April 24, 2013

Daily Mail has Tavon White's picture

Tavon, Tavon likes his money
He makes a lot they say
The World's Most Interesting Newspaper, the Daily Mail, comes through again, posting a picture of Tavon White. 

As I mentioned yesterday, Tavon is the head of the Black Guerilla Family prison gang inside a Baltimore jail, where he fathered five babies by four lady prison guards.

I'm not sure why the Washington Post and other American outlets hadn't posted Tavon's picture. Perhaps they were trying to battle racial stereotypes. After all, without pictorial evidence, how could anyone have guessed that Tavon White is black? Or maybe they couldn't find a picture of Tavon at age 12 like they found of Trayvon?


  1. The Legendary Linda4/24/13, 4:49 PM

    Steve why do you post so many articles per day? Give your readers time to read and discuss one topic before jumping into another. You're competing against yourself by constantly knocking your own posts off your own front page. But if you insist on writing so prolifically, at least organize your blog into sub-blogs with different themes like the huffington post which has different pages for media, politics etc.

  2. He's just two letters short of being the son Obama is secretly glad he never had.

  3. Paging Whiskey!

  4. After all, without pictorial evidence, how could anyone have guessed that Tavon White is black?

    "Black Guerilla" kind of gives the game away, plus the fact that the words "supremacist" or "hate group" don't appear anywhere in the coverage.

  5. I bet you every single one of the 13 indicted corrections officers is black. Anyone care to bet me?

    Come on, don't you want to take an awful stereotyping racist's money? Why, look at the statistical probabilities... you can't lose!

  6. Jonathan Silber4/24/13, 5:18 PM

    So, it's come to this: the most business-friendly place in America is prison.

  7. They thought they could fool everyone by including his last name.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5svXypPi6c

  9. I bet you every single one of the 13 indicted corrections officers is black. Anyone care to bet me?

    Give me odds and I might bet that one was a fat ugly white female.

  10. Mike Hunt Rice4/24/13, 6:38 PM

    I am with Alec on this one. I think at least one, if not more, are fat white women.

  11. Alec:



  12. White Like Me4/24/13, 6:47 PM

    'Correctional officers were in bed with BGF inmates,' Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein said.
    'We need to be able to rely on people within law enforcement — to make sure they are on our side.'
    --Something tells me the local supply for unionized prison guard jobs isn't going to be impressed by that goo-goo ultimatum from one Rodney Rosenstein. At least the War On Drugs is continuing to create jobs (exciting ones too)

  13. L.Linda, Steve has the do the work , not only of the American traditional newspapers but it appears to this Australian much of the entire American news outlets altogether. Its a wonder the man is not dropping from exhaustion. ( or his family killing him :) )

  14. Why not have women guard women? This is more equality nonsense.

  15. Not exactly Billy D., Denzel, Chris, Will, The Rock, or even SNL's Tim Meadow's character.

    I'm in the wrong business (whatever that is).

    (Makes you wonder what some of these 'game' bloggers actually look like.)

  16. Its a wonder the man is not dropping from exhaustion.

    Yeah, I get worried about him when he goes on these binges.

    Especially when I'm posting at 7AM or 8AM on the East Coast, and he's replying to me, and I realize that it's 4AM or 5AM on the West Coast, and that he hasn't even gone to sleep yet.

    I hope that at that point, Mrs iSteve puts her foot down, and says, "Honey, it's almost dawn, it's time to come to bed. No, not in five minutes. NOW!"

    Because at his age, Steve is entering the prime years for an at-risk-man's first heart attack, and if he's not careful, then he's gonna find himself in the Coronary Care Unit [the "CCU"] of his local hospital.

    On the other hand, though, the events our era do seem to be accelerating towards some sort of an outcome, for better, or for worse.

    And these events are certainly the living, breathing manifestation of every possible nightmare that Steve and his colleagues have been warning us about for most of their adult lives...

  17. "the events our era" = the events of our era

  18. Why not have women guard women? This is more equality nonsense.

    No, it's not. It's Baltimore. If they want to people with the most rudimentary qualifications (lack of criminal convictions), they have to include women in the pool.


  19. Be glad you didn't take the bet, fellas... they're all black. (no I didn't look beforehand.)

    Here's the indictment with the list of names:


    Here's Maryland's court records database which lists race if you search their names:


    Ebonee, Chania, Tyesha -- shame on you!

  20. It's not Balto, but this reflects similar dysfunction in Chicago:


  21. Tavon, Trayvon.

    Would never have guessed White is black.


  22. Tavon White is, in fact, a Black man.

  23. "Ebonee, Chania, Tyesha -- shame on you!"

    I think we should help out and recommend some names:


  24. The Legendary Linda complained: TOO MUCH FREE ICE CREAM!

  25. "Steve why do you post so many articles per day? Give your readers time to read and discuss one topic before jumping into another."

    Gotta go with the flow.

  26. Steve, i like that besides being spot-on, that you were at least half-way cool back in the day (& still are:) so that you can quote from Elton John's "Levon." from back when Elton was still cool & before he started going over the top & losing his mojo (or his homo-jo). hm, i guess he never lost the latter. thank you for all the good stuff lately - hope you're not in a manic phase!

  27. So, I guess I should be outraged, since I'm paying the bill both for this guy's imprisonment and in the future, for his probably-not-Einstein-quality bastards' upkeep, but I have to admit to some admiration for a guy who can seduce half a dozen female prison guards into doing his bidding, even to the point of getting them pregnant. (Was that intentional, on their part or his? The women certainly could have avoided it with a pill per day.)

    This raises a disturbing epidemiological question: I wonder what the rate of HIV and other STD prevalence is among male and female prison guards. The common claim is that sex between guards and inmates is not uncommon, and prisons are concentrations of HIV+, STD-laden people for a variety of reasons. You could imagine the female prison guards as a kind of conduit for these infections to move from the prison back out into the community. Vaginal sex is less efficient at transmitting HIV than anal sex, but it gets more efficient if the guards are also infected with other STDs, which wouldn't exactly be a stretch in these cases.

  28. Monique, meet Modique.

  29. So how does this work? All the black men go to prison and then they have to hire the black women to guard them? So, black men are actually creating jobs for the sisters out there. The pay is better than at Mickey-D and they get to socialize on the job. Nice setup.

  30. "The World's Most Interesting Newspaper, the Daily Mail..."

    Haha! Nearly spilled my mocha java upon reading that. :)

    Umm They banned me for life for objecting to their lionizing of fashion accessory adoptions.

    Your prodigious output is most prepossessing, iSteve.

  31. It's not like it's some regular black felon involved. We're hearing about it because Tayon is a White black.

    Hitting clean-up for the obvious joke brigade!

  32. "I am with Alec on this one. I think at least one, if not more, are fat white women."

    Probably not at a facility in Baltimore city.

    Has anyone been to Baltimore outside of the small tourist area? It's more like Detroit than any other city in the country, miles and miles of boarded up building and empty lots.

  33. As a childless guy who always had to hustle like hell to get any, I'm impressed. And a little depressed.

  34. Yolanda Dickinson, a former jailer at Rikers Island NY, recently came out with a book called “Taboo,” which details the trysts between inmates and their guards. Dickinson was fired in 2004 for having phone conversations with inmates, including one she particularly liked, because he beat up another inmate who had offended her and claimed to have murdered a rapist.


    there are already a few documentaries on the phenomenon of women guarding men:


  35. For all you racist ass ppl that chose to make racially degrading comments you are nothing!!! And with your corrupted mindset your children will be nothing. And when time passes and you realize your nothing you'll probably survive long enough to see your great grand children turn out to be nothing. So keep spreading this diseased way of thinking so you'll be nothing and you won't matter cuz your nothing.

  36. "For all you racist ass ppl that chose to make racially degrading comments you are nothing!!!"

    First I'll assume you're really expressing your feelings here and aren't just trolling.

    Secondly, I'll assume I'm one of those who you refer to as "racist ass."

    I'd agree that one or two of the above comments were simply mean-spirited.

    But with that aside, I think I can speak for most people here in saying that I hope I'm wrong and that there really aren't any significant racial differences in intelligence... because if so, things should turn out fine. If so, I'm not too worried for my kids or yours. Africa and Latin America will start yielding up little Einsteins and Feynmans and Hawkings and that'll be pretty damn awesome.

    But I'm actually very worried (and quite convinced based on the evidence) that I'm right about it. And if I'm right, it won't just be my kids who are likely in for some trouble, it's going to be yours, mine, everyone's...

  37. Steve, it's interesting that you like to make the Black guy out to be the "usual" suspect. Why don't you do an article about why most mass murderers and pediphiles are white men? I suspect that would require you to look in the mirror and admit your own demons, which your hypocrisy won't allow you to do. That makes you just another priveleged klansman.

  38. "Steve, it's interesting that you like to make the Black guy out to be the "usual" suspect. Why don't you do an article about why most mass murderers and pediphiles are white men? I suspect that would require you to look in the mirror and admit your own demons, which your hypocrisy won't allow you to do. That makes you just another priveleged klansman."

    Blacks sure as hell should be the usual suspects in inner city prison crime. They're certainly the usual culprits.

    I know Steve has written some on white "pediphiles" (sic) and mass murderers. But since you're apparently clueless on why they're mostly white, I'll spell it out for you: Most men in the US are white. There are over 4 and a half times more white men in this country than black men. Statistically, white men aren't more prone to those things by any significant amount. However, black men are by far the most disproportionately murdering, raping, robbing group in the US, Canada, Europe... wherever they are.

    If the fact that some crimes are committed in a proportionate amount to their numbers by white men sticks out to you, it's only because blacks really are the usual suspects in most crime.

    These are facts. If you truly were ignorant of these, ponder them for a little while. If, as I suspect, you know these facts but simply don't care, then this is just political warfare for you. You want to get Whitey because he isn't on your side... and you attribute similar motives in reverse to folks on this site. Which is, believe it or not, what the great majority of us on Steve's site would not like to have and are depressed by, not hoping for.

  39. Why don't you do an article about why most mass murderers and pediphiles are black men?
    U spelt blak rong.


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