April 22, 2013

Washington Post: "Lawmakers stoking fear of immigrants"

Lawmakers stoking fear of immigrants

By Editorial Board, Monday, April 22, 4:44 PM 
CYNICS IN CONGRESS, eager to derail landmark legislation to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system, have seized on last week’s events in Boston as a pretext to slow momentumon the issue. In the process, they may unwittingly provide a push for the very bill they hope to derail. 
With scant regard for the actual immigration status of the bombing suspects, who came to this country legally as minors, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) nonetheless framed the attacks in Boston in the context of the debate over immigration. ...
Just what flaws in the immigration system are the senators talking about? The failure to divine the future and predict that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was a teenager when his family immigrated, and his surviving brother, Dzhokhar, who was 9, might become radicalized years after arriving? ...
From what is publicly known, if any governmental failure allowed the suspects to slip through the cracks — and that’s far from certain at this point — it was an intelligence failure, not an immigration failure.

To preserve immigration, we must build the Panopticon Surveillance State. To continue to invite the world, we must invade the world.

All of which will provide even more jobs for subscribers in the Washington Post's home delivery zone.


  1. Meanwhile, Canadians arrested two vibrant members, both legally in Canada, for plotting to blow up Toronto suburban train. Supposedly, Al Qaeda-supported:


    The NYT solution: let in more Tunisians and give them more dough.

  2. All of which will provide even more jobs for subscribers in the Washington Post's home deliver zone.

    Suddenly you forget who/whom and think it's about money again?

    They're not going to give you a job. Get over it.

  3. "it was an intelligence failure, not an immigration failure."

    It was both.

  4. if any governmental failure allowed the suspects to slip through the cracks...

    So they are holding out the possibility of no government failure; it is just the way the world is. Get used to it. Burn the village.

  5. Apparently it would be too much to ask that they show a tiny bit of respect for their opponents and try to understand where they're coming from, perhaps find some common ground for compromise.

    No, Charles Grassley has to be opposing immigration reform because he's Pure Evil and wants to drown immigrants in New York Bay. It couldn't be any more nuanced than that.

  6. From what is publicly known, if any governmental failure allowed the suspects to slip through the cracks — and that’s far from certain at this point — it was an intelligence failure, not an immigration failure.

    And what about 9-11, and the guys who overstayed their visas? It sure as heck didn't involve Iraq. But that didn't stop the powers that be from using it to advance their agenda by blowing a trillion, killing thousands and wasting a decade in the desert.

    So if our side gets to use the Boston bombing to defend our nation, so be it.

  7. Has McCain gotten around yet to saying 'Today,we are all Chechens'?

  8. Ex Submarine Officer4/22/13, 10:22 PM

    As the smoke cleared from 9/11, I thought,"well, now we'll finally end this immigration insanity".

    We didn't end the immigration insanity, which was only in comparative infancy then to what it is now, 9/11 was a far greater horror than the Boston Marathon bombing, and the tyranny of PC was much less stifling in that relatively innocent era.

    So, while I wish Grassley et al, well, I don't have any confidence that this sort of rhetoric will have much more effect than a BB on a rhino hide.

  9. I fully expect by the end of the week they will dredge up an anti-Comprehensive muttering or tweet from one or both of the Bomb Bros, maybe one criticized Mexico once, and then declare the all-important tractor-beam peasant-importation bill must be passed immediately to send a message to all terrorists. "We can't give into such blackmail," Schumer will decree. Stand up for Boston by liquidating the existing population for bilingual merger.

  10. In post-competence America it won't imperil the job of FBI director-for-life Mueller--not that the President really seems to care much who's in charge of the FBI, Pentagon, DHS, whatever, while the lame duck's OFA war chest needs tending. We must get back to the people's business; shelter in place

  11. Auntie Analogue4/22/13, 11:06 PM

    When you have seen Government tanks grinding through your megalopolis's locked-down streets, supported by massed assault battalions of tactical black and camo armor-clad armed-to-the-teeth police infantry, you know that your country is irremediably, irredeemably FUBAR.

    As 1965 dawned we had the solitary cloth-uniformed beat cop, packing heat no warmer than a .38 Police Service six-shooter. Then came Teddyquiddickennedy's holier-than-thou Immigration Bill.

    Also in 1965 there came this:

    "They're selling postcards of the hanging.
    They're painting the passports brown;
    the beauty parlor's filled with sailors;
    the circus is in town.

    "Here comes the blind Commissioner,
    they've got him in a trance:
    one hand is tied to the tightrope walker, the other is in his pants.

    "And the Riot Squad, they're restless, they need somewhere to go. As lady and I look out tonight from Desolation Row."

  12. Then came Teddyquiddickennedy's holier-than-thou Immigration Bill.

    Why don't you blame the guy who wrote that bill and the one who signed into law? Hint, their names are not Kennedy.

    The beauty of a well-played political move is having it blamed on others.

  13. Auntie Analogue4/23/13, 12:31 AM

    Dear Anonymous 11:48 -

    I know Teddyquiddick neither wrote, nor sponsored that bill. But he used his Kennedy political capital heft to muscle that bill through the Senate. Without Kennedy's support that bill may have very well passed not into law, but into oblivion.


    "The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965....was proposed by United States Representative Emanuel Celler of New York, co-sponsored by United States Senator Philip Hart of Michigan and heavily supported by United States Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts."

    Yes, "heavily supported."

  14. You gotta give the Jewish-controlled media some credit. They never give an inch. Even when they should be on the defensive and apologizing, they go on the offensive and accuse the other side with venom.

    Suppose the bombers had been white rightists. Most anglo-cons would be in sorryass conciliatory mode.

    In the 40s and 50s, many Jews sided with Soviet union and global communism. The Jewish community should be apologizing for their role in this, but instead they accuse the anti-communist right of having been 'fascist paranoid' and elevate Jewish communists and leftist to saint status.

    Jews bite and fight just like chechens and never give an inch.

    We need to chechenize ourselves. Anglo-Americanism is so over. It turned into gutless Ken Burnsy prostration before Jews, gays, Negroes, and illegals.

    The likes of David Souter. Yuck!

  15. Two immigrants blow up a crowd of Americans, and that has nothing to do with immigration? We give refuge and a passport to a foreigner who repays us in shrapnel?

    Chutzpah is a wonderful thing.

  16. Fear of immigrants, accusations of racism, xenophobia, nativism, etc etc -- it's all more or less the same. The media feels they occupy the moral high ground here, which is why they are so aggressive and unrelenting in their propaganda, regardless of the circumstances, and so brazen in their name-calling. It's ironic that the moral underpinnings in play here, which are being so ruthlessly exploited by the secular humanists in the media, have their roots in Christianity, a religion the media has done so much to marginalize.

  17. Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR.

    I must say I am grateful to the MSM for giving me so much insight for the past couple of decades into my real psychological state. Instead of the easily stokable, twitching, bulging-eyed mass of fears that I now know myself to be, I would still labor under the self-delusion that I tend toward the phlegmatic and deliberative in my reactions.

    The thing I haven't quite figured out yet, though, is how people like me can be the most boring, unemotional, dull, grey, non-vibrant creatures in the universe, stunted by logic and reason, desperately in need of jazzing up by the presence of more exuberant types, and at the same time these seething volcanoes of primitive passions, barely able to make sense of the world in terms more complex and nuanced than kill or be killed.

    Help me out here, oh MSM sages.

  18. "Just what flaws in the immigration system are the senators talking about? The failure to divine the future and predict that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was a teenager when his family immigrated, and his surviving brother, Dzhokhar, who was 9, might become radicalized years after arriving? ..."

    How about the failure to divine that boys from notoriously violent Islamic war zones grow into young men from notoriously violent Islamic war zones?

  19. "As the smoke cleared from 9/11, I thought,"well, now we'll finally end this immigration insanity"."

    On 9/11 there were something like 12,000 Saudi "students" in America.

    There are currently over 100,000 running around loose in America.

  20. Ah, Teddy. The late, Great White Whale of Hyannisport has a lost minion trolling the threads. Two strident defenses on record.

    And you all think we're rid of them. The special election to replace Lurch Kerry in the Senate has been decreed by The Party to the useless backbencher Ed Markey, solely to keep it warm for the Next Generation, Joe Kennedy III (Joe Da Turd). What sort of Democrat is he? His Peace Corps assignments include "Anti-Poverty Consultant for the Office of the President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste". Look for him in the Presidential election of 2024!

  21. But did they come here legally? The story I read said they came here on tourists visas, then later applied for asylum. They may have been illegally for a time, if their tourist visas expired before the asylum application.

    Americans are generally quite sympathetic towards refugees. This blows a hole in that whole idea.

  22. Ah, Teddy. The late, Great White Whale of Hyannisport has a lost minion trolling the threads. Two strident defenses on record.

    I don't think the guy is defending Teddy. I think he, as well as others, want to know why no one mentions Emanuel Cellar, the guy who spent 40 years of his career in the House of Representatives working feverishly to overturn the 1924 Immigration Act. Cellar wrote the 1965 Act.

    The question is why do people not mention him today? Most guys on blogs like this think it has something to do with his ethnicity.

  23. Ah, Teddy. The late, Great White Whale of Hyannisport has a lost minion trolling the threads. Two strident defenses on record.

    I suppose that if a new immigration bill passes, you will be one of the ones to never mention Chuckie Schumer, the guy with the perfect SAT score who wrote the thing.

  24. The failure to divine the future and predict that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was a teenager when his family immigrated, and his surviving brother, Dzhokhar, who was 9, might become radicalized years after arriving?

    Yeah, how could anyone have possibly guessed that importing Chechen Muslims might turn out to be a problem?

  25. "overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system"

    Translated: Make democratic voters out of those invaders who are already enjoying defacto amnesty.

    Post-modern liberals are just horrible about regurgitating the same talking point word for word as if it was their very own original thought.

  26. Nah, guys, the Irish here in Boston make sure they tell you Teddy did it all himself. And even then, Greater Boston still has about 25,000 Irish illegals.

    Schumer was a reprehensible human long before this bill ever came to light.

    As far as Cellar goes, you have to ask that question on THIS blog? This is pretty much the only place I ever see him mentioned.


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