January 26, 2013

Obama to go to highest unemployment state to call for more immigration to fill the jobs Americans just can't get

No work has been done on the $4.8 billion Echelon casino
 project on the Strip in Las Vegas in 4 years and 5 months
From the Las Vegas Review-Journal:
Obama to kick off immigration reform push in Las Vegas 
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama will employ Las Vegas as the platform to begin a new push for immigration overhaul that would include a chance at citizenship for millions of undocumented residents, the White House said Friday. 
Obama plans to travel to Southern Nevada on Tuesday to promote an immigration overhaul, a cause that fell by the wayside during his first term. The president has reaffirmed the issue as a priority, and it has picked up bipartisan interest in Congress as well. 
After Obama huddled for a strategy session Friday morning with a half dozen Hispanic lawmakers, the White House said the purpose of the trip was "to redouble the administration's efforts to work with Congress to fix the broken immigration system this year." 
Obama told lawmakers the immigration reform was "a top legislative priority," the White House said. The president renewed a promise to Hispanics to move immigration to the front burner this year, a goal echoed by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., the Senate majority leader. 
The choice of Las Vegas to spotlight immigration was hardly unusual, as Hispanics in Nevada have grown to more than a quarter of the state's population, and Latino voters here backed Obama for re-election in November by a 70 percent to 25 percent margin over Mitt Romney. 

Not long ago, the choice of a state with 10.2% unemployment (which ties Nevada with Rhode Island for worst unemployment in the country) to announce a new pro-immigration push would have seemed "unusual" just from a PR standpoint alone. But, in recent years, mainstream discussion of immigration has increasingly dumbed down. These days, mentioning economics in connection with immigration policy is considered way too complicated. Instead, mainstream thinking about immigration policy is conducted solely in tribalist terms. There are lots of unemployed Hispanics in Nevada, so that's where Obama is going to tell the world he wants more of them.
... Details of the Senate proposals remained unclear, but the principles are expected to address a process toward legalizing the status of unauthorized immigrants already in the country, border security, verification measures for employers hiring workers, and ways for more temporary workers to be admitted into the country.

If you mention that Las Vegas has a terrible unemployment problem, such that, for instance, no construction workers have set foot on the site of Echelon Place (the old Stardust casino) in almost 4 and a half years, well, the gears would start turning and finally the all-purpose answer would spit out: that just proves we need more immigration! See, the big problem with America is that there aren't enough idiots to go to Las Vegas and lose their money, so we need to import more. What could possibly go wrong?


  1. mainstream discussion of immigration has increasingly dumbed down

    As usual, you're the master of understatement.

  2. Oddly enough, Singapore's invite-the-world's-elite immigration policy is getting some resistance at the polls:

    Singapore's long-dominant People's Action Party (PAP) lost heavily in a single-seat by-election on Saturday, a barometer of how the government is dealing with discontent in the wealthy Asian country over immigration and the high cost of living.

    Obviously Singapore's hoi polloi are bitter clingers who don't know what's good for them.

  3. The immigrants send their money to their home country, not Las Vegas. Silly Obama!

  4. Nevada has the highest percentage of their workers that are illegal. many of them came in the housing boom from both Mexico and California. Nevada at 8 percent, California at 7 percent and Texas at 6 percent of the population. Not certain what the state average is.

  5. I think New Mexico is first at 45 or 46 percent. California and Texas are tied at 39 percent, Nevada is about 29 percent or 30 percent, Arizona is 29 percent, Florida is 23 percent, Colorado is 22 percent. Then you go back east to New York that might be 19 percent. There is a pattern here. As Pat B stated most Hispanics are in the southwest and a few big states back east.

  6. Arizona did better on the unemployment of the sand state bubble housing states and it was tougher on its illegal immirgant population.

  7. With the exceptions of Texas and New Mexico heavily Mexican or Latin States have worst unemployment.

  8. Connecting immigation with economics...

    The problem with western conservatives is that they accept the dictum that it is verboten for white conservatives to talk in tribalist terms.

    Blacks, Latinos and Jews exclusively frame their interests in tribalist terms, and outfits like the NYT spit out this bigotry 24/7 without even whincing, but conservatives need to talk around corners and obfuscate to transport the obvious.

    And of course nobody listens beause the realise it's a surrogate argument and too complex for politics anyway. When somebdy mumbles and cannot get their point accross most people stop listening.

    White conseratives need to bust the muffle imposed on them by the jewish media, that they are not allowed to talk about their interests in tribalist terms. If jews can do it, then why not whites?

  9. Looking at unemployment its hard to say if blue states versus red states are doing better or worst, you have some bad unemployed blue states and red states and good employed red states and blue states. This is where I have to agree with the Dems than the Republicans its other factors than tax rates in play here. Maybe, that's why Republicans are losing but saying states should get rid of income tax but Nevada doesn]'t have one and has the worst unemployment.

  10. mainstream discussion of immigration has increasingly dumbed down

    A gross understatement Steve.

  11. There is no public discussion Steve, the elite do what it wants.

  12. Auntie Analogue1/27/13, 12:21 AM

    Dumbed down?

    There is no "mainstream discussion" because the whole mainstream is fixated on one or another form of amnesty for illegal alien colonists - there is no mention of any alternative to amnesty, elt alone of restricting legal immigration. Every attempt to introduce proposals based on rational thought, such as deportation and ending anchor babies, into that so-called "discussion" meets with the usual finger-wagging accusations of "Racism!" And, of course, accusations of "Nativism," which is the new dirty word for patriotism.

    Then there's the Big Lie about how badly we need foreign STEM professionals when our own STEM grads can't find work because so-called "American" companies go out of the their way not to hire Americans so they can hire cheap foregin labor here and abroad - so they can make bigger profits to fuel their campaign donations to pols of both parties to keep those pols chanting solemnly and monotonously the Amnesty Mantra.

  13. This may not really be about the racial/ ethnic/ cultural stuff that is the staple of this blog, and may be more a political and economic move on the part of the elite.

    The President goes to the state with the highest unemployment rate and announces a bipartisan move to import more workers. The message is "we are going to continue to drive wages in this country down, and we are not even going to be subtle about this. What are you going to do about it?"

    I can't figure out why they are being so obvious about it so I wonder what they have up their sleeve.

  14. Apparently, the big idea amongst the modern breed of economists is to absolutely annd completely deny that there is any link between immigration of workers into stagnant, depressed economies (ie an economy showing zero GDP growth for years) and any consequent rise in unemployment. Their trick is to obfuscate the blindingly obvious (how can importing more hungry mouths into a famine struck area put more food into bellies?), by making up all sorts of pseudo-intellectual 'arguments' about 'supply creates its own demand', 'lump of labor fallacy', 'extra resoucres means more output' etc in an attempt to con the gullible, the gullible who actualy think these odious charlatans have a shred of credibility because they puff themselves up as 'experts'.
    The worst example of come across of this pseudo-chralantry is the British economist Philippe Le Grain.

  15. @ Ed

    >>I can't figure out why they are being so obvious about it so I wonder what they have up their sleeve.

    Why are they being so obvious? Because we, the white majority, don't matter. Under the present configuration of our political system we are powerless in regards to things that matter most. The elite are signaling that they know we are powerless and that they know that we know that we are powerless. It's called contempt.

  16. I frequently find myself laughing while reading Sailer's posts. This stuff is pure dark comedy. Too bad its real.

  17. Steve said: What could go wrong?

    Hunsdon replied: For a while now, I've been saying that, "What's the worst that could happen?" is supposed to be a serious question, not a throwaway line.

  18. The worst example of come across of this pseudo-chralantry is the British economist Philippe Le Grain.

    I don't know about that here in the US we have imported the Open Border fantasist Profs. David Card(Berkeley) from Canada and Giovanni Peri(UofCa Davis) from Italy.

    But hell every correct thinker knows that laws of supply and demand pricing models (Paul A Samuelson, anyone, anyone ... Bueller, Bueller?) do not apply when it comes to labor. There is no such thing as a downwardly sloping demand curve for workers.

  19. The current state of affairs has been mostly referred to as a recession, implying there's a bounce-back waiting somewhere further on down the road somewhere. Others say it's really been the onset of a permanent depression whose features are slowly becoming more apparent as it settles in for the long haul. There is no real locomotive out there that'll kick in to pull us. If that's the case then class-race tensions will probably heat up as people start scrapping for whatever resources and money there are. Introducing the international reserve army of the unemployed into this situation is just pouring kerosene onto things. The leadership class has gotten to be decadent, out of touch, incompetent and downright destructive, almost as if they were a foreign overclass.

  20. I think the Democrats have realized just effective their alliance with the press has become. Having shilled openly for the ruling party in the last few national elections, the media are now reaping the benefits behind the scenes, and are more committed than ever,
    Result is that the administration has become arrogant, and does things that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

  21. Neighboring ID has a 6.6% rate.

    Neighboring UT has a 5.2% rate.

    Two states over you have NM at 6.4.

    Two states over you have WY at 4.9.

    Obviously the people of NV are lazy idiots, so why shouldn't Obama make a speech in front of them?

    (OTOH why shouldn't NV get lots of immigrants-they couldn't be more stupid and lazy.)

    Stop being unemployed.

  22. "The President goes to the state with the highest unemployment rate and announces a bipartisan move to import more workers. The message is "we are going to continue to drive wages in this country down, and we are not even going to be subtle about this. What are you going to do about it?" - Ed

    This. A million times, this.

    mainstream discussion of immigration has increasingly dumbed down

    It hasn't been dumbed down - it's been banned by our neofeudalist elite. See the Bindi Irwin debacle someone mentioned on an earlier thread, where the 14-year-old daughter of the late Crocodile Hunter was asked to write an article by Hillary's State Department on the environment and chose the subject of overpopulation. It was sent back to her completely rewritten, and asking her permission to post it with her name attached. "No," she replied.

    You are not allowed to say anything critical of immigration, or even tangentially related to too much immigration. Leftists are allowed to talk about it in blatantly racist and political terms, however, like the Brothers Castro celebrating Texas' coming blue statehood, thanks to the ethnic cleansing caused by mass immigration.

  23. Why would Democratic or Republican pols care for the oppressed worker? They're all in it for themselves. They're all about making themselves rich, and famous, and powerful, and rich, and richer.

    Middle class citizens don't fund their campaigns. Poor citizens don't fund their campaigns. Their campaign donations come overwhlemingly from the rich, or institutions controlled by the rich.

    After they leave office where do they go for work? To rich businessmen and rich lobbyists. Joe the Plumber is not gunna pay Bill Clinton $400,000 for a 30 minute speech at the Metro Milwaukee Marriott. Goldman Sachs did.

    Modern economics has put unimaginable wealth well within the grasp of anyone with talent and/or ambition and/or sufficient lack of scruples. You can get fabulously wealthy serving in office as the lapdog of billionaires. Why wouldn't you? Bill Clinton has collected over $130 million in speaking fees since leaving the Oval Office. Al Gore is now supposedly worth $300 million. Harry Reid's and Orrin Hatch's sons have made good money as lobbyists, and one of Hatch's kids married into the Marriott family. The dirty little secret is that most of our politicians sold out long, long ago.

  24. The worst example of come across of this pseudo-chralantry is the British economist Philippe LeGrain.

    Id forgotten about that little worm. Ive been to his site over the years and left comments.

  25. Whenever you post that Echelon photo it reminds me of seeing the LAUSD site off Beaudry downtown, which was under construction before I started high school and was still under construction by my 30th birthday (something about toxic waste). I believe at one point mid-project they actually knocked down most of the completed structure (something about seismic risk). The local press used to call it "the Belmont Learning Complex" which has a delightful Orwellian ring to it

  26. Ed said: President goes to the state with the highest unemployment rate and announces a bipartisan move to import more workers. The message is "we are going to continue to drive wages in this country down, and we are not even going to be subtle about this. What are you going to do about it?" I can't figure out why they are being so obvious about it so I wonder what they have up their sleeve

    There's a good column by Pat Buchanan recently putting Obama in historical context of FDR's and then Nixon's "coalition-building" i.e. prospecting for wedge issues just to hamstring the other party ("Give me something to veto"). I thought it was a plausible take on WH behavior, for the time being anyway.

    If you read just the 1st paragraph of The New Republic's new interview with His Hopeyness the snarky implication about "Gun control record, 1997-2012" is also fun...

  27. Or, 1 reason he might be visiting there now may be the old dust-up over his colloquial, basically innocuous reference to "Vegas" in a passing metaphorical sense, which drew much instant offense trolling from Oscar Goodman, and from that freak Congresswoman they had. It's quite possible they're still sore over that and perceived to be in need of lavish fence-mending

  28. Third world immigration is very bad for America. Or any western country. It is amazing that something so obvious can be so unadmitted. The emperor truly has no clothes.

  29. Just start faxing and calling NOW:


    It doesn't help to just sit around and complain. Get busy!

  30. Well, I have to admit Texas has a ways to go because of white vote but the Texas GOP suffers the Orange County/San Diego arrogrant is that we will always vote Republcian. Well, the OC thanks in large part to the Republican party allowing business to hire illegal immirgants for a 30 year period and the coming of asians also is less Republican and San Deigo is a purple county which is divided by the old Republican areas where Duncan Hunter and Darla Issa control and the liberal areas of Hispanics, Asians and liberal Whites.

  31. Well, I use to defend small business but alot of small business owners state they hire illegal immirgants in your face because whites will not do these jobs or whites too lazy that I don't like small business as much.

  32. Yeah, the damage illegals do to the economy is pretty devastating. In addition to demolishing social service budgets, they do take America jobs, and they Western Union that money out of the US economy back to their home countries.

    In Arizona, uneducated American construction workers used to be able to get $25/

    hour plus benefits. Illegal immigrants flooded the labor market. Now Americans are competing with people who will work for $12/hour and no benefits.

    Same here in CA. A non-hispanic carpenter is a rarity.There are No American construction workers left in Houston, my brother in law had to leave the state in order to keep his 3 boys fed....Only ILLEGALS work in construction now........

  33. To Anonymous at 12:10 PM:

    I see plenty of room for trouble. What if you have an English speaking foreman and a Mexican crew? There could be lots lost in the translation. Also many of these Mexican workers are not really qualified. I saw a program on tv about home repairs. Many of the contracors and sub-contractors had illegals doing the work. Wiring had not been installed properly and in some cases fires had started. You get what you pay for.

  34. One reason illegals can work for less money is that they pay no taxes. Of course this doesn't mean they don't consume services paid for by the taxes of others.....

  35. Anyways, this is the first I seen the Republican Party really come unglued. Most conservatives lately focus on the socialists in the white house but when Rubio and Crew decided to go thru another Bush legalization the Republicans seen to be coming apart. Republicans should realized as much above if you don't want to pay taxes you turn to illegal immirgants in the underground economy. You believe in giving tax breaks to the well to do and less regulation they are going to pushed to legalized the illegal immirgants for cheap labor. The rich are not always going to hire Joe Blow if you reduce their tax burden or knock off regulations like lending money to people that can't afford houses.

  36. Everyone knows that Obama is a pain in the rear but the usual stuff from the Republicans are Bush Clones. Maybe, the election of Obama might kick some of the Bush Clone/Grover Norquist thinking out of the GOP. Its hard to tell since they have come unglued.

  37. Interesting on the can from white to Latino in Caifornia next year, the Latinos will only be 41 percent in 2020 but will grwo more as whites die off. However, whites are currently only 27 percent of births but will be 30 precent in 2060 which means asians will probably drop even with some immirgation since they even have lower births. Blacks down to 5.6 in 2020 in California and Asians 13.6 percent and currently at 14 percent this might changed since recent immirgation from one study show asians coming to the state at 160,000 from abroad and some leaving. Hispanics dropping to 70,000 but if their is a legalization this year maybe higher again. Whites in 2014 I believe 37 percent. In San Diego County which has more whites than the other Calif counties whites will probably dropped to 43 percent in 2014 and Asians will be 34 percent.

  38. I mean hispanics at 34 percent.

  39. As for San Diego it will not hit the 41 percent mark until 2027. And that is good news in a way that means that whites have a chance to comeback a little. Anyway, Asians have been outpacing Hispanics during the Bush era which is interesting since Hispanics left for Nevada a lot of times and Hispanic growth is only slightly higher than Asian as a percentage. The predictions on California are based upon birth rates. Most Hispanics probably like the southwest but many that are legal and better educated are moving to different states as well like Kansas and so forth.

  40. San Diego County’s racial makeup is not expected to change until about 2040, when the Hispanic population will be about the same or slightly higher than that of whites. This means that some of the Hispanic growth stuff is hyped. Now I believe probably most of the Hispanics will moved inland and less immirgants even in the resort areas in the coastial counties since robots will reduce maids and gardeners and the Coastial counties like San Diego and Orange will be built out by 2030 while Riverside and San Berandino will be doing most the construcation hence the rapid grwoth of Hispanics in inland counties while places like La are already built.

  41. Another interesting fact I didn't know that Kern County is about 49 percent Hisapnic, my guess is Hispanics don't vote that much in Kern County and that's how Repubicans win. I think some of our open borders people like Karl Rove are using Hispanics to undemine the growth of Asians. karl Rove isn't really try to get the Hispanic vote he is trying to do the Kern County situation where a lot of Hispanics don't vote and whites vote not that I favor this but this explains Texas.

  42. Yet Mexico's economy has expanded annually by 4 percent in recent years, creating a steadily growing middle class. The U.S. economy, while much larger, is growing at a rate of about 2.7 percent.

    Mexico's new president, Enrique Pena Nieto, vowed to focus on job creation when he took office in December. The goal is to create more than 1 million jobs per year, fueled by $15 billion in long-needed infrastructure improvements and other actions geared toward fostering certain industries, said Emilio Lozoya, one of Pena's top advisers.

    "Jobs will help mitigate security problems and will probably help (the U.S.) with immigration reform because fewer Mexicans will want to cross the border," said Lozoya, who was recently appointed to lead Pemex, the national oil company. "We will need people to fill them."

    The people leaving Chicago all have a story of their own. Many, like the Barcenas family, sought safety and opportunity. Their children grew up in Chicago, melding into the city's schools and playgrounds as generations of Poles, Irish and Italians did before them. And, they hoped that Chicago would be where they would find happiness and a home.

    Now those dreams lie elsewhere
    Another good reason against legalization there are still Mexicans that are wishing to return.

  43. Good news on the home front, amensty is a loser, Republicans going against it since National Review thinks the legalization process will lead to too many welfare cases. E-verify being pushed hopefully this time steve, think in 2022 400,000 illegals leave La for Mexico or Central America or some Asian countries.


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