March 5, 2013

Sailer in Taki's: "KKK Is the New UFO"

From my new column in Taki's Magazine:
The current identity-politics hysteria was launched about a year ago (conveniently enough for the Obama reelection campaign) with the news that an angelic black baby named Trayvon Martin had been gunned down by white racist George Zimmerman. 
In the latest brouhaha, Oberlin, a (very) liberal arts college outside of Cleveland, immediately shut down all classes Monday to hold a frenzied, Cultural Revolution-style rally against the rising tide of racism because one student claimed to have spied a one-man Ku Klux Klan rally on campus in the wee hours of the morning. 
The past year reminds me of a similar frenzy in the early 1990s that Bill Clinton rode to the White House. Do you remember the “Year of the Woman,” in which Clinton (of all people) ran as the nemesis of bosses who make passes at the women who work for them? No? Well, since nobody else seems to remember the recent past, it’s worth mentioning how these manias seem to start up in conjunction with Democratic presidential campaigns, then sputter on for years.

Read the whole thing there.


  1. "one student claimed to have spied a one-man Ku Klux Klan rally on campus in the wee hours of the morning."

    I hate to even suggest this, but is it possible the student may have had something to drink earlier that evening?

  2. Funny. I think there is genuine nostalgia for Jim Crow in America, not from Southern racists so much as from Northern liberals who wish they had something real to vent their righteousness on.

    The mass assembly at Oberlin to...what? protest? mourn? like a Stalinist rally against wreckerism. We can't exactly pinpoint white racist violence in America today, but we know indisputably that it is there.

  3. KKK is the new UFO is so good. Well done Steve.

    Dan DC

  4. Wait a second Steve, didn't you say you were 50/50 on whether or not this was a hoax? You should walk that back.

    Dan DC

  5. burning cross crop circles

  6. Dr Van Nostrand3/5/13, 10:52 PM

    We can't exactly pinpoint white racist violence in America today, but we know indisputably that it is there."

    White racism is the invisible hand of liberal sociologists. You wont find it in media,academia,entertainment,government,corporations,civil society,military,police or the church but its there sinisterly guiding all human transactions that ever were and ever will be.

    And if you dont know it ,you are just a mindless zombie who doesnt have the magic sunglasses ala John Carpenters They Live



    "Oberlin alumna Lena Dunham, a cable TV celebrity who starred in a pro-Obama ad likening her vote for him to losing her virginity, took to Twitter to rally her fellow "Obies." The Associated Press dutifully reported Dunham's plea as news: "Hey, Obies, remember the beautiful, inclusive and downright revolutionary history of the place you call home. Protect each other."

    White race a disgrace. How it has fallen. Just how did this happen?
    How can a great people come to this?

  8. UFOs are a bit different. Around secret air force bases, classified aircraft can of course be seen flying. These reports needed discrediting for national security reasons. I suspect that some of the more wacky propaganda is government funded for that reason, to discourage legitimate interest. The government wants you to equate UFO with aliens, autopsies, greens and greys, lizard men etc.

  9. You have to wonder how Michelle Malkin (class of '92) ever got through Oberlin.

  10. The 1947 Roswell incident was a new high tech balloon designed to carry cameras across the Soviet Union for spy photographs.

    The Soviets used their disinformation resources to hide reports of what they were up to bury reports of "Hey, it looked like a Soviet warplane" with "It was a UFO piloted by green aliens!"

  11. We should turn this around on them. Hang this on Oberlin, always.

    Oberlin College - a known racist institution. After all, the school's name even has "Berlin" in it - how racist is that?

    Lena Dunham - aka, Leni Dunhamstahl - a known racist, and graduate of that racist hotbed, Oberlin College.

    And given their actual, subconcious feelings about black people, it's probably not far from the mark.

  12. "The Soviets used their disinformation resources"

    like the USG?

    ‘Since the U.S. government appeared to lend credence to the "historic" happening, why should anyone doubt the authenticity of the flight? Gromov and his two flying comrades must have hoped that the Americans would remain as gracious to them as they had been to the first crew. They were soon to find out as they prepared to travel east to visit President Roosevelt and to tour U.S. factories. Before the end of July the Soviet pilots were scheduled to visit Consolidated, Douglas, Northrup, Boeing, Sikorsky, Glenn Martin, Wright, Pioneer Instrument, Sperry Gyroscope, and NACA Laboratories and Research, a firm associated with Langley Field, a large air force base in Texas. The flying trio were to be accompanied by some heavy names in Russian industry, such as Mikhail Kaganovich, commissar of Heavy Industry; Colonel Vladimir Begunov, military attaché; Stanislav Shumovsky, aeronautical expert; V. M. Petlinev, V. J. Vurgens, and V. K. Bogdon, all said to be knowledgeable in aviation.’

    Russia's Shortcut to Fame: A Fifty-Year Hoax Exposed

  13. Slightly O/T, there is an unremarked upon whiteness crisis in what is now the most popular TV comedy: THE BIG BANG THEORY. It started slow but it's a hit now. Except for Raj, a totally white show. (And Wolowitz, for the white nats here.)

    I think Lorre realizes this and recently he's put blacks into some bit parts, the usual places where they aren't found in real life, but otherwise, it's Whitopia. There is a new character, the comic book store owner, and he is accurately portrayed as...white. What shall we do?

    And no one has criticized it yet. Imagine that, no black physicists. It's a crisis alright. Only the Onion is on it.,18389/

    (I looked for other references and could only find "Kaley Cuoco tight black dress.")

  14. NE Ohio is extremely liberal. For a long time Dennis Kucinich represented a suburban white district. The state is only swingy because the Cincinnati area is as conservative as rural Texas. The Puritan left types settled the northern small towns, center left German and east Europeans settled the cities, and the scots and old English types settled the southern part of the state, and also migrated in from Appalachia during the Great Migration out if the South.

    The state GOP had a long period of domination by appealing to the German-catholic and east euro bloc voters with moderate republicans like George Voinovich. That is slipping away as the party is taken over by evangelicals and Wall Street types, as seen by the losses of Josh Mandel and Mitt Romney. Immigration is not an issue as the state has among the very lowest levels of immigration in the USA.

  15. Douglas Knight3/6/13, 10:48 AM

    Steve, I think that you're confusing Roswell with some other incident.


  16. KKK is the new UFO is so good. Well done Steve.

    Dan DC

    Second that! Very, very well done. As good as "discrimination turtles all the way down"- better!, since it doesn't require a HBD correspondence degree from Sailer U., but can be understood by pretty much anyone on the street.

    On a side note, I think you should start a weekly user-contributed headline contest. Post a straight story from the MSM, ask readers to come up with the iSteviest headlines for it.

    For example, ran across this the other day: Dramatic [Sourcing] Gender Difference in NPR Stories.

    My entry?

    "NPR interviewing too many Senators, Fortune 500 CEO's, Nobel Prize-winners."

  17. Not quite. It's more like Tsarism during the Stalinist period: an already vanquished threat kept alive in propaganda. Groups, ie. blacks, need an enemy to cohere. A phantom enemy will suffice.

  18. at this point, UFO cases with a moderate amount of evidence and numerous credible witnesses, are a lot more common than organized hate crimes by europeans against other groups. and there are only 2 or 3 UFO cases of that nature per decade.

    obama, being from chicago, would probably argue that illinois is rife with racists plotting against "the vibrant", but how many cases have him and his ilk documented in the last 10 or 15 years? meanwhile, the UFO which appeared over illinois on january 5 2000 was witnessed by 5 or 6 police officers and a police detective in 3 or 4 different towns over a 2 hour period.

    now bill cosby is saying the republican party at the national level is displaying the same kind of overt, organized racism that was prevalent in the US in 1950. uh, what?

    maybe bill got the same memo that colin powell got.

    these guys are worse than the less reputable UFO nutjobs who see an alien spacecraft in every fuzzy youtube video. they see racism hiding under every rock, hiding behind every tree.

  19. alonzo portfolio3/6/13, 11:59 AM

    And given their actual, subconcious feelings about black people, it's probably not far from the mark.

    Well, not really. Every girl at Oberlin (or Antioch, or Wesleyan or Reed) desperately wants to ball a black guy. It's just that they've heard the stats on STD's and health consciousness comes just before race consciousness. If I were a black entrepreneur, I'd set up a STD-free certification program for brothas.

  20. lol i've actually been to oberlin. trust me, not much real education is taking place there. a minor college with a small enrollment and basically no academic output. really no different than reed.

    what does happen there - a lot of drug taking by people unable to get into better colleges. soft major trust fund kids have lots of time to get high and organize the latest indignant protest about whatever the perceived outrage du jour is.

    not that these small colleges are important centers of academic output in america in general, but yeah, at amherst or williams real teaching and learning is happening. heck, vassar does a better job at actually being a college.

  21. Anonymous Rice Alum #43/6/13, 12:19 PM

    @Aging Hag

    Recently? It was a couple of seasons ago when Bernadette's pre-Howard boyfriend, a prominent scientist, was played by former NBA player Rick Fox.

  22. Per my other comment in the other thread, moral hysterias are the price we pay for social cohesiveness. It is the mechanism, be it witches, or "racists" or UFOs, that we pay for keeping everyone in the same dutifulness, "respectability" page. It is the self-policing mechanism of groups with high amounts of cohesiveness, the downside amply demonstrated by Ibsen and Munch.

    The Appalachian groups and Aristos of Virginia and the Mid Atlantic business barons embraced individuality over group identity. Trump is a Birther because his spiritual brothers are extreme individualists (and he can make a buck or two).

    However it is my view that the extreme pressures of technological change gave rise to groups with high cohesiveness. Right now Orson Scott Card is the victim of a jihad against him, DC Comics dumped his story about Superman, over his views of gay marriage -- and for being a Mormon.

    Here you have a smaller group of extreme cohesive people, up against a much larger and more powerful group of cohesive people -- SWPL folks and their moral panics: "homophobia" and "racism." That's HOW they keep their group culture and identity.

    For Aristos, that's irrelevant. Who their parents were identify them. As well as birth order. For Mid Atlantic business barons, its their money and business. For Scots-Irish, it is how willing and able they are at fighting, standing and holding ground, and going their own way.

    IMHO the proper move is to encourage the group hysteria to as much energy as possible -- and direct it at prominent members of the group. Judo-like moves against their strength which is also a weakness.

  23. JeremiahJohnbalaya3/6/13, 2:39 PM

    Since there has been some mention of spying on this thread, I'll mention that last night I watched The Falcon and the Snowman for the first time. It's not a bad movie, despite some mild anti-American&Republican stuff.

    Then in reading up on the subjects, I read that Sean Penn actually hired the dude who he played, after said dude got out of prison. Which is just soft of a funny anecdote.

  24. jody wrote:

    "at this point, UFO cases with a moderate amount of evidence and numerous credible witnesses, are a lot more common than organized hate crimes by europeans against other groups. and there are only 2 or 3 UFO cases of that nature per decade.

    obama, being from chicago, would probably argue that illinois is rife with racists plotting against "the vibrant"...

    Remember that time when Michelle said that Barack would be shot and kill'd to death if he ever wandered out of the city and filled up his car at a gas station out in the suburbs? She apparently thought that suburban white guys were always out on the hunt for random brothaz to shoot.

    BTW, in my experience (having grown up in suburban Chicago), that level of paranoia about the suburbs isn't all that uncommon among blacks from the South Side of Chicago, like Michelle Obama.

    but how many cases have him and his ilk documented in the last 10 or 15 years?


    Oh, wait.

    meanwhile, the UFO which appeared over illinois on january 5 2000 was witnessed by 5 or 6 police officers and a police detective in 3 or 4 different towns over a 2 hour period.

    Yeah, and look at how those police officers were ridiculed by the media.

    now bill cosby is saying the republican party at the national level is displaying the same kind of overt, organized racism that was prevalent in the US in 1950. uh, what?

    maybe bill got the same memo that colin powell got.

    these guys are worse than the less reputable UFO nutjobs who see an alien spacecraft in every fuzzy youtube video. they see racism hiding under every rock, hiding behind every tree.

    Bill Cosby has been in the public eye since the late '50s/early '60s, and he's always seemed like a reasonably sharp guy, so it's hard to say what's up with him. Don't forget, though, that he's been on the "Uncle Tom" blacklist ever since he said that brothaz need to clean up their collective acts and quit blaming whites for all their problems. So maybe he's overcompensating.

    That said, his comments (if they're sincere) hint at a largely unspoken problem: namely, that a great many black people only started paying attention to politics when Obama got into office, and thus, are completely ignorant of the political process, and completely convinced that the only reason there's Republicans opposition to Obama is because he's black.

    Cosby's complaint that white Republicans sat without clapping when Democrats applauded wildly during the State of the Union speech makes him sound like someone who watched his first S.O.T.U. speech ... kind of like when Chad Ochocinco live tweeted his first S.O.T.U. speech last year and started hatin' on John Boehner (J. Bone) for not showin' Barack enuff luv.


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