April 15, 2013

Boston marathon: Who did it?

Open for comments.


  1. White Supremacists, obviously

  2. A disgruntled East African man who should have won in a previous year but was stymied by a malfunctioning alarm clock.

  3. New York Post says a Saudi national is in custody and severely burned.

  4. Christianists, even more obvious.

  5. A disgruntled Steve Sailer reader who pulled an Anders Breivik...

  6. Ross Douthat has it right. We sit waiting to see whose prejudices are "vindicated."

    So I'll say now - if it is my prejudices vindicated - if it's a representative of some group I have been warning darkly we should be watching more carefully - then I overstep. These events are statistically so rare in all groups, unlike some other countries where they occur more frequently among smaller populations, that the perps are outliers in America.

  7. Someone with a deep hatred of runners.

  8. Southern evangelicals. Don't you people watch prime time television police procedurals?

  9. Christian right-wing ant-immigrant pro-gun Republican extremists. Duh...

  10. NRA members

  11. Fat people.

  12. I blame neo-Malthusian's upset that they don't get Child Tax Credits.

  13. If Mad Mohammed did it, it's a tragedy but what's worse is if we allow fewer brown people in this country because of it. Ultimately, it's all Whitey's fault.

    If Righty Whitey did it, it's a tragedy but what's worse is if he gets his way and allows fewer brown people in this country because of it. Ultimately, it's all Whitey's fault.

    Also, no matter what his ethnicity turns out to be, the Childress Sisters will declare the perpetrator was white.

  14. I saw someone by the finish line who was drinking a gatorade, huffing and puffing, and had a white towel or blanket draped over his shoulders. Must've been a Klansman.

  15. Obama told us not to rush to judgement, so it must be the Moslems.

  16. The blogger formerly known as Half Sigma. He really hates marathons.

  17. The Mooslems

  18. Misunderstander of Islam?

    Academic padding their resume for a teaching position at Columbia or NYU?

    Guerilla marketing campaign for the latest Robert Redford movie?

    Time will tell.

  19. America's Newspaper of Record says its a Saudi national.


  20. A nerd/geek.

  21. The media will be looking for an Evangelical Christian paramilitary group. But we all know it was probably a practitioner of the "religion of peace".

  22. I was listening to an NPR special segment on this. Their self-proclaimed "terrorism expert" said that it was difficult to draw reasonable conclusions at this point but then went on to say suggest that it had to be some right-wing patriot or white supremacist group. Commenter #1 nailed it.

    If I had to guess -- based just on odds -- it was either some looney-toon loner or an equally looney-toon left-wing or anti-American group of some sort. Whoever did it was inept enough for me to infer amateurism.

    One bomb failed to detonate and the other two went off within a score of seconds of one another instead of the half-hour or so that is guaranteed to take out a lot of police, EMTs, etc., in the second blast. (I believe this was a nasty IRA innovation that has since been widely adopted.)

  23. I wonder if an April 15th blast near the site of the Boston Tea Party is purely a coincidence...

  24. It's funny - as recently as 20 years ago, everyone would have just naturally assumed that this had been the work of the Irish.

    How quickly things change.

  25. I don't mean to get all Alex Jones here but I have (totally speculative) hunch that this will either facilitate war with North Korea, Syria, or, of course, the wrong sort of white people are always strong contenders. I guess you could group all three under the heading SWPDL.

  26. Too early to tell, but...

    Most likely a small group of anti-government domestics. While the multiple bombs are typical of AQ, they are used to hit different targets.

    The other clues(Tax Day, Patriot Day, probably gun powder pipe bombs) point domestic.

  27. The fact that it was done on April 15th on the 100th anniversary of the income tax just seems too cooincidental to me. I think it's some sort of nutball right winger.

  28. The New York Post is fingering a Saudi who is here on a student visa (he's supposedly in custody while being treated for shrapnel wounds in hospital). NBC News is saying the same thing now.

    Feinstein is saying the culprit may be not be "foreign" but "a home-grown terrorist" instead -aka Angry White Male. One of the dbags at Yahoo is blogging that the fact that today is Tax Day - April 15 - is symbolic. Well, it's true the payroll tax was increased 50% on January 1 by an allegedly "soak the rich" president and congress. But Yahoo, Feinstein, et al. are always looking for McVeigh 2.

    1. How did the NY Post get the info so quickly? The paper was on this like JPost on a pizzeria bombing. The stories have the same matter-of-fact style as JPost, which definitely isn't NY Post house style. Something is weird here.

    2. Krazy Konspiracy theories depend on coincidences. But is it only coincidental that in recent days:

    a. Obama announced Social Security payouts would be reduced (when in fact the program is more than solvent for decades);

    b. The stock markets of the world are crashing, taking the gold bugs with them;

    c. Gun-grabbing legislation is getting somewhere fast;

    and above all -

    d. Amnesty is making headway.

    A terrorist attack certainly would be a convenient shield behind which to hide bad news, embarrassments, and possible malfeasance, wouldn't it? The whole nation is now talking - and will be talking for some time - about Boston and The Enemy Other (or maybe The Enemy White)... and NOT about amnesty, gun-grabbing, etc.

    I don't dare call it conspiracy, but it's certainly convenient, to quote Dana Carvey's Church Lady.

    Expect to see a lot of legislation pushed through in the middle of the night, while the public wrings its hands about A-rabs and Angry White Men.

  29. Chris Matthews is hoping, praying and pushing for Tim McVeigh Part II.

    The Republicans tried very hard to make the Benghazi attack stick to Obama during the campaign. The Republicans failed b/c Americans could care less and don't understand what happened there.

    If this turns out to be Islamobombos, Obama will be cudgeled with it for the next 3.5 years.

  30. Wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be some Ulster Unionist retaliating for all the money Bostonians gave to the IRA to set off all those bombs in London and Londonderry.

    Payback's a bitch, isn't it?

  31. Oklahoma City, part 2.

  32. CIA? rogue Boston cops? North Korean secret services? Salafists? Israeli mossad false flag operation? Anti tax protesters?
    Black nationalists? (not likely, that).
    Or... a lone wolf Nidal Hassan/Eric Rudolph/Jared Loughner type of operation.

  33. Target. Liberal city. Tax day. Global-international event. JFK library.

    So, it can't be liberals.

    Anarchist anti-globalist? Possible but unlikely. Why? The likes of Soros are too rich and funding leftist groups. When the far left was on the outside in the late 60s and early 70s, they joined violent revolutionary groups like Weather Underground and etc. Today, if you have radical credentials, you can do pretty well for yourself as a professor or professional. Silicon Valley and Wall Street will not hire a 'racist' but has no problem with hiring Marxists and the like.

    Muslims? Highly doubt it. Too busy fighting each other in the Middle East.

    False flag operation by government? I don't think government is that crazy. I think, at most, government might know something's gonna happen and let it happen to use it as rationale to take more power.

    I think a right-wing organization or individuals did this. Maybe an American Breivik or someone like McVeigh.

  34. Pincher Martin4/15/13, 5:35 PM

    Because it did not happen in NYC or DC, and because it was not an obvious political target, I would have to say that the odds right now favor a domestic terrorist.

    International terrorists aren't very creative in how they pick targets. They go back to the same well far too often: NYC landmarks, DC government buildings, airplanes, airports, and trains. An attack on a marathon, and in Boston, would be something new.

    And if it was just two bombs, then I would also say it favors a lone domestic terrorist, much like the Olympic bombings in Atlanta.

    On the other hand, if it was an international terrorist, they are getting smarter in how they select targets, which is a little scary.

    So right now I'd say the odds are about 70-30 that it was a lone domestic terrorist (or nut) of some sort rather than an international terrorist who is responsible for the attacks.

  35. All I know is that liberals in Boston, NY, Chicago, SF, Portland, and etc. don't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for whites victimized by black crime, globalist financial robbery, illegal invasion, and etc.

    As Peter Hitchens wrote about his younger leftist self, privileged white liberals feel nothing but contempt for less privileged whites.

  36. Bombs did go off, but they didn't all go off or commit as much carnage as McVeigh or Brevik. Partial competence with explosives but not smart enough to realize the amount of security cameras there or know how for all bombs to detonate. I don't see pro or anti amnesty advocates as this must have taken some time to plan. Blacks don't go the bombing route, if they ever did. This feels more like the British Subway Bombings due to being somewhat effective but not a wham bang of a Brevik-McVeigh. My guess is Muslim terror suspects.

  37. Based on my extensive knowledge gleaned from action movies my best guess...

    An international all-star terror squad consisting of Boers, Serbs, Russian Nationalists/resentful ex-commies, unreconstructed Klansmen, and roided out preppie athletes, led by Dolph Lundgren or maybe Willem Dafoe.

    Sadly, the tech-savvy punk rocker heroin tracking their online activity couldn't find them in time to forward their whereabouts to Denzel Washington and his Pakistani-American LGBTQ surfer dude OIF veteran partner.

    -The Judean People's Front

  38. obama admin.

  39. probably the same group that just sunk the markets yesterday and today presumably trying to get cash out of here.

  40. An Adam Lanza/James Holmes type.

  41. The British, for celebrating Patriot's day.

  42. This is actually a tricky one...

    Marathoning is a pretty SWPL hobby. Who hates SWPLs? Southie types? Undersexed east Asian grad students?

  43. Radical feminists

  44. On second thought, my hard-nosed understanding of nature of terrorism might also owe something to police procedural dramas.

    -The Judean People's front

  45. Obviously, it was the Little-Old-Lady-From-Pasadena. ARREST HER IMMEDIATELY!!!

  46. boston marathon was aimed at keeping the american military budget the same during the deepest potential budget cuts america has faced in a long time. The boston marathon took place for the same reason North Korean is hamming it up as a boogeyman like they have never done before: manufacturing consent for cutting social programs instead of cutting the corpulent military budget.

    THe american military is the single largest outlay of money in the history of the world, and you had better believe there are some evil players involved.

    North Korea is hamming it up as a boogeyman to scare americans so that the DC elite will have an excuse to cut domestic instead of military. N Korea will get paid off with food aid or cheap loans down the road. THey will pipe down as soon as the budget deal is done.

    But the problem is that N Korea is the little boy who cried 'boogeyman' once too often. They have done this before (scared the american public to help the powers that be) and so people just don't believe them now.

    So it looks like the powers that be had to call in for more backup, play their ace in hole--domestic terrorism, all in order to keep those defense dollars coming in....

  47. I would bet $5 that the guy who did it was wearing a dishtowel and a fanbelt on his head. any takers??

  48. Local Muslim terrorist, I'd guess, or right-wing groups annoyed at the city's liberalism. Toss-up.

  49. Well, early reports can be inaccurate, hysterical, but I heard on the news early in the evening that a person of interest was a "foreigner here on a student visa".

    My first guess would be p---ed off Muslim. Guess #2 would be a home grown psycho.

    If the culprit is #2, look for the Tea Party to be blamed if this fellow ever so much as smiled at a Republican neighbor.

  50. After all, it was you and me.

  51. We won't be told for a while, but through exhaustive and painstaking police work, we'll finally learn the identities of the real perpetrators!

    Latino drug gangs (MS-13): trained and financed by.....you know who!

  52. Occupy WS impersonating the Tea Party. This is another hoax.

  53. Off topic but a Jillian Keenan wrote an article for Slate today arguing for the legalization of polygamy.
    There's that slippery slope us anti-SSM folks were crazy for pointing out.

  54. It's April 15th, so I'm gonna go with some sort of tax protesters.

  55. Semi-employed White Guy4/15/13, 6:29 PM

    Well the best info we have right now says Saudi. If that is the case, then I am sure the federal response will be to increase Muslim immigration.

  56. Richard Jewell?....... oops, he's dead.

    I'm going with the odds.....some guy named Mohammed (or a variation of)....

  57. I'd like to say the Mossad, but I can't figure out what's in it for them.

    Then there are the NORKs, celebrating Grandpa's birthday, but they've never done anything in the US.

    It doesn't make a lot of sense for militia types--what would they have against a mostly white (except for the big winners) Marathon?

  58. Darwin's Sh*tlist4/15/13, 6:31 PM

    You'd think that with all of that well-funded HateWatching they do, the SPLC would be able to tell us.

  59. It's tax day.

    There is a pretty decent chance it is an anti-government type. Like that guy who flew his plane into the IRS building a few years ago.

  60. Who came second last year? Just asking!

  61. Reading some of my regular forums (not American nor particulary politics-focused) there seems a real appetite for this to be evil white supremacists. Numerous comments about Timothy McVeigh, the Tea Party, the gun lobby, etc etc.

    Apart from McVeigh, has whitey committed any significant terrorist acts in the US? I cannot think of any. On the other hand you have the 1993 WTC bombing, 9/11, the Times Square bombing and (arguably) the Fort Hood shooting.

    The media conditioning is fearsomely effective, though - almost to a man, people are assuming that it is Evil White Guys. No one is even suggesting the possibility of vibrant perpetrators.

  62. Chris Morris

  63. Sounds like a Saudi national. No one will care that it's a Saudi national.

  64. White supremacist "patriot movement" types of course.

  65. Bomb sniffing dogs at finish line BEFORE explosions?

    Who were the "spotters" on the roof?


  66. Boston marathon: Who got hit? America? Or another point on the NYC/Wall Street-LA/Hollywood-D.C.-Harvard Mafia axis?

    No Muslim ever called me cracker.

  67. uhh, someone who makes military grade C4 or Semtex bombs? aren't those available only to the military? oh wait - & to criminals! terrorists pick iconic targets. this qualifies. our government is foolish for not immediately jumping on it as an islamic terrorist event. first they want to see if they can blame US. what self-hating idiots.

  68. Little old ladies from the Tea Party were pretending to clean up the trash along the marathon route but were secretly placing Gadsden flag wrapped bombs into the waste receptacles instead. It was definitely not occupiers, they don't place anything into trash cans. Case closed.

  69. My vote would be the actual Muslim terrorists - 90% chance. I'd still reserve 10% to the disgruntled SWPL who was smart enough to make it look like a signature Al Qaeda terrorism.

  70. Auntie Analogue4/15/13, 7:15 PM

    It was the work of dastardly Racist™ Islamophobes who seek nothing more than to destroy our breathtakingly brave Universally Beloved American Triumph of Multicultural Diversity!

    Seriously, detonating the first
    bomb to force the oncoming column of runners to compress into a dense mass where the second detonation was intended to inflict even more gruesome havoc than the first detonation inflicted forms the unmistakable clue that whoever did this worked from an established tactical method, designed to inflict maximum casualties.

    This may have been the first execution of an attack by whoever did it, but it has all the hallmarks of having been planned with cunning that was either taught, or that was self-taught by means of study. Such tactical method is found readily on the internet or in any number of military and revolutionist manuals found in libraries or even at flea markets.

    At this early moment it's impossible to guess who did it - and guesswork is what all such premature, uninformed nominations of the identity of the mass-murderer(s) amount to.

  71. Someone who was really hankering for a Media Event to participate in.

  72. I think Assad Regime agents, posing as regular terrorists, supplied the bombs to Muslim terrorists, who then planted them at the decided upon spots.

  73. the boston tea party of course

  74. One thing that's clear is that the bombs weren't very powerful. People less than 50 feet away weren't knocked down and not many windows in adjacent buildings were broken. I'd say that the bomb maker either wasn't very competent, or was sending a warning of much worse to come.


  75. Amish transgender acticists?

  76. Autism spectrum is my guess.

    Possibly medicated.

  77. Also, linked to acadamia.

    Another guess.

  78. Based on the last two high-profile criminals in this country, probably someone in or related to law enforcement.

  79. A 25-40 year old underachieving male, using religion or other antisocial ideology to rationalise a nihlistic/anarchic desire to overturn the existing power structure (typical of low-status males throughout human history who's only means for increasing status was through violent revolution - eg Taliban and myriad other brands of wanna-be aristocrats be they green, communist or fascist).

    Exactly what ideological brand of loser is yet to be seen, I'm betting on domestic right wing given revolutionary history of boston + doing it on patriots's day, though interesting that doesn't appear to be govt targets.

    More left field: belated reprisals from northern irish for sponsoring of IRA, or maybe just an obese misanthrope hating on thin fit people :).

    Anyway amounts to about 1 hours worth of homicides for USA. So hopefully cool heads will prevail and there will be no unnecessary, freedom infringing and expensive reactive changes within govt bureaucracy. (Fat chance!)

  80. I blame the restrictive, WASP rules of golf.

    Free Tiger Woods

  81. A-rabs, o'course. Someone needs to tutor the jihadis and tell them that they keep flying planes or bombing those areas in the US that actually give them their greatest support. If they keep this up they're going to turn all those east coast liberals into conservatives.

  82. " Anonymous said...

    White Supremacists, obviously"

    ESPECIALLY if they weren't involved...

  83. Aqua Teen Hunger Force: 1/31/07 was a test run.

  84. Does Anders Brevik have an alibi or was he already paroled?

  85. The IRA? In a typically profound and futile gesture re: Margaret Thatcher's recent demise?

    Either them or some Tea Party fool in an inscrutable act of insanity, a la Charles Manson. Helter skelter, burn baby, burn. (Who knew Boston is a hotbed of GOP/radical Right hate groups?)

    Of course, it could never be ISLAMIST TERRORISTS.

  86. " Stuff Black People Don't Like said...

    I blame the restrictive, WASP rules of golf.

    Free Tiger Woods"

    It's nice you can make jokes about white people dying...

  87. Solo or small group of muslims, most or all of whom had lived in the West for a while and been repeatedly sexually rejected by white girls

  88. San Franciscan non-monk4/15/13, 8:44 PM

    Ian got it right. It's the sexual jealousy of the muslim man.

  89. It was either an Arab or a Nazi.

    Or maybe a Cossack.

  90. From video evidence, there were at least two bombs set to go off nearly instantaneously. Historically, that has been difficult to achieve for most bombers -- the Atlanta Olympics bombing, the OKC bombing, numerous other purely domestic bombings here and abroad did not feature that sophistication. Improvised explosives, yes, sophisticated timers, no.

    There were, reportedly, bomb sniffing dogs before and during the race, including the finish area.

    This argues a sophisticated actor. Iran, Syria, North Korea, all have intelligence services that are capable of doing this and HAVE DONE SO in the past; so too does Al Qaeda.

    My guess is Al Qaeda. But that's a guess only. There were definitely some engineering skills put to the test with the bombs, sadly.

  91. Here's a conspiracy theory I like:

    It's a false flag targeted at the Saudis for threatening (or thinking about) selling oil for currencies other than U.S. dollars.

    False flag gives Uncle Sam a pretext to threaten Saudis with violence.

    Saudis will capitulate to threats and continue to sell oil exclusively for Yankee dollars, which helps Ben B. to print trillions without causing inflation.

  92. My guess: couple of two-bit Muslims following the lead of Hassan and others. They're probably a couple of transnational types: born in Saudi Arabia, spent a couple of years in college or something in London, bouncing between Boston/NY and Riyadh these past few years, etc. Better solve this by creating more transnational types.


    "No Muslim ever called me cracker."


  93. all of us, look in the mirror. look in the mirror and you will find the answer.

    we all did it.

  94. Just remember that if our diversity is a casualty, that's worse!

  95. Whiskey has just called timers "sophisticated". Whiskey, you know what's not sophisticated? You.

  96. I would expect a right wing terrorist to choose targets somehow associated with the government, as McVeigh did, so even though you can't rule out the possibility I'd be surprised if it were a right winger. However I do agree that when this is finally turned into the plot of a cop show,the villains will be right wingers.

  97. The Sea Org

  98. Doesn't smell like a right wing conspiracy.

    I'd favor a free-lancing AQ wannabee group, who have finally woken up to the fact that there are millions of soft targets in the West other than airplanes.


  99. Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta4/15/13, 10:45 PM

    Obviously integration hasn't gone far enough.

    Mr. Sailer is right. The first nine months... indeed the first nine minutes are crucial.

    That's why integration of schools with busing has failed.

    It is essential we integrate our nation's wombs. Of course we possess the technology to achieve this; artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. However there is also another simpler more natural way.

    So my dear Americans, some of you may find this sacrifice difficult, but it is essential for the future of the diversity of our great Rainbow Nation.

    By lottery based on your responses to the ethnic and racial identity survey of the decennial US Census, each of you will be assigned....

  100. Torn and Frayed4/15/13, 10:46 PM

    The following cryptic graffiti was found neatly spray-painted not far from the bomb blast:

    "Asian women are a story of TREASON of Love"

    A group called the Sinonese Bare Sticks Liberation Army has claimed responsibility.

  101. Boston (esp. the marathon) seems way too random a target for a domestic (ie, white) perpetrator, unless it's a Unabomber type weirdo.

  102. I'm guessing a single disgruntled individual who is not an autistic, medicated nerd or a politically motivated terrorist.

    I guess someone who acted alone but who is not a loner and who did it because he had a grievance against the city of Boston.

    Or it's an al Qeida wannabee Muslim loser who is an embarrassment to other Muslim terrorists.

  103. I'm going with Islamic terrorists.

    Anarchists and the far right would target government or maybe big business. Killing random people doesn't make much of an ideological statement.

    The KKK is too busy terrifying Oberlin to have pulled this off.

    Modern Leftists don't have the balls for this sort of thing. I mean, we're mostly talking about people who spend all day ruminating over "microagressions" and writing postmodernist gibberish.

    Nuts don't do bombs. Not their style. Lanza-esque shooting sprees are all the rage these days.

    Well-planned mass murder of civilians? I can think of at least one group with a predilection for that sort of thing...

  104. I'd favor a free-lancing AQ wannabee group, who have finally woken up to the fact that there are millions of soft targets in the West other than airplanes.

    Maybe Islamic terrorists are losing their target fixation on NYC and airplanes. If nothing else, Bloomberg and DHS have achieved near perfect police state lock downs of their domains.

  105. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/45319_10151450113343071_27620339_n.jpg

    regardless of who did it, the pakistanis are ecstatic.

  106. One report I read said the bomb was similar to the type used by Muslim extremists, such as in the 2005 London bombing - ball bearings in victims bodies, etc. That's unlikely to be bad reporting. That plus the captured Saudi national makes it seem pretty open and shut.

  107. I wonder what all those Boston Irish feel about supporting the IRA.

  108. There's a guy works for CNN, Peter Bergen, pretty much a typical British journalist ethics-wise, who announced it was probably a tax protester right away, but obviously, has been flogging right/white extremism all year (Adam Lanza not an apparent fit for the narrative but the requisite gobbledygook was spouted). Maybe he was thinking of a Wesley Snipes-ish terrorist though.

  109. Loved all the idears (especially the Church of Scientology being behind it) but is this a good test of Gladwellian "blink" principles, in that everyone I talked to yesterday took it for a Muslim job pending confirmation? That was prior to the circulation of the NY Post bit about the Saudi national being guarded in the hospital. As for that IRA theory, makes about as much sense as the bomber being a tea-and-crumpets Tory loyalist, or from a radical faction of the Royal Horticultural Society--suppose he was counter-targeting something to get back at the people celebrating Thatcher's death, thus choosing the most public event associated with a publicly ethno-Irish locale (difficult to find in modern Ireland itself)... Of course who other than Steve Sailer still associates Boston with actual Irishmen.... Fact of media types immediately burbling about the income tax deadline was an amazing Freudian slip for the ages, showcasing what's really at the forefront of Tinseltown's finest minds until they were distracted to give comment on a formally unrelated disaster--namely, the all-encompassing importance of everyone else, and the little people especially, duly surrendering their cash at the appointed time to the Ellis Island Mt. Rushmore Hoover Dam Golden Gate Leviathan with no unseemly complaints.

  110. We sit waiting to see whose prejudices are "vindicated."-- AV

    I think everyone is merely getting into position. They become more and more ready to act. One day, if it is not anticipated, one of these actions will have fights and riots break out all across the country. For now, we are merely retreating into our camps.

    The Christian thing is not to follow any who say, this is the fight or that is the leader, but wait for the day that all will know when Christ and his Saints return in all their glory to judge heaven and earth. Yet not only are not all of us are flame retardant, but sometimes a rejected stone of the world becomes a cornerstone (like the continental congress).

  111. The Christian thing is not to follow any who say, this is the fight or that is the leader, but wait for the day that all will know when Christ and his Saints return in all their glory to judge heaven and earth. Yet not only are not all of us are flame retardant, but sometimes a rejected stone of the world becomes a cornerstone (like the continental congress).

    Another possibility is that we simply outlive all of this insanity.

    The Left is not making enough babies to persist much longer into the future.

  112. Contrary to what an early poster said, I think if this proved to be an Ulster Loyalist attack, and/or Thatcher-related, then that would be one of rhe *most* surprising things in living memory. The UVF and UDA do (or rather did) shooting people in the back in Belfast alleyways, not intercontinental terrorist bombings.

  113. A member of the Bin Laden family. My guesses are correct 100% of the time.

  114. The Boston Marathon crowd is among the most irritatingly SWPL of SWPL crowds; didn't you know that wandering 26 miles and 385 yards in 7 hours makes you morally superior?

    These are the same people who, when I lived 2 blocks from the Boston Marathon starting line, needed to have it explained that, yes, this is my yard, not your viewing stand/parking lot/playground/urinal.

    There have been two reports I've read, both from out-of-state runners who've run Boston multiple times, both saying they'd never seen as much LE with dogs at the starting line as there were this year.

    LE already search the Saudi kid's place in Revere, just north of the city. The immigration weenies need to come to Boston's immediate northern 'burbs, which have rapidly become polyglot shyteholes. Beagle Juice, you're not far off; Revere is home to a lot of chicos and a lot of Muzzies, and some sort of cooperative axis isn't hard to believe.

    Of course, here in Boston, they'll leave no stone unturned trying to pin this on whitey, and I don't mean Bulger.

  115. I recently read about the Italian 'years of lead' -- mostly in the 1970s-80s or something -- and the alleged 'strategy of tension'. This updated my priors for suspicion of false flag terrorism. I'm just used to vaguely thinking of terrorism as more or less clearly attributable.

    Whether false flag bombing happened in Italy, or not, it is clearly not real clear who did some of the acts.

  116. The Left is not making enough babies to persist much longer into the future.

    When you control the media and the education system, you don't need to have babies of your own.

  117. When you control the media and the education system, you don't need to have babies of your own.

    So you think that the media and the education system are self-perpetuating entities?

    Some sort of meta-biological phenomena?

  118. 4/15/13, 11:22 PM,
    Pretty cogent analysis on the whole, though you are forgetting Eric Rudolph's bombing the Atlanta Olympics.

    There seems to have been a (relative) lot of violent commie groups in Europe in recent decades, even though lots of pomo gibberish was being spouted in all countries. But yeah, none here. I guess arson done by greens is the most I ever heard of.

    Why are (were) there still violent anarchos and commies in Europe but not America? I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely because the war only ended in '45 after all, and essentially did not affect the USA homeland.

    Italy stayed particularly 'hot' politically, I would say, because Italofascism did not have a particularly clear/outlying record of ultraviolence on unarmed persons, in contrast to Nazi Germany. It's not too clear, at least to the casual googler, how many civilians were wiped out in Libya, though it was nothing trivial. I'm sure this has a lot to do with the organized, partisan far right surviving relatively well in Italy after the war, and dialectically, the far left faring well also. Further, the Italian communists tended to renounce strong obedience to the Kremlin, which I'm sure was popular and rather obligatory given the Kremlin's ultraviolence before and even after the war (I refer to Stalin's very considerably lethal forced migrations of obscure ethnic minorities).

  119. > One report I read said the bomb was similar to the type used by Muslim extremists, such as in the 2005 London bombing - ball bearings in victims bodies, etc. That's unlikely to be bad reporting. That plus the captured Saudi national makes it seem pretty open and shut.

    The Atlanta Olympic bombings featured both shrapnel and a red herring suspect (Richard Jewell). A single case, but it pretty much sinks your analysis, or at least undermines the high level of confidence you express.

  120. Whoever it was, I would not be surprised if it was a person or persons known to, and cultivated by, the FBI. They have orchestrated a number of fake bomb plots in the past - it is instructive to google the words: FBI foils bomb plot - and notice how many of these bomb plots were entirely fictious plots created by the feds themselves.

    Perhaps one such plot got out of hand.

  121. > Whether false flag bombing happened in Italy, or not, it is clearly not real clear who did some of the acts.

    In fact, it's possible USG basically ordered some of them.

    The whole thing is worth reading about if one would like to broaden one's mind towards some seemingly 'wacky' subjects. For example, the essentially non-disputed vast hidden power of the 'P2 Masonic Lodge'. This may or may not have been a US-backed 'deep state'/ shadow gov prepared to aggressively obviate any serious consolidation of power by Italian commies, who openly sought withdrawal from and neutrality toward NATO.

    But the lodge certainly existed, was with virtual certainty a sort of conspiracy, and certainly comprised much of the anti-communist high elite of Italy.

    Also check out the Borghese coup, scarcely disputed -- it happened, but at least a few do doubt its seriousness -- uncovered some months after its cancellation, which /might/ have enjoyed muscular support from Nixon had it gone through. (I'm not clear on the level of evidence/agreement on the latter point.)

  122. "RS said...

    There seems to have been a (relative) lot of violent commie groups in Europe in recent decades, even though lots of pomo gibberish was being spouted in all countries. But yeah, none here."

    Uhhhhh, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Black Panthers,.......

    True, there haven't been any prominent left-wing terrorist groups in the US recently - but there were plenty of them up through the early 80s.

    Besides, the lefties don't need to take it to the streets - they are now firmly enseated in the halls of power.

  123. The DT in .England can be a goof paper, then it comes out with "analysis" like this

    Supporters of the right-wing theory point to the timing of the attack. April 15 is tax day in the United States, when the whole nation is expected to file tax returns. It is an ominous day in the calendar for anti-government, anti-tax activists.

    It is shortly before the anniversaries of two other terrorist attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19 and the Columbine High School shooting on April 20. Some terror experts have speculated that right-wingers could have seen the Boston marathon as a liberal, multicultural bonanza somehow worthy of targeting.

  124. "Matthew said...

    One report I read said the bomb was similar to the type used by Muslim extremists,..."

    It's also similar to the claymore mines used by the US army. Did the US army do it? I bet the ball bearings used are similar to the ball-bearings used in tractors. Did the John Deere Company carry out the bombing? I bet the car that the bomber drove was similar to the cars that arab terrorists drive. Yeah ....... open and shut.

  125. > The Atlanta Olympic bombings featured both shrapnel and a red herring suspect

    In case someone should misunderstand, the original 'shrapnel shell' was packed with, essentially, ball bearings -- lumps of metal. 'Shrapnel' did not originally refer to 'random' pieces of metal casing or whatever. As I recall the shell was first used near the end of the Napoleonic Wars, a big improvement over grapeshot, insofar as a 'worse' weapon is 'better'. These wars were dominated by artillery fire.

  126. It's funny - as recently as 20 years ago, everyone would have just naturally assumed that this had been the work of the Irish.

    How quickly things change.

    What, loyalists sending the message that the Fenians have enough guns, stop with the checks already?

    -The Judean People's Front

    4/15/13, 5:36 PM

    Wanna write movies with me? No, seriously, where you goin'?

    probably the same group that just sunk the markets yesterday and today presumably trying to get cash out of here.

    I wonder how much gold they bought?



  127. Hmm, drudge is saying 'hooded mam,' but the daily mail is saying 'dark skinned' hooded man. What's up with that?

  128. "When you control the media and the education system, you don't need to have babies of your own."

    If you teach your kids properly, and you're a good parent who isn't the kind they're inclined to rebel against, then the odds are that you can keep them in the conservative fold.

  129. Name, False Flag.
    Affiliation, whatever Obama hates the most and thinks the people will believe.

  130. It does not matter who did this and why. What is important is that guns have to be taken away from law biding citizens. You will never be able to set up a dictatorship unless you focus on the goals.

  131. I could see the tax/antigovernment thing if the bombs had gone off at a government office (IRS/ATF, you name it). The public venue argues otherwise.

  132. "Anarchist anti-globalist"

    Is there such a thing?

  133. "Hmm, drudge is saying 'hooded mam,' but the daily mail is saying 'dark skinned' hooded man. What's up with that?"

    A guy in a hoodie? Where's George Zimmerman when we need him?

  134. "regardless of who did it, the pakistanis are ecstatic."

    Prolly due to all the drone attacks that killed women and children.

  135. After slogging through all the mistaken speculations I will have to reveal the perps.

    Homophobe Eagle Scouts!

    Pretty tired of doing all the thinking for you.

  136. Real target: JFK lib in run up to 50 anniversary. Bwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhh

  137. One smart thing about this terrorist bombing. Whoever did it, he or they can't be accused of 'racism', the cardinal sin of our age. Most of the victims were affluent urban privileged whites.

    Since we are told that WHITE PRIVILEGE is the worst thing in the world, blowing up privileged whites is less incendiary than blowing up blacks or illegal aliens.

    Indeed, someone wearing a blanket at Oberlin seems to be a bigger crime than bombing a bunch of white folks.

    Since white liberals have been bashing 'white privilege' for so long, maybe chicken came home to roost.

  138. Svigor,

    "Wanna write movies with me? No, seriously, where you goin'?"

    I can't tell if "where you goin'?" is your way of enquiring about my educational affiliations/location.

    If that's what you're asking, the front carries out its anti-Roman activities from a network of fortified mountain strongholds in the Los Angeles area. Thanks to area hipsters' Laurel Canyon hippie nostalgia and love of ironic facial hair, our ancient levantine warrior get-ups rarely get a second look from the locals. What about you?

    -The Judean People's Front

  139. It was obviously the work of someone who wants a job at Columbia Law school. This is the easiest way to get them to notice your resume.

  140. Well, to figure out who the terrorist hates, look at the time he set off the bomb: at the 4 hour mark. At that time it's mostly women and senior citizens who are plodding over the finish line since all the young white males have to qualify with a time of 3:05 or better.

    Look for someone who hates old white people and women. (If I had to guess I'd say it's a young Saudi male.)

  141. I don't know but I'm pretty sure there is pertinent information inside the diaper of an 85 year old Lutheran flying from Minneapolis to Des Moines.

  142. Just heard on NPR that the same kind of device was used in NY square, and India - hints at Muslims.

  143. Obviously it's a Tea Party fanatic named Mohammed.

  144. Just heard on NPR that the same kind of device was used in NY square, and India - hints at Muslims.

    Supposedly it's a pressure cooker setup from Inspire, the online Al Queda magazine (not a joke).

  145. RS said -
    "Italy stayed particularly 'hot' politically, I would say, because Italofascism did not have a particularly clear/outlying record of ultraviolence on unarmed persons, in contrast to Nazi Germany."

    Indeed. As you say, until the children of the sixties went red on their own, the FRG had fewer communists than Italy because, indeed, the Nazis had straight up killed many (most?) of them. Mussolini was more lenient, so, unfortunately for him, there was no shortage of Italian leftists to rise up and form antifas militias in 1944-45 as the Allied armies moved up the boot.

    Italy and France were relatively (to our modern sensibilities) traditional, religious, and conservative in 1910, and even in 1935. I sometimes wondered how they became so Euroweenie leftist/Communist revolutionary in the post-WW2 years. One thing that has helped me to understand was to realize how efficient those antifas militias were, during and after the war. Many of what were heroically called "resistance fighters", "pro-allied militias", or "collaborationalist revenge groups" in the war books of my childhood I now understand to be the contemporary equivalent of for example the more violent "black block" elements of Occupy, and other such elements of the Waffen PC.

    And the hundreds of thousands "fascists" and "collaborators" that they killed were, in some cases, totalitarians, but, more usually, simply the more traditional, Catholic, and conservative members of those societies.

  146. Really, it is my increasing understanding that much of what happened in Italy and France after Allied liberation was the equivalent in the modern USA of the more hot-headed members of Occupy, various student activist groups, crazy-communist fringe groups, black power groups, etc working individually and collectively to found up Republicans, evangelicals, military officers, etc and kill them. How would America be after a couple years of that? Well, that's post war Europe.

  147. It's obviously someone who wants to impress the remnants of the Weather Underground and follow in their footsteps of success in academia. IOWs, someone proving his bona rides to the Left.

  148. So the Columbine killers were, in retrospect, upset either about the income tax (or the Murrah bldg. would be just as bizarre I guess)... Talk about liberal calisthenics. What if the DHS really is as dysfunctional & sclerotic as we've always believed, and nobody can produce a culprit/patsy by the time of the national DNC holiday on May 2nd, when we take a pause to reflect on the gospel story of Obama chasing down Osama, the former killing the latter w/ his bare hands.

  149. "Wanna write movies with me? No, seriously, where you goin'?"

    I can't tell if "where you goin'?" is your way of enquiring about my educational affiliations/location.

    No, sorry, it was one of my obscure jokes. As in, "hey, why are you walking away? What'd I say?"

    If that's what you're asking, the front carries out its anti-Roman activities from a network of fortified mountain strongholds in the Los Angeles area. Thanks to area hipsters' Laurel Canyon hippie nostalgia and love of ironic facial hair, our ancient levantine warrior get-ups rarely get a second look from the locals. What about you?

    I be on the east coast, yo. Chucktown. Blending in with the 1 percenters.

  150. A black lady waiting in line at the post office just told me she was certain the bomber was probably an injured veteran.


  151. "Alias said...

    I don't know but I'm pretty sure there is pertinent information inside the diaper of an 85 year old Lutheran flying from Minneapolis to Des Moines."

    My vote for best comment.

  152. Let's hope it's a white American.

    As was the case in the Toulouse school shooting, we the Media predicted it was a right-winger, correctly enough.

  153. Dave, why'd you delete my comment? It wasn't that bad:

    David Sirota destroys his own logic, in his own article. The very fact that he's profiling white ("gentile" - the "gentile" is always implied) males works against his assertion.

    It's not like this article is exceptional. Leftists dominate the "mainstream" media, and they're always piling on white ("gentile") males. Lefties are always going on about "white ("gentile" male) privilege," their favorite White Stag. Meanwhile, every other group is given legal and cultural advantages across the board.

    Hatred of white ("gentile") males; the politically-correct, leftist-approved hate.

    Though authorities haven’t even identified a suspect in the Boston attack, she (like other conservatives) seems to already assume the assailant is foreign, and is consequently citing the attack as rationale to slam the immigration reform bill.

    Well, since Muslim terrorists have killed far more Americans in this century than any other demographic (and form the world's #1 terrorist demographic worldwide), it makes perfect sense to be ready to assume Muslims perpetrated this attack, too. I.e., that Muslims probably did it is a reasonable default assumption (and a reasonable speculative stance) until evidence indicates otherwise. Of course, that didn't stop the "mainstream" media (like Salon leftists) from profiling right-wingers and American-Americans in the immediate aftermath of the Boston attack.

    But hey, politics are about compromise, right? I'll split the difference with you, Sirota: I hope the bomber is a Jewish man, or a "white Hispanic" (a la George Zimmerman), or a prominently-leftist, affluent, urban, metrosexual, white male.

    Likewise, in the context of terrorist attacks, such privilege means white non-Islamic terrorists are typically portrayed not as representative of whole groups or ideologies, but as “lone wolf” threats to be dealt with as isolated law enforcement matters. Meanwhile, non-white or developing-world terrorism suspects are often reflexively portrayed as representative of larger conspiracies, ideologies and religions that must be dealt with as systemic threats — the kind potentially requiring everything from law enforcement action to military operations to civil liberties legislation to foreign policy shifts.

    Hey, talk to the American Jewish community about that one. They're the only reason there's an exception written into PC for the Arabs.

    P.S., hey Salon, could you load your pages up with a bit more unnecessary junk? They aren't quite bloated enough; I think a few poor people in Africa on dialup connections can still load them.


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