March 6, 2013

Michelle Malkin (Oberlin '92) on Hate Hoaxes and Hate Hysteria

Michelle Malkin is a graduate of Oberlin:
The Coddling of College Hate Crime Hoaxers 
By Michelle Malkin · March 6, 2013         
American college campuses are the most fertile grounds for fake hate. They're marinated in identity politics and packed with self-indulgent, tenured radicals suspended in the 1960s. In the name of enlightenment and tolerance, these institutions of higher learning breed a corrosive culture of left-wing self-victimization. Take my alma mater, Oberlin College. Please. ...
Oberlin alumna Lena Dunham, a cable TV celebrity who starred in a pro-Obama ad likening her vote for him to losing her virginity, took to Twitter to rally her fellow "Obies." The Associated Press dutifully reported Dunham's plea as news: "Hey, Obies, remember the beautiful, inclusive and downright revolutionary history of the place you call home. Protect each other."

Judging from their tweets, it sound like staffwriter Lesley Arfin brings "Girls" much of its needed edge.
But what the AP public relations team for Dunham and the Oberlin mau-mau-ers didn't report is the rest of the story. While Blame Righty propagandists bemoaned the frightening persistence of white supremacy in the tiny town of Oberlin, city police told a local reporter that eyewitnesses saw no one in KKK garb -- but instead saw a pedestrian wearing a blanket. Yes, the dreaded Assault Blanket of Phantom Bias. 
... Color me unsurprised. The truth is that Oberlin has been a hotbed of dubious hate crime claims, dating back to the late 1980s and 1990s, when I was a student on campus. ... 
In 1993, a memorial arch on campus dedicated to Oberlin missionaries who died in the Boxer Rebellion was defaced with anti-Asian graffiti. The venomous messages ... led to a paroxysm of protests, administration self-flagellation and sanctimonious resolutions condemning bigotry. But the hate crime was concocted by an Asian-American Oberlin student engaged in the twisted pursuit of raising awareness about hate by faking it, Tawana Brawley-style. 
Segregated dorms, segregated graduations and segregated academic departments foster paranoid and selective race-consciousness. While I was on campus, one Asian-American student accused a library worker of racism after the poor staffer asked the grievance-mongering student to lower the blinds where she was studying. Call the Department of Justice! 
A black student accused an ice cream shop owner of racism after he told the student she was not allowed to sit at an outside table because she hadn't purchased any items from his store. Alert the U.N. Commission on Human Rights! 
In 2006, I went back to Oberlin to confront the campus with the hate crime hoax phenomenon. As I told students back then, liberals see racism where it doesn't exist, fabricate it when they can't find it and ignore it within their own ranks. I documented case after case of phony racism by students and faculty, from Ole Miss to Arizona State to Claremont McKenna, and contrasted it with the vitriolic prejudice that tolerant lefties have for minorities who stray from the political plantation. 


  1. Mildly off topic, but the reference to the racist comedienne made me think about Tina Fey and how all the anti-racist feminists turned against her a few years ago when they finally realized that her racist jokes weren't actually subverting any paradigms . . .

    From Tina's wikipedia page: "During the spring semester of kindergarten, I was slashed in the face by a stranger in the alley behind my house."

    I could easily be wrong, but I wonder if herein lies her willingness to be un-PC about race.

  2. Hate Hoaxes are 'hate crimes'.

    If it's a 'hate crime' to falsely accuse Jews of abducting Christian boys and using them for ritual slaughter, it's a 'hate crime' to accuse whites of committing all sorts of horrors they haven't.

    Also, as so many whites for this nonsense, aren't they committing a 'self-hate crime'?

    Funny... the townfolks in the story of 'never cry wolf' got tired of the lies.
    White liberals seem to fall for the lie every time.

  3. Let's not forget Stephanie Grace of Harvard. She sent one politically incorrect private email about race, and the administration came down on her for expressing such views--even in private.

    So much for liberal openmindedness and tolerance. And the liberal media joined the university in dumping on her... and no conservative media came to her support.

    This might as well be Red China.

    Btw, the new bio MAO: THE REAL STORY by Pantsov and Levine is a must read, if only as a lesson of how a nation can so easily be deluded.

  4. When any great power is unopposed, it grows corrupt, abusive, and tyrannical.

    Wasp power was opposed in the past. Jewish power is unopposed as finance, media, and academia and government are all run by Jews and thanks to the cult of Holocaust worship and 'white guilt' that prevents any honest discussion of Jewish power.
    And the rapid rise of gay power and its corrupt abuses can also be attributed to a total lack of opposition to Jewish power. Jewish power made gay power possible. WILL AND GRACE and other such stuff are disseminated by Jewish-owned media.

    So many conservatives think that if they become nicer and then nicer and then even nicer to Jews, Jews will eventually appreciate them and be nice to conservatives.
    But did Wasps change their ways because every group was ever nicer and nicer to Wasps? NO, it was because wasps were opposed by other forces. They were criticized for their abuses, privileges, and hypocrisies.
    Unless this is done to Jews, Jewish power will become ever more tyrannical and corrupt.
    It's all the more necessary to do it to Jews since Jews, unlike Wasps, don't have a tradition of magnanimity and gentlemanly fairness. Jews have always been known for feistiness, viciousness, and fanaticism. Just look at the likes of Tim Wise and Bill Maher. Foul creatures who not only stick in the knife but twist it. Just listen to the likes of Frank Rick gloating that whites cannot take back their country any more. Just listen to Neocons purging the GOP of all 'Arabists' and buying votes to push for wars on Iran, 'gay marriage', and open borders. It's getting downright sick.

    When no one in America is willing to say anything to the most powerful group in the most powerful nation on Earth, it's no wonder we are living in such a surreal world, no less surreal than the fantasy world inside Mao's rotting brains. Our media can get away with such a twisted and demented view of 'reality' since its owners and controllers are never called out as to the true nature of their interests and agenda.

    If Jews cry out 'Nazi', we should cry out 'Bolshi'. True, Nazis did terrible things to Jews, but the story of Jewish control of Russia is hardly better.

  5. One big difference between 60s and now.

    In the 60s, students stood up to the professors.

    Today, students are running dogs of their professors.

    I guess the cult of 'progressive radicalism' cooked up by the 60s was some powerful stuff. It had the power to both take on the establishment and, once having taken over the establishment, curtail any further rebellion against it.

    Also, it helped that the Right failed to come up with any movement or ideology powerful or effective enough to counter it.

  6. Michelle Malkin is a gutsy gal who mostly hits the nail on the head. For this she was labeled by former witch hunter general Keith Olberman (not Jewish, btw) a "fascistic bag of meat with lipstick on it" on his show. The howls of protest from the left for this aggressively demeaning sexist language were... non-existent.

  7. Now all hate crimes are hoaxes.

  8. This Oberlin story has provided much mirth. Of course it is also a little scary when you consider that many of these howling and huddling Oberliners will, like Lena Dunham, go on to be part of the cultural elite.

  9. "If it's a 'hate crime' to falsely accuse Jews of abducting Christian boys and using them for ritual slaughter, it's a 'hate crime' to accuse whites of committing all sorts of horrors they haven't."

    Bingo. It's almost like whites are the new Jews.

  10. Kinda OT:
    I was wondering why, here in NY, I never meet anyone who has transplanted from California. I asked around at work and the case was the same for everyone I spoke to.. So, I started googling, "why don't Californians move to New York". I really didn't get anything. We do get a lot of people from all over the country/world coming here, but no Steve Sailers.

    However, I discovered this piece by Victor David Hanson and it left me feeling dreadful. His portrait of the rural dystopia might be even uglier than urban decay. All of the anxiety without the ruins and with twice the boredom. I know he is a Neocon Hack, but I'm surprised the tourist board hasn't put a contract out on him.

  11. Victor Davis Hanson may be right about California, but how is Texas any different? It's got the same impoverished 'rural' communities filled with Mexicans who throw garbage all over the place.

    The funny thing is this, though.

    Culturally, white conservatives in the South and SW have more in common with Mexicans than white liberals in California do(with Mexicans).

    Though white conservatives are wary of 'too many' Mexicans, they kinda see eye to eye cuz both groups tend to be less intellectual, more folksy, more superstitious, and more 'good ole boy'-like. Neither white cons or Mexicans are very hip and 'sophisticated' or trendy.

    In contrast, white libs have little in common with Mexicans. Mexicans only matter to white libs as 'people of color' and 'diversity'. If a southern good ole boy and a Mexican got together for BBQ, they might find out they have much in common in terms of taste. They like guzzling lots of beer and watching professional wrestling on TV. White libs would rather go for sushi and 'intelligent' TV shows like MADMEN and would have very little in common with Mexicans when it comes to cultural taste.

    In a way, white liberals tend to be pro-brown because they are so much above the fray of brownness. White libs live in their own worlds, and being pro-brown is a statement or simply a way to hire cheap labor.

    Though white cons are culturally closer to Mexicans, that may be why they are more worried about the Mexican invasion. It's like clash of white mediocrity vs Mexican mediocrity. If white libs see the Mexican invasion as happening below them, white cons see it as happening at their social level, especially in rural areas.

    Even so, even though white cons in Texas are less welcoming to mexicans on a political level, maybe they get along better because Texas has a lot of regular joe white cons who see eye to eye with mexicans on the cultural level. They are all into steers.

    In contrast, white libs in CA are politically more favorable to mexicans, but there's a great divergence between white libs and mexicans cuz white libs prefer queers and mexicans prefer steers.

  12. Anonymous 3/6/13, 5:13 PM,

    You've got Jews on the brain. Jews controlled Russia? Stalin, Beria, Khrushchev and Brezhnev were Jews? Jewish overrepresentation among the U.S. elite or Bolshevik elite is a bit more subtle than the hyperbole you've constructed.

  13. Though white conservatives are wary of 'too many' Mexicans, they kinda see eye to eye cuz both groups tend to be less intellectual, more folksy, more superstitious, and more 'good ole boy'-like.

    Yeah guys like Steve Sailer and Patrick Buchanan are less intellectual and superstitious. The guys worried about the Mexican invasion are guys like Sailer and Buchanan and the guys who read Sailer and Buchanan. In other words, these are conservatives who are college educated and have middle and upper middle class lives.

    Go to Michelle Malkin's website sometime if you want to see what prole conservatives think about immigration. So long as it is "legal", they could care less if the newcomers were black, brown, yellow, red or green.

  14. "Prole" i.e. working class White guys are (if not Catholic) very different from Mexicans in that most study and have historically studied ... the Bible. Just read any Lincoln speech, or Mark Twain novel, the verses of the Bible just roll out of them, because everyone in the 19th Century had at LEAST the Bible, and read it nearly every day, at night if they could spare the candle or kerosene.

    Mexicans? Not so much.

    At nearly any Baptist, Methodist, even Presbyterian (I know, I was raised that way) you can see kids and even Adults in Sunday School or Bible Study. That's the whole point of being a Protestant, you study the Bible, to learn God's Word. And God's moral points.

    White Protestants are far more literate on that case than Mexicans.

    Education != the lack of beer guzzling, or drinking wine, or the taste in TV entertainment.

  15. You've got Jews on the brain. Jews controlled Russia? Stalin, Beria, Khrushchev and Brezhnev were Jews? Jewish overrepresentation among the U.S. elite or Bolshevik elite is a bit more subtle than the hyperbole you've constructed.

    Winston Churchill would probably disagree with you.

  16. "Winston Churchill would probably disagree with you. "

    and he was properly recompensed by Stalin and USG and american war heroes later.

    "scots-irish controlled Russia?"

    what difference it makes if scots-irish rule or the rulers are ruled by scots-irish? or married to them?
    your pointless comment.

  17. "Yeah guys like Steve Sailer and Patrick Buchanan are less intellectual and superstitious."

    Buchanan believes in creationism and hates Darwin. And look at Sarah Palin.
    I spent lots of time in Kentucky and Tennessee. Most southern cons are nice and wonderful people. But they aint exactly into book learning and fancy idears.

    Ever notice how the radio changes as you go from north to south?
    It suddenly goes from trendy pop and npr to bible thumping and country music on every station.

  18. Buchanan believes in creationism and hates Darwin.

    Come on. Buchanan is a graduate of Columbia and is an intelligent person. His is a deeply religious fellow so of course he believes in creationism.

    But how many lefties, who worship Darwin, won't acknowledge the simple truths of differences among different populations that guys like Sailer point out on a daily basis?

    I don't think belief in Darwin should be the point of demarcation between the intelligent and dull, or between the educated and illiterate. I've seen too many smart, religious folks who are creationists and too many Darwinian disciples who are pretty dense.

  19. KKK that Oberlin might approve.

  20. "I don't think belief in Darwin should be the point of demarcation between the intelligent and dull, or between the educated and illiterate."

    Buchanan is a smart guy and I've been reading him since the 80s. But on some issues--evolution and WWII--, he has serious blinders on going back to what he heard from his dad and the old Catholic Church.

  21. what difference it makes if scots-irish rule or the rulers are ruled by scots-irish? or married to them?

    It doesn't. What is important is the acknowledgement that they do exercise control, at least an amount of control that is disproportionate to their population size.

    Thanks for acknowledging this.

  22. Whiskey, old fellow: Thank you for putting the quotes around prole in your comment of 10:09. I appreciate it.

  23. So Whiskey was raised a Presbyterian. It's always fun to learn new details about him.

    Was the 'Omar Unchained' incident a couple of years back a hate crime?

  24. McGillicuddy3/7/13, 5:44 PM

    In a way, white liberals tend to be pro-brown because they are so much above the fray of brownness. White libs live in their own worlds, and being pro-brown is a statement or simply a way to hire cheap labor.

    Though white cons are culturally closer to Mexicans, that may be why they are more worried about the Mexican invasion. It's like clash of white mediocrity vs Mexican mediocrity. If white libs see the Mexican invasion as happening below them, white cons see it as happening at their social level, especially in rural areas.

    90% of white libs are neither academics nor even particularly cultured. Most of them are just sports fans too. Or gay i.e. among the coalition of the self-involved aggrieved. Listen to left-wing talk radio for a while, you’ll see.

  25. So Whiskey was raised a Presbyterian. It's always fun to learn new details about him.

    Another fun Whiskey fact is that his alma mater ranks number 9 in Hillel's list of colleges and universities with the largest Scots-Irish undergraduate populations, beating out WASP mafia dominated Harvard at number 13.


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