April 19, 2013

"Chechen youths are a story of BRAVERY of Love"



  1. Every day in every way, immigrants make America a better place.

  2. At first I was pretty confused about why some Chechnyans would attack the US. Never heard that the enemy of their enemy is their friend?

    But I have some vague recollection of, approximately, 'Salafi'-like hard-orthodox Islam being proselytized there amidst the upheaval and hopelessness of recent times. If I'm not just fabricating this, that would seem to explain it. The native Islam of most or all of the Caucasus being famously 'sufi' and 'mystical' flavored . . . hence presumably a bit heterodox, localist, and not so oriented towards restoring a powerful caliphate and a powerful, shared hardline traditionalism over vast regions.

  3. Oh -- or what Steve said.

    "[...] first president of Chechnya, whom the U.S. helped rat out to Yeltsin"

  4. Has anyone else noticed the latest cop-speak phrase that has gained traction - even to the point where the press and the public are now unthinkingly repeating it:

    "it's a fluid situation"

    Meaning......what, exactly. I don't even know what that means. Someone should compile a glossary of such terms - the kind of terms that TV news-readers use, which impressionable members of the public then begin to copy:

    "fluid situation", "violence erupted","ongoing investigation", etc.

  5. Speaking of love, Tamerlan Tsarnaev with his American girlfriend who later became his wife and converted to Islam:


    I wonder if she'll continue to love the terrorist after all he the evil he has done?

  6. I've seen their pictures. They remind me of Turks or Islamic Middle Eastern guys with Slavic names.

    If they didn't have pictures, I would have thought they were Eastern European.

  7. Speaking of love, here is a picture of Tamerlan Tsarnaev with his American girlfriend who later became his wife and converted to Islam.

    I wonder if she was aware of what her husband was doing?

  8. This bombing was a horrible tragedy, but if diversity suffers as a result, that's even worse.

    Diversity today, diversity tomorrow, diversity forever!*

    * (wherever whites are; others are free to self segregate)

  9. Upon seeing the footage of the brothers Tsarnaev throwing bombs from their car window, my wife commented that it looked like something out of a video game.

    Super Chechnio Brothers, I'd say.

  10. I've read elsewhere that the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School is not prestigious as some news outlets are describing it, rather is an urban school that serves anyone living in Cambridge.

  11. A few relevant stereotypes common throughout post-Soviet space:

    The natives of the Caucasus mountains are like Sicilians on testosterone supplements. Blood feuds, pimping and organized crime are associated with them throughout the former USSR. I would guesstimate their mean IQ at 90-95. They're the most macho group of humans I am aware of. The Chechens are the wildest, most macho of the many Caucasus ethnicities.

  12. Omega white males LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Asian women!

  13. One of the documents released through Wikileaks a few years ago was a <a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/76763>dispatch</a> from an American diplomat about a wedding in Dagestan, in the north Caucasus. It's very funny, very well-written. Chechnya's president makes an appearance in it. Not directly related, but gives a lot of the region's flavor.

  14. I would suggest that given the events that are transpiring in Boston the reposting of this seems distracting and trivial.

  15. Is one guy still at large?

    I have an idea of how to bring him in.

    Have Bill Ayers send him a message:

    "Look kid, give yourself up. There's life after terrorism, even after you get caught. Look at me. I became a professor and got to teach an entire new generation of young ones even though I never apologized and have continued to denounce America as a nation that deserves to DIE!! Heck, I even got to befriend and give advice to a future president, and the media saw no problem with that. So, give yourself up and look for a future teaching gig at MIT and look forward to being friends with future presidents. Just be sure to denounce the 'evil white male' and 'white privilege' when you give yourself up. Them are magic words and will get you quick release and rehabilitation, especially as you are an immigrant."

  16. As per the link;

    I just read this article on Yahoo about some Korean woman in New Jersey who was "horrified" by the "racism" she endured at a CVS pharmacy store and is suing for a million dollars.

    The "horror" she suffered?

    Somebody in the store apparently wrote 'Ching Chong Lee' on her prescription.

    If that's not "horror" I don't know what is...

  17. The brothers attacked SWPL types who hate us. I say bring more risque refugees and put them in 'blue' cities.

  18. Insinuating that a Korean is actually Chinese? That's worse than the n-word to a Korean.

  19. Too purply to be another Che.

  20. "Super Chechnio Bros."4/19/13, 11:56 PM

    Barring the revelation of further agents or sleeper cells I think your jump-run-&-break-stuff video-game duo analogy is probably the most useful offered today. One really doesn't need to know a thing about Mario/Luigi's war-torn Asian abasiya (wasabi?) to size up this situation for what it is. Two lone wolves who weren't strategic masterminds but nevertheless smart enough to cause a major @#$@#%ing crisis--why do we only invoke "stress tests" for globobanks playing with Monopoly money? Our entire damned societal arrangement could benefit from such a test. Muddling-through has proved expensive.

  21. A few relevant stereotypes common throughout post-Soviet space:

    The natives of the Caucasus mountains are like Sicilians on testosterone supplements. Blood feuds, pimping and organized crime are associated with them throughout the former USSR. I would guesstimate their mean IQ at 90-95. They're the most macho group of humans I am aware of. The Chechens are the wildest, most macho of the many Caucasus ethnicities.

    Added protip: do not refer to a Russian as a "Caucasian" (unless you want to insult him).

  22. Umm, Svigor? I believe you were trying to say: Do not EVER refer to a Caucasian as a Russian. Judging from the things you've written above, I'm pretty sure you know what'll happen when you do. And "IQ at 90-95"? LOL would be a sufficient answer to that.


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