June 14, 2013

Schumer's Schumer

Leon Fresco, author of Gang of 8's immigration bill
From the Miami Herald:
Miami’s Leon Fresco: The immigration mover and shaker you don’t know 
Fresco and Schumer
Leon Fresco is now New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer's right-hand man on immigration

By Franco Ordonez | McClatchy Washington Bureau 
WASHINGTON — While Sen. Marco Rubio may be among the most prominent faces of the immigration battle in Washington, there is another Cuban-American from Miami who has been almost as critical to guiding the contentious proposal through the perils of Capitol Hill. 
His name is Leon Fresco. 
But unlike Rubio and thousands of other Cuban Miamians, Fresco’s a Democrat. 
The 1995 Miami Beach High School graduate who twice made it to the national championships in debate – The Miami Herald gave the then 17-year-old a Silver Knight award – is now New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer’s right-hand man on immigration and arguably the debate’s most critical cog whom few people know. 
Fresco, now 35, led the brutal negotiating sessions, some of which lasted until 2 a.m., with staffers of the so-called “Gang of Eight” bipartisan Senate team. He orchestrated several of the most delicate compromises, including the final and most difficult agreement between labor and business interests, which allowed both Democrats and Republicans to claim victory. 
And it was his hands on the keyboard drafting passages of the original, 844-page bill that the group ratified. 
“He put in the longest of all the long hours,” said Chandler Morse, the immigration staff negotiator for Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona. “He was the one that everyone called. 
The staffers, about 20 of them ranging in age from their late 20s to their mid-40s, had the daunting task of coming up with a new law of the land that likely would impact almost every aspect of American life, from who we let in the country to who we elect for office. 
For Fresco, the charge was clear: Figure out a way. Find that sweet spot where everyone can get something they want, without conceding so much they can’t face their constituencies. Make a deal. 
The group met daily from January to April in a room they dubbed “The Dome.” 
Fresco set the group’s agenda.  
It was actually two Cuban-Americans from Miami who dominated the immigration talks. Gonzalez, who also is a Miami immigration attorney, led the Republican negotiations. 
Leon Fresco at Yale LS
Despite often butting heads, the two grew tight over shared cab rides home and late-night dinners at Johnny Rockets and Chipotle, according to Fresco and others familiar with the negotiations. They discussed law school and their legal backgrounds. Fresco went to Yale, Gonzalez to Cornell. 
Gonzalez shared stories about his family, and Fresco sought out guidance on how to find the right balance between work and life. Fresco told Gonzalez about growing up in the Cuban Jewish neighborhood of North Bay Village in Miami Beach and going to school with future football star Chad Johnson. 
Chad Johnson-Ochocinco: not really relevant to the Leon Fresco story
After graduating from Yale Law School, Fresco returned to Miami to work at the law firm of Holland & Knight, where he mostly took pro-bono cases. He handled several high-profile cases including an HIV-positive Colombian fighting deportation and a schizophrenic man convicted of murder suing federal court for using “chemical agents” to subdue mentally ill inmates. 
Fresco joined Schumer’s staff in 2009, when Schumer was talking with Graham about bringing back up a comprehensive immigration package. The New York senator describes Fresco as “our immigration genius” and has his number memorized. 
“I must dial it 10 times a day,” Schumer said. 
He praised Fresco for coming up with some of the toughest legislative compromises, including breaking a deadlock between business and labor over wages for future immigrant workers. 
“When there is a problem that seems intractable, you push the Leon button and out comes a solution that both sides like,” Schumer said. 
But Fresco sometimes talks too much – or too loud. It’s Fresco whispering in Schumer’s ear during sensitive committee negotiations. But he speaks so loudly that rest of the group can hear him. “I say, ‘Leon, be quiet,’” Schumer said. “He’s brilliant, but he gives away the whole negotiating strategy in the first sentence.” 
Citing Fresco’s message to Gonzalez, Schumer said Fresco may have been a little too pointed with his remark, but he called the message effective because he and others had felt blindsided by Rubio. 
Fresco says he can relate to Rubio. He sees a lot of himself in Rubio. He grew up Republican with a “pro-Republican, pro right-wing” mindset that he maintained until law school. His father ran a family real estate business. His mother managed network programs for a cruise line

Rubio's man Enrique Gonzalez devoted many years to helping cruise lines get immigration visas for cheap foreign labor.
He feels that background, understanding the priorities of many Republicans, particularly Cubans, helped him work out deals with Republican staffers.  
Fresco’s task now is protecting the core of the legislation from amendments being introduced. Fresco is already reviewing amendments senators offer to ensure they don’t undermine the agreement. 
“Right now we go to the floor and Leon will be at my side making sure, when we see a new amendment that surprises us, we’ll assess it,” Schumer said. “We want to be as accepting as we can, but Leon will be there not only explaining what it does but explaining all its ramifications and whether it’s going to hurt the core of the bill.” 
And Schumer expects that later this summer, when the House of Representatives starts its debate, Fresco will again be called upon to solve the stalemates. 
Email: fordonez@mcclatchydc.com; Twitter: @francoordonez

Here's some more on Fresco:
Staff Director - Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
MARCH 2009 – PRESENT (3 years 3 months)
Attorney/Chesterfield Smith Fellow
Holland & Knight LLP
Partnership; 1001-5000 employees; Law Practice industry
SEPTEMBER 2005 – MARCH 2009 (3 years 7 months)
Represented clients in pro bono litigation matters, focusing on immigration, civil rights, and death-penalty litigation. Successfully represented over two-hundred immigrants from over twenty-five different countries before the United States Courts of Appeals, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the Administrative Appeals Office of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. ...
Law Clerk to the Honorable Daniel T.K. Hurley
United States District Court - Southern District of Florida

AUGUST 2003 – AUGUST 2005 (2 years 1 month)
Investment Banking Analyst
Deutsche Bank
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; DB; Investment Banking industry
JULY 1999 – AUGUST 2000 (1 year 2 months)
Assisted in advising Deutsche Bank’s clients in several mergers, acquisitions, and leveraged buyouts in the chemicals industry by creating computerized models detailing the projected economic viability of potential transactions and explaining future recommended courses of action for clients to follow. 
Yale Law School
J.D., Law
2000 – 2003
Charles G. Albom Prize - Awarded to the student demonstrating the highest level of excellence in the areas of judicial and appellate advocacy in connection with the law school’s clinical program.
Activities and Societies: Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Clinic Board of Student Directors 
University of Pennsylvania
B.A., Economics, Political Science
1995 – 1999
Summa Cum Laude,
Phi Beta Kappa,
Simon Kuznets Fellowship Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Economics Major
Activities and Societies:
Pi Kappa Alpha, President, 

Fortunately, Marco Rubio is keeping an eye out for us on what Fresco and Schumer are up to. No way can a summa cum laude Penn grad / Yale Law Schooler outsmart a former football scholarship holder at the now-defunct Tarkio U.

In fact, Rubio has hired his own legal eagle to make sure Fresco and Schumer don't try to slip one past him.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen? America gets flooded by even more Hispanics, so the GOP figures they have to nominate for President somebody whose name ends in a vowel? Like, say, Marco Rubio?


  1. For the life of me I couldn't figure out who could write such an evil immigration bill. Now all is clear.

  2. Is Leon Fresco Hispanic or Jewish? The story seemed to be "dog whistling" to Jewish readers that he is Jewish.

  3. Can any one think up a Snowden-like act of self sacrifice that could be performed to oppose the invasion of our country?


    Would you perhaps consider doing a top post to brainstorm, or solicit a brainstorm of, ideas for political resistance or civil disobedience to oppose this shocking, historic, irreversible surrender of our country to foreigners?

    If Ed Snowden, isolated and alone, can put his life on the line for our common good, surely there is something we can all do, with just a fraction of the risk and with greater consensus and legitimacy, that could put some obstacles in their path.

  4. The staffers, about 20 of them ranging in age from their late 20s to their mid-40s, had the daunting task of coming up with a new law of the land that likely would impact almost every aspect of American life, from who we let in the country to who we elect for office.

    Why exactly do we need a "new law of the land"?

  5. He looks like he belongs in the cast of the Sopranos.

  6. Jews and Cubans, Jews and Cubans/
    Go together like cigars and reubens!

  7. He appears to have considerable intellect, and studied a serious subject as an undergraduate. It is a pity it has been wasted on 1.) the counting house; 2.) the law office; and 3) on the staff of Congress. One cannot help but notice a secular decline in the respectability and productivity of his pursuits.

  8. Now that you mentioned Chad Johnson, did you hear about his ludicrous court appearance this week?


  9. "The staffers, about 20 of them ranging in age from their late 20s to their mid-40s, had the daunting task of coming up with a new law of the land that likely would impact almost every aspect of American life, from who we let in the country to who we elect for office."

    Isn't that the kind of work we traditionally had 50-60 year old guys with a little bit of life experience doing? What could possibly go wrong?

  10. Why exactly do we need a "new law of the land"?

    FOAD, whitey.

    That's why.

    (Or FOAD, gringo. It's all good.)

  11. Fresco told Gonzalez about growing up in the Cuban Jewish neighborhood of North Bay Village in Miami Beach....

    Thanks for saving me the trouble.

  12. "Is Leon Fresco Hispanic or Jewish? The story seemed to be "dog whistling" to Jewish readers that he is Jewish."

    Yes, Leon is suspiciously talented for a Cuban.

  13. Is Leon Fresco Hispanic or Jewish? The story seemed to be "dog whistling" to Jewish readers that he is Jewish.

    No, it was a mere coincidence that Mr. Fresco happened to grow up in the Cuban Jewish neighborhood of North Bay Village in Miami Beach.

    Moreover, I've personally verified he's in no way related to this guy.

    Now, you certainly won't give credence to the old canards that my coreligionists hire only their own or are disproportionately involved in wiping out White European people.

  14. It seems that from whatever population in the world, the cognitive elite so ridiculously disproportionately often turn out to be Jewish.

    I'd bet anything it's largely because they're more gifted genetically in the smarts department, but then that somehow would make me an anti-semite.

    So it's just uh, yeah, culture or something... but don't notice that too much either.

  15. If you are member of the Democratic Party, quit. If you are a member of the Republican Party, quit. It is that simple. Once you do, tell your family and friends what you did — and why. Ask that they consider doing the same — join Project Snowden. Reject the status quo.

    And then what? That is up to you. Project Snowden takes no position beyond stepping outside the failed Red-Blue duopoly right now.


  16. Yep, there's no reason to believe he's Jewish. After all, Chuck Schumer loves the Goyim and like most Jews surrounds himself with non-Jews whenever possible.

  17. Yep the Jews are so super-smart. But one can't help recognize that whenever a Jewish senator, congressman, CEO, Business exec, gets some power, a disproportionate number of his aides and subordinates seem to be Jewish.

    Probably its all just recognition of Jewish super-intelligence, as opposed to ethnic solidarity.

  18. In a previous post, our host wrote: The Gang of Eight's bill is more or less of a coup by Cuban elites.

    Hunsdon says: In light of the above, perhaps we could say that the Gang of Eight's bill is more or less another coup by Jewish elites.

    They just don't like us.

  19. "The staffers, about 20 of them ranging in age from their late 20s to their mid-40s, had the daunting task of coming up with a new law of the land that likely would impact almost every aspect of American life, from who we let in the country to who we elect for office."

    What I wouldn't give to know how many of them had ever done real work even a day in their life - you know, the kind of work "Americans won't do."

    As teens they spent summers at debate camp or band camp or wherever. As college students they did summer internships. To poish their resumes they flew to Tanzania or Guatemala or somewhere to spend 2 hours a day for two weeks building shanties for da po folk, then spent the rest of the time taking in the scenery.

    Fuck the lot of them.

  20. "It seems that from whatever population in the world, the cognitive elite so ridiculously disproportionately often turn out to be Jewish."

    more like, the US politicians who are pure raw evil and so anti-american that it's shocking, turn out to be, well, you know. they make up most of the intellectual firepower of the destroy america crew.

    also, this particular deal is not a demonstration of smarts or brain power at all. republicans want to die. how hard is it convince a guy who is hell bent on killing himself to pick the gun over the knife? they're having a debate over the method, not the act.

    in plenty of scenarios, it doesn't matter how much smarter somebody is than you. even if they are a math professor, they can't bullshit you into believing 2+2=5 unless you already want to be conned in the first place.

    can the smartest guy in the world convince the average NFL fan that the greatest quarterback in NFL history was pat white? a guy who recorded almost zero measurable statistics? of course not. it wouldn't matter HOW smart the smartest guy in the room is, that's an argument you simply cannot make or win unless you're dealing with people who have no idea about anything. like when the late night hosts on television and go out into the street and interview people about nonsense that didn't even happen. and the dumb ones pretend to have an opinion on an event which didn't even occur.

    now, if some smart guys, who were super against the bill, stood up and started slapping around schumer and his igor, leon fresco, we'd see how smart they actually are as we watch them go into mental gymnastics mode to prove that 2+2=5. but there's only like 10 guys in the entire congress like that, and when they easily beat down stupid stuff like this bill in a quick 10 minute exposition, they are either ignored, or told to shut up and sit down by their own party leaders.

    america has gone full retard. we're at the point that, if this were 1960 for example, jeff sessions could stand up and say "Mr Schumer, your plan to land a man on the moon, by putting saddles on flying pigs, and launching them into outer space, does not pass basic physics scrutiny, and allow me to demonstrate basic pig physiology, and escape velocity mechanics..." and the response would be "Mr Sessions, clearly you have no idea what you're talking about, please cede the floor to forward thinking adults. An american WILL land on the moon when pigs fly, and we will now vote to fund the When Pigs Fly bill. All those in favor, say aye."

  21. Auntie Analogue6/14/13, 8:14 PM

    "Enrique Gonzalez...helped Carnival (CCL), Viacom (VIA), and other companies obtain visas for their foreign workers."

    One is left to guess which "other companies" Gonzalez "helped...to obtain visas for their foreign workers." Which is why every time someone speaks of "American companies" my blood boils. "American companies" like Apple which hasn't paid a dime in federal taxes while it stabs Americans in our backs by retaining pricey "American" law firms to scam the visa, refugee, and immigrations systems.

    "Leon Fresco....led the brutal negotiating sessions...with staffers of the so-called 'Gang of Eight' bipartisan Senate team....orchestrated...the final and most difficult agreement between labor and business interests."

    Yep, it's all "f_ck the American People," so long as unions and filthy rich globalist business moguls get what THEY want from hordes of foreign scab laborers.

    "Fresco is already reviewing amendments senators offer to ensure they don’t undermine the agreement."

    Lest any senator should try to show so much as a scintilla of interest in protecting American citizens' - their actual constituents' - interests.

    "The staffers, about 20 of them ranging in age from their late 20s to their mid-40s, had the daunting task of coming up with a new law of the land that likely would impact almost every aspect of American life, from who we let in the country to who we elect for office."

    And not once did they consider the consequences to U.S. citizens or to what remains of our republic.

    "Schumer....praised Fresco for coming up with some of the toughest legislative compromises, including breaking a deadlock between business and labor over wages for future immigrant workers."

    Leaving out, of course, the interests of the American people: this bill doesn't even pretend "to preserve to ourselves and to our posterity the blessings of Liberty," it takes care of big business rich people, union schmucks, and FOREIGNERS, there's nothing - repeat: NOTHING - in it for John and Jane Q. Taxpayer.

  22. One year as an analyst at DB is a red flag. I don't care if he left for Yale Law, only lazy or incompetent people wash out.

  23. "In a previous post, our host wrote: The Gang of Eight's bill is more or less of a coup by Cuban elites.

    Hunsdon says: In light of the above, perhaps we could say that the Gang of Eight's bill is more or less another coup by Jewish elites.

    They just don't like us."

    Hardly counts as a coup if everyone is in on it. Everyone is on board for this: both parties,big business, labor unions, the Roman Catholic Church, the major Protestant denominations, Hollywood celebrities, academia, etc. How is something a coup when the only people being, shall we say, couped, are the ones with no power whatsoever?

  24. Hunsdon says: "In light of the above, perhaps we could say that the Gang of Eight's bill is more or less another coup by Jewish elites.

    They just don't like us."

    On the other hand, the Jewish elite seems to really, really love Mestizo Roman Catholics.

  25. Inane Rambler6/14/13, 8:38 PM

    Fresco is an evil man. As is Rubio's assistant.

  26. Fresco told Gonzalez about growing up in the Cuban Jewish neighborhood of North Bay Village in Miami Beach

    Got to give the Jews credit. They are relentless, racist, unapologetic, verbally inexhaustible and very mission focused.

    Any group that can be that why will and should do well at advancing their perceived interests and subverting their opponents.

  27. Is Leon Fresco Hispanic or Jewish?

    If you google "Leon Fresco" and "French wife" you'll see that there was an earlier version of this article saying he met his wife on a Jewish dating service.

  28. "Is Leon Fresco Hispanic or Jewish?"

    From Dave Barry's blog:

    "On Sunday night we attended a Cuban-Jewish wedding in Miami. Mrs. Blog is Cuban-Jewish; there are thousands of Jewbans (as they call themselves) here, and they are all related."


    A few months ago I went to a book promotion event in Santa Monica where Barry was interviewed by Matt ("The Simpsons") Groening. Dave is in his mid-60s now, and looks great. The audience was largely middle-aged frequent flier types, Dave Barry fans from way back, who laughed at every single thing Dave said ... except when he said that his wife was "Jewban." Sudden silence as everybody tried to process whether Dave was allowed to say that.

  29. "It seems that from whatever population in the world, the cognitive elite so ridiculously disproportionately often turn out to be Jewish.

    I'd bet anything it's largely because they're more gifted genetically in the smarts department, but then that somehow would make me an anti-semite."

    Not that easy.

    If you look at raw IQ scores(130+, Ivy league levels of IQ), the amount of high-scoring white gentiles would outnumber Jews by over 8 to 1, and this is based on the old notion of Jewish achievement.

    If you take into account the drop in Jewish achievement these past 20-30 years which Unz has demonstrated, we could easily be looking at 20 to 1 or even greater.

    So what explains this? Well, WASPish disinterest. WASP elites just don't care. Look at Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and go down the list. Or even "conservatives" like the Koch bros who are pro-amnesty.

    If the WASPs don't care, and by WASPs I mean the WASP elites, then how hard can it be to take up the role? Asians are not very political and that leaves blacks who are very political but who you're gonna bet on, blacks or Jews?

    P.S. Rashid Khalidi, perhaps the most noted Palestinian-American intellectual said in a recent interview that the driving force behind the BDS movement and the Free Palestine movement were white WASPs, not arabs or Jews. I don't know because I don't care that much about those issues but I take his word for it since he travels a lot around the country.
    I think that's probably made out of idealism rather than malice, which is a key difference however. But still, we're getting 'em back increasingly.

  30. "Fresco told Gonzalez about growing up in the Cuban Jewish neighborhood of North Bay Village in Miami Beach

    Got to give the Jews credit. They are relentless, racist, unapologetic, verbally inexhaustible and very mission focused.

    Any group that can be that why will and should do well at advancing their perceived interests and subverting their opponents."

    Save your breath. Give credits to WASPs for essentially not engaging at all. I keep hearing these breathless descriptions but I ask, where's the battle? WASPs rolled over like Chamberlain, from day one, so we can't judge a battle that never was.

    Blame WASP weakness.

    Also, the people behind this bill is not Schumer nor this Cuban/Jewish guy.

    They are merely the operatives. The people behind this bill are a vast swath of American elites, most of whom are white gentiles.

    Remember the now-tragic "fwd.us", the Zuck's political amnesty group?

    The vast majority of the backers were white WASPs like Elon Musk and similar people.

    People love to blame the Jews. Well, nobody's innocent, but white WASP elites have been on board of this train from the getgo. Your cuckold-y defeatism is amusing to behold, though.

  31. Man the Nazis, with their cuckold-y eroticism of Jews, are all out again.

    Oh, the Jews are sooo smart! They cannot be defeated!!1.

    Uhm, as someone posted earlier:

    "Hardly counts as a coup if everyone is in on it. Everyone is on board for this: both parties,big business, labor unions, the Roman Catholic Church, the major Protestant denominations, Hollywood celebrities, academia, etc. How is something a coup when the only people being, shall we say, couped, are the ones with no power whatsoever? "

    Exactly. Take a look at your white gentile big business groups. They've been pushing this all along. In the 1920s, the Jewish labor leader whose name I have now forgotten (but Steve has written about) stood up against big business and said no to mass immigration.

    Big business has been a driving force for this since the getgo. And beyond that, the Catholic church. Even the god damn Sierra Club(which used to be mildly restrictionist).

    Also, the New York Times wrote anti-amnesty editorials as late as the year 2000, but don't let these facts impede you.

    I'm just totally laughing at all the masochism coming here. Oh, they are so smart!!!1.

    Guys, you have not been paying attention. Mass immigration has enormous support, even if most Jews were against it, it would pass.

    Oh wait! Here's a factoid for you. Most Jews are against amnesty.

    52% of Arizona's Jews support the tough new immigration laws:


    A single state not good enough for you?
    A plurality of Jews opposes amnesty:

    The link to the study doesn't work but I read the study when it came out(and if you google carefully you can still find it), and basically, the most common position to illegal immigration was either opposition or "neutral".

    You might say, 52% is not great. But it's about where white Catholics are, and in some instances better. A plurality means that the most popular opinion is opposition.

    I'm reminded of the hate against the Rothchilds back in the day. The vast majority of yids were working-class folks just trying to make ends meet but to some people all Jews = Rothchilds.

    Now all Jews are supposedly Schumer or this Jewban dude.
    So much hate, so counter with facts and statistics!

  32. I don't know if Fresco is Hispanic or Jewish, but judging by the picture of him with which the article opens, he's a bigamist.

    Marrying two rather hefty white chicks at once. Another job Americans won't do.

  33. "the GOP figures they have to nominate for President somebody whose name ends in a vowel"

    Good idea.

    Might I suggest Tom Tancredo, Louis Barletta or Joe Arpaio?

  34. "A plurality of Jews opposes amnesty"

    But they vote for guys like Schumer
    and Feinstein.

  35. Anonydroid at 4:18 AM wrote: Man the Nazis . . . are all out again.

    Hunsdon said: I am typing this post with one hand, while holding my index and middle fingers of the other hand below my nose in a kind of fake Hitler toothbrush mustache. Just for yooo!

    Anonydroid said: with their cuckold=y eroticism . . .

    Hunsdon said: Project much?

    Anonydroid: In the 1920s, the Jewish labor leader whose name I have now forgotten (but Steve has written about) stood up against big business and said no to mass immigration.

    Hunsdon: Samuel Gompers. Then again, Emmanuel Celler.

    Anonydroid: Even the god damn Sierra Club(which used to be mildly restrictionist).

    Hunsdon: Until David Gelbaum changed their mind.

    First paragraph from your jewishweek.com link:

    One of the rare issues on which nearly all mainstream Jewish organizations agree — and on which they’ve always believed they had the backing of most American Jews — involves how the United States should treat immigrants, including those who are undocumented.

    I'll tell you what: name me five prominent Jews in the media, arts or FIRE who are against mass immigration. (I'll spot you Mickey Kaus.)

    Anonydroid: The vast majority of yids were working-class folks just trying to make ends meet but to some people all Jews = Rothchilds.

    Hunsdon: So the problem is Jews in elite positions? Keep them out of media, law, governance and banking, and they're all right?

  36. Yea Dave Barry the bard of the international consultant set. Steve has a real annoying tick of vastly exaggerating the sophistication level of stuff he likes. "Big trouble would have won an Oscar but Tim Allen's Voiceover sucked and um Omar Eps was in it." Dave Barry is mid-low brow at best considering he writes in a city which literally doesn't even have high brow.

  37. If it weren't for the diaspora, would there even be an Israel?

    Why didn't Jews ever end up with some more territory of their own? I mean 2000 years is a long time.

  38. Hunsdon: So the problem is Jews in elite positions? Keep them out of media, law, governance and banking, and they're all right?

    As, say opposed to Christian Gentiles in elite positions of power? Obviously, I am just somehow missing all of those elite Gentiles that are opposed to mass immigration.

  39. Hunsdon: So the problem is Jews in elite positions? Keep them out of media, law, governance and banking, and they're all right?

    Sure, and the Jews are just forcing the Gentile elite to do this....I mean seriously, just look at all of the powerful Gentiles who are opposed to mass immigration: Ronald Reagan (we all remember how Ronnie revived Ike's OPERATION WETBACK and expelled millions of illegals back in '86), Bill Clinton (remember how he valiantly called for an American Great Wall on our Southern Border?), John McCain (his endless opposition to mass immigration is chronicled in folk songs), Bill Gates (We all remember how he declared that he would never support the importation of foreign programmers), the Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy (their willingness to deport illegal alien Catholics constitutes a patriotic epic), and....No, wait, I must have been channeling the Mirror Universe for a minute there...

  40. "Sudden silence as everybody tried to process whether Dave was allowed to say that."

    Sort of an inverse of the soviet rule to never be the first person to stop applauding - never be the first to laugh.

    I take that back. The joke wasn't funny. Jewish jokes are never funny. I swear I never heard a funny Jewish joke. I've never laughed at a Jewish joke and I've certainly never told a Jewish joke - not that I think there'd be any repercussions - it's just that none of them are funny.

  41. Anonydroid at 7:02 PM said: As, say opposed to Christian Gentiles in elite positions of power?

    Hunsdon asked: Are you the same as before, or someone new? (Honestly, I prefer to engage people who respond.)

    There are, surely, a vast horde of Gentile elites who now favor mass immigration. My suspicion is that as diversity has increased, the feeling of community has decreased, and the "get while the getting is good" factor has radically increased.

    Besides, it is acceptable to attack Gentile elites. It has, until quite recently, been doubleplusungood to attack Jewish elites, because (hey, did it happen earlier today?) you'll be accused of being a Nazi.

    If I attack Gentile business elites for supporting mass immigration, the worst I'll be called is a commie. If I attack Gentile religious leaders for supporting mass immigration, all I'll be called is hard hearted. If I attack Gentile DWLs for supporting mass immigration, they'll point and sputter.

    But crap, you point out the Jew . . . HITLER! OVENS! BADTHINK!

    Besides, one can't help but think, "When there weren't Jews in such elite positions, the elites didn't hold these opinions . . . . " yes, yes, correlation is not causation, could have happened anyway, Jews are blameless victims, now as always.


  42. Hunsdun:"If I attack Gentile business elites for supporting mass immigration, the worst I'll be called is a commie."

    Perhaps back in, oh, say 1958...Is the GOP Right Wing that retrograde? Communism has been dead since the late 80s.

    DVN:"Besides, one can't help but think, "When there weren't Jews in such elite positions, the elites didn't hold these opinions . . . . " yes, yes, correlation is not causation, could have happened anyway,"

    Actually, it did happen anyway. Just look at 19th century immigration policy, which allowed hordes of Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews, Greeks, Slavs, etc to enter the country. Somehow, the old Protestant Anglo elite just allowed that demographic tidal wave to proceed for decades. I mean, they weren't able to do anything about it until 1924. And even then they lacked the will to simply institute a Protestant Anglos only immigration policy.

    DVN:" Jews are blameless victims, now as always."

    Hardly blameless victims...the Jewish elite is as culpable as the rest of the American elite. The foolishness comes from thinking that somehow the Jewish elite is having its way in this, that Gentiles like Clinton, McCain, Bill Gates, etc, are not in full agreement. The American elite as a whole has decided that mass immigration is right.It is only the lower orders who disagree.

  43. Anonydroid at 10:49 PM: Is the GOP Right Wing that retrograde? Communism has been dead since the late 80s.

    Hunsdon (NOT DVN, not that there's anything wrong with DVN): Yes, actually, the GOP right wing really IS that retrograde.

    Anonydroid: Just look at 19th century immigration policy, which allowed hordes of Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews, Greeks, Slavs, etc to enter the country.

    Hunsdon: Well, yes, and the two situations are so directly analogous! We need strong backs and weak minds to settle the Ohio river valley, to fill the empty spaces . . . Oh, wait, I guess we just need more professors of sociolinguistics and symbology.

    We need moar! Moar people, to fill up those small towns, to make one, two, many Manhattans, so that Matthew Yglesias (I swear, that name kills me) can feel comfortable ordering Ethiopian food at this darling little take out in Des Moines.

    Plus, the recent immigrants in the 19th century were used as handy shock troops against the South. Hmmm.

    Anonydroid: The foolishness comes from thinking that somehow the Jewish elite is having its way in this, that Gentiles like Clinton, McCain, Bill Gates, etc, are not in full agreement.

    Hunsdon: I've got a fool cap around here somewhere. The fact that American elites have adopted the attitudes and beliefs of Jewish elites IN NO WAY means that the Jewish elites are having their way.

  44. NotMyRealName6/17/13, 7:29 AM

    "Actually, it did happen anyway. Just look at 19th century immigration policy, which allowed hordes of Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews, Greeks, Slavs, etc to enter the country. Somehow, the old Protestant Anglo elite just allowed that demographic tidal wave to proceed for decades. I mean, they weren't able to do anything about it until 1924. And even then they lacked the will to simply institute a Protestant Anglos only immigration policy."
    How the Irish Became White, which I don't believe Steve has actually read, can be understood from a restrictionist standpoint as describing how the elite created the concept of common "Whiteness" to get the Anglo-Prot masses to accept transforming White alien immigration.

    "Plus, the recent immigrants in the 19th century were used as handy shock troops against the South. "
    False. Only the Irish arrived in large numbers before the Civil War, and immigrants served proportionately less in the Union army than native-born Americans.

  45. He appears to have considerable intellect, and studied a serious subject as an undergraduate. It is a pity it has been wasted on 1.) the counting house; 2.) the law office; and 3) on the staff of Congress. One cannot help but notice a secular decline in the respectability and productivity of his pursuits.

    I had the same thought. His academic accomplishments are bona fide. But he follows up Yale Law by . . . going back to DB? Then down to a pro bono specialty position at Biglaw? And then down to being Schumer's lapdog?

  46. Huh? Fresco wrote the Senate's immigration bill. He's putting more of a mark on the 21st Century than most people. I suspect his mother is feeling pretty proud of him right now.


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