April 4, 2013

Oberlin and Marco McMillian updates

A month ago, the prestige press was convulsed over the KKK riding roughshod over Oberlin College and Clarksdale, Mississippi. What have we learned since then?

About Oberlin, nothing. As far as I can tell from Google News, the Oberlin story has vanished. This is a little odd because Oberlin officials made a big deal about how just before the KKK assault blanket sighting, they had removed two students from campus. Who were they? What had been their motivation? Nobody knows, nobody cares.

The Marco McMillian case, in contrast, continues to generate stories on Google News, each dumber than the last. For example, here's a a long Huffington Post story: 
Marco McMillian's Life And Death A Test For Civil Rights In The Mississippi Delta 
... In 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, Mississippi law enforcement agencies collectively reported just one of the nation’s 6,222 hate crimes to the FBI. This year, Mississippi legislators decided against expanding the state’s hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by anti-gay bias. The state also has no laws prohibiting discrimination against anyone in housing, the workplace or other key functions of life. 
“Does that strike you as a place where an honest and thorough examination of hate crime is really happening?” said Mark Potok, a hate crimes and hate group expert with the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center. “If anti-gay bias crimes are happening, where would law enforcement find the motivation, the time, the investigative skills needed to give that possibility a serious look?”

Thanks, Mark. Keep up the good work.

A reader points out that the perfect candidate for Oberlin College Chaplain has been found.


  1. Why do so many blacks continue to live in Mississippi when they can move to a wonderful place Vermont or Iowa?

  2. a hate crimes and hate group expert

    Pretty soon you'll be able to major in that. With a minor in 'microaggression studies'. Ahem.

  3. If they were serious about tackling anti-gay bias in the black cuh-myoon-tay, well they'd sure have their work cut out for them.

    Easier to just blame everything on whitey. He doesn't fight back.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMTNLG3IHJo



    Today's youth. Help.


  5. Off Topic

    Topic: Early Statisticians.

    John Graunt 1620-1674

    Demography and Epidemiology.

    See 'Big Data' BBC Horizon last night on BBC2.

  6. What is a 'minister of music' as the good reverend in VA. claims to be?

  7. Have you tried calling Oberlin for answers?

  8. The perfect candidate for chaplain of Oberlin College would be an atheist.

  9. It's the endgame and the Left knows its just a matter of time before it wins.

    In 2008, they stopped pretending they didn't want to radically transform America. Now, they've stopped even acknowledging reality.

    We are moving towards a situation like the Salem witch trials or Stalin's show trials. The Left will accuse straight white Christian males of increasingly bizarre and monstrous crimes against humanity, until it finally becomes exhausted by all the shouting and devises a Final Solution to the Bubba Problem.


  11. http://blogs.indiewire.com/criticwire/the-criticwire-survey-film-critics-remember-roger-ebert

    "I don't recall the conversation Elcin and I had then. I don't recall hanging up. I don't recall collapsing down on the sofa. And I don't recall when I started to cry. But crying I was, sobbing, tears streaming down my cheeks, as an uncontrollable sorrow penetrated deep into my very being. My eyes drifted to the shelves in the living room. I never had to look for one of Roger's books; I knew exactly where they were. I stood up, and picked up his Great Movies compilation. I read for ten minutes, and then called Bilge. His usually mellifluous voice was full of sadness. We talked, exchanged a few stories, and then he said: 'You know, what's also important is that he plucked so many other young writers out of relative obscurity and championed their work. The onus is on you now. Now is the test.""


    Oh lawdy.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLloBJe1cno

    Did Phoenix impersonate Anderson in the MASTER?

  13. Mark Potok - perfect name for that loser.

    Dan in DC

  14. I was peeved that my alma mater's college paper blog shamelessly declined to update the story.


    Interestingly, Oberlin's former president Sean Decatur is Kenyon's new president.


  15. still waiting on that nidal hasan update (which is never coming).

    now taking bets on whether james holmes will be executed 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years before nidal hasan.

  16. I would not be surprised if the Aryan Brotherhood did it:

    The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors hate in the US, describes the ABT as "the most violent extremist group in the United States". It says the gang, thought to have around 2,000 members, has committed "at least" 29 murders in the US between 2000-12.

  17. If KKK is the new UFO for the 'left', the 'Muslim terrorists' are the new
    KKKommunists for the American right(mainstream).
    American conservatism totally overlooks black violence against whites and Jewish power against conservatism. Why, mentioning those issues would be 'racist' or 'antisemitic'.

    So, the only way that American conservatism can play alarmist racial politics is by bashing Muslims in the name of defending Jews.
    So, even though Israel has 300 illegal nukes and Iran has none, there's been endless sightings of Iranian nukes but zero sighting of Israel's illegal nukes that really exist. Though Israel is the biggest power in the middle east, American conservatism sees only helplessness and how Israel must be defended from all those Muslim nations even though most Muslim nations have no will, means, or desire to fight Israel.

    If the American right acts this way--blind to white interest and blind to oppression of Palestinians--, why shouldn't the 'left' be equally full of bs?

  18. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors hate in the US, describes the ABT as "the most violent extremist group in the United States". It says the gang, thought to have around 2,000 members, has committed "at least" 29 murders in the US between 2000-12.

    A lot of leftie lies are true, in a "depends on what the definition of is is" kind of way. See, when you define "violent extremist group" as necessarily white...

    I see the AB and their ilk as little different from the Bloods or the Vice Lords, of course, so in my view they're pretty much dead last in the badass gangs category...

  19. So, the only way that American conservatism can play alarmist racial politics is by bashing Muslims in the name of defending Jews.

    In most cases, Muslims are bashed for little more than honesty. Muslims do the same things that white Calvinist conservatives do, or would like to do given the legal opportunity.


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