March 6, 2013

"26 Dead in Misconceived 'Oberlin Spring Break in Seville'"

Traditional procession of penitents to Seville Cathedral
SEVILLE, SPAIN -- An Oberlin-sponsored cultural enrichment trip, "Spring Break in Seville," turned tragic today, as seven students, two professors, and 17 staffers from the Ohio liberal arts college's Multicultural Resource Center suffered terror-induced heart attacks at the sight of the Spanish city's customary march of hooded penitents.


  1. Thanks to commenter slumber_j whose idea I ripped off.

  2. Dat be rayciss, Steve.

    (But I LOL'd, anyway.)

  3. Second the LOL -- DBLOL [Deep Belly LOL]

  4. I think you are paying too much attention to this Ohio university and its fringe elements. This kind of shit should be ignored not obsessed over.

  5. I think you are paying too much attention to this Ohio university and its fringe elements. This kind of shit should be ignored not obsessed over.

    Oh fie. The situation demands ridicule. There are plenty of "race realist" sites out there that will never annoy you with an undue sense of humor, if that's your wish.

    I'm looking for this headline:

    Rep. Barbara Lee demands UN send Troops to Spain, cites UN Convention on Racism and Intolerance.

  6. I think you are paying too much attention to this Ohio university and its fringe elements. This kind of shit should be ignored not obsessed over.

    Yeah, no kidding. But the other side has to stop obsessing about it as well.

    Going back to a previous topic:

    A commenter said that Barbara Jordan was right on immigration, but was such a partisan that she was of no use. I don't know, at this point I think I'd rather have a Congress composed purely of Jordans rather than one of Rubios, McCains and Grahams.

  7. I laughed out loud! Why didn't I think of this?

  8. Most people are like the mob in JULIUS CAESAR when Mark Anthony gives the eulogy.

    People who've been riled up against Caesar--and are glad he's been killed--are almost imperceptively swayed to be against those who killed him.
    What's frightening is that the mob don't even know that their minds have been turned.

    Similarly, the very people who'd once pushed total free speech made a 180 degree turn and now call for speech control, but the 'progressive' masses don't even seem to be aware that they've been played with.

    They just bark along.

  9. I don't know... I'm pretty sure someone will make the connection between the this and the inquisition.

  10. East Asians in an uproar. Begin crusade against young white male.


    True story. Stalin, who loved IVAN THE TERRIBLE PART I hated PART II, and one of his complaints was that the hooded figures looked like the KKK. So, there is a tradition of Stalinism that sees KKK everywhere.

    Incidentally, there is a hooded ritual scene set in Spain in Welles MR. ARKADIN, and some people did complain that it looked like the KKK.





  14. Hey, I have a great idea for Zimmerman's defense.

    Trayvon was wearing a hoodie, right?

    Zimmerman thought he spotted a KKK thug and was trailing what he assumed to be a white supremacist bigot. I mean how could he tell?

    If a girl wrapped in a blanket is a KKK member, surely a young man in a hoodie could be mistaken for the grand wizard himself.

    In all seriousness, I think even white libs fear black thugs in hoodies more than white bigots in hoods. But it would be 'racist' to say so, so white libs hide out in privileged cocoons like Oberlin away from most blacks and have their ritual conniptions about KKK sightings.

    If anything, many whites join the KKK as a defensive measure against black crime. KKK is shit but it's no longer an aggressive organization.

  15. They had better not visit the ancestral lodge of Fujianese immigrants with the surname "Khoo" in Penang, Malaysia. It's known as the Khoo Kongsi Clanhouse (shame that English spells it with a 'C', but it may be close enough to call for the smelling salts).

  16. Moonlighting with The Onion?

  17. Please, guys, the Oberlin administration knows the whole deal is a fraud. They aren't stupid. The "Afrikan Heritage House" which shares space in one of the dorms and the female black African Studies department head are in a power struggle. The Afrikans posted a minute-by-minute chronology of how they brought the Oberlin administration to its knees using classic Alinskyite tactics, starting at 1:14am when the KKK threat was ginned up. Yes, they are gutless, but they did put up some fight. Furthermore, it was not the administration that did some Stalinesque reducation. They merely canceled classes. The reeducation was all volunteer work by colored student agitators and fellow travelers who set up a variety of venues to which the students could go or not.

    What is needed is a normal student backlash, based perhaps on the failure of the University to follow its schedule. If the students asked for prorata refunds of tuition and fees for the unscheduled and unjustified work stoppage they would probably get a sympathetic ear from the courts, even a local small claims court.

    Perhaps threaten a class action suit for all the students who were forced to sit around while the colored students and other agitators did their unscheduled and patently ridiculous Day of Racial Political Theater.

    Consider: for 150 school days per year for 2900 students who pay $50,000 per year, Oberlin's unscheduled impromptu Day of Racial Reeducation and Atonement cost Oberlin students a cool million dollars.

    For what? Some University-planned educational opportunity? Nope. For some declared police emergency? Nope. For some unforseen natural disaster? Nope.

    They breached their contract with 2900 students for a little face-saving exercise, a little guerilla theater.

    Gentlemen, this is an opportunity to right the scales with a little legal political theater in response. Send Oberlin legal notice asking them to reimburse the million dollars for their breach of contract. Remind them of their obligation to preserve evidence in the face of expected litigation. Get their attorneys to put a litigation hold on all computers, phone records, IM chats, papers, recordings, notes, etc. of everyone involved in this fiasco. All professors, administrators, and staff.

    They think they can steal a million dollars from 2900 paying students to assuage the hurt feelings of a bunch of thumbsucking, whimpering Negros? Hell, add some of the Negro agitators as co-conspirators. They tortiously induced the University to breach its contract with 2900 students. And when you get the smoking gun IMs and emails from them showing they knew it was a hoax and laughing at how they stuck it to the honky chumps, STICK IT TO THEM!

    Gentlemen, believe me, I know. This is a litigation and political goldmine. You dont get to fsck a few thousand students out of their money because you "thought it would do them some good". Uh-uh.

    It could start with an online "Student Refund" website where students (or their parents!) can add their names and comments to a list requesting a refund of their fees and tuition for the lost day and grow from there. Ask the Oberlin professors why they think they deserve a free (but student-paid!) vacation day from work. Why should the students pay them for a day's work they didn't do?

    Gentlemen, this concept has real legs. Alinsky the hell out of them right back in their own faces until they stand up on their hind legs, grow a pair, and live up to the terms of their 2900 contracts with 2900 students.

  18. Nice job on the staffer / rest-of-world ratio.

  19. "I'm pretty sure someone will make the connection between the this and the inquisition."

    The garb is Medieval and predates the Spanish Inquisition by a century or more. Although of course there's no reason to let facts get in the way of some perfectly good finger-pointing, so you may be right.

  20. I think you are paying too much attention to this Ohio university and its fringe elements.m

    The mentality of those "fringe elements" can be found in the top echelons of the government, media and academia.

  21. True story. Stalin, who loved IVAN THE TERRIBLE PART I hated PART II, and one of his complaints was that the hooded figures looked like the KKK. So, there is a tradition of Stalinism that sees KKK everywhere

    That is just weird. Why should Russians, even leftist and/or Jewish ones, be so terrified of the Ku Klux Klan? Don't they have racist far right organizations of their own, like the Black Hand? Stalin was from freakin' Georgia of all places ... maybe that explains it!

  22. I ROTFLMAO'd

  23. crawfurdmuir3/7/13, 4:17 PM

    I've known about the Spanish penitentes for years and remarked on the same resemblance. The custom of Lenten processions of hooded penitents was not always confined to Spain; there are French engravings of such processions during the reign of Henri III.

    The other great emblem of the KKK, the flaming cross, was supposed to have been Scottish in origin, and figures in the novels of Sir Walter Scott. The original KKK of the Reconstruction did not use it, but the fictionalised account by Thomas Dixon, "The Clansman," borrowed it from Scott. Dixon's novel was made into D.W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" and Simmons's 1915 Klan revival adopted it.

    Some years ago when I travelled to Australia as the guest of a company I consulted with there, I found a gift basket awaiting in my hotel room when I checked in. Among various sweets in the basket was a package of Scottish shortbread, which had a colorful wrapping depicting a flaming cross! I often wish I had saved that wrapper, because I'm sure I will never find one like it here in the U.S. Just as white robes and hoods do not have the connotation in Spain that they do here, so the flaming cross means something quite different in the British Commonwealth than it would to an American.

  24. And, of course, the white hooded figures in Godfather III carrying the statute of BVM during the Feast of San Gennaro.

  25. I'm A Costume, Not A Culture3/8/13, 12:29 AM

    Originally thought Dunham was just grasping at something to promote herself yet again but now I'm not sure. We'll know when the Halloween episode of "Girls" comes out featuring one of them dressed up like Simon Legree

  26. The first Klan wasn't an "aggressive" organization, either. It formed in the same upland regions of the Confederacy that resisted fighting against the Yankees for what they perceived as lowlander and slaveholder interests. And when the Yankees came along and decided to upend their existence with their fanatical nutjob "reconstruction" plan, they resisted that, too.

  27. The KKK had become an emblem of rightwing hatred rife in America, a kind of New World Nazism.
    Leftists in American and the Communist Internationale had created the image of the KKK as the enemy of communism and international brotherhood.

    The KKK had trouble reaching out to northern urban workers because of its (perceived) rural southern basis. Nearly all American leftism was urban, and supposedly working-class. Some versions of the KKK were also anti-Catholic, which also turned urban Catholics, many of them conservative. (Which is why the idea of any possible KKK - Spanish Inquisition connection is laughable. As well as the fact that these outfits were from different centuries.)

  28. The festivities are even more colorful in Zaragoza.


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