January 22, 2013

Obama Adviser / Desperate Housewife

A rather curious article from last week's Wall Street Journal that only makes sense if you already understand both how desperate the rich and powerful in America are to get in touch with the Mexican-American leadership ... and how there isn't any Mexican-American leadership, and barely any Mexican-American celebrities:
Eva Longoria's Next Role: Hispanic Activist in Washington


Eva Longoria emerged in 2012 as President Obama's secret weapon in securing the Hispanic vote. Now the Hollywood star is starting in earnest her transition from celebrity to political activist. WSJ's Monica Langley sat down with Ms. Longoria for an interview. 
When Barack Obama takes the presidential oath of office on Monday, he will be joined on the platform by Supreme Court justices, former presidents—and one of the "Desperate Housewives." 
Actress Eva Longoria, the 37-year-old star of the hit television show and twice Maxim magazine's Hottest Woman of the Year, is taking on a challenging new role as a Hispanic activist and power player in Washington, D.C. One of her primary aims is to make the case that "Latinos aren't a drain on the economy or criminals crossing the border," she says. "Most are hardworking people who are America's emerging market."

Eva Longoria emerged in 2012 as President Obama's secret weapon in securing the Hispanic vote. Now the Hollywood star is starting in earnest her transition from celebrity to political activist. 
Ms. Longoria is the most prominent among Latino leaders who are gaining political sway from the 2012 election, in which the Hispanic vote was a critical force in delivering victory to Mr. Obama. A co-chair of his campaign, she stumped for him at rallies across the country and was one of the largest "bundlers," or fundraisers, while hosting star-studded events raising millions of dollars. 
Her role reaches beyond fundraising and speechmaking, however, and into policy and strategy.

Why not?
She helped urge Mr. Obama to make a key change in immigration policy last year, and she is teaming with business to explore investments in housing and retail developments in Hispanic communities.

What could possibly go wrong?
Along the way she has developed a rapport with the president and his advisers. She is now planning meetings this weekend with the capital's elite, including private receptions at the White House and vice president's residence and a bipartisan brunch she is co-hosting at a Georgetown eatery this weekend with Mark McKinnon, a former strategist for George W. Bush and Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain. There, she plans to begin a Republican outreach by meeting with Colin Powell, the former secretary of state, and other attendees including Grover Norquist.


  1. Are we actually supposed to believe that Obama needed Eva Frickin' Longoria to get the Hispanic vote?

    I will say this: if a few million more just like her want to come over, let 'em!

  2. When will they ever learn?

  3. Clearly Sofia Vergara wasn't available.
    Or Evan Longoria.

  4. What percentage of Desperate Housewives audience was ever "Hispanic" in the looseest sense of the word? What percentage of that is by any means Mexican?
    Look its not like Eva when on hiatus from her TV show is appearing to sold out arenas of la gente and delivering foul mouthed stand up routine bashing el gringo and touting the la raza a la George Lopez. Likewise "The Young and the Restless" was not exactly a telenovela.
    My hunch is that a lot of Longoria's vastly overestimated credibility with Mexicans comes from her friendship with Lopez and Maxim mag covers. Otherwise Mexicans would not know who shes is.

    From Wikipedia: Eva Jacqueline Longoria was born in Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, the youngest of four daughters born to Mexican-Americans Enrique Longoria, Jr. and Ella Eva Mireles.[2][4][5] The first of Longoria’s ancestors to arrive in the Americas came from Spain in 1603.[6] She was raised Roman Catholic.[7]

  5. She has a nice ass, so I say we should trust her.

  6. "I will say this: if a few million more just like her want to come over, let 'em!"

    There aren't a few million more just like her.

  7. You know who should be really really scared by about Eva???

    Amanda Bush aka Mrs George P Bush.

    Eva is already single again. IMHO Eva is just a car accident or plane crash away from being a future first lady.

    The former Amanda Williams should forget about the U of TX law degree, the legal career, her fine blond hair and figure, or even mastering the kamasutra.

    If I was Mrs George P. Bush I would be working really really hard on making sure Jeb & Columba are happy grandparents asap.

  8. This actually makes perfect sense when you think about it. The target of immigration rhetoric is not hispanics, who are irrelevant electorally, but whites who want to feel enlightened. And when whites who want to feel enlightened think about prominent Hispanics, they think Eva Longoria.

  9. Skip Gates is in the house!!!

    From Wikipedia:


    According to research done by Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., of Harvard University, in 2010 for the PBS series Faces of America, Longoria's Spanish ancestry can be traced back to her ninth great-grandfather, Lorenzo Suarez de Longoria (b. Oviedo, 1592), who emigrated to the Viceroyalty of New Spain in 1603 (now modern-day Mexico), and whose family originated from a small village called Llongoria, Belmonte de Miranda, Asturias, Spain. Longoria is the Spanish spelling of the surname. Through the generations, Longoria's ancestors moved north to the modern US-Mexico border. In 1767, her 7th great-grandfather received almost 4,000 acres (16 km2) of land along the Rio Grande in a land grant from the King of Spain. This land stayed in the family for over a century, enduring through the influx of Anglo settlers in the aftermath of the Mexican-American War and American Civil War.[64] Eva Longoria is Mexican-American.

    Her DNA test results were: 70% European, 27% Asian/Indigenous, and 3% African.[65] Specifically, her indigenous American ancestry is Mayan.[66] After a computer compared the DNA results of Gates's dozen guests, tests showed that she is genetically related to cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who is of Chinese heritage.[65]

  10. Harry Baldwin1/22/13, 2:37 AM

    She's hosting a lunch with Mark McKinnon, the "former strategist for George W. Bush and Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain." Yes, that staunch Republican McKinnon, who left the McCain campaign because he didn't want to have any part of defeating Barack Obama.

    And for Republican outreach, who better to meet with than Colin Powell, an Obama supporter who considers the GOP irredeemably racist?

  11. Rex Little said
    I will say this: if a few million more just like her want to come over, let 'em!

    Well Rex, given that Eva's ancestors started coming over in 1603. I would say that instead of a ladder or even a boat, what you would really need is a flux capacitor.

  12. Her DNA test results were: 70% European, 27% Asian/Indigenous, and 3% African.


  13. Is meeting with Colin Powell really "Republican outreach"? That sounds more like an internal strategy session to me. Norquist, too, is already very much onside with immigration "reform". Who else will be there? Chris Christie? David Brooks? Andrew Sullivan?

    I mean, it's not surprising that the White House doesn't actually want to give Eva Longoria any real responsibility. Smart move, probably. The article is really pushing in the other direction though.

  14. Great.She can share an office with Kal Penn

  15. This "marriage" will last a few years, then she'll find the secret text messages on Obama's phone to Biden's wife, and it'll all be over...

  16. Longoria... is taking on a challenging new role as a Hispanic activist and power player in Washington, D.C.

    I wouldn't call it challenging. More like something she fell into.

    One of her primary aims is to make the case that "Latinos aren't a drain on the economy or criminals crossing the border," she says. "Most are hardworking people...

    Oh wow. So 51% is okay. I don't have a good feeling when a celebrity spokesman tells us to lower our expectations.

  17. Actually this is probably a smart career change for Longoria. At 37 she's getting pretty long in the tooth for Hollywood, so why not do something else. And as Steve says, there's not a lot of competition for leadership in the Hispanic community.

  18. Seems like a story from out of The Onion. Perhaps she's secretly a deep thinker, a Mexican Hedy Lamarr or something along those lines.

  19. No wonder Tony Parker cheated on her...

  20. Her and Kal Penn...stick to your day jobs Hollywood types!

  21. If every Republican in office were hispanic, the Republicans still would not get the hispanic vote, first because the media would still demonize Republicans as being against the poor and minorities. And second and most importantly, because Democrats will get them freebies from their host, the white middle class. About 1/3 of hispanics vote Republican because that is approximately the ratio of middle class tax paying hispanics who are often business owners and many of them are white. Very few hispanics are rich enough to be liberals milking the system from the top, so few rich hispanics vote Democrat. The other 2/3, which vote Democrat, fall in the 47% of all Americans who get more than they give.

  22. With some of the reports out of California that Asians legally are coming more than Hispanics. Most people don't know this but probablymore Mexicans came legally or were legalized because of chain mirgation. Mexico tops most countries at 28 to 30 percent of legal immirgants, so they are down. Also, that Hispanics might be at or below replacement by 2020 Now the question is if there is a legalization will it be worst than Irca.

  23. How bright is Eva Longoria? How well would she do in a hostile interview with lots of gotcha questions on public policy about which she knows nothing? I am thinking of something like this ambush of a young beauty pageant contestant:


    Maybe the Obama team is working on a crash indoctrination course before they send her out to actually say anything. That combined with a friendly media and all the right answers well rehearsed and she could be ready for lights, camera, action.

  24. Well, there is one catch the rise of asian immirgaition. Granted, the hispanics and asians are against whites but they usually compete against each other for legal immirgation. The asians can have groups like the Flipinos compete against Hispanics even for some low skilled jobs like Home Health Care. My prediction there will be more competiiton in the future between the Hispanics and Asians over who gets into the US. Asians coming up on top is somewhat of an advantage since they have less kids and whites usually have more kids than them. The negative with asians is they can compete at higher skilled jobs.

  25. Where are Ceech and Chong when we need them?

  26. Anonymous "Melungeon" commenter:

    I'd suspect otherwise. The 3% is, roughly, consistent even with the Neanderthal DNA component of modern humans, which leads me to suspect it entered the line of descent quite a bit earlier in the family history (and I'd also guess the Subsaharan DNA of Melungeons--who likely arose from mixed unions before institutionalization of chattel slavery--to show substantially higher percentages).

    I've got no real knowledge of the matter--just guessing. And my guess is, further, that, although the sub-S DNA might've entered during the period of "Moorish" Spain, it could have been even earlier (it's not that far from one continent to the other in that vicinity).

  27. Longoria may disappoint. He might've done better to sign up
    Cheech and Chong (or Carlos Mencia).

  28. The GOP is looking for a spokesmodel to sell policies to keep cheap labor available. Nobody expects a spokesmodel to have a coalition behind her, or to have deep expertise in the thing she's shilling for (unless it's beauty products or fashion, anyway).

    The customers to whom she's supposed to appeal are Republican voters. This is a campaign whose object is to win an internal battle within the conservative movement, between people who want relatively abundant immigration (for ideological reasons or simply because they benefit from cheap labor) and people who don't. One reason for the push is because the conflict in the party leads to a lot of fairly nasty anti-immigrant rhetoric, which probably does hurt the GOP in elections somewhat. My guess is that a much more important reason is that a lot of donors, including people who fund most of the conservative think-tanks and media, want cheap labor very much.

  29. Those genetic tests that purport to show % racial or ethnic ancestry are complete rubbish. The only legit tests (of heritage) out there are Y-chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA testing.

  30. Eva Longoria is Mexican-American.

    She is Mexican.

    Watch this British chat show clip at about 4:38. She doesnt want to be thought of as American.

  31. As an aside, did anyone else notice that Obama's inauguration poet, Richard Blanco, the first "Hispanic" one, is a dead-ringer for Greenbay QB Aaron Rodger's older brother? He is gay, of course (Blanco, not Rodgers).

  32. "I'd suspect otherwise. The 3% is, roughly, consistent even with the Neanderthal DNA component of modern humans..."

    That's interesting, Gene, but let me entertain another thesis; you hate that you wanked off watching a black chick.

  33. I suppose wealthy whites will become Mexican royalty in the way Russians, Germans, and Greeks became the high nobility of England.

    I get what you are saying but few Russians in British royalty, however the last Tsar had some British ancestry. By Greek Im guessing you mean Queen Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip, however he is really of German ancestry whose family were kind of temporarily Greek royalty. Dont think he actually has any recent Greek ancestry.

  34. Maybe the Obama team is working on a crash indoctrination course before they send her out to actually say anything. That combined with a friendly media and all the right answers well rehearsed and she could be ready for lights, camera, action.

    Maybe Obama should take that crash indoctrination course himself?

  35. Speaking of Kal Penn I was afraid mr. Sailer had been sent to Guantanamo for awhile. Jack cashill and sailer on the run from Guantanamo I'd watch it.

  36. How well would she do in a hostile interview with lots of gotcha questions on public policy
    and when was the last time MSM did that to a non-Republican? *

    *unless they quesiton our unquestionable support for Israel

  37. Love those open borders Texans.

  38. are they f***ing? petulant michelle could only produce a reluctant pucker during the inauguration ball dance, like maybe those rumors about big supporters Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington are true.

  39. RWF said...

    "She has a nice ass, so I say we should trust her."

    Bel Biv DeVoe disagrees

  40. Actress Eva Longoria, the 37-year-old star of the hit television show and twice Maxim magazine's Hottest Woman of the Year, is taking on a challenging new role as a Hispanic activist and power player in Washington, D.C.

    R.I.P. First American Republic

    born: 1776
    died: 2013 (after a 12-year illness)

  41. Colin Powell can hardly be considered a Republican any more...if ever he really was.

    I do suspect he was until he grew afraid his name would be forever tied to Weapons of Mass Destruction that never were and so when his part-blood brother (small part) came to be POTUS, Powell saw a way out of the wilderness.

    Guys that climb that high up in the military are really nothing more than pols themselves and need always to be regarded as such.

  42. I saw her on Oprah with her then fiance,the black basketball player. Her parents were in the audience. They showed the father as Oprah said something about how proud they must be. Yeah your daughter is marrying a black guy,pops. Tell us how proud you are!

  43. It's a little acknowledged fact that the "Hispanic" vote was genuinely undecided and could easily have swung the election in Romney's favour but for Eva Conquistadoria's strategically brilliant intervention on behalf of the Democrats. But for her, Obama would have lost resoundingly in November.

  44. Regarding Eva Longoria, during her sessions with Dr. Gates, she appears shocked upon learning of her profound European ancestry, and ecstatic and even gives Dr. Gates a high-five upon learning of her 3% African ancestry.

  45. She should get together with Mary Bono Mack -- who was in Congress because her husband skied into a tree -- and develop a bipartisan agenda for the country.

    From the Wikipedia page of the guy who defeated Ms Bono Mack back in November:

    In 1997, while attending Harvard as a medical student, Ruiz participated in an annual Thanksgiving protest in Plymouth, Massachusetts...Two years later, in 1999, Ruiz took part in another Thanksgiving protest at which he read a letter of support for Leonard Peltier, who had been convicted of killing a police officer, from Subcomandante Marcos, of the Mexican revolutionary group Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

  46. As quoted above, yes, she is co-hosting with Mark McKinnon, "the former strategist for George W. Bush and Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain."

    Also, in the can’tmakethisstuffup department, Wiki says McKinnon “serves on the board of the Lance Armstrong Foundation.”

  47. Mexican mediocrity is starting to dominate California...

  48. A conquess.

  49. One celebrity whore unites with another celebrity whore. Ho and bro.

    Come to think of it, Obama was created as an ideal-celebrity-icon by Jews and white libs because there were no useful black leaders to be found either. Sure, there are lots of loud black leaders, but they are either dumb, crazy, lazy, sleazy, corrupt, obnoxious, and offensive. They be hollering to Jews and whites, 'gimme mo, gimme mo'.

    So, Jews and whites figured they would groom this guy Obama and make him do their bidding and be gentle with fist-bumps. A gay-ized Negro to serve as icon to gay-ize other blacks. A clean-cut Negro to fool conservative whites into supporting him.

    Of course, without Jewish and white support, Obama would have been just another sleazebag, but he could remain relatively clean because his supporters always changed his diapers on time.

  50. Longoria's family has lived on Texas land since before it was called Texas. Her family has roots in North America that go back to the 1600's, and they've been on the land that is now part of the US since the late 1700's. Her North American roots go back as far as many of the British who settled much of the Midwest and Southern US.

    She's about as "Mexican" as the Spaniards who have been in New Mexico for several hundred years homesteading via Land Grants, which means not very. Long established Spanish New Mexican families don't want to have anything to do with Mexicans. They would sooner have one of their own marry an Anglo or even a Navajo instead of a Mexican. She is suffering from the same desire for "otherness" afflicting another prominent Texas Spaniard, Robert "Machete" Rodriguez.

  51. Scots-Irishman1/22/13, 2:44 PM

    She's meeting John McCain and Colin Powell. Yep, the backbone of the Republican party right there.

    Wait, didn't Powell leave the party? Or am I mistaken?

  52. Finally got around to reading America's Half blood prince. The analysis of colonialism was completely botched. Naipaul is a better analyst of colonialism's half made societies than John Updike.

  53. a bipartisan brunch she is co-hosting at a Georgetown eatery this weekend with Mark McKinnon, a former strategist for George W. Bush and Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain. There, she plans to begin a Republican outreach by meeting with Colin Powell, the former secretary of state, and other attendees including Grover Norquist.

    The phrase "Round up the usual suspects" pops instantly into the mind.

  54. @Anonymous 8:55 a.m.: You're thinking of Jessica Alba.

  55. Its funny. The USA is now more hispanic then black but you would never know it to watch tv or its commercials. Ever watch all those cheesy guy commercials? The ones with three white guys drinking some brand of beer while watching a sports event. Notice how they always include a black buddy as well? I guess nowhere in America do a trio of white guys get together and not have a black friend. Maybe advertisers have some kind of black guy quota? The thing is you never see three white guys and their Latin or Mexican friend.

  56. "The thing is you never see three white guys and their Latin or Mexican friend."

    Well, in Texas at least, the three white guys are far more likely to have some hispanic friends and or wives.

    Going in a different direction. We all know Massachusetts has a low birthrate. I wonder what percent of all newborns in MA are white.

  57. Okay, Massachusetts births by hispanic vs. other.

    10,618 hispanic births.
    7,059 non-hispanic black.
    72,865 total births.

    Massachusetts NAM births 24.3%

    Massachusetts total population 82% white+asian


  58. So sweet Eva is 37 and getting into politics. It makes sense, as Latinas, even the pretty ones, tend to lose their looks in middle age. If you get fat and ugly, you can still matter if you have power as a politician or power broker. It is only a matter of time, puta.

  59. "I guess nowhere in America do a trio of white guys get together and not have a black friend."

    This is a pretty funny and illuminating p.c. phenomenon. Someone should collect all these commercials and do a little informal study of them. It's amazing how many commercials there are featuring white and black buddies. It's the social activism that used to be present in TV shows like "Different Strokes" has now been transferred to the less explicit medium of TV commercials.

    "The thing is you never see three white guys and their Latin or Mexican friend."

    In the recent commercial about a pudgy doofus white guy who comes back to his old apartment to watch a 49ers game because he thinks it brings the team good luck, the couple who now live in the apartment are pretty obviously Hispanic. Of course they are super-attractive and kind and tolerate the fat loser white guy and his superstitions.

  60. Maybe advertisers have some kind of black guy quota?

    Maybe? They do have a black guy quota. And it's a lot higher than the actual percentage of blacks in America.

  61. @Anon, 5:13 pm, the female in the Bud Light ad you mention is actually Persian (according to the Who is that Hot Ad Girl site). On the general topic of the ethnic makeup of casts of TV commercials, I have thought it a shame that Steve S. has said he doesn't watch TV because he would no doubt have some interesting observations.

  62. Truth said :
    That's interesting, Gene, but let me entertain another thesis; you hate that you wanked off watching a black chick.

    Can't speak for Gene, but for me that ship sailed ( with Jayne Kennedy) a long, long time ago.

  63. I will say this: if a few million more just like her want to come over, let 'em!

    The Longorias are prone to cousin-marriage and organized crime. They are not compatible with Western culture.

  64. The Longorias are prone to cousin-marriage and organized crime. They are not compatible with Western culture.

    What about Italians? They are more prone to cousin-marriage and organized crime than your average Anglo, yet they've certainly had a greater role in Western culture than Anglos have.

  65. The Evas, Sofias, Jessicas and Dorismars are paraded before us (very nice too) to distract from the less pleasing sight of amerindian women the invasion brings.

  66. Well, all the Republicans are now trying to register Hispanics from a source in the Orange County Reigster. This will not pick too many hispanics since they are lower income. If Obama's the great hero of legalization most Mexicans will stay Democratic and maybe 5 to 10 precent may stray next time if the economy doesn't improve but that can be said of whites.

  67. "Can't speak for Gene, but for me that ship sailed ( with Jayne Kennedy) a long, long time ago."

    Me too, I lost my virginity to the Greatest Sports Legends era Jane Kennedy 30-sum years ago, unfortunately, she is not yet aware of it.

  68. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ""Maybe advertisers have some kind of black guy quota?""

    Maybe? They do have a black guy quota. And it's a lot higher than the actual percentage of blacks in America."

    I wonder: does BET run beer commercials with three blacks guys and their token white friend?

  69. "I wonder: does BET run beer commercials with three blacks guys and their token white friend?"

    Don't die wondering, Grasshopper. I mean, if Neil Armstrong can walk on the moon, and G.W. Carver can come up with 300 uses for a peanut, certainly you can summon up your immense intellect for a few months to find BET with your remote control.

  70. Tonto, I would imagine that Jayne (with the Y, Troofie) Kennedy is about as European as Longoria.

    Now if you spanked it to Diahann Carroll...

  71. Truth:

    I don't "wank off" to watching any kind of chicks--black or otherwise.

    At my age (77), I've got to save it for real demand.

  72. Well, not modern Italians, the Roman era was their heyday. The medieval and early modern period was also a great for Italy because of the Pope and Merchant cities like Venice. Actually, Italians did better than Greeks which last heyday was back to the fall of Constaninople.

  73. Also, Mexicans resent what happen years ago. In California Mexicans like Blacks had seperate schools and so forth. The case Melendez versus the Westminster School district over having a seperate school for Mexicans still burns in the actvist mind in California like Brown versus the board of education in Blacks.

  74. Love those open border Texans, that's part of the problem with the Republican Party since Texas particulary in Mexican border areas relied heavily on Mexican labor when the Republicans were more centered in the midwest they were less favorable to illegal labor but shift to first California in the 1970s and later to Texas in the 1990's means that they have a border state mentally. Reagan did what he did because California was already using about a million illegal immirgants in the mid 1980's. When California went more Democratic Texas became important to Republcians and its too a border state which uses about 1.4 or so illegal immirgants for labor. The average Texan Republican outside of business interest dislikes this.

  75. Gene, that's good.

    But hey, as my blog will attest
    It's a whole new day.

  76. Harry Baldwin1/23/13, 8:14 AM

    Anonymous said... Maybe advertisers have some kind of black guy quota?

    I've worked in advertising and can assure you that there is, indeed, a black guy quota. That is, anytime you're casting more than three people in a commercial and none of them are black, someone within the agency is bound to say, "Guys, what about a little diversity here?"

    The first person to do so gets to plant his flag atop Mt. Moral Superiority. And god forbid the first person to bring it up be the client, or the agency loses face.

    On the other hand, you don't want to go TOO black with your casting or it's going to look like you're advertising malt liquor or fruit-flavored brandy. This is one of those unspoken understandings.

    The advertisements for one of the products I worked on always revolved around three young couples socializing. One of the couples was always black. This was never a casting problem as there are a lot of top-notch black actors out there. On one occasion, we saw so many good black performers on the casting reel that my creative director toyed with the idea of casting two black couples.

    "Won't that be a little TOO black?" I asked, stepping right into the minefield.

    "You have a PROBLEM with that?!" she demanded.

    "Not me, but I think the client may bring it up . . ." I muttered.

    The issue went away, but she got her triumphal moment on Mt. Moral Superiority, and that's what really counts in this world.

  77. "Along the way she has developed a rapport with the president and his advisers."

    This underscores how so unbelievably asexual Obama is.

    If Bill Clinton were Prez, and Eva Longoria had a "rapport" with him, the dirty jokes would be everywhere. As well they should have been.

  78. People should look at the bright side of legalizing 11 million illegals. It break the back of the warfare state.

  79. Well, the Republicans don't do well with a low tax and high immirgation view. The 1920's the Repubicans were low tax but low immirgation this is the area of the quota system. The reason why the Republicans came back is immirgation was low during the 1950's to 1980 still in most places, so whites grew more middle class and became more concern about tax cuts than welfare programs or local school funding or library funding. This was the era of prop 13 where a lot of people who voted for it were the parents of the babyboomers and most of the babyboomers finished high school by 1977.

  80. "This underscores how so unbelievably asexual Obama is."

    If a bruva keep his diq in his pants y'all'ont like it, and if a bruva go all Shawn Kemp y'all got sum-t-cey as well. What exactly can a bruvaman do t'make y'all happy?

  81. I was watching some of those commercials where you have a group of guy friends, three white and one black, all equally preppy or whatever, and got to wondering: how common is that, really? I know that's what TV says is normal today, but is it really? Where I live it's very white so you just don't see it, but maybe in cities where the population is 25% black, each group of 4 friends has a black member? If a white guy and a black guy work together in an office, are they likely to hang out together after work or watch the big game together? Anyone know?

    My next thought was: if this doesn't really happen in real life, maybe that's why whites still seem to be very naive about blacks -- they rarely see or hear them except on TV. Maybe if every 3 white guys were assigned a black friend to hang out with, there would be a lot more race realism out there.

  82. To Cail Corishev said...

    You raise some good points. Bear in mind too, that when blacks are portrayed in commercials / tv, they are always articulate and on their best behaviour.

    Wouldn't it make for an interesting, if terribly politically incorrect, university study to check out the demographic accuracies - or not - of tv and commercials? Have a student sit for a week in every bar, pub, etc in the country and do a head count of the clientele. One, two, three whites, check, now a black "friend" as number four,,Oh wait!,,another white guy is with them...What the devil!..

  83. "People should look at the bright side of legalizing 11 million illegals. It break the back of the warfare state."

    It would also break the back of America. Any more wisdom to share?

  84. I get tired of the white vote in Miss, Mittens did better in Kentucky and West Virginia. Both states gave Mittens over 63 percent while Miss only gave Mittens 57 percent. The biggest Republican State now is Oklahoma not Texas. Mittens received 67 percent in ok but only 57 percent in Texas, it doesn matter how white people vote it counts if you don't have as much minorties like West Virgina and Kentucky which don't have many blacks and Oklahoma which doesn't have many Hisapnics. Stop supporting Haley Babour and Rick Perry, Vdare.

  85. Harry Baldwin said..

    "..but she got her triumphal moment on Mt. Moral Superiority, and that's what really counts in this world."

    Only to willfully self-deluded whites. In actual truth, this and a quarter will buy her a cup of coffee.

  86. But California and a few nearby states in the Southwest are showing a vastly different picture — labor's ranks are on an upswing. The Golden State's union organizers signed up more than 100,000 new members last year, while the nation as a whole shed 400,000, according to data released Wednesday.

    The reason: Latino workers.
    Another reason why Democratics will get the Latino vote since latinos prefer labor unions while of course the Republican Party is more oppose. In this respect Mexicans and Central Americans are more like the Irish and Italians in the early 20th century that supported labor unions more than the native born.

  87. We think of Hispanics as poor but Asians are also poorer than whites. White poverty at 10 percent and Asian poverty at 14 percent. Some people will agrued that some rich asians vote Democratic but a lot of poor ones did too and even the Vietnamise gave Obama a 1 percent victory over Romeny in Westminster. Asians have extreme income differences while Hispanics are more lower than the national average with a few wealthy Hispanics.

  88. @Steve Sailer

    "and how there isn't any Mexican-American leadership, and barely any Mexican-American celebrities:"

    I have asked you many times to name me the American celebrities of primarilly Norwegian or Polish descente. These groups have been in América for more than 100 years now, and yet there are very few celebrities from these groups. Going by your logic, then immigration from these peoples were bad for the U.S.

    You just ignore criticisms to your points as if none were made, then a few days later you repeat the same point again as they hadn't been addressed. That is really pathetic on your part.

  89. To Nick Diaz;

    What a boneheaded comment;

    First there are probably ten or twenty times as many Mexicans in the USA as Norwegians and Poles added together.

    Secondly these people assimilated totally into American culture and society. Which is why there are "very few" of them as celebrities. Those of then who fit that job description would simply be considered white Americans. Nobody think of Dwight Eisenhower as a "German"-American for example.

    It is YOU sir, who are truly pathetic, with your ludicrous apples and oranges comparisons.

  90. >>> Maybe? They do have a black guy quota. And it's a lot higher than the actual percentage of blacks in America

    Of course. Advertisers don't want to waste their time and money making appeals to people who'd rather put money in the bank than buy a newer Cadillac Escalade.

    The TV ==shows== only exist to trap consumers into watching the advertisements.

    We Jews don't run TV the way we do to hurt white folk. We run it to make money off of black people. Your resultant problems are merely collateral damage. Sorry for that. Try to do a better job of breeeding grit into your children, ok?

    You whites are so naive about how money works. No wonder I prefer to hang out with Chinese & Koreans!!!!


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