May 6, 2013

Post gay marriage

Now that the biggest issue in the history of the world, gay marriage, is winding down, what's next? Here's a big story in the New York Times tonight on what might be the next burning issue for ten or twenty years:

Changing Sex, and Changing Sports Teams
Tony Bias at a court near his home. After his announcement that he is transgender was greeted with taunts, he decided not to try out for the boys’ basketball team.
California could become the first state to guarantee that transgender students are allowed to play school sports on teams that match their gender identity.


  1. Ha ha ha. The outcome is going to be so predictable.

    Lots of guys who can't make it in the big-boys league will claim that their gender identity is female.

    They will drive all the females, including the lesbians, out of sport.

  2. Didn't Joe Biden already say that "discrimination" against trans-sexuals was the great civil rights issue of our day?

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if trans-sexualism shortly became our new national obsession. Who thought two decades ago that we would one day become fixated on same-sex marriage, which at that time probably struck most people as being self-evidently oxymoronic?

    The whole notion of trans-sexualism/trans-genderism/whateverism is pretty illustrative of the growing separation between the modern Left and objective reality. When leftist ideologies of egalitarianism and sexual liberation come into conflict with observable reality, the left takes refuge in solipsism: anyone can be any sex/gender that he/she/it wants to be.

    Common sense tells us that close, continuing contact between men and women will inevitably result in sexual tension. The modern Left celebrates the growing role of women in the military, and then throws up its hands in astonishment at the increase in instances, real or imagined, of sexual assault.

    Common sense tells us that many homosexuals hankering to become Boy Scout troop leaders might not be acting out of the most pristine of motives. The modern Left decries this attitude, and says that the Boy Scouts are being evil and discriminatory in not allowing homosexuals to go traipsing into the woods with a bevy of boys. I have to wonder, will leftists apologize when this policy is dropped and a scout leader Sandusky inevitably emerges?

  3. As Feminists, we demand an end to cruel oppression. Ban segregated sports teams! We hold these truths to be self evident, that men and womyn are equal, except where womyn are superior.

    We've had enough of the conspiracy to deprive us of our human rights by keeping us down with gender-determined teams. We demand single, fair, inclusive all-gender teams in every sport!

    We're mad as hell!


  4. Ha ha ha. The outcome is going to be so predictable.

    Lots of guys who can't make it in the big-boys league will claim that their gender identity is female.

    They will drive all the females, including the lesbians, out of sport.
    5/6/13, 9:47 PM Yeah, it like letting an Eastern German swimmer on the loose.

  5. Onionization of America.

    KKK at Oberlin, Lena Dunham is a sex symbol, famous and adored gay 'comes out', and movie at 11.

    If we took today's news stories in a time machine to the 80s, people would think it's mad magazine stuff.

    But at least we have Twilight and Alice Cullen.

  6. Anonymous (5/6/13, 9:47 PM) wrote...

    "Ha ha ha. The outcome is going to be so predictable.

    Lots of guys who can't make it in the big-boys league will claim that their gender identity is female.

    They will drive all the females, including the lesbians, out of sport.

    Gender reassignment surgery is normally an abomination, but in this case, it makes a lot of sense.

    Any dude who would claim female "identity" in order to play on the ladies team already IS a pu**y ... so he might as well have a pu**y.

  7. Fallon Fox belives she can fight woman at her same weight class because her doctors tell her that her hormone levels are at a point that negates any advantage of being born a man. This clearly puts estrogen into the category of PED. She could not compete without it.
    Logically, then, a girl must be able to take testosterone in order to compete with boys. As long as the girl's hormone levels are in line with what is considered normal for a man. Which man, Michael Jordan?
    The inevitable result is that one day, you will be watching sports with men using what nature gave them competing with steroid pumping women.

  8. These days Why can't a male claim discrimination when trying to join a women's sports team? Given that "discrimination" has been interpreted to insane lengths, how can there still be sex based sports teams? A way to destroy title 9.

  9. Great. I already have to worry about my teen sons being squashed by the 200lb Samoan rugby boys. Now i have to worry about my 100lb daughter being squashed by a 200lb fa'afafine soccer girl?'afafine

  10. @ William:

    "Common sense tells us that many homosexuals hankering to become Boy Scout troop leaders might not be acting out of the most pristine of motives. The modern Left decries this attitude, and says that the Boy Scouts are being evil and discriminatory in not allowing homosexuals to go traipsing into the woods with a bevy of boys. I have to wonder, will leftists apologize when this policy is dropped and a scout leader Sandusky inevitably emerges?"

    With respect, I don't think you're thinking this through. There always have been, and always will be, gay scout leaders, just as there always have been, and always will be, gay athletic coaches, gay sailors, gay soldiers - not to mention gay priests!

    The question is, would you prefer them to be *in* the closet, or *out* of the closet?

    Put it this way: would you feel safer sending your son on a camping trip with (in the closet) Jerry Sandusky? or (our of the closet) Andrew Sullivan?

    I'd call that an easy call. Admittedly, Sullivan might bore the poor kid half to death with homosexualist propaganda, but I'd guess he'd be much less likely to try buggering him on the sly.


  11. The LGBTQ issues are coming on strong because white liberals don't like talking about race. They allow a certain discussion on it because their base demands it but they actually don't like talking about it, at all.

    This is why many people of color feel marginalized when gay issues are treated with higher regard than, say, the fact that black America has been decimated economically in a way that's not been seen for over a century, despite the abolishment of all legalized racism (against blacks that is) and de-facto affirmative action in favor.

    These issues serve their purpose to wedge the focus of the liberal establishment.

  12. Juwanna Mann! Imagine the hilarious scenarios that follow. What is the beauty of life if you can't pick everything of value in our civilization and smash it on the ground like a child.

  13. No discussion of "sex change" and athletics would be complete without this classic account of Renee Richards (ne/nee Richard Raskin) taking on Chris Evert:

  14. It was reported briefly a couple months ago that some police stations in this city were building separate bathrooms for cops who weren't 'comfortable' using the other traditional M-F ones. The implication was that they were planning on getting transgendered cops. One blog claimed that they already had some such cases on the force. We were told a long time ago that civil rights laws wouldn't lead to quota systems but here we have it

  15. Chicago:

    It's getting ridiculous. Are we going to have separate restrooms and locker rooms and showers for every obscure combination of real and perceived gender? That will be impractical. Where this is headed is that everyone of every real and perceived gender will have to go in one big shower.

  16. most governing bodies for major international sports have regulated this for decades by testing for chromosomes. phenotypic gender is not relevant for purposes of international competition. or at least, most of the time. these organizations are usually good at following their own rules. only once in a while is their an odd gender case.

    generally speaking you're XX or XY and that's it, anything else and you're probably out. XXX or XXY and it's a problem. or fragments of Ys.

    liberals will push for XY sex changed men to compete with women, of course. already there is a case in MMA where an XY lopped his penis off and decided to start beating up women.

    i guess the cultural marxists have even gotten to the people who run UFC, since not only do they now promote female matches, when only 5 years ago they swore up and down that that was utterly stupid and something they would never do, but now they punish guys under UFC contract if they speak out about how retarded it is for men to beat up women as long as they are on hormones and snipped their dong, as they did with matt mitrione.

  17. transgender bathrooms will probably be the real fight, though. not transgender sports. sometime in the next decade or two, we'll begin to hear the the outraged cries from year 2020 liberals about how stupid we were as a society for 300 years to have segregated men's and women's restrooms. what foolishness, what old world tyrannical conservative backwardness. why, it's practically the same as segregated water fountains. you aren't a bigot, are you? are you? then why would you object to the end of restrooms segregated by gender?

    i can easily see a National Restroom Act, similar to the Americans with Disabilities act, which inflicted upon us 18 empty handicapped parking spaces in front of every major retail store. i'm old enough to remember when those spaces weren't all reserved for ghost vehicles, and you could often just drive right up to the store.

    someday i'll be the racist old codger who remembers when there were seperate men's and women's bathrooms, when cars burned deadly explosive gasoline to make themselves go, and that there were white athletes in any sport.

  18. @Anonymous (5/7/13, 4:47 AM),

    "The comment about the Jew/shiksa dyke dichotomy is spot on. An
    athlete at a 35% Jewish college, I had regular contact with a lot of the woman athletes, and other than one girl on the heavyweight crew boat, none were Jewish.

    My own conservative estimate of the percentage of female athletes at my school were lesbians was about 70%.

    Just curious where you went to school, what sport you played, and what women's sports had the highest percentages of lesbians, and highest percentages of heterosexuals.

    My own experiences were first as a 2 sport athlete at a small, Midwestern liberal arts college with a near 100% gentile student body, then later, at a larger, more prestigious university with a significant number of Jewish students.

    Always found the female track athletes to be predominantly heterosexual (excepting the female shot putters) and ripe for the picking.

  19. It looks like real women won't be winning in track-n-field anymore.

    Lemme see... it's illegal to use steroids and other hormones to compete in sports... but it's okay for a man to undergo hormone therapy and operation to compete as a 'woman' against real women.

    I guess feminists have to bend over to the legbit lobby.

    But then, Jews can play as both whites and non-whites, as both capitalist and socialist. Bideological.

  20. "Actually, rape is about power. So, only hetero men can rape because they have he power. "

    and hetero women should rape because they have no power.

    "Who thought two decades ago that we would one day become fixated on same-sex marriage, which at that time probably struck most people as being self-evidently oxymoronic?"

    so retro...

    "A middle ground might be to fight for same sex marriage and its benefits, and then, once granted, redefine the institution completely, to demand the right to marry not as a way of adhering to society's moral codes but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution." -- Michelangelo Signorile, "Bridal Wave," OUT Magazine, December/January 1994, p.161

    "It [gay marriage] is also a chance to wholly transform the definition of family in American culture. It is the final tool with which to dismantle all sodomy statutes, get education about homosexuality and AIDS into public schools, and, in short, usher in a sea of change in how society views and treats us." -- Michelangelo Signorile, "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do," OUT Magazine, May 1996, p.30

  21. Ha ha ha. The outcome is going to be so predictable.

    It's actually much worse than that. The WN blogger known as Yggdrasil has a pretty good essay on this, about a (Jewish, IIRC?) cross-dresser who beat some poor girl at a tennis tournament Ygg attended. He managed to really drive home how offensive this is. Obscene, really. Creepy men who dress like girls so they can win games against women.

    It would be much more cricket to just have all the sports be co-ed. At least then we wouldn't have to endure 6', hairy men in skirts posing as women so they can win against women.

  22. The question is, would you prefer them to be *in* the closet, or *out* of the closet?

    I'd prefer they know goddamn well dad's nailing the closet shut and setting it on fire with them inside if they forget their place. Including even reports of the wrong sort of dialogue going on.

    When they're allowed out of the closet, they forget their place.

    No discussion of "sex change" and athletics would be complete without this classic account of Renee Richards (ne/nee Richard Raskin) taking on Chris Evert

    That's the one.

    We were told a long time ago that civil rights laws wouldn't lead to quota systems but here we have it

    How can anyone with a car know that's not bullshit? Do people not see the perpetually-empty best five goddamn parking spaces everywhere they go?

    already there is a case in MMA where an XY lopped his penis off and decided to start beating up women.

    The fact that he hasn't been beaten to death is evidence that men have taken an indefinite powder.

    i can easily see a National Restroom Act, similar to the Americans with Disabilities act, which inflicted upon us 18 empty handicapped parking spaces in front of every major retail store. i'm old enough to remember when those spaces weren't all reserved for ghost vehicles, and you could often just drive right up to the store.

    Haha, great minds. I was trying to figure out a way to point out that those spaces are sacrifices to absentee gods. Same exact thing. You go to some animist country, and you see the food sitting on a shrine that no one will ever eat.


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