April 25, 2013

Demolition Dad, Bomb Mom, and Babushka of Boom hold news conference

Demolition Dad, Bomb Mom, and Babushka of Boom
There has been much speculation in the press about what idiosyncratic, one-in-a-million motives Tamerlan or Dzhokhar Tsarnaev might have had. For example, scientists at Boston University want to scan the late Tamerlan's brain to see if boxing had caused any of the brain damage associated with NFL players who commit suicides (see in Slate: Did Concussions Make Him Do It?)

But such analyses seems better suited for lone wolf killers. When you have two brothers, an ethnic analysis seems more plausible, especially when the ethnic backgrounds are famously volatile. My best guess is that the Tsarnaevs were brave young men aspiring to live up to the legends of their peoples, region, and religion by engaging in traditional modes of defiance in the manner of the lethal ethnic raiders / rebels celebrated by Tolstoy and other great Russian writers.

And, indeed, it turns out that the older generation of the Tsarnaev family just did a new conference, which provided an object lesson in North Caucasus Muslim worldviews, values, and interpersonal style that the younger generation took upon themselves to embody in an even more vigorous and vibrant way:
Parents Say Boston Bombing Suspects Are Innocent 
MAKHACHKALA, Russia — The parents of the two brothers accused in the bomb attack that killed three people and wounded more than 260 near the finish line of the Boston Marathon insisted on Thursday that their sons were innocent and had no connection to radical Islam. 
In an outpouring of anguish and anger at a news conference here in the capital of Dagestan, the brothers’ father, Anzor Tsarnaev, and mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, also made accusations of a conspiracy in which the American authorities murdered their older son, Tamerlan, after seizing him. 
... Despite this evidence, and after two days of questioning by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation here, Ms. Tsarnaeva said she would not accept that her sons were guilty. 
“No I don’t — and I won’t,” she snapped at the news conference. “Never!” 
During an emotional, nearly hourlong question-and-answer session, the parents addressed many of the questions that investigators and the American public have been asking in the anxious, unsettled days after the bombing, insisting their sons were not religious radicals or connected to any terrorist organization. 
Their answers were often a mixture of denial and conspiracy theory. 
In one dramatic moment, Ms. Tsarnaeva said that F.B.I. agents who came to the family’s home in Massachusetts to question Tamerlan about his religious views had asked her if she worried that he might commit an act of terrorism. 
“Actually, they told me, don’t you think that Tamerlan is being a little bit, you know, like, extreme about religion?” she said. “Do you think that he would think about organizing some kind of, you know ——” She broke off and stumbled over her words. “Probably that was their meaning: terroristic, terrorism or whatever, aggression.” 
“Do you see any aggression in Tamerlan?” she said, quoting the agents. “No, I did not. I did not. I really did not see any reason to worry.” 
Ms. Tsarnaeva said that she was considering giving up her American citizenship. 

We must look deep into our hearts to search for how we've failed this woman who came here due to her love of the Declaration of Independence and Emma Lazarus's poem, only to learn the horrible truth that Americans don't always live up to their Propositions.
The parents spoke alternately in Russian and English, sometimes starting a sentence in one language and finishing in the other. Mr. Tsarnaev wore dark sunglasses, while Ms. Tsarnaeva wore a head scarf, which is customary among many women in this predominantly Muslim region. 
They said that they regretted having lived in the United States, but that they wanted to travel back soon see Dzhokhar, though they expressed fear that they would not be allowed to see him until he was put in prison. 
“Yes, I would prefer not to live in America now. Like, why did I even go there — why?” Ms. Tsarnaeva said, nearly breaking into tears. “I thought America was going to, like, protect us, our kids, it was going to be safe for any reason. But it happened the opposite. My kids — America took my kids away from me — only America. So why wouldn’t I regret? Why?” 
“I don’t know,” she said, regaining her composure. “I am sure that my kids were not involved in anything.” 
... Anzor Tsarnaev responded sharply to a reporter who asked why Tamerlan had felt that he did not fit in among Americans, once saying he did not have any friends. 
“That’s not true,” Mr. Tsarnaev said. “He have a lot of friends. I know these friends.”

But he had three fewer American friends after that unfortunate incident in Waltham on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
Ms. Tsarnaeva jumped in to say that Tamerlan had meant he did not have a best friend. “It does not mean that he did not fit in America,” she said. 
The parents said the F.B.I. agents who questioned them had been most interested in Tamerlan’s six-month visit to Dagestan last year, which they said had been undertaken so that he could obtain a Russian passport. Although he was born in Russia, Tamerlan had traveled on a passport from Kyrgyzstan, where the family lived, that was about to expire. They said he needed a Russian passport because he did not have American citizenship. 
Ms. Tsarnaeva reacted furiously to a questioner who said Dzhokhar had told officials the brothers were motivated by extremist Islam. “I’ll answer,” she said. “They told me yesterday that he was not questioned yet,” she said of her son’s lawyers. “Where does this information come from? Where does this information come from?” 
“Where does this information come from?” she shouted again. 


  1. Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands.

  2. Wow, this sounds like Jewish-American response to revelation of lots of Jews working as communist agents/sympathizers in the 40s and 50s.


    If there's a Chechen playwright, he ought to write CHECHENGELS IN AMERICA.

    And of course, Jews like Oliver Stone have long insisted that the CIA, FBI, US MILITARY, CUBANS, JOHNSON, MAFIA, and even some rich rightwing New Orleans fairy were in on the plot.

    Mother of all mothers.


    Btw, in the end, Michael joined with Sonny to get revenge for the sake of family honor.
    Young brother Joker seems to have joined his older brother lion-Tamer.


  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYnRBX2Trtk

    Don't Ever Take Sides Against the Family

  4. We have to put up with clowns like this.


    So that 3 people can get killed and 260 wounded in a peaceful marathon in our country.

    Did I say "our" country? Gosh, how racist of me.

    It's their country. I will simply step out of the way and let them do what they want.

    Jeb / Rubio / Hillary 2016

    Now is the time for calm acceptance...don't call your congresscritter.

  5. "Demolition Dad, Bomb Mom, and Babushka of Boom"

    ROTFL. I say give them a reality TV show and make them feel welcomed as real Americans. We need to embrace them.


    Hey, if OJ turned out to be 'not guilty', maybe Joker was 'framed' too by Boston's 'racist' police.

    Anyone remember how many black elites--journalists, movie stars, music stars, etc--supported OJ?
    A lot!

  6. That photo is priceless, like something out of Popeye Universe.

    Couldn't stop laughing.


  7. Here's an update on David Sirota, the former AIPAC employee who was hoping fervently that the bomber was a white American. In a debate with "conservative" columnist Ben Shapiro, Shapiro said:

    "Racism exists. But it is not the dominant force in American life.Speaking of which, I do find it odd that Jews are considered members of the white privileged class when less than two generations ago, whites wouldn’t let us into their country clubs."

    To which Sirota replied

    "Re: Jews – as one, I agree on that point."

    Got that?

  8. "True and brave was his father; he'll grow up the same –
    This child will not sully his father's name.
    With his father's own dagger the wall is adorned,
    While lullabies sing of the feats he performed.

    (Inscription on a cradle)"

    ...in dagestan (quoted by an avar).

  9. I really like those head scarfs in the photo. Man, head scarfs make Muslim women so hot and sexy. The more they cover up, the sexier they look to me.

  10. Lucius Brutus was famous for sentencing his sons to death for treason against the new Roman republic, and considered a hero by liberal Europeans for centuries afterward for putting his country and the rule of law over familial affections.


  11. If people weren't dead in all this, I'd say it just turned awesome, especially with that picture. Of course, now I'm dog-whistling, right? (I still can't quite fathom what that means exactly.)

    I know when FBI agents come to my house and question me about my religious beliefs and interest in terrorism, it doesn't mean anything, so I totally believe them on that part.

    I think a growing number of Americans can agree with her wholeheartedly on one point: we wish they hadn't come here too.

  12. Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands.

    I'm upset about that too. But unless you're going to say that justifies actions like this one, what's your point?

  13. "Re: Jews – as one, I agree on that point."

    What is that sentence supposed to mean?

  14. The Bomb Mom reminds me of the Andrea Martin character from SCTV, Pirini Scleroso. Not sure about the spelling.

  15. Tsarnaev Sr. could pass for a suburban American Dad doing his best hammy impersonation of a psychotic foreigner. The only tip off that he's the real deal is the indoor aviator shades. Middle-aged American men just aren't comfortable wearing sunglasses for extended stretchs when they aren't driving, hiking, or at the beach.

    -The Judean People's Front

  16. "Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands.

    I'm upset about that too. But unless you're going to say that justifies actions like this one, what's your point?"

    What difference does it make whether the actions were justified?

  17. "Ms. Tsarnaeva said that she was considering giving up her American citizenship."

    NOOO! The real tragedy would be...

    "My kids - America took my kids away from me - only America."

    Sniff. I'm so terribly sorry for what America and the city of Boston did to Tamerlan and Dzhokhar...


  18. Declining cultures do offer one positive externality for the people: Embarrassing spectacle.

  19. Cail Corishev said...
    If people weren't dead in all this, I'd say it just turned awesome, especially with that picture.

    Can I just say, Steve has been in top form the past couple weeks. The Bomb Bros are the walking embodiment of everything Steve has been saying for so long.

    Face it. It's Steve Sailer's world. We just live in it.

    Hey, let's take up a collection. There are only 200 Chechens in America. What dollar figure would convince them all to move back? $100K each? $20M total? Boston alone would ante that.


  20. Chinchings?


  21. Here's an update on David Sirota, the former AIPAC employee who was hoping fervently that the bomber was a white American.

    Didn't he recently add:

    "Let's hope the Toronto- New York train plotters are white Canadians."

  22. Not the same anonymous as the other anonymous4/25/13, 6:09 PM

    "I'm upset about that too. But unless you're going to say that justifies actions like this one, what's your point?"

    We killed around 160 Muslim children with drone attacks, not to mention invading a bunch of Muslim countries. Understandably, this made many Muslims angry. A small but significant number of Muslims have so called "extreme" beliefs that would encourage them to make us pay for our crimes by inflicting the same kind of damage on us.

    So we can either keep letting them into the country and keep suffering this kind of attack or we can take a defensive posture and be careful about who we let into the country, in recognition of the fact that we've made many enemies.

  23. That photo really takes the cake.

  24. "Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands."

    Enough with the nonsense already. You sound like some paranoid stormfronter. What about muslim terrorist attacks on all the other non muslim countries in the world? The name of the game is kill the infidel.

  25. They must be so proud, now their sons are raping underage virgins in paradise.

  26. I'm surprised Steve Sailer has not yet mentioned (because he has not yet found out) that Tolstoy wrote a novella about an Avar. Let's see when he finally figures it out. He missed a golden opportunity in a previous blog about the Avars...

  27. Chechnya is the greatest country in the world; all other countries are run by little girls.

  28. pseudoerasmus4/25/13, 6:33 PM

    Steve hasn't yet glommed onto another ethnic angle for the Tsarnaev brothers. Their hometown in Kyrgyzstan, Tokmok, is a major centre of the Dungans. These are the descendants of the 19th century Han Chinese Muslims who revolted against the Qing (1862-1877). Tens of thousands of them fled en masse to Russian Central Asia. (Theirs is the only Chinese language written in an alphabet, in Cyrillic.)

    So obviously it's as simple as that : the Tsarnaev brothers were inspired by the first president of the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (Dzhokhar Dudayev) ; Tolstoy's Avar hero ; and those heroic Chinese rebels back home in Tokmok !

    Steve hasn't yet made enough out of these.

  29. atbotl:"Here's an update on David Sirota, the former AIPAC employee who was hoping fervently that the bomber was a white American. In a debate with "conservative" columnist Ben Shapiro, Shapiro said:

    "Racism exists. But it is not the dominant force in American life.Speaking of which, I do find it odd that Jews are considered members of the white privileged class when less than two generations ago, whites wouldn’t let us into their country clubs."

    To which Sirota replied

    "Re: Jews – as one, I agree on that point."

    Got that?"

    Has to be read in context. Sirota was claiming that Shapiro, a White guy, couldn't understand how vile and racist America is. Shapiro responded by employing the SWPL wannabe tactic of claiming that he is so oppressed. Sirota, similarly desirous of claiming victim-status, decided to roll with it....which is odd, because every time that I have seen a Jewish guy try that on my campus, he gets shredded by the PC police for claiming something that belongs to non-Whites.

  30. What is that sentence supposed to mean?

    It means he's a Jew, he agrees with the Jewish Shapiro that Jews should opt out of whiteness whenever they want to, that Jews aren't really white, not that bad sort of white, and that Jews should keep this whole arrangement on the DL so they have plausible deniability in front of the goyische kopfs.

  31. The dad looks cool.

  32. My question is, now that we are imparting violent clans, how much longer can we afford to try and prosecute criminals as individuals? Countries that have a long history of violent clans, from the ancient Middle East to China, usually responded to a murder by a clan member by not only killing the offender but by killing every relative they could get their hands on. As brutal as this sounds to Anglophonic ears it served a purpose and sometimes internal peace was only achieved by wiping entire families. I sincerely hope this never happens here but if we are continually terrorized by families like the Tsarnaevs we may not have a choice.


  33. I noticed some common points between the Tsarnaev brothers and Mohamed Merah of last year's Toulouse shootings:

    - a westernized (before, after) "French" 23 year old man of muslim country (Algeria) origin.

    - radicalized by his complicit older brother.

    - traveled to Af-Pak shortly before the crimes.

    - under police surveillance.

    - mother and father in denial afterwards.

    For some reason, it became a worldwide front page story only after the victims in the Jewish school happened to be Jews -and Israelis- The four military personnel shot at (3 killed) the precedent week were hardly mentioned in the press at the time.

    The MSM reacted with an eerie similar modus operandi: accusations directed at -French- extremists and neo-Nazis followed by preemptive defense of Muslims against stigmatization.

    Surprisingly no op-eds were written denouncing the irrational fears, racism or lack of inclusiveness of Jews, but instead came an outpouring of compassion, funds and protection from the French government.

  34. which provided an object lesson in North Caucasus Muslim worldviews, values, and interpersonal style

    So the Bomb Mom is a callous asshole. That much is clear. No what?

  35. Amanda Huggenkiss4/25/13, 7:45 PM

    See that girl, watch that scene, digging the Chechen Queen...

  36. Welp, this took a turn for the bizarre..

  37. Steve, do you know this guy?

  38. Has to be read in context. Sirota was claiming that Shapiro, a White guy, couldn't understand how vile and racist America is. Shapiro responded by employing the SWPL wannabe tactic of claiming that he is so oppressed. Sirota, similarly desirous of claiming victim-status, decided to roll with it....which is odd, because every time that I have seen a Jewish guy try that on my campus, he gets shredded by the PC police for claiming something that belongs to non-Whites.

    Yeah, that's bad form. The Jewish get-out-of-whiteness card is supposed to be played on whites or honorary-white elite non-whites, and used only sparingly, with great finesse, on rank-and-file non-whites.

  39. If I had a mother like that, I would - well, prob. not bomb the Boston Marathon - but at least mash up castor beans.

  40. "My question is, now that we are imparting violent clans, how much longer can we afford to try and prosecute criminals as individuals? Countries that have a long history of violent clans, from the ancient Middle East to China, usually responded to a murder by a clan member by not only killing the offender but by killing every relative they could get their hands on. As brutal as this sounds to Anglophonic ears it served a purpose and sometimes internal peace was only achieved by wiping entire families. I sincerely hope this never happens here but if we are continually terrorized by families like the Tsarnaevs we may not have a choice."

    How soon we forget that once Britain was famed for the appropriate punishment it meted out. This idea has British (Scottish) precedent. Google "Sawney Bean". It makes a lot of sense where groups have a lot of family or clan loyalty, but nothing after that. However, one has to be very, very sure.

    One should also consider that relatives may well know more than they let on about the murderer's crimes. If such punishments existed the calculus of betraying the murderer changes significantly - is betraying Djokhar worth saving his sister's or mother's or father's or brother's life?

    It is interesting that the Great Purge was enacted this way also (by Georgian Stalin of course). Many of the SI communists were executed, and not only that their families were as well. Poetic justice.

  41. JeremiahJohnbalaya4/25/13, 8:53 PM

    The name of the game is kill the infidel.

    As the Koran explicitly instructs.

  42. "We must look deep into our hearts to search for how we've failed this woman who came here due to her love of the Declaration of Independence and Emma Lazarus's poem,...."

    The Declaration of Independence? What's that? Now, Emma Lazarus's poem I recognize - that's one of the founding documents of our nation.

  43. The bomber dad looks way cool, kinda like Pete Townsend.

  44. The MSM reacted with an eerie similar modus operandi: accusations directed at -French- extremists and neo-Nazis followed by preemptive defense of Muslims against stigmatization.

    Because Northern Europeans (including the French) are the real enemy.

  45. The dad and the uncle look so Western. They should have married Brynn Mawr college coeds instead of these sad sack Lord & Taylor shoplifting babushkas.

  46. "Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands."

    Enough with the nonsense already. You sound like some paranoid stormfronter. What about muslim terrorist attacks on all the other non muslim countries in the world?

    Such as where? As Bin Laden once put to us: "...contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom.... [L]et him explain to us why we don't strike Sweden, for example."

    Famous Bin Laden quotes

    Or this one:

    "The war is between us and the Jews. Any country that steps into the same trench as the Jews has only itself to blame."

  47. We killed around 160 Muslim children with drone attacks, not to mention invading a bunch of Muslim countries. Understandably, this made many Muslims angry. A small but significant number of Muslims have so called "extreme" beliefs that would encourage them to make us pay for our crimes by inflicting the same kind of damage on us.

    So we can either keep letting them into the country and keep suffering this kind of attack or we can take a defensive posture and be careful about who we let into the country, in recognition of the fact that we've made many enemies.

    We could also recognize that we have conducted ourselves abominably and hurt people and attempt to make amends.

  48. The name of the game is kill the infidel.

    As the Koran explicitly instructs.

    That must have been the part that was plagiarized from the Old Testament.

  49. That anonymous from before4/25/13, 9:32 PM

    "We could also recognize that we have conducted ourselves abominably and hurt people and attempt to make amends."

    We can and should recognize that we've conducted ourselves abominably and hurt people.

    But there is no making amends, not any time soon anyway. In the Caucasus, people have long memories. Same for Afghanistan and the tribal parts of Pakistan.

    We can try to make amends if we want, but we should also take defensive precautions to protect ourselves, until they forgive us. It'll be a while.

  50. Are you fucking kidding me? Assuming you are talking about Afghanistan (harbored Bin laden) and Iraq (repeatedly violated UN Sanctions), go fuck yourself.

    In respect of Afghanistan, the initial aggressor (The United States-Israel) is not entitled to claim self defense.

    In respect of Iraq, violation of sanctions is not a casus belli under international law. Ironically, the very same authority you appeal to for the legitimacy of sanctions (the UN) expressly did not authorize the the United States to invade Iraq (however it came out on whether Iraq allegedly violated any sanctions). The war on Iraq was a war crime, plain and simple.

  51. It would be telling to follow the local Chechen media's reaction to this press conference.

  52. "Such as where? As Bin Laden once put to us: "...contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom.... [L]et him explain to us why we don't strike Sweden, for example.""

    Someone didn't get the memo: "Hating Sweden for its Freedoms".

  53. We can try to make amends if we want, but we should also take defensive precautions to protect ourselves, until they forgive us. It'll be a while.

    We must do both. I am all for tightening border security, building fences, and enacting a 50-year moratorium on immigration.

    But if I had to choose between "defensive precautions" (beyond the normal baseline of any country) and ceasing our aggression and injustice I would choose the latter. We will never be impervious to threats (at home, much less abroad) and "defensive precautions" have their own costs. The fiscal price may be the least of it, as it shifts enormous power to a centralized government, impacts our way of life, and brings with it serious political risks.

    Moreover, there is a logic behind which countries are targeted for terrorism. Countries, by their own conduct (aside from precautions), can obviously control to a substantial degree the kind of risks they face.

    But there is no making amends, not any time soon anyway.

    I am not nearly so pessimistic. Cutting aid and other support to Israel and pressuring it to (i) extend equal rights to its Gentiles, and (ii) give reparations to the refugees that were forced to flee the Zionist onslaught would be a remarkable start.

  54. It would be telling to follow the local Chechen media's reaction to this press conference.

    I agree. In general, it would be fascinating to know what the reaction has been by the press and people of Chechnya and Dagestan.

  55. "The bomber dad looks way cool, kinda like Pete Townsend."

    Bommy can you hear me? Bommy can you hear me?

    I must say, great drama queens these chechens.

    Most families hide their faces when stuff like this happens.
    Tho bomb clan can't get enough of the media spotlight. Makes Evita seem like a nun.


  56. Dr Van Nostrand4/26/13, 12:32 AM

    Middle-aged American men just aren't comfortable wearing sunglasses for extended stretchs when they aren't driving, hiking, or at the beach."

    Yup, he lost me the indoor glasses too. In the old countries however itstill signifies you are cool,dangerous and/or of some importance.

  57. Thursday Blues4/26/13, 5:54 AM

    "Pochinko said...

    They must be so proud, now their sons are raping underage virgins in paradise."

    -Well, one of them is, anyway- the younger one turned out to be an underachiever. Guess its too much these days to expect both sons to reach for the gold.

  58. Along with Afghanistan and Iraq, you also need to include Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, and Libya, and probably some other places we haven't heard of yet. Counting Islamic fundamentalists as all being on one team and the US/NATO on the other, the ratio of dead civilians on each side is stunningly one-sided. We've killed a hell of a lot of Muslims per American killed. (And just to complicate the accounting, some of the Americans killed were Muslim, and some of the foreigners we've killed since 9/11 weren't.) Lots of terrorists and would-be terrorists cite this as a reason for attacking us, but I have no idea whether they'd just find another reason to attack us otherwise. We're sort of the public face of Western industrial democracy, so in some sense we're a natural target if you're trying to strike at the whole Western Christian world in some symbolic way. These guys are/were Chechen, and it's kind-of a stretch to see how we're supoosed to be responsible for the Russian government's brutal suppression of their rebellion. (What, because we didn't restart the cold war over it, or threaten a country with a vast nuclear arsenal?)

    I'd rather we avoided attemtps to make amends--I can imagine that working out badly in a variety of ways. Instead, let's just stop blowing people up and bombing their countries and invading them and kidnapping and torturing people. This has the virtue of being something we can certainly get right--just stop pushing down on the "fire" buttoon. Also, as far as I can tell, the ongoing bombings are probably not actually helping US security at all, and may be making it worse, so there's not really much cost to stopping. Maybe we can furlough the drone pilots and CIA analysts playing the Great Game in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    We could also stop subsidizing Israel, but however much our suoport for Israel makes for a good reason to hate us, it's fantasy to think that if our subsidies stopped, Israel would give the Palestinians back their land or stop bombing them or whatever. They'd just raise their taxes a bit to cover the loss of free money from us, and go on doing what makes sense politically. The Israelis might need our help to strike nuclear targets in Iran, but keeping the churchmouse-poor, divided, governed-by-gangsters Palestinians beaten down is something they can afford perfectly well on their own.

    We should cut out the subsidies to Israel--they can pay their own bills. We should stop bombing people all over the Muslim world--it's not doing any good, and is leaving a lot of dead and maimed civilians. We should do both those things regardless of whether the next bomb brothers will be convinced to strike somewhere else or not--the terrorist theeat to us is tiny and massively oversold to sell papers and justify huge secret budgets and power grabs in the government. There are few policies ar any large scale that should be changed based on the fear of a pair of bomb brothers per year striking us, since that impact is actually lost in the noise of random car wrecks and murders and such.

  59. >"Anzor Tsarnaev responded sharply to a reporter who asked why Tamerlan had felt that he did not fit in among Americans, once saying he did not have any friends. 'That’s not true,' Mr. Tsarnaev said. 'He have a lot of friends. I know these friends.'"

    We would say that in order to dispel the impression that our son hated America.

    However, you can bet your last dollar that they are saying it to dispute that their son was unpopular.

    "Of course my son was popular! He had MANY friends. I know these friends."

  60. " How To Spot A Chechen "


    "I am one of 100,000 Chechens in Moscow. There are another 30,000 Ingush living here. Together, we belong to the “Vainakh” ethnolinguistic group and make up roughly one per cent of Moscow’s population.

    Yet very few Muscovites have any idea what we look like, or what makes us different from other “chernozhopye” (“black-asses,” a pejorative used by Russians when referring to peoples from the Northern and Southern Caucasus, as well as those from Central Asia)."

  61. "local Chechen media"

    lol what?!

  62. http://www.thornwalker.com/ditch/nowicki_oblivion.htm

  63. Chechenian Rhapsody


  64. Dr Van Nostrand said:"And of course, Jews like Oliver Stone have long insisted that the CIA, FBI, US MILITARY, CUBANS, JOHNSON, MAFIA, and even some rich rightwing New Orleans fairy were in on the plot. "

    Please drop the idiotic Oliver Stone as Jew bit. Unless you want to insist that like all Jews he is a big fan of Arafat and is thrilled on his converting to Islam in Iran.


    ALL CAPS ANON, is clearly intelligent but mentally ill. I say this not as an insult, but as an observation. Every once in awhile, ALL CAPS ANON will make a good point in between explosions of bizarre wordplay and references to old movies as supporting evidence for his/her claims. Sometimes ALL CAPS ANON strikes me as a WN version of Cable Guy.

    Recently, outlandish, off-topic anti-semitism
    has reduced the once impressive quality of the commentary here at iSteve. I too find it frustrating. However, ALL CAPS ANON's obviously disordered thought process is unrelated to this trend, so just let him/her be.

    BTW, this is emphatically not an attempt to label reasoned Judeoskeptic positions as mental illness.

    -The Judean People's Front

  65. Dr Van Nostrand4/26/13, 10:48 AM

    Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands."

    How can we forget the footage of the cruel tyrant George W Bush smirking with his cigar juxtaposed with his leveling of Grozny on orders from the Israel lobby?

    Didnt we all how Ariel Sharon whispered so ominously into his ear only a few weeks before?

    Why did Bush choose to wear a yarmulka and pray at the wailing wall the very next day?

    Why did Israeli companies get the lions share for contracts in the oil and diamond region chechen region?

    Why didnt the silly chechens turn to the anti NWO and anti Israel Vladmir Putin for assistance in recovering their homeland!

  66. David said...We would say that in order to dispel the impression that our son hated America.However, you can bet your last dollar that they are saying it to dispute that their son was unpopular.

    Bingo, David.

    The subtext here is "Our son so strong and handsome. Our son great genius. Everybody love him. "

    These types are laughably predictable.

    -The Judean People's Front

  67. Dr Van Nostrand said: Why didnt the silly chechens turn to the anti NWO and anti Israel Vladmir Putin for assistance in recovering their homeland!

    Don't you get it Dr. Van Nostrand? Just like Jim Crow explains the decline of Detroit, Harare, and Johannesburg, Zionist perfidy must explain every single act of violence by any Muslim anywhere in the world. Contrary to the MSM's staunchly hereditarian narrative, it's the environment, not the genes!!!

    -The Judean People's Front

  68. Muslims are understandably upset that Zionist America has been invading their countries, killing their people, and clearing them off their homelands."

    How can we forget the footage of the cruel tyrant George W Bush smirking with his cigar juxtaposed with his leveling of Grozny on orders from the Israel lobby?

    Didnt we all how Ariel Sharon whispered so ominously into his ear only a few weeks before?

    Why did Bush choose to wear a yarmulka and pray at the wailing wall the very next day?

    Why did Israeli companies get the lions share for contracts in the oil and diamond region chechen region?

    Why didnt the silly chechens turn to the anti NWO and anti Israel Vladmir Putin for assistance in recovering their homeland!


    "Free Palestine"
    --Djhokhar Tsarnoff 11/28/12

  69. "Please drop the idiotic Oliver Stone as Jew bit. Unless you want to insist that like all Jews he is a big fan of Arafat and is thrilled on his converting to Islam in Iran."

    It's just Stone playing the 'bad boy'. It's a shtick, not to be taken seriously.

  70. An interesting piece on the current Russia/Chechnya situation, with a lot of detail relating to themes discussed on this blog, albeit appearing in an odd forum:

    Putin’s Medieval Peace Pact in Chechnya

    There's even some interesting so-far-unfiltered discussion in the comments regarding Russian methods of actually trying to understand how ethnic groups think and why they do what they do, contrasted with American notions that everybody is ready to follow he path to liberal democracy.

  71. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/04/26/a_conversation_with_the_mother_of_the_tsaernaevs

    "They Were 'Gentle, Loving, and Tender, Like Girls'"

    Maybe like Chechen girls.

  72. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_ISRAEL_CULTURAL_WAR?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-04-25-17-14-20

  73. Moms is turning out to be the Bombing Borat Brothers Brouhaha's Baghdad Bob.

    Slap a pair of specs on her schnoz, fatten her up a bit, and she would make it through at least the first round of a "Separated at Birth" contest.

    Is that catty? When it comes to mass murder, we can be a bit catty, I should think.

  74. "-The Judean People's Front"


    -People's Front of Judea.

  75. "The war is between us and the Jews. Any country that steps into the same trench as the Jews has only itself to blame."

    I think you are actually stupid enough to believe that.

    So, what's his motive for the lie?

  76. Ex Submarine Officer4/26/13, 5:01 PM

    They certainly look like the sort of people who have and pursue vendettas.

  77. Scoundrels!!! Saboteurs!!! Hairless slave boys!!! I knew you traitorous, deviationist, PJF f*cks would show up sooner or later and ruin the discussion.

    I'll gladly work with even the Romans to rid the land of your filth. Catamite PJF swine, your wives and daughters are our playthings!!!

    - The Judean People's Front

  78. The body languange and dress of the women in the picture is like something from Tolstoy's time. They look like it, and they act like it. Sometimes predjudice is correct.

  79. Dr Van Nostrand:

    If the US vanished from the Earth, do you really think there would be a worldwide Islamic caliphate? How do they beat, say, Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Korea, etc? How do they even unite enough to beat Israel?

    Alongside that, the Muslim world isn't exactly what you'd call united, and isn't going to be anytime soon. Without oil, they mostly wouldn't have enough resources to trouble anyone at all. There is simply no way to build them up into some Evil Empire like threat or something. They're just not up to the job.

  80. "What about muslim terrorist attacks on all the other non muslim countries in the world?"

    Such as where?

    India,Russia and China for one you idiot.

    These countries are all attempting to impose their will on Muslim majorities and in some cases take their land from them. In these conflicts, Muslims are acting out of self defense.

    Spain and UK only have half hearted relations with Israel

    Hogwash. The UK was a key instigator of the invasion of Iraq and has played a leading role in the 60-year "peace process" charade that provides cover to the Zionists destruction of the Palestinian people. See also Balfour Declaration.

    "We reserve the right to retaliate... against all countries that take part in this unjust war, namely Britain, Spain, Australia, Poland, Japan and Italy."
    --Osama, February 2003

  81. OBL's primary beef was with Saudi Arabia for allowing U.S troops on its soil.


    The Palestine cause is the mother of all Islamic causes.

    --Osama, An Open Letter to King Fahd (1995)

  82. Just FYI Al Qaeda attacks Arab and other Muslim countries as well such Saudis(no relations with Israel),

    But, in deed, friendly to American (read: Israeli) aggression and meddling in the region, such as the 1991 invasion of Iraq. The Kingdom was seen by Bin Laden, other Saudi dissidents as selling out Muslims, and in particular the Palestinians. This view was probably widely held by the general population though I have no hard date immediately at my fingertips.

    For all its oil wealth, and supposed leverage that arises therefrom, the Saudi hasn't lifted a finger 40 years to pressure the United States or Israel to agree to a just peace and end Israel's persecution of Palestinian Gentiles.

    Egypt(cold relations with Israel),

    Again, maybe in word, but not in deed. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel, which undercut Arab unity on the Palestinian question. Egypt also supplied Israel with energy (gas pipeline) even as it has rained destruction on Gaza and Lebanon and bulldozed Gentile homes in the West Bank to clear space for Zionist Jews. Mubarak was widely seen, even among moderate Egyptians, as a U.S. puppet.

    Jordan(cold relations with Israel)

    Wrong. Relations with Israel are cordial. And Jordan also signed a treaty with Israel.

  83. The U.S was part of a huge coalition to oust Saddam Hussain which included many Middle Eastern countries as troops.Guess which country WASNT part of this enterprise in 1991..Im waiting...

    Um, let me guess, Israel? As usual, it hung out while others did its dirty work. The US effectively acts as an Israeli agent in the Middle East. Many wars have been fought for Israel.

    BTW your misunderstood martyr Osama Bin Laden also wails over Al Andalus ie Muslim Spain (where Jews as well Muslims were deported by Catholics)

    Hardly. Osama's peace offer to the United States included three, and only three, conditions:

    (1) Just treatment of Palestinian Gentiles.
    (2) An end to the U.S. occupation of Saudi Arabia.
    (3) An end to the killing sanctions against Iraqis.

    Eminently reasonable. So much so, that the U.S. set about attempting to address 2 and 3. It's master Israel prevents it from addressing 1.

  84. Mother Blows Best

  85. Dr Van Nostrand4/27/13, 3:33 AM

    Such as where?

    India,Russia and China for one you idiot.

    These countries are all attempting to impose their will on Muslim majorities and in some cases take their land from them. In these conflicts, Muslims are acting out of self defense."

    LOL, you sound like a member of CAIR.Anyway doesnt that contradict your point? You said Israel was the main thorn in Al Qaeda side. I pointed out there are other countries where Al Qaeda is involved in and now you respond by justifying their actions.Are you for real?

    Spain and UK only have half hearted relations with Israel

    Hogwash. The UK was a key instigator of the invasion of Iraq "
    LOL ,that would be news to the British media and public who were deadset against the war.

    and has played a leading role in the 60-year "peace process" charade that provides cover to the Zionists destruction of the Palestinian people. See also Balfour Declaration."

    Yup, the Balfour declaration along with the promise of autonomy for the Kurds and Syrians. All of which came to pass IMMEDIATELY

    "We reserve the right to retaliate... against all countries that take part in this unjust war, namely Britain, Spain, Australia, Poland, Japan and Italy."
    --Osama, February 2003

    Oh jeez...hearty support for Israel is one thing and the coalition of the Iraq war is the other.You will have to do better than parrot Al Qaeda talking points.

  86. Dr Van Nostrand4/27/13, 3:55 AM

    NOTA said...
    Dr Van Nostrand:

    If the US vanished from the Earth, do you really think there would be a worldwide Islamic caliphate? How do they beat, say, Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Korea, etc? How do they even unite enough to beat Israel?

    I never said I believe they would acheive their beloved Caliphate without U.S . My point was that U.S was their main obstacle to this goal and not Israel(which they see alternately as Americas cats paw and Americas puppet master as some deranged posters here)

    4/26/13, 10:33 PM
    Anonymous said...
    OBL's primary beef was with Saudi Arabia for allowing U.S troops on its soil.


    The Palestine cause is the mother of all Islamic causes.

    --Osama, An Open Letter to King Fahd (1995)

    And 1991 Gulf war was "the mother of all wars". If it werent for Israel ,no one would give a shit about Palestinians. Palestinians were under foreign Arab rule from 1948-1967,somehow there was no intifada,why?

    4/26/13, 10:38 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Just FYI Al Qaeda attacks Arab and other Muslim countries as well such Saudis(no relations with Israel),

    But, in deed, friendly to American (read: Israeli) aggression"

    Not really. Kissinger helped curb Israeli aggression which compelled it to give up the Sinai

    and meddling in the region, such as the 1991 invasion of Iraq.

    Israel instigated the 1991 war-LOL seriously. I suppose it wasnt the Republican guard which rolled into Kuwait but cleverly disguised Sayaret Matkal commandos.

    For all its oil wealth, and supposed leverage that arises therefrom, the Saudi hasn't lifted a finger 40 years to pressure the United States or Israel to agree to a just peace and end Israel's persecution of Palestinian Gentiles. "

    Are you really this ignorant?What was the oil embargo of the 1970s all about- a retaliation for the ban of Saudis visiting Vegas perhaps?

    Egypt(cold relations with Israel),

    Again, maybe in word, but not in deed."

    Jeez, seriously?

    Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel, which undercut Arab unity on the Palestinian question. Egypt also supplied Israel with energy (gas pipeline) even as it has rained destruction on Gaza and Lebanon and bulldozed Gentile homes in the West Bank to clear space for Zionist Jews."

    Yes...and it got back Sinai in return.Egypt wasnt provided free gas to Israel LOL.
    Israel offered Gaza to Egypt but they didnt want it. regarding Gaza and Lebanon, you seem to leave out Hamas and Hezbollah, gee I wonder why?

    Mubarak was widely seen, even among moderate Egyptians, as a U.S. puppet."

    You mean like how Gamal Abdel Nasser was the Soviet puppet?

    Jordan(cold relations with Israel)

    Wrong. Relations with Israel are cordial. "

    And Jordan also signed a treaty with Israel.

    Do you even know what a cold peace means? Are you really this dense. It doesnt preclude any type of diplomatic relations.The point is they are less than friendly.

  87. Dr Van Nostrand4/27/13, 4:04 AM

    The U.S was part of a huge coalition to oust Saddam Hussain which included many Middle Eastern countries as troops.Guess which country WASNT part of this enterprise in 1991..Im waiting...

    Um, let me guess, Israel? As usual, it hung out while others did its dirty work. The US effectively acts as an Israeli agent in the Middle East. Many wars have been fought for Israel."

    The 1991 Iraq was America doing Israel's dirty work for them?LOL that would be news to Saudis and Kuwaits.You seem to be the type to believe that Saddam was some renegade Zionist agent!

    BTW your misunderstood martyr Osama Bin Laden also wails over Al Andalus ie Muslim Spain (where Jews as well Muslims were deported by Catholics)

    Hardly. Osama's peace offer to the United States included three, and only three, conditions:

    (1) Just treatment of Palestinian Gentiles.
    (2) An end to the U.S. occupation of Saudi Arabia.
    (3) An end to the killing sanctions against Iraqis.

    Eminently reasonable. "

    Only to dhimmis and useful idiots such as yourself

    So much so, that the U.S. set about attempting to address 2 and 3. It's master Israel prevents it from addressing 1."

    LOL ,I dont doubt you believe that.
    However lets say it is true. Do you really believe that they would leave you alone and not press any further.
    Again you seem to swallow wholeheartedly the Al Qaeda codswallop about the evvillll joooos and the hapless oppressed Muslims.I suppose you believe the Taliban is giving you a steal on some Buddha statues in Kandahar.

  88. If you want people to read that crap, you're going to have to learn to use HTML tags. It's no biggie; a 3rd-grader could do it.

  89. Dr Van Nostrand4/28/13, 1:16 AM

    If you want people to read that crap, you're going to have to learn to use HTML tags. It's no biggie; a 3rd-grader could do it."

    LOL, I guess you have a point. With long posts, mere quotation marks may not cut it


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