May 25, 2013

The logic of gentrification via immigration

KENT BROCKMAN: Our top story, the population of parasitic tree lizards has exploded, and local citizens couldn’t be happier! It seems the rapacious reptiles have developed a taste for the common pigeon, also known as the ‘feathered rat’, or the ‘gutter bird’. For the first time, citizens need not fear harassment by flocks of chattering disease-bags. 
Later, Bart receives an award from Mayor Quimby outside the town hall. Several lizards slink past. 
MAYOR QUIMBY For decimating our pigeon population, and making Springfield a less oppressive place to while away our worthless lives, I present you with this scented candle. 
Skinner talks to Lisa. 
PRINCIPAL SKINNER Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend. 
LISA But isn’t that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we’re overrun by lizards? 
SKINNER No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They’ll wipe out the lizards. 
LISA But aren’t the snakes even worse? 
SKINNER Yes, but we’re prepared for that. We’ve lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat. 
LISA But then we’re stuck with gorillas! 
SKINNER No, that’s the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.

Skinner sounds like a closet libertarian: No problem!


  1. This all sounds in the Michael Crichton paradigm as presented in Jurassic Park: the hubris of homo sapiens that ultimately leads to his downfall ("Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."), but filtered through, twisted by, and enabled by the financial self-interest of the 'job creators' that perch above and prey upon mankind. Economic ideology substituted for scientific ethics....etc...

  2. When are you going to post something about the Boy Scouts lifting the ban on homosexuals? It is a hugh MSM news story.

  3. If a sentient machine intelligence is created that does every single thing better than humans while using half the energy, are we compelled to bow out of the scene in favor of our machine overlords? Why, yes! Roll yourself out of the game! Make way for your Betters!

    Now I will prove that I'm not a robot, but that might be moot someday, and the libertarians will finally be happy.


  5. This is absolutely what has happened in Chicago. Mexicans have pushed out blacks in many areas and then whites move in since they are willing to live next to Mexicans but not blacks.

  6. FirkinRidiculous5/25/13, 9:15 AM

    Steve, what's this obsession with popular culture? Do you ever read any books?

  7. Here's a fun idea:

    Let the libertarians set up their own country with open borders.

    Move to a place just across the border from Libertarian Land.

    Go on raiding expeditions into Libertarian Land. If you can get back across the border before you get caught, you are scot-free (an expression that comes from the Scots' canny use of a border in their over-the-border raids).

    Take over/under bets on how long it takes for them to start policing their border.

  8. Don't kids play with bb guns any more? Shoot the pigeons. Or the lizards or the snakes. Wait, that's not what this is about? The two issues seem to have started about the same time.

  9. libertarianism is politics by aspies.

  10. To 'A Working Class American' -

    Crichton always put in some pseudo-scientific blather is his books and screenplays. That doesn't mean he meant it or believed it. All that talk about Chaos in "Jurassic Park" is just an homage to the "knowledge mankind wasn't meant to know" meme that goes back to Frankenstein.

    Let's face it a real Jurassic Park would face horrendous logistical and veterinary problems not escaped animal problems. Big dinosaurs were only possible with the higher oxygen levels in the Mesozoic. Crichton knew that but he needed a plot line that had them interacting with humans in the jungle. A real Tyrannosaur would have to be viewed in a big tank like an aquarium fish.

    Australia has actually experienced something like the Simpson story. They have tried 'environmental' remedies to their problems with rabbits and dung beetles. It just kept getting worse.

    We now have 'environmental activists' from Australia in California trying to infect our Blue Eucalyptus trees because they are too healthy here.


  11. We should use the term
    'urban gentry'.

    LEUG: liberal elite urban gentry.

    Pronounced LOIG.

  12. Hi Steve,

    Sort of off topic, but did you see that a Cuban-American South Carolina political activist named Roan Garcia-Quintana is being accused of being a white supremacist by the Dems? This George Zimmerman thing has really opened some doors for the SPLC.

  13. "Steve, what's this obsession with popular culture? Do you ever read any books?"

    Steve has read and opined on a ton of books. This question is more appropriate for the multi-nicked commenter who types movie titles in all caps. It's wrong for anyone with a brain (and yes, he does have one) to know that much about movies.

    The smartest books are much better than the smartest movies. Putting out a movie is expensive. In general, movies have to appeal to a wider audience to be profitable. This dumbs down the product. Even indie movies are typically produced by organizations, by largish numbers of people. As the size of the organization and the financial demands increase, the involvement of the powers that be increases. The range of possible topics, view points, sensibilities decreases. Any old crank can write a book.

    People have been writing for millenia. All movies reflect 20th and 21st century viewpoints and sensibilities. Variety is refreshing. When you read books written in past centuries, you get radically different views of life.

  14. "This all sounds in the Michael Crichton paradigm as presented in Jurassic Park: the hubris of homo sapiens that ultimately leads to his downfall ("Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."), but filtered through, twisted by, and enabled by the financial self-interest of the 'job creators' that perch above and prey upon mankind. Economic ideology substituted for scientific ethics....etc..."

    The hubris of homo yglesias?

  15. "This is absolutely what has happened in Chicago. Mexicans have pushed out blacks in many areas and then whites move in since they are willing to live next to Mexicans but not blacks".

    Sharks and dolphins. Sharks are scared off by dolphins and yet swimmers aren't scared out of the water when dolphins are spotted. Same dynamic.

  16. The real point of "Libertarianism" is distract people from a real conservative alternative to Leftism.

    Its a false flag operation. Its why the left always promotes it as the "respectable" alternative to Liberalism.

    Libertarians are internationalists who don't care about nation, state, family, or religion. Except for their greed and hatred of taxes - they're liberals.

  17. Robert Redford recently went on a jeremiad against technology asking when it would "stop" and saying it had gone "too far." This from a guy who depended on technology to make movies and make his millions.

    Advancing technology shifts power to nerdy guys who can see how the intersection of business and technology creates opportunities and destroys old, certain profit models. It basically trashes the old, certain aristocracies as definitively as firearms ended the landed, mounted knight (mass peasant armies with minimal training in matchlocks/flintlocks were cheaper and better) and industrialization ended the world of Downton Abbey.

    Right now, we are sitting in pause while the various crony aristocracies try to reign in threats to their family domination by importing people who destroy technological innovation.

    Black people are best for this, because they replicate say, the Congo (not exactly a tech hotbed), but getting them here from Africa is hard. Mexicans are next best (though Chechen-y types also work well -- the Tsarnaev brothers were not exactly startup city tech guys). The big threat is another Zuckerberg doing to well, Zuckerberg, that Zuckerberg did to Brin and Page at Google, who in turn did that to Apple who in turn did that to Microsoft: destroy the monopoly and power/profits that accrue from that.

    Consider just how music was sold: first in 45 singles, then albums, using first AM radio then FM album oriented radio. Then widely copied on cheap cassette tapes, via friends, then through CDs, highly profitable, then MP3 downloads not so much. Shifting power to Apple and Amazon away from radio stations and record labels.

    The goal of elites is prevent that from happening, women go along with it because they prefer a static, hierarchical society where spotting the Alpha is easy (and fun, Chicks dig Chechens (tm Steve Sailer)), and the men are sexy/dominant not intelligent/nerdy. No one burns for Zuckerberg, no doubt his wife resents his lack of sexiness as much as Gates does.

    1. Tech is not status enhancing and upper class do not engage in it.

      Thomas Edison failed to enterr upper class which he coveted. Henry Ford did, but was shamed near the end of his life and his son married a Catholic since no established wasp would touch the Ford clan with a 12 yard pole.

      It has never really changed that tech does not increase status.

  18. i watch the early episodes of The Simpsons (seasons 1 - 10) I don't care what BSA does with homosexuals, I got Star rank in 2001. The moderate LCMS church agree with BSA, yet WELS hates BSA. I am not a part of the ELCA due to Critical Historical Analysis and their alliance with Max Weber

  19. So which pest are the elites trying to eliminate with this round of immigration?

  20. ELCA big wig5/25/13, 7:07 PM

    Damn it I leave town for two days and you guys go and ally with Max Weber.

  21. Hah. Flood the market with bogus red pills. I see what they did there.

    Gilbert P.

  22. Here is the author, David X Cohen

  23. Dr Van Nostrand5/25/13, 9:53 PM

    Steve has read and opined on a ton of books. This question is more appropriate for the multi-nicked commenter who types movie titles in all caps. It's wrong for anyone with a brain (and yes, he does have one) to know that much about movies. "

    You do realize Steve used to review movies for part of his livelihood.

    His reviews,even if I dont always agree with them, are always informative and perceptive and learn as much from them as his more serious posts.

  24. Dr Van Nostrand5/25/13, 9:54 PM

    Australia has actually experienced something like the Simpson story. They have tried 'environmental' remedies to their problems with rabbits and dung beetles. It just kept getting worse.

    We now have 'environmental activists' from Australia in California trying to infect our Blue Eucalyptus trees because they are too healthy here."

    There was that another Simpsons episode set in Australia where it was ravaged by a frog that Bart smuggled in.

  25. FirkinRidiculous5/26/13, 2:27 AM

    Steve has read and opined on a ton of books.

    OK, name 20.

  26. Anonymous, you are unfortunately correct about the vast majority of self-proclaimed libertarians. Most, I think, are unaware that half their thinking is based on cultural Marxism, but some know damn well that they're subverting the whole thing. Some libertarians — and we tend to call ourselves "libertarian nationalists" or "libertarian realists" — Are much better on immigration than any of the liberals or neocons. Some of us advocate giving up the word "libertarian" as a lost cause. OTOH, the word "conservative" is a lost cause, too, what with the McCains, etc. of the world.

  27. "FirkinRidiculous said...

    Steve has read and opined on a ton of books.

    OK, name 20."

    20? How many books have you read? Name 568.

    Steve has also written a book or two. Have you?

  28. Dr Van Nostrand5/27/13, 2:42 AM

    The goal of elites is prevent that from happening, women go along with it because they prefer a static, hierarchical society where spotting the Alpha is easy (and fun, Chicks dig Chechens (tm Steve Sailer)), and the men are sexy/dominant not intelligent/nerdy. No one burns for Zuckerberg, no doubt his wife resents his lack of sexiness as much as Gates does"

    Im confused ,why would Bill Gates resent Zuckerberg for not being sexy? If youre speaking of Melinda Gates-Im just as confused.

    OTOH if you are implying that Mrs. Gates and Mrs Zuckerberg resent Mr Gates and Mr Zuckerberg respectively for not being sexy, what is the evidence that the Mrs feel this way. That Asian broad is kinda fat and not really that hot, so I imagine she would be grateful...she is Asian married to a rich white guy-could do a lot worse!

    And Mrs Gates is simply too old to feel sexy I imagine!

  29. >The smartest books are much better than the smartest movies.<

    Orson Welles asserted that The Message of any movie "can be written on the head of a pin."

  30. Florida resident5/31/13, 2:24 AM

    Dear Mr. Sailer:
    I agree with W.H. Regnery,
    that "Right " should defend Richwine. On the other hand, Richwine is not an angel.
    I spent about 10 raw hours of reading Richwine’s dissertation, and read it in full.
    Chapters 1 through 6 are excellent;
    they contain very serious analysis of IQ in general and
    of IQ for particular cohorts of immigrants.

    I learned something that I did not understand previously;
    namely, that different IQ tests may have different g-loading,
    and potential relevance of this to Flynn-effect.
    Chapter 7 is called “IQ Selection as Policy,” pp. 123-134.
    On the bottom of p. 126 he writes:
    [ … ] For purposes of this discussion, it is sufficient to say that philosophers have identified both the welfare of the nation and the welfare of potential immigrants as important considerations. Intuitively this conforms to how most Americans view immigration policy. They want a policy that helps themselves, helps other Americans, and helps foreigners, each to varying degrees.
    I [i.e. Richwine] propose the general principle that conforms to that desire. The US should first define exactly what it wants for itself from its immigration policy. Then, design a selection system that meets those goals, while still providing substantial benefits to potential immigrants. In mathematical terms, the US should maximize the welfare of its immigrants, subject to the constraint that the selection system meets the country’s own goals. Literally optimizing this abstract objective function is probably not possible, but it is a worthy ideal to work toward. [ … ]
    So, he forgets about the preamble to US Constitution, so clearly emphasized by Sailer,
    “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
    Nothing is said in the “Preamble” about welfare of immigrants, and everything about
    “ourselves and our Posterity”.
    The rest of Richwine’s Chapter 7 is in the same style:
    the principle is “US should maximize the welfare of its immigrants,”
    while “the country’s own goals” are considered only as
    “constraint that the selection system meets …” !!!
    I wonder if Richwine’s wife considers the principle of their family life as
    and the family own goals just as the “constraints” ?!?
    Besides that, in his desire to invite about 1 million of sub-Saharan Africans with IQ greater than 115 [top of page 131]
    he pretends to have never heard about the notion of “regression to the group’s mean”.


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