February 18, 2013

NYT: "California Eases Tone as Latinos Make Gains"

"Students after school in Glen Avon, east of Los Angeles. Latinos now
make up more than two-thirds of many cities in that region."
From the New York Times:
California Eases Tone as Latinos Make Gains


LOS ANGELES — A generation ago, California voters approved a ballot initiative that was seen as the most anti-immigrant law in the nation. Immigrants who had come to the country illegally would be ineligible to receive prenatal care, and their children would be barred from public schools.
But the law, which was later declared unconstitutional by the federal courts, never achieved the goal of its backers: to turn back the tide of immigrants pouring into the state. Instead, since the law was approved in 1994, the political and social reality has changed drastically across the state. Now, more California residents than ever before say that immigrants are a benefit to the state, according to public opinion polls from the Public Policy Institute of California. 
As Congress begins debating an overhaul of the immigration system, many in California sense that the country is just now beginning to go through the same evolution the state experienced over the last two decades. For a generation of Republicans, Gov. Pete Wilson’s barrages on the impact of immigration in the 1990s spoke to their uneasiness with the way the state was changing. Now many California Republicans point to that as the beginning of their downfall. 
Today, party leaders from both sides, and from all over the state, are calling for a softer approach and a wholesale change in federal policies.

Have you noticed how the prestige press's reporting on immigration policy is about the same in tone and lack of content as junior high school girls gossiping about the tone of people they don't like?

As Auntie Analog says, "The New York Times: the Newspaper of Broken Record."


  1. Well there you have it. The catastrophe is a benefit. The paper of record says so. Case closed.

  2. "Now many California Republicans point to that as the beginning of their downfall. "

    Well, they're right in that their downfall chronologically began at about that time...

  3. "'To constantly refer to undocumented immigrants as illegals is very hostile and self-righteous,' Mr. Baugh said. 'Let’s point out that while crossing the border without documents is illegal, a federal misdemeanor, being in this country as an immigrant isn’t a criminal act.'"

    Lord Face-Palmerston over here

  4. Yes, I've noticed.

    "Illegal immigration is no threat to us at the NYT, and as a bonus it crushes the lower class Whites we HATE HATE HATE. Bring 'em on."

  5. I get that vibe Steve, but the reporting itself is pretty matter-of-fact. I have asked several lefty friends if they really think we can absorb over a million immigrants a year and so far it's been a conversation-stopper.

    Nobody is going to read the NY Times any place where Latinos are market-dominant. Those aging communications majors on TV news, unionized, haggish flight attendants are not going to compete with young hoochie mamas strutting their stuff. Not to pick on white women, but those are the examples that come readily to mind. White men have targets on their back too.

    Young, fertile immigrants are not going to pay taxes for old white people. Latinos are not hard at work dreaming up the Next Big Thing.

    I'm thinking Nicolae Ceaucescu still yammering about socialist autarchy four days before he was summarily dragged behind a building and shot.

  6. Other than infuriating yourself what is to be gained from reading the NYT?

  7. Somebody needs to tell the New York Times that California Republicans do much better with Hispanics than New York Republicans.

  8. I believe the Palestinians refer to their dispossession as "an-Nakba" or the catastrophe.

    White Americans call our catastrophe "diversity".

    I googled the author and she is a wise-Latina in the Sotomayor vein.

  9. Jennifer Medina, Conquistador-American: https://twitter.com/jennymedina

  10. Wealthy founding stock and colomial stock americans pushed for massive immigration to enhance their own profits.

  11. "But the law, which was later declared unconstitutional by the federal courts, never achieved the goal of its backers: to turn back the tide of immigrants pouring into the state. Instead, since the law was approved in 1994, the political and social reality has changed drastically across the state. Now, more California residents than ever before say that immigrants are a benefit to the state,"

    Well since a huge and growing chunk of "California residents" are those selfsame illegal immigrants, is it a surprise to hear them claim they are a benefit to the state? What else? You wouldn't expect they'd say of themselves that they are a detriment, would you?

  12. Guess what? Those California Latinos in the picture are probably middle school students pumped up on a diet of Whoppers, Biggie Fries, Dominos pizza, and KFC. Despite their tender age they are probably all old enough to bear kids and shave. Half of the kids you see there will drop out before sophomore year in high school. Fifteen to twenty years down the road they will probably be dealing with their first major medical problems. I have seen more than one double amputee 30-something Latina in my Kaiser clinic probably waiting to see her doctor about her diabetes meds.

  13. Jennifer Medina, Conquistador-American: https://twitter.com/jennymedina

    She looks a little, um, scots-irish, to me.

  14. What the author forgets in those days before whites left for other states after the aerospace downturn, Hispanics in La still voted a lot more for Democratics than Republicans, a lot of the problem is the white vote, granted La is less white than Orange County or San Diego but San Diego is a swing county and Orange is still slighly red. La whites vote less for Republicans than whites in Riverside where Romeny won by a 1 or 2 and Riverside is about 44 oe 45 percent Hispanic as well. La is just a little more Hispanic at 47 or 48 percent. As Steve as stated white vote is low in Calif for Republicans except in some counties like Riverside, Orange and Kern.

  15. Somebody needs to tell the New York Times that California Republicans do much better with Hispanics than New York Republicans. That's not true the Mexicans votedover 70 percent for the Democratics in Ca, and in the barrio of East La Obama won about 80 percent. The Mexicans that voted for Romeny live in Riverside or Kern or are are married to whites in South Orange County.

  16. "But the law, which was later declared unconstitutional by the federal courts,"

    Actually what happened is one Federal court called it "unconstitutional" and the Gov of California refused to appeal it. Except for Pete Wilson (who joined late and reluctantly) every California Gov since 1988 has been pro-illegal immigration, despite any insincere public noises to the contrary.

  17. Actually those looked like nice homes but some Mexicans will rent 2 to 3 families in them to afford the rent,

  18. Well California made a big mistake. Arizona not only attack welfare goodies for the illegal immirgants and was wise to avoid the education of illegals from k to 12 but also passed a tougher e-verify law and fine companies for hiring illegal immirgants. If California was wise, if Barbara Coe could not redone the California measure similar to Arizona Ca might have lost about 500,000 to a million in the 1990's. Ca was already over 2 million by 2000 and under the Bush years grew another 800,000.

  19. 'To constantly refer to undocumented immigrants as illegals is very hostile and self-righteous,' Mr. Baugh said. 'Let’s point out that while crossing the border without documents is illegal, a federal misdemeanor, being in this country as an immigrant isn’t a criminal act.'"
    Baugh a jerk and tie in with the corporate interest of Orange County that wants to hire illegal immirgants for cleaning jobs and fastfood and short order cooks and carwashes and construcation.

  20. I mean Arizona didn't challenge the Texas ruling of educationing illegal kids but went after their parents jobs.

  21. Not true, Anaheim is a town of Germans a lot of illegal immirgants there and the Irvine Company which pushed for their legalization comes from James Irvine an Irishman. Lou Dobbs mention the Irvine Company being involved with wanting to legalized more illegals because before the Irvine Company got involved with commerical and residential real estate it was into farming.Wealthy founding stock and colomial stock americans pushed for massive immigration to enhance their own profitsne an irishman.

  22. Wealthy founding stock and colomial stock americans pushed for massive immigration to enhance their own profits.

    That is an outrageous falsehood. The 1965 Act -- which curtailed Mexican and other immigration from South of the border -- had absolutely ZERO to do with labor.

  23. Wealthy founding stock and colomial stock americans pushed for massive immigration to enhance their own profits.

    No they did not. Wealthy founding stock and colonial stock originally pushed the Naturalization Act of 1790 and as late as 1924, were deliberately trying to preserve the nation's demographics.

    Their efforts ran afoul of some who believed more of their fellow ethnics should have been let in during the 1930s, and thus blame those founding and colonial stock Americans for their demise.

    Eventually the Immigration Act of 1965, pushed by Celler, Kennedy and other non-WASPs, was a big F-U to founding and colonial stock Americans.

  24. "Students after school in Glen Avon, east of Los Angeles. Latinos now
    make up more than two-thirds of many cities in that region."

    I thought East LA has been heavily Mexican since the 70's. Have whites actually been driven out or is it the blacks who are being purged?

  25. "I was in Glendale on Saturday night and walked past hundreds of young Spanish-speaking people lined up to get into Giggles night club."

    Well, look on the bright side. You were probably safe. Now suppose this were a nightclub in West Oakland. I doubt you would casually stroll past a mob of Africans ready for fun.

  26. Hey, Steve, what do you have against Jr High girls, that you would stoop so low as to compare them to NY Times propagandists??

  27. She looks a little, um, scots-irish, to me.

    The city of Medina was "a heavily Jewish city", and Medina is in fact a Hebrew word, according to The Forward:


    The first Jew to be knighted in England (in 1700) was named Medina, and the name (like Hinojosa and Longoria) is prominent among marranos in North America.

    So, no surprise.

  28. "No they did not. Wealthy founding stock and colonial stock originally pushed the Naturalization Act of 1790 and as late as 1924, were deliberately trying to preserve the nation's demographics.'

    But didn't a lot of businesses benefit from the 1890 to 1920's immigration?

    How come they allowed that to happen? There was a lot cheap labor during those years.

    Maybe, like today, the average person was against the immigration surge beginning around 1890, but couldn't do anything about it until 1924.

  29. And not a peep about the economic calamity crushing California, even though its the center of our media & tech industries.

    The thing about the NYT is that its what they don't report that's the real story. Just wait until California requests a federal bailout from Uncle Sugar.

  30. "The thing about the NYT is that its what they don't report that's the real story. Just wait until California requests a federal bailout from Uncle Sugar."

    Suppose the Obama Treasury started buying California's general obligation bonds. There's a way to prop up California by sucking the value out of the money in your wallet. No congressional approval needed.

  31. I thought East LA has been heavily Mexican since the 70's. Have whites actually been driven out or is it the blacks who are being purged? Actually, there were some asians and whites in East La in the 1970's. It use to be 60 percent and went up to over 90 percent. In fact at one time they predicted it would be 6o percent inthe whole county of La by 2,000 but Asian and white cities developed. In nearby by orange County Mexicans make up over 50 percent in 4 cities out of 34 percent. There Mexcians are more a product of the older towns Santa Ana and Anaheim where 43 percent of mainly Meixcan and a few Central Americans live. La Mexicans and Central Ameicans are more evenly divided by the city of LA and many of the Mexican suburb towns.

  32. Just wait until California requests a federal bailout from Uncle Sugar.

    Hollywood already got one. It's called the Digital Monopoly Copyright Act.

  33. Another thing is Catholic faith, The protestant convert to the Roman Cahtolic faith that reads the church fathers is different from the average Mexican which comes from a bakground in Mexico that also had folk religion. Conservative Catholic whites on the social issues can quote the Didache and other anicent sources why they opposed abortion while the average hispanic Catholic can only say because his priest opposes it. That's why Catholics like Laura Inghram a Catholic convert is strongly more anti-abortion than an average Hispanic Catholic.

  34. "Actually those looked like nice homes but some Mexicans will rent 2 to 3 families in them to afford the rent."

    Yup. In fact, the group of apparently unrelated teenagers shown in the picture may all be returning to the same home.

  35. Bertram Noone2/18/13, 9:03 PM

    On Topic:

    Excellent post by Sultan Knish:


  36. Everything written in that article is misleading or patently false. Illegal aliens are called "immigrants" which they are not. America is headed towards a catastrophe. By design too.

  37. Auntie Analogue2/18/13, 10:00 PM

    Ah, yes, The New York Times: the Newspaper of Broken Record. (If, that is, anyone here remembers what a broken vinyl record sounded like....sounded like...sounded like....)

  38. But the law, which was later declared unconstitutional by the federal courts, never achieved the goal of its backer...

    Is it that difficult to see why a law which was never allowed to go into effect might not achieve the goal of its backers? Who writes this stuff?

    For a generation of Republicans, Gov. Pete Wilson’s barrages on the impact of immigration in the 1990s spoke to their uneasiness with the way the state was changing.

    Oh yes, things are so much better now.

  39. "Eventually the Immigration Act of 1965, pushed by Celler, Kennedy and other non-WASPs, was a big F-U to founding and colonial stock Americans."

    And ultimately a big F-U to Kennedy's own people. The Irish have been pushed out of power in the old East Coast cities by Jews and Italians and soon probably by Indians, as well. In the heartland they are outgunned as they've always been by British, German, and Scandinavian stock. Paul Ryan will never be president or even Veep. And the Kennedy family itself is done as a political power. They can't even manage to get elected in liberal states like Maryland or Massachusetts anymore.

    Not that Ted Kennedy ever gave a shit about working class Irish...

  40. I thought East LA has been heavily Mexican since the 70's. Have whites actually been driven out or is it the blacks who are being purged?

    East L.A. proper has been heavily Hispanic since the 40's. I think they are talking about the surrounding area.

  41. Matthew, Joe Kennedy III, or Joe Da Turd as I call him, moved out of his mother's basement to Barney Frank's old district and won the Congressional seat in his first electoral outing.

    As I've said many times, until every son and daughter of Eire who grew up with photos of the Pope, JFK and Cardinal Cushing on the mantel is dead, Kennedys will continue to be elected here in the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

  42. Glen Avon is a shit hole in the deepest reaches of the Inland Empire.

    I grew up in the western end of the I.E., in Chino and Pomona, and, yes, indeed, this entire sprawl of east L.A. suburbs is at or well over half Hispanic--and, in reality, it's a higher percentage because plenty of "whites" (like my dearest ma) are first or second generation Mexicans themselves, albeit of Spanish stock rather than Amerind stock.

    Here's my two cents on why white Southern Californians have resigned themselves to the onslaught:

    1. They're upper-middle or upper class, live in gated neighborhoods, and aren't affected by it. Some of these rich, of course, benefit from lots of poor immigrants, if their livelihood is built somehow on the presence of said labor (fast food franchise owners, industrial contractors, et cet.)

    2. They're near retirement and have washed their hands of all political problems, including this one. Even if they live in a heavily Hispanic suburb, they don't need to go out much, and when they do, they go to the river or the dunes or the mountains where they don't have to deal with the immigrants.

    3. They've already left the state or moved to northern California, or are seriously planning to do so.

    4. They dislike a state swamped with third-world dregs but they LOVE LOVE LOVE the weather, the beaches, the mountains, and the night life. Where else in the world can you surf in the morning, hike in the mountains at noon, rock climb at sunset in the desert, then head to some swag urban club for drinks after? This is the most common attitude I run across, albeit an unspoken one: California has a lot of crap you need to put up with--traffic, smog, high sales tax--and dirty Mexicans are just one more problem that you ignore and avoid the best you can.

    5. They're conservative Christians and have no sense of white identity, preferring "hard working" "family-oriented" Mexicans (they all live together as a big family unit, isn't that nice!) over the moral abominations of white liberal culture, i.e., Hollywood. My father seems to have this attitude, unfortunately.

    Is there a breaking point at which these reasons (number 3 excluded) are overridden by the sheer reality of huge Hispanic populations that are not re-filling the public coffers? Probably. But it's far off. Hollywood and Silicone Valley have a LOT of money, and as long as those industries are around, Cali can support a lot of dead weight, and her white citizens can continue to keep their heads down as long as the Hispanics continue not to go where they go.

  43. . They're conservative Christians and have no sense of white identity, preferring "hard working" "family-oriented" Mexicans (they all live together as a big family unit, isn't that nice!) over the moral abominations of white liberal culture, i.e., Hollywood. My father seems to have this attitude, unfortunately.
    Actually the white Chirstians have it worng the Hispanics are less to Christian values than most liberal whites. They have children out of wedlock, are more likey to chat on their sponse, Alln Wall states this is ok in Mexico as long as the mistress is not married. The atticle hsould have mention that this was the inland empire.


  44. They're upper-middle or upper class, live in gated neighborhoods, and aren't affected by it. Some of these rich, of course, benefit from lots of poor immigrants, if their livelihood is built somehow on the presence of said labor (fast food franchise owners, industrial contractors, et cet.)
    This is uusally the problem of Orange County. However, a lot of lower skilled jobs not just those dominated by Mexicans, like clerical jobs and manufactory that asked for a HSD doesn't pay any better than states like Ariozna. Clerical work in La and the OC adveritizes for 12 to 16 per hr and the same with a lot of factory jobs between 11 and 18 per hr. Wages are really stagant with high rent, so actually whites and second generation Mexicans move out.

  45. Is there a breaking point at which these reasons (number 3 excluded) are overridden by the sheer reality of huge Hispanic populations that are not re-filling the public coffers? Probably. But it's far off. Hollywood and Silicone Valley have a LOT of money, and as long as those industries are around, Cali can support a lot of dead weight, and her white citizens can continue to keep their heads down as long as the Hispanics continue not to go where they go.

    I agree with you there, conservatives which actually complain more about the high taxes and sometimes the illegal immirgation think the state is the next Greece I dobut that but a high Hispanic state whether you are California or Texas does have an impact.

  46. "that was seen as the most anti-immigrant law in the nation"

    Through those magic words was seen, the press claims to speak for everyone and influence public consciousness through a bandwagon effect. "Here is what the people think" and those that think otherwise are anti-social outsiders that will face inevitable defeat. Everyday the press declares "We are the voice of the people."

  47. [QUOTE]That's not true the Mexicans votedover 70 percent for the Democratics in Ca, and in the barrio of East La Obama won about 80 percent.[/QUOTE]

    So a whopping 80 percent of those "natural Republican" Hispanics in East Los Angeles voted for Barack Hussein Obama.

    I am sure East Los Angeles with it's high percentage of gang members who sell drugs and sexually promiscuous single teenage mothers on welfare, have a lot of wholesome Leave It To Beaver like "conservative family values"

  48. Nobody is going to read the NY Times any place where Latinos are market-dominant

    Also true where whites are still dominant. In Sausalito, days-old NYT's can be seen in many hillside driveways.

  49. At least Lee Kuan Yew isn't on board http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2013/02/13/singapores-lee-kuan-yew-talks-americas-strangths-and-weaknesses/

    '"He also gives U.S. immigration practices a failing grade, declaring that “multiculturalism will destroy America.” The key question is: “do you make the Hispanics Anglo-Saxons in culture or do they make you more Latin American in culture?”'

  50. What exactly are the gains made, aside from numbers? Californians, in their attempt to halt the onslaught, were merely the first to fail. A thousand miles from the border, I now have the privilege of picking up my Hispanic neighbors' trash that wafts onto my property, including their Medicaid and EBT receipts.

  51. Asian food companies buy O.C. factory space Asians have negatives too but it seems that they add more economically than Hisapnics. One of the reason for Asian food companies buying factory space to produce Asian deserts is the rise of the Asian population. Not Great for Repbulcians either but it seems that Asians ad more economically than Hispanics that don't really expand business enterprises, oh well.

  52. Rep. Paul Ryan, whom many are eyeing as a possible 2016 GOP presidential candidate, will be stopping in Newport Beach on Thursday for a couple events and some private meetings.

    The 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee is scheduled to attend an 11:45 a.m. luncheon at the Pacific Club hosted by the New Majority, a group of well-heeled Republican business people. The event is open to members and their guests. Membership is $10,000 and is by invitation only.
    Amnesty Ryan in person.

  53. Here's my two cents on why white Southern Californians have resigned themselves to the onslaught:

    Choice 6. They no longer care, and want to both avoid conflict and to get “their share” before the entire edifice collapses.

    It is no mistake that California communities and school districts are increasingly turning to “capital appreciation” or “zero coupon” bonds,” which defer both the interest and principal until maturity. Santa Anna school district took out, in 2009, a $35M bond issue that allows it to defer all capital and interest payments until 2026, when it will be forced to pay back $340M. Poway School District took out a $105M bond issue that allows it to defer capital and interest payments until 2041, when it will be forced to pay $982M.

    In both cases, the school districts agreed to forego tax increases in exchange for the public supporting the bond measures. By the time that paying for the bonds becomes an issue, most of the White population will be gone. I wonder how the “diverse” community that replaces them will pay for it.

    The same is true of pensions. Many older Whites oppose the pension “reforms” intended to ensure that “our grandchildren” will not be forced to pay for it. Seeing no future in California for them or their families, they are more than content to force communities to take out bond issues to pay for their pensions. Communities such as Oakland, CA, are increasingly forced to take out bond measures to pay for the interest on bonds that they took out to pay for decades-old police pensions. When “whitey” is gone, the “vibrant” communities that replaced them will get to pay for the layers of debt they incurred paying the old White folk's pensions. Good luck!

  54. I think I have the answer to illegal immigration.

    I just fired up my little floor cleaning robot. It only costs about $100. It's a Mint. A Roomba costs about $400. I may move up to one of those.

    I hire illegal aliens to clean my house. I don't want to, but there doesn't seem to be anyway to avoid it. The one I have now cost $130 for the first cleaning and then $90 every two weeks. If my robot can allow me to only hire a human every three weeks instead or every two weeks, I will save a lot of money and I will cut my payments to Mexicans by a third.

    Obviously floor cleaning isn't everything but it is a significant part of a routine cleaning. If everyone in America used a cleaning robot we would need many hundreds fewer illegal aliens working Mybe there a way around it, someone start a business where homeless whites can be train.

  55. the narrative paradigm2/20/13, 1:05 AM

    They don't just report on news any more, duh... Have to stay competitive in this new "media landscape"

  56. It is no mistake that California communities and school districts are increasingly turning to “capital appreciation” or “zero coupon” bonds,” which defer both the interest and principal until maturity. Santa Anna school district took out, in 2009, a $35M bond issue that allows it to defer all capital and interest payments until 2026, when it will be forced to pay back $340M. Poway School District took out a $105M bond issue that allows it to defer capital and interest payments until 2041, when it will be forced to pay $982M.
    When the town Santa Ana was more white in the 1970s', school population 70 percent white and 30 percent for Mexican people opposed tax increases and bond incrases since the babyboomer population was finishing high school in the 1970's and brithrates had dropped. This is one reason that prop 13 passed a lot of folks didn't want to pay high property taxes to schools when most of their children had finished schools. Getting a different demograhics keep the schools with high enrolmment for 30 years.

  57. Oakland black population is now under 30 percent and the Hispanics will be the majority there as well.

  58. "Is there a breaking point at which these reasons (number 3 excluded) are overridden by the sheer reality of huge Hispanic populations that are not re-filling the public coffers? Probably. But it's far off. Hollywood and Silicone Valley have a LOT of money, and as long as those industries are around, Cali can support a lot of dead weight, and her white citizens can continue to keep their heads down as long as the Hispanics continue not to go where they go. "

    It's population thermodynamics. The United states is a well ordered low entropy society. Mexico is chaotic high entropy society. The border barrier has been removed, and the two societies are in process of equilibrating due to a strong net northward flux of brown particles (or Brownian motion if you like).

  59. "When “whitey” is gone, the “vibrant” communities that replaced them will get to pay for the layers of debt they incurred paying the old White folk's pensions. Good luck!"

    When whitey is gone, somebody is going to be holding a lot of bad debt. That would be the Chinese, with their superior high tech navy and air force. The Chinese will see our vast energy stores, mineral resources, and agricultural lands, and simply take them in repayment. Who's going to stop them: MS13? The Crazy Little Stoners? The Crips? The Ohlones?

    If America gets conquered and carved up by angry debtor nations in 2075, it will be a fate richly deserved.

  60. California will start voting Republican again when white liberals (and their Asian allies who vote much like them for the same reasons) can no longer control the Democratic Party in the state. They still do, so the damage isn't yet irreparable.

    When their interests are seriously under threat due to Hispanic candidates winning primaries in a majority of the state, white flight from the Democrats will accelerate. They will either vote third party or vote for Giuliani-type Republicans (socially liberal, fiscally conservative). We'll see the effects in California first. It will probably take another few election cycles though.

  61. Construcation work will never reach its peak like 2006, in many large counties in calif construcation work is down 30,000 people. There is a pick up since banks are releasing inventory so much at a time but once construcation gets going then old houses get release to investors to convert them into renters. The downturn of the consrucation industry in Ca and the faster growth in other states like Texas will drive illegals more and cut there growth.

  62. More robot cleaning devices, more kids demanding fastfood jobs in non-hispanic areas, away to reduce drywaller workers and other construcation jobs and more the Robot replacing Manual the farmworker. Whites starting their own landscaping and hiring relatives. Whites starting their cleaning business and hiring their relatives.

  63. "It is no mistake that California communities and school districts are increasingly turning to “capital appreciation” or “zero coupon” bonds,” which defer both the interest and principal until maturity. Santa Anna school district took out, in 2009, a $35M bond issue that allows it to defer all capital and interest payments until 2026, when it will be forced to pay back $340M."

    Holy shit, you're not lying. Hundreds of school districts in CA are doing this, passing the bill straight down to people 3-4 decades from now, with no payments in between. This should be illegal.

  64. "Santa Anna school district took out, in 2009, a $35M bond issue that allows it to defer all capital and interest payments until 2026, when it will be forced to pay back $340M."

    For the record, the Santa Ana Unified SD is 93.1% Hispanic. Good luck getting your money back in 2026.


  65. California will start voting Republican again when white liberals (and their Asian allies who vote much like them for the same reasons) can no longer control the Democratic Party in the state. They still do, so the damage isn't yet irreparable.

    When their interests are seriously under threat due to Hispanic candidates winning primaries in a majority of the state, white flight from the Democrats will accelerate. They will either vote third party or vote for Giuliani-type Republicans (socially liberal, fiscally conservative). We'll see the effects in California first. It will probably take another few election cycles though. There is some truth to this a lot of Democratic politicans in Ca are now Hispanics, either that or a new left-right divide in the Dem Party in Ca. Libertarian and blue dog without being so dumb on immirgation.
    2/20/13, 1:45 PM

  66. Jeremy Camp one of the victims of Syad was a construcation worker in Orange County. Commerical construcation workers still have some whites. What needs to be done is a discrimnation suirt file in behalf of whites not be allowed to do residental construcation.


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