May 3, 2013

Success! America makes life worse for 2-digit IQ Americans

From the New York Times
Thanks goodness that over the last two generations we've been importing all these uneducated foreigners to compete with our own less educated fellow American citizens. Making life harder on our fellow Americans who aren't as smart as we are is the highest form of morality.


  1. Native-born lower working class people are leaving the workforce in droves into various social safety net programs (See the disability insurance statistics). And that's just fine with the elites. The brown horde works for less and doesn't complain.

  2. The Legendary Linda5/3/13, 4:07 PM

    Thanks goodness that over the last two generations we've been importing all these uneducated foreigners to compete with our own less educated fellow American citizens. Making life harder on our fellow Americans who aren't as smart as we are is the highest form of morality.

    Actually it *is* the highest form of morality because high morality = altruism. It's not altruistic to help your fellow white Americans because they share copies of your white genes, so you're really just selfishly helping yourself. There's no genetic benefit to helping other races so that's the true test of morality. Since elites have higher IQ's and high IQ people have better morals (on average) that might be one of the reasons elites push immigration.

  3. Things are going as you would expect in a highly industrialized nation with less and less need for unskilled labor.

    If only the fertility rates of each respective group fell in line with this graph..

  4. Steve,

    You have been posting for years about how immigration poses competition for American jobs. On the other side of the debate, the open border advocates claim that no such competition occurs, in fact, they say immigration helps the economy, results in net contribution to GDP etc.

    It seems like this point of contention is rather vital to the immigration debate, and yet nobody seems to be very interested it presenting hard data on it either way. Take climate change. First you have to show that the climate is actually changing before you say anything else. Back to immigration - how do we know the climate has changed?

  5. Sailer,

    Are you going to have any commentary about Obama's Mexico City speech? I would have thought you would have already been all over it like ducks on a june bug.

    Transcript ICYMI:

  6. Butt we kan by cheepur tomater and lettis.

  7. This is so depressing.

    I know you're throwing everything you've got at the Gang of Eight, but I don't know how much more of this I can take.

    Is there anyting cheerful out there - maybe a gorgeous new golfcourse somewhere, or a building designed by a "name" architect which, for once, doesn't look like diarrhea [if only diarrhea could have sharp, pointy edges]?

    Yeah, I know that the world is coming to an end, but there's got to be something Good to write about.

    PS: Pat Buchanan and the Papist-in-Chief agree with you.

    And I agree with them: Either we restrict imports from slave labor nations [to include imports of illegal alien slave labor] so that our own 2-digit IQ citizens can have something halfway meaningful to do with their lives, or else we allow unrestricted imports from slave labor nations and we watch our own 2-digit IQ citizens surrender their humanity and become useless worthless purposeless slaves of the welfare plantation.

    God, this is so depressing.

    PPS: I hate our "elites".

    And it's getting bad, like "Let Them Eat Cake" bad.

    Like "Storming the Bastille" bad.

    I really, really, really hate them.

    PPPS: And don't get me started on the new suicide statistics.

    These are folks who just don't know where to turn - they're giving up all hope, turning off the lights, and checking out.

    I'm sick of all this nihilism being shoved down our throats.

    And particularly down the throats of the poor folk who don't have the intellectual or emotional or spiritual gumption to withstand it.

  8. Anonymous: some of us are doing things, how about joining in?

    If you want to use the chart, hold it against lefties who support mass immig. They pretend they support lower-skilled workers, yet their policies would harm those they pretend to support.

    It would be incredibly useful if large numbers of lefties turned on their leaders who support mass immig. We can get there using charts like that.

    For instance, right now you can get on Twitter and look up those who support @NowWithAlex. Then, send them the chart and point out to them that she'd make things even worse.

    If enough people made a habit of doing things like that, it would result in fundamental change.

  9. Just because college grads are employed doesn't mean they all hold jobs that realistically should require a college degree.


  10. Actually it *is* the highest form of morality because high morality = altruism. It's not altruistic to help your fellow white Americans because they share copies of your white genes, so you're really just selfishly helping yourself. There's no genetic benefit to helping other races so that's the true test of morality. Since elites have higher IQ's and high IQ people have better morals (on average) that might be one of the reasons elites push immigration.

    It isn't altruistic to give other people's stuff. Elites aren't giving their own stuff to the turd worlders they use their influence to import. They are giving them our stuff, and the elites are profiting from it. So, no, the elites are not altruistic at all. That is why they are elites. Duh.

  11. "If only the fertility rates of each respective group fell in line with this graph.."

    Yeah, well, I'm afraid there's a large chuck of triple digits libs out there (see the link below) who NEVER reproduce. In the video they make fun of Mitt Romney for telling the Mormon students at a college commencement to have lots of kids. IQ doesn't always identify idiots like those talking heads who don't understand the jokes on them.

    Frankly, I wish there were more Mormons.

  12. I reading about College grads getting lower paying jobs more so than high school or lower like file clerk and so forth. I read even of fastfood places, maybe they thought the college grad could be moved into management more than the high school grad. Does this spelled trouble for illegal immmirgants that now have to compete against college grads at resturant and some fastfood because the college grad is a better candidnate for managment. This trend is interesting to watch. MCdonalds going back to his 1950's roots in some places where they are not many illegals by hiring college students or grads.

  13. >>Actually it *is* the highest form of morality because high morality = altruism. It's not altruistic to help your fellow white Americans because they share copies of your white genes, so you're really just selfishly helping yourself.<<

    This is the "telescopic philanthropy" of Victorian morality. Then as now the good people loved helping brown foreigners. Then as now they couldn't care less about their less fortunate countrymen- SS has written about how insistence on maintaining libertarian labor laws, such as using enslaved children to sweep chimneys, embittered the British working class. They didn't see the irony then and they don't see it now.

    What animates this is Jesus saying in the sermon on the mount that we should love strangers, not just our relatives. Liberals interpret this to mean it is better and morally superior to love strangers and not love our relatives, but that is not what he meant.

  14. Yeah, well, I'm afraid there's a large chuck of triple digits libs out there (see the link below) who NEVER reproduce. In the video they make fun of Mitt Romney for telling the Mormon students at a college commencement to have lots of kids. IQ doesn't always identify idiots like those talking heads who don't understand the jokes on them.

    Frankly, I wish there were more Mormons.
    Ueah, but outside of Mormons or whites in cities like Ladera Ranch which had 12 percent of its popuation under 5 versus 8 percent for Santa Ana most whites don't have that much kids. We need to get second and third generation Mexicans which are more politically libreal whites to also buy into the liberal thinking on having kids.

  15. Elite altruism: "Let's you and him share."


  16. What animates this is Jesus saying in the sermon on the mount that we should love strangers, not just our relatives. Liberals interpret this to mean it is better and morally superior to love strangers and not love our relatives, but that is not what he meant.

    Lefties aren't interested in what Jesus meant. For that matter, nor are they interested in what Buddha or Muhammed or Moses or any other famous religious teacher meant. They are really just puritans looking for self righteous moral superiority to lord over others and control others with ever more church lady like rules.

  17. The current recession has created high unemployment within the lower-income barrios as 15% of the city now lives below the poverty level. Particularly hard-hit by the recession are Anaheim’s young people as the city’s population has a median age of 31 years. Here's another study that shows a lot of illegals are unemployed. Granted, some of these Mexicans could be legal but 15 percent in the barrio means that both legal and illegal immirgants are highly unemployed why we want to legalized them is rather stupid.

  18. Harry Baldwin5/3/13, 9:21 PM

    In Mexico today, Obama delivered one of those gaseous, uplifting speeches that have earned him the reputation among the American intelligentsia as an oratorical wonder. The Mexicans in the audience, lacking refined sensibilities, concluded he's a first-class bullshitter.

    After President Obama’s upbeat speech in Mexico on Friday, many in attendance said they were flattered by the description of their country, but others said they hardly recognized the place he had just described.

    “[That was] a really good speech by President Obama, but what Mexico was he talking about?” said Jose Carlos Cruz, 24, a graduate student in international relations. “Unfortunately in our country, the situation is terrible: There’s poverty, unemployment, and even worse, the future is anything but promising."

    I can relate!

  19. Auntie Analogue5/3/13, 9:56 PM

    My Dear Legendary Linda,

    Nice try at twisting what altruism means for our elect who took an oath to support, preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution - whose Preamble clearly states the Constitution's purpose to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity," not to foreigners who come here in violation of our laws and sovereignty, and not even to foreigners who come in excess of our capacity to employ them and our own citizens at the same time - this being the standard by which previous legal immigration was stringently restricted or relaxed to assure that our representatives acted to "secure the blessings" to our own citizens.

    What you're arguing for, Legendary Linda, is leap-frogging loyalty, not the concentric loyalty which our Founders enshrined wisely in our Constitution.

    Regardless of the romantic (and phony) Emma Lazarushian "We Are A Nation Of Immigrants" mythology that our Enemedia-Pravda and intelligentsia scribble and babble, the sole measure of an elected official's altruism is his acting in accord with or in violation of his oath of office. The altruism of the elect is restricted to acting responsibly to the "We, the People" whose common purpose the Preamble concisely delimits.

    This is, at root, why the present Shamnesty bill is actually unconstitutional, in that many of its provisions privilege foreigners, many of whom are here in violation of our laws and sovereignty, above the citizens to whom and to whose "blessings of Liberty" our elect are solely responsible. I am, in fact, surprised that no one has opposed the bill based on its being prima facie unconstitutional in its repudiation of the Preamble's stated purpose of our Constitution.

  20. Clownie said...


    You have been posting for years about how immigration poses competition for American jobs. On the other side of the debate, the open border advocates claim that no such competition occurs, in fact, they say immigration helps the economy, results in net contribution to GDP etc.


    PM Netanyahu of Israel seems to agree with Steve.

    Migrant workers infiltrating through the border with Egypt are jeopardizing Israel's Jewish and democratic nature, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday, adding that those workers were also causing salaries in the country to drop to "third world" rates.


    Netanyahu, speaking earlier in front of the Manufacturers Association of Israel on Thursday, said that in addition to erecting a fence along the border with Egypt, the government would also work to encourage local employment, also within the Haredi community, and to increase enforcement against importers of illegal immigrant workers.

  21. Luke Lea said: Elite altruism: "Let's you and him share."

    Thanks, Luke. That one's going straight into my conversational repertoire. Take that do-gooders!!!

    -The Judean People's Front

  22. btw great Mark Steyn column today. If gov't stats can be believed Mexico's rate of foreign-born residents is 0.6%...

  23. My brother and I grew up in the same house. We attended the same schools. Fairfax County elementary, middle and high. Same college in Fairfax and same parents, neighborhood and church.

    My brother is a libertarian maniac with no altruism nor racial awareness. Completely devoid of kinship empathy or any hint of nationalism. He is highly intelligent (was accepted to Thomas Jefferson High School and UVA) yet the entire concept of heritable IQ and HBD is poisonous to him.

    He knows the truth but he is a mandarin and so is his wife. They flee "diversity" like a threatened species but any acknowledgement of their behavior is treated as a red herring or simply false.

    When our smartest and brightest abandon us and also conspire against us what hope do we have? It's like speaking to Frank Rich at dinner.

  24. They're fortunate he didn't try to name all 31 provinces or whatever during the speech. I can't stop chuckling about how, after O's apple-polisher Cliff Notes report on Mexico, they sought comment from the hombre en camino who responded [roughly] "WTF was that guy on about"

  25. Good comment on that LA Times link: "Obama should run for President of the United States and try to eject whoever has been attacking Mexico for the past 5 years"

  26. When our smartest and brightest abandon us and also conspire against us what hope do we have? It's like speaking to Frank Rich at dinner.

    I wouldn't break bread with them.

  27. Steve, how would you say The War Against the Deltas plays out vis-a-vis The War of the Sexes? Pace Whiskey, the 90-I.Q. male labor pool is more likely to pay for its lack of sophistication, running afoul of the intricate feminist arbitration rules of the workplace for example, not to mention same in a college setting (putting aside whether they should be wasting their time on college in the first place). Yet this can't happen without shifting complementary advantages toward less intelligent women who still benefit from AA and are at a statistically smaller longitudinal remove from their intra-sex rivals. As a result actual patriarchy (with accompanying fig leaf of gesture feminism) thrives on the righthand tail as the lumpenladytariat more resembles an underachieving version of the Sex & The City cast. It could be more combustible for historic-Christian America than the conventional fear of "thinned-out" i.e. thrown-into-the-chasm middle class of traditional family units. Imagine how differently the place will be run once the remnant middle is characterized by the dimmer female veterans of higher ed (since remaining a student into your 30s is an unquestionably Good Thing for all Julias great and small) or failing that, ones who took prison-guard jobs.

  28. JPF is right: Luke Lea knocked that one out of the park.

  29. Legendary Linda, you must know different elites. The ones here in MA have the morals of a hyena.

    But I'm happier today, as Nigel and the UKIP have made even more noise and inroads in the UK. Anyone who hasn't heard of Nigel Farage, Google some of his speeches. He's the most refreshing and direct politician I've seen in years.

  30. Well, I'm not worried that 30 percent of Mexicans will come the most is usually 10 to 20 percent of their populaton. Most state that but they have to now pay 3,000 to get into the US illegality or hope to get a tourist vista and live on an expired vista. The vast majority don't come its the 10 percent that came and had more kids than the average American that came states like California and Texas to high poverty states.


  31. Actually it *is* the highest form of morality because high morality = altruism. It's not altruistic to help your fellow white Americans because they share copies of your white genes, so you're really just selfishly helping yourself. There's no genetic benefit to helping other races so that's the true test of morality.

    Altruism, as you correctly define it, and morality are opposites. Morality involves rules that mediate internal conflicts between group members for the good of the group. It's self-interested in the sense of serving the interest of the group. You could expand the group to include all humans, but that would rule out the possibility of altruism among humans, under your definition of aaltruism.

    Morality involves rights and obligations. A right involves an obligation on the part of another. How can someone have a "right" to the altruistic sacrifice of another? Only in a dogmatic religious sense. Your view of altruism is ultimately religious.

  32. "If only the fertility rates of each respective group fell in line with this graph.."

    Yeah, well, I'm afraid there's a large chuck of triple digits libs out there (see the link below) who NEVER reproduce. In the video they make fun of Mitt Romney for telling the Mormon students at a college commencement to have lots of kids. IQ doesn't always identify idiots like those talking heads who don't understand the jokes on them.

    Frankly, I wish there were more Mormons.


    Gee, Marc Hill doesn't seem to speak against all those people of color who have quiver after quiver of children on my dime. Mr. Romney pays for the rearing of his kids, Mr. Hill. Go screw yourselves.

    BTW, ever notice how hard the networks make it to find an actual phone number by which you can immediately contact them?

  33. You have been posting for years about how immigration poses competition for American jobs. On the other side of the debate, the open border advocates claim that no such competition occurs, in fact, they say immigration helps the economy, results in net contribution to GDP etc.

    It seems like this point of contention is rather vital to the immigration debate, and yet nobody seems to be very interested it presenting hard data on it either way.

    If you bring in low-capital immigrants seeking employers, you will increase the number of jobseekers without increasing the numbers of jobs. That's how increased competition is defined, so there's no need for data.

    If you bring in high-capital immigrants (net employers), which is not what the US government does, you would get more jobs with the same number of jobseekers, and wages would rise. Again, no need for data.

    But analyzing the effect on the employer market is a terribly incomplete way of analysing the impact of immigration.

  34. These trends have been known for at least a couple years now. I have commented here myself several times about the phenomenon of the growing unemployability of the uneducated.

    In the old days one would be tempted advise these hordes of unemployed young men to join the army.

    In the nineteenth century second sons went into the military or the clergy. But you have been blogging recently about the rising standards for admission to the armed forces and I don't think the Catholics or Protestants want high school drop outs either.

    Islam however seems to always have openings. Chilling notion that.

    In traditional market economics there is no reason why the less educated should be less employable. In the past laborers had about the same employment prospects as college professors - different jobs of course. But as Erik Brynjolfsson writes in 'Race Against the Machine' automation has been changing things. Unskilled factory jobs paying union scale wages are all but gone today. The blacks that got automated off the fields of Mississippi have now been automated out of Detroit.

    In the race against the machines the blacks and uneducated are the first to go.

    Some benighted Obama administration doofus will look at that chart and prescribe more education. I suppose that's inevitable because Americans are such 'can do', upbeat people. But the rational response would be to give up on any more education.

    If at first you don't succeed try, try again, and again, and yet again. Every high school dropout in America has already been succored and counseled and given another chance. We should just give up on them but of course most of them are black, so the politics are complicated. You find a lazy stupid white man and you just ignore him and his economic plight. But if he's black you have to prove first of all that you're not a racist. You have to squander a trillion dollars on lost causes - and it's still not enough.

    Black people are in a race against the clock. Education no longer yields any benefits. The real answer lies in some kind of genetic or physiological technology that makes their brains grow bigger and more capable. I have no doubt that such technology is coming - but will it be in time?

    I used to think that Americans would never condone any kind of drastic eugenic or genocidal actions on blacks. But when I watch the Dr. Gosnell trial, I'm not so sure.


  35. technology that makes their brains grow bigger and more capable

    There is a correlation between brain size and intelligence, but it is not 1:1. There's more going on than just size. Presently, even if we knew all of the alleles associated with intelligence (and BGI will be only a first draft), we would be limited to pre-implantation embryo selection attempting to maximize the limited subset of those alleles found in the parents. Then we have to wait awhile for the selected embryos to grow into adult humans. It will be a longer wait for more sophisticated genetic manipulation.

  36. Visa immigration has also been making life worse for high-IQ Americans.

    Guestworkers in the high-skill U.S. labor market

  37. the 90-I.Q. male labor... whether they should be wasting their time on college in the first place...

    At IQ 90, you have no business advancing beyond about the 4th or the 5th grade.

    As a general rule of thumb, at the level of at least hoping to be able to solve some of the real-world "word" [or "story"] problems associated with the theoretical concepts, you're looking at something like the following:

    IQ 90: Addition
    IQ 92.5: Subtraction
    IQ 95: Multiplication
    IQ 97.5: Division
    IQ 100: Fractions, Sets, Negative Integers
    IQ 105: Algebra I
    IQ 110: Geometry
    IQ 115: Algebra II and Trigonometry
    IQ 120: Calculus

    There's a reason that "most" people used to quit school after the eighth grade - because "most" people couldn't make the next step up, to "Algebra I" [and edumakators realized it, and dealt with it, by ending their schooling, and sending them out into the workforce].

    And that's most WHITE people, with a mean IQ of 100.

    For the Africans and the Mexicans, the situation is just about hopeless.

  38. Monty, who is by far the best talent at AoSHQ, is running with this story.

    By and large, the reader commentary is very perceptive and civil.

    Only a handful of politically correct scolds even bothered to show up.

  39. "Things are going as you would expect in a highly industrialized nation with less and less need for unskilled labor."

    That makes no sense.

    If things were going as you'd expect there'd be no unskilled immigration.

  40. "I really, really, really hate them."

    hopefully peak hate is coming

  41. This blog post summarizes my ethical argument against immigration quite nicely. Rather than being an IQ elitist, I would rather our own less able populace be able to raise their standard of living.


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