February 24, 2013

In Brooklyn, White People Problems v. Nonwhite People Problems

Two NYT articles that came out the same day make an irresistible comparison.

The New York Times devotes ample coverage to the Brooklyn versions of what comedian Louis CK would scoff at as White People Problems, such as getting your child into the right enrichment programs in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods:
For City Parents, a Waiting List for Nearly Everything 
The first parent lined up at 4 a.m. on a Sunday, when the only other people around were out just long enough to stumble from warm taxis through sobering 19-degree air into their homes. 
Twenty minutes later, other parents showed up and a line began to form down Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. One father kept a list so that anyone searching for a thawing hot coffee could do so without losing a place in the line. He abandoned that project as more and more people trickled in and the end of the line was no longer visible from the front. 
Some parents stood, shimmying and hopping to keep warm. A few line veterans brought chairs and buried themselves under blankets. It was too dark to read, so they chatted about things like schools or children, and they poked fun at one another for being there. Every few minutes, someone would check his watch and express the hope that Carmelo the Science Fellow would open his doors early for his annual summer camp registration. 
If waiting in line in the predawn of a January morning for science camp registration sounds crazy, you do not have a New York City child born after 2004. For those children and their parents, especially in the neighborhoods of brownstone Brooklyn, Lower Manhattan and the Upper West Side, not getting into activities, classes, sports teams — and even local schools — has become a way of life. If every generation must have its own designation, call theirs Generation Waiting List. 
Looking for a spot in a public prekindergarten program in Lower Manhattan? Put your name on the waiting list. 
Ballet for 3-year-olds at the Mark Morris Dance Group in Fort Greene, Brooklyn? The class is full, but they do have a waiting list. ... 
Besides population density, social mobility drives the waiting lists in certain neighborhoods, said Tamara Mose Brown, a sociologist who teaches at Brooklyn College. It is no longer a given that people who came to the city from the suburbs as single adults will return to them when they have families, she said. Those who stay tend to settle in neighborhoods where people are similarly educated and share like values. They want their children to experience the diversity and spontaneity of the city, but they also want to control the youngsters’ exposure to those things by keeping them within a neighborhood bubble. 
The more people bump into one another, the more ingrained a family becomes into a community and the more information will be exchanged about classes, or public schools. Those connections create cultural capital that helps families socially advance in their worlds. But it also puts them into competition for the limited number of slots for the most highly sought-after activities.

And then there are the Brooklyn versions of Nonwhite People Problems, as seen in this popular video from a not rapidly gentrifying neighborhood:
In Fracas on Train, Parolee Found That Hitting Back Was a Risky Option
In an encounter that was caught on a cell phone camera, Charles Bunn said he was attacked by two teenaged girls, one of whom said she was pregnant. 
“You could have at least said, ‘Excuse me.’ ”
And with those eight words, it was on.
The No. 3 train had pulled into the Utica Avenue stop in Brooklyn that afternoon, Jan. 24, and several passengers rushed to board the waiting No. 4 train, among them a 55-year-old man and two teenage girls. On this, everyone agrees. 
The man, Charles Bunn, said one of the girls bumped into him. He was annoyed, and after he took his seat and saw the two girls sitting across from him, he spoke those eight words. 
As Mr. Bunn tells it, the friend of the girl who bumped him stood up and screamed to her that she didn’t have to say anything, and then turned on Mr. Bunn. 
“They both jumped up, and then I jumped up, and that’s when the tussle started,” he said. 
A few moments later, someone else on the train started recording the fight on a cellphone. The video, which made its way online, shows the two girls raining punches on Mr. Bunn, while he crouched with his coat pulled over his head, unable to swing. The coat was yanked away, and Mr. Bunn threw a few punches of his own that he said did not connect. It is hard to tell on the video. “I was swinging just to back them off,” he said. 
Another man broke up the fracas, and one of the girls, Chantelis Solano, 18, sat down, clearly flustered on the video. She stripped off her coat and yelled something that sounded, on the video, an awful lot like the word “pregnant.” 
Mr. Bunn seemed to answer, incredulously, “You’re pregnant?” 
It was true. “I had just found out,” Ms. Solano said later in an interview. She and her friend were traveling to the Bronx for a sonogram, she said. And yet, even after the fight had been broken up, she stood and baited Mr. Bunn, saying, “C’mon,” and “Try me.” He did not respond. 
All three got off the train at Franklin Avenue. The girls, shouting and cursing, pursued Mr. Bunn as he walked away. Everyone agreed there were more punches, and Mr. Bunn dropped some papers. He picked them up and walked away, the girls following him. The train, and the person filming the fight, departed. 
The last thing Mr. Bunn needed was to get caught hitting someone, especially a girl. “I have to suck up a lot of things now,” he said later. “I’m amazed I didn’t do what I wanted to do.” 
He had been released from prison just a month earlier, his fourth time behind bars upstate. He had two bad habits. One was cocaine. The other was walking out of the flagship Macy’s department store with merchandise he had not paid for.  
Police officers saw the end of the scuffle on the platform and arrested the girls. Mr. Bunn was treated for scratches and cuts at a hospital. “My pride was shot,” he said. “They’re girls.” 
Ms. Solano said she spent a couple of days in jail. She and her friend, Shaquana Rhem, have been charged with assault, harassment and, for striking Mr. Bunn with a purse, possession of a weapon. It was not Ms. Solano’s first time; she has a pending case involving an assault in Westchester County two years ago, she said.

I don't think Louis CK quite grasps how, in America, White People Problems are interrelated with Nonwhite People Problems.


  1. I think the black population would benefit from weekly mandatory estrogen shots.

    Yes, the females too. Agressive creatures, the lot of them.

  2. I think he does


    but then he had hair and less obscenities and minutiae on the workings of the human alimentary canal.

  3. When I clicked on the link, I was expecting to be taken to WorldStarHipHop , home of vibrant independent film.

  4. So much here.

    traveling to the Bronx for a sonogram

    No doubt paid for by a society they are destroying. Good times while they last.

    On the other side, for all the effort put into raising NYC high-end kids, I don't see a lot of innovation or accomplishment coming out of that cohort.

  5. "Chantelis Solano, 18..."

    Female first names ending in -is are very popular among Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. It seems they've generalized the ending of Gladys. You see Belkis a lot among Hispanics here. I've seen Ladis (Lady + is).

  6. Common problems:

    1. Avoiding trash at city schools.

    2. Getting attacked by crazy girls named Chantelis.

    3. Fighting back against precious ladies.

  7. Those are not "white people problems" those are "rich white people problems." Let's be serious.

  8. I don't think people who live outside the city realize just how short in supply affordable (not awardable) housing is here. And by housing, I mean housing where you do not have to fear for your life, the streets are not filthy, and there is relatively little noise. Thus, whites with children pile into Park Slope, the UWS, etc because so many other areas are off limits. This in turn causes fierce competition for resources which would seem utterly trivial in the suburbs.

    Pull up the NYT's racial 2010 Census map sometime and marvel at the bantustans in the city, and NJ's gold coast as well. I don't know how much longer Johnny Latte will be able to hide the truth from himself.

  9. Of the train incident, the problem isn't just that the two girls (I refuse to call them 'women') are black; it may not even be primarily that. The problem is that they're females.

    Ultimately, the problem is that the leftists, who have been calling the shots in our society for a good century, have trained whole generations of blacks and females to think of themselves as precious snowflakes to whom the whole world owes deference, and that when that deference isn’t forthcoming exactly when and to the level they think fitting, that they are entitles to demand it via violence.

    A couple of years ago I tried to talk to some neighbors about their noisy yap dog (it was an ankle-biter sized bitch in heat trying to make sure the entire world knew) that they had put outside again -- at 2 or 3 in the morning. There were two women in the house and one man. The women were *trying* to get a physical fight going. It was amusing watching the one work herself into hysteria -- and then keep exclaiming, “I don’t need this, I’m pregnant!”

    These people appeared to be white.

  10. Harry Baldwin2/24/13, 8:10 AM

    People like Louis CK don't make it big until they figure out exactly where that line is that you don't want to cross. Sarah Silverman crossed that line a few times and has been making up for it with her craven adoration of Obama.

    I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh when he first got to WABC in New York, before he was syndicated nationally. He took a call from an angry black man who told him that whites ware always trying to keep blacks down because they're afraid of what blacks would achieve otherwise. Rush responded that that wasn't what whites are afraid of, not at all. What whites are afraid of is that no matter how much they do for blacks, blacks are never going to achieve much of anything.

    I can't imagine Rush saying anything like this since he went national.

  11. Once Bunn gets out of his coat, dude gets righteous on them beatches.

    Really, based solely on this video, those two women should be sterilized immediately (and the current future derelict forcibly aborted). They are a cancer in our midst. A sane society would insist on it.

  12. Steve, like most citizenists and HBDists in your resdership my primary concern in public policy is persuading the young women in america born with genetic iq over 120 to have three or more children.

    Obviously, pure libertarianism as practiced in hong kong doesnt lead to high iq women having children. My understanding is at high iq women in hong kong have lifetime fertility under one

    While at one point i was a libertarian i have to admit that it appears to me that government intervention can lead to higher iq young women having many children. My understanding is that in countries where the government is explicit in directing high iq women to have many children And to work in professional jobs at the same time, the high iq women actually do. See sweden, france, denmark,

    It seems the struggle that high iq parents have in nyc will depress fertility. If there were convenient free super high quality drop off day care available all over nyc, available only to women with genetically high iq, my belief is that these women would have more children. Again, i call attention to scandanavia and france where great day care is almost free and compare to germany and italy where society frowns upon the use of day care. Germany and italy as a result have very low birthrates by high iq women

  13. http://www.azcentral.com/news/politics/free/20130219mccain-defends-immigration-plan-angry-residents.html

  14. This is the reason I always found the discipline of Urban Planning so unreal. When I went to planning school it seemed that all the other students were eager to get everyone out of their private cars ASAP and into psome kind of public transportation. They loved the idea of people riding buses.

    I suspected that not too many of them had ever riden a bus themselves. One of the main attractions of the private car is that you longer have to associate with the kind of people who ride buses.

    Fellini once said that movie directors start to decline when after some success they can buy a car and they stop riding the bus with the common people. Maybe. In any case now that everyone carries a movie camera and so is their own director you can always catch the bus action on YouTube. I'll chance losing my artistic connection with the proletariat and take my car instead.


  15. If these Brooklyn SWPLs were members of churches, they would find those were a much easier way of forming enrichment activities for their children with like-minded people.

    Similarly, ethnic organizations like the German and Italian groups had plenty of youth groups. (Jewish organizations which combine religious and ethnic solidarity seem to have a great abundance of youth enrichment groups)

    Of course, by looking down on the idea of organizing themselves religious or ethnic heritage lines, the SWPL crowd has made their lives more difficult while making themselves feel superior (as in so many other things)

  16. I will say that something bizarre is going on with these packs of black girls/women who get their hackles raised and start fights, especially with older black men. It happens all the time time now.

  17. The No. 3 train...

    That must be the 'Vibrancy Express'. All aboard! Oh wait, I think most of America has already jumped on that train. Where it's headed is anyone's guess...

    Wouldn't mind seeing John Rocker as conductor.

  18. Interesting that there's nothing about the racial composition of those high-end preschools and camps, or about any "achievement gap" within them.

  19. if the problems for white people are a relative paucity of such social activities, then why not create their own? Are too many parents there essentially working 24/7?

  20. Auntie Analogue2/24/13, 10:55 AM

    For the life of me, I cannot imagine how anyone finds any of the feeble drivel that emerges from the mouth of Louis C.K. to be even remotely amusing, let alone funny. To me, it's astonishing that anyone actually pays to hear or to read his babble.

  21. @ Anon, 4:19 AM

    Thank you for posting the link to l_CK's 1990/1991 material. His Mexican-American roots were plainly visible back then. Just as they are today, oy vey!


  22. I didn't see where you were going with that until the last paragraph. I was only reading for the irony until then. Well played.

  23. Like most of the quasi-white-nationalist policies instituted by Jews in Jewish areas, such as NYC and Israel, they are no joking matter to Jews. Louis CK, having a paternal Jewish grandfather, might be conflicted over whether to go for the jugular on these issues.

  24. Mr. Sailer your title implies that all nonwhite people act like blacks which is certainly not true.

  25. "Fellini once said that movie directors start to decline when after some success they can buy a car and they stop riding the bus with the common people. Maybe."

    Well, that may be true when the common people in question are Italians.

  26. "Fellini once said that movie directors start to decline when after some success they can buy a car and they stop riding the bus with the common people. Maybe."

    Problem with Fellini was he got on a hot air balloon inflated with his own ego.

  27. Is there something like kinterest-ism at work? A feeling of kinship on the basis of interest?

    Think of all the new communities of shared interest on the internet. The gamer communities. And some of them are very immersive.

    Harry Potter community is almost like a freaking religion.

  28. "Mr. Sailer your title implies that all nonwhite people act like blacks which is certainly not true."

    He's right Steve; most haven't created anything memorable in a millennium or two.


  29. Pull up the NYT's racial 2010 Census map sometime and marvel at the bantustans in the city, and NJ's gold coast as well. I don't know how much longer Johnny Latte will be able to hide the truth from himself.

    Why do unemployed people on welfare need to live in NYC?


  30. if the problems for white people are a relative paucity of such social activities, then why not create their own?

    That would be expensive. I gathered from this that these were public programs funded by the sky high taxes these people are already paying.

  31. things must be getting better


  32. Reminds me of the confrontation I saw on a Bronx bus (Fordham Road area) between a hispanic lady and an older (early 50's) black lady wearing one of those grandma type dresses, you know, the ones with the lavender flower print pattern.The cause was similar, an inadvertant bump...instead of a low-key verbal exchange, the black lady immediately squared off, and began to taunt the other woman, calling her a "Puerto Rican bitch" etc., and challenging her to a fistfight. The other woman, deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, got off at the next stop, whereupon the black woman continued to taunt her through the open window, and then stood, hands on hips and triumphant, looking very much like a younger vrsion of Moms Mabeley.

  33. The French birth rate is propped up almost entirely by immigrant women taking the money. They have 4-5 kids, compared to the native French 1-2, and occasionally 3. French women also have relatively low workforce participation if they do have children. The native Frenchwoman tfr is around 1.7 at best, while the immigrant tfr is 2.4 or so, and the immigrant have 1/4 to 1/3 of the kids.

    As for the Scandinavian nations, despite shovelling money at the problem, they have 1.5ish TFRs at best.

    You can't bribe people into having kids, people are not homo economicus. It's more fun to skip the kids, so people do, as long as they can afford to blow it off.

  34. " Blogger Truth said...

    "Mr. Sailer your title implies that all nonwhite people act like blacks which is certainly not true."

    He's right Steve; most haven't created anything memorable in a millennium or two."

    Maybe, but most whites at least are capable of maintaining a good civilization without dragging it towards the 3rd world (i.e.- Detroit, Baltimore, USA, etc....)

  35. Sorry but I just read that in Denmark the native white Danish women now have MORE children than the non white immigrants. TFR for non white immigrants to Denmark is lower than TFR of white natives

    denmark MUST be doing something right

  36. "For the life of me, I cannot imagine how anyone finds any of the feeble drivel that emerges from the mouth of Louis C.K. to be even remotely amusing, let alone funny. "

    But being funny isn't CK's purpose. Like his predecessor Bill Hicks, Louis CK is more of a political/cultural commentator than a comedian. Fans of his don't pay to laugh.

  37. After watching Louis CK's utterly laughable speech on how great it is to be white, I finally came to the conclusion that many liberal and upper-middle class whites, status conscious as they are, actually like the idea of white privilege.

    Assuming, for the sake of argument, that white privilege does exist in some form, the advantages that liberals describe obviously do not, so how can they believe in something that preposterous? I think the answer is that they simply want to believe it. In their minds, the white privilege concept encompasses more than greater access and more numerous opportunities for whites; white privilege means that whites are all-powerful and omniscient. I'm sure this is a comforting belief for them.

    I once heard Tim Wise say that we should right the wrongs of white privilege in THIS generation so that we won't be having this same conversation in the next. I can guarantee Tim Wise that no effort on the part of white Americans will be required to rid the country of any sort of "white privilege" in the decades ahead.

  38. Have blacks always been this hair-trigger violent?

    I recall reading Norman Podheretz's account of growing up in a mixed race NYC neighborhood, and how black kids used to push around him and the other Jewish kids. From what I can tell, they were't nearly this bad. Interestingly, Podhoretz pointed out that the Puerto Ricans, unlike blacks, weren't intimidating at all to him.

    Why this change? How has it gotten to the point where an upper middle class white/Asian/Jewish person can't even live near lower class urban blacks? It's like black aggression, which has always been high, has gone out of control while, simultaneously, the average white guy has been feminized to the point of being little better than "Whiskey."

    What's at fault here? Black power? Rap music? The rise of blacks in pop culture?

  39. "You see Belkis a lot among Hispanics here."

    "Belkis" isn't a made-up name. It's a variety of Bilquis, which is the traditional name of the Queen of Sheba (for Muslims at least). It's quite a popular girl's name in Muslim countries, so maybe it spread to the Spanish-speaking world at some point.

    Chantelis, on the other hand, has no such excuse ("Chantelle" is already a trashy name; who the hell decides to make it worse?)

  40. Stealth:
    "But being funny isn't CK's purpose. Like his predecessor Bill Hicks, Louis CK is more of a political/cultural commentator than a comedian. Fans of his don't pay to laugh."

    Louis CK is not a political comedian. His political stuff is maybe 5% of his act. The other 95% is him talking about his balls. Have you ever seen one of his sets all the way through?

  41. The public radio show This American Life had a two part episode on Harper High School in Chicago, where last year 27 students were shot and 3 were killed (not all at once).

    It's hard to believe that this is how urban black teenagers really behave, but it's clearly documented in this show. Whereas the ultimate cause may be in part genetic, a total debasement of black culture is clearly the proximal cause.

  42. "You can't bribe people into having kids"

    Yes you can - or at least you can remove the negative impact of high housing costs. I've known hundreds of couples who wanted another kid but couldn't afford the housing they'd want to have one more.

    I think the level of housing space / quality that people want per kid has increased and that is part of the fertility drop but i think a bigger factor has been the much bigger increase in the relative cost of housing space/quality mostly caused by immigration.

    Affordable family formation as it's known round here.

    (I think that's partly why immigrant birth rates drop after a generation or two - their space per kid expectations change.)

    "Have blacks always been this hair-trigger violent."

    They were at my school except they weren't really. *Some* of them were and it was a much bigger *some* than the white kids but still a minority. It's having a much bigger *some* that creates the impression that it's all.

    The reason?


    I think part of it is simply people from the middle part of that graph kidnapped people from higher up the graph i.e. black people haven't gone through the same winnowing process other ethnic groups have.

    I think the welfare underclass environment has been making it worse though as that environment is pretty much the only modern environment where violence can lead to greater reproductive success on a consistent basis.

    Full employment would have helped prevent it - so 1965 is partly to blame for this also (if it has got worse).

    (The same thing is happening (imo) in white rustbelt areas since offshoring began but from a much lower base so it may not be obvious yet.)

  43. "Whereas the ultimate cause may be in part genetic, a total debasement of black culture is clearly the proximal cause."

    If you have too high a percentage of impulsively violent people in one place then they decide what the culture is because everyone else is scared of them.

    So i think

    genetics > culture

    in this case at least.

  44. The average White guy is the only one without rights. He's about as feminized as Black guys in 1930. Which is to say, not at all. The apparatus of the state comes down on him on the side of the Black voters who underpin the Elite-Non-White alliance. There, fixed that for you.

    Both Blacks and Whites of course lack a lot of ethnic solidarity. Black guys slaughter other Blacks with abandon -- you'd never see Japanese do that even when they hate each other. Whites are similarly divided by elites, those who aspire to that, and non-elites.

  45. Looks like there was a violent flash mob at a suburban Chicago mall today.


  46. Danish TFR is 1.7. Native Danish women have 2 kids and immigrants are heavily pushed to have *no more* than 2. Also immigrants are a lower share of the infants born than in France.

  47. A feeling of kinship on the basis of interest?

    Kinship based on shared hobbies? That's sad.

    Think of all the new communities of shared interest on the internet. The gamer communities. And some of them are very immersive.

    How many of your very immersive Internet game buddies can you can on for real help in real life?

  48. The best example of Brooklyn WP problems I can recall was in Carroll Gardens a few years back, where some newcomers had organized to complain about the pungent aroma of a LaGuardia-era coffee roasting concern based in that neighborhood. I think that falls under the ideological category Joel Kotkin has termed "lifestyle issues."

    btw as a West Coast observer I'm sure there are many fine intricacies of Carroll Gardens vs. Park Slope vs. Alpine N.J., to which I'm utterly oblivious...

  49. What's at fault here? Black power? Rap music? The rise of blacks in pop culture?


  50. A nationalist party did well in Danish election around 12 years ago and forced the mainstream parties to adopt measures to discourage immigration and immigrant births so they wouldn't lose all their voters. The same could happen here if conservatives would stop supporting the GOP.

  51. WBEZ, the NPR affiliate, is running ads encouraging their SWPL listeners to "go make babies."


  52. "Reminds me of the confrontation I saw on a Bronx bus (Fordham Road area) between a hispanic lady and an older (early 50's) black lady wearing one of those grandma type dresses, you know, the ones with the lavender flower print pattern.The cause was similar, an inadvertant bump...instead of a low-key verbal exchange, the black lady immediately squared off, and began to taunt the other woman, calling her a "Puerto Rican bitch" etc., and challenging her to a fistfight. The other woman, deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, got off at the next stop, whereupon the black woman continued to taunt her through the open window, and then stood, hands on hips and triumphant, looking very much like a younger vrsion of Moms Mabeley.

    I spent 3 years working in downtown Detroit at a hospital. Detroit is a terrible city, but in many ways I prefer it to places like New York or Chicago. You get on the expressway, park in a garage, and don't have to deal with Detroit's problems.

    In NY (even though the crime rate is much less), such is impossible. You're forced to use public transportation or walk on the street and interact with local dirtbags.

  53. Something similar once happened to me years ago in Boston. Two young black females were hassling another passenger, an old man, who was sitting near where I was standing. When I told them to leave him alone they turned on me. Fortunately I was wearing a suit, was young, fit, and over six feet tall; I was able to stare them down. Even so I must confess that inside I was afraid of what might happen next. Would they pull a knife? They got off at the next stop. I think everyone on the bus was relieved. I know I was.

  54. "Anonymous Anon87 said...

    Semi-topical: Teen Killed In Attempted Burglary Was Suspect In Knockout Game"

    The little thugling may have been a champion "Knockout King" player, but it sounds like he wasn't very good at the "terminal ballistics" game.

  55. "Auntie Analogue said...

    For the life of me, I cannot imagine how anyone finds any of the feeble drivel that emerges from the mouth of Louis C.K. to be even remotely amusing, let alone funny."

    The only way Louis C.K. could be funny would be by spontaneously combusting.

  56. I think one of the terms we should start using is a term I got from transportation: "Subjective Safety". A neighborhood should not only be be safe it more importantly should feel safe - Subjective Safety.

  57. "Really, based solely on this video, those two women should be sterilized immediately (and the current future derelict forcibly aborted)."

    Given how vicious the mother is, I'd put very good odds that her child, if a boy, will wind up a murderer. Very good odds.

    "Why this change? How has it gotten to the point where an upper middle class white/Asian/Jewish person can't even live near lower class urban blacks? It's like black aggression, which has always been high, has gone out of control..."

    If a black guy is aggressive to a white guy, what's the danger? Almost none. Most whites in cities don't carry guns or knives. We mostly want to stay on the right side of the law. If there were real danger blacks would be more respectful, but there isn't and hasn't been for quite some time.

    I'm not afraid to live in a city with lots of minorities, but if I ever do I will be armed, at the very least with a knife.

  58. "Given how vicious the mother is, I'd put very good odds that her child, if a boy, will wind up a murderer. Very good odds."

    The odds of anyone birthing a murderer are extremely low. We have 10,000 murders yearly spread amongst a population of 313 million.

  59. "Truth said..

    The odds of anyone birthing a murderer are extremely low. We have 10,000 murders yearly spread amongst a population of 313 million."

    Those murders are not spread uniformly throughout the population, and certain groups do indeed have a propensity for producing murderers.

  60. The little thugling may have been a champion "Knockout King" player, but it sounds like he wasn't very good at the "terminal ballistics" game.

    Au contraire, sounds like he fulfilled his role of backstop admirably.

  61. "Those murders are not spread uniformly throughout the population, and certain groups do indeed have a propensity for producing murderers."

    You're right. 5,200 murders a year amongst 40 million people....You really got me, Bro.

  62. Hmm, I'm not sure if that WBEZ campaign is something that's going to wind up as clever aside in some very profound history/sociology books of the future, or just statist progressivism at its most pathetic & abased.


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