June 2, 2013

“He who controls the schmaltz controls the future. He who controls the present controls the schmaltz.”

From the Washington Post:
Schumer: Immigration overhaul will pass Senate by July 4


  1. What's Nate Silver project on loudmouth camera-obsessed U.S. Senators trying to call their shot like this

  2. I saw "Planet of the Apes" when it first came out. I knew he was back on earth. Everybody in the theater knew he was back on earth. How could Charlton Heston not have known he was back on earth?

    In the recent "John Carter" the protagonist lands on Mars but assumes he's on earth in spite of lower gravity and all sorts of alien fauna. He finally accepts that he is not on earth when he sees two moons in the sky. Heston played an astronaut. Presumably he knew some astronomy. He would have noticed that the moon, stars and sun were all the same. All the bugs, birds and crawling critters were also earthlike.

    The only way he could have been surprised is if he too had had a lobotomy like his shipmate.

    BTW I learned from my cousin recently that an uncle of mine had had a lobotomy. But I think he would have figured out that it was earth too. When I saw it in the theater the famous ending was huge anti-climax.


  3. Declaration of Invasion.


  4. “All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power.”

  5. The schmaltz is strong in this one.

  6. Never underestimate the power of the schmaltz!

  7. Por mi parte, doy la bienvinida a nuestros nuevos amos Mexicano

  8. Auntie Analogue6/2/13, 8:13 PM

    "Come out of the shadows" is pure schmaltz, and so is "Dream Act." The whole Reconquista-Import The Third World schmear is cloaked in schmaltz.


  9. Somebody should market a beer called Schmaltz. It will have the same effect as the milk of human kindness that the Ghost of Christmas Present hands to Scrooge in a golden chalice.

  10. You should consider retiring if this thing passes. The fight is over.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    Somebody should market a beer called Schmaltz. It will have the same effect as the milk of human kindness that the Ghost of Christmas Present hands to Scrooge in a golden chalice."


    It's like Lily Tomlin said "No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up."

  12. "You should consider retiring if this thing passes. The fight is over."

    We should all consider retiring if this thing passes. Los Cabos is nice and it will be more American than Los Angeles.

  13. Harry Baldwin6/3/13, 7:43 AM

    No way I'm retiring in Mexico if I can't bring my guns. In fact, I might need a crew-served weapon.

  14. It needs to pass the House, too. Prospects aren't nearly as bright there.


  15. Do you know what schmalz is?

    It is lard.


  16. Por mi parte, doy la bienvinida a nuestros nuevos amos Mexicano

    Por su parte, da la bienvenida a los nuevos anos mexicanos.

  17. Not giving up yet6/4/13, 5:51 AM

    OK, things aren't looking good.

    But just read the comments. One solitary liberal sap (who is so caricatured in his/her positions that I wonder if he/she isn't parodying them) and a human tsunami of anti-immigration realists.

    There is hope, and it does lie with the proles.


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