April 20, 2013

NYT: Let's not forget the Real Victims: Chechen refugees

From the New York Times op-ed page, a near self-parody:
Beslan Meets Columbine 
APRIL 19, 2013

I COULD always spot the Chechens in Vienna. They were darker-haired than the Austrians; they dressed more snappily, like 1950s gangsters; they never had anything to do. 
There are thousands of Chechen refugees in Austria, and thousands more in Poland, France, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Dubai and elsewhere (as well as scattered communities in the United States). Wherever they are, they stand out, a nation apart. 
The word most linked to “Chechen” is “terrorist,” because of the attacks against the audience at Moscow’s Dubrovka Theater in 2002, against children in Beslan, North Ossetia, in 2004, and now the marathon in Boston. But terrorists were only ever a tiny fraction of the population. A more accurate word to link to “Chechen” would be

Gangster? Marauder?

Chechnya is the ne plus ultra exemplar of the mountain bandit culture. Like the Bomb Brothers, Chechens tend to be brave, aggressive, macho, uncooperative, thieving (the Bomb Mom is wanted for shoplifting), and vicious.

All over the world, it's common for people who live in highly defensible positions, such as mountains, to raid their neighbors, then beat it back to their geographically complex and daunting home turf. As Thomas Babington Macaulay pointed out, his Scottish Highlander ancestors were "Gaelic marauders" preying upon the lowland Scots and the northern English until they overreached and invaded central England in 1745 under Bonnie Prince Charlie. After that, the furious English finally crushed the Highlands' mountain bandit culture.

Other mountain bandit cultures include the Pathans of the mountains dividing Afghanistan and Pakistan. But Pathan culture is remarkably dysfunctional, while the Chechen culture, while constantly infuriating to their neighbors, makes for competent, cohesive raiding parties. Thus, Chechen guerrillas repeatedly humiliated Russia in the 1990s. Much of Putin's prestige among Russians owes to his finally paying back in 1999 the insults Russia endured at the hands of this tiny breakaway nationality of less than two million people.

I feel sorry for the Chechens that, due to a Leninist technicality, they didn't get their own country when the Soviet Union broke up, while the Georgians, Azerbaijanis, and Armenians on the south side of Caucasus Mountains got independence. But, I also understand why the lowlanders, as in Britain after 1745, periodically get fed up with the highlanders' predation.

But, mostly, I don't want Chechens' problems in my country, and thus I don't want them in my country.

Back to the NYT oped: what's a more accurate word to link to Chechens:
“refugee.” Perhaps 20 percent, perhaps more, of all Chechens have left Chechnya in the last 20 years. 
Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old suspect in the Boston bombings, was born to a Chechen family. He was just a baby when Boris N. Yeltsin sent tanks to subdue his rebellious nation. At this point, we know very little about the suspect’s motivations. It’s unclear how much time, if any, he’d spent in Chechnya,

Not much. He lived in Kyrgyzstan and Dagestan before coming to the United States. The U.S. is a lot nicer place to live than Kyrgyzstan or Dagestan (in Russia, next door to Chechnya) but they weren't usually war zones, except when Chechen raiding parties kidnapped Dagestanis. Their parents recently moved back to Dagestan, probably to escape the Bomb Mom's criminal charges here, so it can't be so awful.
while he spent years living in the United States. All we know is that, for his generation, Chechnya has always been a place of violence, abductions, widows, orphans and rape: a place to escape from, not to go home to.

Dzhokhar, with his boy band sensitive looks, might have been able to get off with, say, a 10-year-sentence if he'd given up peacefully and blamed it all on his thuggish big brother. A jury with a lot of women on it might have melted for a well-coached Oprah-ready story. But, no true Chechen would do something so womanly and dishonorable, so Dzhokhar blasted away when he was finally located.
... In 2008, I spent a month traveling through Europe’s Chechen diaspora, trying to understand how the people had been affected by what they had survived. I met Birlant and her husband, Musa, in the town of Terespol, the entry point for Chechens coming to claim asylum in Poland. Birlant’s father and brother had been shot in front of her. Now she lived in a bleak hostel in a pine forest, along with 48 other Chechen families, and hated it there; they wanted to go to Austria. 
“If you cannot treat people like people, then why won’t they let us go to a country that will?” asked Musa. 
It was a sentiment I often heard. Wherever they were, they wanted to go somewhere else, do something else, be someone else. Could I take them to London? Perhaps life was better where I lived. Musa called me for years after that one brief meeting, from Helsinki, from Stockholm, from Oslo, never sounding any happier. ...
But there was enough in America already to alienate young men like Adam Lanza, Dylan Klebold and all the other mass murderers in recent history. There are enough weapons to kill anyone you want, and a madman can always find an excuse for murder if he looks for one. 

There are only about 200 Chechens in the United States, so 1% of all Chechens here have turned out to be spectacular terrorists.


  1. Steve, you've been mentioning border culture a lot lately. do you think this is why the average Arizonan (as opposed to their traitor senators) has a much different view on things than coasties?

  2. I had Chechen classmates in middle and high school. Got to say that your understanding of Chechen culture and traits is 100% spot on! Rather remarkable.

  3. The "real victims" are Chechens???

    Are they dead?

    Are their legs blown off?

    I rest my case.

  4. Peter the Shark4/20/13, 1:44 AM

    "I COULD always spot the Chechens in Vienna. They were darker-haired than the Austrians; they dressed more snappily, like 1950s gangsters; they never had anything to do."

    What nonsense. Based on this description, there would be no way to visually distinguish a Chechen from a Turk, an Albanian or a Bosnian.

    Also, plenty of Austrians have dark hair, Hitler just being the most famous example. I suspect the NY Times writer meant to say "darker-skinned" but chickened out.

  5. Oliver Bullough: There is injustice in every direction for Chechen refugees. They lost their homes in a war they did not start, ended up in countries they did not want to be in and faced retaliation if they spoke out.

    Ah, I see. So there are like Jews, just not as smart?

  6. The MSM increasingly has a Comical Ali feel about it on immigration and race-related matters.

  7. I'm a bit confused. Their family came to the U.S. and became refugees, but their parent moved back because of nostalgia? Facepalm!

  8. "Dzhokhar, with his boy band sensitive looks"

    Here's the perfect actor to play him if there's ever a TV movie of this fiasco: Jeremy Allen, of the Showtime series Shameless.

  9. One of my older relatives used to be a doctor in Chechnya. Soviet Union provided young grads with first jobs they weren't allowed to refuse, and this great uncle of mine thinks his assignment had something to do with being a son of a convicted "capitalist" who ended his days in a work camp. Anyway...

    From him I learned that one of the things that Chechens liked to steal from their neighbors was girls. That's how the majority of Chechens gets married. Some of them are even blond because of this. In fact, it became so normal, that this is how the majority of Chechen girls got married too. I must stress that being kidnapped is not a symbolic marriage ritual in that culture. The girl and her family really don't know who's gonna grab her and when. The families even take some lethargic steps to attempt to prevent this.

    It's important to note that, according to Chechen culture, real men don't kidnap their brides on foot. They must be riding something , and they must be riding it fast. I've actually seen videos of the Chechen boys practicing grabbing various objects while riding a motorcycle or on horseback.

    They got pretty good at grabbing things while riding fast, but were they always successful? No. No, they weren't. That's when my relative came in. He got to meet a lot of failed attempts at bride kidnapping at his little hospital at Chechnya. I asked him if those girls ever got married after that. He told me that it generally depended on how badly they got mangled during the first attempt.

    1. Didn't Borat try that with Pamela Anderson?

  10. “refugee.”

    And look how the the family has repaid the country that took them in!

    I think the Borat Bombing Brothers story is going to get pitched into the memory hole. There are too many ugly things that can come too light: immigration fraud, ties to known jihad outfits, immigration pushback, ignored deportable offenses, and what exactly the role was for the Craft International contractors.

  11. Wherever they are, they stand out, a nation apart.

    Where I heard this before?

  12. Was talking to a nice prole couple running from their family history yesterday:

    Proles: "Yeah, like, they were Russian Muslims..."

    Me: "Chechen."

    Proles: "like, Muslims from Russia..."

    Me: "They were Chechen Muslims."

    Proles: "like, Russian, like, Muslims..."

    Me: "Muslims from Chechnya."

  13. Steve, do they fit the technical definition of 'terrorist?' These boys do not seem to have any political aims. They seem to have done it for the 'lulz.'

  14. Dzhokar is indeed quite good looking. I bet the ladies like him, and I bet the gays like him too. Also, he's better looking than Jerermy Allen by far.

  15. mass shooting= white males suck, ban guns
    terrorist bombing (by "other)= lets not let it get in the way of business as usual.

    The scots irish know, somehow, this is OUR fault....

  16. Sigh. There might come day - or so we console ourselves - when these unremitting leftist assholes have ended all the wars, and saved all the refugees, and amnestied all the illegals, and hanged all the capitalists, and spared all the wetlands, and tried all the drugs, and gotten all the tattoos, and then they finally, finally leave people alone to get on with the simple task of living. We can dream, right?

  17. I wonder how many articles were written blaming Timothy McVeigh's crime on his childhood and exhorting readers not to consider him representative of white militia members.

    None, you say? Hmm, wonder why that would be.

  18. one of them married a white girl who converted to islam:

    very typical of white liberals, its better than doing a full sandra bollock

  19. Vienna is 44% foreign born. (42,000 Chechens reside in Austria). Lots of serbian immigrants have gypsy admixture, so they are a large chunk of the darker skinned. Turks tend to have darker hair than Chechens.

    You have to go by facial characteristics. Dress is a good indicator though.

    A visitor to Vienna will probably largely see other tourists on the streets, or immigrants, if he wanders of the tourist paths. You would have to go to specific locations, or visit a suburban town in order to establish what an Austrian looks like in the first place.

    Oliver Bullough has, according to his website, specialized in chechen issues. So he might actually be able to spot Chechens accurately, but I'm not sure what his concept of an Austrian is.

  20. "I COULD always spot the Chechens in Vienna. They were darker-haired than the Austrians; they dressed more snappily, like 1950s gangsters; they never had anything to do."

    I could always spot the marxoids in Vienna (and London, and Paris, and New York, and elsewhere). Their hair was shaggier and their outfits more garish, even by the bog standards their own subculture promoted; and they never had anything to do except drag their betters through the mud.

  21. I posted links to a sample of news stories about chechens in Austria two threads down, but they didn't come through.

    I'll try just one link for now. It is common that these "refugees" move back and forth.

    Chechen Terror-chief arrested in Russia, 11 fighters killed, all of them had official refugee status in Austria

  22. nice theory steve, but remember that the lowlanders were border raiders too - and those were the ones who became 'scots-irish' via the border act...

    Side note: I live in Brooklyn and the number of burka-wearing muslims has been skyrocketing - we are actually letting in MORE muslims post 9-11 than pre so using the same logic, this should mean that we increase Chechen immigration.

    Side note two: Didn't Neocons support Chechen because they were fighting those cossack loving Russians?

  23. Thank God for the Russians or we would have 30000 Chechens in the USA like Austria.

    Europe really has prostrated itself after WW2. Do the Euros say no to anything or anyone, any more?

  24. People who want America to become more white (and less neo-con) had no better opportunity than through welcoming the endless refugees from the Caucasus. It's unfortunate an entire ethnicity is smeared by the incredible evil of two men.

  25. "Steve, you've been mentioning border culture a lot lately. do you think this is why the average Arizonan (as opposed to their traitor senators) has a much different view on things than coasties?"

    The average Arizonan is exposed to a much higher level of Mexican immigration than coasties. It's why working-class white people in Detroit are much more anti-crime than people in some leafy Northeastern suburb.

  26. Also highland people tend to farm less and be pastoralists. Pastorlists ride horses. Horses help you raid the lowland people who tend to be farmers. The lowlands are more level and conducive to farming.

    Pastoralists diet is more animal based (big surprise!)They are eating the meat, milk, butter and cheese from their animals. But they need to eat vegetables and grains so they raid the sedentary lowland farmers to procure them.

    Sometimes this trade is done honestly at the market place.

  27. If somehow everyone who thought like you could somehow make up the next crowd of people where a bomb was set off I would still defend your right to hold your beliefs and express them, though in the coming days and months after you had all died at the hands of marginalized terrorists I have a sense I would be less sad as I perused blogs and articles of all descriptions. And I think I would be less sad because I wouldn't have to read ignorant, insensitive, moronic, backwards thinking garbage like yours!

    1. Charlesz Martel4/20/13, 4:14 PM

      You need to get out more. Opening your eyes and thinking for yourself would be a good start.

  28. If somehow everyone who thought like you could somehow make up the next crowd of people where a bomb was set off I would still defend your right to hold your beliefs and express them, though in the coming days and months after you had al died at the hands of marginalized terrorists I have a sense i would be less sad as I perused blogs and articles of al descriptions an I think I would be less sad because i wouldn't have to read ignorant, insensitive, moronic, backwards thinking garbage like yours!

  29. Thanks Maya for this lively anthropology lesson.

  30. Another one out of the park for you, Steve. I envy your subtle wit. Mine is more slapstick. I link to you here, and speculate as to whether Chechens are Reivers or Reavers.
    Chechens — Reivers or Reavers?

  31. Neocons supported the Chechens, i seem to recall..

  32. "But there was enough in America already to alienate young men like Adam Lanza, Dylan Klebold and all the other mass murderers in recent history."

    -Here's an idea for the NYT elites who came up with that line- why might these young white men you mentioned be lashing out? If it is 'America the awful' alienating them, what does that say about your ideas of white male privilege? Also if America is such a wretched place, why are you so adamant to bring in foreigners, who would suffer here? Especially since they are more likely to be square pegs trying to fit into round holes.

    "There are enough weapons to kill anyone you want, and a madman can always find an excuse for murder if he looks for one."

    -Here we go again, 'enough weapons to kill anyone you want'- which we are supposed to assume by extension means we should reduce the numbers of guns, since disarming the populace is a perennial burning issue for the left. Lets ignore of course that the very way they killed people at the Marathon was by homemade weapons that could have been made practically anywhere. So how is that 'enough weapons to kill anyone you want'? Let's also ignore that in places without an armed populace, that mass murders still go on- terrorists still bomb, crazed killers can stab large numbers of people to death before police arrive and take them out (China has had a number of cases of the last several years of crazed guys going into schools and stabbing large numbers of children to death before being apprehended).
    Disarming the populace also opens the door to greater government tyranny.

    "There are only about 200 Chechens in the United States, so 1% of all Chechens here have turned out to be spectacular terrorists."

    -Literally true, but when you are talking about numbers as low as 2 in 200, you really need to look at a larger sample size to get a representative view of what to expect from Chechens in general that come to the US. That being said, I'd rather bet on safety and not find out the larger sample size results here in the US.

  33. "It's important to note that, according to Chechen culture, real men don't kidnap their brides on foot. They must be riding something , and they must be riding it fast."

    Apparently, blowing up shitloads of people on foot, though must be acceptable.

  34. All we know is that, for his generation, Chechnya has always been a place of violence, abductions, widows, orphans and rape: a place to escape from, not to go home to.

    As commenter Maya and others have shown, it's always been a place of violent people, abductors, killers and rapists, and, as we've seen, their geographical relocation doesn't change that.

  35. Now she lived in a bleak hostel in a pine forest, along with 48 other Chechen families, and hated it there; they wanted to go to Austria.

    Translation from the Chechen: in Austria, we will have absurdly generous cradle-to-grave welfare, health care, free schooling and a laundry list of other benefits paid for by hard working Austrians who are foolish enough to let cagey, criminally minded riff-raff like us into their once socially coherent nation.

  36. Steve: Refugee Resettlement Watch says that the claim that there are 200 Chechens in the U.S. is bogus.


  37. The Russians must really be enjoying all this.

  38. Maximo Macaroni4/20/13, 8:26 AM

    Can't help thinking of how the Russians would treat these traitorous pseudo-Americans if they committed their outrages against Russians. Of course the Russians, being painfully familiar with the Chechen/Dagestani/Ossetian character, would not give them the chance to kill. Why, they might even ask them why they went back to the Caucasus for six months recently when they had reached their American "refuge".

  39. candid_observer4/20/13, 8:39 AM

    It's going to be very interesting to see how the media is going to play this.

    It may seem obvious that they are going to play up how sympathetic these two are -- and indeed that the media's ideology is pretty much going to demand that they do so. But they are going to be very much constrained by fear of the accusation that they are sympathetic with terrorists. This is certainly a potent accusation that will resonate with most people, especially when the victims of their terrorism are highlighted -- a little boy, and two sweet, attractive young women, among others.

    And Obama can talk about "diversity" all he wants -- one kind of diversity no decent person wants is the terrorism part. Even he is going to have to have some answer for that little dilemma.

  40. Just waht the f*ck are Chechens doing in Poland?

    One of the ironies aboout that god-awful monstrosity which calls itself the EU is that Britain is forced to accept unlimited Polish immigration to the point of absurdity, meanwhile the EU ensures (through their shitty 'human rights' rules), that their place is taken over by the scourge of christianity, the Chechens.

    Everyday I fervently pray that Nigel Farage's outstanding UKIP outfit makes a political breakthrough this year and wins the UK Euro-elections. Hopefully it will do well to in the UK General Election of 2015, forcing anti-immigrationism on all the main parties.

  41. if you read the article, of the 200 in the US ~70% are women. Which brings the male pop to ~60. And if you want to count violent crime, you need to include the domestic violence charge as well. So 60/3= 5% of all chechen males are violent criminals

  42. Bring in more Chechens and put them in blue cities.

    What conservatives say of Chechens and Muslims, liberals say of conservatives: that cons, esp in the south and southwest, are reactionary, barbaric, less evolved, dangerous, murderous, insane, vile, vicious, etc.

    If cons complain about the social and economic havoc due to illegal invasion, liberals in blue cities mock them, ridicule them, insult them, denounce them, and etc.
    If cons mention the reality of black crime, liberals in blue cities howl with fury and attack cons as 'racist', barbaric, disgusting, retarded, paranoid, etc.

    In other words, libs--esp Jews like Sirota and Wise--see cons as less than human and conspire to censor conservative 'hate' speech and take away guns. It's not the chechens that have trying to take away guns, ripped us off to feed Wall Street globalist scum, tar and feather cons as mentally ill--phobic--for not welcoming 'gay marriage', etc.

    So, the irony is that cons are to libs what muslims are to cons: less evolved--the new fav meme in the msm to insult anyone who does agree with them, as in 'less evolved' about 'marriage equality'--and deserving to treated as subhuman apes.

    When has NYT or traitor liberal whites shown any sympathy for white plight in the south, southwest, or south africa?
    Remember how the media framed the trayvon thing or how it riled up hate against fictional KKK at Oberlin? Suppressed the Knoxville massacre?

    Chechens may be no good, but the people who really have it for us are the Jews who have something more than a few homemade bombs; they own just about all the elite institutions. Their stooges Napolitano and Holder conflated the
    Tea Party with terrorism.

    Sanchez got fired for telling the truth, but Sirota still has his gig.
    Tim Wise viciously maligned the greatest generation that died in huge numbers in WWII to save his ilk, but he's still embraced and feted around.
    Obama hung with Ayers and Wright for many years, but Jews made him lord over us(and puppet under them).

    So, why should we care about blue state assholes who mock us and laugh at us, even at our loss and grief?

    I say bring more chechens and put them in liberal cities all across the nation. Let blue scum shoot themselves in the foot.
    And if there's violence?
    Give libs the NYT-Omar-Thorton treatment. Just shrug your shoulders and ask, "gee, were the perpetrators provoked by bigotry against them by liberals?"


  43. The great irony of America is conservatives care when liberals and Jews are victims of violence, but liberals and Jews think conservatives are a bunch of less 'evolved' animals that deserve to punished and even killed for their evil.


    So, the hell with blue city libs.

    Just ask yourself. Suppose black or brown terrorists killed a bunch of white cons in the south. What do you think will be the reaction of libs and Jews? Sympathy and support?
    No, the message will be 'racist white cons provoked and deserved the violence' and/or 'we need to be calm and see what really happened because it's wrong to scapegoat a 'victim' group.'

    Libs are scum who want Mumia released. They welcome weather underground scum as fellow academics. They harass American Renaissance for trying to hold a dinky little conference.

    Never care about liberal victims of violence.

    There seems to be a moral inferiority complex among conservatives. When white cons are victims, libs never show any sympathy but sometimes even pile on the victim, as in the Jena Six case or George Zimmerman case where he was made into 'evil KKK guy hunting black kids with skittles in the night.' It's like libs and Jews feel that they have right to sit in judgment of less evolved white cons. So, when white cons are victims, lib attitude is 'you got what you deserved' in classic who, whom manner. Libs don't seek con approval. Indeed, lib media are now attacking and mocking con voices as being 'racist' and 'paranoid' for sounding the alarm on Muslim terror. Libs are very disappointed that the tea party wasn't behind it.

    But when libs or Jews are attacked in violence, cons get all worked up and lend support to defend Jews and libs from the 'enemy'. It's like cons want to win moral approval from libs. Pure inferiority complex and toadyism.

    How libs feel about cons:


  44. The first few times I heard the odd phrase “suspect number two” - odd because his name was known - I credited the tv/radio talkers with the laudable intention of trying to minimize any notoriety the perp might have been seeking.

    Attributing good motives to our news media is, of course, folly. I now realize that omitting his name minimizes his otherness and won’t aid opposition to continuing immigration..

  45. The Right in US and EU are the same.

    Morally defensive and begging for approval from Jews, gays, and libs.

    So, Geert Wilders pleads, "oh, please accept me as an ally because I'm trying to save you wonderful Jews, libs, and gays from those vile 'less evolved' Muslims." Meanwhile, Jews, libs, and gays push for open borders and hound conservative patriots as 'Islamophobic' scum of the earth?

    Thilo Sarrazin wrote about the tragedy of Germans losing their fatherland, but New Republic--a fanatical supporter of racial Israel--attacked his book as 'vile'.


    Muslims and chechens may be scum but they are not our main enemy. If anything, they've entered the west due to immigration policy enforced by Jews and the 'left'.

    Liberals have a popular front mentality, i.e. 'no enemies to the left and among people of color' when combating white cons are concerned.
    White cons are seen as the MAIN enemy by Jews and their lib stooges.
    The tragedy of white cons is they think Jews and libs are their friends and allies against enemies of the west.
    It's like when Ann Coulter said she was friends with Al Franken, only to be mocked and slammed by Franken in the most vicious way.

    And when has anyone heard a Jew or liberal show any sympathy for Iraqi and Syrian Christians whose lives have been turned upside down by America's pro-Zionist foreign policy over turning the whole region into a battlefield?

    Obama helped create new Libya and then got blowback with Benghazi. This chechen thing is blowback for open borders. Let libs pay the price, and let's watch with amusement.

  46. candid_observer4/20/13, 9:18 AM

    "From him I learned that one of the things that Chechens liked to steal from their neighbors was girls. That's how the majority of Chechens gets married. Some of them are even blond because of this. In fact, it became so normal, that this is how the majority of Chechen girls got married too."

    If this is actually true, then maybe it's not just culture that's the problem. Napoleon Chagnon should get on the case.

  47. An interesting and informative mountain culture/valley culture angle. Til now my prejudice on that particular type of friction has been informed only by the circa 1970 song "One Tin Soldier", from the movie "Billy Jack", in which it was the peaceful mountain people who were attacked by the rather warlike valley people.

  48. Irgun in the US!

  49. Maya,

    Fascinating. I had no clue that sort of thing still goes on.

    Thuggish behavior never goes out of style but bride stealing? In this day and age?

    In the Russian periphery, did the Golden Horde survive into the 20th century ?

    Equestrian kidnaping just feels like a practice that should have gone the way of funeral mounds, shamanism, and kumis fueled looting frenzies.

    -The Judean People's Front

  50. The Caucuses are Russia's Wild West and Chechens are its Apaches. Russian adventure novels even treat with them the same way (Hadji Murat, A Hero of Our Time, etc.).

    Chechens are a wonderfully interesting demographic problem for the Russians, one we don't particularly need over here.

  51. how quickly we forgoet:

    The Chechens' American friends
    The Washington neocons' commitment to the war on terror evaporates in Chechnya, whose cause they have made their own

  52. Semi-employed White Guy4/20/13, 10:03 AM

    There are only about 200 Chechens in the United States, so 1% of all Chechens here have turned out to be spectacular terrorists.

    Incredible. And of the 99% non-terrorists, how many of them get some kind of gubmint check or make a living running gypsy-style cons?

  53. Only 200? I was sincerely hoping for 200,000.

    I'm sure that Rubio et al will immediately put this to rights.


  54. Another key demographic difference in Chechnya is a much higher fertility rate. I couldn't find hard numbers within 5 minutes, but all sources saw it's by far the part of Russia with the highest fertility rate.

    That makes the age pyramid more youth-heavy, and makes the population as a whole more hot-headed.

    So they would seem to be part of the broader "youthquake" trend in the region over the last several decades. Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, etc.

    But not Jordan, the Emirates, or Iran (at least since the '90s), whose age pyramids are getting more adult-heavy and are not (or are no longer) a hotbed of hot-heads.

  55. http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2013/04/20/blue-civil-war-goes-national/

  56. Henry Harpending writes:

    It is interesting that, along with Basque, the languages of the Caucasus are relicts of the pre-Indo-European languages of Europe. Various inferences suggest that the Indo-Europeans were a fierce lot themselves but they never managed to displace those Caucasian populations.

  57. Love how they work Columbine right into the title, as in, "hey, don't forget Columbine! You know, white guys, guns...white guys."

  58. Chechnya has always been a place of violence, abductions, widows, orphans and rape

    This is a key passage.

    For the NYT, The Guardian et al and their readers none of these problems has anything whatsoever to do with the people who live in Chechnya, certainly not collectively. These negatives somehow arise out of the environment. Perhaps caused by a like radon-like gas rising from the ground. Or some malevolent force field - quite likely projected by evil white supremacists (male of course).

    Obviously ditto for Haiti, Nigeria, Liberia etc etc Its at the core of the belief in open borders & mass immigration.

  59. "Anonymous said...

    If somehow everyone who thought like you could somehow make up the next crowd of people where a bomb was set off I would still defend your right to hold your beliefs and express them, though in the coming days and months after you had all died at the hands of marginalized terrorists I have a sense I would be less sad as I perused blogs and articles of all descriptions. And I think I would be less sad because I wouldn't have to read ignorant, insensitive, moronic, backwards thinking garbage like yours!"

    Moronic and backward thinking, how? For noticing facts?

    F**k you, d**khead.

  60. A lot of true comments coming out in this thread, which seems to have aroused a lot of anger.

    I particularly like Steve's points about the Chechens being vicious, violent and aggressive but *not* whining and womanly once captured.

    Compare and contrast that profile with America's home-grown 'vicious and nasty' ethny. Blacks have no compunction about committing the deeds, but once caught they will whine and whine and whine, there is literally no limit to the self-abasement blacks are capable of - when it's in their interest to act that way.

    Somehow I get the impression that blacks and Chechens, if they ever lived in the same territory (perfectly possible in today's loony-run world), would develop a real hatred for each other. And i've no doubt that the Chechens would wipe the blacks out. Absolutely.
    A taste of this happened in 2011's London riots in which Turks (partially Chechen descended), whupped the asses of young black thugs.

  61. "I COULD always spot the Chechens in Vienna. They were darker-haired than the Austrians; they dressed more snappily, like 1950s gangsters; they never had anything to do. "

    Dressing like gangsters, and with nothing to do........ I'm sure they'd make model citizens.

  62. One of the recurring themes here at iSteve is the notion that population traits will shine though regardless of ideological window dressing.

    Without minimizing the very real problems of Islam, much of the pathology associated with muslim immigration has a strong ethnic component.

    Persian muslims, for example, make passable neighbors. Some might litter and wear too much cologne, but they don't usually travel in wolf packs, sexually exploit the host population's women, or blow sh*t up.

    Westwood ain't exactly a banlieue these days.

    -The Judean People's Front


  63. As commenter Maya and others have shown, it's always been a place of violent people, abductors, killers and rapists, and, as we've seen, their geographical relocation doesn't change that.

    Some people simply cannot think.

    Steve was pointing out that their home geography selects genes for certain behaviors.

    When you take those people away from that geography it takes time for those genes to disappear from their lineages.

    It will take generations.

  64. An interesting and informative mountain culture/valley culture angle. Til now my prejudice on that particular type of friction has been informed only by the circa 1970 song "One Tin Soldier", from the movie "Billy Jack", in which it was the peaceful mountain people who were attacked by the rather warlike valley people.

    So you didn't see Deliverance then?

  65. "Of course the Russians, being painfully familiar with the Chechen/Dagestani/Ossetian character, would not give them the chance to kill."

    The Russians helped create their character after centuries of rapes, killings and ethnic cleansing. You people need to take a step back and try to view the world in some sort of objective context instead of one guided by who your currently hate the most.

  66. As to highland raiders, Hadrian had a solution.

    Interestingly, his wall (and the later Antonine) didn't so much keep the Celts OUT as kept them from dragging their booty BACK. Individuals could climb the wall but it is difficult to drag a cow back over.

    A tighter immigration policy in the US is definitely needed.

  67. From the bravery of love thread:

    Mr. Anon said: Someone should compile a glossary of such terms - the kind of terms that TV news-readers use, which impressionable members of the public then begin to copy.

    The obnoxious, robotic use of the word "folks" by NPR listening strivers is the most egregious example that comes to mind.

    During speaking engagements, our modern pseudo-aristocracy makes a habit of affectedly favoring certain Anglo-Saxon words over their Norman counterparts. This practice likely originated in the need to preempt accusations of elitism, stuffiness, or pomposity.

    It's of the same nature as their clumsy attempts to strategically drop their g's and the tendency to make awkward, denim clad public appearances.

    As bad as the practice is, it is truly cringe inducing to see it imperfectly executed by class insecure SWPLs from the lesser orders.

    This disease most commonly afflicts recent PhDs from elite and quasi-elite schools, many of whom yearn to slough off every single cell tainted by thier own humble origins.

    -The Judean People's Front

    PS- Why do they all sound like Toby from the Office (the academic SWPLs, not the toffs)?

  68. I agree with Anonymous re about feeling bad for blue staters. Sure, the dead were cute, but wouldn't they likely have grown up to be people who accuse others of "racism?"

  69. Svigor:

    I made the same clarification about a dozen times yesterday. Some television media has reported these people as from "Southern Russia", a mistake that may be simple ignorance or something more. When a Chechen commits, terrorism, he is a Russian; but calling Chechnya part of Russia makes you a Tsar or something.

    The arrogance of Chechnyans really strikes out in this case. Desert people (Arabs) are used to retreating so they may just be more cowardly. This makes them better terrorists in the sense that they are more nervous about getting caught, whereas the Borat bombers seemed to assume they could just fart around Boston like nothing happened.

  70. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/167290#.UXL_SqKG3fG

    While Golden Dawn is run by creeps, its rise owes to Greece being swamped by immigrant masses from Middle East and Africa.

    But globalist scum go after GD but say nothing of the need to save Greece from the invasive hordes.

    So, who cares about globalist punks in Boston/Cambridge, etc?

    Let them pay the price.

    PS. Of course, it's okay for Israel to ship out the Africans and raze Palestinian homes in the occupied territories.

  71. A good story about the Chechens is Tolstoy's novella Hadji Murat (sometimes called Hadji Murad).

    Given Tolstoy was a Russian, I'm not claiming it's entirely impartial, but it's a great story, providing an interesting take on Chechen culture. (it explains why, for example, a man would run over his own brother in order to escape).

    At any rate, it certainly beats any analysis you'll read in Foreign Affairs or see on CNN...

  72. Svigor:

    I made the same clarification about a dozen times yesterday and was equally annoyed.

    Some of the televised media reported the borat bombers as being from South Russia, a mistake which may be simply ignorance or something more sinister. It seems that Chechens are " southern russian" when blowing up people and "chechens" when otherwise asserting their independence.

    Some element of mountain people arrogance may have done these people in. They seemed to really believe they would get away with it. Arab terrorists are appropriately more afraid of being caught. This may be a desert thing- when in doubt, you can always just retreat.

  73. These comments are god damn cesspool Steve.

  74. Yeah, the Face of Evil turned out to be a Sassy cover.

    USA Today went with the headline "Few Chechen immigrants make it to U.S."--practically begging for the counter-hed, "Punching above their weight"

  75. "The Russians helped create their character after centuries of rapes, killings and ethnic cleansing. You people need to take a step back and try to view the world in some sort of objective context instead of one guided by who your currently hate the most."

    And Russians were, in turn, shaped by certain experiences with the Mongols and other such conquering peoples. And so on and so forth, ad infinitum.

    Anyway, while Chechen animus is certainly informed by (relatively) recent history, there's plenty of literature from the eighteenth century onward indicating Caucasians have always been notably fierce people. Russia has conquered many peoples but the mountain tribes captured their cultural imagination.

  76. David said...
    People who want America to become more white (and less neo-con) had no better opportunity than through welcoming the endless refugees from the Caucasus. It's unfortunate an entire ethnicity is smeared by the incredible evil of two men.

    "Self-appointed WN chieftain denounces splittists"

    Anonymous said...
    Persian muslims, for example, make passable neighbors. Some might litter and wear too much cologne, but they don't usually travel in wolf packs, sexually exploit the host population's women, or blow sh*t up.

    The American consumer-luxury model has been especially amicable to the subset with Babylonian tastes, yes. Don't neglect that greater Iran is a multicult powder keg with overflowing supplies of psychotic hillbillies (Khomeini's base) and thick-necked leather-jacketed gangsters (SAVAK talent pool). The nukes might be the only option to keep it together.

  77. I guess being Muslims means that the Chechens don't have the right of self defense. They should have just let the Russians exterminate them like they tried to do in the Second War. Then all the paleos could double down on their worship of a profoundly retarded, drunken (but not Muslim!) bully of a country.

    Russia had the option of establishing commerce with an independent Chechnya, but they chose to invade instead. That's an inconvenient fact that seems to have been surgically removed from this discussion. Ra ra Russia!

  78. Had another clarification incident, at 8am at the gas station today, with a white Scots-Irish (no quotes) blonde belligerent redneck drunk right out of central casting. 40 years on this planet and I finally met one. He was in front of me at the cash register, talking to the gregarious, fairly tolerable Yankee quadroon who's been working there lately.

    Drunk (to Quadroon): "they got that POS, he was hiding in someone's boat."

    Me: "they got the other one, in Boston?"

    Drunk: "yeah, they found him hiding in a boat, they shot his POS brother. They should kill 'em all. Russians."

    Me: "Chechen Muslims."

    D: "Russians."

    Me: "Chechen Muslims."

    D: "What's the difference?"

    Me: "Huge difference. They hate each other. Russians kill Chechens, Chechens kill Russians."

    Q: "Yeah, big difference."

    D: "Ain't no different to me. We should kill 'em all."

    Q: "I know, you've told me that many times."

    Me: "Yep, blood enemies."

    The drunk staggers out, then I tell the Quadroon that if the drunk ever runs into a Russian or a Chechen, the subtle distinction might matter to him; a Russian might cut his throat for accusing him of being a Chechen. Quadroon agrees, then harangues another drunk for putting his foot up on the counter by her coffee apparatus. He apologizes solemnly as I head out the door wondering where the Punk'd cameras are hidden.

  79. "These comments are god damn cesspool Steve."

    You're missing the point. This country has turned into a cesspool and calling a cesspool a 'cesspool' is merely speaking the truth.

    I knew this country was turning funny with boomers taking over with Clinton in the 90s but not in my wildest imagination did I foresee what would happen in the 2000s. That a black guy would be president might have been thought unlikely in the 80s and 90s but not as impossible as Colin Powell was quite popular across the board. But some guy whose mentor was scumbag Wright who has nothing but hate for this country? A guy who was chummy with unrepentant Bill Ayers the terrorist who continues to shit on this country? That Americans would go for someone like that, even I didn't expect. And I knew that the media was liberal, but I didn't expect the media to go all out to play propaganda wing for Obama. Free press my butt.

    And after Obama picked people like Sotomayor the wise affirmative action latina and Kagan the radical lesbian who doesn't even believe in the First Amendment and then after he openly came out for an idiocy called 'gay marriage' and insulted whites time and again with the Gates and Trayon controversies, he still won re-election! I mean what kind of country is this?

    Then, you have those NY liberal jerks who practice all sorts of tactics to control blacks and browns while they themselves grow richer and richer at the expense of the rest of the nation. And these jerks act like they are the paragons of moral virtue and dump on conservatives as 'racists'.

    I knew PC was a fact on campus, but Oberlin shutting down for a whole day because some idiot saw someone in a blanket who was summarily confused with the KKK? This is hysteria on the level of Maoism, and the MSM has no problem with the hysteria but only aids and abets it.

    Black thugs go around bashing people, but they are called 'teens' and 'youths', and many news agencies just bury the news.

    I knew the gay stuff was gaining in influence, but now, you're 'homophobic' if you oppose 'gay marriage' which was changed to 'same sex marriage' and then 'marriage equality'. No doubt, gays and Jews in advertising are working hand in hand and funded big time by Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, etc. If you not for this thing called 'marriage equality', you are said to be less 'evolved'. What arrogance. What contempt. What self-righteous bunch of aholes.

    Hordes of illegals invaded this country, but the burden of responsibility isn't on them but on us, and we better go along or we'll be attacked as 'insensitive', 'uncaring', 'odious', 'noxious', 'toxic', 'racist', 'xenophobic', 'extreme'. So, if you break into a country, you're not extreme. If you say illegals should be made citizens, you're not extreme. But if you uphold the law and say illegals need to go back, you are extreme. So very very extreme.
    Indeed, the notion of 'illegal alien' or 'illegal immigrant' is so very extreme, it's been nixed by MSM for euphemisms. Maybe they can call it 'citizenship equality' or 'same difference equality'.

  80. I have a solution to the Chechen problem.

    We need to bring more of them here and if there are illegal Chechens, offer them amnesty.

    Heck, maybe they'll not only become good Americans but vote for the GOP.

  81. Maybe those who allowed Chechens to come here thought they were gonna embarrass Putin, i.e. poor oppressed find refuge and freedom in America while the people of Russia suffer under Putin who deposed the Jewish oligarchs.

    A blast of an idea.

    Maybe we should offer refugee status to Pussy Riot. Funny if they pulled a stunt in a synagogue or a black church.

  82. Though this story involves an Ossetian, it's close enough to Chechnya to probably be representative of Chechens too.

    On July 1, 2002, two jets collided over Germany resulting in the deaths of 60 people from the Caucasuses. A year and a half later, the father of several of the victims went to Germany where he stabbed to death the air traffic controller who was on duty the night of the fateful crash. The father then became a hero in North Ossetia.

    That's the Hatfields and McCoys on steroids.

  83. Was FORREST GUMP the template for the new GOP in 2000?

    When we think of American conservatism, three words come to mind: dumb, faith, and greed.

    Dumb because it's so anti-intellectual.
    Faith because it's the bastion of the religious.
    Greed because of the notion that anyone can become rich in America.

    What was FORREST GUMP about?

    It had a Dumb guy. Even Pat Buchanan loved him. Faith, if not strictly religious, a belief that there is a higher force looking out for us, and all we need is faith for the higher force to take care of us.
    And there's the element of greed in the notion that if you're 'dumb and have faith', you will be showered by riches since higher powers just love 'dumb and good' people.

    So, we got a Forrest Gump president in George W. Bush. And he gave us 'compassionate conservatism' and it promised Hispanics and blacks that they don't have to be intelligent or special. All they need is faith in goodness(no matter how dumb and uneducated they were) and all will be taken care of by magic capitalism that will make them all rich. So, there were lots of evangelical churches that spread the message among Hispanics that if you have faith in God, they'll become rich. Never mind lack of brains or talent or input. Some higher force just takes care of good people.

    Gump stump coulda been behind the idea of ownership society.
    Every dummy can have a home if he or she just BELIEVES that it can happen. Dumb + faith + greed.

  84. Now Drudge is showing a growing "controversy" over not Mirandizing the one they caught. WTF? They don't have to Mirandize you until it's question time. If they don't want to ask you any questions, they don't have to say shit.

    Journalists want to see their Miranda theater in front of the cameras, damnit! Cretins.

    Or maybe it's just different in the People's Republic of Mass than it is in the PR of Kaliforniya.

  85. The Vikings also had something of a raiding culture. Today they're viewed as romantic swashbucklers. Some people even try to claim some Viking ancestry in order to jazz themselves up.
    Groups sometimes live in mountainous areas because they're more defendable. The land is usually poor anyway so aren't worth the effort required for others to try to capture and hold. Banditry and raiding are usually cottage industries. People live by tribal law, not by lowlander's law books. After the first Chechen-Russian war they achieved a certain level of autonomy. However, they kept aggravating the situation by their steady lawlessness; around 1500 people holding Russian citizenship were kidnapped in the following years by Chechen bandit gangs, a situation that couldn't be tolerated forever. Add to that the terrorist bombings of apartment buildings that the Russians blamed on them and the decision to move against them was inevitable.
    Chechens aren't well regarded anywhere they happen to be.

  86. NYT, isn't that the same news organ that warned us about the Mormon menace last year.

  87. Ervil LeBaron4/20/13, 4:56 PM

    All homicidal ethnic groups are equal, but some are more equal than others

  88. Brilliant article...you absolutely get it, which is quite rare for an American when writing about an obscure part of the world.

  89. Re: Chechens in Poland

    Chechens were popular in Poland and Western Ukraine in the 90s because they were causing trouble for the Russians. A bunch of young western Ukrainian hotheads even fought against the Russians in Chechnya.

  90. Anon at 3:39 said: The American consumer-luxury model has been especially amicable to the subset with Babylonian tastes, yes. Don't neglect that greater Iran is a multicult powder keg with overflowing supplies of psychotic hillbillies (Khomeini's base) and thick-necked leather-jacketed gangsters (SAVAK talent pool). The nukes might be the only option to keep it together.

    I am aware of Iran's um, "diversity" issues, but even their worst are a cut above the crazies that live next door. Do I want to see chain wielding Baseeji (the regime's motley crew of club wielding country bumpkins and imported shia fanatics) descend upon
    femen inspired protests here in the west...maybe;-)

    Seriously though, I am not advocating for massive Iranian immigration. I am merely pointing out the fact that A) the Iranians are a civilized people and B)speaking of "muslim" immigration obscures the ethnic roots of Arab, Berber, Somali, Kurdish, Chechen, and Pakistani violence.

    Obviously, on cultural, economic, and political grounds, importing large numbers of civilized but alien peoples is still a loosing proposition for American citizens and their descendants.

    -The Judean People's Front

  91. http://insurgentconsciousness.typepad.com/.a/6a010535c85dbc970b0148c6ad5874970c-800wi

    Chechnya is right next to Georgia. People in that region are really badass. Dangerous and vile but badass. I mean Stalin came from dinky little Georgia but he beat out all the smart intellectual Jews and all the Russians to become supreme leader of the USSR.

    I MEAN JUST THINK ABOUT IT. And he wasn't just some puppet of elites like Obama. He really was the supreme ruler of the USSR, the biggest empire on earth, with the power to kill or spare millions of lives. He even won WWII against Hitler and thrashed Japan. And even after the massive destruction of USSR in WWII, he quickly whipped it into shape and made it the other super power after WWII. And he made sure Mao understood who was boss.
    Stalin was the single greatest figure of the 20th century. He made communism work, built an industrial giant, defeated Hitler, took over Central Europe, and reigned over a superpower.

    I mean Stalin ruling the USSR in New World context would be like some guy from Guatemala becoming the supreme leader of the North American Empire from Canada to Central America.

    You don't mess with people from the Caucuses.


  92. It's unfortunate an entire ethnicity is smeared by the incredible evil of two men.

    If killing civilians is an incredible evil, then our ethnicity (White), indeed our country (the United States), was already smeared by such an "incredible evil."

  93. Apparently, blowing up shitloads of people on foot, though must be acceptable.

    It's acceptable for our soldiers to do it, too, apparently.

  94. Stalin too began as a terrorist and robber. Many intellectual radical despised him as an uncouth cutthroat thug than a real revolutionary, but he knew every dirty trick in the book in gaining power. Everything from sly maneuvering to murder in the night.

    There's been much written about the Russian aspect of Soviet communism, and Jewish aspect of Soviet communism. But maybe not enough about the Caucasus aspect of Soviet communism.

    Beria was from that region too.
    Beria was most loyal to Stalin while the great man was alive but the first to spit on his grave the minute he died.
    A truly devious people.

  95. Jews like Sirota and Wise

    Wise has one-fourth Jewish ancestry. He is not Jewish.

  96. "Wise has one-fourth Jewish ancestry. He is not Jewish."

    He looks like Kubrick and talks like Frank Rich.

    Some blacks are only 1/4 black but still think/act black.

    With Wise, it's the lib Jewish side of him that totally dominates.

  97. "Meanwhile, Jews, libs, and gays push for open borders and hound conservative patriots as 'Islamophobic' scum of the earth?"

    There seem to be a number of prominent Jews who are on Steve's side of the immigration issue: Mickey Kaus, David Frum, Dan Stein*, Norman Matloff*.

    *Assuming these individuals are Jewish.

  98. I think you are really overlooking all the great Chechen restaurants!

  99. 0.5% of the entire chechen american community just died steve, thats a terrifying catastrophic percentage you heartless monster.

  100. "I think you are really overlooking all the great Chechen restaurants!"

    Is that a finger in my soup?

  101. This terror attack is not about their nationality but about their ideology, Islam and Jihadism.

  102. >Dzhokar is indeed quite good looking.<

    Only if you think the Marx Brothers are good-looking.

  103. Maya,

    Fascinating. I had no clue that sort of thing still goes on.

    Marriage by capture still happens in Mexico.

  104. "This terror attack is not about their nationality but about their ideology, Islam and Jihadism."

    Maybe so, but shooting it out with about 400 cops is.

  105. "Marriage by capture still happens in Mexico."

    Yeah, we are caught by globalist Zionists and being pushed into a forced marriage with Mexico.

  106. The residents of the Alps never raided anyone they are peaceful people.
    the problem with Chechen that they are suni-Muslims very radical in their believe and since what Stalin did to them they won't trust anyone for them it's OK to rape a non Chechen, non Muslim women.
    also they live only from crime and racketeering Austrian businesses

  107. The residents of the Alps never raided anyone they are peaceful people.
    the problem with Chechen that they are suni-Muslims very radical in their believe and since what Stalin did to them they won't trust anyone for them it's OK to rape a non Chechen, non Muslim women.
    also they live only from crime and racketeering Austrian businesses

  108. Til now my prejudice on that particular type of friction has been informed only by the circa 1970 song "One Tin Soldier", from the movie "Billy Jack", in which it was the peaceful mountain people who were attacked by the rather warlike valley people.

    That song was IIRC partly based on history, the Mountain people being Armenians, and the Valley people being lowland Turks.

  109. Love how they work Columbine right into the title, as in, "hey, don't forget Columbine! You know, white guys, guns...white guys."

    More like "nerds...guns...nerds" and "High school is heaven" and "If high school wasn't heaven, then you were a Nazi traitor without social skills."

  110. AFor the NYT, The Guardian et al and their readers none of these problems has anything whatsoever to do with the people who live in Chechnya, certainly not collectively. These negatives somehow arise out of the environment. Perhaps caused by a like radon-like gas rising from the ground

    Star Trek : The Cloud Minders


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