March 4, 2013

Oberlin "KKK sighting" appears to have been another example of current anti-white hysteria

Lt Mike McCloskey of Oberlin police told the Guardian on Monday that officers were still following up the KKK sighting, but suggested that the only witness may have been mistaken. 
"Officers checked the area and were unable to locate anybody. College security later saw a student wrapped in a blanket." 
McCloskey suggested that the apparent missighting may have been an innocent mistake.


  1. Darn it! So it's not as fun as "Asian women r Honkie white boy worshiping whores"

  2. They should probably arrest some rednecks and dunk them in tanks of water to see if they float. Just to be sure.

  3. Even if there had been someone in a KKK outfit, why is that a reason to cancel classes for a day? Tuition at Oberlin is over $22,000 a semester, which works out to something like $350/day for every day of classes. A sighting of someone in a white sheet is so traumatic the school cavalierly tosses away hundreds of dollars for every student?

    What was the school thinking? That anyone in a white sheet on a college campus must be crazy and if he's crazy who knows what he's planning to do? What if the guy was a professor from the dental school still wearing his white lab coat while he ran out to grab a sandwich? Close down the school for that as well?

    We truly are a nutty society. The medieval witch burners had nothing on us.

  4. Is this a sign that progressives are such conformists that they just believe everything they read? Who are the skeptics anymore besides the alt-Right?

  5. A picture of the chick who saw the person in KKK regalia:

  6. Speaking of hoping for hate:

    Black-homosexual mayoral candidate not killed by Mississippi whiteboy. The left was on the edge of their seats praying for a white man to blame but Marco Mcmillian is just another victim of black crime. This story was shaping up to be 2013's Trayvonmania but reality intruded and the story was dropped.

  7. Why were the cops investigating? Is it really illegal to wear a sheet?

  8. Gawker recently updated their story about this with the following info:

    "Update: According to a person with access to the faculty mailing list, faculty members had been told—"unofficially," (i.e., not through official channels)—that "the investigation into this incident was dropped when it was discovered that the person responsible was someone within the MRC [the Multicultural Resource Center], who would be disciplined internally"; according to conversations with other members of the Oberlin community, this appears to be a widespread, and widely-believed, rumor. (The same source, who asked to remain anonymous, claims that the MRC, whose former director, Eric Estes, is now the Dean of Students, has been criticized for the amount of student college money it receives, and that its leadership has "had trouble justifying how many campus coordinators they have on staff.")"

    More at

  9. So the next time someone calls the police on a black guy walking through the neighborhood who was doing nothing wrong, what will this be called?

    Anti-black hysteria?

  10. "So the next time someone calls the police on a black guy walking through the neighborhood who was doing nothing wrong, what will this be called?"

    Crime prevention.

  11. the investigation into this incident was dropped when it was discovered that the person responsible was someone within the MRC [the Multicultural Resource Center], who would be disciplined internally

    Have any of these campus "hate crimes" turned out to be something other than a hoax?

  12. Torn and Frayed3/4/13, 11:06 PM

    Probably a Muslim woman wearing an all white hijab. So in the end it was just a friendly fire incident within the Coalition of the Victims.

  13. It seems like the hoax perpetrators keep getting older, as though they're from a cohort, rather than it always being undergrads.

    Tawana Brawley was born in '72, committed a major hoax in '87 at 15. Huge hoax at Columbia the same year, accusations coming from undergrads, so born in the late '60s.

    Fast forward to the Duke lacrosse hoax -- that woman was 28, born in '78. The woman in the late 2000s who was about to get fired before a noose appeared on her door -- don't know, but she looks late 30s or in her 40s. And so does that woman who saw the be-sheeted menace at Oberlin.

    Seems like now it's more the directors of the multicultural center, rather than the undergrads, launching the hoaxes. Damn students just don't stir shit up like they used to!

    Looks as though most of the perpetrators are from Generation X, no matter when the allegations were made, from the late '80s through today. It's kind of like how a lot of people who were in college circa 1968 have always been behaving as though it were 1968.

    Only now it's those who were impressionable 20 year-olds when Rodney King woke them into racial awareness. For them, it's never stopped being 1992.

  14. When I was at Swarthmore College, there was a huge to-do when someone took a bowel movement on a table in the diversity center... a bowel movement that turned out to be chocolate cake left over from a party there.

  15. um, maybe it was a manosphere prankster guy who was gonna go streaking but at the last minute was afraid everyone would laugh at his underdeveloped firepower....

  16. an innocent mistake

    In the general climate it's pretty well known that these reports are taken very seriously and add to what can not unfairly be called anti-white consciousness, even vigilance. So how 'innocent' are such 'mistakes', and how can you tell it is an "innocent mistake" as opposed to a calculated one?

    Stuff like this makes all Whites look like Christians because they always turn the other cheek.

  17. "What was the school thinking?" - Liability.

  18. Who was this sinister klansman?

    Maybe it was Harvey the rabbit.

    Maybe it was that mysterious white guy in a white suit with a white notepad lurking around who legends say writes books about this very topic.

  19. Auntie Analogue3/5/13, 12:35 AM


  20. After the Trayvon Martin hoodie fad, I'm hoping it was someone wearing a white hoodie.

  21. Does not matter, file under "fake but accurate"....protest story still gets top billing in is on the Today Show right now. Nothing mentioned about it being a false-flag.

    Instead the sitituation does exactly what the orignator intended, "sparks wider questions...lessons we can all learn..."

  22. Back in the real world, an asylum seeker, who was being housed in the student houses of an Australian university,sexually assaulted a student.

  23. Harry Baldwin3/5/13, 5:14 AM

    When I was at Swarthmore College, there was a huge to-do when someone took a bowel movement on a table in the diversity center... a bowel movement that turned out to be chocolate cake left over from a party there.

    This is the best thing I've read in weeks. It should be worked into a Family Guy episode.

  24. Even among the rare subset of campus "hate" incidents that really did happen, most can be explained by extreme alcohol-related impairment and the corresponding loss of verbal facility (thereby diminishing students' ability to translate "sane human English" into "politically correct English"). Of the two incidents I can remember from my college days, one involved a drunk freshman who wrote on a wall what he thought was a humorous line making fun of his extremely effeminate homosexual roommate (who may have been in a "transparent closet" at the time), and another involved some blackout-drunk white students making a harmless ethnic joke in a crude attempt to pick up a black girl. I would personally classify this kind of mostly-harmless idiotic behavior along with, say, the student who crapped out of a third-story window, or my roommate who put his head through two layers of sheetrock, but the campus diversity police naturally treated the "hate" incidents much more seriously.

  25. All's I can say is these people better stay away from Seville during Holy Week lest they all stroke out simultaneously:

  26. Steve, how about a thread for posts about insane PC campus scares? When I was in college there was a huge brouhaha about a mural of Warner Brothers cartoon characters. The mural included Marvin the Martian (see Manguro's icon above). Someone claimed that Marvin, because of his black skin (it's actually his helmet shadow) and large white eyes was a racist stereotype and demanded the mural removed.

  27. Occam's razor. If it looks like an innocent guy with a blanket wrapped round him, it's probably an innocent guy with a blanket wrapped round him.

  28. At this point the only way to improve Oberlin would be to drop a bomb on it.

  29. At this point the only way to improve Oberlin would be to drop a bomb on it.

    It worked for Berlin, so why not Oberlin?

  30. This is the best thing I've read in weeks. It should be worked into a Family Guy episode.

    It's been done already. CADDYSHACK, anyone?

  31. Prof. Woland3/5/13, 12:41 PM

    When my brother was going to CSUSD in the 1970s, someone put a turd in the microwave oven in the school cafeteria and turned it on for about 5 minutes. He was lucky because he was sitting on the other side of the room when an unfortunate co-ed opened it up to warm her food. The students who were within smelling distance and could not run fast enough did not think it was very funny but 35 years later we still burst into tears. They never caught the guy who did it.

  32. What do Oberlin people do when they see some guy with Che Guevara or Mao t-shirt? Or some black guy in New Black Panther suit or rap t-shirt glorifying gangster thuggery?

  33. "Look, look, a UHO, I saw a UHO!!"

    "UHO? What's that?"

    "An Unidentified Hate Object."

  34. "When I was at Swarthmore College, there was a huge to-do when someone took a bowel movement on a table in the diversity center... a bowel movement that turned out to be chocolate cake left over from a party there."

    I don't know, that might have been a good call- when I was an undergrad at Wellesley in the 70s there were more than a few miscreants playing the "phantom sh*tter"- leaving a load at random places around campus- usually in front of peoples' doors.

  35. All's I can say is these people better stay away from Seville during Holy Week lest they all stroke out simultaneously:

    That is freaking hilarious!!!

  36. "Anonymous said...

    What do Oberlin people do when they see some New Black Panther suit or rap t-shirt glorifying gangster thuggery?"

    Cross the street.


  38. Cross the street.

    Even if they're white?

  39. It's hard to find this caae anything but comical. A man in a sheet sending an entire university into lockdown?

    The comments here have been among the funniest ever on iSteve - especially the 'Afrika Korps' tour de force yesterday and the 'be-sheeted menace' above. Genuine and voluminous LOLs at both of those.


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