February 22, 2013

Ann Coulter on "Hispanicked GOP Elite"

From Ann Coulter:
February 20, 2013 
Don't anyone tell Marco Rubio, John McCain or Jeff Flake that nearly 80 percent of Hindus voted for Obama, or who knows what they'll come up with. 

According to the Reuters-Ipsos panel, Hindus went 77% for Obama - 23% for Romney (sample size = 101), despite Romney's repeated pledges to staple a green card to every advanced STEM diploma.
I understand the interest of business lobbies in getting cheap, unskilled labor through amnesty, but why do Republican officeholders want to create up to 20 million more Democratic voters, especially if it involves flouting the law? Are the campaign donations from the soulless rich more important than actual voters?  
Without citing any evidence, the Rubio Republicans simply assert that granting 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens amnesty will make Hispanics warm to the GOP. Yes, that's worked like a charm since Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986!  
True, Romney lost the Hispanic vote, but so did John McCain, the original Rubio. (McCain lost Hispanics by 67 percent compared to 71 percent who voted against Romney.)  
President George H.W. Bush created "diversity visas," massively increased legal immigration and eliminated the English requirement on the naturalization test. In the 1992 election, he won 25 percent of the Hispanic vote -- less than what Romney got.  
Although Hispanic politicians, spokesmen and TV networks benefit from Rubio's mass legalization scheme, there's no evidence that Hispanic voters care very much about it.  
Amnesty never shows up in polls as a top concern of Hispanics. It's a top concern of employers, not workers -- which isn't going to do much to help Republicans shed that "Party of the Rich" image. After Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986, unemployment among Hispanics skyrocketed when, suddenly, there was increased competition for low-skill jobs. That's precisely why businesses want amnesty, not because of their deep concern for the plight of the underclass.  
How's this for an idea: Why don't Republicans remind Hispanic voters that the more low-skilled immigrants who are admitted, the lower their wages will be? That at least has the virtue of being untried.

How about Republicans ask Mexican-American voters to demonstrate that they have the best interests of American citizens as a whole at heart by opposing amnesty?


  1. Why didn't Ann ever get around to having children?


    There's a whimsical part of me which keeps hoping that she put some eggs on ice, 10 or 15 years ago, to wait until she met Mr Right, but the rational me knows that that's just a ludicrous fantasy.

    Double sigh.

  2. How about asking Mexican-Americans to cheer for the American side at the next World Cup in Los Angeles? It's their country, right?

  3. "How about Republicans ask Mexican-American voters to demonstrate that they have the best interests of American citizens as a whole at heart by opposing amnesty?"

    Steve, to me, you're not just a social and political commentator, you're also a comedian!

    I mean what's next Steve?

    Are you going to suggest that Republicans ask Jewish Voters to demonstrate that they have the best interests of American citizens as a whole at heart by ceasing to lobby and agitate for another catastrophic war in the Middle East?

    What about asking Black Voters to demonstrate that they have the best interests of American citizens as a whole at heart by stopping their "Organized Looting" Sprees that they seem to love engaging in.

  4. "I never understood why so many in the Stupid Party believe that Latin American culture is conservative in it's nature. What it is about Latin American culture that supposedly SCREAMS CONSERVATIVE in the eyes of the Stupid Party?"

    The answer's right there in your question: 'stupid party'.
    Conservatives equate stupid with conservative.
    Belief in Creationism = stupid = conservative.
    Anti-intellectualism = George W. Bush as born again beer buddy = stupid = conservative.
    Sarah Palin = stupid = conservative.
    My country right or wrong = stupid = conservative.

    Latin America has long been a stupid stupid stupid macho culture, religious culture, superstitious culture, illiterate culture, rural culture, and etc. Since it aint urbane and liberal, it must be conservative.

    Of course, stupid 'conservatives' can easily be re-conditioned to become stupid 'liberals'. And that's what happened. In the past, many Latinos were superstitiously Catholic. Today, they've been conditioned to be MTV-watching loonies.

    Look how easily stupid white conservatives were turned into MLK worshiping clowns.

  5. The vast majority of Latin Americans natural Michael Moore's, that is what they are.

    To drive home that point, we need to emphasize how these drug cartel beheadings are a naturally occurring form of Neo-Mayan human sacrifice, which is doggedly reasserting itself after all these centuries.

    Although that might be more at Quentin Tarantino or Oliver Stone, rather than Michael Moore...

  6. Whatever Latin-Americans are, the fact is most LA nations are majority non-white, but the rulers are white.

    Conquis developed a devious way of keeping their power by posing themselves as fellow brownos against the blanco gringos up norte. They pull the same shit over here.

  7. I'm Not a Robot2/22/13, 5:09 PM

    Jefferson said..." I never understood why so many...What it is about Latin American culture that supposedly SCREAMS CONSERVATIVE in the eyes of the Stupid Party ?"

    Please dispense with the shouting.

    I'm not sure how many people in power in the Stupid Party believe mestizos are conservative. They're trying to sell their base on an amnesty by well, lying. What the folks in power want is endless downward pressure on wages.

    That said, I have a few friends that are GOP-leaning lobbyists and one that is chief of staff for a congressman and all but one of them really seem to believe that Rubio will be some magic talisman and win over the "latino" vote. When I ask "you do realize he's Cuban? How is that going to win over Mexicans, El Salvadorans,etc?" they mostly look confused.

    Most people would be shocked to know how far down the ranks the official line trickles. Very few congressmen/senators and virtually none of their staff think for themselves. The guy I know that works for the congressman (while dumb as a sack of hammers) knows that the GOP will never win the "latino" vote. As does his employer who is solidly in the No Amnesty, Build a Wall, Deport them All camp.

  8. I read that Mitt Romney only won a pathetic 18 percent of the Puerto Rican vote in the state of New York.

    Ask a member of the Stupid Party why their party does so poorly among Puerto Rican voters. It can not be because of illegal immigration because Puerto Ricans have legal status in the United States, so they do not have to worry about I.C.E. rounding them up and deporting them back to Puerto Rico.

    So what could be the reason for why Puerto Ricans are one of the most loyal voting blocs of the Democratic Party ?

    How would John McCain, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Lindsey Graham answer that question ?

  9. Maybe the problem is that Hispanics are indeed conservative.

    There are many meanings to conservative, and one is 'tribal' and 'us vs them'.

    Well, Hispanics are tribal and think in terms of Latin unity against gringos. (There's no Asian unity in Asia, but all Asian-Americans share an ersatz common politicized identity. Same thing with Latinos. In Latin America, they don't like eachother, but in the US, they unite together, if only politically in their common resentment at the gringo or blanco.) That is a form of tribalism, a kind of conservatism. Blacks are conservative in this sense too. They are for whatever is good for blacks.
    And Jews are conservative in this tribal sense. Jewish politics changes according to wherever they are. So, in Israel, Jews are the majority and want every Jew to own guns.
    In the US, Jews are the minority and fear goyim with all those guns. Jews control institutions and only want institutions to have guns.

    The Corleones were conservative in being very tribal and family oriented. But this very fact put them at odds with Anglo-America. They fought for Sicilian-American interests.

    Cuban-American conservatism was tribal from day one. Cubans in Florida were kicked out by commie Castro, and they wanted to reclaim Cuba. They were conservative for their narrow Cuban interest, not for the interest of America as a whole.

    Every immigrant group that came to America were tribally conservative. Polish-Americans were into Polishness, Irish-Americans were into Irishness, Greek-Americans were into Greekness. Even if they voted for Dems, it was to serve their tribal interest.

    But in the past, many immigrant groups eventually came around to melting into the larger America because wasps controlled America, defined America, and encouraged immigrant kids to take on a new proud American identity premised on wasp history and values.
    So, immigrants didn't so much abandon tribalism as shift their tribal loyalty from the nations of their origin to one centered on Americanism. So, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, even immigrant Americans wanted to fight for America.
    To be sure, Sonny thought only suckers died for strangers, but the younger and more idealistic Michael joined the Marines. He felt tribally as an American than as a Sicilian.

    With multiculturalism, the wasp-centered melting pot is over. We now have the multing tray. Each group, especially if 'non-white', fights for its narrow tribal interest. What keeps the multing tray coalition together is the grand narrative of 'white privilege' hogged by 'evil old white males' of GOP. This narrative has been concocted by Jews.

  10. "that nearly 80 percent of Hindus voted for Obama"

    And three guesses if this is the exact same percentage as those who have a vote in Indian elections as well who vote for the Indian version of the GOP in Indian elections.

  11. "Maybe the problem is that Hispanics are indeed conservative.

    There are many meanings to conservative, and one is 'tribal' and 'us vs them'"


  12. The vast majority of Latin Americans natural Michael Moore's

    You're more right than you think!

  13. "And three guesses if this is the exact same percentage as those who have a vote in Indian elections as well who vote for the Indian version of the GOP in Indian elections."


    There is no dual citizenship with India so if you can vote here, you can't vote there.

    But I do think within the Indian-American community, support for BJP and NDA (center-right, nationalist) is strong..especially in older immigrants.

  14. I never understood why so many in the Stupid Party believe that Latin American culture is conservative in it's nature.

    What it is about Latin American culture that supposedly SCREAMS CONSERVATIVE in the eyes of the Stupid Party ?

    Latin American countries all have lower sexual age of consent laws than the United States. Having lower sexual age of consent laws does NOT SCREAM CONSERVATIVE.

    Prostitution is practically legal in Latin American countries. And it is extremely common to see street hookers in Latin American cities that are basically still children. A culture that is lax on child prostitution does NOT SCREAM CONSERVATIVE.

    Most if not all Latin American countries elect presidents into power who have a very negative opinion of capitalism. That does NOT SCREAM CONSERVATIVE.

    But the Stupid Party believes that the culture of Nicaragua for example, is just as equally if not more conservative than the culture of North Dakota.

    The Stupid Party needs to go the way of the Whigs.

    There is NOTHING conservative what so ever about Latin American culture. Latin American culture is either socialist or straight up communist on fiscal issues. And they are libertine on social issues. That recipe combined does NOT create "natural Republicans".

    The vast majority of Latin Americans natural Michael Moore's, that is what they are.
    This is correct and Allan Wall states that Hispanics view adultery differently than Protestant whites. In Meixoc having an affair with an unmarried woman when you are a married man is ok. The only thing Rpeublican is many Americans have push cart business that don't pay taxes or are not regulated in Mexico, also Latin American countries because of their white elite have small welfare states, maybe Karl Rove and company think that bringing in Latins will mean the lack of a welfare state like you have in many latin American countries.

  15. How about asking Mexican-Americans to cheer for the American side at the next World Cup in Los Angeles? It's their country, right?


    I'm an american with zero links to mexico/latin america and I usually support the mexican side over USMNT purely because USMNT angers me as an organization.

    Mexican football is more in-tune with the world standard and is governed as such.

    USMNT/MLS is a bastardization of the game.

  16. Let's see:

    Latin America=stupid

    US filled with stupid Republicans and Democrats.

    That basically leaves Canada and a few Caribbean islands.

    And yet this hemisphere is more peaceful and I suspect richer per capita than the other.


  17. Well, she's right about the "soulless rich" favoring lots of wage-reducing immigration, but so, apparently, are some smaller businessmen:


    So now we'll find out if the conservative "base" has the courage to stand up to its own business wing...

  18. What it is about Latin American culture that supposedly SCREAMS CONSERVATIVE in the eyes of the Stupid Party ?

    What's the first commandment in the Bible?

    Genesis 1:28.

    Be fruitful, and multiply.

  19. Most if not all Latin American countries elect presidents into power who have a very negative opinion of capitalism. That does NOT SCREAM CONSERVATIVE.

    Capitalism and conservatism are and always have been opposing forces. Read Tawney and Belloc for starters.

  20. Every immigrant group that came to America were tribally conservative. Polish-Americans were into Polishness, Irish-Americans were into Irishness, Greek-Americans were into Greekness.

    I don't know about the other groups, but a lot of the early Greek immigrants were men. Greek women were not brought over in the same numbers. The men came to work and were expected to return home. However, political events at home caused a change of plans and most stayed.

    Since there was a huge shortage of Greek women, many Greek men then married into the existing American population and probably blended into the general mass of whiteness. At least that is what happened in my family's case.

  21. [QUOTE]Capitalism and conservatism are and always have been opposing forces. Read Tawney and Belloc for starters.[/QUOTE]

    There is NOTHING conservative about having a nanny state. Which is probably what you would prefer over capitalism.

    Nanny state plus multiculturalism = a disaster because White taxpayers pick up the tab in a Multicultural nanny state.

  22. "How about Republicans ask Mexican-American voters to demonstrate that they have the best interests of American citizens as a whole at heart by opposing amnesty?"

    How about something doable? Discredit Hispanic leaders over the impacts of amnesty. Sailer faves @charlespgarcia and @jorgeramosnews tweet all the time and would make OK choices.

    Look up persuadables who RT their tweets or who otherwise communicate with them, and try to change some minds. Try to get those persuadables to turn against Garcia or Ramos.

    For a similar example, just this week I've tried to make the past prez of the Am. Immig. Lawyers Assoc. look bad for hyping a @TheNation post that misled about immig. law. That might have taken a little bit of wind out of his sails, and if lots of people had helped out it would have definitely sent a message.

    These things aren't rocket science, and they aren't that hard either. The problem is that no one else is doing them.

  23. Here's my suspicion: there are a few "Republicans" who want it badly enough to stick their necks out, either to pander to their patrons or to screw conservatives, whom they secretly loathe.

    The Bush family may fit both categories. Rubio & Flake are pandering to their sponsors. I suspect Graham is secretly a socialist trying to destroy conservatism anyway he can - he's more closeted in his socialism than in his homosexuality. McCain? I dunno what his deal is.

    The rest of the Republican congressmen? They're gunna lie low and say very little, saying one thing to their patrons and another to their constituents. Ultimately they'll vote against amnesty if ever it comes up for a vote. If they are are vocal against amnesty they anger Latinos. If they're vocal for amnesty they demoralize the Republican base. Either way, they lose.

    Bush screwed over the GOP in the 2006 and 2008 elections with his two pushes for amnesty. They won't be baited again.

  24. It can be really hard to see how the GOP just doesn't get it when it comes to open borders. It does make you suspect they are bought and paid for.

    But sometimes I wonder if one of the problems is that a lot of these "elite" GOP leader types are married to intrinsically liberal women (or moderate women who have a lot of liberal women as friends) and the GOPer just can't get publicly in a position that identifies as anything other than "and of course we can have it all", "we can all work it out", "politics is the art of the possible", "surly we can all get along, it's the Christian thing". Taking a position other than this might convey weakness to some liberal women who believe that a "real man" could make all this true. Even if they never come out and say it, these things get subtly conveyed.

  25. "What it is about Latin American culture that supposedly SCREAMS CONSERVATIVE in the eyes of the Stupid Party ?"

    Latin Americans have lots of kids and maintain close ties with their extended families. And they tend to be strongly religious. These aspects of their culture are clearly on the conservative side of the ledger. Not a lot of spinsters or SWPLs in their ranks.

  26. "These aspects of their culture are clearly on the conservative side of the ledger. Not a lot of spinsters or SWPLs in their ranks."

    Gee, well it's a damned sad thing there's no other racial group in America that fits this same profile that we can look at for some guide as to how they'll eventually vote.

    Hispanics are Democrats/socialists (these days is there really a difference?) - they are A) poorer than average; B) more likely to commit crime than average; C) not white.

    A racial minority will always try to define itself against the racial majority (unless it simply wants to assimilate, which Hispanics used to want). A conservative party is necessarily the party of the ethnic/racial majority, since what it seeks in part to do is preserve the culture of the dominant, historical population.

  27. How about something doable? Discredit Hispanic leaders over the impacts of amnesty.

    This was pointed out in an earlier post that Mexico has sent more immigrants to the USA in the past 30 years than Germany, Italy and Britain combined over the entire history of our nation. So Mexico and Mexicans should be made out to be what they are, namely, selfish. They are selfishly sucking up the vast majority of immigration slots, and by doing so, will make the United States even less diverse. If present trends continue and Hispanics eventually comprise half the US population, then Mexicans, who comprise 70% of US Hispanics, will become over 1/3rd of our nation.

    Would a USA that is 1/3 Mexican be diverse?

  28. [QUOTE]The rest of the Republican congressmen? They're gunna lie low and say very little, saying one thing to their patrons and another to their constituents. Ultimately they'll vote against amnesty if ever it comes up for a vote. If they are are vocal against amnesty they anger Latinos. If they're vocal for amnesty they demoralize the Republican base. Either way, they lose.[/QUOTE]

    Most registered Republican voters in the comments section of American Renaissance and Taki Magazine threatened to either stay home on election day 2016 or vote for a 3rd party if the GOP backs Obama's amnesty plan.

    These are conservative patriotic Americans who are tired of the GOP treating them like a red headed step child.

  29. Latin Americans have lots of kids and maintain close ties with their extended families. And they tend to be strongly religious. These aspects of their culture are clearly on the conservative side of the ledger. Not a lot of spinsters or SWPLs in their ranks. Actually, Latin Americans have high numbers of single parent families in Mexicans the out of wedlock birth without a partner 45 percent and in the states 53 percent. White liberals actually get married more and have children 1 or 2 in wedlock. Latins along with Afro-Americans are more into alternative lifestyles. A man and two ladies. As Allan Wall who lived in Mexico reports its ok for the man to have a mistress if the mistress is single. Homosexuality is even being accepted more in Mexico they legalized it in Mexico City and Brazil is even more into the alternative lifestyles than the US.

  30. Latin Americans have lots of kids and maintain close ties with their extended families. And they tend to be strongly religious. These aspects of their culture are clearly on the conservative side of the ledger. Not a lot of spinsters or SWPLs in their ranks. Actually, Latin Americans have high numbers of single parent families in Mexicans the out of wedlock birth without a partner 45 percent and in the states 53 percent. White liberals actually get married more and have children 1 or 2 in wedlock. Latins along with Afro-Americans are more into alternative lifestyles. A man and two ladies. As Allan Wall who lived in Mexico reports its ok for the man to have a mistress if the mistress is single. Homosexuality is even being accepted more in Mexico they legalized it in Mexico City and Brazil is even more into the alternative lifestyles than the US.

  31. Well, most Latin American countries no longer have a lot of kids, only the Central American countries do probably because they are poorer than the others and have less acess to birth control. Few Latins practice the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in fact the most Religous in Latin America are Penecostial Protestants. Mexico current birthrate is at 2.1 and dropping. Brazil is at 1.7.

  32. Why would Hispanics do something that overall is not in their best interest? Its not going to lower their wages much if they get paid crap anyway, but it will increase their collective power if more Hispanics come.

  33. "And send millions of blacks to Vermont."

    Definitely! They should be ashamed, such a lack of diversity. Vermonters, and other liberal whitopias should show their democrat creds and create policies designed to bring in all those poor oppressed minorities from the red states, teach us ignorant bucktoothed inbred white hillbillies a lesson and demonstrate that liberalism works.

  34. This woman suddenly making sense and caring about "workers". What is this, some alternative reality? Did the LHC folks finally manage to destroy the old one? :))

  35. "Why didn't Ann ever get around to having children?"

    No marriage or family could survive the scrutiny they'd have to endure. Remember Joe McGinniss:
    "In late May he rented a house next door to Palin's home on Lake Lucille in Wasilla.[6][7] On her Facebook page, Palin warned him to stay away from her children and stated: "Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole?"[7] causing a brief media frenzy and, according to The Washington Post, "fury from Palin fans".[8][9] McGinniss responded that there was no view of anyone's bedroom from the rental house and suggested that Palin should have simply come over with a plate of cookies and had a civil discussion with him.[9]" - from Wikipedia

    That would be child's play compared to the treatment Coulter's family would get.

  36. well, iF Mittens had won he might have rise the incrase rates and got rid of the home mortgage deduction which would have slowed the housing recoverty and got rid of more consturcation jobs, Latinos would have been pissed. Probably your average mexican knew that Obama would keep the housing up while Romney wouldn't.

  37. There is NOTHING conservative about having a nanny state. Which is probably what you would prefer over capitalism.

    That's right -- there is nothing conservative about having a nanny state. And there is nothing conservative about capitalism.

  38. There have been plenty of non-Jewish white liberals involved in the construction and dissemination of that narrative as well as African-Americans and Hispanics.

    So what? Their participation invariably results from indoctrintion, incentivization, and/or intimidation by the architects of the program. They are essentially extended phenotypes (or tools) of the group whose interests the anti-White narrative serves.

  39. Haven't you guys seen what happened when McCain had to answer questions about his push for amnesty when he returned to Arizona? He got his ass handed to him and acted like the McCain we all know and love: petualant and paternalistic somehow at the same time.

  40. I suspect there is a lot of tension between what a Republican politician needs to say and do to:

    a. Get votes from people who are willing to vote Republican. (Some fraction of voters are committed Democrats and wont ever vote Republican--a Republican politician shouldn't worry a bit about what they want.). Most of these voters are uncomfortable with mass immigration.

    b. Raise money from mostly wealthy donors, whose concerns often center on cheap labor and lax financial regulation and low taxes.

    c. Keep the media reasonably sweet on them, which means appealing to the mindset of journalists and editors and media owners.

    In general, you need all three of these to work out passably well--certainly, you need to avoid making a complete enemy of either rich donors or potentially-friendly media. That seriously constrains what positions any politician can rake.

  41. To drive home that point, we need to emphasize how these drug cartel beheadings are a naturally occurring form of Neo-Mayan human sacrifice, which is doggedly reasserting itself after all these centuries.

    Now that is conservative.

  42. Most registered Republican voters in the comments section of American Renaissance and Taki Magazine threatened to either stay home on election day 2016 or vote for a 3rd party if the GOP backs Obama's amnesty plan.

    Go to the comments section of Michelle Malkin. Those guys won't even discuss immigration other than to say they support legal immigration. I've seen comment threads where guys try to point out the worthlessness of the GOP, but the majority of commenters there continue to push the idea that you must vote GOP.

    If Malkin's commenters represent more of the base than Amren or Taki, which I believe they do, then the GOP will still get their votes in 2016 no matter what.

  43. "How about Republicans ask Mexican-American voters to demonstrate that they have the best interests of American citizens as a whole at heart by opposing amnesty?

    It is as likely as Republicans opposing businesses exploiting taxpayer subsidized cheap labor in favor of their middle class and working class voters.

  44. No marriage or family could survive the scrutiny they'd have to endure... That would be child's play compared to the treatment Coulter's family would get...

    So you're going to allow the nihilists to scare you into annihilating your entire family tree?

    Sorry, but I know from copious experience that Komment Kontrol won't allow me to continue with this sort of back and forth, so I'll just have to leave it at that.

  45. Go to the comments section of Michelle Malkin. Those guys won't even discuss immigration other than to say they support legal immigration. I've seen comment threads where guys try to point out the worthlessness of the GOP, but the majority of commenters there continue to push the idea that you must vote GOP.
    There is Pasdenia Phil on the blog a great guy that calls most Republicans Rinos and hates illegal immiragation. Michelle has not good ideas and bad ideas. Michelle eventually went to Santariusm who turn out to be bad on immirgation.

  46. I have lived in Mexico for several years. In Mexico, the age of consent is 18. Even stupid NYT writers get totally confused, because under 18, any decision to prosecute the culprit is made by the family of the girl, not by the cops. (Unless she is under 12, which is a very serious crime and the police handle it.)

    In most cases, if the girl's family realizes she had "hot pants" and wanted it, they do not send him to prison. Which I find superior to the American system. He might even be allowed to "marry" her which gives the kids a father. And, he works and supports her at no cost to the taxpayers.

    Look at places like East St. Louis to see just how well our superior age of consent laws are working.

    Anonymous age 70

  47. "So you're going to allow the nihilists to scare you into annihilating your entire family tree?"

    If she started to weigh the consequences that her remarks might have on her family, she'd no longer be Ann Coulter, she'd be Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

  48. a. Get votes from people who are willing to vote Republican. (Some fraction of voters are committed Democrats and wont ever vote Republican--a Republican politician shouldn't worry a bit about what they want.). Most of these voters are uncomfortable with mass immigration.
    This is true, but the Democratics have a La Raza Lady going to Fair who is against e-verify. SO, the Democratics want to appeal to the Mexican government. Both Obama and the Mexican government are involved in expanding illegals on food stamps and other welfare programs.

  49. "No marriage or family could survive the scrutiny they'd have to endure... That would be child's play compared to the treatment Coulter's family would get..."

    Cut out the silly crap. Most people in the past had it much tougher than Coulter the multi-millionaire, but they still had babies.

    Coulter wants to look good as a free independent women, and that is why she doesn't wanna tie the knot and have kids.

    Or, she wants to marry a god, but there aint any around.

    She ought marry a vampire. I've been watching TWILIGHT finally. It's shlock but I'll be...
    I'm falling in love with it even as I'm laughing about it.

  50. QUOTE]I have lived in Mexico for several years. In Mexico, the age of consent is 18. Even stupid NYT writers get totally confused, because under 18, any decision to prosecute the culprit is made by the family of the girl, not by the cops. (Unless she is under 12, which is a very serious crime and the police handle it.)

    In most cases, if the girl's family realizes she had "hot pants" and wanted it, they do not send him to prison. Which I find superior to the American system. He might even be allowed to "marry" her which gives the kids a father. And, he works and supports her at no cost to the taxpayers.

    Look at places like East St. Louis to see just how well our superior age of consent laws are working.

    Anonymous age 70[/QUOTE]

    In Mexico the sexual age of consent is 12. That means a man as old as Hugh Hefner could legally marry a 12 year old girl.

    Mestizo Mexican culture is extremely backwards compared White Anglo Saxon culture.


  51. Obama redistribution of wealth socialism is underway. Rape the rich on taxes and pay for illegal immigrant benefits so they can breed more and have offspring that will eat more of your tax dollars. As the Obama gov. expands like a cancer, eating your tax dollars, it will control your life more via oppressive business rules to stifle employment, stronger EPA rules to shut down more refineries giving us higher gas prices, death panels via Obamacare, rationing of healthcare via the same, and soon, they will grab people's retirement funds to manage it just like Argentina did. His panel of Czars seek to bypass congress/Senate, giving this Prez more power. As they say in Europe, socialism works, until you run out of other people's money. Look at France- lazy workers that get mega gov entitlements that have driven their gov. to BK. We are headed down this same road, so be prepared for Greek style riots, when the gov. can no longer pay for pensions promised, freebee food stamps and other enittlements.
    This from an asian how interesting.

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  52. "I never understood why so many in the Stupid Party believe that Latin American culture is conservative in it's nature."

    The people who run the GOP have never been exposed to typical Hispanics except smarmy servants. Goes for blacks too. Many rich old white men are too egotistical to detect flattery and to smug to understand that it ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun. They think some peon who laughs at their bad jokes and nods in agreement with whatever they say is being sincere, then they talk endlessly about some conservative Chilean in one of their MBA classes. They think some Hispanic security guard is their best buddy because he responds politely to mindless small talk.

    They have never been in an environment where minorities are in control or minority cultural values are dominant. They have certainly never had the kind of close relationships with average Hispanics or blacks where such people would feel free to share their true thoughts about political and racial issues to a non-threatening white man who they may feel class or social bonds with as mutual poor people, manual laborers or denizens of societies margins. That's something that only non-elite white males can experience.


  53. "Latin Americans have lots of kids and maintain close ties with their extended families. And they tend to be strongly religious. These aspects of their culture are clearly on the conservative side of the ledger. Not a lot of spinsters or SWPLs in their ranks."

    Same could be said of Afghani Pashtuns, head hunting cannibals in New Guinea, human sacrificing bronze age peoples, neolithic hunter gathers or a myriad of other savages. The possibilities for new GOP voters are endless. Australopithecus was conservative as heck, no doubt.

  54. Most registered Republican voters in the comments section of American Renaissance and Taki Magazine threatened to either stay home on election day 2016 or vote for a 3rd party if the GOP backs Obama's amnesty plan.

    Go to the comments section of Michelle Malkin. Those guys won't even discuss immigration other than to say they support legal immigration. I've seen comment threads where guys try to point out the worthlessness of the GOP, but the majority of commenters there continue to push the idea that you must vote GOP.
    I agree with you some Republicans when they want to moved from California moved to Texas. They go from number one state in illegal immirgation to number 2 if they were concern they would try Arizona which is about number 8 in total illegals but at least tried to do something about it.

  55. As I stated before large families are now passe in Latin America and a lot of conservative whites actually don't have more than two kids. Believe it or not politcally moderate people have as much kids as conservatives. There are many childless conservatives, Ann Counter, Laura Inghram never married adopted children, its a myth that everyone on the right is married. Granted, conservative whites have a little more kids than liberals but Rush has been married 3 or 4 times and no biological children. Sean Hanney only has 2.

  56. Well, the Democratics tend to do better with single women because of the social issues with educated high career but they even do better with the waitress single parent mom. Married women usually have a husband employed and new less welfare benefits while a single mom needs more.

  57. Both Puero Rico and Brazil had birthrates below the US average, Mexico is heading in that direction and even in the States Mexicans are having less kids . Unless the Mexicans are evangelicals the family life of kids will be less stronger since Meixcan Roman Catholics are becmong similar to white Roman Catholics they don't listen to the pope on birth control. Mexicans are not mormons or conseravtive white Catholics or Evangelicals.

  58. "I never understood why so many in the Stupid Party believe that Latin American culture is conservative in it's nature. What it is about Latin American culture that supposedly SCREAMS CONSERVATIVE in the eyes of the Stupid Party?"

    The answer's right there in your question: 'stupid party'.
    Conservatives equate stupid with conservative.
    Belief in Creationism = stupid = conservative.
    Anti-intellectualism = George W. Bush as born again beer buddy = stupid = conservative.
    Sarah Palin = stupid = conservative.
    My country right or wrong = stupid = conservative.

    So, conservatives thing blacks (as stupid as a demographic gets) are conservative?

    Maybe you're the stupid one.

  59. There are many meanings to conservative, and one is 'tribal' and 'us vs them'.

    Whereas, there's only one meaning to liberal: tribal and us vs. them.

  60. That's an oversimplification. There have been plenty of non-Jewish white liberals involved in the construction and dissemination of that narrative as well as African-Americans and Hispanics.

    It's a simplification, not an oversimplification.

  61. What about Ted Cruz? He's a latino republican we can all get behind.

  62. Svigor we give you facts that not all the Republicans fit what you describe here. I told you that Texas whites have less probably than whites in La and NY and you still think their all lower middle class. In fact the biggest believers in the bible are graduates of Christian colleges not high school drop outs. I don't believe the Earth is just 6,000 years old but evoluation is a 19th century view of Darwin who was a classical liberal while you tend to be on the left politically.

  63. I agree with you some Republicans when they want to moved from California moved to Texas. They go from number one state in illegal immirgation to number 2 if they were concern they would try Arizona which is about number 8 in total illegals but at least tried to do something about it.

    You're awfully confused. Texas and California also tried to do something about it, but the central government forced them to accept the illegal invasion.

  64. Latin Americans have lots of kids and maintain close ties with their extended families. And they tend to be strongly religious.

    They're not "highly religious". They're a good deal less religious than blacks, for example.

  65. Most registered Republican voters in the comments section of American Renaissance and Taki Magazine threatened to either stay home on election day 2016 or vote for a 3rd party if the GOP backs Obama's amnesty plan.

    Who's kidding who here? The "registered Republican voters" of Takimag and Amren have not voted Republican in many, many years and most assuredly will not vote Republican in 2016, regardless of how the party stands on amnesty over the next four years. Those sort of people can (and do) always come up with some excuse for why the GOP does not deserve their votes.

  66. There are many meanings to conservative, and one is 'tribal' and 'us vs them'.

    By that definition, the Democratic party is far more "conservative" than the Republican party. At least from the standpoint of the various tribal groups - blacks, Hispanics, Jews, etc - it enthusiastically represents.


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