright citizenship.

    Legal aliens can indeed have a “. . .permanent domicile and residence. . .” and WKA appears to be written for this class of persons. However, we note that if legal alien parents are unemployed, unemployable, illegally employed, or if they get their living by illegal means, then they are not “. . .carrying on business. . .”, and so the children of indigent or criminal “legal aliens” may not be eligible for birthright citizenship. This is a more extreme point, and its main use may be to show the poor quality of the WKA decision.

    Because the statement of the case for WKA appears to address the specific situation of the children of legal aliens, it is not an applicable precedent to justify birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens.
    Occasionally foreign couples take a trip to the US during the last phase of the wife’s pregnancy so she can give birth in the US, conferring birthright citizenship on the child. This practice is called “birth tourism.”

    WKA calls out two qualifications to allow birthright citizenship: permanent residence and doing business. A temporary visit answers neither condition. WKA is therefore disqualified as justification and precedent for a “birth tourism” child to be granted birthright citizenship.


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