February 26, 2013

Rubio Fever = Neoconquistadorism

Cutting taxes and spending, Cuba, Israel, and not one but two names that end in vowels: What more could Mexican-American voters want in a Presidential candidate?


  1. I think the only option left for the right is winning over the friendly vampires and wolf-Indians.

    Better Jake the wolf-kid than George P. Bush or Rubio.

  2. Made me think of that record label, "His Master's Voice."

  3. Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender. He is really priviledged!

    You don't need to get your panties in a wad over this, Sailer, because Rubio will never become presidente. Latinos won't give him their votes because he is too economically conservative, and whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough.

  4. Open borders = beta

  5. Cleaning up after Israel = beta

  6. Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender. He is really priviledged!

    How did his family make a living in Cuba?

  7. Honestly Nick Diaz is completely right. Rubio simply isn't privildged in the way many of the white skinned Latin elite are. Continuing to harp on this seems to buy into the white privilege canard. It suggests that Rubios white skin makes him automatically elite.

  8. Paying for Israel's drinks = beta

  9. "Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender."

    I would guess that most historical conquistadors were landless peasants. Very few people of any background came to the New World because they were rich.

    "...and whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough."

    Yeah, it's why Obama lost twice.

  10. "whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough." If you'd said that five years ago, it would've made sense.

  11. America has a terrible system for picking presidents. 4 years ago this chap was a nobody state legislator. The idea that you can just waltz into power like this is extremely dangerous. You could end up with any kind of nut-case running the show. At least with the Westminster system you can fire your leader instantly if he turns out to be an idiot. You're stuck with yours for 4 years. Terrible.

  12. Nicky Diaz:"Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender. He is really priviledged!"

    White sin counts for an awful lot in Latin America, Nicky. Just scope out your favorite UNIVISION celebrities.

    Nicky Diaz:"You don't need to get your panties in a wad over this, Sailer, because Rubio will never become presidente."

    MMM, if he can't become "presidente," does that mean that he still has a shot at being president?Remember, Nicky, ESL has benefited so many people.

    Nicky Diaz:"Latinos won't give him their votes because he is too economically conservative,"

    Plus, Rubio also has the double drawback of having a Cuban accent and being White.

    Nicky Diaz:" and whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough."

    Yeah, that whole "not being White enough" thing really crippled Obama's career.

  13. I think it's been pointed out here before but Mexican Americans don't particularly like Cubanos or Puerto Ricans.

  14. American men paying for Israeli men = beta

  15. Sure it counts alot in Latin America but we along with Rubio live in America. If it were as simple as having white skin why don't some istevers head south and become alphas. Honestly, what does conquistador American signify is it only white skin. Plymouth Rock landed on us was a catchy slogan too.

  16. Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender. He is really priviledged!

    If Rubio's family weren't privileged they would still be in Cuba.

  17. "Israel, illegal infiltrators, Cuba. His priorities are foreigners."

    Yep, though somehow its anti-Semitic, racist, and Communist to point that out. But we like that you're a communist, so you're forgiven for that, but not the others.

    "Yet most white Americans, who are not descendants of anyone who did anything terrible, are still accused of privilege and held to account."

    When I am accused of white privilege or held accountable for white crimes I remind people that my ancestors and their relatives fought the Nazis and helped free the slaves.

  18. When I am accused of white privilege or held accountable for white crimes I remind people that my ancestors and their relatives fought the Nazis and helped free the slaves.

    That's conceding their frame. It grants the implied premise that if your ancestors hadn't "fought the Nazis" or "helped free the slaves" you would be a legitimate target.

    Instead, turn it around on them. Accuse them of anti-Semitism against Whites. Of holding Whites to a double standard. Singling out Whites. That's bigotry.

    Ask about other group's crimes. Suggest doing something about ongoing Jewish crimes in Palestine--something that is in the present and could actually be stopped.

  19. [QUOTE]Plus, Rubio also has the double drawback of having a Cuban accent and being White.[/QUOTE]

    Nobody in the mainstream media ever refers to Marco Rubio as being "White".

    There have been more media references of George Zimmerman being "White" there have of Marco Rubio being "White".

  20. Rubio is quite the light weight plus he beats Obama in having two non-citizen parents. They were naturalized after he was born. Plus they did not flee Castro (part of the Rubio narrative) they got here a few years prior.

    So Rubio is not natural born, cannot become president. 0 was also ineligible due to one non-citizen parent

  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NxPnLGBNlAs

    This is a red herring. There are plenty of gentile actors--and writers, technical crew, and even directors--in Hollywood. But that's not where the real power is. The power is with producers and executives who control the hiring, publicity, and finance--and reap most of the profits. Most of them are Jewish. The oscar night joke was that despite assumptions of Jewish control, there are in fact many gentile big stars in Hollywood. True enough. But the joke distracts us from the more crucial fact that the power positions in Hollywood are owned by Jews.

    Also, by making us LAUGH at the notion of Jewish power, the oscars are trying to make us see Jewish power as a cute and cuddly thing. Jewish power and a teddy bear. Uhhhhh. Yeah, it must be teddy bears that are brutalizing Palestinians in the middle east. Jews get away with stuff like this because so many goyim are so dumb and gullible.


    Rubio is just a teddy bear shill of the Jews.

  22. Anonymous 10:25 PM

    "Rubio is quite the light weight plus he beats Obama in having two non-citizen parents. They were naturalized after he was born. Plus they did not flee Castro (part of the Rubio narrative) they got here a few years prior.

    So Rubio is not natural born, cannot become president. 0 was also ineligible due to one non-citizen parente"

    These are the conservative "geniuses" that read Steve Sailer.

    Rubio was born in the U.S. He is American. The citizenship of his parents have no bearing on his own citizenship status. America practices jus solis and not jus sanguinis like Germany or France.

  23. Here in Brazil there is a influential neocon intelectual, but the schtick gets tiresome... jews can be racists and supremacists but Whiyes and everyone else can't.

  24. "...and whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough."

    Do you guys remember that for about ten minutes white Republicas wanted to give the nomination to that Godfather's Pizza moron based on nothing more than the fact that he was black and "conservative".

  25. Jefferson:"Nobody in the mainstream media ever refers to Marco Rubio as being "White".

    There have been more media references of George Zimmerman being "White" there have of Marco Rubio being "White"."

    The MSM does not have to call Rubio White; his face does that for him.

  26. "... and whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough."

    -That's true, he's much darker than Obama.

  27. "Nick Diaz said...

    Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender. He is really priviledged!"

    The term has nothing to do with being priviledged, it has to do with the fact that people conflate "hispanic" (an essentially meaningless ethnic edesignation) with "mestizo" or "latino". Rubio is about as "mestizo" or "latino" as King Juan Carlos of Spain.

    "You don't need to get your panties in a wad over this, Sailer, because Rubio will never become presidente. Latinos won't give him their votes because he is too economically conservative, and whites won't give him their vote because he is not white enough."

    So, completely white is not white enought for republican voters?

    By the way, your hyper-aggressive asshole act wears thin after awhile. Tone it down or go away, asshole.

  28. "So Rubio is not natural born, cannot become president. 0 was also ineligible due to one non-citizen parente"

    These are the conservative "geniuses" that read Steve Sailer."

    LMAO; It's a real blessing that people can post under "anonymous."

  29. "What more could Mexican-American voters want in a Presidential candidate?"

    One that was born in America? Like in the old days?

  30. That's conceding their frame. It grants the implied premise that if your ancestors hadn't "fought the Nazis" or "helped free the slaves" you would be a legitimate target.

    And what about fighting the commies as well as the Nazis?

  31. O/T

    More self absorbed female anti-white BS: White Girl Immigration Problems.

  32. France has total jus solis, FWIW.

  33. Maybe white hispans should be called blancos and indigenous hispanics should be called marrones or marrons.

    And mestizos should be called mixtos.

  34. Yes, the "conquistador" who is the son of a maid and a bartender. He is really priviledged!"


    Lloyd Blankfein's parents are of humble class origin too.
    And many plantation owners in the South started with almost nothing. Andrew Jackson, for instance, grew up poor. But that doesn't mean he wasn't privileged later in life.

    The fact is if you're a Hispanic with some degree of competence, both sides, libs and cons, try to court you like crazy.

  35. @Glossy

    "I would guess that most historical conquistadors were landless peasants. Very few people of any background came to the New World because they were rich."

    Nice obfuscation of my words and of the facts with semantics. This seems to be a recurring theme in my debates here. You know EXACTLY what I meant. Don't be disingenuous.

    "Yeah, it's why Obama lost twice."

    Ah, I saw this one coming...Obama is black. White Americans feel guilty over slavery. The same does not apply to a brown man called "Marco Rubio".

  36. @Anonymous 7:21 AM

    "The term has nothing to do with being priviledged, it has to do with the fact that people conflate "hispanic" (an essentially meaningless ethnic edesignation) with "mestizo" or "latino". Rubio is about as "mestizo" or "latino" as King Juan Carlos of Spain."

    Wrong. Sailer has equated being a white Latino with being priviledged in his endless articles about the "corrupt" whites who rule over Latin America, and in fact the word "conquistador"(conqueror) by itself denotes priviledge.

    So what that there are white and non-white Latinos? For starters, most Latino whites are not exactly white in America since Americans equate "white" with a more northern European phenotype, since the whites who founded America were Englishmen of Ango-Saxon descent and these mostly have light hair and eyes(mostly).

    Secondly, Latino is a CULTURAL identification. A white Argentinian has a lot more in common cultrurally with mestizo Americans than with Anglo whites. Do you have any idea how different culturally the English and the Spanish are? They have almost NOTHING in common. And they do look different.

    "So, completely white is not white enought for republican voters?"

    He doesen't look white to a lot of white Americans of northwestern European descent. Go to Idaho or Iiowa or some place like that and ask typical whites if Rubio is white.

    "By the way, your hyper-aggressive asshole act wears thin after awhile. Tone it down or go away, asshole"

    Hey, idiot, when I first came here I was extremely polite and received nothing but insults and ad hominem invective as response just because my opinions are different. So f-ck u, hypocrite.

  37. @Truth

    LMAO; It's a real blessing that people can post under "anonymous."

    Right He tried to argue that Rubio is inelegible for president because he has non-American parents. He doesen't know the citizenship laws of the own country he was born in. He doesen't even know that his country practices jus solis and not jus sanguinis. How can one have a debate with people who don't know basic stuff about basic stuff?

  38. Do you have any idea how different culturally the English and the Spanish are? They have almost NOTHING in common. And they do look different.

    Yes. The English-colonized parts of the New World are pretty decent places. The Spanish-colonized ones are trash holes full of people who want to live in the better societies that WASPs created. It's not so much that we think we are better. Y'all think we are too.

  39. [QUOTE]Do you have any idea how different culturally the English and the Spanish are? They have almost NOTHING in common. And they do look different.[/QUOTE]

    True. Phenotype wise, many Spaniards would blend in more in Morocco than they would in Montana.

    States like Montana, Iowa, Minnesota and North Dakota have have a mostly German and Scandinavian presence. So darker looking Caucasians stand out more there.

    Those states are not like New York for example where more ethnic darker looking Caucasians are a dime a dozen due to the heavy presence of Jews, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, etc.

    Marco Rubio would be passable as White in New York, but in North Dakota a lot of Scandinavian Americans would question his Whiteness.

  40. Boy, are Steve Sailer's readers dumb. They don't know where the world's largest stock exchange is, the difference between calories consumed and calories absorbed, or even how to spell "privilege."

    And that's just one Nick Diaz. Throw in Truth, and who needs idiocracy?

  41. [QUOTE]Yes. The English-colonized parts of the New World are pretty decent places. The Spanish-colonized ones are trash holes full of people who want to live in the better societies that WASPs created. It's not so much that we think we are better. Y'all think we are too.[/QUOTE]

    True, there are no Spanish speaking countries in the New World that have the same high standard of living as The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.


  42. "So what that there are white and non-white Latinos? For starters, most Latino whites are not exactly white in America since Americans equate "white" with a more northern European phenotype, since the whites who founded America were Englishmen of Ango-Saxon descent and these mostly have light hair and eyes(mostly). "

    Diaz, you always go on about this without any evidence. Rubio is barely darker than the average non Hispanic white American. Most American whites do not have light hair, and probably only around half have light eyes. If you think that people do not consider Rubio essentially white looking, then you must also concede that Italian, French, Greek and Welsh Americans also deserve special status like Spaniard Americans.

  43. Nickky:"Ah, I saw this one coming...Obama is black. White Americans feel guilty over slavery. The same does not apply to a brown man called "Marco Rubio". "

    Good for Rubio that he is not brown, then.

  44. Nicky:"Wrong. Sailer has equated being a white Latino with being priviledged in his endless articles about the "corrupt" whites who rule over Latin America, and in fact the word "conquistador"(conqueror) by itself denotes priviledge."

    Quite right, Nicky. Whites in Latin America are very much a privileged caste.

    Nicky:So what that there are white and non-white Latinos? For starters, most Latino whites are not exactly white in America since Americans equate "white" with a more northern European phenotype, since the whites who founded America were Englishmen of Ango-Saxon descent and these mostly have light hair and eyes(mostly)."

    Of course they do, Nicky. Guess that's why I can't be White, seeing as how I have brown eyes and dark brown hair...

    Nicky:"Secondly, Latino is a CULTURAL identification. A white Argentinian has a lot more in common cultrurally with mestizo Americans than with Anglo whites."

    Watch it there, Nicky baby; you are conflating race with culture. Plenty of "mestizo Americans" don't know any Spanish. How much in common would a Spanish speaking Argentine have with an Anglophone "mestizo American?"(For that matter, the Argentines that I know loathe Mexicans...

    Nicky:" Do you have any idea how different culturally the English and the Spanish are? They have almost NOTHING in common. And they do look different."

    "almost NOTHING in common": Well, aside from the fact that they are both parts of Western Civilization...Of course, Anglo culture (Newton, Hume, Melville, Russell, Jane Austen, Edison, Watt, Melville, ...) is certainly superior to Hispanic cultue...

    "And they do look different:"Yeah, and the Swedes look different, too, as do the Finns, the French, the Germans....

    Nicky:"He doesen't look white to a lot of white Americans of northwestern European descent. Go to Idaho or Iiowa or some place like that and ask typical whites if Rubio is white."

    Well, my neighbor is from Utah (and he's blond and blue-eyed, too), and he told me that Rubio looks White.

    Nicky;"Hey, idiot, when I first came here I was extremely polite and received nothing but insults and ad hominem invective as response just because my opinions are different. So f-ck u, hypocrite"

    See, that's the hot-blooded Hispanic buffoon that we love to read. Love the bad grammar ("as response," classic). I can practically hear the thick accent.
    Don't listen to the people telling you to take ESL; the misspellings and poor grammar are a vital part of what makes Nicky funny.

  45. "Nick Diaz said...

    Right He tried to argue that Rubio is inelegible for president because he has non-American parents."

    That was at one time the reigning definition of "natural born" in this country. That a court made it otherwise by fiat, does not make it right.


  46. "Nick Diaz said...

    Ah, I saw this one coming...Obama is black. White Americans feel guilty over slavery. The same does not apply to a brown man called "Marco Rubio"."

    Especially when that brown man is not brown.


  47. The fact is if you're a Hispanic with some degree of competence, both sides, libs and cons, try to court you like crazy.

    Which is ironic, indeed amazing, since one of the most striking features of Latin American politics is how quickly and easily a non-Latin individual can rise.

    In a comment a few months ago I listed dozens of Latin American leaders with non-Iberian names. They were German, Slavic, Italian, Arab, English, Celtic, Japanese and quite a few Basques. (Basques are marginally Iberian by geography but quite un-Hispanic.)

    Even touchy Mexico recently had Fox (German-American) and Echeverria (Basque). Says a lot for Hispanic competence!

  48. Damn, Nick Dee been handlin' y'all whiteboyze like Cain Velazquez, Son!

    Y'all finna need'ta come a luh harder.

  49. "He doesen't look white to a lot of white Americans of northwestern European descent. Go to Idaho or Iiowa or some place like that and ask typical whites if Rubio is white."

    god that's goofy. "Northern Europeans" vary greatly, and in any case phenotype differences between southern and northern Europeans are so minor that if everybody has the same accent and culture, they just aren't noticed much.
    Have you ever been to Iowa? Rubio would fit right in, crinkly brown eyes, square jaw, apple cheeks, firm chin, and boyish smile. No one would hesitate to vote foe him because of his alleged "race", as long as he promoted the interests of his constituents.

  50. "So what that there are white and non-white Latinos? For starters, most Latino whites are not exactly white in America since Americans equate "white" with a more northern European phenotype, since the whites who founded America were Englishmen of Ango-Saxon descent and these mostly have light hair and eyes(mostly). "

    Something like 60% of native unmixed, English have brown eyes. Actually a higher percentage than the French. I was surprised to read that in a book on the French.
    The rate of light eyes among Spanish is very high, and can be found in any genetics site. It's in the 40% range, as I recall, tho it depends on what is considered "light." Jose Andreas, Made in Spain" gives a nice tour through the country and its people. Beware stereotypes--Andalucians can be blondish. The northern Spaniards often have a vaguely "black Irish" look, v. dark curly hair and startlingly light, clear blue or green eyes. The skil usually tans better, though not naturally fair. The one difference I notice in southern Euros is a tendency to apple-shaped bodies as they age. Northerners put on weight in different areas, esp. the hips (women), and belly (men).

  51. correction: "The skil usually tans better, though not naturally fair."

    should read "The skin usually tans better, though usually naturally fair."

  52. "Do you have any idea how different culturally the English and the Spanish are? They have almost NOTHING in common. And they do look different."

    Okay, Little Nicky; you've convinced me.
    While I'm not so persuaded by your assertion that 1920s Americans had no use for Spaniards, I *am* convinced us White Americans of 2013 would do well to keep them (you) out.


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