May 24, 2013

The Swedish Way

BUSINESS AS USUAL. A meter maid issues a parking ticket for a burnt-out car following a night of riots in the Stockholm suburb of Alby. (Photo by Fria Tider)
From Fria Tider:
Parking Tickets Issued on Wrecks while Stockholm Burns 
Publicerat den 24 maj 2013 kl 11:19 
STOCKHOLM (FRIA TIDER). Owners of cars destroyed in the riots fined for parking illegally while police adopt non-intervention policy. 
Since last Sunday, May 19, rioters have taken to the streets of Stockholm’s suburbs every night, torching cars, schools, stores, office buildings and residential complexes. Yesterday, a police station in Rågsved, a suburb four kilometers south of Stockholm, was attacked and set on fire. 
But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday. 
”We go to the crime scenes, but when we get there we stand and wait,” elaborated Lars Byström, the media relations officer of the Stockholm Police Department. ”If we see a burning car, we let it burn if there is no risk of the fire spreading to other cars or buildings nearby. By doing so we minimize the risk of having rocks thrown at us.” 
Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation. Early Wednesday, while documenting the destruction after a night of rioting in the Stockholm suburb of Alby, a reporter from Fria Tider observed a parking enforcement officer writing a ticket for a burnt-out Ford.


  1. People should pay their fines by mailing in the burned up ashes of the check paying it.

  2. Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation.

    Welcome to "anarcho-tyranny", the modern name for libertarianism.

  3. Scots-Irishman from NYC backcountry5/24/13, 3:50 PM

    What Sweden needs is "hardworking" immigrants with "strong family values." I'm pretty sure these riots wouldn't be happening if the Swedes weren't so stingy with their immigration policies.

  4. Simon in London5/24/13, 3:52 PM

    ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,”

    They're not worried at all about what happens if this is allowed to continue long enough?

  5. "Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation."

    This is incorrect, the parking laws specifically disallow fines in situations where it's unreasonable with regards to the circumstances. Having your car torched very clearly falls under that exception and there's no way in hell those tickets will hold up to a complaint.

    Since the ticketing has been privatized it's probably a case of employees a) having significant pressure to write tickets and b) no real idea of the laws they're supposed to enforce.

    In other news a couple of football firms (ie organized hooligans) and nationalists started vigilante patrols to counter the vandalism. They were pretty much immediately arrested. In the news they're described as neo-nazis, but really those organizations are pretty multi-racial and frequently have immigrant members.

  6. That's about all they can do. Imagine the impact of footage of Swedish cops spraying water hoses on poor brown immigrants protesting those racist Swedes. Let it burn. But every car that burns reveals the truth to more people.

  7. Alas this is the response of whites when the diverse peoples do what they do best. Derbyshire was right. White people are indeed pussies.

  8. Not just the Swedish way, but the anarcho-tyrannical way all over the West.

    Let the invaders riot and burn, but don't stop the meter-maids. White taxpaying sheeple have to fund their own destruction, dontcha know. Parking tickets are revenue. Cars don't have to be operational to be in violation of parking regulations.

  9. I don't know Swedish, so I'm assuming that this is their version of The Onion.
    Really, that's the only way this looks good.

  10. Perhaps that sort of thing happened in the Dark Ages as the German and Irish barbarians went about their business: perhaps the Romano-British tried to enforce piddling regulations as their civilisation was swept away.

  11. Seems emblematic of the way things are everywhere on many different levels. We pay for them to play.
    OT, but Obama and Biden met with some illegal aliens in the Oval Office on Tuesday; the aliens had some 'deferred action' that allows them to continue to stay. Talk about giving a big FU to everyone in the country.

  12. "What Sweden needs is "hardworking" immigrants with "strong family values." I'm pretty sure these riots wouldn't be happening if the Swedes weren't so stingy with their immigration policies."

    I'm pretty sure these riots wouldn't have happened if Swedes had chosen Han Chinese and Tamil Brahmins immigrants instead of Somalis and Syrians. Even if Sweden wants immigrants, why chose the worst ones?

    Furthermore Sweden could benefit from a little bit more Chinese influence. If memory of 1989 is correct Chinese authorities have a little bit more a hardline attitude towards rioters and protestors than standing around and letting them tucker themselves out.

  13. I believe this is known as the "French Model" in terms of vibrancy. The semi-annual car-be-que has finally hit Sweden.

    This is preferable to the "British Model", which seems to include decapitation and exploding buses.

  14. Oh! There are police in Sweden?
    Was wondering about that.
    But they've been busy arresting those who are preventing the arsonists from torching their neighborhood?
    Sounds sane to me. France, Britain, and now Sweden?
    The Euroweenies have been cowed.

  15. Why should the police do anything when the politicians are too gutless to order what is needed? Why should they risk their jobs when they have children to feed? Does it take a Breivik to make politicians (and the media who will attack the politicians if they step out of line) realise that they ought and are paid to act as if their own families had some skin in the game?

    In the end, the lack of action by police will raise the collective ire of the country, give encouragement to immivaders to try more of the same, and eventually result in stronger action with a greater mandate than would otherwise happen if police acted and were made out to be the bad guys. This will be because the whole country will eventually grow to despise PC and hate immigrants.

    I get the feeling that this whole situation of widespread immigration and the simmering anger against it is analogous to WWI with its patchwork of treaties both preventing war and ultimately enlarging the conflict when it does happen. In much the same way, the PC attitudes that are spread over countries with (formerly) European majorities, the hiring (and excommunication) practices of the media etc. have resulted in a situation where the leaders of every country are incapable of doing what is necessary. They don't want to be the pariah. They don't want to be the new South Africa, the new Nazis.

    As a result, no country acts and the situation keeps building. The media tries and fails to paper over the failings of mass immigration from non-European countries. People wake up because immigrants move in next to them. And there are a sizeable number of journalists or at least comment moderators who are sympathetic to our cause because the comments that are allowed today would never have been allowed in 2003.

    I have a feeling that when action eventually does happen it will be like a domino effect because it has been pent up for so long. The first country to put down the riots harshly, to start repatriating illegals, to start expelling - rather than being a pariah they will validate what everyone else has been wanting to do for a long time. Rather like that kid in the classroom who has been wondering if his question is stupid when the whole class is actually wondering the same thing.

    When the time comes, the world will be as surprised as it was when the Berlin wall came down.

  16. A translation of the article Rasputin posted:

    It mentions fires being put out *and* rioters being arrested. It might not be the universal response, but it's still beyond pathetic.

  17. Are they humans or robots?

    It reminds me of what Stalin said of German communists. They were so disciplined and by-the-book that even when they weren't picked up at the train station, they remained waiting at the train station(as was agreed) instead of 'improvising'.

    If Swedes had any real sense, they would just kick out the troublesome immigrants. But instead, they are penalizing Swedish car owners whose damaged cars cannot even be driven away.

  18. The laissez-faire attitude the cops have adopted towards rioters is a good thing to keep in mind when our overlords argue that we certainly don't need all those firearms.

  19. Furious with Swedish authorities. The Leviathan has its priorities wrong. I don't imagine I would react calmly to a parking ticket under such circumstances.

  20. In a libertarian society. The swedes would have guns.

  21. Satoshi Kanazawa is onto something when he says handicaps often accompany higher intelligence.
    I believe it is one of the most insightful theories to come down in years.

  22. Anarcho-tyranny as Sam Francis called it, I believe.

  23. Alas this is the response of whites when the diverse peoples do what they do best. Derbyshire was right. White people are indeed pussies.

    White people are going to make great slaves.

  24. Stockholm syndrome.

  25. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible”

    The West, ladies and gentlemen!

  26. See, with cops of Irish or Slavic extraction, they enjoy mixing it up with the hoodlums so you don't have this problem

    Or perhaps it's a feature; I'm not familiar enough on their liability/tort climate to know if letting the place burn down is cheaper in the long run, when we're all dead

  27. The article doesn't seem to exist anymore. Some sort of joke by Steve?

  28. "You can rape our women, groom of children for prostitution, mug and murder our men, live off of our welfare system, burn and loot....but to park your car in flagrant disregard for our parking laws...well that my friend that is just, just unacceptable.

    Good day sir."

  29. The link is down, but I take it this is the Swedish Onion?

  30. this is the results of the white-race-guilt propaganda-culture instilled in educated white people since youth. This is the new western white culture that has been instilled through the edu-propaganda system. We are taught from youth that whites are inherently guilty of racism and therefore we must atone for our past sins.

    Culture provides the operating system for homo sapiens. It is like an internal organ for homo sapiens. THe educated westerner behaves in this way (allowing the invading nonwhites to riot and have their way etc) because his culture tells him that to do otherwise makes him an evil racist.

    This has nothing to do with liberals or leftism or marxism.

    THis is neoliberalism.

    This is the culture that has been born of the elite ivy league colleges over the past 100 years. This is the ideology of the elite, the rich, the powerful.

    This is the culture handed down to us from on high, from the elite colleges that were started and funded by the rich, by old money plutocrats. This is about those who buy labor and pay wages and their innate financial self-interest.

    The white working class is the enemy of the rich. The nonwhite immigrant is the tool of the rich. Our culture, created by the rich, tells us that we cannot touch the tool of the rich.

  31. We make fun of Chechens but they'll probably be around as a recognizable* group long after the Swedes have vanished from the earth.

    A certain level of manliness is needed for a society to survive and manliness comes with both pros and cons.

    * Well, I can't recognize them, but I guess they can recognize each other.

  32. Apparently people in Stockholm are suffering from some sort of syndrome

  33. Full of compassion and understanding for the assholes who do not care for the rules. No compassion and understanding for the chumps who live by the rules and are the victims of the assholes who do not. In Sweden, the feminist utopia.

    It's an Heartiste/Whiskey world and we're living in it.

  34. a Newsreader5/24/13, 6:59 PM

    Is this from Sweden's version of the Onion?

  35. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained...

    Dizzam. That is one honest cop. My first instinct was to attribute non-intervention to anarcho-tyranny, but I think the cops are allowing reality to prove a point about the Others for the liberal populace and especially for the elite.

    Remember how this started? The cops shot an Other who was walking around with a machete, or according to some accounts, merely a large knife. This was apparently excessive force in the eyes of young Others. Said youth are now acting all third worldy. The Others are also upset that Swedes call them monkeys.

    The cops aren't going to upset the Others more. If cops using calling the primitives names and shooting a violent one, then the riot should burn itself out.

    But what if the savages really don't like the Swedes, and are just being themselves now that the boot is off their necks? Well, then the savages will turn up the volume because they see the enemy retreating. The police are the ones who deal with the flotsam of the failed cultures and genes of the rioters' sort. They'll have the most negative (accurate) views of the Others of all the Swedes.

    It won't take long for almost every Swede to realize that the cops were too lenient with the savages before the riots. Then Swedes will see that they're getting parking tickets. After all the women those things rape, and now burning the hands that feed them. The police will get most anything they want: a police state, repatriation of Others...

    There's no way the media will be able to spin this as the fault of blue-eyed blondes. The internet really allows us to pre-game events like the mortgage meltdown, London riots and now these riots. It does eff up the Narrative.

    Sailer pimped his theory that easy money for NAM borrowers led to lots of NAMs bidding up prices and taking mortages that they'd default on caused the housing market crash. Pushing blame blacks and hispanics for defaulting on their mortgages made it harder for the media to play up their blacks hardest hit theme.
    The 'alt-right' pointed out that the London rioters were mainly non-Whites upset that a non-White criminal got put down. The media didn't want that story so they had to argue that the riot had nothing to do with race. Having taken a non-racial position, it was difficult for 'community activists' to extort money and concessions so that they're folk don't get upset again. After all, the non-White thug's non-Whiteness had nothing to do with the riots.

  36. This is the SWPL idea of egalitarianism in practice: one high set of standards for civilized white people, another low set of standards for uncivilized brown people. (Remember, though, don't verbalize this. Saying it is racist, but doing it is anti-racist.)

    The fact that we need two sets of standards for different racial groups is just further proof that all racial groups are the same.

  37. It appears that is not available. Did the Swedish government force it down. Has it fallen down the googlehole?

  38. Not just the Swedish way, but the anarcho-tyrannical way all over the West.


    I prefer to call it the "The Great Thawing of the West".

  39. I have no words anymore. We're subsidizing our own destruction. Why the fuck every single politician and judge seems to have sold us out I haven't a clue. What shocked me was the picture of those people in London talking to the men who butchered that soldier - talking to them, as if they were just standing next to each other at the bus stop. Where were the vigilantes? Where was the man with a knife or gun to fight the good fight?

    We are pussies, and the rest of the world knows it. I am embarrassed to be white, embarrassed to be American, embarrassed to be from what used to be called Western Civilization, but is no more.

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio lost a court battle today. The judge ruled that his department had deliberately targeted men based on their ethnicity for immigration checks. And I thought, well if you have 12 million people in your country illegally, and they are overwhelmingly of one ethnicity, and if 1 in 5 members of that ethnicity is here illegally...why the hell wouldn't you profile if you wanted to actually solve the problem?

  40. This is going to give some immigrant leaders there a lot of power. They have to be loving this. They use the rioting as leverage to negotiate things they want, then use their connections to shut it down when they get it. The next time they want something, they just imply "Nice city you got there..."

  41. It's times like these when I really miss Lawrence Auster, I'm sure he would have a lot to say about recent events.

  42. And we wonder "why they hate us." I hate us when I see stuff like this. Put me in a Euro city bored on welfare and I might torch a Volvo or two with my buddies for kicks.

  43. "Apparently people in Stockholm are suffering from some sort of syndrome"

    Very clever. Nice work.

  44. I agree with the commentator above.

    Fining *Hopefully* Ethnic Swedes for Their Burnt Out Cars is the way to go.

    Well..only if there is a possibility of a sane party getting in charge...There's no possibility for that here in the U.S. because Jews have everything locked up.

    But hopefully in Stockholm if the Swedish liberals get screwed over enough times...they will stop being liberals.

    (this only works if Swedes are still in control of their own government...else this is just paying for your own destruction)

  45. For doubters, the website, Fria Tider ("Free Times") is definitely not a swedish version of The Onion:

  46. "Swedes have always been pussies, but now it's going to actually cost them."

    Not true actually. Read about what the Swedes were like in the 30 Years War. Those guys were brutal psychopaths. Or don't just take my word for it listen to the War Nerd:

    The Swedes were something else, something weird. Well, Swedes are weird anyway, but Swedish weirdness hit a glorious peak in the 17th century, when the Swedish “zombie” troops marched across Germany and the Baltics. That’s how opposing troops thought of them, “zombies,” because they didn’t flinch under musket fire, didn’t show any expression at all. Like I said: Typical Swedes... Not the Swedes; mope, hack, sulk, hack, frown, hack, that was them. Creeped people right out.

    Take the Swedes. Nice, neutral, safe cars and gender neutrality, all that crap…but the Swedes were monsters, flat-out monsters, when they marched across Germany in the early 17th century. Yeah, I’m talking about the Thirty Years War, and people have this vague notion that a lot of civilians died, but they seem to think it was some force of nature that killed them off. It wasn’t. It was the friggin’ Swedes. I’m telling you, an expeditionary force from one of those supposedly nice Northern European countries is the most vicious thing this side of an army of giant weasels injected with pure meth—but only when they’re dealing with non-white, and/or non-Protestant populations.

  47. Alas this is the response of whites when the diverse peoples do what they do best. Derbyshire was right. White people are indeed pussies.

    Yeah, just like Blacks are "pussies" because millions of them were enslaved and worked to death in Brasil and Barbados.

    Everyone's a "pussy" when he's up adainst an opponent with billions or trillions of dollars of resources -- like the Swedish or US government.

  48. Anybody know what's happened to the "Free Times" website since I posted this picture and link?

  49. A prominent Swedish Jewish leader and academic, Marian Radetzki, wants to formally abolish the Swedish language and culture.

    According to Radetzki, replacing Swedish with English “would take a couple of generations. We would certainly lose a large part of our Swedish culture, but we would on the other hand, have access to the Anglo-Saxon who is wealthier and infinitely greater.” (in Swedish)

    In his book,“Sverige, Sverige! Fosterland?” (“Sweden, Sweden! Fatherland?”), he also advocates banning everything from pumpernickel bread to steel production. Apparently, allowing any vestige of Swedish culture to remain puts the Jews at perpetual risk of genocide

    I wonder if the world should formally abolish the Hebrew language, as well.

  50. "Free Times" seems to be a real organization, not a parody site. The Swedish wiki page says:

    "Free Times is a Swedish right-wing online magazine who describe themselves as both paleoconservative and paleolibertariansk .Nättidningen believes that its approach is to "look how established media do - and then do the opposite".

    Reporting is a critical approach to what it describes as a mass migration to Sweden and Europe. Free Times was founded in 2009 and the publisher is Widar North. Active writers, besides Widar North, including financier Carl Lundström . Most of the material in the paper, however, is unsigned. "

    The Swedish immigrants are just natural conservatives.

  51. "This has nothing to do with liberals or leftism or marxism.

    THis is neoliberalism."

    LOL. These aren't the droids you're looking for!

    As though neoliberalism had nothing to do with liberals or leftism or marxism.

    As though the rich didn't spend much of the 20th century funding liberalism, leftism, and marxism. As though American neoliberals, progressives, and Jews didn't help create and fund the USSR and come to the rescue of communism on multiple occasions. As though they didn't help fund and spread cultural marxism throughout the educational system and popular culture.

  52. Hahaha. Perfect parody of Anarcho-Tyranny, but it's real life.

    It reminds me of what Stalin said of German communists. They were so disciplined and by-the-book that even when they weren't picked up at the train station, they remained waiting at the train station(as was agreed) instead of 'improvising'.

    Must be the communism. Or maybe they were the only type of Germans left after the culling. I say that because the Wehrmacht was supposedly the only large, truly 3rd-generation-warfare military in history, and improvisation was definitely in the forefront. It's what made them so formidable. Of course, they were ordered to improvise...

    The laissez-faire attitude the cops have adopted towards rioters is a good thing to keep in mind when our overlords argue that we certainly don't need all those firearms.

    Anarcho-Fascism certainly seems like a viable counter to Anarcho-Tyranny...

    This is the culture that has been born of the elite ivy league colleges over the past 100 years. This is the ideology of the elite, the rich, the powerful.

    This is the culture handed down to us from on high, from the elite colleges that were started and funded by the rich, by old money plutocrats. This is about those who buy labor and pay wages and their innate financial self-interest.

    The white working class is the enemy of the rich. The nonwhite immigrant is the tool of the rich. Our culture, created by the rich, tells us that we cannot touch the tool of the rich.

    What happens when the working and middle classes realize the plutocrats can't even sustain 1000 casualties a year? Might get the latter to the negotiating table PDQ.

    Full of compassion and understanding for the assholes who do not care for the rules. No compassion and understanding for the chumps who live by the rules and are the victims of the assholes who do not. In Sweden, the feminist utopia.

    It's an Heartiste/Whiskey world and we're living in it.

    Wrong. The plutocrats are laughing at both groups. Brevik might be the only one who really frightened them.

    I have no words anymore. We're subsidizing our own destruction. Why the fuck every single politician and judge seems to have sold us out I haven't a clue.

    Because the First Estate (the press) will burn them at the stake if they don't. And then his place will be taken by someone who knows his place.

    Everyone's a "pussy" when he's up adainst an opponent with billions or trillions of dollars of resources -- like the Swedish or US government.

    Yep. It's Whites holding the truncheons and wearing the boots being used to oppress us. We would clean up the darkies in about 5 seconds without those Whites in the way.

  53. A small note:

    The police has since changed tactic so the article is outdated.

    Also, most Swedes can't get worked up about this. Why? Because the places that are burning are the rioters own homes.

    We're sort of mildly annoyedand what will really tick us off is when they will get money showered over them by the political class.

    Sweden is probably the country that throws more at its immigrant population than any other Western nation. They get enormous subsidies just to get hired by employers. Yet they don't get hired, for good reasons.

    Affirmative Action in Sweden is actually much deeper than in America but it is very seldom discussed, most Swedes are unaware of it because the media rarely is ever write about it and the 'right' is basically ducking the issue. (And not just the pols, the writers too, which isn't the same in America to the same extent). But this is all changing.

    One Asian diplomat, quoted in a Retuers article, summed it up nicely:

    "Sweden has these immigrants but you don't see them, and when you do, it seems like they're all selling hotdogs".
    Which is pretty accurate, 99% of the time.

    I should also note that the 'alternative right' websites and blogs in Sweden are far more mainstream there than in America, so people on social networks are having a heyday if they're not a mainstream leftist.

  54. I've a vague notion that getting a ticket in such circumstances from a nice looking young blonde woman might make it a bit more tolerable.

  55. Don't write our Swedish cousins off just yet.

    I don't have an English-language link but everyone knows how to use Google translate.

  56. But...but..but...I watched Bowling for Columbine and I'm still puzzled as to why Detroit and Windsor, Ontario are so different on gun violence. Only a bridge separate these two cities.

  57. Peter the Shark5/24/13, 11:50 PM

    I say that because the Wehrmacht was supposedly the only large, truly 3rd-generation-warfare military in history, and improvisation was definitely in the forefront. It's what made them so formidable

    And the Soviets were not good at improvising, especially at the senior command level, which is why their main tactic was just to throw bodies at the enemy. I wonder if Stalin ever said anything like that, seems unlikely.

  58. Here's a bunch of more comments. There may be some inaccuracies, if so I apologize in advance.

    Free Times is indeed a real paper. But there's no real attempt to be impartial. Generally reported facts can be trusted, but the people working there are amateurs that frequently misunderstand what they report on or spin things too much. Take anything written there with a large grain of salt, unless it's something easy to verify like the identity of a criminal.

    They're still better than the mainstream media, but that's mainly because they don't feel compelled to constantly downplay the negative sides of immigration, not because they're good, or even decently competent, journalists.

    The site probably went down from too much traffic.


  59. Anonymous, 4:51

    "But they've been busy arresting those who are preventing the arsonists from torching their neighborhood?"

    That's somewhat correct. They detained a large (200-ish) crew of would-be vigilantes that intended to go to immigrant neighbourhoods to do the police' work for them.

    Since we're largely talking about soccer hooligans that really enjoy a good fight I don't think detaining them was a poor decision. We're *not* talking about people defending their property like the Korean shop owners in the LA riot, but people wanting to go over where the action is and fight, which should tell you something about the relative severity of the riots.

  60. gubbler, champion of all things checheny(except criminality)

    "Are they humans or robots?"

    While Swedish bureaucrats can be pretty bad, this is simply a case of a private company breaking the rules they've been hired to enforced. The meter maid is hired by a private company and is fairly blatantly breaking the applicable law, probably due to lack of training.

  61. Anonymous 5:23

    "In a libertarian society. The swedes would have guns."

    Swedes *have* plenty of guns, but in a libertarian society they would turn in their guns for licensing and vote in a social democratic government. Libertarianism is for Anglos, not Scandinavians.

  62. Maxell Power

    "See, with cops of Irish or Slavic extraction, they enjoy mixing it up with the hoodlums so you don't have this problem"

    That wasn't at all a problem in the 60:s or 70:s.

    It's just in recent decades when police management have been replaced by media-whipped leftist academics that the police force has turned whimpy. And even that is mostly a response to the 2001 Gothenburg riots:

    Currently there's a strong initiative to make the force 50% female and roughly 20% immmigrant, so once that's achieved there probably won't be any fighting spirit left. But that's a fairly long way off.

  63. rob,

    "Remember how this started? The cops shot an Other who was walking around with a machete, or according to some accounts, merely a large knife."

    Now, that's not how things ACTUALLY started. The two events are probably completely unrelated.

    The man shot to death was an old, finnish immigrant acting erratic in his home with a large knife. Ostensibly to protect his family from gangs of muslims, but there probably was alcohol involved, given that it was an old Finn in an immigrant neighborhoud.

    There's close to 0% chance that muslim youth cared at all about the man. The car burnings that followed happen all the time and was probably more or less random.

    But then a government funded, socialist "anti-racist" immigration started peddling a story about the two events being related and the mainstream journalists went with it, because it's anti-police and a lot more juicy than youths being youths.

    That organization, Megaphone ( ), doesn't have any connection or influence at all, but they're happy to take credit and be interviewed. It's made up of a couple of Persians and Chileans, whereas the rioters are young Arab and Somali guys that probably never heard of these clowns in their lives.

    Essentially they're the Swedish equivivalent of Steve's Hidalgo Americans. Except they're not even nominally of the same ethnicity as the rioters. In a way it's pretty hillarious that the "anti-racist" MSM just assumes any articulate dusky-looking speaks for all dusky people, since that's way more racist than even the Swedish nazis that are able to recognize that a middle-class Persian dude probably doesn't have all that much in common with a analphabetic Somali kid.

    Once that story got pumped up "youths" all over the country started realizing that a) the police wouldn't do anything about burning cars and b) they could get lots of attention by burning cars.

    So essentially this is about dumb, bored knuckleheads realizing they can push the envelope AND get lots of attention and sympathy by rioting. They even admit to as much in interviews, but the MSM doesn't publish those since that's not on message.

  64. DR 8:33

    "Not true actually. Read about what the Swedes were like in the 30 Years War. Those guys were brutal psychopaths."

    They were earnest, well-disciplined religious fanatics. Sort of like the New Model Army, but much less fun-loving or tolerant. For instance, anyone taking God's name in vain were executed, and the official position on taking cover were to avoid it (since it was up to God whether you should be shot or not).

    Since battles mainly were won by having the other side's guy run away before your own side broke, stoic troops along with innovative line-breaking tactics were very effective. It probably helped that almost all of the war was fought in enemy territory so the Swedish troops didn't have anywhere to run.

    The atrocities against civilians were what everyone did in enemy, and sometimes friendly, territory, in order to get provisions from peasants who were facing starvation even without having their crops stolen. The Swedes just spent a lot more time in enemy territory than most other armies, which was another reason they were succesful. It's a lot cheaper to have an army if your eating your enemies' harvests and paying the soldiers in loot.

    It's similiar to how the overall fairly nice Germans turned out to be excellent at murdering lots of people since they took the idea seriously, instead of messing around with ineffecient individual killing.

  65. Oh, the media-savvy members of also contributed to the riots by spreading rumors that the police were shouting racial insults and harassing people. So far those claims remain completely unsubstantiated, but were repeated througout the MSM more or less as fact.

    During the first one or two days all reporting focused on how the Swedish police had been too racist. Which probably contributed to spreading the riots. Since that, unlike socialist class warfare, actually is something that immigrant teenagers respond somewhat to.

  66. 1) Why don't we deport all the tough-assed Swedish hockey players so they can help out against Mr. Mohammed Mohammedson? They all seem to hang around in the USA & Canada after their careers are over, rather than return to the 1960s model of heaven-on-earth to defend it. Maybe they can help out against the Swedish politicians as well, wielding hockey sticks.
    2)America's bishop's for the most part have been and are of Irish extraction. Look where that's gotten us. Did I mention the Irish politicians?

  67. "Not true actually. Read about what the Swedes were like in the 30 Years War. Those guys were brutal psychopaths."

    I went to a Swedish war museum. The Swedes started losing a few wars and then conveniently became pacifists.

  68. Oops, sorry, just thought about it: Privatized parking is an Irish invention! Ask Richie Daley.
    At least Rahm ratified it, I guess that makes it kosher. I know how hard he fought for the city in the parking meter contract renegotiation. A model for the Swedes no doubt!

  69. Completely off-topic, but it's pretty interesting as an illustration of how screwed up racial politics are in Sweden.

    Here's Sweden's most infamous neo-nazi:

    The keen observer will note that he's black.

    In social democratic Sweden not even the nazis discriminate on a racial basis.

  70. Gunnar Myrdal said:

    "White prejudice and discrimination keep the Negro low in standards of living, health, education, manners and morals. This, in its turn, gives support to white prejudice. White prejudice and Negro standards thus mutually ‘cause’ each other."

    The 'moral superpower' Swedes were going to teach the world a lesson. It is they that are now learning a lesson.


    I disagree about a lot of the analysis, but should be fairly informative anyway.

    The video itself contains no gore or nudity, but if exposure to either is a problem be careful about the rest of the site.

  72. People might want to remember, before they go on about how wimpy white people are to allow this, that all white people now live under anti-white governments that are vigilant against whites even twittering about resistance. From the Daily Mail (which please read, because there's more I'm not quoting:

    Detective Inspector Ed Yaxley, of Avon and Somerset Police, said: 'On Wednesday evening, we were contacted by people concerned about comments made on social media accounts.

    'We began inquiries into the comments and at around 3.20am two men, aged 23 and 22, were detained at two addresses in Bristol.

    'The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. Our inquiries into these comments continue.

    'These comments were directed against a section of our community. Comments such as these are completely unacceptable and only cause more harm to our community in Bristol.

    'People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.'

  73. Working Class Englishman5/25/13, 4:06 AM

    When the riots in London kicked off, initially the police seemed to do very little.

    At that time there was a very popular police blog( and the coppers commenting on the blog gave me the impression they wanted to wait until they were sure the public were behind them before they took firm action, rather than wade in and find themselves charged and dismissed for police brutality and loathed by the public as the media labelled them evil racists.

    Such is the power of the narrative.

    Maybe it just takes a little longer in Sweden.

  74. Working Class Englishman5/25/13, 4:26 AM

    Rasputin said...

    In other news a couple of football firms (ie organized hooligans) and nationalists started vigilante patrols to counter the vandalism. They were pretty much immediately arrested. In the news they're described as neo-nazis, but really those organizations are pretty multi-racial and frequently have immigrant members.

    The Swedish version of the EDL?
    Never mind the looters, what about the ‘fascists’?

    The moral assaults on the Enfield ‘vigilantes’ confirm that the cultural elite fears the white working classes more than it does riotous youth.

  75. Working Class Englishman5/25/13, 4:37 AM

    A Swedish Facebook page called “Support the police in Husby – end the violence” has attracted 112,000 supporters in a matter of days

    One of the developments over the last few days since the beheading in London has been the dramatic increase in supporters for the EDL's facebook page. 115,000+ today, up from 25,000.

    The Guardianistas are alarmed!

  76. Working Class Englishman5/25/13, 4:44 AM

    "Swedes have always been pussies, but now it's going to actually cost them."

    Anthony Lloyd, the ex-British Army officer turned war photographer wrote in his book My War Long Gone I Miss It So that he was very impressed by the professionalism and coolness of the Swedish soldiers in the Bosnia conflict.

    Northern Europeans excel at organised violence.

  77. Peter the Shark said: And the Soviets were not good at improvising, especially at the senior command level . . .

    Hunsdon clarified: This might have had some slight connection with the fact that in the 1930s Stalin "cleansed" the upper ranks of the military with an ebola-like efficiency.

    Between The War to End All Wars and the Civil War (Red-White, I'm talkin'), Russia/the USSR had developed some good fighting generals. Unfortunately, many of them were from the tsarist officer corps, and even more unfortunately, many of them were affiliated with Trotsky.

    Say what you will about Uncle Joe (Stalin not Biden), he was not a man for half measures. He was willing to "strike the root," and keep on striking.

    This could have a connection with Russian tactical incompetence during the Great Patriotic War.

  78. a Newsreader5/25/13, 7:27 AM

    How decadent can a nation become before barbarian hordes are able to invade and plunder it?

    I wouldn't have thought most western nations were at the point where the barbarians can take down the legitimate government yet, but it's looking dire in Sweden.

  79. Working Class Englishman: "Northern Europeans excel at organized violence."
    Which they stand ready to inflict on the white working class, but not on the non-white state-sponsored invaders.

    An efficient army of traitors is worse than no army at all. And with the ruling class in all white countries now being anti-white, what we have is efficient armies pointing their guns at us, while non-whites who are less efficient but unstoppable because we're not allowed to organize to defeat them have at us.

    Working Class Englishman: "... the coppers commenting on the blog gave me the impression they wanted to wait until they were sure the public were behind them before they took firm action, rather than wade in and find themselves charged and dismissed for police brutality and loathed by the public as the media labelled them evil racists."
    No fear of using overwhelming force to intimidate the hell out of a few working class whites at a little church though. Stompy boots on and ready for action, SAH!

    As reported by the Daily Mail, they're good at KGB-style early-hours arrests of dissidents too:

    Detective Inspector Ed Yaxley, of Avon and Somerset Police, said: 'On Wednesday evening, we were contacted by people concerned about comments made on social media accounts.

    'We began inquiries into the comments and at around 3.20am two men, aged 23 and 22, were detained at two addresses in Bristol.

    'The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. Our inquiries into these comments continue.

    'These comments were directed against a section of our community. Comments such as these are completely unacceptable and only cause more harm to our community in Bristol.

    'People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.'

  80. Sweden is just showing us all the BRAVERY of racial self-genocide.

  81. Article on WashPost about riots has comments section running a 10-1 iSteve-to-Cathedral ratio. Impressive.

  82. Looks like the Swedes have created a lose short term/lose long term situation for themselves. Why on earth wouldn't they have tried to recruit immigrants from Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania? For that matter, why doesn't Britain and the U.S.?

  83. Biological robots. The lady writing out the parking ticket is like a robot in a factory continuing to operate despite there being a fire because no one hit the shutoff switch and there is no automatic E-stop.

  84. Whiskey is an arch-idiot. What makes him think Lee Rugby was skinny or that the black guys were "hulking"? They don't look that big too me, maybe because I don't have some sort of psychosexual obsession with black blokes. It's not as if those women were coming onto them.

  85. Currently there's a strong initiative to make the force 50% female and roughly 20% immmigrant, so once that's achieved there probably won't be any fighting spirit left. But that's a fairly long way off

    Not true. Read Eleanor MacCoby's book.

    Once men determine that a profession is "women's work" they flee.

    It's going to be interesting in Sweden.

    With respect, it seems like you guys have fucked yourselves.

  86. Six days and still going.

  87. The problem is that societies that don't feel there are things worth dying for don't survive. That's why it helps to believe in an afterlife, whether or not it's real. The only people who will push back against anarcho-tyranny are those who feel there is something worth dying or losing your freedom for.

    That crazed black pothead with the machete? He felt there was something on this earth worth dying for. All those English cows standing around waiting for the cops to arrive? They didn't. They will be relieved of their country post-haste. As an American of 90%+ British descent, it pains me to say this, but the English don't deserve to keep their country. Neither do we.

  88. An Iranian who came to Sweden in 1994 says the problem is that there are "just too many foreigners" there now.

  89. LOL. that whiskey post was one of his most funny ever. i laughed out loud in real life. good stuff, good stuff.

  90. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,”

    The mantra of every civil servant.

  91. Second the Dutch Boy sentiment.

  92. ..There's no possibility for that here in the U.S. because Jews have everything locked up.

    But hopefully in Stockholm if the Swedish liberals get screwed over enough time

    "guess who" owns most of the media in sweden....the Bonner family they ain't Lutheran...

    Also David Schwartz who immigrated from poland after wwii was the advocate who is most responsible for sweden 'experimenting' with multiculturalism.

    and of course there's Barbara Spectre a zionist who made ailya then in turn ...:

  93. And the Soviets were not good at improvising, especially at the senior command level

    It's a bit more sophisticated than that. At the General Staff level the Soviets could be quite clever. But because Communism made a fetish of pretending to be scientific once the scientific plan was devised by the Stavka the duty of all good Communists was to follow the plan and make it work. Or else. So while the Soviet plans could be innovative in original concept if things went off the rails in implementation (and they always do) they'd run into problems. The usual solution was to throw more resources at the problem.

    On the other hand the Germans were fine with giving mission oriented orders and having commanders at all levels improvise or make decisions on the spot.

  94. "They get enormous subsidies just to get hired by employers."

    Affirmative Action in Sweden is actually much deeper than in America but it is very seldom discussed..."

    Can you be more specific about that?

  95. "That crazed black pothead with the machete? He felt there was something on this earth worth dying for. All those English cows standing around waiting for the cops to arrive? They didn't. They will be relieved of their country post-haste. As an American of 90%+ British descent, it pains me to say this, but the English don't deserve to keep their country. Neither do we."

    I don't think the logic of what you say is correct tbh. The actions of one man willing to die for a cause are not what is necessary in determining whether an entire nation lives or dies. And if so, the rest of the nation "deserving" to keep their country through the actions of any one man (a statistical blip) among millions they would hide behind - I don't really get it. Of all the Nigerians in Britain, only two decapitated a soldier. Of all the Norwegians in Norway, only Breivik took it upon himself to do what he did. If the right to keep your country is predicated on the vicarious bravery shown by other individuals, the logic is lost on me.

    People don't in general martyr themselves unless they see all other hope is lost. If they can't eat, they will be killed anyway, etc. As it is, we have large police forces that will react against us should we try anything violent that risks death. Why should someone with a family, waging their own private demographic war, risk their life for this cause when it is not necessary? Why should someone out in public without an equal or greater weapon to a machete take on two Nigerian thugs?

    There is a reasonable expectation that as public antipathy against immigration rises, eventually there will be a tipping point and something will be done. For every opinion that turns against immigration, it both increases support against and also decreases support for - an effective doubling of support for our side. In the struggle for legitimacy, it will make a huge difference once there is at least one MSM outlet that adopts the tone of our side to represent the public opinion that is out there. Once nice white ladies can't claim moral high ground by advocating for immigration, do you think they will keep the attitudes they purport to hold now? If anything, I can see things swinging the other way once opinion turns.

    In general, advocacy for needless risk of life is reminiscent of secret police, cointelpro type agent provocateur activity to provoke people to violence. Or the actions of those who would give up hope rather than fight effectively, such as the Japanese who would rather Bansai charge than maximise the kill to death ratio (as seen in the movie, Letters from Iwo Jima).

    Ironically, the Chinese will be a lot more effective in taking over countries immivasively because they do not have a preponderance of over-testosteroned outliers willing to risk their lives, who are rapidly turning public opinion against immigrants. That may be a greater problem. Organisations such as the EDL it appears would happily acquiesce to a Chinese overclass if you look at their online platform. All they care about it seems are Muslims.

  96. "They're not worried at all about what happens if this is allowed to continue long enough?"

    To be honest it's probably the best tactic. Keeping a lid on the reality is what allows it to get worse year after year. The police everywhere should just let it burn until the trust in the lying media gets burned down with it.

    "Or, to explain it another way; white people are pussies when they are up against...white people?"

    When they're up against the LOGOS.

    "The 'moral superpower' Swedes were going to teach the world a lesson. It is they that are now learning a lesson."

    Where did the Swedes get their ideas about race and America?


    "Whiskey is an arch-idiot."

    Much nastier than that imo

    "What makes him think Lee Rugby was skinny or that the black guys were "hulking"?"

    It wouldn't have mattered seeing as they crashed their car into him first so he was already out of it when they cut him - which was probably a mercy.

  97. The Wobbly Guy5/26/13, 2:28 AM

    Dun worry abt the chinese. Our fertility rates in modernised societies suck. Even more so than the white fertility rate.

  98. and in the UK an 85 year old woman was arrested for yelling 'go back where you came from' in front of a mosque, and another man jailed for six months for saying he was 'proud to be british' in front of mosque.

  99. This just in from the Swedish experiment. Have they finally discovered that humans are not all alike, everywhere, or blank slates in the raw?

    "Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke", Colin Freeman. The Telegraph, 25 May 2013.

    "We have tried everything, anything, to improve things, but it hasn't worked. It's not about racism, it's just that multi-culturalism doesn't recognise how humans actually function."

    There's a great quote in this article from an Iranian refugee from the mid-90s:

    ""In the old days, the neighbourhood was more Swedish and life felt like a dream, but now there are just too many foreigners, and a new generation that has grown up here with just their own culture, ... Also, in Sweden you cannot hit your children to discipline them, and this is a problem for foreign parents. The kids can feel they can cause whatever trouble they want, and the police don't even arrest any of them most of the time.""

    The Swedish police may be onto something, but they haven't thought it quite through:

    "... spokesman for Stockholm Police. "We don't know why they are doing this," he said, when asked for a cause for the riots. "There is no answer to it.""

    But of course someone notes:

    ""It is still almost impossible to debate this question.""

    Careful there, we can't have any crimethink, now can we?

  100. Rasputin, I didnt think that your cops were incapable of being rough -- seems now every non-Edwardian import drama on PBS in the States features Scandinavian authorities in 100 mph chases on city streets w/ handguns blazing -- but was reacting to their stated rationale (?) or at least reticence to attempt to police this. Odd strategy methinks

  101. Zombification....writing parking tickets for victims of car loss. Zombification....feigning 'normalcy' in an extremely abnormal situation. All that's missing from this picture is Bella Lugosi's character from "White Zombie", which is what the Swedes are collectively turning into.


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