April 14, 2013

Marco Rubio: "Two ... Thousand Dollars!"

Rubio Offers Full-Throated Support for Immigration Bill 
Senator Marco Rubio offered an extraordinary endorsement of legislation to overhaul the nation’s badly strained immigration system on Sunday when, after holding back for weeks, he appeared on no fewer than seven television talk shows to explain and defend a plan that he said would be “a net positive for the country, now and in the future.” 
As Mr. Rubio, a Florida Republican who is a member of a bipartisan group of eight senators preparing to unveil their immigration legislation on Tuesday, pressed his case again and again on the airwaves, new details of the bill emerged. Prominent among them was a proposed fee of roughly $2,000 that illegal immigrants would have to pay before they could earn legal status. 
As part of that plan, which was still being completed on Sunday, these immigrants would have to pay $500 when they apply for a temporary work permit, and would have the next 10 years to pay the remaining $1,500 or so, a person familiar with the negotiations said. ...
A Senate aide described the $2,000 figure as “significant but not impossible, punitive but not unreasonable.” Democrats and immigration advocates had originally pushed for a lower amount. 
... In each appearance he spoke with a sense of urgency, arguing that the plan did not constitute amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...
Even Karl Rove, the former political adviser to President George W. Bush who is known as a hard-nosed partisan strategist, welcomed the cooperation on immigration.

Even Karl Rove!


  1. Even Karl Rove! Echoes of "You forgot Poland!"

  2. Can I get a discount if I already paid a coyote $10,000 to get me into the United States?

  3. Mark Mallarde4/14/13, 10:40 PM

    Watching Rubio on Fox I could almost see him thinking: "This might mean I never get elected to the White House, this might mean I never get elected to the White House, etc."

    Rubio must be really afraid about what he stepped in. He better hope it does not pass because if it does there is a good chance of a border rush and all hell breaking lose. GOP voters will blame him.

  4. "badly strained immigration system on Sunday when..."

    Note they dont say what *badly strained* actually means.

  5. So now whenever someone rhetorically asks if you can place a value on American citizenship, we have a pretty solid figure to reply with. Isn't that nice!

  6. Manufactured opposition at its finest.

  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2308783/PETER-HITCHENS-Lets-remember-Maggie-really--tragic-failure.html

  8. Auntie Analogue4/14/13, 11:42 PM

    For thirty pieces of silver Judas betrayed one man.

    To betray every one of us 300-million-plus U.S. citizens our ruling elite holier-than-thous propose to collect two thousand bucks per illegal invader colonist's head. And that's only for the illegal invaders who will be suckers enough to pony up the two thousand clams - millions upon millions more of them will simply come and be here to burden all of us with their uninivited, unwelcome, alien, illicit, job-stealing, wage-lowering presence.

    And which new parasitical AFSCME union army of empire-building bureaucrats will our ruling elite delight in creating to track all the illegal invader alien colonists and see to it that these illegals pony up their two thousand bucks per head? (Am I alone in smelling out that there would come an amnesty atop an amnesty - an amnesty for those illegals who refuse to pony up their two thousand New American Pesos?)

    Since when has it become the obligation of our elect to represent, stand up for, and hold in first priority the well-being of foreigners who are here in violation of our laws, instead of representing, standing up for, and holding in first priority the well-being of U.S. citizens? What kind of Bizarro World are we now forced to live in?

  9. He either doesn't want the GOP nomination, or he's incredibly naïve. Maybe both.

  10. Simon in London4/15/13, 4:28 AM

    But it's really $500.

  11. "He either doesn't want the GOP nomination, or he's incredibly naïve."

    He just doesn't seem very smart.

  12. Karl Rove! That right-wing extremist!!!

  13. As a legal immigrant, I paid about $3,500 to a lawyer to deal with my Green Card application. And that was after 7 years of paying taxes. After that, I had to wait 5 years before I could apply for naturalization.

    10 years to pay $1,500 "significant but not impossible, punitive but not unreasonable." What a joke!

  14. But it's really $500.

    Which no one in their right minds think that we'll see either.

  15. Even Karl Rove, the former political adviser to President George W. Bush who is known as a hard-nosed partisan strategist

    ROTFL. Believe me, as a Todd Akin campaign staffer last year, the ONLY thing Karl Roverrated is partisan toward is his own pocket.

  16. http://bit.ly/17BbrBT

    Blind Side gone wild.

  17. Even amnesty hawk Karl Rove!

  18. Ricky Ricardo, er, I mean Rubio, knows he's never going to be president. He just wants a well-paid gig at an investment bank or hedge fund after he loses his Senate seat.

  19. How bold. How uncompromising. Why, that's got to be close to the cost for reimbursing Uncle Sam for a month of public school or one ER visit for checkups. Totally a good deal for us.

  20. Proves once more that obeying and following the law is just for suckers. One naturalized citizen from Europe recounted to me how they had to go through endless paperwork and hoops to get here, giving them the impression that they really scrutinize and screen people before they let them in. Then when they settled down they realized that there were people here illegally all over the place, left and right. All this establishes that breaking the law pays off.

  21. http://www.thenation.com/blog/173797/nhl-takes-historic-step-lgbt-equality?rel=facebook#

  22. I keep hearing that they are supposed to pay "back taxes." How? Their earnings are undocumented so what are they just going to self-certify how much they made every year they were here illegally? Thats not going to result in much taxes being paid.

  23. Candy Crowley asked Rubio what the enforcement would cost. In a nutshell, thats the problem with the debate: They will not put someone on TV to say what it will cost for welfare, medical care, food stamps, schooling, etc. to legalize these illegals and all of the relatives they will bring in.

    As with gay marriage, the opposition is not allowed on the air because their case is too strong.

  24. Power of public shaming rests with control of media, and liberals own 95% of the media. Libs want all the guns in the government because they control the government and fear/distrust patriots. It's like the British imperialists in India kept all the guns in British hands. That way, 99% of Indians were helpless for so long under British rule.

    Libs want to rule over us the same way. So they use Obama and the media, both of which they control, to take our guns away and gain total control over us.


  25. Rubio obeys the powers that be in the GOP and elite circles.

    That's what politicians do. That's how they elected to office.

    We would be foolish to think otherwise.

    Politics is about power, not principles.

    And notice guys like Rush Limbaugh. He says 'gay marriage' has won and there can be nothing done about it, so he won't fight it anymore.

    It's like the guy in GOODFELLAS saying "he's gone, that's all, and there was nothing we could do about it" after Tommy is killed.
    The top guys decided Tommy had to go, so he had to go, and the lower gangsters just gotta accept it.

    The top guys in the GOP have decided on open borders and 'gay marriage' and they won't fight to oppose them anymore. It's done and there's we can do about it.

    We were the fools for thinking the GOP was on our side. All this time, it was playing us for suckers to get our votes while doing nothing to protect or serve us.

  26. You can bet that in the fine print, there will be "hardship exceptions" for the "fee," and said "hardship exceptions" will be applicable to, oh, just about everybody.

    The sun continues to set on the American nation.

  27. $1,500 over ten years? Are they even trying?
    What happens, after 10 years, and they don't pay? Do we kick them out? Or will we go through another wave of 'think of the children'? (and they will have children)

  28. The fee is there to coax the Republicans into supporting the bill. Once the bill passes, expect the Democrats in a few years to pass a law eliminating the fee, claiming "you can't put a price on American citizenship" or "no one should pay for the privilege of being an American" or some other nonsense. The Republicans, as usual, will go along with this. Even Karl Rove!

  29. Gang of Eight- Shmang of Eight. What is with the Gangs of Numbers. Anyone who goes into a room with Charles Schumer will leave the room either literally or figuratively sexually abused! I notice that the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO were at the table; were the People Formerly Known as Americans at the table? The real jerks here are the fools who did not flout the law and who just got in line to wait for their number to come up for entry to U.S. Because of their stupidity, their children Through No Fault of Their Own (as we say) will not get DREAM Act and other benefits. Unless Marco can dance his way out of this one, he is scratched off of my Christmas card list.

  30. Rubio fears this moment precisely because he knows it will make him vulnerable in the primaries. But that isn't the main problem.

    The neocon media headed by Podhoretz and Kristol will back anyone up on the invite-the-world-invade-the-world agenda that both endorse so highly and that Rubio will follow.

    No, the main problem is the 2016 election. Rubio probably understands that if the amnesty goes under way, it will be very, very hard to get elected as a GOP candidate.

    He can always change parties but that will take him out of the 2016 and possibly 2020 election cycle.

    Either way, the GOP is creamed. They nailed their own coffin.

  31. Is anyone really surprised he came around to support amnesty? Really?

  32. Obama and the democrats can be expected to pass laws to ban bombs. That should prevent bomb explosions in America.

  33. Given Barack Obama hung around the likes of weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers(whose pals built and set off bombs), it'd be amusing to hear him condemn this bombing.
    And from this incident, we need to reexamine our policy of using drones to drop bombs all over the Middle East, resulting in the deaths of many women and children and innocent people.

  34. The Boston bombers need not worry. Bill Ayers and former Weather underground terrorists who bombed this country and even murdered people are now successful professors and academics beloved by the progressive community in this nation. So, in a decade or two, maybe the Boston bombers too will be forgiven and offered positions in institutions of higher learning... and even be befriended by future presidents--after all Bill Ayers and Obama are good friends.

  35. Got a two-page email from Rand Paul this morning regarding amnesty, from my personal request. He basically wants the Government Accountability Office, which is at yet a Blue Sky administration, to give out more provisional visas. Congress would vote each year on whether more amnesty would occur or not.

    He emphasized that the US would really beef up border security.

    I don't know if this adds up to changing the picture or only the frame. While I'm not impressed with appeasement that is either for reasons of his own or self-intere$ted, he listens and talks.

    So I think people should argue with Paul more and ask him about specifics. Maybe it's worth a shot. senator@paul.senate.gov

  36. It's late Monday afternoon and, if my experience is any indication, Rubio's phones are ringing off the hook. It took me six tries to get an answer. I realize that Florida is heavily Hispanic, but there is no possible way this is going well for him. His days with the GOP are numbered.

    Unless Marco can get hold of the Hanoi government and get them to hold him captive in a POW camp for the next seven years, his popularity will never recover. Rubio is a pampered, baby-faced, blow-dried senator with no glorious military record to prop him up like it did John McCain. If he has half a brain he'll lock himself in his office, read the amnesty bill he's sponsoring (I would say "reread the bill," but yeah, right), and then come out announcing the bill is a mess and bearing witness to all the backroom shenanigans that took place with the cheap labor lobby, and proclaim he was working as a double agent all along.

    Rubio's Office Numbers:
    1) D.C. - 202-224-3041
    2) Naples - 239-213-1521
    3) Pensacola - 850-433-2603

    Remember, though you may not be a Florida resident, that this slimeball has national ambitions.

  37. "$1,500 over ten years? Are they even trying?"

    Make it $10,000, up front, non-refundable. If you file a fraudulent application, or don't meet the requirements - you have less than two years residence, or haven't been paying US taxes, or have even so much as a misdemeanor - you forfeit the entire fee.

    If you need to save up the money over a few months or years then fine - you can do so will taking your chances you won't get deported.

    None of this is to suggest I support amnesty, but if we're going to hhave it, the fee should look like that.

  38. $1,500. Unbelievable. They'll be able to buy American citizenship for less than the price of a series of ESL courses (not that they'll be attending anyways)

    I guess this means that a semester at a state U delivers more than double the value of the protection and patronage of the greatest sovereign power on earth.

    -The Judean People's Front

  39. The Washington Post has this report about the machinations that got Rubbio involved in the Gang of Eight:

    "Durbin wasn’t the only one who reached out to Rubio. The senator from Florida was added to the group after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) made clear to Graham and McCain that Rubio’s participation would be critical to winning conservative support."

    Got that? McConnell was involved. Yep - the Republican Minority Leader, which shouldn;t be shocking since he voted for the 2006 amnesty.

    Mitch McConnell is not on our side. He has never been on our side.


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