June 7, 2013

Kaus: "Why S.744′s a Fraud"

Here's part of Mickey Kaus's Handy U-Print-It Pocket Guide: Why S.744′s a Fraud
"Multiple triggers"
Legalization is immediate. DHS just has to write border "plan." The most any "triggers" can possibly do is delay green cards and citizenship. 
"90 % effectiveness"
If not reached, triggers only toothless commission 
"Pay back taxes"
Only if already "assessed" by IRS (unlikely). Newly legalized may instead get

"Learn English"
Only need to sign up for English class. 
"Clean record"
Allows two free misdemeanors. Additional misdemeanors (including assaults) can be waived by DHS. 
No "public charge." Must earn 125% of poverty line
They're going to deport people who earn only 124% or less? Ha.

Read the whole thing there.

Basically, the symbolic point of the bill, which will determine how it's interpreted and enforced, is that deporting illegal aliens is evil and illegitimate.


  1. Simpler than the pocket guide would just be a T-shirt or bumper sticker along the lines of: "I'm not a Democrat/Green/Libertoid but if amnesty passes I won't vote for a Republican Congressional candidate again. Yes, it's possible"

    This motto not being directed at the readership of iSteve, necessarily, acknowledging that sample here is tilted w/ Southern Partisans & Blue-Pekingese Democrats (sometimes both at once)

  2. I would think our representatives would have the good sense to vote against this.

    Oh, wait...

  3. Good news: Yesterday, the House voted to undo DACA and restore 287(g). Now, it'll go nowhere in the Senate, but the good news with that is that I don't see the same House who just voted to do that turning right around and voting for any immigration liberalization-amnesty bill of any sort.

  4. The picture at the top of the Kaus article is great; it speaks to the Schumer/Rubio contrast that has been a recent theme here at iSteve.

    Lindsey Graham is at the podium, but look at the expressions of Rubio and Schumer. Rubio looks like a football player 30 minutes into a high school algebra class. He's wondering if he'll have time before practice to hit on that blonde girl from his English class that he's had his eye on. Schumer, meanwhile, is intently leaning in like a puppeteer, ready to correct any blunders from Graham.

  5. The bill comes up for the first vote on Tuesday. Call your senators now and urge a "no" vote on Senate Bill 744.

  6. the symbolic point of the bill, which will determine how it's interpreted and enforced, is that deporting illegal aliens is evil and illegitimate.

    Exactly. Have there been any illegal aliens, anywhere, at any time, that the proponents have been in favor of deporting?

  7. 'S.744' is to bland. Can we start calling it the 'American Worker Replacement Act?'

  8. "Learn English"? Why? We've already made everything bi-lingual so as to make things convenient for Spanish speakers. 'Push #2 for Spanish' will be done away with? It seems like a meaningless sop put in there just to calm down the rubes out there in Disneyland. Seeing as it's deceptive one can see their estimation of the general level of the American public.

  9. Thanks, Steve. Cloture vote is Tuesday afternoon. We need only 41 to oppose. Hopefully preaching to the choir here but . . .

    Call your senators even if hopeless. You can also find their key staff emails online - National Journal almanac has them - LD/C of S.

    NumbersUSA has some great resources for *free* faxing and messages. Sign up. You should also donate a few bucks to them. They are about all we have up there.

    Alert any likeminded friend and relative to get involved.

    Channel the outrage. Let's kill this.

  10. "'S.744' is to bland. Can we start calling it the 'American Worker Replacement Act?'"

    American Citizen Replacement Act. There, fixed it.


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